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玉米脱胚前的预处理设备──水汽调节机 被引量:1
作者 刘逢和 赵静华 《粮食与饲料工业》 CAS 北大核心 1995年第1期35-39,共5页
关键词 玉米 水汽调节机 结构 预处理
室内空气净化器调节机研究 被引量:1
作者 褚越 曹腾飞 +1 位作者 杨梦梦 李蕾(指导) 《黑龙江科学》 2021年第8期40-41,共2页
为促进空气净化器调节机的发展,分析了空气净化器调节机的作用。目前,国外的研究发展较为成熟,在借鉴学习的基础上,提出了提高空气净化器调节机净化率的方法。应加强对紫外线功能的利用和创新研发,加强与疾控和环保部门的双向合作,使其... 为促进空气净化器调节机的发展,分析了空气净化器调节机的作用。目前,国外的研究发展较为成熟,在借鉴学习的基础上,提出了提高空气净化器调节机净化率的方法。应加强对紫外线功能的利用和创新研发,加强与疾控和环保部门的双向合作,使其朝着更加智能化、人性化的方向发展。 展开更多
关键词 室内 空气净化器 调节机
作者 刘逢和 《粮食与油脂》 1991年第3期6-11,共6页
一、前言玉米联产品加工是粮食加工中的一种新兴工艺方法,起步比较晚,难度较大。为了提高玉米的剥皮脱胚效率,就必须摸清玉米在剥皮脱胚前应具备的主要物理参数。多年的生产实践表明,玉米在进入剥皮脱胚机之前,温度处于30~40℃;水份在1... 一、前言玉米联产品加工是粮食加工中的一种新兴工艺方法,起步比较晚,难度较大。为了提高玉米的剥皮脱胚效率,就必须摸清玉米在剥皮脱胚前应具备的主要物理参数。多年的生产实践表明,玉米在进入剥皮脱胚机之前,温度处于30~40℃;水份在17~18%的条件下,能获得最好的剥皮脱胚效果。水汽调节机就是在这种思想启迪下研制成功的一种粮食加工机械。二。 展开更多
关键词 水汽调节机 玉米 前处理 设备
作者 赵华东 徐州 +2 位作者 李成 张景双 刘尚杰 《低温与超导》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第3期84-90,103,共8页
基于热电制冷的温湿度调节机的制冷和除湿性能主要受其热端散热性能的制约。为了探究热电制冷式温湿度调节机热端散热性能的影响因素,该研究在实际项目的基础上设计了三组实验,分别用于探究风机安装方式,风速大小以及散热翅片间距对其... 基于热电制冷的温湿度调节机的制冷和除湿性能主要受其热端散热性能的制约。为了探究热电制冷式温湿度调节机热端散热性能的影响因素,该研究在实际项目的基础上设计了三组实验,分别用于探究风机安装方式,风速大小以及散热翅片间距对其散热性能的影响。结果表明,在所研究的六种风机安装方式中,单风扇单侧吹风的安装方式在实际工程中可以达到相对最佳的散热效果,且其最适宜的风速为5 m/s,最佳散热翅片间距为4 mm,于实际工程来说具有重要的参考意义。 展开更多
关键词 热电制冷 风冷热沉散热 温湿度调节机 CFD
作者 季伟刚 《长岭技术》 2007年第3期25-29,共5页
关键词 控制箱温度湿度调节机 测试标准 结构布局
作者 俞德泉 《探索与争鸣》 1986年第5期32-36,共5页
在当前的一些政治经济学教科书和理论文章中,经常可以见到这样一个命题。社会主义经济既是计划经济又是商品经济,是计划经济和商品经济的统一。这个命题是否确切,很值得研究。它直接关系到对社会主义经济本质特征的认识,关系到许多... 在当前的一些政治经济学教科书和理论文章中,经常可以见到这样一个命题。社会主义经济既是计划经济又是商品经济,是计划经济和商品经济的统一。这个命题是否确切,很值得研究。它直接关系到对社会主义经济本质特征的认识,关系到许多重大理论问题的讨论。 展开更多
关键词 计划经济 商品经济 政治经济学 社会主义经济 本质特征 调节机
玉米半湿法提胚关键工艺与设备研究综述 被引量:2
作者 任宁 阮竞兰 《包装与食品机械》 CAS 2013年第3期41-43,共3页
对玉米半湿法提胚关键工艺与设备进行综述,阐述了玉米半湿法提胚原理;指出充分调质、高效脱胚和合理提胚是玉米半湿法提胚的三个关键工艺环节,水汽调节机、玉米脱胚机和玉米提胚机是玉米半湿法提胚的关键设备,并对各设备的优缺点进行了... 对玉米半湿法提胚关键工艺与设备进行综述,阐述了玉米半湿法提胚原理;指出充分调质、高效脱胚和合理提胚是玉米半湿法提胚的三个关键工艺环节,水汽调节机、玉米脱胚机和玉米提胚机是玉米半湿法提胚的关键设备,并对各设备的优缺点进行了分析;最后指出必须研制具有自主知识产权且具有较高科技含量的玉米提胚关键设备,才能提高我国玉米深加工与综合利用的水平与质量。 展开更多
关键词 玉米半湿法提胚 水汽调节机 脱胚机
Effect of Osmotic Stress with PEG6000 on Osmotic Adjustment Solute in Seedling Leaves of Chenopodium album L. 被引量:4
作者 孙存华 李扬 +5 位作者 贺鸿雁 杜伟 金会丽 王东升 陈湘玲 徐新娜 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2007年第3期20-24,共5页
[ Objective] The purpose was to discuss drought resistance mechanism of Chenopodium album L. and supply theoretical basis and practical guidance for artificial cultivation and popularization of C. album. [ Method] C. ... [ Objective] The purpose was to discuss drought resistance mechanism of Chenopodium album L. and supply theoretical basis and practical guidance for artificial cultivation and popularization of C. album. [ Method] C. album seedlings grown to 6th leaf stage were conducted osmotic stress treatment with PEG6000 osmotic whose concentration was set up as 0, 5%, 10% and 20% and the various physiological indices of the 3rd -5th function leaves in upper plant were determined after being treated for 0, 1,3, 5, 7 and 9 d. [ Result] Under osmotic stress with 5% PGE, the relative water content (RWC) of C. album reduced less. Under osmotic stress with 10%, the RWC in seedling leaves of C. album decreased to 62% on the fifth day and the leaves began to wither. Under osmotic stress with 20%, the RWC in seedling leaves of C. album decreased to 61.9% on the third day and the leaves appeared withering, and the RWC decreased to 48.6% on the 7th day and the leaves were dry and yellow. Proline contents in seedling leaves of C. album under osmotic stress with 5%, 10% and 20% PEG were 7.64, 10.9 and 29.4 times of CK on the 7th day. [ Conclusion] C. album hed some adaptability to moderate osmotic stress, but the PEG osmotic stress with high concentration and long time might lead to severe damage on C. album. 展开更多
关键词 Chenopodium album L. PEG Osmotic stress Osmotic adjustment solute
冷转移印染成套自动化设备的研制 被引量:1
作者 王仙法 王忻 王俊杰 《机电产品开发与创新》 2012年第1期74-76,共3页
冷转移印花工艺可以包含使用螯合吸附剂,成套冷转移印花设备由定量喷雾装置、干湿调节机和冷转移压印机组合而成。压力细化定量雾化喷浆装置控制螯合吸附剂的喷雾量。干湿调节机调节机织物湿度同时平整织物。冷转移压印机将转印纸上的... 冷转移印花工艺可以包含使用螯合吸附剂,成套冷转移印花设备由定量喷雾装置、干湿调节机和冷转移压印机组合而成。压力细化定量雾化喷浆装置控制螯合吸附剂的喷雾量。干湿调节机调节机织物湿度同时平整织物。冷转移压印机将转印纸上的图案和文字转印到棉织物上。冷转移印成套设备是一组采用程序控制多工序,多模式的印染自动化设备,能显著改善冷转移印花的得色率,同时提高冷转移印花的产品质量和固色率,节能、低碳、环保。 展开更多
关键词 冷转移印花工艺 螯合吸附剂 冷转移印花纸 棉织物 定量雾化喷浆装置 干湿调节机 冷转移压印机 冷转移印效果
作者 陈杰 《轿车情报》 2016年第10期70-73,共4页
这一次,我拥有1个星期的时间来深度接触威朗GS,两厢小车对于城市通勤来说是最合适的车型,而且1.5T的发动机刚刚好,动力再多出一些恐怕在狭小的空间里也施展不开。当然,偶尔也有赶时间的时候,等到转速提升至2000r/min左右涡轮一介... 这一次,我拥有1个星期的时间来深度接触威朗GS,两厢小车对于城市通勤来说是最合适的车型,而且1.5T的发动机刚刚好,动力再多出一些恐怕在狭小的空间里也施展不开。当然,偶尔也有赶时间的时候,等到转速提升至2000r/min左右涡轮一介入,威朗GS的性情就完全变了一个样。威朗GS搭载的是一台1.5T发动机,最大功率为124kW,最大扭矩为250Nm。这台发动机用上了可变排量机油泵,它可以根据发动机负荷调节机油供应,减少发动机提供多余机油所造成的浪费从而降低对动力性能的损耗,所以在经过300km的综合道路试驾后,威朗GS的综合油耗仅为7L/100km,要知道这其中包含了不少激烈驾驶的工况。当然,在创造可观的燃油经济性背后还离不开DCG 7挡双离合变速器的帮忙,它拥有紧凑的3轴设计,而且与通用上一代的双离合变速器相比,无论在平顺性、响应性方面都有明显的改善,但还是与大众DSG略微有些差距。 展开更多
关键词 发动机用 机油泵 变速器 燃油经济性 最大扭矩 最大功率 离合 可变排量 动力性能 油供应 响应性 平顺性 调节机 转速 油耗 小车 涡轮 通用 通勤 提升
Adaptive Immune Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Immune Network Regulatory Mechanism 被引量:3
作者 何宏 钱锋 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第1期141-145,共5页
Based on immune network regulatory mechanism, a new adaptive immune evolutionary algorithm (AIEA) is proposed to improve the performance of genetic algorithms (GA) in this paper. AIEA adopts novel selection operation ... Based on immune network regulatory mechanism, a new adaptive immune evolutionary algorithm (AIEA) is proposed to improve the performance of genetic algorithms (GA) in this paper. AIEA adopts novel selection operation according to the stimulation level of each antibody. A memory base for good antibodies is devised simultaneously to raise the convergent rapidity of the algorithm and adaptive adjusting strategy of antibody population is used for preventing the loss of the population adversity. The experiments show AIEA has better convergence performance than standard genetic algorithm and is capable of maintaining the adversity of the population and solving function optimization problems in an efficient and reliable way. 展开更多
关键词 evolutionary algorithm immune network ADAPTATION stimulation level.
Iodothyronine deiodinase gene analysis of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas reveals possible conservation of thyroid hormone feedback regulation mechanism in mollusks 被引量:1
作者 黄雯 许飞 +3 位作者 曲涛 李莉 阙华勇 张国范 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期997-1006,共10页
Iodothyronine deiodinase catalyzes the initiation and termination of thyroid hormones(THs) effects, and plays a central role in the regulation of thyroid hormone level in vertebrates. In non-chordate invertebrates, on... Iodothyronine deiodinase catalyzes the initiation and termination of thyroid hormones(THs) effects, and plays a central role in the regulation of thyroid hormone level in vertebrates. In non-chordate invertebrates, only one deiodinase has been identified in the scallop C hlamys farreri. Here, two deiodinases were cloned in the Pacific oyster C rassostrea gigas( Cg Dx and C g Dy). The characteristic in-frame TGA codons and selenocysteine insertion sequence elements in the oyster deiodinase c DNAs supported the activity of them. Furthermore, seven orthologs of deiodinases were found by a tblastn search in the mollusk Lottia gigantea and the annelid C apitella teleta. A phylogenetic analysis revealed that the deiodinase gene originated from an common ancestor and a clade-specific gene duplication occurred independently during the differentiation of the mollusk, annelid, and vertebrate lineages. The distinct spatiotemporal expression patterns implied functional divergence of the two deiodinases. The expression of C g Dx and Cg Dy was influenced by L-thyroxine T4, and putative thyroid hormone responsive elements were found in their promoters, which suggested that the oyster deiodinases were feedback regulated by TH. Epinephrine stimulated the expression level of C g Dx and Cg Dy, suggesting an interaction effect between different hormones. This study provides the first evidence for the existence of a conserved TH feedback regulation mechanism in mollusks, providing insights into TH evolution. 展开更多
关键词 iodothyronine deiodinase Crassostrea gigas thyroid hormone (TH) CLONE expression analysis
Proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 and its inhibitor PRNK 被引量:1
作者 Hao Jia Guo Hong You Kai Xiao Yinbing 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2010年第5期307-312,共6页
Proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2) is a nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinase,which is also known as Ca2 +-dependent tyrosine kinase or related adhesion focal tyrosine kinase.Pyk2 activation exerts a critical regulat... Proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2) is a nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinase,which is also known as Ca2 +-dependent tyrosine kinase or related adhesion focal tyrosine kinase.Pyk2 activation exerts a critical regulatory mechanism for various physiological processes including cytoskeleton function,regulation of cell growth and death,modulation of ion channels and multiple signaling events.However,mechanisms underlying the functional diversity of Pyk2 are not clear.A Pyk2 isoform that encodes only part of the C-terminal domain of Pyk2,named as PRNK (Pyk2-related non-kinase),acts as a dominant-negative inhibitor of Pyk2-dependent signaling by displacing Pyk2 from focal adhesions.Research on functional PRNK probably provides new potential inhibitory tool targeting Pyk2 and makes it possible to explore more of Pyk2 pathological mechanism.PRNK is a promising candidate targeting Pyk2 modulation.This review focuses on the functional investigation of Pyk2 and its structure and localization,including recent research with inhibitory strategies targeting Pyk2 by the method of PRNK. 展开更多
关键词 Proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 Pyk2 related non-kinase Dominant negative
Selection of Measured Signals in the Navigation Measuring Complex 被引量:1
作者 柯芳 Andrey PROLETARSKY Konstantin NEUSIPIN 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2011年第4期346-348,共3页
To increase accuracy of navigation parameters,a perspective measuring complex with intellectual components is developed.Conception of synthesis optimal structure of the measuring complex is realized basing on a select... To increase accuracy of navigation parameters,a perspective measuring complex with intellectual components is developed.Conception of synthesis optimal structure of the measuring complex is realized basing on a selective method using principles of the functional systems.Selection of measured information is finished by original numeric criterion of observation level of state vector components.Prediction is realized by algorithm of self-organization that makes synthesis of the optimal complication.Therefore mechanism of self-regulation is realized and accuracy of the selective navigation complex is increased. 展开更多
关键词 selected navigation complex functional systems intellectual components observation level selforganiza tion
Research on new type of fast-opening mechanism in steam turbine regulating system and optimization of operation tactic 被引量:2
作者 Xiao-xiao LI Xuan-yin WANG Fu-shang LI 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第5期633-639,共7页
With the analysis on regulating system in 200 MW steam turbine, the necessity of appending the fast-opening function to the original system is set forth and a new type of fast-opening mechanism is devised. The mathema... With the analysis on regulating system in 200 MW steam turbine, the necessity of appending the fast-opening function to the original system is set forth and a new type of fast-opening mechanism is devised. The mathematical model of system is built up. With the use of AMESIM software, the displacement curve of the piston, the force curve of the cartridge valve spool, the pressure curve and the flux curve in the regulation process are obtained based on simulation. The performances of three fast-opening systems composed of cartridge valves with different diameters are compared. Based on the analysis on factors that affect the execution time of fast-opening, the dead zone of the fast-opening system is put forward. To overcome the defect, dif- ferent operation modes are adopted for different zones. The result shows that with the increase of the valve diameter, the regulating time in the dead zone significantly exceeds the fast-opening time in the whole journey. Accordingly, the optimization operation tactic in the dead zone and the qualification conditions are brought forward. The fast-opening system composed of 32 mm cartridge valves is taken as an example with use of the tactic. The simulation result shows that the maximum regulating time is shortened by 509 ms. 展开更多
关键词 Steam turbine Fast-opening Regulating system AMESIM
Non-Metric CCD Camera Calibration Algorithm in a Digital Photogrammetry System 被引量:4
作者 YANG Hua-chao DENG Ka-zhong ZHANG Shu-bi GUO Guang-li ZHOU Ming 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2006年第2期119-122,共4页
Camera calibration is a critical process in photogrammetry and a necessary step to acquire 3D information from a 2D image. In this paper, a flexible approach for CCD camera calibration using 2D direct linear transform... Camera calibration is a critical process in photogrammetry and a necessary step to acquire 3D information from a 2D image. In this paper, a flexible approach for CCD camera calibration using 2D direct linear transformation (DLT) and bundle adjustment is proposed. The proposed approach assumes that the camera interior orientation elements are known, and addresses a new closed form solution in planar object space based on homogenous coordinate representation and matrix factorization. Homogeneous coordinate representation offers a direct matrix correspondence between the parameters of the 2D DLT and the collinearity equation. The matrix factorization starts by recovering the elements of the rotation matrix and then solving for the camera position with the collinearity equation. Camera calibration with high precision is addressed by bundle adjustment using the initial values of the camera orientation elements. The results show that the calibration precision of principal point and focal length is about 0.2 and 0.3 pixels respectivelv, which can meet the requirements of close-range photogrammetry with high accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 direct linear transformation collinearity equation bundle adjustment camera calibration Hough transformation
Employer Branding Management As A Strategic and Organizational Control Tool 被引量:1
作者 Valentina Della Corte Gianluigi Mangia Clelia Cascella Giuseppina Zamparelli Andrea Tomo 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第11期996-1014,共19页
The issue of employer branding has always had an intrinsic interdisciplinary content, since it builds a bridge for cross-fertilization between different disciplines (strategic marketing, strategic management, and hum... The issue of employer branding has always had an intrinsic interdisciplinary content, since it builds a bridge for cross-fertilization between different disciplines (strategic marketing, strategic management, and human resources management). This paper presents employer branding as an approach based on effective strategic organizational resources and a precise employer branding management process. In this paper, the target is to define a possible frame in order to interpret employer branding techniques as control and regulation mechanisms. Control in organizations has long been a topic of interest for researchers and practitioners, alike who generally recognize that control mechanisms are needed to ensure that organizations may achieve their goals. It has been carried out a field work on the Italian Aeronautical Meta district, that generates annual revenues equal to EUR 8.7 billion and employees 36,300 people, of whom approximately 10% are employed in the space sector. Through this field work, the intention aim is to understand if and how employer branding may create, enforce, and set up internal and shared meaning and values. In particular, stemming from the empirical research's evidences, this paper tries to conceptualize employer branding as a factor to persuade and influence the way that organizational actors enact in a socially constructed context. In this effort, the aim is to understand how managers may affect meanings, values goals, and opinions through an effective action on employer branding that can play a crucial role in affecting sense-making processes, meanings, interpretations of the symbolic environment. The paper therefore opens up to new horizons, since it embraces a new application for employer branding, considering it as a modern control system and proposing an innovative approach in managerial control, founded on organizational identity as a key concept in an organizational citizenship's perspective 展开更多
关键词 employer branding organizational control strategic control
Mechanism of T cell regulation by microRNAs 被引量:7
作者 Juan Liu Chang-Ping Wu +1 位作者 Bin-Feng Lu Jing-Ting Jiang 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期131-137,共7页
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, non-coding single-stranded RNAs that can modulate target gene expression at post- transcriptional level and participate in cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. T cells ha... MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, non-coding single-stranded RNAs that can modulate target gene expression at post- transcriptional level and participate in cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. T cells have important functions in acquired immune response; miRNAs regulate this immune response by targeting the mRNAs of genes involved in T cell developmentp proliferationj differentiationp and function. For instancep miR-181 family members function in progression by targeting Bcl2 and CD69, among others. MiR-17 to miR-92 clusters function by binding to CREB 1, PTEN, and Bim. Considering that the suppression ofT cell-mediated immune responses against tumor cells is involved in cancer progression, we should investigate the mechanism by which miRNA regulates T cells to develop new approaches for cancer treatment. 展开更多
关键词 MICRORNA T cell gene expression
Mechanisms mediating cholinergic antral circular smooth muscle contraction in rats 被引量:4
作者 HelenaFWrzos TarunTandon AnnOuyang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第22期3292-3298,共7页
AIM:To investigate the pathway(s)mediating rat antral circular smooth muscle contractile responses to the cholinomimetic agent,bethanechol and the subtypes of muscarinic receptors mediating the cholinergic contraction... AIM:To investigate the pathway(s)mediating rat antral circular smooth muscle contractile responses to the cholinomimetic agent,bethanechol and the subtypes of muscarinic receptors mediating the cholinergic contraction. METHODS:Circular smooth muscle strips from the antrum of Sprague-Dawley rats were mounted in muscle baths in Krebs buffer.Isometric tension was recorded.Cumulative concentration-response curves were obtained for(+)-cis- dioxolane(cD),a nonspecific muscarinic agonist,at 10^(-8)- 10^(-4)mol/L,in the presence of tetrodotoxin(TTX,10^(-7)mol/L). Results were normalized to cross sectional area.A repeat concentration-response curve was obtained after incubation of the muscle for 90 min with antagonists for M1(pirenzepine), M2(methoctramine)and M3(darifenadn)muscarinic receptor subtypes.The sensitivity to PTX was tested by the ip injection of 100 mg/kg of PTX 5 d before the experiment.The antral circular smooth muscles were removed from PTX-treated and non-treated rats as strips and dispersed smooth muscle cells to identify whether PTX-linked pathway mediated the contractility to bethanechol. RESULTS:A dose-dependent contractile response observed with bethanechol,was not affected by TTx.The pretreatment of rats with pertussis toxin decreased the contraction induced by bethanechol.Lack of calcium as well as the presence of the L-type calcium channel blocker,nifedipine,also inhibited the cholinergic contraction,with a reduction in response from 2.5±0.4 g/mm^2 to 1.2±0.4 g/mm^2(P<0.05).The dose- response curves were shifted to the right by muscarinic antagonists in the following order of affinity:darifenacin (M_3)>methocramine(M_2)>pirenzepine(M_1). CONCLUSION:The muscarinic receptors-dependent contraction of rat antral circular smooth muscles was linked to the signal transduction pathway(s)involving pertussis-toxin sensitive GTP-binding proteins and to extracellular calcium via L-type voltage gated calcium channels.The presence of the residual contractile response after the treatment with nifedipine,suggests that an additional pathway could mediate the cholinergic contraction.The involvement of more than one muscarinic receptor(functionally predominant type 3 over type 2)also suggests more than one pathway mediating the cholinergic contraction in rat antrum. 展开更多
关键词 Anesthetics Local Animals BENZOFURANS BETHANECHOL Calcium Calcium Channel Blockers Cholinergic Agonists Dose-Response Relationship Drug GTP-Binding Proteins In Vitro Male Muscarinic Antagonists Muscle Contraction Muscle Smooth Nifedipine Pertussis Toxin Pirenzepine Pyloric Antrum PYRROLIDINES RATS Rats Sprague-Dawley Receptor Muscarinic M1 inhibitors Receptor Muscarinic M2 Receptor Muscarinic M3 Signal Transduction Tetrodotoxin
作者 高娜 《辽宁工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2000年第2期47-49,共3页
社会经济制度作为一个系统有机整体 ,是一个复杂的体系 ,其结构是多层次的。第一层次即生产资料所有制是属于社会基本经济制度范畴 ,第二、第三层次即产权制度和资源配置调节机制是属于经济体制范畴 ,是所有制实现形式。前者是后者的本... 社会经济制度作为一个系统有机整体 ,是一个复杂的体系 ,其结构是多层次的。第一层次即生产资料所有制是属于社会基本经济制度范畴 ,第二、第三层次即产权制度和资源配置调节机制是属于经济体制范畴 ,是所有制实现形式。前者是后者的本质规定 ,后者是前者的表现形式 ,因而存在着经济体制的选择是否适应生产力发展要求的问题。从理论上说 ,就是由于经济制度的层次性决定了经济体制的动态性 。 展开更多
关键词 经济制度经济体制 生产资料所有制 产权资源配置调节机
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