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可调量程拉绳式光纤布拉格光栅位移传感器 被引量:8
作者 张燕君 田永胜 +3 位作者 付兴虎 毕卫红 张亦男 王会敏 《光电工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期626-632,共7页
为了解决在复杂电磁环境下大位移量的监测问题,实现对大型机械和工程结构健康安全状况的实时监测,设计了一种基于悬臂梁结构的可调量程拉绳式光纤布拉格光栅位移传感器。悬臂梁两侧对称粘贴了两个不同中心波长的光纤光栅,当悬臂梁自由... 为了解决在复杂电磁环境下大位移量的监测问题,实现对大型机械和工程结构健康安全状况的实时监测,设计了一种基于悬臂梁结构的可调量程拉绳式光纤布拉格光栅位移传感器。悬臂梁两侧对称粘贴了两个不同中心波长的光纤光栅,当悬臂梁自由端的位置发生变化时,两个光纤光栅分别受到拉力和压力,因此光栅的中心波长向相反方向漂移。通过对两个中心波长差值与位移量关系的标定,可以排除温度的影响,实现对位移量的测量。传感器采用了拉绳式的位移传递方式,使得传感器的安装位置及测量方式更加灵活;便于拆装的位移转换装置,可以方便地调整传感器的量程,使其具有更广泛的适用性。位移传感实验结果表明,在传感器量程为60 mm时,位移传感器的平均灵敏度为47.7 pm/mm,相关系数达到0.998,重复性误差为2.83%FS,迟滞误差为1.02%FS。该位移传感器具有结构简单、量程可调的特点,可以满足不同环境下的位移测量需求。 展开更多
关键词 光纤布拉格光栅 悬臂梁 位移传感器 调量程
可调量程的轮辐式光纤光栅扭矩传感器 被引量:4
作者 张燕君 张亦男 +1 位作者 付兴虎 王会敏 《光电工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期791-797,共7页
设计了一种以轮辐结构作为弹性元件的可调量程的光纤布拉格光栅扭矩传感器。在弹性板与轴向平行的上下表面对称粘贴两个中心波长不同的光纤布拉格光栅,分别作为传感元件和参考元件。通过对扭矩值与两者反射中心波长差值的标定,可以排除... 设计了一种以轮辐结构作为弹性元件的可调量程的光纤布拉格光栅扭矩传感器。在弹性板与轴向平行的上下表面对称粘贴两个中心波长不同的光纤布拉格光栅,分别作为传感元件和参考元件。通过对扭矩值与两者反射中心波长差值的标定,可以排除环境温度的影响,实现温度自补偿的功能。采用卡口连接的方式将弹性板与内轮毂、外轮毂进行连接,并用螺栓固定,通过更换弹性板可以调整传感器的量程。经仿真分析和扭矩传感实验证明,量程为80 Nm时,扭矩传感器的平均应变灵敏度为27.1 pm/Nm,相关系数为0.997,重复性误差为3.23%FS,迟滞误差为1.03%FS。 展开更多
关键词 轮辐结构 光纤光栅 扭矩 调量程
高精度可调量程电感式位移传感器测量系统 被引量:10
作者 庄鑫栋 董云飞 +1 位作者 刘辉 苗恩铭 《工具技术》 北大核心 2017年第7期104-107,共4页
本文根据电感传感器量程、灵敏度、分辨率和精度之间的关系,以AD598AD芯片为基础设计了电感传感器的后续处理电路。该电路配以数据采集卡和上位机采集程序,搭建了高精度可调量程的电感式位移传感器测量系统。经试验分析验证,测量误差可... 本文根据电感传感器量程、灵敏度、分辨率和精度之间的关系,以AD598AD芯片为基础设计了电感传感器的后续处理电路。该电路配以数据采集卡和上位机采集程序,搭建了高精度可调量程的电感式位移传感器测量系统。经试验分析验证,测量误差可减小至0.74μm。 展开更多
关键词 电感 调量程 灵敏度 分辨率 精度 AD598AD芯片
船用 VAF 粘控系统如何正确进行调零与调量程
作者 张均东 彭新发 任光 《世界海运》 1997年第6期30-32,共3页
关键词 调量程 船舶 VAF粘控系统
作者 张均东 彭新发 李世成 《船舶节能》 1999年第1期18-20,共3页
本文主要讨论船上的 VAF 粘度控制系统的调零与调量程,其中调量程是关键。船上的实际工作是要维护设备的正常运行,当系统中的测量单元由于人为改动或其它因素导致粘度实际值与测量指示值不一致时,应如何恢复正常的指示呢?本文就此提出... 本文主要讨论船上的 VAF 粘度控制系统的调零与调量程,其中调量程是关键。船上的实际工作是要维护设备的正常运行,当系统中的测量单元由于人为改动或其它因素导致粘度实际值与测量指示值不一致时,应如何恢复正常的指示呢?本文就此提出了几种在船上实用的方法。 展开更多
关键词 差压变送器 调量程 比例积分节器 燃油加热器 平衡阀 粘度控制系统 指针读数 截止阀 气动节阀 测量单元
量程可调的气压测试系统设计 被引量:1
作者 黄刚 《测控技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期4-7,共4页
在各种测量系统中,根据测量的预估值,选择不同的量程,测量的误差是不同的。设计了一种量程可调的气压测试系统,系统量程可根据测量预估值简单地进行调节,使得误差减到最小,测量精度得到提高。系统量程调节调理电路,采用了差分输... 在各种测量系统中,根据测量的预估值,选择不同的量程,测量的误差是不同的。设计了一种量程可调的气压测试系统,系统量程可根据测量预估值简单地进行调节,使得误差减到最小,测量精度得到提高。系统量程调节调理电路,采用了差分输入、同相放大、加法电路,其输出为0—5V或4~20mA标准信号,通过对信号调理电路中电位器阻值的调整,使得电压信号输出的输入范围为0~83.3mV,电流信号输出的输入范围为0—117.1mV。系统量程可以在此输入范围内任意改变大小,实验验证,根据测试的预估值,改变量程上限值,提高了气压测试系统的测量精度。 展开更多
关键词 气压测试系统 量程 测量精度
作者 王伟前 李森生 《光学仪器》 2000年第4期16-19,共4页
阐述了利用微机来改造 WFZ— 753紫外可见分光光度计的原理及方法 ,实现了调零调满量程的自动控制。实际应用证明 。
关键词 紫外可见分光光度计 自动控制 量程
一种线性量程可调的电涡流传感器 被引量:2
作者 刘志昌 《电子产品世界》 2018年第1期69-71,共3页
电涡流传感器由探头、前置器以及信号传输线缆三部分组成,前置器中高频振荡电压通过延伸电缆流入探头线圈,对前置器部分的高频小信号处理,基本上都采用全模拟电路或者结合软件校正电路设计,该前置器采用模拟电路对高频信号进行处理,可... 电涡流传感器由探头、前置器以及信号传输线缆三部分组成,前置器中高频振荡电压通过延伸电缆流入探头线圈,对前置器部分的高频小信号处理,基本上都采用全模拟电路或者结合软件校正电路设计,该前置器采用模拟电路对高频信号进行处理,可通过实时调整电路可调电阻参数,实现传感器输出电压信号的调节,特别是对传感器输出量程与电压零点的调节,该方式可以即满足数字电路软件校正调节功能,又满足模拟电路成本低的要求,该方法可实现电涡流位移传感器探头不同电感参数与线性量程调节。 展开更多
关键词 传感器 前置器 电路 线性量程
灵敏度可调的光纤布喇格光栅称量传感单元 被引量:3
作者 冯艳 张劲 +2 位作者 张震 张华 李玉龙 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第10期31-36,共6页
以杠杆悬臂传感梁为基础,设计了支点可调式称量传感单元,通过调节支点位置实现不同量程的称量传感灵敏度可调控制,并且可以实现温度误差补偿.理论分析表明,结构一定的传感单元,支点与支座间距离存在临界阈值,当支座间距离等于该阈值时,... 以杠杆悬臂传感梁为基础,设计了支点可调式称量传感单元,通过调节支点位置实现不同量程的称量传感灵敏度可调控制,并且可以实现温度误差补偿.理论分析表明,结构一定的传感单元,支点与支座间距离存在临界阈值,当支座间距离等于该阈值时,称量传感灵敏度等于零;随着支座间距离的增大灵敏度逐渐减小并趋向于稳定.实验表明,在0~200g的范围内,称量传感的平均线性度大于0.998,理论灵敏度与实验灵敏度之间的平均相对误差为6.46%,可满足不同量程的不同灵敏度的称量应用. 展开更多
关键词 光纤布喇格光栅 称量传感 杠杆式悬臂 灵敏度可 量程
实时闪电电磁场同步观测系统 被引量:5
作者 范雯杰 张义军 +1 位作者 孟青 张阳 《气象科技》 北大核心 2011年第6期803-807,共5页
阐述如何对亚微秒级的闪电电磁场变化波形进行同步采集。设计制作了量程可调的快、慢电场变化观测系统,用以获取闪电电场变化信息,并结合磁场同步资料实现了不同环境下的闪电观测要求。基于数据采集卡(PCI-5105)和Labwindows/CVI开发平... 阐述如何对亚微秒级的闪电电磁场变化波形进行同步采集。设计制作了量程可调的快、慢电场变化观测系统,用以获取闪电电场变化信息,并结合磁场同步资料实现了不同环境下的闪电观测要求。基于数据采集卡(PCI-5105)和Labwindows/CVI开发平台,研制了闪电波形同步数据采集系统和分析处理软件。整套系统具有高采样率、大容量、多参量、同步观测等特点,并已通过野外试验的验证,为研究闪电放电的微物理过程提供了探测手段。 展开更多
关键词 闪电 同步观测 数据采集 量程
一种高精度多路信号采集系统的设计 被引量:14
作者 刘明辉 周刚 +1 位作者 陆爱杰 桂凡 《国外电子测量技术》 2018年第2期100-104,共5页
为提高测量系统的精度和测量装置的集成化、小型化、智能化水平,设计了一种高精度多路信号采集系统。该系统由电源模块、前级信号处理模块、A/D转换模块、微控制单元(MCU)模块以及上位机等部分组成。在系统硬件设计中,以高性能多路模... 为提高测量系统的精度和测量装置的集成化、小型化、智能化水平,设计了一种高精度多路信号采集系统。该系统由电源模块、前级信号处理模块、A/D转换模块、微控制单元(MCU)模块以及上位机等部分组成。在系统硬件设计中,以高性能多路模数转换器件ADS1256为核心、高性能处理器STM32F4GZT6为主控制器设计了高精度多路信号采集模块,该模块可以自主设置量程和采样速率,采用基于LabWindows/CVI编程的上位机实现人机交互。利用超高精度电压源检测了模块测量的精度。该系统可以通过上位机自主设置量程和采样速率,实现了采样系统量程和采样速率的实时调整,可用于多路信号的高精度采集。 展开更多
关键词 高精度信号采集 ADS1256 STM32F4GZT6 上位机 量程
On approximating multifractal traffic burstiness with Markov modulated Poisson processes 被引量:1
作者 纪其进 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第4期436-441,共6页
We investigate the approximating capability of Markov modulated Poisson processes (MMPP) for modeling multifractal Internet traffic. The choice of MMPP is motivated by its ability to capture the variability and correl... We investigate the approximating capability of Markov modulated Poisson processes (MMPP) for modeling multifractal Internet traffic. The choice of MMPP is motivated by its ability to capture the variability and correlation in moderate time scales while being analytically tractable. Important statistics of traffic burstiness are described and a customized moment-based fitting procedure of MMPP to traffic traces is presented. Our methodology of doing this is to examine whether the MMPP can be used to predict the performance of a queue to which MMPP sample paths and measured traffic traces are fed for comparison respectively, in addition to the goodness-of-fit test of MMPP. Numerical results and simulations show that the fitted MMPP can approximate multifractal traffic quite well, i.e. accurately predict the queueing performance. 展开更多
关键词 multifractal traffic Markov modulated Poisson processes queueing delay packet loss rate
Joint User Scheduling and Antenna Selection in Distributed Massive MIMO Systems with Limited Backhaul Capacity 被引量:9
作者 XU Guozhen LIU An +2 位作者 JIANG Wei XIANG Haige LUO Wu 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期17-30,共14页
Massive MIMO systems offer a high spatial resolution that can drastically increase the spectral and/or energy efficiency by employing a large number of antennas at the base station(BS).In a distributed massive MIMO sy... Massive MIMO systems offer a high spatial resolution that can drastically increase the spectral and/or energy efficiency by employing a large number of antennas at the base station(BS).In a distributed massive MIMO system,the capacity of fiber backhaul that links base station and remote radio heads is usually limited,which becomes a bottleneck for realizing the potential performance gain of both downlink and uplink.To solve this problem,we propose a joint antenna selection and user scheduling which is able to achieve a large portion of the potential gain provided by the massive MIMO array with only limited backhaul capacity.Three sub-optimal iterative algorithms with the objective of sumrate maximization are proposed for the joint optimization of antenna selection and user scheduling,either based on greedy fashion or Frobenius-norm criteria.Convergence and complexity analysis are presented for the algorithms.The provided Monte Carlo simulations show that,one of our algorithms achieves a good tradeoff between complexity and performance and thus is especially fit for massive MIMO systems. 展开更多
关键词 massive MIMO limited backhaul capacity antenna selection user scheduling
A Novel Real-time Optimization Methodology for Chemical Plants 被引量:1
作者 黄静雯 李宏光 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第6期1059-1066,共8页
In this paper, a novel approach termed process goose queue (PGQ) is suggested to deal with real-time optimization (RTO) of chemical plants. Taking advantage of the ad-hoc structure of PGQ which imitates biologic natur... In this paper, a novel approach termed process goose queue (PGQ) is suggested to deal with real-time optimization (RTO) of chemical plants. Taking advantage of the ad-hoc structure of PGQ which imitates biologic nature of flying wild geese, a chemical plant optimization problem can be re-formulated as a combination of a multi-layer PGQ and a PGQ-Objective according to the relationship among process variables involved in the objective and constraints. Subsequently, chemical plant RTO solutions are converted into coordination issues among PGQs which could be dealt with in a novel way. Accordingly, theoretical definitions, adjustment rule and implementing procedures associated with the approach are explicitly introduced together with corresponding enabling algorithms. Finally, an exemplary chemical plant is employed to demonstrate the feasibility and validity of the contribution. 展开更多
关键词 real-time optimization chemical plants process goose queue multi-layer process goose queue
Robust Non-fragile PID Controller Design for the Stroke Regulation of Metering Pumps 被引量:3
作者 余世明 吴江江 张端 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第1期83-88,共6页
This job focuses on the stroke regulation of a class of high-precision metering pumps.A parametertuning method of robust non-fragile PID(proportional-integral-derivative)controllers is proposed with the assumption t... This job focuses on the stroke regulation of a class of high-precision metering pumps.A parametertuning method of robust non-fragile PID(proportional-integral-derivative)controllers is proposed with the assumption that a PID controller has additive gain perturbations.An H-infinite robust PID controller can be obtained by solving a linear matrix inequality.This approach can guarantee that the closed-loop control systems is asymptotically stable and the H-infinite norm of the transfer function from the disturbance to the output of a controlled system is less than a given constant to attenuate disturbances.The simulation case shows that the control performance of the proposed strategy is significantly better than the traditional PID approach in the situation with perturbations of controller parameters. 展开更多
关键词 metering pump stroke regulation H-infinite robust control PID control NON-FRAGILE
Non-Metric CCD Camera Calibration Algorithm in a Digital Photogrammetry System 被引量:4
作者 YANG Hua-chao DENG Ka-zhong ZHANG Shu-bi GUO Guang-li ZHOU Ming 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2006年第2期119-122,共4页
Camera calibration is a critical process in photogrammetry and a necessary step to acquire 3D information from a 2D image. In this paper, a flexible approach for CCD camera calibration using 2D direct linear transform... Camera calibration is a critical process in photogrammetry and a necessary step to acquire 3D information from a 2D image. In this paper, a flexible approach for CCD camera calibration using 2D direct linear transformation (DLT) and bundle adjustment is proposed. The proposed approach assumes that the camera interior orientation elements are known, and addresses a new closed form solution in planar object space based on homogenous coordinate representation and matrix factorization. Homogeneous coordinate representation offers a direct matrix correspondence between the parameters of the 2D DLT and the collinearity equation. The matrix factorization starts by recovering the elements of the rotation matrix and then solving for the camera position with the collinearity equation. Camera calibration with high precision is addressed by bundle adjustment using the initial values of the camera orientation elements. The results show that the calibration precision of principal point and focal length is about 0.2 and 0.3 pixels respectivelv, which can meet the requirements of close-range photogrammetry with high accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 direct linear transformation collinearity equation bundle adjustment camera calibration Hough transformation
Analysis on accuracy of Engineering Star RTK in cadastral survey based on SOUTH-CORS
作者 SONG Yuanming LIU Lilong HU Jiaxing LIU Jingye 《Global Geology》 2010年第3期135-140,共6页
Currently,with the fast development of GPS technique,GPS RTK is rapidly being applied to the cadastral survey. GPS RTK technique not only improves efficiency and accelerates the rate of mapping,but also increases econ... Currently,with the fast development of GPS technique,GPS RTK is rapidly being applied to the cadastral survey. GPS RTK technique not only improves efficiency and accelerates the rate of mapping,but also increases economic efficiency. The authors introduced a method for GPS RTK rapid positioning,which uses continuous operational reference system (CORS) as a base station to change the method of previous map drawing by obtaining real-time three-dimensional coordinates of boundary points and statistically analyzing with the three-dimensional coordinates obtained by Total Station to get the accuracy of GPS RTK real-time coordinates. The application of GPS RTK in practical measurement was discussed when the data link had been lost especially. The results show that the three-dimensional coordinates measured by total station can be replaced by real-time three-dimensional coordinates measured by Engineering Star RTK in the CORS. 展开更多
关键词 continuous operational reference system data processing statistical analysis OFFSET data link
Climate change and water resources: Case study of Eastern Monsoon Region of China 被引量:5
作者 XIA Jun DUAN Qing-Yun +3 位作者 LUO Yong XIE Zheng-Hui LIU Zhi-Yu MO Xing-Guo 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第2期63-67,共5页
This paper addresses the impact of climate change on the water cycle and resource changes in the Eastern Monsoon Region of China (EMRC). It also represents a summary of the achievements made by the National Key Basi... This paper addresses the impact of climate change on the water cycle and resource changes in the Eastern Monsoon Region of China (EMRC). It also represents a summary of the achievements made by the National Key Basic Research and Development Program (2010CB428400), where the major research focuses are detection and attribution, extreme floods and droughts, and adaptation of water resources management. Preliminary conclusions can be summarized into four points: 1) Water cycling and water resource changes in the EMRC are rather complicated as the region is impacted by natural changes relating to the strong monsoon influence and also by climate change impacts caused by CO2 emissions due to anthropogenic forcing; 2) the rate of natural variability contributing to the influence on precipitation accounts for about 70%, and the rate from anthropogenic forcing accounts for 30% on average in the EMRC. However, with future scenarios of increasing CO2 emissions, the contribution rate from anthropogenic forcing will increase and water resources management will experience greater issues related to the climate change impact; 3) Extreme floods and droughts in the EMRC will be an increasing trend, based on IPCC-AR5 scenarios; 4) Along with rising temperatures of 1 ~C in North China, the agricultural water consumption will increase to about 4% of total water consumption. Therefore, climate change is making a significant impact and will be a risk to the EMRC, which covers almost all of the eight major river basins, such as the Yangtze River, Yellow River, Huaihe River, Haihe River, and Pearl River, and to the South-to-North Water Diversion Project (middle line). To ensure water security, it is urgently necessary to take adaptive countermeasures and reduce the vulnerability of water resources and associated risks. 展开更多
关键词 Climate change Water cycle Water resources VULNERABILITY ADAPTATION
Patient and physician perception of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic appendectomy 被引量:1
作者 Tomas Hucl Adela Saglova +4 位作者 Marek Benes Matej Kocik Martin Oliverius Zdenek Valenta Julius Spicak 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第15期1800-1805,共6页
AIM:To investigate perception of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery(NOTES)as a potential technique for appendectomy.METHODS:One hundred patients undergoing endoscopy and 100 physicians were given a questi... AIM:To investigate perception of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery(NOTES)as a potential technique for appendectomy.METHODS:One hundred patients undergoing endoscopy and 100 physicians were given a questionnaire describing in detail the techniques of NOTES and laparoscopic appendectomy.They were asked about the reasons for their preference,choice of orifice,and extent of complication risk they were willing to accept.RESULTS:Fifty patients(50%)and only 21 physicians(21%)preferred NOTES(P<0.001).Patients had previously heard of NOTES less frequently(7%vs73%,P<0.001)and had undergone endoscopy more frequently(88%vs 36%,P<0.001)than physicians.Absence of hernia was the most common reason for NOTES preference in physicians(80%vs 44%,P= 0.003),whereas reduced pain was the most common reason in patients(66%vs 52%).Physicians were more likely to refuse NOTES as a novel and unsure technique(P<0.001)and having an increased risk of infection(P<0.001).The preferred access site in both groups was colon followed by stomach,with vagina being rarely preferred.In multivariable modeling,those with high-school education[odds ratio(OR):2.68,95% confidence interval(CI):1.23-5.83]and prior colonoscopy(OR:2.10,95%CI:1.05-4.19)were more likely to prefer NOTES over laparoscopic appendectomy.There was a steep decline in NOTES preference with increased rate of procedural complications.Male patients were more likely to consent to their wives vaginal NOTES appendectomy than male physicians(P=0.02).CONCLUSION:The preference of NOTES for appendectomy was greater in patients than physicians and was related to reduced pain and absence of hernia rather than lack of scarring. 展开更多
关键词 Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery Patient perception Physician perception APPENDECTOMY LAPAROSCOPY
What to Do for Three Gorges Project This Year?
作者 周双超 《Electricity》 2001年第2期16-19,共4页
According to the planned schedule of Three Gorges Project: to realize initial water storage, electricity generation of first batch of hydro-generator units and open of permanent shiplock to navigation in 2003, this pa... According to the planned schedule of Three Gorges Project: to realize initial water storage, electricity generation of first batch of hydro-generator units and open of permanent shiplock to navigation in 2003, this paper presents the investment and amount of works to be completed for Three Gorges Project this year. In 2001, Three Gorges Project will be faced with a new aspect of construction: concrete pouring being in continuous high intense state; installation and erection of metallic structures, mechanical and electrical equipment as well as grouting works overall entering peaking year. 展开更多
关键词 Three Gorges Project investment amount of works installation and adjustment
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