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消费社会、拟象世界与后现代性 被引量:19
作者 陈嘉明 《江苏社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期1-6,共6页
后现代主义将“消费社会”看作是当今的一种新型社会状况和经济秩序,商品崇拜、消费崇拜成为这一社会的伦理和意识形态。“符号”被看作具有举足轻重的作用,甚至被视为某种“消费逻辑”,其结果是用来否定真相,它支配着整个文化。世界因... 后现代主义将“消费社会”看作是当今的一种新型社会状况和经济秩序,商品崇拜、消费崇拜成为这一社会的伦理和意识形态。“符号”被看作具有举足轻重的作用,甚至被视为某种“消费逻辑”,其结果是用来否定真相,它支配着整个文化。世界因此成为一个模拟的世界、图像的世界,它就是后现代的世界。这样,在后现代这一“拟象”的世界里,也就成为没有真理,没有现实,没有意义的时代。 展开更多
关键词 消费社会 象世界 后现代
张载“本体象”刍议——“象世界观”视野下的儒学本体 被引量:2
作者 陈浩 《云南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期25-29,共5页
"象"作为一种根本的"观"法或"显"法是张载观照或呈现整个世界的根本方式,这形成了一种独特的"象世界观"。"象世界观"的格局是天地人无所不包的,而张载儒学的本体指的是世界的原象,... "象"作为一种根本的"观"法或"显"法是张载观照或呈现整个世界的根本方式,这形成了一种独特的"象世界观"。"象世界观"的格局是天地人无所不包的,而张载儒学的本体指的是世界的原象,而世界的原象实际上就是气本原的生象,从另一个角度说也即天之德象,其中太虚象与太和象都是本体蕴生象,道象、神象和易象则都是本体生成象,德象之在人便是合象,由人与天合之合象而得圣人气象。 展开更多
关键词 张载 象世界 本体
论《周易》的“象”世界和“理”世界——象数和义理关系刍议 被引量:2
作者 李秋丽 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第1期68-73,共6页
由“理”和“象”所昭示的两种不同思维形式出发,形成了解读《周易》文本的两大阵营——义理易学和象数易学。义理易学阵营中的王弼、程颐易学凸现了《周易》“理”世界的超越性,象数易学揭示了《周易》“象”世界对于彰明“理”世界的... 由“理”和“象”所昭示的两种不同思维形式出发,形成了解读《周易》文本的两大阵营——义理易学和象数易学。义理易学阵营中的王弼、程颐易学凸现了《周易》“理”世界的超越性,象数易学揭示了《周易》“象”世界对于彰明“理”世界的关键性。朱熹基于《易》本为卜筮之书的立场,既强调了“理”世界的超越性,又突出了“象”世界对于彰明《周易》“理”世界的关键性。 展开更多
关键词 周易 义理 世界 “理”世界
身体的主体间性及其批判——“四象论”与身体美学的现象学系列研究之一 被引量:1
作者 曾仲权 《阴山学刊》 2015年第3期45-49,共5页
现象学的主体间性(交互主体性)建立在身体的结对、联想、同感、共现、体现、统觉的基础上。然后从现象学的主体间性对身体进行考察,发现胡塞尔主体间性论述以身体为基础,主体间性下的身体是生活世界中的身体,具有平等性、伦理性、情感... 现象学的主体间性(交互主体性)建立在身体的结对、联想、同感、共现、体现、统觉的基础上。然后从现象学的主体间性对身体进行考察,发现胡塞尔主体间性论述以身体为基础,主体间性下的身体是生活世界中的身体,具有平等性、伦理性、情感性、群体性。反观当下语境,世界已由前科学的生活世界、科学的观念世界变为间象世界,主体间性维度下间象世界中的身体呈现出新的特点,即是:一、间象身体与以直象身体在场的本象身体之间的交互主体性;二、间象世界中的间象身体之间的交互主体性。间象世界中的身体因此丧失了平等性、伦理性、情感性,也就丧失了伦理美、情感美,以主体间性为基础的生活世界和生活世界中的身体被遗忘。 展开更多
关键词 身体美学 主体间性 身体 身体 身体 身体 象世界
20世纪物理学思想的历史透视 被引量:3
作者 董光璧 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第4期4-9,共6页
20世纪物理学思想的历史透视董光璧作为精密科学典型的物理学,是整个自然科学的基础。在临近世纪末之时,回顾近百年来物理学的思想历程,对于思考下一个世纪科学的走向无疑是有意义的。因为历史总是孕育着未来,尽管科学的前进并不... 20世纪物理学思想的历史透视董光璧作为精密科学典型的物理学,是整个自然科学的基础。在临近世纪末之时,回顾近百年来物理学的思想历程,对于思考下一个世纪科学的走向无疑是有意义的。因为历史总是孕育着未来,尽管科学的前进并不顾及其历史。现代意义下的物理学的主... 展开更多
关键词 物理学思想 物理学革命 物理世界
清末报刊与文学的共生性繁荣与世界的“图象化” 被引量:3
作者 耿传明 于冰轮 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期33-42,共10页
近现代文学不同于古典文学的一个重要差异在于其传播媒介的变化,即以中国传统版籍传播为主的方式向由西方引入的报刊传播为主的方式的转变,由此带来的是报刊与文学的共生性的繁荣。现代报刊担负起了催生现代文学的孵化器的作用,两者的... 近现代文学不同于古典文学的一个重要差异在于其传播媒介的变化,即以中国传统版籍传播为主的方式向由西方引入的报刊传播为主的方式的转变,由此带来的是报刊与文学的共生性的繁荣。现代报刊担负起了催生现代文学的孵化器的作用,两者的结缘使文学走出了个人狭小的经验世界,营造出一种超出于个人直接经验之上的共有的现实,从而推动了人与世界的关系及人的生存态度的变化。"世界成为图象"和"人成为主体"是代表了现代性本质的两大进程,这种进程对于文学有直接的影响,"世界的图象化"催生出来的认识世界的要求开始成为文学的最为重要的驱动力,"认识成为小说唯一的道德",《海上花列传》的现代性审美价值也正在于此。 展开更多
关键词 近代报刊 文学孵化器 共生性繁荣 世界 文学现代性
海德格尔的技术之思与李约瑟问题 被引量:1
作者 赵卫国 《科学技术与辩证法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第4期102-105,共4页
海德格尔对现代科学技术本质的现象学分析,涉及西方近代人成为主体与世界成为图象两大进程、对物的均一化的单向度数学筹划、主客二分的思维模式等各个层面。从这几个方面对照中国传统思想来审视李约瑟问题,不仅可以发现问题本身提法的... 海德格尔对现代科学技术本质的现象学分析,涉及西方近代人成为主体与世界成为图象两大进程、对物的均一化的单向度数学筹划、主客二分的思维模式等各个层面。从这几个方面对照中国传统思想来审视李约瑟问题,不仅可以发现问题本身提法的缺陷,而且还能从更深的层面回答李约瑟问题。 展开更多
关键词 李约瑟问题 数学筹划 主体 世界 海德格尔
世界图象时代、景观社会与电影之“罪” 被引量:1
作者 刘斐 《北京电影学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第10期44-49,共6页
在当代视觉文化研究领域,德国哲学家马丁·海德格尔对“世界图象时代”困境的沉思和法国思想家居伊·德波对“景观社会”的描述,曾是受到广泛征引的经典文献。然而,上列论点的具体社会意味及其所针对的欧洲思想史语境,迄今为止... 在当代视觉文化研究领域,德国哲学家马丁·海德格尔对“世界图象时代”困境的沉思和法国思想家居伊·德波对“景观社会”的描述,曾是受到广泛征引的经典文献。然而,上列论点的具体社会意味及其所针对的欧洲思想史语境,迄今为止尚未得到足够的阐发。欧洲思想跨越文化界限的有效性和有限性,仍有待进一步验证。另一方面,电影理论的成长和突破,也应在与人文社会科学的广泛对话中展开。因此,如何在电影本体层面理解和吸纳来自思辨的挑战,仍不失为当下电影研究中值得关注的重大理论命题。本文以“电影与20世纪”的总体性视野为参照系,通过梳理让-吕克·戈达尔、克劳德·朗兹曼、阿兰·巴迪欧、雅克·朗西埃、莲实重彦等人围绕奥斯威辛集中营的影像再现问题展开的争论,廓清有关电影之“罪”问题的诸个面向,以期为重新激活电影研究的社会历史触感做出初步的尝试。 展开更多
关键词 电影本体论 世界时代 景观社会 “奥斯威辛之争” 《电影史》
作者 王南湜 《中国社会科学评价》 2017年第4期4-15,共12页
广松涉通过对马克思的商品拜物教论的阐释与发挥演绎出了物象化论。这一源于马克思对于资本主义商品生产关系之事物化分析的理论,用于阐释主体间关系所构成的社会事物方面,是非常深刻而有效的。但若将之简单地推广于说明主客体关系所构... 广松涉通过对马克思的商品拜物教论的阐释与发挥演绎出了物象化论。这一源于马克思对于资本主义商品生产关系之事物化分析的理论,用于阐释主体间关系所构成的社会事物方面,是非常深刻而有效的。但若将之简单地推广于说明主客体关系所构成的社会中的自然事物,则有所不妥。广松涉似乎并未意识到这一理论的有限性,而将之直接用于对海德格尔基于"上手"、"在手"之生存论分析的"因缘"世界理论进行批判,并试图以其物象化论取而代之。这一批判显露出了广松涉物象化论推广的问题,故而有必要反思物象化论的有效范围,而这又进而涉及马克思哲学阐释中的方法论问题。尽管广松涉激烈地批判了卢卡奇的物化论,但在深层方法论上,他似乎并未离开卢卡奇构成其物化论的黑格尔式的总体性方法太远。 展开更多
关键词 世界 主体性 主体间性
作者 袁兆文 《甘肃社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期26-28,共3页
海德格尔对"现代性"的批判是其哲学思想面对现代世界的一种本质性的应答方式,其通过对"现代性"世界的描述揭示出现代性图景的"图像化"、"贫乏化"特性,同时剖析出作为现代性图景产生的根据与尺... 海德格尔对"现代性"的批判是其哲学思想面对现代世界的一种本质性的应答方式,其通过对"现代性"世界的描述揭示出现代性图景的"图像化"、"贫乏化"特性,同时剖析出作为现代性图景产生的根据与尺度——现代主体性及主体形而上学历史,最后通过对现代技术的研究暗示出"现代性"转渡的一种可能性。探寻海德格尔对"现代性"的批判旨在于"思—诗"的层面对现代社会做一种理性的思想审视。 展开更多
关键词 海德格尔 现代性 世界 现代科学 现代技术
民间故事的隐喻和现代性——以《列那狐的故事》为例 被引量:2
作者 朱志刚 《合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第1期114-117,共4页
《列那狐的故事》是欧洲中世纪文学的最重要成就之一,代表了新兴的市民阶级的声音。故事采用寓言象征性的写作方式,实际上暗含了一个多层次空间的象寓世界;它以儿童式的心灵和目光叙说了一群动物之间的斗争生活,为我们折射反映了当时社... 《列那狐的故事》是欧洲中世纪文学的最重要成就之一,代表了新兴的市民阶级的声音。故事采用寓言象征性的写作方式,实际上暗含了一个多层次空间的象寓世界;它以儿童式的心灵和目光叙说了一群动物之间的斗争生活,为我们折射反映了当时社会市民阶级的现实生活,在某种意义上对现代人的生活具有重要的启示意义。 展开更多
关键词 《列那狐的故事》 泛灵论 市民社会 世界
《猫城记》:笑的变异 被引量:1
作者 秦弓 《枣庄师专学报》 2000年第6期24-27,共4页
《猫城记》在老舍的喜剧性小说中别具一格 :此前那种借重俏皮语言与招笑动作的表层幽默少了 ,代之以发自事实本身的深层幽默 ;讽刺的锋芒由温婉向尖锐 ,锋芒所指由偏重于文化、性格扩展到社会、文化、历史、现实诸多方面与层次。它以寓... 《猫城记》在老舍的喜剧性小说中别具一格 :此前那种借重俏皮语言与招笑动作的表层幽默少了 ,代之以发自事实本身的深层幽默 ;讽刺的锋芒由温婉向尖锐 ,锋芒所指由偏重于文化、性格扩展到社会、文化、历史、现实诸多方面与层次。它以寓言体构筑起一个奇特的象喻世界 ,以荒诞的形式能及了中国社会与国民性的沉疴痼疾 ,历史大写意与工笔细描、超越性的鸟瞰与痛楚的体验等 ,构成了极有强力的叙事空间。无论是其宽广深远的内涵 ,还是怪诞别致的叙事 。 展开更多
关键词 猫城记 寓言体 变羿怪诞 老舍 喜剧性小说 世界
Possibility of Sea Water as Mixing Water in Concrete 被引量:2
作者 Nobuaki Otsuki Tsuyoshi Saito Yutaka Tadokoro 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第10期1273-1279,共7页
In the near future, fresh water will be very difficult to get and scarce. It is said that in 2025 half of the mankind will live in the areas where fresh water is not enough. Also, UN and WMO (World Meteorological Org... In the near future, fresh water will be very difficult to get and scarce. It is said that in 2025 half of the mankind will live in the areas where fresh water is not enough. Also, UN and WMO (World Meteorological Organization) are predicting five billion people will be in short of even drinking water. Also, in the present, there are some areas where sea water or chloride contained sand are used as mixing water with or without intension. The authors believe that the possibilities of using sea water as mixing water in concrete should be investigated seriously. In this paper, the authors would like to show various possibilities of using sea water as mixing water in RC (reinforced concrete) members. The possibilities are shown as follows: (1) mixed with pozzolanic materials (Blast furnace slag powder, etc.) expecting to fix the free chloride ion; (2) Mixed with corrosion inhibitor; (3) reinforced with stainless steel or corrosion resistant reinforcement; and (4) used in very dry or submerged conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Sea water blast furnace slag corrosion behavior stainless steel hydration products.
From Sex Objects to Heroines A Tough Road for Female Characters in Video Games
作者 Adam Flamma 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第5期409-417,共9页
Female character in video games is the one of the most controversial topic in game studies and nowadays women's anthropology. From the beginning of role in games' plot to sexualized graphical representation, woman i... Female character in video games is the one of the most controversial topic in game studies and nowadays women's anthropology. From the beginning of role in games' plot to sexualized graphical representation, woman in virtual world were (and sometimes still are) a point of discussion about characters sexualisation and role of female sex in virtual industry. The main aim of this paper is to present analysis of female representation in video games and how in last 30 years it has changed. In other words, how female characters were ennobled from sex object to main protagonist status. In presented research, there were used mostly the examples of popular video games with extended plot and world which can be explored by protagonists. Video game historiography, textual analysis (which helped to treat video game character as a protagonist), and thematic analysis of video games were used as a main research method. The main conclusion of this paper is that female characters can overcome all gender or sexual stereotypes and even eventually became an icon of popular culture 展开更多
关键词 video games female characters women in video games sex object Lara Croft
The Garden of Finzi-Continis, Compassion, and the Struggle to Affirm Identity
作者 Simonetta Milli Konewko 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第4期539-552,共14页
This work investigates De Sica's depiction of compassion proposing new ways of examining the film. Remaining faithful to his neorealist responsibility to denounce the plight of others and the experience associated to... This work investigates De Sica's depiction of compassion proposing new ways of examining the film. Remaining faithful to his neorealist responsibility to denounce the plight of others and the experience associated to World War Two, the director offers models of compassion associated with past circumstances and the subsequent recollection of them. In other instance, compassion becomes the result of imaginative and elaborated descriptions that contrast with the neorealist aesthetic. These creative depictions suggest compassion through technical elements. For instance, the usage of flashbacks, the long shots of the garden, the close-ups and tracking shots on specific components of the environment, the soft focus on certain characters are ways to reflect on past circumstances to outline a new awareness and perspective. 展开更多
关键词 COMPASSION World War Two The Holocaust Italian film NEOREALISM FASCISM
Analysis of Winterbourne in Daisy Miller
作者 Linglin Chen 《International English Education Research》 2015年第9期30-32,共3页
Henry James is one of the greatest novelists, who enjoys great reputation in the English literary world. He spent many years in Europe. Fie had deep and subtle insights into the life of the upper class in America and ... Henry James is one of the greatest novelists, who enjoys great reputation in the English literary world. He spent many years in Europe. Fie had deep and subtle insights into the life of the upper class in America and Europe. He experienced the cultural differences between America and Europe profoundly, which was demonstrated in his literary works. Daisy Miller is one of the representative works of Henry James, reveals his "international theme", the American innocence in face of European sophistication, In D^dsy Miller, Winterbourne is an undeniable protagonist, embodies both narrative and symbolic meaning. Through his narration and his representative features of the sophistication of European culture, we can gradually realize that it is the inevitable collision between new world and old world that leads to the pathetic ending of Daisy Miller. 展开更多
关键词 Henry James Daisy Miller Winterbourne
Estimation of the Volga-Caspian Water Ecosystems Stability under the Possible Climate Change and Anthropogenic Load
作者 N.N. Mitina B.M. Malashenkow 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第1期116-120,共5页
In this article, possible consequences of the Volga-Caspian water ecosystems change as a result of climatic changes are stated according to the data scenarios of Worldwide Meteorological Organization.
关键词 Volga River Caspian Sea water ecosystems stability climate change
Development of a Low-Cost Weather Station to Measure in Situ Essential Climate Variables
作者 Jose I. Rojas Silvia D. Gilete Jordi Mazon 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第8期455-463,共9页
A weather station is proposed especially designed for developing countries, and to meet the standards of the international scientific community making research on the earth system. The station would measure in situ se... A weather station is proposed especially designed for developing countries, and to meet the standards of the international scientific community making research on the earth system. The station would measure in situ several ECV (essential climate variables). These data may enable an agricultural breakthrough in countries lacking meteorological infrastructure, help in climate change monitoring, and facilitate diffusion of wind energy. A pre-feasibility analysis is presented. It appears interesting that the station is supplied by a social enterprise. A research to establish the best shelter design using computational fluid dynamics is also reported. The criterion is the accuracy with which the surface air temperature is reproduced inside the shelter. A design following recommendations by the WMO (World Meteorological Organization), a smaller design with identical geometry, and two alternative small designs are analyzed. All four designs are simulated in PVC, natural rubber and wood, with and without white paint coating. The smaller shelters perform better. The influence of the material, dimensions and design is smaller than that of the white paint. Shelters made of PVC or rubber, and/or in alternative designs, may be more interesting if other criteria are considered, like whether logistics, manufacturing, etc. are more sustainable, easier and/or cheaper. 展开更多
关键词 Meteorological station essential climate variable CFD (computational fluid dynamics) thermal analysis temperature.
A Corpus-Driven Analysis of Image Construction of BRIC Bank from Mainstream Media's Perspective-- A Case Study of China Daily
作者 GUO Gui-hang LI Dan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第7期565-572,共8页
Despite the fact that BRIC Bank was instituted to enhance the core competitiveness of developing countries, opponents concern it would undermine the status of the World Bank and incurred negative impact. However, as C... Despite the fact that BRIC Bank was instituted to enhance the core competitiveness of developing countries, opponents concern it would undermine the status of the World Bank and incurred negative impact. However, as China is one of initiated countries of the BRIC nations, domestic mainstream media witnessed widespread coverage to justify Bank's roles. Therefore, this paper, based on Halliday's Meta-language Function theory, intends to explore the significance of BRIC Banks from the perspective of domestic mainstream media. Meanwhile, the thesis, combining with corpus research tools and VRIN standard theory (namely Valuable, Rare, Imperfectly, Imitable, Non-Substitutable), probes into image construction and interprets roles of BRIC Bank in mainstream reports. 展开更多
关键词 BRIC bank IMAGE CORPUS management
The Symbols of the Fire in Georgian Folklore in Comparison With Global Experience
作者 Bela Mosia 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第3期219-224,共6页
Fire is the world meaning symbol of wisdom, purification. Elements of place symbolism associated with fire are day time and specifically noon when the sun's light and heat is the greatest. The association with the su... Fire is the world meaning symbol of wisdom, purification. Elements of place symbolism associated with fire are day time and specifically noon when the sun's light and heat is the greatest. The association with the sun makes fire an above space phenomena rather than a below or within space phenomena. The fireplaces have the same meaning for the houses like the sun for the earth. This paper is divided in several topics to show how the fire changes its meaning and how do peoples attitude to fire can be changed. Fire can represents in wedding ceremony, fire out of control makes chaos, destroying around everything from which arise the new life, and fire make the soul to be free from the sin. Fire, the eternal flame is the symbol of strong emotional feelings. The purpose of the paper is to give the interesting examples of fire symbols in Georgian folklore and make some similarities with world experiences. Georgian people as a part of ancient world make their own culture and in order to integrate Georgian materials in world cultural fund paper aims to make comparative work to achieve the main goal. 展开更多
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