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作者 宋妍 许钰瑄 《两岸终身教育》 2023年第1期73-80,共8页
谢子丑的创作遵循梨园戏的传统和技法,坚持用曲牌体写作,严格遵守梨园戏的剧种精神,同时又具有大胆、独立、鲜明的现代女性意识和现代元素。在语言表达上,既有古典文雅的唱词,也有诙谐幽默的方言俚语。谢子丑作品既有圆形的人物形象,也... 谢子丑的创作遵循梨园戏的传统和技法,坚持用曲牌体写作,严格遵守梨园戏的剧种精神,同时又具有大胆、独立、鲜明的现代女性意识和现代元素。在语言表达上,既有古典文雅的唱词,也有诙谐幽默的方言俚语。谢子丑作品既有圆形的人物形象,也有扁平的人物形象。谢子丑对作品中的戏剧冲突也设计得细腻而又巧妙。谢子丑的创作遵循“返本开新”的理念,将梨园戏的剧种特色与现代意识和现代元素巧妙结合在一起,其创作理念与作品意义对新时代如何保护、传承和发展好梨园戏具有重要的借鉴价值。 展开更多
关键词 梨园戏 谢子 剧本特色 返本开新 现代意识
谢子龙:整合供应链 拥抱新变化
作者 徐国 《中国药店》 2016年第12期4-5,共2页
'品牌外企的产品受大众欢迎,销量很好,能很好的为药店引流,这类处方药企业设立零售团队,意味着零售药店将迎来新的春天。'以消费者健康需求为核心、各种服务主体与消费者直接多元交互的网状新生态——这是如今零售药店的内在成... '品牌外企的产品受大众欢迎,销量很好,能很好的为药店引流,这类处方药企业设立零售团队,意味着零售药店将迎来新的春天。'以消费者健康需求为核心、各种服务主体与消费者直接多元交互的网状新生态——这是如今零售药店的内在成长新逻辑。传统以产品为核心、渠道上下游围绕价格博弈而形成的垂直利益分配链条正在逐渐被打破。企业只有围绕新核心、新逻辑进行再定位,调整自己的商业模式。 展开更多
关键词 整合供应链 消费者健康 价格博弈 谢子 服务主体 新生态
作者 L D 《语文建设》 1959年第22期7-,共1页
比较地说,在小学校推广普通话和拼音字母要顺利些,而且各地学校也确实作出了不少成绩。但是能够坚持、能够创开局面、千方百计地把这一工作进行到底,还需要教师们大大地发挥主观能动性。由于这是一项新的工作,需要作思想动员:由于要打... 比较地说,在小学校推广普通话和拼音字母要顺利些,而且各地学校也确实作出了不少成绩。但是能够坚持、能够创开局面、千方百计地把这一工作进行到底,还需要教师们大大地发挥主观能动性。由于这是一项新的工作,需要作思想动员:由于要打破旧的习惯,需要设法造成声势,作集体的自我教育学习工作;由于这项工作要贯穿在生活的各个方面,需要建立一些制度,才能作得彻底:由于新工作本身的若干艰巨性。 展开更多
关键词 模范教师 推广普通话 思想动员 自我教育 谢子 政治鼓动 振南 复习巩固 思想工作 郭均
作者 拓之 《中国书法》 1987年第3期44-47,共4页
关键词 谢子 艺术表达 艺术形式 视觉艺术 大段 具象绘画 审美价值 视觉感知 东方朔画赞 什么是艺术
修桥补路 方便行人——记谢子泉居士的善行
作者 澄静 《法音》 1988年第1期34-,共1页
四川大足县万古镇的谢子泉居士,年过古稀,虔诚奉佛,从善如流。他看到家乡雨天泥路难行,溪涧水漫,不便行人,便发心修路造桥。他首先在群众蹚水过河的地方造了龙头桥和永安桥,又修补了八角桥。仅两个月时间就完成。这一不寻常的举动,引起... 四川大足县万古镇的谢子泉居士,年过古稀,虔诚奉佛,从善如流。他看到家乡雨天泥路难行,溪涧水漫,不便行人,便发心修路造桥。他首先在群众蹚水过河的地方造了龙头桥和永安桥,又修补了八角桥。仅两个月时间就完成。这一不寻常的举动,引起了当地政府和群众的关心,大家都支持这位老人修桥补路的活动。 展开更多
关键词 年过古稀 谢子 造桥 永安桥 石板路 模范事迹 农村报 企业单位 太平桥
作者 孙璞 《月读》 2015年第1期57-58,共2页
东方之墨者谢子,将西见秦惠王。惠王问秦之墨者唐姑果。唐姑果恐王之亲谢子贤于己也,对曰:"谢子,东方之辩士也。其为人甚险,将奋于说,以取少主也。"王因藏怒以待之。谢子至,说王,王弗听。谢子不说①,遂辞而行。凡听言,以求善... 东方之墨者谢子,将西见秦惠王。惠王问秦之墨者唐姑果。唐姑果恐王之亲谢子贤于己也,对曰:"谢子,东方之辩士也。其为人甚险,将奋于说,以取少主也。"王因藏怒以待之。谢子至,说王,王弗听。谢子不说①,遂辞而行。凡听言,以求善也,所言苟善,虽奋于取少主,何损所言?不善,虽不奋于取少主,何益?不以善为之悫②,而徒以取少主为之悖,惠王失所以为听矣。用志若是,见客虽劳,耳目虽弊,犹不得所谓也。(《吕氏春秋·去宥》) 展开更多
关键词 秦惠王 谢子 唐姑果 虽劳 子贤 吕氏春秋 用志 继任者 以善 王之
作者 刘星辰 《收藏.拍卖》 2020年第11期40-41,共2页
关键词 湘江河畔 博物馆 谢子 影像艺术
作者 宋世樟 《长白山诗词》 2006年第4期117-118,共2页
周自如校友《原玉答谢子樵弟四首》,原载《凤》刊第三十期和《长白山诗词》总第061期。从诗前面的短序看,此诗是为答谢作者的表弟子樵的四首赠诗而写的和诗,和诗的第三首是这样写的:最爱蓬门傲菊开,深居陋巷远朋来。任它夏夜风生阁,更... 周自如校友《原玉答谢子樵弟四首》,原载《凤》刊第三十期和《长白山诗词》总第061期。从诗前面的短序看,此诗是为答谢作者的表弟子樵的四首赠诗而写的和诗,和诗的第三首是这样写的:最爱蓬门傲菊开,深居陋巷远朋来。任它夏夜风生阁,更有秋中月照台。 展开更多
关键词 谢子 长白山诗词 秋中 额联 诗所 首联 赏菊 萤窗 合律 心向往之
作者 马宇 《文教资料》 2005年第1S期42-43,共1页
关键词 一元钱 给你 谢子 地钱
身经艰难跟党走 立足财会作贡献
作者 肖菁 《武汉财会》 1987年第2期47-,共1页
从文章题目中,也许读者会领悟到,我的人生之路,是不平坦的。的确如此:在我的人生道路上,有坎坷、有磨难、但我没有气馁,是党挽救我、教育了我、是因为党的政策好、我决心一心一意跟党走,千锤百炼志益坚。 1937年,我出身于湖南益阳一个... 从文章题目中,也许读者会领悟到,我的人生之路,是不平坦的。的确如此:在我的人生道路上,有坎坷、有磨难、但我没有气馁,是党挽救我、教育了我、是因为党的政策好、我决心一心一意跟党走,千锤百炼志益坚。 1937年,我出身于湖南益阳一个地主家庭。5岁入学,1951年在家乡联中读书,校长谢子谷,是谢觉哉的长子;他很关心我。当时,正值土改,我家被划为地主,谢校长教育我与地主家庭划清界线,努力学习,报答人民。我拿起笔、揭发一个地主分子在分给农民的田里,埋竹尖的罪行。稿件被武汉《中南农民》杂志发表。 展开更多
关键词 地主家庭 主分子 人生之路 读者会 人生道路 行政公暑 财会工作 党的政策 财会专业 谢子
《西南农业学报》 CSCD 2008年第6期1753-1762,共10页
关键词 甘蓝型油菜 世武 谢子 广西 产量构成因素 产量构成因子 聚类分析 点群分析 主成分分析 多元分析 四川省 杂交水稻 张锦芳 遗传多样性 小麦品种 梁材 农业 学报 连续出版物 目次
橱窗 品牌的颜面
作者 黄贞 《中国商贸》 北大核心 2008年第5期58-58,共1页
关键词 品牌 橱窗 谢子
《湛江师范学院学报》 2011年第6期I0001-I0008,共8页
关键词 积分不等式 谢子 《湛江师范学院学报》 湛江市 科布 劳承 体育教育专业 半离散 齐次 目次
In vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy of liver tumors and metastases 被引量:8
作者 EGW ter Voert L Heijmen +1 位作者 HWM van Laarhoven A Heerschap 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第47期5133-5149,共17页
Primary liver cancer is the fifth most common malignancy in men and the eighth in women worldwide. The liver is also the second most common site for metastatic spread of cancer. To assist in the diagnosis of these liv... Primary liver cancer is the fifth most common malignancy in men and the eighth in women worldwide. The liver is also the second most common site for metastatic spread of cancer. To assist in the diagnosis of these liver lesions non-invasive advanced imaging techniques are desirable. Magnetic resonance (MR) is commonly used to identify anatomical lesions, but it is a very versatile technique and also can provide specific information on tumor pathophysiology and metabolism, in particular with the application of MR spectroscopy (MRS). This may include data on the type, grade and stage of tumors, and thus assist in further management of the disease. The purpose of this review is to summarize and discuss the available literature on proton, phosphorus and carbon-13-MRS as performed on primary liver tumors and metastases, with human applications as the main perspective. Upcoming MRSapproaches with potential applications to liver tumors are also included. Since knowledge of some technical background is indispensable to understand the results, a basic introduction of MRS and some technical issues of MRS as applied to tumors and metastases in the liver are described as well. In vivo MR spectroscopy of tumors in a metabolically active organ such as the liver has been demonstrated to provide important information on tumor metabolism, but it also is challenging as compared to applications on some other tissues, in particular in humans, mostly because of its abdominal location where movement may be a disturbing factor. 展开更多
关键词 METASTASIS METABOLISM Proton magneticresonance spectroscopy Phosphorus magnetic reso-nance spectroscopy Carbon-13 magnetic resonancespectroscopy Magnetic resonance spectroscopy Mag-netic resonance
Serial changes in expression of functionally clustered genes in progression of liver fibrosis in hepatitis C patients 被引量:4
作者 Yoshiyuki Takahara Mitsuo Takahashi +5 位作者 Qing-Wei Zhang Hirotaka Wagatsuma Maiko Mori Akihiro Tamori Susumu Shiomi Shuhei Nishiguchi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第13期2010-2022,共13页
AIM: To investigate the relationship of changes in expression of marker genes in functional categories or molecular networks comprising one functional category or multiple categories in progression of hepatic fibrosis... AIM: To investigate the relationship of changes in expression of marker genes in functional categories or molecular networks comprising one functional category or multiple categories in progression of hepatic fibrosis in hepatitis C (HCV) patients. METHODS: Marker genes were initially identified using DNA microarray data from a rat liver fibrosis model. The expression level of each fibrosis associated marker gene was analyzed using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in clinical biopsy specimens from HCV-positive patients (n = 61). Analysis of changes in expression patterns and interactions of marker genes in functional categories was used to assess the biological mechanism of fibrosis. RESULTS: The profile data showed several biological changes associated with progression of hepatic fibrosis. Clustered genes in functional categories showed sequential changes in expression. Several sets of clustered genes, including those related to the extracellular matrix (ECM), inflammation, lipid metabolism, steroid metabolism, and some transcription factors important for hepatic biology showed expression changes in the immediate early phase (F1/F2) of fibrosis. Genes associated with aromatic amino acid (AA) metabolism, sulfur-containing AA metabolism and insulin/ Wnt signaling showed expression changes in the middle phase (F2/F3), and some genes related to glucose metabolism showed altered expression in the late phase of fibrosis (F3/F4). Therefore, molecular networks showing serial changes in gene expression are present in liver fibrosis progression in hepatitis C patients. CONCLUSION: Analysis of gene expression profiles from a perspective of functional categories or molecular networks provides an understanding of disease and suggests new diagnostic methods. Selected marker genes have potential utility for biological identification of advanced fibrosis. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis C Liver fibrosis Marker gene Gene expression RT-PCR Molecular network Metabolism Transcription factor Diagnosis
Molecular mechanisms involved in intestinal iron absorption 被引量:3
作者 Paul Sharp Surjit Kaila Srai 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第35期4716-4724,共9页
Iron is an essential trace metal in the human diet due to its obligate role in a number of metabolic processes. In the diet, iron is present in a number of different forms, generally described as haem (from haemoglob... Iron is an essential trace metal in the human diet due to its obligate role in a number of metabolic processes. In the diet, iron is present in a number of different forms, generally described as haem (from haemoglobin and myoglobin in animal tissue) and non-haem iron (including ferric oxides and salts, ferritin and lactoferrin). This review describes the molecular mechanisms that co-ordinate the absorption of iron from the diet and its release into the circulation. While many components of the iron transport pathway have been elucidated, a number of key issues still remain to be resolved. Future work in this area will provide a clearer picture regarding the transcellular flux of iron and its regulation by dietary and humoral factors. 展开更多
关键词 HAEM Non-haem iron DMT1 IREG1 Dcytb HEPHAESTIN
Analysis of Data on Xanthan Fermentation in Stationary Phase Using Black Box and Metabolic Network Models 被引量:2
作者 马红武 赵学明 唐寅杰 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1999年第4期321-325,共5页
The xanthan fermentation data in the stationary phase was analyzed using the black box and the metabolic network models. The data consistency is checked through the elemental balance in the black box model. In the met... The xanthan fermentation data in the stationary phase was analyzed using the black box and the metabolic network models. The data consistency is checked through the elemental balance in the black box model. In the metabolic network model, the metabolic flux distribution in the cell is calculated using the metabolic flux analysis method, then the maintenance coefficients is calculated. 展开更多
关键词 xanthan fermentation black box model metabolic flux analysis maintenance coefficients
Effect of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury on protein levels of leptin and orexin-A in peripheral blood and central secretory tissues 被引量:31
作者 JiLin Guang-TaoYan Xiu-HuaHao Lu-HuanWang KaiZhang HuiXue 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第7期1000-1004,共5页
AIM: To explore the effect of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury on protein levels of leptin and orexin-A in peripheral blood and their central secretory tissues and to find out the role leptin and orexin-A play i... AIM: To explore the effect of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury on protein levels of leptin and orexin-A in peripheral blood and their central secretory tissues and to find out the role leptin and orexin-A play in acute inflammatory responses.METHODS: An intestinal ischemia-reperfusion (I/R)injury model of rats was established and rats were divided randomly into six groups: sham-operation group, 60 min ischemia/30 min reperfusion group (I60'R30'), I60'R90',I60'R150', I60'R240' and I60'R360', 9 rats each group.Two highly-sensitive radioimmunoassays for leptin and orexin-A were established and used to check the change of their concentrations in peripheral blood and central secretory tissues before and after intestinal I/R injury.RESULTS: Compared with the serum leptin level before injury, it decreased significantly in I60'R30' group and increased significantly in I60'R360' group; compared to sham-operation group after injury, serum leptin level increased significantly in I60'R360' group; compared to sham-operation group after injury, adipose leptin levels decreased significantly in I60'R30' and I60'R90' groups,while increased significantly in I60'R360' group. There was no significant difference between the expression levels of orexin-A before and after I/R injury.CONCLUSION: Leptin has a time-dependent response and orexin-A has a delayed response to acute inflammatory stimuli such as intestinal I/R injury and they may participate in metabolic disorders in injury as inflammatory cytokines. 展开更多
关键词 ISCHEMIA-REPERFUSION Intestinal LEPTIN OrexinA RADIOIMMUNOASSAY Inflammation Acute Cytokine
C-reactive protein,procalcitonin,interleukin-6,vascular endothelial growth factor and oxidative metabolites in diagnosis of infection and staging in patients with gastric cancer 被引量:18
作者 NevinIlhan NecipIlhan +2 位作者 MehmetKcksu Yavuz Ilhan Handan Akbulut 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第8期1115-1120,共6页
AIM:The current study was to determine the serum/pLasma levels of VEGF,IL-6,malondialdehyde (MDA),nitric oxide (NO),PCT and CRP in gastric carcinoma and correlation with the stages of the disease and accompanying infe... AIM:The current study was to determine the serum/pLasma levels of VEGF,IL-6,malondialdehyde (MDA),nitric oxide (NO),PCT and CRP in gastric carcinoma and correlation with the stages of the disease and accompanying infection. METHODS:We examined the levels of serum VEGF,IL-6, PCT,CRP and plasma MDA,NO in 42 preoperative gastric cancer patients and 23 healthy subjects.There were infection anamneses that had no definite origin in 19 cancer patients. RESULTS:The VEGF levels (mean±SD; pg/mL) were 478.05±178.29 and 473.85±131.24 in gastric cancer patients with and without infection,respectively,and these values were not significantly different (P>0.05).The levels of VEGF, CRP,PCT,It-6,MDA and NO in cancer patients were significantly higher than those in healthy controls and the levels of CRP,PCT,It-6,MDA and NO were statistically increased in infection group when compared with non- infection group (P<0.001). CONCLUSION:Although serum VEGF concentrations were increased in gastric cancer,this increase might not be related to infection.CRP,PCT,IL-6,MDA and NO have obvious drawbacks in the diagnosis of infections in cancer patients. These markers may not help to identify infections in the primary evaluation of cancer patients and hence to avoid unnecessary antibiotic treatments as well as hospitalization. According to the results of this study,IL-6,MDA,NO and especially VEGF can be used as useful parameters to diagnose and grade gastric cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Abdominal Pain Aged Biological Markers C-Reactive Protein CALCITONIN Female Helicobacter Infections Humans INTERLEUKIN-6 Male MALNUTRITION MALONDIALDEHYDE Middle Aged Neoplasm Staging Nitric Oxide Oxidative Stress Protein Precursors Stomach Neoplasms Tumor Markers Biological Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A VOMITING Weight Loss
Effects of sleeve gastrectomy plus trunk vagotomy compared with sleeve gastrectomy on glucose metabolism in diabetic rats 被引量:4
作者 Teng Liu Ming-Wei Zhong +5 位作者 Yi Liu Xin Huang Yu-Gang Cheng Ke-Xin Wang Shao-Zhuang Liu San-Yuan Hu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第18期3269-3278,共10页
AIM To investigate the effects of sleeve gastrectomy plus trunk vagotomy(SGTV) compared with sleeve gastrectomy(SG) in a diabetic rat model.METHODS SGTV, SG, TV and Sham operations were performed on rats with diabetes... AIM To investigate the effects of sleeve gastrectomy plus trunk vagotomy(SGTV) compared with sleeve gastrectomy(SG) in a diabetic rat model.METHODS SGTV, SG, TV and Sham operations were performed on rats with diabetes induced by high-fat diet and streptozotocin. Body weight, food intake, oral glucose tolerance test, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance(HOMA-IR), hepatic insulin signaling(IR, IRS1, IRS2, PI3 K and AKT), oral glucose stimulatedinsulin secretion, GLP-1 and ghrelin were compared at various postoperative times.RESULTS Both SG and SGTV resulted in better glucose tolerance, lower HOMA-IR, up-regulated hepatic insulin signaling, higher levels of oral glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, higher postprandial GLP-1 and lower fasting ghrelin levels than the TV and Sham groups. No significant differences were observed between the SG and SGTV groups. In addition, no significant differences were found between the TV and Sham groups in terms of glucose tolerance, HOMA-IR, hepatic insulin signaling, oral glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, postprandial GLP-1 and fasting ghrelin levels. No differences in body weight and food intake were noted between the four groups.CONCLUSION SGTV is feasible for diabetes control and is independent of weight loss. However, SGTV did not result in a better improvement in diabetes than SG alone. 展开更多
关键词 Sleeve gastrectomy Trunk vagotomy Glucose metabolism GLP-1 GHRELIN
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