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作者 王景龙 小宜 《江淮法治》 2017年第24期55-55,共1页
关键词 调休 补休 串休 农民工
作者 小保 《就业与保障》 2009年第1期4-4,共1页
亲爱的小保: 我愿在一家外资企业工作,过完这个年,我就想自己创业当个小老板。你知道吗?在外企工作,虽然薪水颇丰但任务却很繁忙,经常得放弃体息日到公司加班。但公司还是比较“人文”,每次加班都按照规定在行政部门填写加班单... 亲爱的小保: 我愿在一家外资企业工作,过完这个年,我就想自己创业当个小老板。你知道吗?在外企工作,虽然薪水颇丰但任务却很繁忙,经常得放弃体息日到公司加班。但公司还是比较“人文”,每次加班都按照规定在行政部门填写加班单,经领导批准后换取一张调休单,一年累积下来,我现在手上就有25天的休假权利没有得到兑现。我想问的是,我现在辞职,这25天的加班能否根据相关法律按200%的标准支付加班工资?那可是钱啊! 展开更多
关键词 调休 辞职 钞票 企业工作 外企工作 “人文” 行政部门 加班工资
作者 刘平 《上海劳动保障》 2003年第19期38-39,共2页
小蔡是独生子女,父母都是一般的工薪阶层,小蔡自小就聪明懂事,很乖巧,学习成绩一直是班上的前五名。然而,就在上高三的时候小蔡结识社会上的一帮朋友,开始学会了抽烟、逃课、泡网吧,成绩一落千丈,高考成绩出来小蔡自然名落孙山... 小蔡是独生子女,父母都是一般的工薪阶层,小蔡自小就聪明懂事,很乖巧,学习成绩一直是班上的前五名。然而,就在上高三的时候小蔡结识社会上的一帮朋友,开始学会了抽烟、逃课、泡网吧,成绩一落千丈,高考成绩出来小蔡自然名落孙山。做了一辈子工人的父母。 展开更多
关键词 调休 劳动关系 劳动合同 劳动纪律 《劳动法》 劳动工资
货物列车机车乘务员超劳的调度指挥 被引量:1
作者 赵松柏 《铁道运营技术》 2014年第4期28-30,共3页
分析了货运机车乘务员超劳的原因以及其对调度指挥的影响,并针对这些影响提出了采用压缩站停、保留拔头、调休、便乘司机换班等措施和调休站选择的原则,以避免调休,控制货运机车乘务员超劳在4小时以内,从而将货物列车机车乘务员超劳对... 分析了货运机车乘务员超劳的原因以及其对调度指挥的影响,并针对这些影响提出了采用压缩站停、保留拔头、调休、便乘司机换班等措施和调休站选择的原则,以避免调休,控制货运机车乘务员超劳在4小时以内,从而将货物列车机车乘务员超劳对调度指挥的影响降到最低。 展开更多
关键词 调度指挥 超劳 调休 运行调整
论重大突发公共事件下我国休息休假制度之调整 被引量:1
作者 李梦云 《工会理论研究》 2021年第6期42-51,共10页
劳动基准制度中的休息休假制度在保障劳动力资源正常供给、劳动者参与家庭和社会生活等方面起到了重要作用。远程办公和集体调休能够缓解劳动力的时空错配,但不可避免地引起休息休假制度的实践偏离。新冠肺炎疫情防控期间,我国休息休假... 劳动基准制度中的休息休假制度在保障劳动力资源正常供给、劳动者参与家庭和社会生活等方面起到了重要作用。远程办公和集体调休能够缓解劳动力的时空错配,但不可避免地引起休息休假制度的实践偏离。新冠肺炎疫情防控期间,我国休息休假制度的调整方案存在紧急政令与劳动基准冲突、利益配置失衡的问题。因此,应当确定重大突发公共事件下休息休假制度的调整规则。首先,明确休息休假的调整应遵循劳动基准、劳资合意、劳动力资源配置规律的基本原则。其次,从劳动基准制度的灵活化变革入手,使重大突发公共事件下休息休假制度安排更加合理,具体包括设立无薪休假制度、放宽灵活工时的适用条件,让劳资双方通过制定劳动规章制度、个别劳资合意和集体协商实现休息休假的调整。 展开更多
关键词 休息休假制度 远程办公 集体调休 无薪休假 灵活工时
三相异步电动机变频调速控制系统的设计 被引量:5
作者 张雅坤 《机械管理开发》 2020年第7期208-209,共2页
通过以PLC为控制核心,在此基础上设计了电动机变频调速系统。通过利用PLC和三菱变频器对三相异步电动机的速度进行调节,通过运行设备和调试设备,使三相电机变频调速控制系统实现参数设定、速度显示以及报警等各项功能设置,从而达到变频... 通过以PLC为控制核心,在此基础上设计了电动机变频调速系统。通过利用PLC和三菱变频器对三相异步电动机的速度进行调节,通过运行设备和调试设备,使三相电机变频调速控制系统实现参数设定、速度显示以及报警等各项功能设置,从而达到变频控制的需求。 展开更多
关键词 三相异步电动机 变频调休 PLC
作者 杨可方 《经济师》 2019年第9期50-51,54,共3页
随着"996"现象的出现,工时制度的合法合规问题需要进行重点审视,不合理的加班现象也需要得到人们的重视。文章通过剖析当今"996"工时制下出现的问题,对于工时制度以及加班现象进行分析,为保护劳动者合理工作时间,... 随着"996"现象的出现,工时制度的合法合规问题需要进行重点审视,不合理的加班现象也需要得到人们的重视。文章通过剖析当今"996"工时制下出现的问题,对于工时制度以及加班现象进行分析,为保护劳动者合理工作时间,维护劳动者合法权益提出建议。 展开更多
关键词 “996”工时制 加班 调休 劳动者维权
作者 董思尧 《电子竞技》 2018年第24期92-93,共2页
跨年夜前夕,两个高中好友悄悄把我拉进一个群里,异口同声告诉了我她们准备辞职转行的消息。惊诧之余,在听完二人的吐槽之后发觉一切也在情理之中。小西在一家教育机构当老师,不仅上班和休息时间与常人颠倒(节假日是补课高峰期),并且由... 跨年夜前夕,两个高中好友悄悄把我拉进一个群里,异口同声告诉了我她们准备辞职转行的消息。惊诧之余,在听完二人的吐槽之后发觉一切也在情理之中。小西在一家教育机构当老师,不仅上班和休息时间与常人颠倒(节假日是补课高峰期),并且由于是管培生,上课没有课酬,调休也会被安排工作,仅仅够用的薪水和遥遥无期的转正令她难以继续下去. 展开更多
关键词 教育 机构 群里 小西 课酬 管培 调休 公司
作者 杨明坤 《中小企业管理与科技》 2012年第21期318-318,共1页
关键词 架盘天平 计量检定 故障 调休方法
Design of a Bandgap Reference with a Wide Supply Voltage Range 被引量:4
作者 孙越明 赵梦恋 吴晓波 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期1529-1534,共6页
An on-chip voltage reference with a wide supply voltage range is required by some applications,especially that of power management (PM) controller chips applied to telecommunication, automotive, lighting equipment, ... An on-chip voltage reference with a wide supply voltage range is required by some applications,especially that of power management (PM) controller chips applied to telecommunication, automotive, lighting equipment, etc., when high power supply voltage is needed. Accordingly,a new bandgap reference with a wide supply voltage range is proposed. Due to the improved structure,it features a high power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) and high temperature stability. In addition, an auxiliary micro-power reference is introduced to support the sleep mode of the PM chip and reduce its standby power consumption. The auxiliary reference provides bias currents in normal mode and a 1.28V reference voltage in sleep mode to replace the main reference and save power. Simulation results show that the reference provides a reference volt- age of 1.27V,which has a 3.5mV drift over the temperature range from -20 to 120~C and 56t^V deviation over a supply voltage range from 3 to 40V. The PSRR is higher than 100dB for frequency below 10kHz. The circuit was completed in 1.5tzm BCD (Bipolar-CMOS-DMOS) technology. The experimental results show that all main expectations are achieved. 展开更多
关键词 wide supply voltage range bandgap reference line regulation sleep mode micro power
作者 阿斌 《上海劳动保障》 2003年第19期39-39,共1页
关键词 《劳动法》 劳动关系 劳动合同 劳动纪律 劳动工资 用人单位 调休
作者 国务院办公厅 《中华人民共和国国务院公报》 2019年第10期18-18,共1页
国办发明电[2019]3号各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:经国务院批准,现将调整2019年劳动节放假安排通知如下。一、2019年5月1日至4日放假调休,共4天。4月28日(星期日)、5月5日(星期日)上班。二、各地区、各部门... 国办发明电[2019]3号各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:经国务院批准,现将调整2019年劳动节放假安排通知如下。一、2019年5月1日至4日放假调休,共4天。4月28日(星期日)、5月5日(星期日)上班。二、各地区、各部门要抓紧做好本地区、本领域的劳动节假期调整落实工作. 展开更多
关键词 采取有效 劳动节 直辖市 领域 调整 直属机构 自治区 调休
Research Progress of Molecular Regulation Mechanism of Seed Dormancy 被引量:4
作者 黄玲玲 张得芳 夏涛 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第4期786-791,848,共7页
Dormancy is the biological adaptation behavior for seed, and it is regulated by many factors. A lot of studies have been done on various aspects of seed dormancy, and the breadth and width of these studies are in cons... Dormancy is the biological adaptation behavior for seed, and it is regulated by many factors. A lot of studies have been done on various aspects of seed dormancy, and the breadth and width of these studies are in constant expanding and deepening. With the wide application of means of quantitative genetics method and mutant in the study on seed dormancy, a large number of quantitative trait loci(QTL) and mutant genes related with dormancy have been identified, which is of great significance for the further revelation of the detail mechanisms of plant seed dormancy and germination. This paper briefly introduced the genetic variation of seed dormancy in recent years, described the inductive formation of plant seed dormancy from the four aspects of dormancy specific gene, chromatin, seed growth development and hormone, and stated the action mechanism of environmental factors on seed dormancy from genetic and molecular levels, as well as the regulation and control mechanism of dormancy release, with the aim to provide certain references for the study on seed dormancy. 展开更多
关键词 Seed dormancy MUTANT QTL CONTROL
Co-expression of heat shock protein 70 and glucose-regulated protein 94 in human gastric carcinoma cell line BGC-823 被引量:9
作者 Xiao-PingWang JingLiao +2 位作者 Guo-ZhenLiu Xing-CuiWang Hong-WeiShang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第23期3601-3604,共4页
AIM:To investigate the co-expression and significance of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and glucose-regulated protein 94 (grp94) in human gastric carcinoma cell line BGC-823. METHODS: The expression and localization of... AIM:To investigate the co-expression and significance of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and glucose-regulated protein 94 (grp94) in human gastric carcinoma cell line BGC-823. METHODS: The expression and localization of HSP70 and grp94 in human gastric carcinoma cell line BGC-823 were determined by immunocytochemistry and indirect immunofluorescence cytochemical staining. Flow cytometry was used to analyze the correlation between expression of HSP70, grp94 and cell cycle in BGC-823 cell line. RESULTS: Gastric cancer cell line BGC-823 expressed high level of HSP70 and grp94. The positive rate of HSP70 and grp94 was 84.9±4.94% and 79.6±5.16%, respectively. Both of them were stained in cell plasma. There was a significant difference compared with control group (1.9±0.94%, P<0.01). During the cell cycle, HSP70 and grp94 were continuously expressed in BGC-823. CONCLUSION: HSP70 and grp94 are highly expressed in human gastric carcinoma BGC-823 cells through the whole cell cycle. There is no relationship between expression of HSP70, grp94 and cell cycle. 展开更多
关键词 Heat shock protein 70 Glucose-regulated protein 94 Gastric carcinoma
Correlation between clinicopathology and expression of heat shock protein 70 and glucose-regulated protein 94 in human colonic adenocarcinoma 被引量:39
作者 Xiao-PingWang Fan-RongQiu +1 位作者 Guo-ZhenLiu Rui-FenChen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第7期1056-1059,共4页
AIM: To investigate the correlation between clinicopathology and expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and glucose-regulated protein 94 (grp94) in human colonic carcinoma. METHODS: The expression of HSP70 and gr... AIM: To investigate the correlation between clinicopathology and expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and glucose-regulated protein 94 (grp94) in human colonic carcinoma. METHODS: The expression of HSP70 and grp94 was studied in 80 human colonic cancers with or without metastasis as well as in their adjacent mucous membrane by way of immunohistochemistry and pathology photograph analysis. RESULTS: The expression of HSP70 and grp94 was significantly higher in cancer than that in adjacent mucous membrane (92.5%, 85.0% vs 56.3%, 42.5%, P<0.01). HSP70 and grp94 expressed higher in moderately- and poorly-differentiated colonic cancers than that in their adjacent tissues (93.7%, 87.5%; 100%, 90% vs56.3%, 42.5%;P<0.01). Dukes C and D stages of colonic cancers showed higher positive rates than Dukes A and B stage groups (97.1%, 91.2%; 100%, 90.9%; vs 80%, 70%; 78.6%, 71.4%; P<0.05). There were definite differences in HSP70 and grp94 expression between metastasis groups and non-metastasis groups (100% vs 75%, 100% CONCLUSION: The HSP70 and grp94 expression rates in colonic cancer groups are significantly higher than that in their adjacent mucous membrane. The HSP70 and grp94 expression in poorly-differentiated colonic cancers with metastasis is significantly higher than well-differentiated cancers without metastasis. The overexpression of HSP70 and grp94 can be used as diagnostic or prognostic markers for colonic cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Heat shock protein 70 Glucose-regulated protein 94 Colonic adenocarcinoma
Investigation on the sleep quality of military retired cadres
作者 Wang Xiaohua Yang Ping +2 位作者 Li Lu Sun Jingjing Li Xiaolu 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2012年第5期294-298,共5页
Objective: To investigate the insomnia incidence and treatment status of military retired cadres and offer an instruction for their health care. Methods: We designed a questionnaires composed of general information, h... Objective: To investigate the insomnia incidence and treatment status of military retired cadres and offer an instruction for their health care. Methods: We designed a questionnaires composed of general information, health-related factors, diseases, etc. Insomnia manifestations included regular sleep time, shorten sleep time and extent, time of falling asleep, sleep quality, difficultly returning to sleep after awakening at mid-night, insomnia time, etc. Results: A total of 4759 questionnaires (94.2%) were reclaimed. Dyssomnia was found in 1843 persons (38.7%), including 1006 cases of transient insomnia (44.0%) and 837 cases of acute insomnia (36.6%). Conclusion: About one third of the examined military retired cadres have sleep problems, so they should enhance the health care consciousness and receive proper nurse and treatment. 展开更多
Asymmetric Price Transmission and Structural Breaks in the Relationship between Costa Rican Markets of Livestock Cattle, Beef and Milk
作者 K. Hernandez-Villafuerte 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2010年第5期37-50,共14页
The vertical price transmission is generally considered as the relationship between two markets of the same production chain However, we can expand this concept to another relation which has not been deeply investiga... The vertical price transmission is generally considered as the relationship between two markets of the same production chain However, we can expand this concept to another relation which has not been deeply investigated: the joint products. They are the products which are produced in a single production process, but not correspond to the same chain. An especial case is the beef and milk markets in Costa Rica. Even if these products usually correspond to disconnect chains, in Costa Rica farms make use of cattle to produce both meat and milk. The cointegration framework is applied in order to indentify the price transmission among these markets. In addition, the asymmetric behavior and structural breaks are taken into account. Price transmission between each market pair was found. First, the cattle prices adjust in the milk-cattle relationship, second, beef meat prices adjust in the cattle-beef meat and in the milk - beef meat relationship. Finally, the equations allowing for structural breaks affect the estimates in the following three ways: after the break the elasticities became higher than 1, there is more evidence of cointegration, and the adjustment coefficients are significant only when a change in the long run is allowed. 展开更多
关键词 Vertical price transmission asymmetric prices transmission structural break LIVESTOCK BEEF MILK Costa Rica.
Deactivation Kinetics of Nitrile Hydratase in Free Resting Cells 被引量:3
作者 孙旭东 于慧敏 沈忠耀 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第5期822-828,共7页
Nitrile hydratase (NHase) is an important industrial enzyme used for acrylamide production from acrylonitrile.The deactivation kinetics of NHases in free resting cells of Rhodococcus sp.was presented based on a bi-ste... Nitrile hydratase (NHase) is an important industrial enzyme used for acrylamide production from acrylonitrile.The deactivation kinetics of NHases in free resting cells of Rhodococcus sp.was presented based on a bi-steady state assumption.Effects of hydration temperature,product concentration and substrate concentration on NHase deactivation were investigated experimentally and correlated with a first order deactivation kinetics.The results showed that the hydration temperature and product concentration were major factors governing the deactivation of NHases under substrate-feeding conditions.When acrylamide concentration was higher than 250 g·L1,the deactivation of NHases became serious and the bi-steady state assumption was not applicable.When the hydration temperature was controlled at a relatively higher level such as 28°C,the total deactivation rate constant was about 2.8-fold of that at 20°C. 展开更多
关键词 nitrile hydratase deactivation kinetics free resting cell bi-steady state assumption total deactivation rate constant
Expression and significance of heat shock protein 70 and glucose-regulated protein 94 in human esophageal carcinoma 被引量:28
作者 Xiao-PingWang Guo-ZhenLiu Ai-LiSong Rui-FenChen Hai-YanLi YuLiu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第3期429-432,共4页
AIM: To investigate the expression and significance of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and glucose-regulated protein 94 (grp94) in human esophageai carcinoma and adjacent normal tissues. METHODS: The expression of HSP70... AIM: To investigate the expression and significance of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and glucose-regulated protein 94 (grp94) in human esophageai carcinoma and adjacent normal tissues. METHODS: The expression of HSP70 and grp94 in 78 human esophageai cancer and adjacent normal tissues was studied by immunohistochemistry and pathology photograph analysis. RESULTS: Both esophageai cancer and adjacent normal tissues could express HSP70 and grp94. Of the 78 cases of esophageai carcinoma, 95.0%(72/78) showed positive HSP70, mainly stained in nuclei, while grp94 was mainly stained in cell plasma, and the positive rate was 71.8% (56/78).There was a significant difference in the expression of HSP70 and grp94 between esophageai cancer and adjacent normal tissues (P<0.01). Compared with adjacent normal tissues, there was a significant difference between differential types and HSP70 expression (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: HSP70 and grp94 express differently in cell plasma and nuclei. The expression intensity of HSP70 is related to the differentiation of esophageai carcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 Esophageal carcinoma Heat shock protein 70 Glucose-regulated protein 94
Energy Scheduling with Roles Dormant Cells (SRDC) in wireless sensor network (WSN)
作者 Maan Younis Abdullah GUI Wei-hua Naf Alsharabi 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2009年第12期46-52,共7页
Power consumption is the main challenge to expand the wireless sensor network, since the active nodes are vulnerable to energy consumption. This paper proposes the tasks scheduling and distribution energy management m... Power consumption is the main challenge to expand the wireless sensor network, since the active nodes are vulnerable to energy consumption. This paper proposes the tasks scheduling and distribution energy management mechanism of roles dormant cells to curb excessive consumption of energy in the performance of duplicated tasks. Experimental results verify the proposal existing low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) protocol with SRDC approach establishes a low-energy communication structure and increases the lifetime. 展开更多
关键词 Energy Management SRDC LEACH WSN
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