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作者 夏泽敏 梁文耀 +6 位作者 黄敏涵 贾芳 陈彦君 孙剑 聂明霞 席绍峰 谭建华 《分析测试学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期971-977,共7页
组合采用色谱、质谱、光谱及能谱等分析技术,对“白转黑”发用产品中可能存在的功效成分进行筛查、鉴定和确认。采用高效液相色谱靶向筛查常见染发剂,气相色谱-质谱联用和超高效液相色谱-高分辨质谱非靶向筛查可能存在的染发和致黑成分... 组合采用色谱、质谱、光谱及能谱等分析技术,对“白转黑”发用产品中可能存在的功效成分进行筛查、鉴定和确认。采用高效液相色谱靶向筛查常见染发剂,气相色谱-质谱联用和超高效液相色谱-高分辨质谱非靶向筛查可能存在的染发和致黑成分。在优化的筛查条件下,超高效液相色谱-高分辨质谱识别出样品放置72 h后m/z 147.930 9处的峰强度出现明显下降。结合精准质量数、同位素分布及保留时间推测该成分为银离子。采用电感耦合等离子体质谱、离子色谱对银元素和硝酸根离子进行含量测定并结合原料性质剖析其来源,同时利用低真空热场发射扫描电镜对产品变黑成分进行确认,推测硝酸银可能是“白转黑”发用产品产生功效的重要原因。基于硝酸银为功效成分的“白转黑”发用产品在合规性和安全风险方面存在较大问题,亟需对该类产品加强监管。该文建立的组合式分析模式将为后续深入开展化妆品安全风险剖析提供技术参考。 展开更多
关键词 “白转黑”发用产品 谱学技术 功效成分 安全风险
作者 苏徽 周婉琳 +2 位作者 程位任 韦世强 刘庆华 《中国科学:化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期2175-2195,共21页
电化学界面动力学决定了所有电化学反应性质.从原子和分子水平上多维度原位观察电极的表界面电化学反应动态过程对于典型的电化学储能技术(电解槽、燃料电池)中催化剂的结构设计、合成和筛选具有重要意义,但是复杂的电化学界面以及微量... 电化学界面动力学决定了所有电化学反应性质.从原子和分子水平上多维度原位观察电极的表界面电化学反应动态过程对于典型的电化学储能技术(电解槽、燃料电池)中催化剂的结构设计、合成和筛选具有重要意义,但是复杂的电化学界面以及微量、快速的反应中间态信号给界面电化学反应动态过程研究带来了极大的挑战.同步辐射傅里叶变换红外光谱(SR-FTIR)具有独特的分子指纹识别功能,可以用来确定电化学界面的活性物质,结合对纳米材料的局部原子结构高度敏感的同步辐射X射线吸收精细结构(SR-XAFS)光谱可以开展界面电化学反应过程的实时动态研究,有助于指导设计用于高效高能量密度能源系统的先进电催化剂.本文基于近年来本课题组的研究工作,系统地介绍了获得高质量的电化学反应过程中同步辐射红外关联谱学实验结果的策略,及其应用于电催化反应动态过程研究成果,其中主要选用当前热门的金属有机框架(MOF)纳米材料以及金属单原子催化剂(SACs)作为研究对象.最后,对原位同步辐射实验方法发展及其针对电化学反应动态过程的研究进行了展望,旨在通过揭示电化学反应的动态机理来指导和合成高效稳定的催化材料. 展开更多
关键词 同步辐射红外谱学技术 反应动力 电化表界面 电催化剂
食品安全检测中化学检测技术的应用探究 被引量:2
作者 吴迪 高伟哲 《食品安全导刊》 2020年第36期184-184,186,共2页
食品安全关系到每个人的切身利益,特别是在消费升级的背景下,安全无公害的绿色食品,往往更容易受到消费者的欢迎。对于食品中的各类添加剂、有害物,需要借助于特定的检测技术得出相关结果。本文首先介绍了食品安全检测现状,随后着重分... 食品安全关系到每个人的切身利益,特别是在消费升级的背景下,安全无公害的绿色食品,往往更容易受到消费者的欢迎。对于食品中的各类添加剂、有害物,需要借助于特定的检测技术得出相关结果。本文首先介绍了食品安全检测现状,随后着重分析了目前食品安全检测中常用的一些化学检测技术,包括光谱学检测、色谱学检测,以及生物化学检测等。最后基于个人经验,总结了运用化学技术检测食品安全时需要注意的一些事项。 展开更多
关键词 食品安全 检测技术 荧光分析法 谱学技术
作者 朱瑞雪 周坤 +3 位作者 李冰 戴晟 王涵 翁祖谦 《自然杂志》 CAS 2024年第3期221-230,共10页
自由电子激光(FEL)光源对化学、生物、材料等领域中微观电子结构的研究有着不可替代的优势。FEL光源可以在10 fs的时间尺度内发出超短脉冲,因此其最重要的应用之一就是研究微观结构内部的超快动力学(飞秒泵浦-探测)。快速发展的自由电... 自由电子激光(FEL)光源对化学、生物、材料等领域中微观电子结构的研究有着不可替代的优势。FEL光源可以在10 fs的时间尺度内发出超短脉冲,因此其最重要的应用之一就是研究微观结构内部的超快动力学(飞秒泵浦-探测)。快速发展的自由电子激光实验技术在不同研究领域均获得广泛的应用。文章主要介绍近年来自由电子激光在光化学领域中的应用。未来在上海建成的硬X射线自由电子激光项目,可支撑物理、化学、材料、环境和生物科学等多学科及交叉科研领域,做出重大的科研成果。 展开更多
关键词 自由电子激光 X射线谱学技术 光化 超快时间分辨
现代测试技术在纳米材料研究中的应用 被引量:5
作者 陈玉萍 徐甲强 方少明 《化学研究与应用》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期593-596,共4页
关键词 纳米材料 电子显微技术 衍射技术 谱学技术 热分析 结构表征
成矿金属元素的溶解性分析和测试技术发展 被引量:4
作者 汤化伟 李珍 《地质科技情报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期137-142,共6页
成矿过程中金属元素的溶解性是地球化学研究的一个重要领域。探索开放、非平衡状态下地质流体中金属元素的溶解性有助于了解矿床成因和成矿机制。成矿体系的温度、压力和成矿流体的盐度、pH值、fH2O、fHCl及络合物配体(F-、Cl-、S2-等)... 成矿过程中金属元素的溶解性是地球化学研究的一个重要领域。探索开放、非平衡状态下地质流体中金属元素的溶解性有助于了解矿床成因和成矿机制。成矿体系的温度、压力和成矿流体的盐度、pH值、fH2O、fHCl及络合物配体(F-、Cl-、S2-等)的浓度等均对成矿金属元素的溶解性有着重要影响。对于成矿体系状态、近年来国内外关于成矿金属元素溶解性的研究及人工合成流体包裹体、傅里叶红外光谱、显微激光拉曼光谱、电感耦合等离子体质谱法、扩展X射线吸收精细结构和紫外-可见光谱技术在金属元素溶解性方面的应用进行了阐述;认为热液金刚石压腔与拉曼光谱仪联合进行的高温谱学技术可以为实现成矿模拟实验和进行谱学原位测量进而解决成矿流体中金属元素的溶解性问题提供一条新思路,具有广阔的前景。 展开更多
关键词 成矿流体 金属元素溶解性 流体包裹体技术 显微激光拉曼光 高温谱学技术 电感耦合等离子体质
水红花子化学成分的研究 被引量:5
作者 杜小青 胡静 +1 位作者 孔营 陈思礼 《亚太传统医药》 2010年第1期23-25,共3页
目的:研究水红花子(Polygonum orientale L.)的化学成分。方法:利用系统溶剂提取法、正相和反相硅胶柱色谱法、制备HLPC法进行分离和纯化,采用谱学技术(NMR、MS、UV等)进行结构鉴定。结果:从水红花子乙酸乙酯部位分离得到3,5,7-trihydro... 目的:研究水红花子(Polygonum orientale L.)的化学成分。方法:利用系统溶剂提取法、正相和反相硅胶柱色谱法、制备HLPC法进行分离和纯化,采用谱学技术(NMR、MS、UV等)进行结构鉴定。结果:从水红花子乙酸乙酯部位分离得到3,5,7-trihydrochromone(Ⅰ)、kaempferol(Ⅱ)、5,7,4′-trihydroxydihy-droflavonol(Ⅲ)、3-pyridine carboxylic acid(Ⅳ)、5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxybenzoic acid(Ⅴ)5个化合物,其中化合物Ⅲ-Ⅴ首次从该植物中分离得到。 展开更多
关键词 水红花子 成分 分离纯化 谱学技术
作者 杨丽娜 黄莉 +4 位作者 宋雪洋 贺文雪 姜泳 孙治湖 韦世强 《物理化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期762-769,共8页
了解金属纳米团簇的形成机制对于进一步发展其化学制备方法是必要的。我们利用盐酸(HCl)和十二硫醇(RSH)共同刻蚀L_3(L_3:1,3-双二苯基膦丙烷)包覆的多分散性的Au_n(15<n<60)团簇成功制备出单分散性的Au_(13)(L_3)_2(SR)_4Cl_4纳... 了解金属纳米团簇的形成机制对于进一步发展其化学制备方法是必要的。我们利用盐酸(HCl)和十二硫醇(RSH)共同刻蚀L_3(L_3:1,3-双二苯基膦丙烷)包覆的多分散性的Au_n(15<n<60)团簇成功制备出单分散性的Au_(13)(L_3)_2(SR)_4Cl_4纳米团簇,并结合原位同步辐射X射线吸收谱、原位真空紫外-可见吸收光谱和质谱技术,研究了Au_(13)(L_3)2(SR)_4Cl_4纳米团簇的动力学形成过程。结果表明,Au团簇从多分散到单分散的转变经历了3个明显不同的动力学步骤。首先,尺寸较大的多分散金属团簇Au_n主要在HCl刻蚀作用下,形成尺寸较小的亚稳的中间产物Au_8-Au_(11)团簇。然后,这些中间产物与反应溶液中已有的Au(Ⅰ)-Cl物种反应,并与SR发生部分配体交换,逐渐长大为由SR和L_3保护的Au_(13)团簇。最后,形成的Au_(13)团簇经过一个较缓慢的结构重组过程,最终形成稳定的Au_(13)(L_3)_2(SR)_4Cl_4的纳米团簇。 展开更多
关键词 Au纳米团簇 尺寸转换 动力过程 原位谱学技术 刻蚀 盐酸 十二硫醇
Chemical Compositions of Volatile Oil from Fruiting Body of Armillaria luteo-virens 被引量:30
作者 周劲松 熊辉岩 +2 位作者 杨春江 焦迎春 盛海彦 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2008年第2期90-92,共3页
The chemical compositions of volatile oil from fruiting body of Armillaria luteo-virens in Qinghai Province were firstly analyzed with GC-MS and its relevant compositions were detected by calculating chromatographic p... The chemical compositions of volatile oil from fruiting body of Armillaria luteo-virens in Qinghai Province were firstly analyzed with GC-MS and its relevant compositions were detected by calculating chromatographic peak area with normalized method. 21 peaks were separated and 13 compositions were identified which were mainly unsaturated fatty acids, taking 97.1% of the total volatile oil. 展开更多
关键词 Armillaria luteo-rirens Volatile oil Chemical compositions GC-MS
Chemical Constituents from Potentilla multifida L. 被引量:2
作者 薛培凤 梁鸿 +1 位作者 王邠 赵玉英 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2005年第2期86-88,共3页
Aim To investigate the chemical constituents from Potentilla multifida L..Methods Chromatographic technique was employed for the isolation and purification of theconstituents, and the structures were identified by spe... Aim To investigate the chemical constituents from Potentilla multifida L..Methods Chromatographic technique was employed for the isolation and purification of theconstituents, and the structures were identified by spectral evidence. Results Four compounds wereisolated involving ade-nosine (1), apigenin-6-C-arabinopyranosyl-8-C-glucopyranoside (2),apigenin-7-O-β-D-glucuronide (3) and luteolin-7-O-β-D-glucuronide (4). Conclusion The fourcompounds were obtained from the genus Potentilla for the first time. 展开更多
关键词 potentilla multifida chemical constituents
An Open-Loop Test of a Resonator Fiber Optic Gyro
作者 张旭琳 马慧莲 +1 位作者 金仲和 丁纯 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期688-691,共4页
The resonator fiber optic gyro (R-FOG) ,which utilizes a resonance frequency change due to the Sagnac effect,is a promising candidate for the next generation inertial rotation sensor. In this study, an open-loop R-F... The resonator fiber optic gyro (R-FOG) ,which utilizes a resonance frequency change due to the Sagnac effect,is a promising candidate for the next generation inertial rotation sensor. In this study, an open-loop R-FOG is set up using phase modulation spectroscopy. First,the demodulation curve is obtained using a lock-in amplifier. From the demodulation signal,a gyro dynamic range of ± 4.2rad/s is obtained. Then,using different phase modulation frequencies,the open-loop gyro output signal is measured when the gyro is rotated clockwise or counterclockwise. The bias drift as a function of time is also measured. The fluctuation of the output over 5s is about 0.02rad/s. The drift can be reduced by taking countermeasures against system noise. 展开更多
关键词 OPTOELECTRONICS resonator fiber optic gyro phase modulation spectroscopy
Time-resolved laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of aluminum 被引量:2
作者 LIU Xian-yun ZHANG Wei-jun WANG Zhen-ya HAO Li-qing HUANG Ming-qiang ZHAO Wen-wu LONG Bo Zhao Wei 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2008年第5期369-370,共2页
We develop a system to measure the elemental composition of unprepared samples using laser-induced breakdown spec-troscopy (LIBS) in our laboratory,which can be used for the determination of elements in solids,liquids... We develop a system to measure the elemental composition of unprepared samples using laser-induced breakdown spec-troscopy (LIBS) in our laboratory,which can be used for the determination of elements in solids,liquids and aerosols. A description of the instrumentation,including laser,sample chamber and detection,is followed by a brief discussion. The time-resolved LIBS of aluminum at atmospheric pressure is presented. At the end,the possibilities and later uses of this technique are briefly discussed. 展开更多
关键词 LIBS 烟雾剂 测试技术
Outlier Detection in Near Infra-Red Spectra with Self-Organizing Map 被引量:2
作者 李晓霞 李刚 +4 位作者 林凌 刘玉良 王焱 李健 杜江 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2005年第2期129-132,共4页
A new method to detect multiple outliers in multivariate data is proposed. It is a combination of minimum subsets, resampling and self-organizing map (SOM) algorithm introduced by Kohonen,which provides a robust way w... A new method to detect multiple outliers in multivariate data is proposed. It is a combination of minimum subsets, resampling and self-organizing map (SOM) algorithm introduced by Kohonen,which provides a robust way with neural network. In this method, the number and organization of the neurons are selected by the characteristics of the spectra, e.g., the spectra data are often changed linearly with the concentration of the components and are often measured repeatedly, etc. So the spatial distribution of the neurons can be arranged by this characteristic. With this method, all the outliers in the spectra can be detected, which cannot be solved by the traditional method, and the speed of computation is higher than that of the traditional neural network method. The results of the simulation and the experiment show that this method is simple, effective, intuitionistic and all the outliers in the spectra can be detected in a short time. It is useful when associated with the regression model in the near infra-red research. 展开更多
关键词 OUTLIER near infra-red spectra minimum subsets RESAMPLING self-organizing map
Semi-supervised kernel FCM algorithm for remote sensing image classification
作者 刘小芳 HeBinbin LiXiaowen 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2011年第4期427-432,共6页
These problems of nonlinearity, fuzziness and few labeled data were rarely considered in traditional remote sensing image classification. A semi-supervised kernel fuzzy C-means (SSKFCM) algorithm is proposed to over... These problems of nonlinearity, fuzziness and few labeled data were rarely considered in traditional remote sensing image classification. A semi-supervised kernel fuzzy C-means (SSKFCM) algorithm is proposed to overcome these disadvantages of remote sensing image classification in this paper. The SSKFCM algorithm is achieved by introducing a kernel method and semi-supervised learning technique into the standard fuzzy C-means (FCM) algorithm. A set of Beijing-1 micro-satellite's multispectral images are adopted to be classified by several algorithms, such as FCM, kernel FCM (KFCM), semi-supervised FCM (SSFCM) and SSKFCM. The classification results are estimated by corresponding indexes. The results indicate that the SSKFCM algorithm significantly improves the classification accuracy of remote sensing images compared with the others. 展开更多
关键词 remote sensing image classification semi-supervised kernel fuzzy C-means (SSKFCM)algorithm Beijing-1 micro-satellite semi-supcrvisod learning tochnique kernel method
Mass Spectrometric Investigation of the Chemical Composition of Caramel Formed upon Heating of Disaccharides
作者 Agnieszka Golon Nikolai Kuhnert 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2012年第11期625-641,共17页
Disaccharides are a very important group of carbohydrates, being main components of many daily food products. The heating of these biomolecule causes the formation of caramel, an extremely complex material. The domina... Disaccharides are a very important group of carbohydrates, being main components of many daily food products. The heating of these biomolecule causes the formation of caramel, an extremely complex material. The dominant fraction of non-volatile compounds, responsible for both color and flavor of food products, has been studied on a few occasions. Herein, the composition of caramels obtained by heating of sucrose, lactose and maltose were studied using combined mass spectrometry techniques. High resolution electrospray mass spectrometry was applied followed by targeted multi-stage LC-tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn) and MALDI-MS. Novel graphical interpretation strategies such as van Krevelen and Kendrick mass analysis have been applied to study the composition of caramels. Products of caramel include oligomerization, depolymerization, hydration and dehydration products. Oligomers with up to eight carbohydrate units and dehydrated oligomers losing up to eight water molecules have been identified. 展开更多
关键词 BROWNING caramelization carbohydrates DISACCHARIDES SUCROSE complex mixtures mass spectrometry.
Reaction Kinetics of Trans-Sobrerol and 8-p-Menthen-1,2-diol with Hydroxyl Radical in Aqueous Solution: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study 被引量:1
作者 Yan Long Xin Tong +1 位作者 Tong-mei Ma Li-ming Wang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期308-314,I0001,I0002,共9页
Trans-sobrerol (Sob) and 8-p-menthen-1,2-diol (Limo-diol) are the primary products in the atmospheric oxidation of α-pinene and limonene, respectively. Because of their low volatility, they associate more likely ... Trans-sobrerol (Sob) and 8-p-menthen-1,2-diol (Limo-diol) are the primary products in the atmospheric oxidation of α-pinene and limonene, respectively. Because of their low volatility, they associate more likely to the liquid particles in the atmosphere, where they are subject to the aqueous phase oxidation by the atmospheric oxidants. In this work, through experimental and theoretical study, we first provide the rate constants of Sob and Limo-diol reacting with hydroxyl radical (.OH) in aqueous solution at room temperature of 3044-3 K and 1 atm pressure, which are (3.05±0.5)×10 9 and (4.57±0.2)×10 9 L/(mol.s), respectively. Quantum chemistry calculations have also been employed to demonstrate the solvent effect on the rate constants in aqueous phase and the calculated results agree well with the measurements. Some reaction products have been identified based on liquid chromatography combined with mass spectroscopy and theoretical calculations. 展开更多
关键词 Unsaturated alcohols Hydroxyl radical Aqueous-phase reaction KINETIC Theoretical calculations
Spectral Characteristics of Edge Electrostatic Turbulence in the HL-2A Tokamak
作者 CHENG Jun YAN Longwen HONG Wenyu QIAN Jun ZHAO Kaijun 《Southwestern Institute of Physics Annual Report》 2006年第1期59-61,共3页
A three-tip array is used in the HL-2A tokamak to investigate the spectral characteristics of electrostatic turbulence inside the last closed flux surface (LCFS) about 5 cm. Two-point correlation techniques are used... A three-tip array is used in the HL-2A tokamak to investigate the spectral characteristics of electrostatic turbulence inside the last closed flux surface (LCFS) about 5 cm. Two-point correlation techniques are used to analysis the turbulence structure. It is found that the drift wave turbulence mainly is composed of low-frequency and long wavelength wave packets. The poloidal propagation is mainly in electron-diamagnetic direction, sometimes it propagates in ion-diamagnetic direction, which is influenced by Doppler-frequency shift. The radial propagation velocity is outward and the sizeable fraction of the poloidal velocity, implying that the radial mode plays an important role in the cross field transport. 展开更多
关键词 Two-point correlation technique Drift wave turbulence Spectralcharacteristics
Stablility and Size Control of Silver Nanoparticles by Electrochemical Method
作者 Sudad S. Ahmed Rawa K. Ibrahim +3 位作者 Asama N. Naje Kais A1-Naimee Abdulla A. Suhail Omar A.Ibrahim 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2016年第1期16-25,共10页
Silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) were prepared using an electrochemical technique. The optical properties were measured by absorption spectroscopy. The dimension of the prepared nanoparticles as estimated by the Atomic... Silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) were prepared using an electrochemical technique. The optical properties were measured by absorption spectroscopy. The dimension of the prepared nanoparticles as estimated by the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), was 91.57 nm. This reaserch effort proposes a mechanism for reducing the size of silver nanoparticles by adding the hydrogen peroxide (H202), and protecting the silver nanoparticle to inhibit agglomeration by adding PVP polymer. 展开更多
关键词 Electrochemical method silver nanoparticles hydrogen peroxide PVP.
The miRNA expression profile of the uveal melanoma 被引量:17
作者 YANG ChengHsun 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2011年第4期351-358,共8页
The miRNA expression profile was initially established to investigate its corresponding function in human uveal melanoma. The miRNA expression profile in human uveal melanoma was analyzed by a micro chip technique.The... The miRNA expression profile was initially established to investigate its corresponding function in human uveal melanoma. The miRNA expression profile in human uveal melanoma was analyzed by a micro chip technique.The hsa-miRNA expression between four uveal melanomas and four normal uveal tissues was compared.Based on the bioinformatic approach,chip data was analyzed to select out differentially expressed candidate hsa-miRNAs.Real-time quantitative PCR(RT-PCR) was used to confirm the candidate hsa-miRNAs expression in all samples.The results of miRNA microarray chips that matched with RT-PCR were considered as the miRNA expression which was significantly different between normal tissue and uveal melanomas.In four uveal melanomas,expressions of miRNA-20a,miRNA-106a,miRNA-17,miRNA-21,and miRNA-34a were significantly up-regulated,while miRNA-145 and miRNA-204 expression were significantly down-regulated.We used miRNA microarray analysis as a fast,efficient technology to study biological information.The differentially expressed miRNAs may be involved in uveal melanoma pathogenesis,and may help promote the diagnosis and treatment for uveal melanoma. 展开更多
关键词 uveal melanoma MIRNA microRNA microarray target gene TUMORIGENESIS
Advances in the development and component recognition of latent fingerprints 被引量:9
作者 Linru Xu Congzhe Zhang +1 位作者 Yayun He Bin Su 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期1090-1096,共7页
Fingerprints have been used as an indispensable tool for personal identification in forensic investigations since the late 19 th century. At present, fingerprinting technology has moved away from its forensic roots an... Fingerprints have been used as an indispensable tool for personal identification in forensic investigations since the late 19 th century. At present, fingerprinting technology has moved away from its forensic roots and is incorporating a broader scientific range, e.g., material science, spectroscopy and spectral analysis, and even in vitro diagnosis. After a brief introduction to latent fingerprints, this mini-review presents the pioneering progresses of fingerprinting technologies including(i) material and electrochemical techniques, and(ii) spectral and spectroscopy imaging techniques and immunological techniques capable of both the visualization of a fingerprint and the detection of chemicals present in it. Finally, perspectives on this rapidly developing field are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 latent fingerprints RECOGNITION IMMUNOASSAY APTAMER mass spectrometry
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