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作者 涂友良 《农村发展论丛(理论版)》 2000年第8期30-31,共2页
本文通过丰城市发展豇豆生产创造出区域特色,形成规模化、产业化的生产格局,并成为该市农业增产、农民增收、财政增长的一个新亮点的实践过程,可以看到产品品牌始终贯穿于生产和营销过程中,说明唯有保证质量,找响品牌,创出精品才... 本文通过丰城市发展豇豆生产创造出区域特色,形成规模化、产业化的生产格局,并成为该市农业增产、农民增收、财政增长的一个新亮点的实践过程,可以看到产品品牌始终贯穿于生产和营销过程中,说明唯有保证质量,找响品牌,创出精品才能占有市场。 展开更多
关键词 豇豆生产 品牌效应 主导产业 增产 农民增收
作者 王迪轩 肖玉英 盛平 《农民科技培训》 2009年第2期22-22,共1页
2008年,湖南益阳世林食品有限公司与黄泥湖绿健蔬菜产销合作社签订了2000亩无公害豇豆订购合同,以保底价1.2元/公斤收购的豇豆农残合格率达100%,豆农增效150%以上,确保了优质优价。黄泥湖豇豆生产管理经验,可供其它类蔬菜的无公害生产... 2008年,湖南益阳世林食品有限公司与黄泥湖绿健蔬菜产销合作社签订了2000亩无公害豇豆订购合同,以保底价1.2元/公斤收购的豇豆农残合格率达100%,豆农增效150%以上,确保了优质优价。黄泥湖豇豆生产管理经验,可供其它类蔬菜的无公害生产管理者及其它地区参考。 展开更多
关键词 豇豆生产 黄泥 无公害蔬菜 安徽
三亚市豇豆产业发展现状与对策 被引量:4
作者 袁伟方 李祖莅 王硕 《中国热带农业》 2018年第4期24-26,共3页
三亚市位于海南省的最南端,处于北纬18°的热带地区,属典型的热带海洋性气候,冬季平均气温20℃左右,高于内陆地区和海南省北部市县。豇豆耐热性强,不耐低温霜冻,生长适温为20~30℃,15℃以下生长缓慢,10℃以下生长受抑制,在三亚市种... 三亚市位于海南省的最南端,处于北纬18°的热带地区,属典型的热带海洋性气候,冬季平均气温20℃左右,高于内陆地区和海南省北部市县。豇豆耐热性强,不耐低温霜冻,生长适温为20~30℃,15℃以下生长缓慢,10℃以下生长受抑制,在三亚市种植具有显著的气候条件优势。从历年的出岛情况来看,豇豆比其他瓜菜品种更易售出、价格也相对较高。 展开更多
关键词 豇豆生产 三亚市
作者 周建国 姚志平 《上海蔬菜》 2005年第1期57-58,共2页
近几年来,随着农业种植业结构的调整,我区豇豆生产面积逐年扩大,目前种植面积稳定在500hm2以上.在生产过程中,由于受到江南地区多雨潮湿和部分地区常年连作的影响,加上农民在思想上没有引起足够的重视,导致豇豆煤霉病时常发生,并有逐年... 近几年来,随着农业种植业结构的调整,我区豇豆生产面积逐年扩大,目前种植面积稳定在500hm2以上.在生产过程中,由于受到江南地区多雨潮湿和部分地区常年连作的影响,加上农民在思想上没有引起足够的重视,导致豇豆煤霉病时常发生,并有逐年加重的趋势,致使豇豆减产,一般减产幅度为1~2成,重者减产3成以上.为此,笔者近两年对豇豆煤霉病进行了系统观察和药剂防治,取得了一定的成效.现简介如下: 展开更多
关键词 豇豆生产 煤霉病 减产 连作 发生 部分地区 防治 种植面积 农业种植 农民
发展特色农业 加快小康步伐——从平昌关镇发展豇豆产业看农业产业化结构调整
作者 张华辉 《农村农业农民》 2004年第7期55-55,共1页
关键词 信阳市 平昌关镇 豇豆生产 农业结构调整 产业化发展 市场导向 科技 基地建设 规模经营
作者 纪巧英 《丽水农业科技》 2003年第3期12-13,共2页
关键词 莲都区 豇豆生产 产业化发展 现状 市场开拓 品牌建设 招商引资 无公害生产 安全质量检测体系
Effect of potassium on soil conservation and productivity of maize/cowpea based crop rotations in the north-west Indian Himalayas 被引量:2
作者 Birendra Nath GHOSH Om Pal Singh KHOLA +2 位作者 Ranjan BHATTACHARYYA Kuldeep Singh DADHWAL Prasant Kumar MISHRA 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期754-762,共9页
Plots under conservation tillage may require higher amount of potassium(K) application for augmenting productivity due to its stratification in upper soil layers, thereby reducing K supplying capacity in a medium or l... Plots under conservation tillage may require higher amount of potassium(K) application for augmenting productivity due to its stratification in upper soil layers, thereby reducing K supplying capacity in a medium or long-term period. To test this hypothesis, a field experiment was performed in 2002-2003 and 2006-2007 to study the effect of K and several crop rotations on yield, water productivity, carbon sequestration, grain quality, soil K status and economic benefits derived in maize(Zea mays L)/cowpea(Vigna sinensis L.) based cropping system under minimum tillage(MT). All crops recorded higher grain yield with a higher dose of K(120 kg K2 O ha-1) than recommended K(40 kg K2 O ha-1). The five years' average yield data showed that higher K application(120 kg K2 O ha-1) produced 16.4%(P<0.05)more maize equivalent yield. Cowpea based rotation yielded 14.2%(P<0.05) higher production than maize based rotation. The maximum enhancement was found in cowpea-mustard rotation. Relationship between yield and sustainable indices revealed that only agronomic efficiency of fertilizer input was significantly correlated with yield. Similarly, higherdoses of K application not only increased the water use efficiency(WUE) of all crops, but also reduced runoff and soil loss by 16.5% and 15.8% under maize and 23.3% and 19.7% under cowpea cover, respectively. This study also revealed that on an average 16.5% of left over carbon input contributed to soil organic carbon(SOC). Here, cowpea based rotation with the higher K application increased carbon sequestration in soil. Potassium fertilization also significantly improved the nutritional value of harvested grain by increasing the protein content for maize(by 9.5%) and cowpea(by 10.6%). The oil content in mustard increased by 5.0% and 6.0% after maize and cowpea, respectively. Net return also increased with the application of the higher K than recommended K and the trend was similar to yield. Hence, the present study demonstrated the potential yield and profit gains along with resource conservation in the Indian Himalayas due to annual additions of higher amount of K than the recommended dose. The impact of high K application was maximum in the cowpea-mustard rotation. 展开更多
关键词 Potassium application Crop rotations Minimum tillage water balance Runoff and soil loss Carbon sequestration Soil K status Net return
Enhancing Rice Productivity and Soil Nitrogen Using Dual-Purpose Cowpea-NERICARice Sequence in Degraded Savanna
作者 Sylvester O. Oikeh Abibu Niang +4 位作者 Robert Abaidoo Pascal Houngnandan Koichi Futakuchi Brahima Kone Amadu Toure 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第11期1237-1250,共14页
ISFM (integrated soil fertility management) involving annual sequencing of dual-purpose early-maturing first crop of cowpeas with biomass incorporation before seeding second crop of early-maturing NERICA (New Rice ... ISFM (integrated soil fertility management) involving annual sequencing of dual-purpose early-maturing first crop of cowpeas with biomass incorporation before seeding second crop of early-maturing NERICA (New Rice for Africa) was evaluated to enhance rice productivity and soil-nitrogen. Five dual-purpose early-maturing cowpea cultivars and local cultivar (Katche) were seeded early in the wet season in five farmers' fields at Ouake (9046' N, 1°35′ E, highly degraded-savanna), Benin. After pod harvest, cowpea residues were minimally worked into the soil using minimum tillage with hand-hoe and seeded with early-maturing, resilient NERICA8 rice that received either 20 kg N/ha or zero-N. Cowpea grain yield averaged 0.1-0.3 Mg/ha, and mean aboveground cowpea biomass produced and recycled was 0.54-0.64 Mg/ha among best cultivars (IT97-568-11 and IT89KD-288). NERICA8 seeded after cowpea cv. IT97-568-11 and supplied with 20N gave the greatest grain yield of about 2.0 Mg/ha, accounting for 500% heavier grains than fallow-rice rotation with zero-N. Mineral-N dynamics monitored under NERICA8 in year 2 showed that previous IT97-568-11 plots had the highest mineral-N at tillering which persisted till panicle initiation stage. The adoption of an ISFM comprising annual cowpea-NERICA sequence by smallholder rice farmers could enhance productivity and improve N-supply in fragile savannas. 展开更多
关键词 Degraded savanna dual-purpose cowpea ISFM NERICA rice rice productivity soil nitrogen West Africa.
豇豆市场真红火 农民钱袋鼓起来
作者 段同锋 《农民科技培训》 2004年第6期39-39,共1页
河南省信阳市平桥区平昌关镇农广校学员、农技站长吴传金.近年来积极指导当地农民调整农业产业结构,以市场为导向,大力推广豇豆生产,在当地逐步发展到1.5万亩.年产豇豆2600万公斤。年加工干品豇豆200万公斤.实现农业年净增收200... 河南省信阳市平桥区平昌关镇农广校学员、农技站长吴传金.近年来积极指导当地农民调整农业产业结构,以市场为导向,大力推广豇豆生产,在当地逐步发展到1.5万亩.年产豇豆2600万公斤。年加工干品豇豆200万公斤.实现农业年净增收2000万元以上.农民亩均增收1500多元,豇豆成了农民发家致富的“金条”.小小的平昌关镇却成了豫南地区豇豆生产经销的火红大市场。 展开更多
关键词 豇豆生产 信阳市 平桥区 平昌关镇 引种 栽培技术 加工工艺 经济效益
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