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作者 吴立辉 石津铭 +1 位作者 金克山 张洁 《工业工程》 2024年第3期12-21,30,共11页
为求解具有动态性、实时性、多约束、多目标特点的晶圆光刻区调度问题,提出一种基于门控循环单元强化学习的晶圆光刻区实时调度方法。设计引入门控循环单元学习光刻区历史调度决策与状态的时序信息,为双深度强化学习模型提供辅助决策信... 为求解具有动态性、实时性、多约束、多目标特点的晶圆光刻区调度问题,提出一种基于门控循环单元强化学习的晶圆光刻区实时调度方法。设计引入门控循环单元学习光刻区历史调度决策与状态的时序信息,为双深度强化学习模型提供辅助决策信息;设计双深度强化学习模型的输入状态空间、输出动作集,并面向晶圆最小化最大完工时间和晶圆准时交货率指标设计多目标奖励函数,为智能体优化调度输出;设计设备专用性约束与掩模版约束的解约束规则与调度方法相结合,提高调度方案实施的实用性。通过某晶圆制造企业实际算例,将该方法与传统双深度强化学习和光刻区启发式规则方法比较,该方法均为最优,证明了其解决此问题的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 晶圆制造系统 光刻调度 深度强化学习 门控循环单元(GRU) 多目标
基于分区电价的跨区电力调度双层优化模型 被引量:2
作者 张亮 王秀丽 +3 位作者 王建学 郑伊俊 马骞 王子强 《电力自动化设备》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第8期195-201,共7页
为充分利用跨区调度资源,提出一种基于分区电价的跨区电力调度双层优化模型。采用等效发电成本曲线对区域内部的煤电机组出力进行建模,采用一种基于整数规划的机会约束方法对风电和光伏出力进行建模。建立与分级调度模式相适应的双层优... 为充分利用跨区调度资源,提出一种基于分区电价的跨区电力调度双层优化模型。采用等效发电成本曲线对区域内部的煤电机组出力进行建模,采用一种基于整数规划的机会约束方法对风电和光伏出力进行建模。建立与分级调度模式相适应的双层优化模型,作为上级调度机构的上层模型以区域间送受电量为决策变量,以区域间送受电量价值最大化为目标,下层模型实现区域内部的经济调度。根据卡罗需-库恩-塔克(KKT)条件将双层模型转化为单层模型进行求解。算例结果验证了所提模型的有效性。所提模型在送电区域和受电区域之间维持一定的电价差异,通过传输较少的电量缓解受电区域的电力供需矛盾。 展开更多
关键词 电力调度 机会约束 双层优化 KKT条件 等效发电成本曲线
混堆模式下多箱区场桥联合调度 被引量:5
作者 郑红星 吴岳 +1 位作者 杨文滔 徐静静 《水运工程》 北大核心 2015年第4期113-119,131,共8页
为了在提升港方整体服务水平的同时降低运营成本,对固定时段内堆场混堆模式下多箱区的场桥调度问题进行了研究。以场桥移动、转场成本与内外集卡等待成本之和最小为目标,重点考虑场桥在箱区间的合理共享、场桥作业量的均衡、场桥与集卡... 为了在提升港方整体服务水平的同时降低运营成本,对固定时段内堆场混堆模式下多箱区的场桥调度问题进行了研究。以场桥移动、转场成本与内外集卡等待成本之和最小为目标,重点考虑场桥在箱区间的合理共享、场桥作业量的均衡、场桥与集卡的有效衔接3个方面,建立了混堆模式下多箱区场桥联合调度的非线性数学规划模型。基于问题特点设计了基于场桥作业序列和作业量的两部分染色体编码方式,利用嵌入解空间切割策略和染色体修复技术的改进遗传算法进行求解。算例试验分析结果表明,应用该模型和算法得出的调度方案效果良好,从而验证了它们的可行性和有效性。 展开更多
关键词 多箱场桥调度 混堆模式 作业量均衡 改进遗传算法
高校多校区交通调度及其智能化管理系统的研究与实现 被引量:2
作者 任胜兵 郑延民 《科技信息》 2010年第33期66-67,86,共3页
针对我国高校校园分布呈分散化趋势,校区班车及其他交通车辆规模也日趋扩大。设计并实现了一个高效率、低消耗的指挥调度系统:多校区交通调度及其智能化管理系统。给出了该系统的设计原理、组成结构及实现的功能,重点给出了车辆调度管... 针对我国高校校园分布呈分散化趋势,校区班车及其他交通车辆规模也日趋扩大。设计并实现了一个高效率、低消耗的指挥调度系统:多校区交通调度及其智能化管理系统。给出了该系统的设计原理、组成结构及实现的功能,重点给出了车辆调度管理的设计和实现方法。 展开更多
关键词 高校多校交通调度及其智能化管理系统 车辆调度管理
基于遗传变邻域搜索算法的农机跨区调度优化研究 被引量:2
作者 曹光乔 马斌 +2 位作者 陈聪 任保鑫 胡朝中 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第10期114-123,共10页
智慧农业的快速发展促使多区域互联农机的调度追求更高的实时性,为更合理配置农机资源,农机跨区作业已成为完成“三夏”机收任务的主要服务模式。基于小麦收获机跨区作业真实场景,研究了带时间窗的多库、多机型的农机跨区调度问题,同时... 智慧农业的快速发展促使多区域互联农机的调度追求更高的实时性,为更合理配置农机资源,农机跨区作业已成为完成“三夏”机收任务的主要服务模式。基于小麦收获机跨区作业真实场景,研究了带时间窗的多库、多机型的农机跨区调度问题,同时考虑经济成本和环境成本,建立以最小调度成本为目标的跨区调度模型。根据问题特征,设计遗传变邻域搜索算法(Genetic algorithm variable neighborhood search,GAVNS),该方法通过交叉、随机扰动、自适应邻域选择等操作,使解的搜索更加高效和灵活。对我国黄淮海平原72个小麦生产区县的作业需求进行计算与分析:不同算法相比,本文设计的算法得到最优解的迭代次数更低、收敛速度更快,求得的目标函数值较遗传算法、变邻域搜索算法分别降低16.41%、11.15%;对比不同调度模式,开放路径模式更有利于提升跨区调度服务效率,较闭合路径模式,调度成本降低17.76%。 展开更多
关键词 农业机械 时间窗 调度 遗传变邻域搜索算法
作者 沈汝超 《港口科技》 2021年第7期11-17,23,共8页
为了进一步缩短集装箱船舶在港靠泊时间,基于场桥作业区域划分思想,综合考虑场桥分配均衡、场桥任务量均衡和集装箱任务顺序等实际约束,以装船任务总完成时间最短为目标,构建场桥和内集卡跨箱区协同调度方法,并设计包含带改进操作的遗... 为了进一步缩短集装箱船舶在港靠泊时间,基于场桥作业区域划分思想,综合考虑场桥分配均衡、场桥任务量均衡和集装箱任务顺序等实际约束,以装船任务总完成时间最短为目标,构建场桥和内集卡跨箱区协同调度方法,并设计包含带改进操作的遗传算法进行求解。对比实证分析表明,在装船任务一定的情况下,所提出的调度算法能够进一步缩短场桥和内集卡的作业时间,提升场桥和内集卡调度效率,从而缩短集装箱船舶在港靠泊时间。 展开更多
关键词 港口 集装箱 装船作业 场桥 内集卡 跨箱调度优化 遗传算法
《中华人民共和国国务院公报》 北大核心 2003年第35期43-46,共4页
关于印发《跨区跨省电力优化调度暂行规则》的通知电监输电[2003]20号国家电网公司,南方电网公司,华能、大唐、华电、国电、中电投集团公司,三峡开发总公司,各有关发电公司:根据《国务院办公厅关于认真做好电力供应有关工作的通知》(国... 关于印发《跨区跨省电力优化调度暂行规则》的通知电监输电[2003]20号国家电网公司,南方电网公司,华能、大唐、华电、国电、中电投集团公司,三峡开发总公司,各有关发电公司:根据《国务院办公厅关于认真做好电力供应有关工作的通知》(国办发[2003]21号)要求,现将国家电力监管委员会会同电网企业制定的《跨区跨省电力优化调度暂行规则》印发你们,请依照执行。 展开更多
关键词 《跨跨省电力优化调度暂行规则》 电力体制 调度主体 电网经营企业 调度机构 短期交易 水电优化调度制度
黄河小北干流放淤试验工程放淤调度指标探讨 被引量:1
作者 武彩萍 陈俊杰 +1 位作者 姜乃迁 吴国英 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2005年第7期49-50,共2页
根据黄河小北干流连伯滩2004年放淤实测资料,对直接影响淤积效果的淤区调度问题进行了分析研究,提出了放淤试验工程中淤积质量、引沙质量、退水闸排粗控制指标等概念,给出了包含来沙级配和“淤粗排细”要求的淤区调度技术参数的数学表... 根据黄河小北干流连伯滩2004年放淤实测资料,对直接影响淤积效果的淤区调度问题进行了分析研究,提出了放淤试验工程中淤积质量、引沙质量、退水闸排粗控制指标等概念,给出了包含来沙级配和“淤粗排细”要求的淤区调度技术参数的数学表达式。同时指出,要达到淤区淤积质量指标,不能仅仅给出一个退水退沙定值,还必须综合考虑引入的水沙因素、退出的水沙情况以及对放淤质量的要求等。参照给定的含沙量调度指标的计算式,根据现场实测资料进行实时调度,可避免调度的盲目性。 展开更多
关键词 调度指标 调度 放淤试验 黄河小北干流 2004年
作者 纪文莉 郑燕燕 周晨 《移动通信》 2012年第12期52-55,共4页
文章介绍了上海轨道交通列车调度指挥子系统,分析了运营人员无线调度通信过程的要求及列车调度区域转换实现方法。在研究上海轨道交通列车调度区切换现状和存在的问题、运营单位对应需求的基础上,提出了三种调度区切换方案,经分析比较,... 文章介绍了上海轨道交通列车调度指挥子系统,分析了运营人员无线调度通信过程的要求及列车调度区域转换实现方法。在研究上海轨道交通列车调度区切换现状和存在的问题、运营单位对应需求的基础上,提出了三种调度区切换方案,经分析比较,推荐了ATS实时提供列车信息、人工确认调度区转换的方案。 展开更多
关键词 轨道交通 TETRA系统 调度指挥 列车调度区转换
带有工艺约束的并行多机调度策略 被引量:1
作者 宁凝 钱省三 孟志雷 《工业工程》 2008年第2期62-65,共4页
针对光刻设备组的生产特点,基于最小化加工时间对其调度问题建立了整数规划数学模型,并提出了一种启发式调度策略。运用Extend仿真软件对传统的FCFS和启发式调度策略分别进行仿真,结果表明,启发式调度策略在减少加工时间和提高设备利用... 针对光刻设备组的生产特点,基于最小化加工时间对其调度问题建立了整数规划数学模型,并提出了一种启发式调度策略。运用Extend仿真软件对传统的FCFS和启发式调度策略分别进行仿真,结果表明,启发式调度策略在减少加工时间和提高设备利用率上皆优于FCFS。 展开更多
关键词 光刻调度 工艺约束 并行多机 Extend仿真
浅谈如何实施地铁轨行区工程施工管理 被引量:6
作者 刘季魁 《科技创新与应用》 2017年第8期228-228,共1页
通过广州轨道交通六号线二期(长湴-香雪)轨行区工程施工管理实例来探讨轨道交通工程进入机电安装阶段后如何实施轨行区工程施工管理工作,阐述了轨行区工程施工管理与工作职责以及《工程运输信息》的编制、执行与控制,并对经验和教训进... 通过广州轨道交通六号线二期(长湴-香雪)轨行区工程施工管理实例来探讨轨道交通工程进入机电安装阶段后如何实施轨行区工程施工管理工作,阐述了轨行区工程施工管理与工作职责以及《工程运输信息》的编制、执行与控制,并对经验和教训进行总结,提出改进建议。 展开更多
关键词 轨行 工程调度管理 工程运输信息 轨行联合调度 系统工程安装 车站建筑设备安装 机电信号调试
作者 路晓敏 邓星 +2 位作者 王璞 李雪 丁超杰 《电力与能源》 2021年第5期543-548,共6页
随着南京中心城区电网规模的不断扩大,分区内薄弱环节的短路电流超过额定遮断容量,对电网安全运行造成威胁,需要采取母线分排、分区解环等一系列措施来减小短路电流。结合南京电网实际提出了3种可降低短路电流的电网运行方案,并从电力... 随着南京中心城区电网规模的不断扩大,分区内薄弱环节的短路电流超过额定遮断容量,对电网安全运行造成威胁,需要采取母线分排、分区解环等一系列措施来减小短路电流。结合南京电网实际提出了3种可降低短路电流的电网运行方案,并从电力平衡、稳定性和灵活性3方面构建了评价指标,通过指标计算选取了满足电力平衡、稳定灵活的分区运行方案。但分区运行打破了原有电网的坚强鲁棒结构,将原来的"手拉手"、"双链"等网络结构一分为二,增加了跨区设备的调度难度。针对该问题从调度运行角度提出跨分区负荷调整和不停电跨区调度的策略,可为其他特大城市电网解决短路容量超标问题和分区调度运行提供可借鉴案例。 展开更多
关键词 短路容量 运行 调度 快切装置 宽频测量 柔直技术
新建何寨至窑村下行客车外包疏解线信号系统方案研究 被引量:1
作者 刘淑敏 《铁路通信信号工程技术》 2019年第12期5-9,共5页
关键词 疏解线 列控系统 调度区 临时限速
Synthesis Scheme for Low Power Designs Under Timing Constraints 被引量:5
作者 王玲 温东新 +1 位作者 杨孝宗 蒋颖涛 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期287-293,共7页
To minimize the power consumption with resources operating at multiple voltages a time-constrained algorithm is presented.The input to the scheme is an unscheduled data flow graph (DFG),and timing or resource constrai... To minimize the power consumption with resources operating at multiple voltages a time-constrained algorithm is presented.The input to the scheme is an unscheduled data flow graph (DFG),and timing or resource constraints.Partitioning is considered with scheduling in the proposed algorithm as multiple voltage design can lead to an increase in interconnection complexity at layout level.That is,in the proposed algorithm power consumption is first reduced by the scheduling step,and then the partitioning step takes over to decrease the interconnection complexity.The time-constrained algorithm has time complexity of O(n 2),where n is the number of nodes in the DFG.Experiments with a number of DSP benchmarks show that the proposed algorithm achieves the power reduction under timing constraints by an average of 46 5%. 展开更多
关键词 low power multiple supply voltages partitioning timing constraints SCHEDULING
Discussion on Feasibility of Adjustment Program for Jiangmen Chinese White Dolphin Provincial Nature Reserve 被引量:1
作者 吴洽儿 李纯厚 +3 位作者 孙典荣 Qia-er Chun-hou Dian-rong 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期144-147,共4页
From the protection of Chinese white dolphin and living environment,and considering the industrial development in coastal areas,we put forward adjustment program for Jiangmen Chinese White Dolphin Provincial Nature Re... From the protection of Chinese white dolphin and living environment,and considering the industrial development in coastal areas,we put forward adjustment program for Jiangmen Chinese White Dolphin Provincial Nature Reserve. Meanwhile we analyzed the feasibility of this program by systematically focusing the effect of adjusted functional regions on Chinese white dolphin. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese white dolphin Reserve Adjustment Feasibility
Variation of Bacteria Biomass and its Possible Controlling Factors in the East China Sea 被引量:1
作者 XIA Wenjuan WANG Jiangtao TAN Liju WANG Qiulu 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2011年第2期135-141,共7页
Two surveys were performed for determining bacteria biomass (BB), temperature, salinity, chlorophyll a (chl-a) and nutrient concentrations at 11 stations with three sampling depths in the high-incidence regions of red... Two surveys were performed for determining bacteria biomass (BB), temperature, salinity, chlorophyll a (chl-a) and nutrient concentrations at 11 stations with three sampling depths in the high-incidence regions of red tide in the East China Sea (ECS) in the spring of 2006. Temperature and salinity increased from nearshore to offshore region and from high latitude to low latitude in the two cruises of 2006. BB were between 0.3 5.2 mgC m-3 (about 2.1 mgC m-3 on average) and 0.2 6.0 mgC m-3 (about 2.7 mgC m-3 on average) respectively in the two cruises. BB in the surface layer decreased from the Changjiang River estuary to high sea and from low latitude to high latitude. The results showed that bacterial growth was regulated by temperature, primary production and inorganic nutrient concentrations depending on different hydrographic conditions. In the surface and middle layers where the primary production can supply enough organic substrate, temperature was the main factor to control bacteria biomass. BB showed a good correlation between the surface and middle layers in both cruises. The distribution of nutrients during both cruises showed a similar decreasing trend from nearshore region and high latitude to offshore region and low latitude. High BB values were mainly recorded from samples in the middle layer where chl-a concentrations were also high, indicating primary production being strongly correlated with temperature over the ECS shelf. In the offshore area, phosphate and silicate became limiting factors for phytoplankton growth with indirect influence on BB. Bacteria played an important role in nitrogen regeneration process turning organic nitrogen to inorganic forms such as NH4+. The increasing ratio of NH4+/DIN could be a proof of that. 展开更多
关键词 bacteria biomass temperature substrate supply inorganic nutrients MINERALIZATION
GA and PSO culled hybrid technique for economic dispatch problem with prohibited operating zones 被引量:4
作者 SUDHAKARAN M. AJAY-D-VIMALRAJ P. PALANIVELU T.G. 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第6期896-903,共8页
This paper presents an efficient and reliable genetic algorithm (GA) based particle swarm optimization (PSO) tech- nique (hybrid GAPSO) for solving the economic dispatch (ED) problem in power systems. The non-linear c... This paper presents an efficient and reliable genetic algorithm (GA) based particle swarm optimization (PSO) tech- nique (hybrid GAPSO) for solving the economic dispatch (ED) problem in power systems. The non-linear characteristics of the generators, such as prohibited operating zones, ramp rate limits and non-smooth cost functions of the practical generator operation are considered. The proposed hybrid algorithm is demonstrated for three different systems and the performance is compared with the GA and PSO in terms of solution quality and computation efficiency. Comparison of results proved that the proposed algo- rithm can obtain higher quality solutions efficiently in ED problems. A comprehensive software package is developed using MATLAB. 展开更多
关键词 Economic dispatch (ED) Genetic algorithm (GA) Particle swarm optimization (PSO) Hybrid GAPSO Prohibited operating zone CROSSOVER MUTATION Velocity
Evaluation of Land-Use Efficiency Based on Regional Scale——A Case Study in Zhanjiang,Guangdong Province 被引量:8
作者 CHEN Shi-yin LIU Yao-lin CHEN Cui-fang 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2007年第2期215-219,共5页
Evaluating land use efficiency is critical to the revision of general land use planning. An assessment indicator system for regional land use efficiency was established in this paper from the aspects of society,econom... Evaluating land use efficiency is critical to the revision of general land use planning. An assessment indicator system for regional land use efficiency was established in this paper from the aspects of society,economy,ecology and environment. The weight of each indicator was defined by an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and the entropy method (EM). Then,a case study in Zhanjiang was carried out to analyze the regional land use efficiency from 1996 to 2004 and its development by using the method of multifactor composite evaluation and an analytical model of the de-gree of coordination. The results indicate that land use efficiency with respect to society and the economy improved,whereas the ecological and environmental efficiencies were found to decrease. The degree of coordination in Zhanjiang is still at the status of basic coordination. Finally,measures for enhancing the ecological and environmental establish-ment are suggested in order to improve the regulations of land use structure and patterns,establish ecological forests for the public good and green corridors and prevent the soil erosion. 展开更多
关键词 regional scale land-use efficiency degree of coordination EVALUATION
Water Requirements and Irrigation Scheduling of Spring Maize Using GIS and CropWat Model in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region 被引量:18
作者 FENG Zhiming LIU Dengwei ZHANG Yuehong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第1期56-63,共8页
Due to the over use of available water resources, it has become very important to define appropriate strategies for planning and management of irrigated farmland. In this paper, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (Jing-Jin-Ji) reg... Due to the over use of available water resources, it has become very important to define appropriate strategies for planning and management of irrigated farmland. In this paper, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (Jing-Jin-Ji) region was chosen as the case study area for its special political and economic status and its severe water problem. To achieve effective planning, the information about crop water requirements, irrigation withdrawals, soil types and climatic conditions were obtained in the study area. In the meantime, a GIS method was adopted, which extends the capabilities of the crop models to a regional level. The main objectives of the study are: 1) to estimate the spatial distribution of the evapotranspiration of spring maize; 2) to estimate climatic water deficit; 3) to estimate the yield reduction of spring maize under different rainfed and irrigated conditions. Based on the water deficit analysis, recommended supplemental irrigation schedule was developed using CropWat model. Compared to the rainfed control, the two or three times of supplemental water irrigated to spring maize at the right time reduced the loss of yield, under different scenarios. 展开更多
关键词 spring maize climatic water deficit irrigation schedule
Optimal dynamic dispatch of surplus gas among buffer boilers in steel plant 被引量:3
作者 孙文强 蔡九菊 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第9期2459-2465,共7页
As valuable energy in iron-and steel-making process,by-product gas is widely used in heating and technical processes in steel plant.After being used according to the technical requirements,the surplus by-product gas i... As valuable energy in iron-and steel-making process,by-product gas is widely used in heating and technical processes in steel plant.After being used according to the technical requirements,the surplus by-product gas is usually used for buffer boilers to produce steam.With the rapid development of energy conservation technology and energy consumption level,surplus gas in steel plant continues to get larger.Therefore,it is significant to organize surplus gas among buffer boilers.A dynamic programming model of that issue was established in this work,considering the ramp rate constraint of boilers and the influences of setting gasholders.Then a case study was done.It is shown that dynamic programming dispatch gets more steam generation and less specific gas consumption compared with current proportionate dispatch depending on nominal capacities of boilers.The ignored boiler ramp rate constraint was considered and its contribution to the result validity was pointed out.Finally,the significance of setting gasholders was studied. 展开更多
关键词 surplus gas dynamic programming buffer boiler steel plant
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