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作者 杜云南 《广东开放大学学报》 2019年第5期23-28,共6页
谢方端是清代广东肇庆府阳春县才女,生平著有《小楼吟稿》、《小楼吟稿续刻》等。早年深受父亲的影响,学习诗词,并随父宦游岭南各地,写下了大量描述岭南风物的诗歌。中年丧夫,操持家业,抚孤育子,稍有创作,诗歌多为述亡思亲。晚年随长子... 谢方端是清代广东肇庆府阳春县才女,生平著有《小楼吟稿》、《小楼吟稿续刻》等。早年深受父亲的影响,学习诗词,并随父宦游岭南各地,写下了大量描述岭南风物的诗歌。中年丧夫,操持家业,抚孤育子,稍有创作,诗歌多为述亡思亲。晚年随长子居住,长子将其诗歌结集刊刻,奠定了她清代才媛的地位。 展开更多
关键词 岭南 谢方 才女 《小楼吟稿》
作者 张西平 《寻根》 2020年第4期22-28,共7页
关键词 中外关系史 历史系 学会副会长 谢方 中西交通 发展与建设 中华书局 中山大学
作者 程毅中 《文史知识》 2021年第11期99-101,共3页
中华书局退休编审谢方先生走了。我看到讣告,虽然早知道他已抱病多年,久治不愈,还是深感悲痛。他是1957年中山大学毕业后分配到中华书局的,比我入职早一年多,是中华书局早期的几个老同事之一,但比我还年轻几岁。如果不是病魔纠缠,他还... 中华书局退休编审谢方先生走了。我看到讣告,虽然早知道他已抱病多年,久治不愈,还是深感悲痛。他是1957年中山大学毕业后分配到中华书局的,比我入职早一年多,是中华书局早期的几个老同事之一,但比我还年轻几岁。如果不是病魔纠缠,他还会做出很多事的。我把中华书局转型后的历史,分为东总布胡同、翠微路、王府井大街、六里桥四个阶段。我们是在东总布胡同的大院里熟识的,那时大院里有一个篮球架,他常在那里玩篮球,个子较高,是个中锋的材料,我也喜欢玩,有时就跟他一起投篮,稍事锻炼。平时我们分在两个编辑室,往来很少。 展开更多
关键词 中华书局 王府井大街 中锋 六里桥 投篮 谢方 篮球架
作者 谢汝羡 《源流》 2022年第9期62-63,共2页
阳春市岗美镇轮水村,宛如一盏闪光的明珠,镶嵌在当年阳江与阳春两县交界线上。其古民居由当地谢氏祖先建于明清年间,不但以其典型的岭南建筑风格引起当地文物部门的关注,更因谢氏家族数百年来殷殷重教之举而名声远播。由于历代重教,这... 阳春市岗美镇轮水村,宛如一盏闪光的明珠,镶嵌在当年阳江与阳春两县交界线上。其古民居由当地谢氏祖先建于明清年间,不但以其典型的岭南建筑风格引起当地文物部门的关注,更因谢氏家族数百年来殷殷重教之举而名声远播。由于历代重教,这条古村落在当地一直被称为“秀才村”。2021年4月,坐落在该村的谢氏宗祠被定为广东省第九批文物保护单位。该村清代才女谢方端(1724—1813),字小楼,号春洲。 展开更多
关键词 古村落 谢氏家族 文物保护单位 宗祠 古民居 交界线 阳春市 谢方
作者 任大援 《国际汉学》 CSSCI 2021年第3期199-200,共2页
正当本期编辑过程中,突闻谢方先生(1932.12—2021.5)在上海去世的消息,联想到三年前耿昇先生(1944.12—2018.4)、前年李学勤先生(1933.3—2019.2)的离去,令人不胜惆怅。脑子里不由得浮现出唐人诗句:“世上空惊故人少,集中唯觉祭文多”... 正当本期编辑过程中,突闻谢方先生(1932.12—2021.5)在上海去世的消息,联想到三年前耿昇先生(1944.12—2018.4)、前年李学勤先生(1933.3—2019.2)的离去,令人不胜惆怅。脑子里不由得浮现出唐人诗句:“世上空惊故人少,集中唯觉祭文多”。这是当年白居易和刘禹锡共同的好友元稹、崔群、崔玄亮(微之、敦诗、晦叔三君子)相继离世后,刘禹锡留下的伤怀心声。谢方等三位先生,不仅是我们个人的师长和挚友,更可谓国内汉学(中国学)研究的“三杰”。之所以如此说,是对改革开放以来国内汉学研究的一个审慎观察的结果。 展开更多
关键词 工匠精神 汉学研究 李学勤先生 刘禹锡 谢方 白居易
18世纪的广东才女 被引量:4
作者 魏爱莲 赵颖之 《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期40-46,共7页
最近西方的研究假设,与17世纪和19世纪相比,18世纪代表着江南女性文学活动的衰落。我不坚持这一概括的正确性,并建议研究广东才女,旨在检验同样的衰落是否出现在江南以外的这一重要区域。这篇论文用三个部分来解决这一问题。第一部分介... 最近西方的研究假设,与17世纪和19世纪相比,18世纪代表着江南女性文学活动的衰落。我不坚持这一概括的正确性,并建议研究广东才女,旨在检验同样的衰落是否出现在江南以外的这一重要区域。这篇论文用三个部分来解决这一问题。第一部分介绍八位18世纪广东的重要女作家,主要依据冼玉清出版于1941年的《广东女子艺文考》。从我目前掌握的资料来看,18世纪广东女性的文学活动没有衰退。第二部分集中于这一区域女性文学文化的另外两个与江南形成对比的方面,即广东才女对历史的特殊兴趣,和她们工作与生活更加以家庭为基础的创作语境。最后一部分探讨在地方和全国的诗歌选集,尤其是恽珠刊刻于1831年和1836年的《国朝闺秀正始集》中,广东女性怎样得到表现,结论是全国范围的选集对广东女作家的表现还很不够。当冼玉清编辑选集时,她更多依据的是专门关于广东的选集和地方史志。 展开更多
关键词 冼玉清 《广东女子艺文考》 李晚芳 谢方
Metabolic Characteristics and Functional Diversity of Carbon Source in Microflora of Ponds with Recirculating Aquaculture System 被引量:2
作者 李谷 宋景华 +3 位作者 李晓莉 张世羊 陶玲 张春雪 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第2期278-282,299,共6页
With Biolog Eco microplate, metabolic characteristics and functional diver-sity of carbon source in microflora of ponds were researched based on recitculating ponds and control ponds in order to explore effects of eco... With Biolog Eco microplate, metabolic characteristics and functional diver-sity of carbon source in microflora of ponds were researched based on recitculating ponds and control ponds in order to explore effects of eco-adjustments on microflo-ra in ponds. The results indicate that total number of bacterium, microbial metabolism activity, and diversity index in P7, P8, P1 and P2 kept higher, fol owed by P3, P4, P5 and P6. The utilization rate of microbes on sugars achieved the highest (31.0%-48.7%), fol owed by carboxylic acid (13.4%-18.0%), amino acid (10.1%-20.5%), polymers (9.4%-17.0%), biopolymer (5.7%-9.7%) and phenol (4.95%-7.50%). Principal component analysis divided microflora in different ponds, suggesting that microbial community has varied carbon source characteristics and nitrogen-containing compound and biopolymer metabolisms are most affected. 展开更多
关键词 Aquaculture pond MICROBE -Metabolic characteristics of carbon source Functional diversity
姜良铎教授辨治斑疹10法 被引量:2
作者 魏文浩 《河南中医》 2007年第12期15-16,共2页
关键词 斑疹 姜良铎 陆氏斑疹不谢方 银翘散 白虎汤 化斑汤 调胃承气汤 清瘟败毒散 香薷饮 补中益气汤 四逆汤
Precise Calculation System of Total Mix Ration for Lactating Cow 被引量:1
作者 杨亮 熊本海 +1 位作者 罗清尧 杨琴 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第12期2569-2576,共8页
[Objective] The paper was to precisely predict nutrient requirements and optimize ration formula, and explore the inherent feature of ration optimization of dairy cow. [Method] Based on cornell net carbohydrate and pr... [Objective] The paper was to precisely predict nutrient requirements and optimize ration formula, and explore the inherent feature of ration optimization of dairy cow. [Method] Based on cornell net carbohydrate and protein system (CNCPS) with integrating dynamic prediction models on main nutrient requirements of dairy cattle recommended by NRC (2001) and the CNCPS parameter database accumu- lated by Chinese feed database, the ration nutrient requirement dynamic calculation and total mixed ration (TMR) formula optimizing system for Holstein dairy cow was developed using FOXPRO database system and parametric linear programming algo- rithm. [Result] By optimizing a specific cow ration and analyzing its completed nutri- ents, the results showed that this system could entirely consider a lots of nutrient balances, such as concentrate fraction and forage fraction balance, rumen degrad- able protein and rumen undergradable protein balance, crude protein and lactation net energy balance, fibrous substances (ADF, NDF) and non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC) balance, calcium and phosphate balance, electrolytes balance and trace ele- ment balance etc., and could also calculate intestinal amino acid flow in terms of different models. [Conclusion] By using dynamic mathematical equations and comput- erized program, it can be realized for the ration formula design of lactating cow with all-round interoperable but mutual-constraining each other among ration nutrients. 展开更多
关键词 Holstein dairy cattle Total mixed diet Formula model Metabolic protein Linear programming
A Simplified Method for Purifying Osteoclasts from Human Giant Cell Tumor of Bone
作者 王运林 向光大 夏秦 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2005年第1期61-63,69,共4页
Objective: To purify and identify the osteoclasts from the tissue of humangiant cell tumor of bone. Methods: We have developed a new method that allows the purification oflarge numbers of authentic osteoclasts (OCs). ... Objective: To purify and identify the osteoclasts from the tissue of humangiant cell tumor of bone. Methods: We have developed a new method that allows the purification oflarge numbers of authentic osteoclasts (OCs). The OCs were isolated from tissue of human giant celltumor of bone by 0.25% trypsin and collagenase. We characterized OCs in terms of the expression ofdifferent phenotypic markers of OCs. The phenotypic markers of OC included Tartrate-resistant acidphosphatase staining (TRAP). The expression of calcitonin receptor (CTR), cathepsin K and receptoractivator of necrosis factor κB (RANK) mRNA were examined by RT-PCR. Results: The OC cell purifiedby above method functioned normally in vitro. The purity was about 79.7%. They showed the normalosteoclast phenotypes markers of OC. Conclusion: The method provides a system for performingbiochemical and molecular studies of OCs. The study indicates that the method of purifying theosteoclasts from human GCT cell can be used for research of bone metabolism. 展开更多
Effect of Carbohydrate Content in Feed on the Daily Metabolic Rate of S. meridionalis 被引量:1
作者 付世建 谢小军 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2007年第3期68-72,共5页
The routine metabolic rate in southern catfish juvenile(24.3-250.8 g)fed with saccharine feed(CHO)was measured in this study.Fish were fed with iso-nitrogenous(40 % crude protein)and iso-lipidic(10% crude lipid)experi... The routine metabolic rate in southern catfish juvenile(24.3-250.8 g)fed with saccharine feed(CHO)was measured in this study.Fish were fed with iso-nitrogenous(40 % crude protein)and iso-lipidic(10% crude lipid)experimental feed containing 0(control feed),15%,30% of carbohydrate level.The routine metabolic rates of 15 % and 30% dietary carbohydrate group were significantly higher than that of 0% dietary carbohydrate group.The relationship between body mass(Wt)and routine metabolic rate(Rr)of southern catfishfed with different test feed could be described as:(1)0% CHO:ln(Rr)=0.986 ln(Wt)+1.419 r2=0.922,n=25,P<0.001;(2)15% CHO:ln(Rr)=0.912 ln(Wt)+1.741 r2=0.966,n=21,P<0.001;(3)30% CHO:ln(Rr)=0.762 ln(Wt)+2.378 r2=0.958,n=21,P<0.001.The intercept was increased and mass coefficient was decreased with the increase of carbohydrate level in feed.It could be concluded that southern Silurus meridionalis had poor metabolic capacity which led the increase of routine metabolic rate of fish with small size.But with the increase of body size southern Silurus meridionalis might had a better adaptation to high carbohydrate concentration. 展开更多
关键词 Routine metabolic rate CARBOHYDRATE Silurus meridionalis
Enantioselective analytical methods in chiral drug metabolism
作者 洪燕君 高凌波 曾苏 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2008年第3期177-182,共6页
The chiral nature of biological systems enables their stereoselective interaction with chiral compounds. It has been well documented that the enantiomers ofa chiral drug may show differences in drug disposition especi... The chiral nature of biological systems enables their stereoselective interaction with chiral compounds. It has been well documented that the enantiomers ofa chiral drug may show differences in drug disposition especially in metabolic behavior. As a result, it is of vital importance to separate the enantiomers of a chiral drug in metabolic studies. This paper discusses enantioselective methods (include high-performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, capillary electrophoresis and high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry) that applied in chiral drug metabolism, using most recent examples where possible. 展开更多
关键词 Enantioselective analytical methods Chiral drug Drug metabolism
Metabonomic analysis of hepatitis B virus-induced liver failure:identification of potential diagnostic biomarkers by fuzzy support vector machine 被引量:11
作者 Yong MAO Xin HUANG +3 位作者 Ke YU Hai-bin QU Chang-xiao LIU Yi-yu CHENG 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第6期474-481,共8页
Hepatitis B virus (HBV)-induced liver failure is an emergent liver disease leading to high mortality. The severity of liver failure may be reflected by the profile of some metabolites. This study assessed the potent... Hepatitis B virus (HBV)-induced liver failure is an emergent liver disease leading to high mortality. The severity of liver failure may be reflected by the profile of some metabolites. This study assessed the potential of using metabolites as biomarkers for liver failure by identifying metabolites with good discriminative performance for its phenotype. The serum samples from 24 HBV-indueed liver failure patients and 23 healthy volunteers were collected and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to generate metabolite profiles. The 24 patients were further grouped into two classes according to the severity of liver failure. Twenty-five eommensal peaks in all metabolite profiles were extracted, and the relative area values of these peaks were used as features for each sample. Three algorithms, F-test, k-nearest neighbor (KNN) and fuzzy support vector machine (FSVM) combined with exhaustive search (ES), were employed to identify a subset of metabolites (biomarkers) that best predict liver failure. Based on the achieved experimental dataset, 93.62% predictive accuracy by 6 features was selected with FSVM-ES and three key metabolites, glyeerie acid, cis-aeonitie acid and citric acid, are identified as potential diagnostic biomarkers. 展开更多
关键词 Metabolite profile analysis Potential diagnostic biomarker identification k-nearest neighbor (KNN) Fuzzy supportvector machine (FSVM) Exhaustive search (ES) Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) Hepatitis B virus (HBV)-induced liver failure
Monounsaturated fat decreases hepatic lipid content in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats 被引量:3
作者 Osamah Hussein Masha Grosovski +3 位作者 Etti Lasri Sergio Svalb Uzi Ravid Nimer Assy 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第3期361-368,共8页
AIM: To evaluate the effects of different types of dietary fats on the hepatic lipid content and oxidative stress parameters in rat liver with experimental non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). METHODS: A tot... AIM: To evaluate the effects of different types of dietary fats on the hepatic lipid content and oxidative stress parameters in rat liver with experimental non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). METHODS: A total of 32 Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into five groups. The rats in the control group (n = 8) were on chow diet (Group 1), rats (n = 6) on methionine choline-deficient diet (MCDD) (Group 2), rats (n = 6) on MCDD enriched with olive oil (Group 3), rats (n = 6) on MCDD with fish oil (Group 4) and rats (n = 6) on MCDD with butter fat (Group 5). After 2 mo, blood and liver sections were examined for lipids composition and oxidative stress parameters. RESULTS: The liver weight/rat weight ratio increased in all treatment groups as compared with the control group. Severe fatty liver was seen in MCDD + fish oil and in MCDD + butter fat groups, but not in MCDD and MCDD + olive oil groups. The increase in hepatic triglycerides (TG) levels was blunted by 30% in MCDD + olive oil group (0.59 ±0.09) compared with MCDD group (0.85 ±0.04, P 〈 0.004), by 37% compared with MCDD + fish oil group (0.95 ±0.07, P 〈 0.001), and by 33% compared with MCDD + butter group (0.09 ±0.1, P 〈 0.01). The increase in serum TG was lowered by 10% in MCDD + olive oil group (0.9 ±0.07) compared with MCDD group (1.05 ±0.06). Hepatic cholesterol increased by 15-fold in MCDD group [(0.08 ±0.02, this increment was blunted by 21% in MCDD + fish oil group (0.09 ±0.02)]. In comparison with the control group, ratio of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6/omega-3 increased in MCDD + olive oil, MCDD + fish oil and MCDD + butter fat groups by 345-, 30- and 397-fold, respectively. In comparison to MCDD group (1.58 ±0.08), hepatic MDA contents in MCDD + olive oil (3.3 ±0.6), MCDD + fish oil (3.0 ±0.4), and MCDD + butter group (2.9 ±0.36) were increased by 108%, 91% and 87%, respectively (P 〈 0.004). Hepatic paraoxonase activity decreased significantly in all treatment groups, mostly with MCDD + olive oil group (-68%).CONCLUSION: Olive oil decreases the accumulation of triglyceride in the liver of rats with NAFLD, but does not provide the greatest antioxidant activity. 展开更多
关键词 Fatty liver Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis Dietary fat Fatty acids Methionine choline-deficient diet Insulin resistance Olive oil Oxidative stress PARAOXONASE
Overview on metabolomics in traditional Chinese medicine 被引量:9
作者 Shi Qiu Ai-Hua Zhang +2 位作者 Hui Sun Guang-Li Yan Xi-Jun Wang 《World Journal of Pharmacology》 2014年第3期33-38,共6页
Metabolomics has been widely used in the modern research of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). At the same time, the world is increasingly concerned about TCM, and many studies have been conducted to investigate di... Metabolomics has been widely used in the modern research of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). At the same time, the world is increasingly concerned about TCM, and many studies have been conducted to investigate different aspects of TCM. Among these studies, metabolomic approach has been implemented to facilitate TCM development. The current methods for TCM research are diverse, including nuclear magnetic resonance, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and liquid chromatographymass spectrometry. Using these techniques, some advantageous results have been obtained in the studies of TCM, such as diagnosis and treatment, quality control, and mechanisms of action. It is believed that the further development of metabo-lomic analytical techniques is benefcial to the modernization of TCM. This review summarizes potential applications of metabolomics in the area of TCM. Guidelines for good practice for the application of metabolomics in TCM research are also proposed, and the special role of metabolomics in TCM is highlighted. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Chinese medicine Metabolomics METABOLITE BIOMARKER Liquid chromatographymass spectrometry
Drug-transporter interaction testing in drug discovery and development 被引量:1
作者 Peter Krajcsi 《World Journal of Pharmacology》 2013年第1期35-46,共12页
The human body consists of several physiological barriers that express a number of membrane transporters. For an orally absorbed drug the intestinal, hepatic, renal and blood-brain barriers are of the greatest importa... The human body consists of several physiological barriers that express a number of membrane transporters. For an orally absorbed drug the intestinal, hepatic, renal and blood-brain barriers are of the greatest importance. The ATP-binding cassette(ABC) transporters that mediate cellular efflux and the solute carrier transporters that mostly mediate cellular uptake are the two superfamilies responsible for membrane transport of vast majority of drugs and drug metabolites. The total number of human transporters in the two superfamilies exceeds 400, and about 40-50 transporters have been characterized for drug transport. The latest Food and Drug Administration guidance focuses on P-glycoprotein, breast cancer resistance protein, organic anion transporting polypeptide 1B1(OATP1B1), OATP1B3, organic cation transporter 2(OCT2), and organic anion transporters 1(OAT1) and OAT3. The European Medicines Agency's shortlist additionally contains the bile salt export pump, OCT1, and the multidrug and toxin extrusion transporters, multidrug and toxin ex-trusion protein 1(MATE1) and MATE2/MATE2 K. A variety of transporter assays are available to test drugtransporter interactions, transporter-mediated drugdrug interactions, and transporter-mediated toxicity. The drug binding site of ABC transporters is accessible from the cytoplasm or the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane. Therefore, vesicular transport assays utilizing inside-out vesicles are commonly used assays, where the directionality of transport results in drugs being transported into the vesicle. Monolayer assays utilizing polarized cells expressing efflux transporters are the test systems suggested by regulatory agencies. However, in some monolayers, uptake transporters must be coexpressed with efflux transporters to assure detectable transport of low passive permeability drugs. For uptake transporters mediating cellular drug uptake, utilization of stable transfectants have been suggested. In vivo animal models complete the testing battery. Some issues, such as in vivo relevance, gender difference, age and ontogeny issues can only be addressed using in vivo models. Transporter specificity is provided by using knock-out or mutant models. Alternatively, chemical knock-outs can be employed. Compensatory changes are less likely when using chemical knockouts. On the other hand, specific inhibitors for some uptake transporters are not available, limiting the options to genetic knock-outs. 展开更多
关键词 ATP-binding cassette transporter Solute carrier Drug efflux Drug uptake Absorption-distribution-metabolism-excretion-toxicity Regulatory guidance ATPASE Vesicular transport Monolayer assay In vivo
Metabolism of polychaete Neanthes japonica Izuka: relations to temperature,salinity and body weight 被引量:3
作者 刘勇 线薇薇 孙世春 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期356-364,共9页
Polychaete Neanthes japonica is a species geographically specific in China and Japan with important scientific implication and commercial value. In this study, the relations of body weight, salinity and temperature to... Polychaete Neanthes japonica is a species geographically specific in China and Japan with important scientific implication and commercial value. In this study, the relations of body weight, salinity and temperature to oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of N. japonica were determined. Three different groups in body weight (large: 2.34±0.36 g, middle: 1.50±0.21 g and small: 0.62±0.12 g) were set for all experiments. Results show that the body weight is negatively related to the rates of oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion; and the relationship is significant. The oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion at 24℃ decreased at salinity from 5 to 30 and increased above 30, indicating that both lower and higher salinity are adverse and certain degree of salinity stress is necessary for enhancing the energy demand. At salinity 30, rising temperature from 18℃ to 30℃, the oxygen consumption increased before 27℃ and then decreased. However, the relation of ammonia excretion and temperature seems more complex. Two-way ANOVA shows that salinity, temperature and body weight all have a significant effect on the oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of the worm. Moreover, interaction between salinity/temperature and body weight is also significant. O:N (oxygen/nitrogen) ratio varies greatly in this case from 5.97 to 463.22, indicating that N. japonica can regulate the type of metabolic substrate against environment changes. 展开更多
关键词 Neanthes japonica SALINITY TEMPERATURE body weight ammonia excretion Oxygen consumption
A Metabolomics Study of the Volatile Oil from Prunella vulgaris L.on Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 被引量:1
作者 DENG Jing SU Qian +5 位作者 LIN Xiu-Lian LIN Yan LI Ya-Mei LIN Li-Mei LIAO Duan-Fang XIA Bo-Hou 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 2020年第3期213-221,共9页
Objective Pelvic inflammatory disease(PID)is one of the most common gynaecological diseases.Here,this thesis aims to investigate the therapeutic effects of Prunella vulgaris L.oil on the PID by using metabolomics base... Objective Pelvic inflammatory disease(PID)is one of the most common gynaecological diseases.Here,this thesis aims to investigate the therapeutic effects of Prunella vulgaris L.oil on the PID by using metabolomics based on gas chromatographymass spectrometry(GC-MS)to address this challenge.Methods First,measurements of pro-inflammatory cytokines and histological analysis of the uterus were conducted to validate the successful generation of a PID rat model.Furthermore,the volatile oil from Prunella vulgaris L.was administered to treat PID rats.Serum samples were collected before and after treatment and analyzed by GC-MS to generate metabolite profiles for each sample.The information generated from the qualitative and quantitative analysis of these metabolites was applied to distinguish between the PID model and normal control groups.Results Some metabolites,such as acetic acid,succinic acid,glyceric acid,(R*,S*)-3,4-dihydroxybutanoic acid,3-hydroxyphenylacetic acid,D-ribose and myo-inositol showed a higher contribution in the classification model;thus,they can be considered as potential biomarkers.Furthermore,the therapeutic effect of the volatile oil extracted from Prunella vulgaris L.could also be visualized using GC-MS-based metabolomics.Conclusions The results show that metabolomics studies are invaluable for disease diagnosis and therapeutic effect estimation. 展开更多
关键词 Pelvic inflammatory disease(PID) Metabolomics method Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GCMS) Prunella vulgaris L.oil Random forests
Role of(~(18)F)2-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography in upper gastrointestinal malignancies 被引量:6
作者 Elizabeth C Smyth Manish A Shah 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第46期5059-5074,共16页
The role of whole-body FDG [(~(18)F)2-fluoro-2-deoxy-glucose] positron emission tomography(PET)scan-ning as an imaging modality in the management of patients with malignancy has evolved enormously over the past two d... The role of whole-body FDG [(~(18)F)2-fluoro-2-deoxy-glucose] positron emission tomography(PET)scan-ning as an imaging modality in the management of patients with malignancy has evolved enormously over the past two decades.FDG-PET has demonstrated signifi cant effi cacy in the staging,prognostication and detection of occult metastatic disease in malignancies of the gastrointestinal tract,in addition to assessment of the response to cytotoxic chemotherapy in a more timely manner than has traditionally been possible by more conventional imaging tools.The sensitivity and specif icity of FDG-PET for the detection and staging of malignancy depend not only on the site and size of the primary tumor and metastases,but also on histologi-cal cell type,reflecting underlying disparities in glucose metabolism.The metabolic response to neo-adjuvant chemotherapy or to chemo-radiotherapy in cancers of the gastro-esophageal junction or stomach has been demonstrated in several prospective studies to correlate signifi cantly with both the histological tumor response to treatment and with consequent improvements in overall survival.This may offer a future paradigm ofpersonalized treatment based on the PET response to chemotherapy.FDG-PET has been less successful in efforts to screen for and detect recurrent upper gastro-intestinal malignancies,and in the detection of low vol-ume metastatic peritoneal disease.Efforts to improve the accuracy of PET include the use of novel radiotrac-ers such as(~(18)F)FLT(3-deoxy-3-fluorothymidine)or 11C-choline,or fusion PET-CT with concurrent high-res-olution computed tomography.This review focuses on the role of FDG-PET scanning in staging and response assessment in malignancies of the upper gastrointesti-nal tract,specif ically gastric,esophageal and pancreas carcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 Positron emission tomography Gastric cancer Esophageal cancer Pancreas cancer
Efficacy of early lifestyle intervention on metabolic syndrome
作者 Gui-Lan Zhang Gang Guo Ye-Ping Cheng 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期14-20,共7页
Objective Intensive lifestyle intervention significantly reduces the progression to diabetes in high-risk individuals. This study aimed to investigate the efficacy of early lifestyle intervention on high-risk groups o... Objective Intensive lifestyle intervention significantly reduces the progression to diabetes in high-risk individuals. This study aimed to investigate the efficacy of early lifestyle intervention on high-risk groups of metabolic syndrome. Methods In a two-arm randomized controlled 1-year trial, we compared the effectiveness of a general recommendation-based program of lifestyle intervention carded out by wained professionals versus standard unstructured information given by physicians at reducing the prevalence of multiple metabolic and inflammatory abnormalities in 306 adults aged 45-64 years in Xiaogan city, China. Results At baseline, clinical/ anthropometric/laboratory and lifestyle characteristics of the intervention (n= 153 ) and control (n= 153) groups were not significantly different. The former significantly reduced total/saturated fat intake and increased polyunsaturated fat/fiber intake and exercise level compared to the controls. Weight, waist circumference, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, and most of the metabolic syndrome components decreased in the intervention group and increased in the controls after 12 months. Lifestyle intervention significantly reduced metabolic syndrome (OR=0.28; 95% CI 0.18-0.44), with a 31% (95% C121-41) absolute risk reduction, corresponding to 3.2 (95% CI, 2-5) patients needing to be treated to prevent 1 case after 12 months. The intervention significantly reduced the prevalence of central obesity (OR=0.33; 95% CI, 0.20-0.56), and hypertriglyceridemia (OR=0.48; 95% CI, 0.31-0.75) and the incidence of diabetes (OR=0.23; 95% CI, 0.06-0.85). Conclusions A lifestyle intervention based on general recommendations was effective in reducing multiple metabolic/inflammatory abnormalities. The usual care by clinical physicians was ineffective at modifying progressive metabolic deterioration in high-risk individuals (J Geriatr Cardio12010; 7:10-16). 展开更多
关键词 lifestyle intervention metabolic syndrome DIABETES DYSLIPIDEMIA
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