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作者 李传坤 胡国珠 《中国勘察设计》 2012年第7期71-74,共4页
国家林业局2009年启动第二次全国湿地资源调查,江西省开展并完成了这项工作。本文通过本次调查的操作细则和1996年首次调查进行比较分析,说明了本次调查手段先进、方法科学、数据丰富,同时展望了本次调查成果在江西省开展湿地资源管理... 国家林业局2009年启动第二次全国湿地资源调查,江西省开展并完成了这项工作。本文通过本次调查的操作细则和1996年首次调查进行比较分析,说明了本次调查手段先进、方法科学、数据丰富,同时展望了本次调查成果在江西省开展湿地资源管理上实现标准化、规范化、信息化方面的巨大作用。 展开更多
关键词 湿地 资源调查 调查特点
作者 温俊翔 李锦萍 《中外医药研究》 2024年第25期141-143,共3页
目的:分析2019—2022年佛山市南海区登革热流行特点,并根据调查结果提出针对性的预防对策。方法:收集2019—2022年佛山市南海区登革热流行病学数据,分析其流行病学特点。结果:2019—2022年报告病例分别为1951、907、689、338例,其中死... 目的:分析2019—2022年佛山市南海区登革热流行特点,并根据调查结果提出针对性的预防对策。方法:收集2019—2022年佛山市南海区登革热流行病学数据,分析其流行病学特点。结果:2019—2022年报告病例分别为1951、907、689、338例,其中死亡病例2例;主要集中于南海区桂城街道、大沥镇、里水镇,占比分别为44.25%、28.81%、14.34%。本土病例年龄高于输入病例。本土病例毒株Ⅰ型588株,Ⅱ型毒株2427株;输入病例毒株Ⅰ型119株,Ⅱ型55株,Ⅲ型32株和Ⅳ型20株。2019—2022年布雷图指数和叮咬指数达标率逐渐升高。结论:2019—2022年佛山市南海区登革热发病率呈现下降趋势,以本土病例为主。应尽早诊断、隔离和治疗,强化本地区病例核心区的蚊媒控制。 展开更多
关键词 登革热 流行特点调查 预防对策 蚊媒控制
心血管疾病急症患者急诊科室救治期间睡眠紊乱的特点调查研究 被引量:2
作者 朱丽莎 梁艳 +5 位作者 张玉梅 姚梅 薛玉玲 张玉凤 冯利娜 沈佳丽 《世界睡眠医学杂志》 2019年第6期705-707,共3页
目的:分析研究心血管疾病急症患者急诊科室救治期间睡眠紊乱的特点。方法:选取2017年12月至2018年12月期间蚌埠市第一人民医院急诊科室救治的心血管疾病患者70例作为研究对象,按照急症患者和普通患者分为对照组和观察组,每组35例,急症... 目的:分析研究心血管疾病急症患者急诊科室救治期间睡眠紊乱的特点。方法:选取2017年12月至2018年12月期间蚌埠市第一人民医院急诊科室救治的心血管疾病患者70例作为研究对象,按照急症患者和普通患者分为对照组和观察组,每组35例,急症患者为观察组,普通心血管疾病患者为对照组。评估2组患者救治期间的睡眠质量,并比较结果。结果:调查结果显示,观察组患者救治期间的睡眠障碍发生率为68.57%,对照组为25.71%,观察组患者睡眠障碍发生率明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);且观察组患者的PSQI总评分明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:心血管疾病急症患者急诊科室救治期间各类睡眠紊乱的临床症状较为突出,患者发生睡眠障碍的机率明显高于普通的心血管疾病患者,临床治疗应给予重视。 展开更多
关键词 心血管疾病 急诊科室 救治期间 睡眠紊乱 特点调查
当代中学生的认知特点及其对思政课改革的启示 被引量:5
作者 张宁娟 王新波 张志勇 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期35-41,共7页
思政课是落实立德树人根本任务的关键课程。当前,我国中学阶段的教育对象已经全部是"00"后,研究他们的认知特点及其对思政课的看法对于改进中学思政课具有重要意义。通过问卷调查发现,当代中学生的认知在信息输入、加工和输... 思政课是落实立德树人根本任务的关键课程。当前,我国中学阶段的教育对象已经全部是"00"后,研究他们的认知特点及其对思政课的看法对于改进中学思政课具有重要意义。通过问卷调查发现,当代中学生的认知在信息输入、加工和输出方面表现出很强的时代性特征,当然也深受家庭环境、学校类型、年龄等方面的影响;当代中学生对思政课的评价普遍向好,认为课程内容接近生活、呈现方式符合中学生认知特点、思政课使他们收获大、喜欢并愿意上思政课。通过相关分析进一步发现,当代中学生对思政课的评价在年级和学校类型上存在"差异现象"。加强思政课建设、提高思政课质量和水平,应对这些情况给予足够重视。 展开更多
关键词 中学思政课 当代中学生 “00”后 认知特点调查与分析
90后大学生特点及其思想政治教育对策论略 被引量:15
作者 李建军 黄海燕 《宜春学院学报》 2010年第11期30-33,共4页
"90后"大学生正逐步成为当下高校学生群落的主体。由于社会经济发展的大环境和自身成长的小环境等因素的综合影响,"90后"大学生在道德观念、价值伦理、思维模式、性格心理等等方面都呈现出其群体性、时代性的某些... "90后"大学生正逐步成为当下高校学生群落的主体。由于社会经济发展的大环境和自身成长的小环境等因素的综合影响,"90后"大学生在道德观念、价值伦理、思维模式、性格心理等等方面都呈现出其群体性、时代性的某些新特点。因之,作为高校思想政治教育工作的教育者和管理者,必须在切实了解他们的生活与精神现状的基础上,与时俱进,对传统的教育管理模式作出相应的调整和完善。 展开更多
关键词 “90后”大学生 特点调查 思想政治教育 对策
髌骨软化症中医证候分布规律调查分析 被引量:7
作者 周红军 杨树安 高军 《河南中医》 2012年第10期1324-1325,共2页
目的:通过对100例髌骨软化症患者的问卷调查,分析髌骨软化症的病症特点。方法:采用自制的《髌骨软化症病症特点的调查问卷》调查问卷,分别针对不同导致髌骨软化症出现膝前痛的因素进行问题设计,之后分析其致痛部位及总体病症特点。结果... 目的:通过对100例髌骨软化症患者的问卷调查,分析髌骨软化症的病症特点。方法:采用自制的《髌骨软化症病症特点的调查问卷》调查问卷,分别针对不同导致髌骨软化症出现膝前痛的因素进行问题设计,之后分析其致痛部位及总体病症特点。结果:膝关节疼痛的时间:0.5 a以内者10例,2 a以上者68例。疼痛部位:髌骨下者50例,说不清者30例。疼痛性质:钝痛者30例,空痛11例,说不清者30例。加重疼痛的因素:运动(上下楼梯、蹲起锻炼等)40例,阴雨天30例。减轻疼痛的因素:温热刺激34例,休息30例,运动锻炼3例。结论:通过调查分析发现,髌骨软化症的发生与人体内环境的变化有关,该病的疼痛可能源于髌骨下骨的刺激性疼痛,且与膝关节负重运动有极大的相关性。 展开更多
关键词 髌骨软化症 中医证候 髌骨软化症病症特点调查问卷
加入WTO十年来中国对外反倾销实践分析 被引量:9
作者 海闻 李清亮 《国际商务研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期37-44,51,共9页
自2001年加入WTO十年来,中国成为了目前世界上对外实施反倾销最多的国家之一,本文将对十年来我国对外反倾销的实践做出总结分析。我国的反倾销实践在调查时间、调查的结果、反倾销税率、反倾销的国别与产品方面,与世界其他国家相比既有... 自2001年加入WTO十年来,中国成为了目前世界上对外实施反倾销最多的国家之一,本文将对十年来我国对外反倾销的实践做出总结分析。我国的反倾销实践在调查时间、调查的结果、反倾销税率、反倾销的国别与产品方面,与世界其他国家相比既有共通之处,也有自己的特点。而在政策效果方面,我国的反倾销措施对于国内产业的救济和涉案产品的进口限制收效显著;同时,反倾销带来的进口转移、直接投资规避现象等也比较明显。 展开更多
关键词 WTO 对外反倾销 调查特点 救济效果
冀南方言词语重叠形式的儿化及相关问题 被引量:4
作者 吴继章 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第6期110-115,共6页
词语重叠形式的儿化涉及许多方面的内容,但以往的汉语方言研究较少有将重叠与儿化联系起来进行的。冀南方言中名词重叠形式的儿化只有"角儿角儿"等三种情况,且涉及的词语都很有限。量词重叠形式的儿化只有"(不大)点儿点... 词语重叠形式的儿化涉及许多方面的内容,但以往的汉语方言研究较少有将重叠与儿化联系起来进行的。冀南方言中名词重叠形式的儿化只有"角儿角儿"等三种情况,且涉及的词语都很有限。量词重叠形式的儿化只有"(不大)点儿点儿"等四类。单双音节动词的重叠形式都可以儿化,单音节动词重叠的儿化形式一般都产生出了一种非儿化形式所没有的特殊表达作用或语用意义。在冀南方言中,单音节形容词重叠式的第二个音节都必须儿化;单音节形容词重叠式表示程度的轻微还是程度的加重不取决于其在句子中作何种成分,而取决于整个句子是否主观化。调查研究词语重叠形式的儿化具有多方面的意义。 展开更多
关键词 冀南方言 重叠形式儿化 重叠儿化形式的特点调查
外语教学问卷调查研究的发展趋势及选题特点 被引量:2
作者 秦晓晴 《外语教育》 2008年第1期8-16,共9页
关键词 外语教学研究 问卷调查 问卷调查的发展趋势 问卷调查的选题特点
Analysis of Land Use Characteristics in Mountainous Areas in Yunnan Province Based on Second National Land Survey 被引量:2
作者 芦艳艳 杨子生 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第9期1438-1440,共3页
Abstract Based on Second National Land Survey during 2007-2009 and land use type survey in ftatland areas, status quo of land use in mountainous areas in Yun- nan was measured, and analysis was made on land use in mou... Abstract Based on Second National Land Survey during 2007-2009 and land use type survey in ftatland areas, status quo of land use in mountainous areas in Yun- nan was measured, and analysis was made on land use in mountainous areas in terms of land use structure, degree and development potential, providing references for rational use of land in mountainous areas in Yunnan. 展开更多
关键词 Second national land survey Mountainous areas Land use Character- istics: Yunnan Province
Historic Environment and Cultural Sensitivity: Ottoman Neighborhood in Macedonia 被引量:1
作者 Belma Alik Nevnihal Erdogan 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第2期148-156,共9页
The territory of the Republic of Macedonia is divided to geographical regions, in which different types of monuments and houses from Ottoman character can be found. The monuments and regions presented through this pap... The territory of the Republic of Macedonia is divided to geographical regions, in which different types of monuments and houses from Ottoman character can be found. The monuments and regions presented through this paper do not cover all the regions of Macedonia but only the territories of Skopje, the capital of Macedonia and Ohrid. This paper involves a research of Ottoman housing and settlements in Macedonia according to the architectural characteristics and settlement textures using old-new photographs, related literature, internet sources and site investigation. The rich vernacular traditions we inherited from Ottoman ancestors would be a source for inspiring the architects in establishing the guiding principles for new buildings in Macedonia. Finally, this study concludes with some ways forward on how to attain cultural continuity for achieving sustainable development in the long run. 展开更多
关键词 Historic environment Ottoman housing Ottoman monuments cultural sensitivity Macedonia.
169 patients with postoperative breast cancer on exercising the function of limbs and investigating quality of life:a clinical study
作者 Xiaodong Xie Zhaozhe Liu Shuxian Qu Fang Guo Zhendong Zheng Yongye Liu Min Song Xue Bai 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2010年第10期590-593,共4页
Objective:The aim of this study was to observe the physical training influence on the limbs of postoperative breast cancer patients with adjuvant chemotherapy and do dual-response quality of life(QOL) according to cli... Objective:The aim of this study was to observe the physical training influence on the limbs of postoperative breast cancer patients with adjuvant chemotherapy and do dual-response quality of life(QOL) according to clinical characteristics of patients.Methods:from February 2007 to December 2008,169 patients with postoperative breast cancer were included.We put all the patients into two groups randomly,including 80 patients in the treatment group and 89 patients in the control group.When the cycle of chemotherapy has been completed or on the 28th day postoperatively,all the patients need to be measured the function of upper limbs.The patients in the treatment group perform the rehabilitative training by our rehabilitation gymnastics,and the patients in the control group perform the rehabilitative training by themselves.When 6 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy have been completed,we evaluated the differences of the function of upper limbs in patients.At the same time,we hand out the QOL questionnaire to patients and their doctors for doing the two-way assessment.Results:Compared with patients in control group,patients in treatment group have better in the abductive angle of shoulders and myodynamia(P = 0.000).By analysis on 156(92.3%) questionnaires,we found that the match rate of doctors and patients with physiological functions and physical symptoms were better than mentation and relationships.The better match rate between doctors and patients in QOL questionnaires suggested that the QOL of patients would be improved in the higher rate.Conclusion:Exercising the function of limbs in early could be beneficial to the patients with postoperative breast cancer and effectively improve patient's QOL.Meanwhile,we put doctors' questionnaires in the assessment of patients' QOL,and the results show that the assessment of patients' QOL is more objective and complete. 展开更多
关键词 breast cancer rehabilitation therapy quality of life (QOL) questionnaire
The Characteristics and Cause of Seismic Damage of the Jinghe M5.0 Earthquake in Xinjiang on October 16, 2011
作者 Chen Jianbo Tan Ming +3 位作者 Wu Guodong Hu Weihu Sun Jianing Zhang Zhenbin 《Earthquake Research in China》 2012年第4期532-542,共11页
The epicenter of the M5.0 earthquake occurring in Jinghe County, Xinjiang on October 16, 2011, is located in Tuoli Township. The intensity of the meizoseismal area is VI. The seismic damage investigation shows that th... The epicenter of the M5.0 earthquake occurring in Jinghe County, Xinjiang on October 16, 2011, is located in Tuoli Township. The intensity of the meizoseismal area is VI. The seismic damage investigation shows that the houses are mainly mud-clay style and the seismic damage characteristics take on an obvious regional nature. The damage degree varies relative to the field conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Jinghe M5.0 earthquake Seismic characteristic Kusongmuqike mountainfront fault HOLOCENE
Empirical Research on Mobile Phone Reading Based on User Behavior Analysis
作者 Chen Mei Tian Shuge +1 位作者 Wang Mingyan Li Hongyan 《International English Education Research》 2015年第8期1-5,共5页
Based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) as the foundation, according to the function of mobile phone reading, the hardware design characteristics, software design characteristics, perceived entertainment, per... Based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) as the foundation, according to the function of mobile phone reading, the hardware design characteristics, software design characteristics, perceived entertainment, perceived risk and perceived price, adding them to the user behavior model, and modify the TAM model. By self-designed questionnaire, taking college students for social mobile phone reading using behavior survey, using SPSS19.0, AMOS21.0 to validate modified TAM model. The empirical results show that hardware design characteristics, software design characteristics, perceived ease of use have significant positive influence on user behavior, while perceived entertainment, perceived risk, have no significant influence on user behavior, behavior Intention has positive influence on user actual behavior. 展开更多
关键词 Mobile phone reading Technology acceptance model Behavior Intention Actual behavior
贵州民族研究与民族田野调查——纪念贵州省“六山六水”民族综合考察20周年 被引量:5
作者 余宏模 《贵州民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第3期37-42,共6页
本文从贵州民族情况的四个基本特点分析入手 ,叙述了贵州省解放前及解放初的几个民族调查及成果 ,进而论述了贵州“六山六水”民族调查的三个显著特点。
关键词 贵州民族 基本特点 民族调查特点
Study on characteristics of fractures from road traffic accidents in 306 cases 被引量:1
作者 侯树勋 章亚东 吴闻文 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2002年第1期52-54,共3页
Objective: To investigate the characteristics of bone fractures from road traffic accidents and analyze their injury mechanisms so as to provide reference for the research and medical care of traffic trauma. Methods: ... Objective: To investigate the characteristics of bone fractures from road traffic accidents and analyze their injury mechanisms so as to provide reference for the research and medical care of traffic trauma. Methods: Three hundred and six patients with fractures from road traffic accidents were included into this study. A total of 507 fractures were identified and the injury mechanism, location distribution and frequency were analyzed. Results: The most common location of fractures was the lower extremities, followed by the upper extremities, skull and maxillofacial region, and the rarest was the spine. A total of 56% of the patients suffered from multiple fractures. The fractures of the patella, femur and pelvis and the fractures of the olecranon, humerus and shoulder often happened simultaneously. Conclusions: The injury mechanisms can be classified into four types: impact, incoordinate movement, stretch injury and crush and extrusion. The fractures from traffic accidents have the following characteristics: centrifugal distribution of the injuries, multiple fractures, force transmission and ipsilateral occurrence. 展开更多
关键词 Accidents traffic FRACTURES Wounds and injuries
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