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作者 林晖燕 《陕西学前师范学院学报》 2024年第5期113-116,共4页
新时代幼儿园区域游戏课程改革应正确处理游戏、课程、儿童学习与发展三者的关系,以游戏为课程的生成源,依托课程促进儿童的学习与发展。主要教育策略建议:坚持儿童本位,探索区域游戏课程生成之源;立足儿童问题,探寻区域游戏课程生长之... 新时代幼儿园区域游戏课程改革应正确处理游戏、课程、儿童学习与发展三者的关系,以游戏为课程的生成源,依托课程促进儿童的学习与发展。主要教育策略建议:坚持儿童本位,探索区域游戏课程生成之源;立足儿童问题,探寻区域游戏课程生长之径;适时支架助力,探寻区域游戏课程发展之策。 展开更多
关键词 区域游戏 课程生发 教育策略
作者 姚杉杉 《教育界》 2022年第11期122-124,共3页
玩具有着鲜明的色彩、可爱的造型、有趣的动作,深受幼儿的喜爱,是幼儿成长过程中的密切游戏伙伴。好的玩具,不仅可以用于培养幼儿的思维能力、创造能力,还能有效促进幼儿语言能力、协调能力、审美能力、社会交往能力等多方面能力的发展... 玩具有着鲜明的色彩、可爱的造型、有趣的动作,深受幼儿的喜爱,是幼儿成长过程中的密切游戏伙伴。好的玩具,不仅可以用于培养幼儿的思维能力、创造能力,还能有效促进幼儿语言能力、协调能力、审美能力、社会交往能力等多方面能力的发展,对幼儿良好品德的形成也有一定的促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 生发课程 玩具 自主探索
作者 徐君 张皎红 《教育界(教师培训)》 2019年第8期144-146,共3页
本文是一所农村幼儿园对省级规划课题进行的阶段回顾,在立人幼儿园有一群有情怀的教师在为着幼儿更好的发展而研究,为保教质量提升而研究。在草根式行动研究过程中梳理出专业阅读三举措、资源利用三步曲、生发路径三阶段、过程实施三要... 本文是一所农村幼儿园对省级规划课题进行的阶段回顾,在立人幼儿园有一群有情怀的教师在为着幼儿更好的发展而研究,为保教质量提升而研究。在草根式行动研究过程中梳理出专业阅读三举措、资源利用三步曲、生发路径三阶段、过程实施三要素的333策略,这些策略在实践中有效推动着课题研究走向纵深。 展开更多
关键词 农村资源 课程生发 深度研究
Skill Gaps in Manpower Development of Journalism in Nigeria
作者 Ade-Johnson Christiana Shade Alabi Folorunso Festus 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第7期405-410,共6页
Manpower training and development are crucial to productivity in every industry including the media industry. The role of educational institutions in the production of skilled manpower cannot be over-emphasized. But b... Manpower training and development are crucial to productivity in every industry including the media industry. The role of educational institutions in the production of skilled manpower cannot be over-emphasized. But because there exists a gap in the industry between skill requirements and the product offered by the institutions, productivity would be sacrificed. The field of journalism in Nigeria is experiencing a skill gap between what the institutions offer and what is needed in the industry. This paper examines the causes of skill gap in journalism training and the operation requirements on the field in the media industry. The paper observes that culturally relevant curriculum is not designed and implemented in Nigerian journalism schools. Also the training does not catch up with the technological requirements of the 21st century. While still battling with the fundamental challenges of training in the areas of curriculum development, another one arises: the introduction of digitization to the industry. Indeed, the issue of skill gap will always be there as long as there will be innovations, except that concerted efforts are made b'y all stakeholders to catch up with the ever dynamic trends in the advanced world. The paper therefore concludes that there will always be skill gap as long as these challenges remain. 展开更多
关键词 skill gap MANPOWER journalism training
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