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作者 邝逸仁 《广东农工商职业技术学院学报》 1998年第4期63-67,共5页
关键词 天人合一 道之以德 齐之以礼 德治 礼治 管理的调控观
作者 周天勇 《瞭望》 北大核心 2004年第24期59-59,共1页
虽然计划经济转向市场经济转轨已经有10余年的历程,但就目前的宏观调控来看,从公务员素质、观念、体制、法律法规、方式等方面,多少还遗留有计划经济和行政管制的色彩。实事求是地讲,一遇到国民经济运行发生问题,对于旧的方式轻车... 虽然计划经济转向市场经济转轨已经有10余年的历程,但就目前的宏观调控来看,从公务员素质、观念、体制、法律法规、方式等方面,多少还遗留有计划经济和行政管制的色彩。实事求是地讲,一遇到国民经济运行发生问题,对于旧的方式轻车熟路。 展开更多
关键词 调控观 调控理念 行政管制 投资决策权 投资结构 消费价格
理性思维下的房地产企业与宏观调控政策 被引量:4
作者 于斌 《时代金融》 2011年第6X期53-53,共1页
针对房地产企业目前存在的问题,近年来,国家出台了一系列的宏观调控政策。在市场背景的基础上正确的看待房地产企业宏观调控,应合理并理性的应变宏观调控与房地产企业的发展。介于房地产的价格涨幅远远高于其他各类物价涨幅指数,稳定房... 针对房地产企业目前存在的问题,近年来,国家出台了一系列的宏观调控政策。在市场背景的基础上正确的看待房地产企业宏观调控,应合理并理性的应变宏观调控与房地产企业的发展。介于房地产的价格涨幅远远高于其他各类物价涨幅指数,稳定房价已经成为了当前人们关注的重中之重。 展开更多
关键词 房地产企业 调控 发展
作者 张梦 《上海经济》 2006年第8期52-54,共3页
在新一轮房地产宏观调控措施出台后,使得国内主要大城市的房地产市场前景不明朗,且随着国内不少人收入提高及外出留学,度假等需求的增加,许多国家对中国实施了各种优惠政策,一些投资意识较强的人士便把目光转向了海外市场。海外置... 在新一轮房地产宏观调控措施出台后,使得国内主要大城市的房地产市场前景不明朗,且随着国内不少人收入提高及外出留学,度假等需求的增加,许多国家对中国实施了各种优惠政策,一些投资意识较强的人士便把目光转向了海外市场。海外置业正在被越来越多的投资者和置业者所认识和接受,购买或有意向购买海外房产的国内置业者正在形成一个越来越具规模的群体。一些投资意识较强的人士便把目光转向了海外市场。 展开更多
关键词 海外市场 置业 调控措施 投资意识 市场前景 优惠政策 房地产 大城市
作者 高艳东 《国家检察官学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第3期3-17,共15页
在数字经济领域,犯罪结构发生了显著变化,牟利型犯罪取代了暴力型犯罪。刑法不能用对待传统犯罪的思路治理以牟利为主的网络犯罪,积极主义刑法观与消极主义刑法观都无法有效应对网络犯罪。在数字经济领域,刑法的功能需要转型,应当从惩... 在数字经济领域,犯罪结构发生了显著变化,牟利型犯罪取代了暴力型犯罪。刑法不能用对待传统犯罪的思路治理以牟利为主的网络犯罪,积极主义刑法观与消极主义刑法观都无法有效应对网络犯罪。在数字经济领域,刑法的功能需要转型,应当从惩罚法转向调控法,变成其他法律的指挥官。刑法的主要功能是激活行政法、民法等法律积极应对数字经济领域乱象,在其他法律有效运作时,刑法应当退居二线。在其他法律缺失或无力时,刑法应当担任先锋,先行调整数字经济领域的乱象。减少网络犯罪不应主要靠司法机关的刑事打击,协同治理犯罪是我国刑法特有的制度,司法机关需要调度行政监管机关协同治理网络犯罪。在数字经济领域,刑法不是刚性的,而应根据其他法律的功效不断调整自己的力度。 展开更多
关键词 积极主义刑法 调控刑法 网络犯罪 数字经济 协同治理
作者 周丽蓉 王莉 俞瑾 《中医文献杂志》 2015年第6期40-44,共5页
俞瑾教授以其所创的生命网络调控观为指导,融合中西医的观点方法,熟悟经旨,经过六十多年的摸索,形成了子宫内膜异位症辨证论治的独特经验,为子宫内膜异位症提供了卓有成效的非手术治疗途径。其主要点是:诊察病机,瘀为生命网络切入点;知... 俞瑾教授以其所创的生命网络调控观为指导,融合中西医的观点方法,熟悟经旨,经过六十多年的摸索,形成了子宫内膜异位症辨证论治的独特经验,为子宫内膜异位症提供了卓有成效的非手术治疗途径。其主要点是:诊察病机,瘀为生命网络切入点;知己知彼,治前战略战术必揣度;摸准病状,审因论治,标本兼治;气为血帅,女性肝肾尤为本;认准痞症,巧用通腑疗效快;多元创新,服、塞、灌、敷,药力到病所;注重心理疏导,针药并用显奇效。 展开更多
关键词 子宫内膜异位症 生命网路调控观 瘀结胞络 性腺轴 子宫热敷 俞瑾
中西医结合治疗克罗米芬无反应多囊卵巢综合征的临床研究 被引量:16
作者 杨优洲 潘芳 +1 位作者 俞瑾 孟炜 《中医药信息》 2019年第4期65-70,共6页
目的:探讨中西医结合治疗克罗米芬(Clomiphene citrate,CC)无反应的多囊卵巢综合征(Polycystic ovary syndrome,PCOS)的临床疗效。方法:符合纳入标准的80例CC无反应的PCOS患者,随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组40例。治疗组在生命网络调控... 目的:探讨中西医结合治疗克罗米芬(Clomiphene citrate,CC)无反应的多囊卵巢综合征(Polycystic ovary syndrome,PCOS)的临床疗效。方法:符合纳入标准的80例CC无反应的PCOS患者,随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组40例。治疗组在生命网络调控观指导下,用中药坤泰1号方或坤泰2号方,根据激素水平有选择地加用雌激素、地塞米松或CC。对照组选用达英-35、CC并选择性配合二甲双胍。观察两组治疗前后血激素水平、HCG日、排卵率、妊娠率,以及临床症状。结果:治疗组和对照组妊娠率[70.0%(28/40) vs 40.0%(16/40)]、排卵率[87.5%(35/40) vs 65.5%(26/40)]均有显著差异( P <0.01,P <0.05);治疗组E 2 、SHBG治疗后显著升高( P <0.05),T、F、AD、DHEAS显著降低( P <0.05,P < 0.01))。对照组FSH、SHBG治疗后显著升高( P <0.05),E 2 、T显著降低( P <0.05)。结论:在生命网络调控观指导下,采用中西医结合模式治疗CC无反应的PCOS,可明显改善激素水平、提高妊娠率。 展开更多
关键词 中西医结合 多囊卵巢综合征 生命网络调控观 克罗米芬
蚕丝基可穿戴传感器的研究进展 被引量:8
作者 李胜优 刘镓榕 +2 位作者 文豪 刘向阳 郭文熹 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第17期337-349,共13页
近年来,可穿戴电子产品得到了广泛的研究,为健康监测、人类疾病诊断和治疗以及智能机器人提供了新的机会.传感器是可穿戴电子产品的关键组成部分之一.蚕丝(bombyx mori)材料具有高产量、优异的拉伸强度(0.5—1.3 GPa)和韧性(6×10^4... 近年来,可穿戴电子产品得到了广泛的研究,为健康监测、人类疾病诊断和治疗以及智能机器人提供了新的机会.传感器是可穿戴电子产品的关键组成部分之一.蚕丝(bombyx mori)材料具有高产量、优异的拉伸强度(0.5—1.3 GPa)和韧性(6×10^4—16×10^4 J/kg)、良好的生物相容性、可降解性以及易加工性等特征.随着生物材料和相关制造技术的快速发展,蚕丝基先进材料被研究应用在可穿戴传感器中.本文首先介绍了蚕丝自下而上的层结构以及蚕丝基先进材料的形态和特点,随后综述了近年来蚕丝在可穿戴传感领域的研究进展,包括机械(应力、应变)传感器、电生理传感器、温度传感器及湿度传感器等.讨论和总结了不同传感器的工作机制、结构和性能,蚕丝蛋白在其中的作用以及它们在健康监测中的应用.最后,提出蚕丝基可穿戴传感器在实际应用中所面临的挑战和未来展望. 展开更多
关键词 蚕丝纤维 丝素蛋白 可穿戴传感器 调控
作者 刘永刚 《中国经济周刊》 2006年第12期27-27,共1页
吴晓灵:“人民币升还是降都是正常的” 今年货币金融政策的三大重点:首先,适度调控市场流动性是人民银行今年宏观调控的重要内容之一。目前金融机构资产扩张的能力和意愿不断增加以及外汇资金持续流人的形势下,如何加强央行调控的... 吴晓灵:“人民币升还是降都是正常的” 今年货币金融政策的三大重点:首先,适度调控市场流动性是人民银行今年宏观调控的重要内容之一。目前金融机构资产扩张的能力和意愿不断增加以及外汇资金持续流人的形势下,如何加强央行调控的主动性是央行面临的重要挑战,因此在保持货币政策稳定和中性的同时,央行将综合运用各项货币政策工具及其组合,将商业银行的头寸调控到适度的水平。 展开更多
关键词 调控 货币政策工具 市场流动性 人民银行 外汇资金 资产扩张 金融机构
p型方钴矿热电材料纳米-介观尺度微结构调控 被引量:1
作者 刘志愿 王永贵 +2 位作者 赵成玉 杨婷 夏爱林 《金属学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期979-991,共13页
方钴矿热电材料具有优异的电输运性能,是热电器件核心部件最有前途的候选材料之一。热电器件需要性能相匹配的p型和n型方钴矿热电材料,然而p型方钴矿材料的热电性能和力学性能远低于n型方钴矿材料,因此提升p型方钴矿材料的热电性能和力... 方钴矿热电材料具有优异的电输运性能,是热电器件核心部件最有前途的候选材料之一。热电器件需要性能相匹配的p型和n型方钴矿热电材料,然而p型方钴矿材料的热电性能和力学性能远低于n型方钴矿材料,因此提升p型方钴矿材料的热电性能和力学性能对于开发高效热电器件具有重要意义。本文总结了近年来在纳米-介观尺度调控p型方钴矿热电材料微结构的主要研究进展。通过微结构的调控可显著提升p型方钴矿材料的热电性能和力学性能,为热电器件的应用提供科学和技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 p型方钴矿热电材料 纳米-介调控 微结构 热电性能
Epigenetic regulation in alcoholic liver disease 被引量:10
作者 Pranoti Mandrekar 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第20期2456-2464,共9页
Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is characterized by steatosis or fat deposition in the liver and inflammation, which leads to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Induction of target genes without involving changes... Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is characterized by steatosis or fat deposition in the liver and inflammation, which leads to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Induction of target genes without involving changes in DNA sequence seems to contribute greatly to liver injury. Chromatin modifications including alterations in histones and DNA, as well as post-transcriptional changes collectively referred to as epigenetic effects are altered by alcohol. Recent studies have pointed to a significant role for epigenetic mechanisms at the nucleosomal level influencing gene expression and disease outcome in ALD. Specifically, epigenetic alterations by alcohol include histone modifications such as changes in acetylation and phosphorylation, hypomethylation of DNA, and alterations in miRNAs. These modifications can be induced by alcoholnduced oxidative stress that results in altered recruitment of transcriptional machinery and abnormal gene expression. Delineating these mechanisms in initiation and progression of ALD is becoming a major area of interest. This review summarizes key epigenetic mechanisms that are dysregulated by alcohol in the liver. Alterations by alcohol in histone and DNA modifications, enzymes related to histone acetylation such as histone acetyltransferases, his-tone deacetylases and sirtuins, and methylation enzymes such as DNA methyltransferases are discussed. Chromatin modifications and miRNA alterations that result in immune cell dysfunction contributing to inflammatory cytokine production in ALD is reviewed. Finally, the role of alcohol-mediated oxidative stress in epigenetic regulation in ALD is described. A better understanding of these mechanisms is crucial for designing novel epigenetic based therapies to ameliorate ALD. 展开更多
作者 李巾一 《科技风》 2010年第1期64-,共1页
关键词 人才 优化配置 调控
Structural Fiscal Regulation and Choice of Instruments in the New Normal 被引量:1
作者 卞志村 杨源源 《China Economist》 2017年第5期22-38,共17页
Based on the overall consideration of individual behaviors of Ricardian and non-Ricardian households, this paper develops a New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium(DSGE) model to form a relatively systema... Based on the overall consideration of individual behaviors of Ricardian and non-Ricardian households, this paper develops a New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium(DSGE) model to form a relatively systematic research framework for analyzing the economic effects of structural fiscal instruments. Our study findsthat great differences exist in the macroeconomic effects of different fiscal instruments, suggesting that the government should prudently select these fiscal instruments in fiscal macro-control. The simulating results of fiscal shocks show that the effect of tax cut is superior to the effect of increased spending. In the context of slowing economic growth and less potent stimulation policy, the government should transform its previous regulatory approach of fiscal policy and shift from hefty spending stimulus policy to structural tax cuts. This paper believes that China should step up the implementation of public-private partnership, increase its spending on social security, healthcare, pension and public services and facilitate the transition toward a service-based government; and that tax policy should focus on structural tax cuts on consumption to promote the transition of demand structure toward consumption-driven. 展开更多
关键词 new normal structural regulation New Keynesian model fiscal instruments
Epigenetic regulation mechanism of ABCG2 induced drug-resistant phenotype 被引量:1
作者 Yuan Jianhui Zhou Jianmeng JiNana Xu Xinyun Liu Jianjun Ke Yuebin Cheng Jinquan. Zhuang Zhixiong 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2011年第5期243-253,共11页
The aim of this study is to investigate epigenetic mechanism of ABCG2 induced drug-resistance. It is not only expatiate for drug-resistance regulation mechanism in all-round, but also to provide scientific experimenta... The aim of this study is to investigate epigenetic mechanism of ABCG2 induced drug-resistance. It is not only expatiate for drug-resistance regulation mechanism in all-round, but also to provide scientific experimental basis for selecting target to reverse its drug-resistance. Apply methylation-specific PCR (MSP) to have tested methylation of ABCG2 promoter region -359 to -353 specific positions in breast cancer tissues and paired adjacent tissue of 22 cases and test their methylation positions with MSP products for sequencing; and adopt fluorescent quantitation RT-PCR to test expression level DNMT1, DNMT3A, DNMT3B and ABCG2; to make analysis on relationship between them with statistical spearman correlation. Specific positions of ABCG2 gene promoter region of 18 cases among the 22 cases with breast cancer (18/22, 82%) existed high methylation (P〈0.05), MSP products sequencing proved methylation of the specific position, and mRNA expression level was relative higher in remarkable positive correlation (P〈0.05) ABCG2, DNMT1, DNMT3A, DNMT3B mRNA expression levels in breast cancer tissues were obviously higher than adjacent tissues (P〈0.01), and DNMT3B expression level was obviously higher than DNMT1 and DNMT3A (P〈0.01) in negative correlation with ABCG2 gene expression (P=0.001). -359 to -353 positions of promoter regions of ABCG2gene existed high methylation capable to push expression of this gene in beast cancer tissue. DNMT3B is involved in expression regulation in ABCG2 gene, and provides new scientific basis for drug-resistance target as reverse ABCG2 induction 展开更多
关键词 Breast cancer ABCG2 gene: Epigenetics
China's Macroeconomic Picture in 2008
作者 Cong Ming 《China's Foreign Trade》 2008年第11期55-56,共2页
In general China's economic develop- ment has basically been good until now. In 2007,China's economic growth rate stood at 11.9%,while in the first quarter of this year,this rate maintained 10.6% growth,as nat... In general China's economic develop- ment has basically been good until now. In 2007,China's economic growth rate stood at 11.9%,while in the first quarter of this year,this rate maintained 10.6% growth,as national fiscal revenue increased by 35.5% compared with the same 展开更多
关键词 中国 经济现状 发展前景 经济发展 调控政策 经济环境
Tourism spatial reconstruction of Chengde City under the influence of Holiday Tourism Circle of Beijing
作者 Li Chen Cheng Shengkui +1 位作者 Chen Yuansheng Xu Zengrang 《Ecological Economy》 2006年第3期281-288,共8页
Holiday Tourism Circle of Beijing (HTCB) is one of the nine key regions of Chinese tourism industry in the period of the 11th Five-Year Project. According to Tourist Marginal Utility Theory, Time-Distance Method is us... Holiday Tourism Circle of Beijing (HTCB) is one of the nine key regions of Chinese tourism industry in the period of the 11th Five-Year Project. According to Tourist Marginal Utility Theory, Time-Distance Method is used to define HTCB in this paper. Chengde City, famous for its cultural tourism, is regard as one of the regions in Holiday Tourism Circle of Beijing. And this geographical advantage, in the context of the boom of tourism in China, is featured by the changes of tourist product structure and development model. In this paper, the influence upon Chengde tourism spatial structure has been discussed from tourist market, location and transportation. Chengde tourism spatial structure has been rebuilt with particular references to the factors of tourism destination district, tourist area, nodes, routes, and origin markets. In this paper, Chengde will develop tourism industry with the central heritage area as the center and northern forest and pasture area and southern mountain and lake area as the two wings. 展开更多
关键词 Holiday Tourism Circle of Beijing Chengde City Tourism space RECONSTRUCTION
The Suffering of the Innocent: Wartime Violence and the Common People The Case of the Great Siege of Malta of 1565
作者 George Cassar 《History Research》 2013年第2期79-89,共11页
War is arguably the most extreme scenario for the exertion of violence. All warring parties suffer in one way or another but those who suffer most are usually those who least deserve it--the common folk. The paper wil... War is arguably the most extreme scenario for the exertion of violence. All warring parties suffer in one way or another but those who suffer most are usually those who least deserve it--the common folk. The paper will take as a case study one of the epic Mediterranean battles in the ongoing Christian versus Muslim conflict of the Early Modem Age. Happening in 1565, though micro in scale, the four-month engagement known as the Great Siege of Malta which was fought between the Ottoman Turkish troops and their Barbary Coast partners on the one side and the Hospitallers of the Order of St. John and their European and Maltese allies on the other side, was macro in its significance. This fierce clash left its destructive mark not only on the warring adversaries but the more so on the Maltese inhabitants who found themselves immersed in a war which was not strictly theirs but of which they were forced to endure the hardships, participate in the ongoing combat, and face the daily extreme psychological pressure and physical cruelty which are generally meted out to the defenceless and the most vulnerable in the war zone. No brutality was spared and extreme violence was the order of the day. 展开更多
关键词 Early Modem Age Great Siege of Malta Order of St. John Ottoman Turks
Rethinking China's Macroeconomic Policy
作者 Academic Division of Economics,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 《China Economist》 2014年第2期14-34,共21页
Six years have passed since the global financial crisis began.Yet,mainstream economists are still far from reaching a consensus on a framework for restructuring macroeconomic policy.In April 2013,many top scholars att... Six years have passed since the global financial crisis began.Yet,mainstream economists are still far from reaching a consensus on a framework for restructuring macroeconomic policy.In April 2013,many top scholars attended the International Monetary Fund's(IMF) second conference on "Rethinking Macro Policy".During the conference,the following basic assessments with respect to macroeconomic policy were reached:economists and policy-makers have entered a "brave new world" where they face more problems than effective solutions and the image of a new macroeconomic policy framework remains opaque.Based on discussions at the conference and the dissertations of important scholars over recent years,this paper provides a systematic review of the reflections of mainstream economic academia regarding the restructuring of a macroeconomic policy framework,with a view to providing an orientation to China s ongoing reform of macroeconomic regulation. 展开更多
关键词 financial crisis macro-regulation monetary policy fiscal policy industrialpolicy supply and demand management excess capacity micro-regulation balance sheet.
Primary Exploration of the Diversified Development of Sports Public Service in our Country
作者 Hongyan Yao 《International English Education Research》 2014年第9期1-3,共3页
The ultimate objective of sports public service is to pay attention to the development of human beings. It is the absolute trend of health conception pursuit by the growing material and cultural lives of the people. W... The ultimate objective of sports public service is to pay attention to the development of human beings. It is the absolute trend of health conception pursuit by the growing material and cultural lives of the people. When the modem society is interpreting the concept, the connotation and the development objective of sports public services, it conforms to the scientific concept of development that takes humans as essentials. With the target of the development of three stages, it realizes the service system at which the government macro-control and all sectors of society mutually participate. In addition, it also realizes the service system in which the rural-urban sports public service develops with the characteristics of diversification, multi-subjects and multi-centers. These are to be gradually realized on the perspectives of management mode, supply mode, and operation mechanism as well as the social guarantee mechanism, etc. In this way, the sports public service in our country is ensured to develop gradually and stably. 展开更多
关键词 SPORTS public service ultimate objective human development
China's grain macroeconomic regulation and control strategy of economic strategy research
作者 Zhiqiang Feng 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第3期115-118,共4页
this article through to the national food security problems, and puts forward China's grain macro-control mechanism is to follow the food economic law, with the national food security as the foundation, the food econ... this article through to the national food security problems, and puts forward China's grain macro-control mechanism is to follow the food economic law, with the national food security as the foundation, the food economy structure adjustment as power, based on production and supply balance, trade and consumption balance, price and social grain total cost balance, grain reserves and the retaining rate balance four as the key point, establish and perfect the food security is the core of the production, processing, trade, reserve, consumption for control system, perfect the government macroeconomic regulation and control of the market, protect the food producers and consumers' vital interests, early warning and solving the international and domestic food crisis and risk, maintain food markets continue to stability and promote national economic security of food. 展开更多
关键词 macroeconomic management food economy grain macro-control mechanism the national food security
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