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作者 曹虎 《中国校外教育(中旬)》 2009年第8期63-63,132,共2页
课堂教学是教师和学生共同的生命历程,它应当焕发出生命的活力。在教学过程中,一个具有生命力的课堂又总是在动态中生成。我们应从生命的高度、用动态生成的观念重新认识数学课堂教学,建立新的课堂教学观,让课堂焕发出生命的活力。... 课堂教学是教师和学生共同的生命历程,它应当焕发出生命的活力。在教学过程中,一个具有生命力的课堂又总是在动态中生成。我们应从生命的高度、用动态生成的观念重新认识数学课堂教学,建立新的课堂教学观,让课堂焕发出生命的活力。在课堂教学中,教师如何在丰富而又千变万化的课堂教学情境中随时捕捉新信息,选择有效的信息及时转化为教学资源,调整预设的教学环节,进行生成性教学呢?笔者认为有五种策略可以实施。 展开更多
关键词 课堂“生成” 资源 学生
“生成的课堂”文化溯源及哲学思考 被引量:3
作者 杨天志 《黑龙江高教研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期154-156,共3页
关键词 “生成课堂 课堂文化 教育哲学
“生成性课堂”何以可能? 被引量:13
作者 靖国平 《湖北教育》 2005年第7期4-6,共3页
有关生成式课堂的讨论引起了读者朋友们的强烈兴趣,一篇篇来稿都凝聚着他们的智慧和心血,更表达着他们对课程改革的热情,寄托着他们对教育理想的追求。本期,专家、一线教师各抒己见,再话生成式课堂,希望在如何达成生成式课堂上对读者朋... 有关生成式课堂的讨论引起了读者朋友们的强烈兴趣,一篇篇来稿都凝聚着他们的智慧和心血,更表达着他们对课程改革的热情,寄托着他们对教育理想的追求。本期,专家、一线教师各抒己见,再话生成式课堂,希望在如何达成生成式课堂上对读者朋友有所启迪。 展开更多
关键词 “生成课堂 课程改革 课程标准 课堂教学 教学目标 教学设计
让“生成”的课堂充满智慧、精彩绽放 被引量:1
作者 郝玲君 《教育实践与研究(中学版)(B)》 2011年第12期15-16,共2页
在语文课堂教学中,教师要学会驾驭课堂尤其是课堂上的种种"生成"。要善于发现偶发事件中的积极因素,用机智转化出精彩;因势利导,捕捉教育机遇;知错就改,促进教学相长;幽默风趣,化尴尬为愉快;调动学生参与课堂活动的积极性,让... 在语文课堂教学中,教师要学会驾驭课堂尤其是课堂上的种种"生成"。要善于发现偶发事件中的积极因素,用机智转化出精彩;因势利导,捕捉教育机遇;知错就改,促进教学相长;幽默风趣,化尴尬为愉快;调动学生参与课堂活动的积极性,让课堂更有生命活力,使语文课堂更加轻松活泼,趣味盎然,精彩绽放。 展开更多
关键词 中学语文 “生成课堂 机智转化 适时疏导 收获知识
作者 殷玲玲 《教师》 2020年第23期29-30,共2页
“预设”与“生成”是既对立又统一的一对关系,都是高效课堂不可或缺的重要因素。基于当前小学数学教学中“预设”与“生成”各自为政、缺乏有效衔接的现状,文章分析预设与生成对教学的价值与意义及其结合方式,探讨如何处理好两者的关系... “预设”与“生成”是既对立又统一的一对关系,都是高效课堂不可或缺的重要因素。基于当前小学数学教学中“预设”与“生成”各自为政、缺乏有效衔接的现状,文章分析预设与生成对教学的价值与意义及其结合方式,探讨如何处理好两者的关系,将其合理地运用到小学数学教学中,以期平衡课堂两翼,实现课堂预设与生成的和谐统一,提高数学课堂效率,提升学生数学素养。 展开更多
关键词 课堂“预设” 课堂“生成” 生成性资源 高效课堂
巧妙应对“生成” 精心呵护“童心”
作者 沙建华 《文理导航》 2015年第24期69-69,共1页
关键词 课堂“生成” “童心” 应对策略
灵活利用课堂资源 提高课堂教学实效
作者 王泽春 《新课程(教研版)》 2013年第2期83-83,共1页
关键词 课堂“生成” 学生“错误” 课堂“冷场”
作者 许洁 《重庆陶研文史》 2022年第3期58-60,共3页
“对话式”地理课堂,即:课堂上主要由学生和老师之间的对话,或者学生与学生之间的对话来完成各项活动,实现教学目标的教学模式。这样的教学模式,课堂氛围平等民主,课堂中充分体现学生的主体地位,教师引导、辅助学生学习。在当代的教学... “对话式”地理课堂,即:课堂上主要由学生和老师之间的对话,或者学生与学生之间的对话来完成各项活动,实现教学目标的教学模式。这样的教学模式,课堂氛围平等民主,课堂中充分体现学生的主体地位,教师引导、辅助学生学习。在当代的教学设计理论中,“对话式”地理课堂构建的核心对应着教学反馈环节的设计。这里将从构建“对话式”地理课堂的必要性、实施方法、问题思考几个方面来介绍这一教学模式。 展开更多
关键词 核心素养 地理 “生成课堂 课堂反馈
Construction and Implementation of Practice Teaching System of English Major in Local Normal Universities 被引量:1
作者 Nannan Sun 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第7期13-14,共2页
English practice teaching has outstanding superiority over the extension and supplementation of English classroom teaching, and practice teaching is an indispensably important part of college English teaching. To stud... English practice teaching has outstanding superiority over the extension and supplementation of English classroom teaching, and practice teaching is an indispensably important part of college English teaching. To students, cultivation of the ability of practice is vital, affecting students' employment and future. To universities, teaching quality has a direct impact on the development prospect of schools and decides the future of schools. Moreover, local normal universities also undertake a more important task to cultivate local high-quality talents teaching primary and junior high schools. These teaching talents undertake the great task of English teaching over primary and junior high school students, and thus the construction and implementation of practice teaching system of English major in normal universities are urgent. 展开更多
关键词 LOCAL Normal universities ENGLISH PRACTICE Teaching system.
Synchronization in Complex Networks with Multiple Connections
作者 吴庆初 傅新楚 孙伟刚 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期200-204,共5页
In this paper a class of networks with multiple connections are discussed. The multiple connections include two different types of links between nodes in complex networks. For this new model, we give a simple generati... In this paper a class of networks with multiple connections are discussed. The multiple connections include two different types of links between nodes in complex networks. For this new model, we give a simple generating procedure. Furthermore, we investigate dynamical synchronization behavior in a delayed two-layer network, giving corresponding theoretical analysis and numerical examples. 展开更多
关键词 complete synchronization two-layer network delayed feedback
Students' Withdrawal of Teacher's Deposited Knowledge in Teacher-Dominated Classroom Talk
作者 Yi-Huey Guo 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第4期269-280,共12页
Prior studies on classroom discourse research often concluded that a teacher's control of classroom interaction greatly affected his/her students' response to classroom talk. Students as academic novices are often e... Prior studies on classroom discourse research often concluded that a teacher's control of classroom interaction greatly affected his/her students' response to classroom talk. Students as academic novices are often expected to accept the teacher's deposited knowledge for academic achievement in traditional school contexts. Given little attention being paid to their withdrawal of teacher's deposited knowledge for use as meaning-negotiation, this study observes one academically-irrelevant curriculum context----one free and non-compulsory adult Chinese class offered by one local Taiwan Residents government to its foreign residents--to know whether the students' motivation for responding to classroom talk is still affected much by the teacher's dominance of classroom talk. It employs Courtney Cazden's I-R-E (teacher-initiation, student-response, and teacher-evaluation) classroom talk model and Paulo Freire's banking education metaphor as theoretical frameworks to discuss the classroom power relations reflected on the students' withdrawal of the teacher's deposited knowledge. The findings show that when the students' academic achievement is not the instructional objective, the teacher's thematic control, affects the students' motivation for responding more than his/her control of classroom interaction. It concludes that a classroom talk highlighting the students' interest activates their participation and allows the instructor to gain access to the students' knowledge, values, attitudes, and perceptions. 展开更多
关键词 classroom discourse research classroom power relations banking education teacher-dominated talk
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