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创新督导课堂评教系统的探索与实践 被引量:1
作者 肖和平 赖晓凡 《教育与职业》 北大核心 2008年第9期24-26,共3页
关键词 督导 课堂评教 价系统 学院文化
作者 向金玲 康庄 《农垦医学》 2003年第2期126-127,共2页
关键词 学生参与 课堂评教 学质量 作用 价方法
新课标下初中数学课堂“教、学、评”一致性的实践探究——以北师大版初中数学八年级上册“平均数”为例 被引量:1
作者 王艳丽 《学苑教育》 2024年第11期28-30,共3页
随着2022版课程标准的颁布,“教、学、评”一致性越来越受教育领域的关注,其核心是指在教学过程中,教师的教、学生的学和评价相互关联,相互促进,具有一致的目标。这种理念不仅有助于教学质量的提高,也有利于学生的全面发展。如何将这种... 随着2022版课程标准的颁布,“教、学、评”一致性越来越受教育领域的关注,其核心是指在教学过程中,教师的教、学生的学和评价相互关联,相互促进,具有一致的目标。这种理念不仅有助于教学质量的提高,也有利于学生的全面发展。如何将这种理念与初中数学课堂有机融合是一线教师研究的重要课题。基于此,文章对“教、学、评”一致性的初中数学课堂教学进行了实践探究。 展开更多
关键词 新课标 初中数学 课堂、学、一致性
基于模糊数学的课堂教学质量评价 被引量:9
作者 李小梅 《浙江科技学院学报》 CAS 2010年第4期247-252,共6页
对教师的教学质量进行科学的评价,是教学管理过程中不可缺少的环节。但教师的课堂教学是一种复杂的智力活动与劳动,它不仅涉及所授课程的知识,而且旁及教育学、心理学、语言学等学科,以及教师的工作热情、工作态度和业务水平等,因而它... 对教师的教学质量进行科学的评价,是教学管理过程中不可缺少的环节。但教师的课堂教学是一种复杂的智力活动与劳动,它不仅涉及所授课程的知识,而且旁及教育学、心理学、语言学等学科,以及教师的工作热情、工作态度和业务水平等,因而它的度量是模糊的,很难明确地界定。针对这一问题,利用模糊数学中的模糊综合评判法,抓住课堂教学的主要因素和讲授的基本要求,设计评定指标体系。采用先定性、后定量二次量化的方法,对高校教师教学质量进行模糊评价,然后通过MATLAB实现其模型流程,这样就可以得到一个较公平明确,且又易操作的学生评教系统。 展开更多
关键词 课堂评教 模糊数学 模糊综合判法 价指标
浅谈提高大学生课堂教学评价效果的措施 被引量:5
作者 赵文兰 于建云 张学梅 《中国高等医学教育》 2009年第4期64-65,共2页
学生评教已经成为不少高校积极采取各种监控手段,提高教学质量的主要措施之一。为此积极探索提高学生评教效果的有效措施,提高学生评教的积极性、公正性、可靠性,使学生评教真正起到促进教学质量提高,推进高等教育可持续健康发展的重要... 学生评教已经成为不少高校积极采取各种监控手段,提高教学质量的主要措施之一。为此积极探索提高学生评教效果的有效措施,提高学生评教的积极性、公正性、可靠性,使学生评教真正起到促进教学质量提高,推进高等教育可持续健康发展的重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 大学生 课堂评教 有效措施
作者 刘芬芬 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)教育科学》 2024年第3期0104-0107,共4页
教学—学习—评价一体化强调将教学过程中的内容、方法和评价方式有机地结合,旨在推动学生全面发展和能力提升。该理念以整合教学内容、多样化教学方法和革新评价方式为核心,以促进学生综合素养的培养为目标。这一综合性的教育理念在推... 教学—学习—评价一体化强调将教学过程中的内容、方法和评价方式有机地结合,旨在推动学生全面发展和能力提升。该理念以整合教学内容、多样化教学方法和革新评价方式为核心,以促进学生综合素养的培养为目标。这一综合性的教育理念在推进教育改革过程中具有重要而深远的意义。本文旨在探讨新课标下小学语文课堂实现教-学-评一体化的探究策略。传统的语文教学模式注重知识传授和考核,忽视学生的主体地位和综合素养的培养。为此,教师可以从教学设计与实施、目标设定与任务设计、学生参与与互动、多元评价工具的运用等方面入手,激发学生的兴趣、培养他们的探索精神和解决问题的能力。 展开更多
关键词 新课标 小学语文 课堂-学-一体化
作者 罗俊芳 《教书育人(校长参考)》 2024年第8期75-77,共3页
本文针对当前初中英语教学现状,探讨“教-学-评”一体化课堂构建的必要性、理论基础及实践路径。文章提出,构建“教-学-评”一体化课堂是培养学生英语学科核心素养的需要,是打破传统教学弊端、顺应智慧教育时代发展的必然选择。同时,“... 本文针对当前初中英语教学现状,探讨“教-学-评”一体化课堂构建的必要性、理论基础及实践路径。文章提出,构建“教-学-评”一体化课堂是培养学生英语学科核心素养的需要,是打破传统教学弊端、顺应智慧教育时代发展的必然选择。同时,“教-学-评”一体化课堂以建构主义学习理论、形成性评价理论、多元智能理论为基础,遵循以学定教的实施原则。而在实践中,教师也应基于学情分析设置教学目标,在课堂导入、活动、小结等环节运用一体化策略。总之,“教-学-评”一体化课堂的构建是一个系统工程,需要教师不断探索、持续优化,最终实现教学目标与学习需求的有机统一。 展开更多
关键词 初中 英语 -学-”一体化课堂
作者 张巧燕 《中华活页文选(高中版)》 2024年第1期236-238,共3页
本文从“教 - 学 - 评”一致性在课堂教学的应用出发,探讨其在课堂教学中的实际运用和意义,通过对相关案例和文献的分析,发现了“教 - 学 - 评”一致性教学的优势和不足,并提出了相应的改进措施。研究结果表明,教师通过“教 - 学 - 评... 本文从“教 - 学 - 评”一致性在课堂教学的应用出发,探讨其在课堂教学中的实际运用和意义,通过对相关案例和文献的分析,发现了“教 - 学 - 评”一致性教学的优势和不足,并提出了相应的改进措施。研究结果表明,教师通过“教 - 学 - 评”一致性教学的实施,可以提高教学效果,增强学生的学习兴趣和参与度,进而促进课堂教学的发展。 展开更多
关键词 -学-”一致性课堂 学实施
科学构建高校学生评教机制的探索 被引量:1
作者 任红亮 《中国成人教育》 北大核心 2012年第20期46-47,共2页
大学生对教师课堂教学情况进行评价既是大学生的权利,也是大学生的义务,更是提高大学课堂教学质量的重要手段之一,同时也是加强大学师生之间相互沟通的方式之一。本文针对传统的学生评教存在的问题和弊端进行了深入分析,在此基础上,从... 大学生对教师课堂教学情况进行评价既是大学生的权利,也是大学生的义务,更是提高大学课堂教学质量的重要手段之一,同时也是加强大学师生之间相互沟通的方式之一。本文针对传统的学生评教存在的问题和弊端进行了深入分析,在此基础上,从学生评教的意义、评教的方式以及评教人员的选择等方面提出了改进大学生课堂教学评教的相关措施和建议,以期对目前高校进行的学生评教活动提供有益借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 高校学生 课堂评教 机制
Reflection on Classroom Teaching Innovation Triggered by Non-Engfish Majors' Evaluation on Chinese and Foreign Instructor's Pedagogies
作者 郝家荣 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第1期4-9,共6页
Non-English majors' evaluation on teachers is a vital way to get feedback of English language classroom teaching and learning. This paper reports on a study which used a discourse-analytic approach to look into the e... Non-English majors' evaluation on teachers is a vital way to get feedback of English language classroom teaching and learning. This paper reports on a study which used a discourse-analytic approach to look into the existing problems in English classroom teaching at undergraduates' level. The ways of searching solutions for the problems are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 pedagogical innovation discourse-analytic approach classroom teaching students' evaluation on teachers
Researching Classroom-Based Assessment for Formative Purposes 被引量:6
作者 Peter Yongqi Gu Guoxing Yu 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2020年第2期150-168,249,共20页
This article aims to help teacher-researchers engage in empirical research on classroom-based assessment for formative purposes. We will first introduce the key features of classroom-based formative assessment(CBFA), ... This article aims to help teacher-researchers engage in empirical research on classroom-based assessment for formative purposes. We will first introduce the key features of classroom-based formative assessment(CBFA), and analyze the research questions asked in round-one projects funded by the Fund for Assessment Research(FAR) in Foreign Language Education in China. Next, we will illustrate how some research questions can be answered by analyzing a video-taped lesson from a round-one FAR project. We conclude by calling for more teacher-led research and argue that research on CBFA by teachers will not only produce valid interpretations and applicable findings, but also constitute a viable model for teacher professional development. 展开更多
关键词 formative assessment classroom-based assessment teacher research
University Students' Perceptions of English Teachers' Codeswitching in Class
作者 LI Fang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第2期83-92,共10页
Foreign language teachers' codeswitching (CS) between Foreign Language (FL) and Mother Tongue (MT) in class has been under discussion for years. Out of the pedagogical concern, many teaching practitioners condu... Foreign language teachers' codeswitching (CS) between Foreign Language (FL) and Mother Tongue (MT) in class has been under discussion for years. Out of the pedagogical concern, many teaching practitioners conducted various studies in different contexts aiming at describing, quantifying, and interpreting teachers' CS between FL and MT in class. However, up till now little attention is paid to students' perceptions and understandings of teachers' CS, which may help improve educators' understanding of the phenomenon in FL classrooms. This paper presents the result of two focus group interviews with groups of Chinese university students at their third and fourth year of college. Following a formal interview outline, issues on students' recall, understanding and evaluation of teachers' CS are addressed in the interview. Based on the analysis of the interviews, a better understanding on foreign language teachers' CS is gained, and students' perceptions on teachers' purposes and reasons for CS are drawn. A framework for investigating foreign language teachers' CS in Chinese universities is proposed with two hypotheses generated. 展开更多
关键词 foreign language teacher codeswitching (CS) Mother Tongue (MT) Foreign Language (FL) focusgroup interview
The Process of Personalized Learning Based on Flipped Classroom
作者 ZHANG Fan FENG Shu-xiong 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2017年第4期233-238,共6页
The new teaching mode of flipped classroom plays an important role in college English teaching reform in China. Personalized learning can be realized by flipped classroom. Firstly, selection and production of the teac... The new teaching mode of flipped classroom plays an important role in college English teaching reform in China. Personalized learning can be realized by flipped classroom. Firstly, selection and production of the teaching content before class is very important. Secondly, the organization of teaching activities in class should be well prepared. At last, the realization of combining personalized evaluation and integrity evaluation system is a vital issue for teachers to consider. 展开更多
关键词 personalized learning flipped classroom micro-video evaluation system
Research on Remote Aerobics Network Learning System based on B/S
作者 Chao Fan 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第1期14-16,共3页
through the design of teaching aerobics web-based course and application practice, the instructional design process based on B/ S learning are analyzed, and discusses several key problems in the design and teaching. T... through the design of teaching aerobics web-based course and application practice, the instructional design process based on B/ S learning are analyzed, and discusses several key problems in the design and teaching. This paper presents the resource based learning aerobics teaching design network course should adapt to the application mode of network teaching and traditional classroom combination; that will provide teaching demonstration, teaching contents for students as well as the function of self testing evaluation and provide the job management, teacher online Q & A, database and knowledge base construction, greatly improving the "aerobics" teaching efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 CAI B/S structure AEROBICS
Research on Website Construction of Quality Course based on Network Teaching Platform
作者 Rong Rong 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第1期89-92,共4页
through the teaching design of online course quality and application practice, the instructional design process based on B/S learning are analyzed, and discusses several key problems in the design and teaching. The pr... through the teaching design of online course quality and application practice, the instructional design process based on B/S learning are analyzed, and discusses several key problems in the design and teaching. The proposed resource-based learning teaching design network course should adapt to the application mode of network teaching and traditional classroom combination; will provide teaching demonstration, teaching content self testing evaluation for students, and to provide jobs for teachers management, online Q & A, BBS, database and knowledge construction and other functions, greatly improving the efficiency of teaching "excellent course" . 展开更多
关键词 ASP technology B/S structure system quality course
An Empirical Study on the 1 + 1 Model in College English Listening and Speaking Class
作者 LI Wan-jun MENG Zi-yan NIU Yan-li SUN Li-hua FENG Chao 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第5期1132-1138,共7页
Improving college students' listening and speaking ability is a very important part of college English teaching Based on the foreign and domestic studies on how to improve students' listening and speaking ability, t... Improving college students' listening and speaking ability is a very important part of college English teaching Based on the foreign and domestic studies on how to improve students' listening and speaking ability, this paper explores the 1 + 1 model in listening and speaking class, which is to divide the listening and speaking class into two parts--small speaking class combined with students' online autonomous learning. Through one-year experiment and study on two classes, although there is no significant difference between the performances of these classes, this study has shed some light on how to vary the teaching methods, how to improve the class efficiency, students' autonomy in leaming, and how to build new assessment system. Further studies could be made later based on this 展开更多
关键词 college English listening and speaking class 1 1 teaching model small speaking class autonomouslearning
Students' Withdrawal of Teacher's Deposited Knowledge in Teacher-Dominated Classroom Talk
作者 Yi-Huey Guo 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第4期269-280,共12页
Prior studies on classroom discourse research often concluded that a teacher's control of classroom interaction greatly affected his/her students' response to classroom talk. Students as academic novices are often e... Prior studies on classroom discourse research often concluded that a teacher's control of classroom interaction greatly affected his/her students' response to classroom talk. Students as academic novices are often expected to accept the teacher's deposited knowledge for academic achievement in traditional school contexts. Given little attention being paid to their withdrawal of teacher's deposited knowledge for use as meaning-negotiation, this study observes one academically-irrelevant curriculum context----one free and non-compulsory adult Chinese class offered by one local Taiwan Residents government to its foreign residents--to know whether the students' motivation for responding to classroom talk is still affected much by the teacher's dominance of classroom talk. It employs Courtney Cazden's I-R-E (teacher-initiation, student-response, and teacher-evaluation) classroom talk model and Paulo Freire's banking education metaphor as theoretical frameworks to discuss the classroom power relations reflected on the students' withdrawal of the teacher's deposited knowledge. The findings show that when the students' academic achievement is not the instructional objective, the teacher's thematic control, affects the students' motivation for responding more than his/her control of classroom interaction. It concludes that a classroom talk highlighting the students' interest activates their participation and allows the instructor to gain access to the students' knowledge, values, attitudes, and perceptions. 展开更多
关键词 classroom discourse research classroom power relations banking education teacher-dominated talk
Mastering Presenters by Means of Visual Aids: Assessing Students' Oral Presentations
作者 Maria Luisa Renau Renau 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第5期345-351,共7页
The introduction of the ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) in education has set a new paradigm in knowledge acquisition. The Internet, overhead projectors and interactive boards, presentation and anim... The introduction of the ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) in education has set a new paradigm in knowledge acquisition. The Internet, overhead projectors and interactive boards, presentation and animation software, and online databases are only some resources that teachers use in order to present information in a more dynamic, immediate, and stunning way, transforming and revitalizing the teaching-learning process. The ICTs have been established in the university classroom and nowadays, they have become an essential part in this teaching-learning process. Lecturers make use of them in the same proportion as they make of traditional materials. At the same time, students have to be acquainted with these new technologies and they also have to be able to deal with them. The objective of this paper is twofold: On the one hand, we study and show how our students make use of the technologies when they have to face their oral presentations in the subject Advanced English: Professional Settings (English Studies Degree at Universitat Jaume I in Castellen, Spain). It is acknowledged that visual aids can be helpful to support a speech, but we want to analyze if the visual aids are successfully applied, how and to which extent. On the other hand, we want to make out the opinions of their classmates about the use of these graphical resources (students fill in a questionnaire about the effectiveness of the visual aids in their classmates' presentations and how they would improve them). Results demonstrate that not only teachers make advantage of the new technological resources, we show, based on the students' oral presentations and their peer-reviews, that also our university students are increasingly aware of the advantage and importance of the ICTs in the classroom. 展开更多
关键词 VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) multimedia resources visual aids oral presentations
作者 周文福 余建海 《党课》 2014年第15期54-56,共3页
关键词 党课 辩证思维 应用 理论联系实际 课堂评教 授课 学质量 师讲课
The Impact of Online Automated Writing Evaluation:A Case Study from Dalian 被引量:3
作者 孙昌华 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2012年第1期63-79,129,共18页
Automated writing evaluation (AWE) technology is being adopted in classrooms in China and the USA. This paper presents the results of a case study of the application of AWE in Dalian, China. The quasi-experimental s... Automated writing evaluation (AWE) technology is being adopted in classrooms in China and the USA. This paper presents the results of a case study of the application of AWE in Dalian, China. The quasi-experimental study was conducted in 2010 in Chinese middle school English language classrooms. An effect size of 0.30 was found in favor of the experimental group using AWE as an online formative assessment. Student survey responses and teacher observations are presented as convergent evidence to illustrate the impact AWE technology has on teachers, students, and student achievement in English writing. 展开更多
关键词 Automated Writing Evaluation Automated Essay Scoring Online Formative Assessment EFL classroom research in China
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