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“小+V”及其相关格式研究和主观性特征分析 被引量:2
作者 胡为飞 《现代语文(下旬.语言研究)》 2016年第8期83-86,共4页
一、引言在日常生活和网络媒体中,带有“小”字的短语和句子越来越多,“小+V”结构的出现也越来越频繁。“小+V”结构的相关格式“小V1小V2”和“小+有+X”也被很多人所使用。2002年版《现代汉语词典》中列出“小”字带头的词条共22... 一、引言在日常生活和网络媒体中,带有“小”字的短语和句子越来越多,“小+V”结构的出现也越来越频繁。“小+V”结构的相关格式“小V1小V2”和“小+有+X”也被很多人所使用。2002年版《现代汉语词典》中列出“小”字带头的词条共228个,2005年版《现代汉语词典》中列出“小”字带头的词条共240个,2012年版《现代汉语词典》中,“小”字带头的词条增加到256个。 展开更多
关键词 现代汉语词典 常用词 羡余现象 双音节 特征分析 动作行为 构式语法 谈义 汉语声调 并列式复合词
作者 高欣媛 《戏剧之家》 2014年第8期325-325,共1页
人们常言,阅《论语》教会你如何做人;品《老子》指引你如何成事;赏《孙子》帮助你如何建业;析《韩非子》引导你如何管理。的确如此,每一本书都有每一本书的书魂,每一本书也都蕴含着每一本书特有的内涵与哲思,而《论语》就是这样一部书... 人们常言,阅《论语》教会你如何做人;品《老子》指引你如何成事;赏《孙子》帮助你如何建业;析《韩非子》引导你如何管理。的确如此,每一本书都有每一本书的书魂,每一本书也都蕴含着每一本书特有的内涵与哲思,而《论语》就是这样一部书写人生、撰刻人性、记录心灵历程的哲学、仁学。品析《论语》,与其说你是在读书、在阅识文字,不如说你是在与一位智者谈心,与一位老者谈仁,与一位勇者谈义。它总是以一种温和敦厚、谦逊仁爱的姿态悦纳人的心灵、 展开更多
关键词 《韩非子》 谈义 一本 哲思 《孙子》 心灵历程 逝者如斯夫 建业 四季轮回 不如意
《少年人生》 2005年第5期184-184,共1页
关键词 分书 总司 长右 卷中 谈义 蒸藕 石砚
作者 杨荣祥 《汉字汉语研究》 2021年第1期47-57,125,126,共13页
阅读古文,学习古代汉语,最大的困难是不明白古文中一些词的意义。何九盈先生的《古汉语词义丛谈》一书,针对如何学习掌握古代汉语词义的问题,从宏观的理论阐释、微观的词义考释以及分析词义对阅读古书的具体运用,给读者提供了极具参考... 阅读古文,学习古代汉语,最大的困难是不明白古文中一些词的意义。何九盈先生的《古汉语词义丛谈》一书,针对如何学习掌握古代汉语词义的问题,从宏观的理论阐释、微观的词义考释以及分析词义对阅读古书的具体运用,给读者提供了极具参考价值的指导。本文结合阅读何著的体会,提出了分析掌握古代汉语词义的五种方法,即本义探求法、因声求义法、古今差异比较法、例句排列法、以今证古法。 展开更多
关键词 何九盈 古汉语词义丛谈 词义 考释
Greek Classics Through Comic Books" Negotiating Cultural Tradition Under the Fidelity Pseudo-Dilemma
作者 Moula Evangelia 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第6期587-605,共19页
Greek classics, Homer, and the Greek tragedians, supposed to be the cornerstone of Western civilization, have long suffered from a stagnant and formalistic institutional approach. On the other hand, the adaptations, t... Greek classics, Homer, and the Greek tragedians, supposed to be the cornerstone of Western civilization, have long suffered from a stagnant and formalistic institutional approach. On the other hand, the adaptations, the transcriptions, or the transubstantiations of the Greek antiquity material into new stories and formats compose an abundant cultural field. Antiquity is diffused in a variety of texts, among comics as well. In this paper, we revise the comic books adaptations dealing with ancient Greek classics and classify them according to "the fidelity criterion-dilemma", to the kind of reader they imply and to the extent of authorial mastery they impose. When classics and comics collide, they create unexpected variations of the ancient material, reflecting the receiving culture's practices and beliefs. 展开更多
关键词 Greek classics adaptations FIDELITY SUBVERSION comic books
魏晋六朝“文义”考释 被引量:3
作者 赵树功 《文学遗产》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第6期75-84,共10页
关键词 魏晋六朝 “文义” 文章创作 释义 考证 玄学 中国 古代文学研究
以爱造福社会 岁月自成芳华--九如城养老抗疫志愿服务团队履行社会责任纪实
作者 马丽萍 《中国社会工作》 2021年第26期13-15,共3页
9月5日,中国政府慈善领域最高奖第十一届“中华慈善奖”表彰大会在京举行。九如城集团九如城养老抗疫志愿服务团队荣获“2020年在抗击新冠肺炎疫情慈善领域作出突出贡献--慈善楷模”。当日,在江苏无锡视频会议分会场,九如城集团创始人... 9月5日,中国政府慈善领域最高奖第十一届“中华慈善奖”表彰大会在京举行。九如城集团九如城养老抗疫志愿服务团队荣获“2020年在抗击新冠肺炎疫情慈善领域作出突出贡献--慈善楷模”。当日,在江苏无锡视频会议分会场,九如城集团创始人谈义良代表团队参加了会议。“这份荣誉既是对负重逆行的礼赞,更是对九如团队积极履行社会责任的鞭策和鼓舞。”在记者的连线采访中,谈义良如是说。 展开更多
关键词 江苏无锡 中华慈善奖 视频会议 服务团队 履行社会责任 谈义 慈善 养老
Sino-US Relations: A Hegemonic Stability Perspective
作者 Antonio C. Hsiang 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2012年第2期60-81,共22页
The financial crisis, beginning from 2008, has brought into sharp relief just how dependent the US has become on foreign creditors, chiefly among them China. It has also sharpened the perception of the relative declin... The financial crisis, beginning from 2008, has brought into sharp relief just how dependent the US has become on foreign creditors, chiefly among them China. It has also sharpened the perception of the relative decline of a US- centric West and the relative rise of a China-centric Aria. The changing relationship between the US and China does demand a new tone. The article will be based on the Hegemonic Stability Theory. According to Charles Kindleberger, one of the scholars most closely associated with the theory, the United States should have acted as a lender of last resort in the early 1930s, continuing to keep its financial markets open to investment and its market open to foreign goods, rather than heading down the path of protectionism. With the inability to complete the Doha round of trade negotiations, the rising influence of the Group of 20, and the centrality of China in the climate change negotiations in Copenhagen, it has been proven that " the provision of basic global public goods now demands co-operation between the established powers and emerging countries. " However, today's China may be in a position comparable to that of the US in the 1930s and cannot hope to stabilize the world on its own' Thus, the article will also investigate the competition between China and the US for sharing fairer burdens to provide public goods. Based on Hegemonic Stability Theory, the world politics will not be stable in the near future because, on the one hand, the US has not enough capability to lead and to enforce the rules of the system, on the other hand, China has no will to establish a hegemonic regime. 展开更多
关键词 Sino-US Relations hegemonic stability theory financial crisis public goods sof power.
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