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向心滚动轴承中各滚动体负荷的计算方法 被引量:2
作者 皮益霞 《湖南纺织高等专科学校学报》 1999年第1期34-37,共4页
关键词 滚动轴承 滚动负荷 负荷分布系数
人群有机氯化合物暴露和体负荷的研究 被引量:2
作者 江夕夫 郭彩霞 +8 位作者 陈守建 李延年 赵松冠 候慎行 张静宜 王骏 汪小丰 吴玉珍 徐强 《卫生研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1993年第2期80-84,共5页
1990年在江苏无锡市进行的有机氯化合物人体暴露和体负荷的研究,检测了17类环境样品和食物样品,52例受试乳母的膳食和乳汁中六氯苯、666和DDT 的浓度,估算受试乳母日平均六氯苯、666、DDT暴露量分别为0.63μg、9.34μg和43.81μg。婴儿... 1990年在江苏无锡市进行的有机氯化合物人体暴露和体负荷的研究,检测了17类环境样品和食物样品,52例受试乳母的膳食和乳汁中六氯苯、666和DDT 的浓度,估算受试乳母日平均六氯苯、666、DDT暴露量分别为0.63μg、9.34μg和43.81μg。婴儿每公斤体重每天自母乳摄入六氯苯、β-666、DDT分别为0.19μg、107μg和94μg。本研究所得到这些有机氯化合物在环境和食物中的浓度分布和污染趋势,为制定环境保护和保护人群健康的对策提供了依据。 展开更多
关键词 有机氯化合物 食品 母乳 负荷
作者 邓兴贵 蒋宏伟 《机电工程技术》 2002年第3期52-53,共2页
关键词 负荷校正器 结构特点 工艺改进 夹具设计 R801调速器 汽车
人群五氯酚环境暴露、体负荷和健康效应的研究 被引量:13
作者 江夕夫 李延平 +5 位作者 王术恩 张文生 王晓红 汪小丰 樊文中 杨润 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 1994年第10期436-439,共4页
检测了5类环境样品和12类食物样品中五氯酚的浓度分布和污染趋势。以实测数据计算出污染区人群个体五氯酚日暴露量为0.55~0.58μg,通过双份膳食法研究和人体材料检测,得出污染区成人每日平均摄入五氯酚0.57μg,体... 检测了5类环境样品和12类食物样品中五氯酚的浓度分布和污染趋势。以实测数据计算出污染区人群个体五氯酚日暴露量为0.55~0.58μg,通过双份膳食法研究和人体材料检测,得出污染区成人每日平均摄入五氯酚0.57μg,体负荷2.37mg.健康调查发现,污染区长期低剂量接触五氯酚人群全血胆碱酯酶活性和白细胞总数显著低于对照区,认为五氯酚污染可能是导致相同标准人口数中癌死亡人数高于对照区2~3倍的重要因素之一。本研究为制定三氯酚环境生态污染防治对策和保护人群健康提供了依据。 展开更多
关键词 五氯酚 环境暴露 负荷 双份膳食法
6名工作人员尿、粪中^(106)Ru 含量的测定及初始体负荷量的估算
作者 朱震南 王印章 《辐射防护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1991年第3期224-227,共4页
本文报道6名工作人员摄入^(106)Ru 后尿、粪中^(106)Ru 含量的测定结果。用硫化铜载体沉淀法测定摄入后9—100天工作人员尿样及部分粪样中^(106)Ru 的含量,设尿、粪比为1,拟合了排泄方程和滞留方程,还估算了初始体负荷量。
关键词 初始负荷 排泄 尿 钌106
提高配网供电可靠性的电力负荷带电转移车 被引量:7
作者 王以京 张立杰 +2 位作者 徐勇 张伯泉 崔江流 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期50-51,57,共3页
介绍了一种在修试或更换配电变压器及 10 k V配网分段负荷开关时可以保证不间断用户供电的移动电源装备 ,有效提高了 10 k V配电系统变压器供电可靠率。
关键词 配电网 供电可靠性 电力负荷带电转移 电力系统
整体性思维方式与中国古代文学审美特质 被引量:4
作者 张忠勇 《甘肃教育学院学报(社会科学版)》 2001年第3期36-38,共3页
中国人对宇宙、生命的整体性思维方式,集中而典型地体现于意境的实践和理论中,意境完美地解决了整体性主观外化的难题,它是荣格所谓的同步原理最生动的体现,是将主、客观内容一体化的审美图式,因其具有最丰厚的审美信息而成为一种... 中国人对宇宙、生命的整体性思维方式,集中而典型地体现于意境的实践和理论中,意境完美地解决了整体性主观外化的难题,它是荣格所谓的同步原理最生动的体现,是将主、客观内容一体化的审美图式,因其具有最丰厚的审美信息而成为一种超级审美负荷体,这表明人类智能发展在审美领域里完全由量的精度向质的活性飞跃。 展开更多
关键词 中国 古代文学 审美特质 意境 思维方式 同步原理 审美创造图式 审美负荷体
作者 甄宏德 李兵 +1 位作者 蓝翎 周岱翰 《中医肿瘤学杂志》 2024年第2期1-7,41,共8页
证本质是困扰中医辨证论治研究的核心问题。本文回顾了辨证论治的历史源流,并审视古人对中医证认识的由来,认为证本质是病机的概括。20世纪50年代开始的一系列证本质研究,将证的“规律性”与“物质基础”等同,鲜有找到具有特异性的微观... 证本质是困扰中医辨证论治研究的核心问题。本文回顾了辨证论治的历史源流,并审视古人对中医证认识的由来,认为证本质是病机的概括。20世纪50年代开始的一系列证本质研究,将证的“规律性”与“物质基础”等同,鲜有找到具有特异性的微观指标。由此可见,证应是纯理论的概念,量表是量化证的适宜工具。以病统证,从中医四诊出发,严格遵循规范制定肿瘤的证候量表,既可用于寻找方剂的敏感人群,也可用于肿瘤的疗效评估。 展开更多
关键词 证本质 量表 敏感人群 症状负荷
作者 陈建荣 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1990年第4期33-36,78+94,共6页
大力量负荷、投掷辅助器械负荷和投掷标枪负荷构成了优秀标枪运动芬训练负荷系统的主要部分。本文采用动态分析法对我国五名优秀女子标枪运动员在一个半年周期中实际完成的三类负荷,以及三类负荷整体对专项强度的影响进行了分析,结果表... 大力量负荷、投掷辅助器械负荷和投掷标枪负荷构成了优秀标枪运动芬训练负荷系统的主要部分。本文采用动态分析法对我国五名优秀女子标枪运动员在一个半年周期中实际完成的三类负荷,以及三类负荷整体对专项强度的影响进行了分析,结果表明,三类负荷的变动基本上符合理论上关于大周期中负荷变化的基本要求,但投掷辅助性器械负荷的专项性不强;整体负荷的累积效果及高峰期的后继效应使专项强度在赛季开始时产生“突增”现象。 展开更多
关键词 负荷 训练负荷 负荷 优秀女子标枪运动员 中等强度 力量负荷 平均强度 投掷标枪 负荷强度 动态变化
新闻的可信性与读者的逆反心理 被引量:2
作者 虞达文 《广西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1986年第2期15-21,共7页
新闻的真实与可信是两个不同的概念。新闻真实,指的是新闻报道符合报道前的客观事实;而可信,指的是新闻读者认为报道符合客观事实。真实的标准是客观的,客观事实是检验新闻是否真实的唯一标准。真实是可信的前提.按理说,真实的新闻应当... 新闻的真实与可信是两个不同的概念。新闻真实,指的是新闻报道符合报道前的客观事实;而可信,指的是新闻读者认为报道符合客观事实。真实的标准是客观的,客观事实是检验新闻是否真实的唯一标准。真实是可信的前提.按理说,真实的新闻应当是可信的.但是,有些读者对真实的新闻也不信任,这就是一种逆反心理。逆反心理也叫反悖心理,它指人们对已有的关于某种事物或现象的结论、判断,进行反方向的思维,产生动摇、怀疑,进行反思,甚至持否定态度。 展开更多
关键词 新闻 逆反心理 定势心理 传播人 传播媒介 套话 亿万富翁 名片效应 负荷体 排斥力
The Axial and Radial Solid Loadings up the CFB-Riser 被引量:1
作者 Kathleen Smolders Jan Baeyens 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2000年第2期171-175,共5页
1 INTRODUCTIONThe determination of the solids hold-up and local solidfluxes is of paramount importance in the study ofthe hydrodynamics of a two-phase flow.Several tech-niques have been used during the past decades(Ta... 1 INTRODUCTIONThe determination of the solids hold-up and local solidfluxes is of paramount importance in the study ofthe hydrodynamics of a two-phase flow.Several tech-niques have been used during the past decades(Table1).These methods can be classified in two groups,depending on their possible disturbance of the two- 展开更多
关键词 circulating fluidized beds solids loading axial and radial profiles
作者 Hong-da Zhu Jing-yu Wang +8 位作者 Quan Wu Nei-fen Wang Ti-jiang Fan Hu-sheng Liu Qing-fen Liu Xiao-yan Wang Li Ou-yang Ya-qiong Liu Qing Xie 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2007年第2期71-82,共12页
Objective To provide basis of reference values for relevant parameters of Chinese Reference Man. Methods Eighteen kinds of major organ or tissue samples, including muscle, rib, liver, and so on, were obtained from 4 a... Objective To provide basis of reference values for relevant parameters of Chinese Reference Man. Methods Eighteen kinds of major organ or tissue samples, including muscle, rib, liver, and so on, were obtained from 4 areas (Hebei, Shanxi, Jiangsu, and Sichuan provinces) with different dietary patterns in China in autopsy of 16 healthy adult men, who had just encountered sudden deaths. At the same time, whole blood samples were collected from 10 volunteers living in each of these areas. The concentrations of 56 elements in these samples were detected by using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES), and Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GF-AAS) techniques. Based on obtained concentrations and reference values of these organ or tissue weights for Chinese Reference Man, the relative elemental burdens in these organs or tissues as well whole body were also estimated. Results The concentrations of 56 elements in 18 main organs or tissues were determined all together and their elemental organ or tissue and whole body burdens were estimated. Furthermore, the distributions of important elements for radiation protection in these organs or tissues were emphatically discussed. Conclusion By summing with past related results, the total results obtained from the series of research may provide more reliable and better representative basis of these reference values for Chinese Reference Man than before. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese adult man elemental content ORGAN tissue whole body BURDEN
Soft–strong supporting mechanism of gob-side entry retaining in deep coal seams threatened by rockburst 被引量:9
作者 Ning Jianguo Wang Jun +2 位作者 Liu Xuesheng Qian Kun Sun Bi 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第6期805-810,共6页
When gob-side entry retaining is implemented in deep coal seams threatened by rockburst, the cementbased supporting body beside roadway will bear greater roof pressure and strong impact load. Then the supporting body ... When gob-side entry retaining is implemented in deep coal seams threatened by rockburst, the cementbased supporting body beside roadway will bear greater roof pressure and strong impact load. Then the supporting body may easily deform and fail because of its low strength in the early stage. This paper established the roadside support mechanical model of gob-side entry retaining. Based on this model,we proposed and used the soft–strong supporting body as roadside support in the gob-side entry retaining. In the early stage of roof movement, the soft–strong supporting body has a better compressibility, which can not only relieve roof pressure and strong impact load, but also reduce the supporting resistance and prevent the supporting body from being crushed. In the later stage, with the increase of the strength of the supporting body, it can better support the overlying roof. The numerical simulation results and industrial test show that the soft–strong supporting body as roadside support can be better applied into the gob-side entry retaining in deep coal seams threatened by rockburst. 展开更多
关键词 Deep coal seam Rockburst Gob-side entry retaining Soft-strong supporting body
作者 Lezzi G Degidi M +6 位作者 Shibli J Vantaggiato G Piattelli A Perrotti V 陈璇 梁悦娥 刘琦 《中国口腔医学继续教育杂志》 2015年第5期253-257,共5页
本研究的目的是对负荷超过1年的Ankylos种植体周围组织反应和骨一钛界面进行组织学和组织形态学分析。从Chieti-Pescara大学口腔医学院的种植中心检索Ankylos种植体负荷超过1年回收的人群档案。一共检索到4颗种植体:其中1颗是负荷3年... 本研究的目的是对负荷超过1年的Ankylos种植体周围组织反应和骨一钛界面进行组织学和组织形态学分析。从Chieti-Pescara大学口腔医学院的种植中心检索Ankylos种植体负荷超过1年回收的人群档案。一共检索到4颗种植体:其中1颗是负荷3年后回收(Friadent plus种植体表面).2颖为35年后回收(Friadent plus种植体表面),还有1颗是10年后回收(Deep Profile种植体表面)。所有种植体都曾载荷,其中2颗为即刻负荷。种植体1颗因折裂而回收,1颗因上部结构折裂而回收,其余2颗因伴有或不伴有炎症的骨吸收而回收。负荷3年和35年后回收的种植体周围为含极少细小骨髓腔的致密骨;而负荷10年后回收的种植体周围为松质骨。3种有效螺纹状的骨一种植体接触百分比分别是:负荷10年后回收的为35%;负荷3年后回收的为99%.负荷35年后回收的为100%。在骨一种植体界面上未见不良反应,从微观结构层面上看,种植体周围骨一种植体接触率高。数据显示这些种植体在长期的功能状态下持续不问断进行骨改建有维持骨结合的潜能。 展开更多
关键词 骨组织反应 牙种植 负荷 组织形态 组织学 周围 学报 病例
A Negative Donor Center Trapped by a Spherical Quantum Dot
作者 XIE Wen-Fang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期507-510,共4页
The properties of the low-lying states of a negative donor center trapped by a spherical quantum dot, which is subjected to a parabolic potential confinement, are investigated in the absence of magnetic field. The cal... The properties of the low-lying states of a negative donor center trapped by a spherical quantum dot, which is subjected to a parabolic potential confinement, are investigated in the absence of magnetic field. The calculations have been performed by means of the exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian matrix within the effective-mass approximation. We find that there is only one bound state the D^- center in a spherical parabolic quantum dot in the absence of magnetic field. The binding energy of the ground state is obtained as a function of the dot size. Moreover, the critical confined potential radius value at which the negative donor center changes from unbound to bound is obtained. 展开更多
关键词 quantum dots DONOR
作者 汪岩松 《甘肃冶金》 2005年第3期91-92,共2页
关键词 回转轴承 径向间隙 最大滚动负荷
Non-HFE haemochromatosis 被引量:2
作者 Daniel F Wallace V Nathan Subramaniam 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第35期4690-4698,共9页
Non-HFE hereditary haemochromatosis (HH) refers to a genetically heterogeneous group of iron overload disorders that are unlinked to mutations in the HFE gene. The four main types of non-HFE HH are caused by mutatio... Non-HFE hereditary haemochromatosis (HH) refers to a genetically heterogeneous group of iron overload disorders that are unlinked to mutations in the HFE gene. The four main types of non-HFE HH are caused by mutations in the hemojuvelin, hepcidin, transferrin receptor 2 and ferroportin genes. Juvenile haemochromatosis is an autosomal recessive disorder and can be caused by mutations in either hemojuvelin or hepcidin. Ar~ adult onset form of HH similar to HFE-HH is caused by homozygosity for mutations in transferrin receptor 2. The autosomal dominant iron overload disorder ferroportin disease is caused by mutations in the iron exporter ferroportin. The clinical characteristics and molecular basis of the various types of non-HFE haemochromatosis are reviewed. The study of these disorders and the molecules involved has been invaluable in improving our understanding of the mechanisms involved in the regulation of iron metabolism. 展开更多
关键词 HAEMOCHROMATOSIS Iron overload Non-HFE Juvenile haemochromatosis HEMOJUVELIN Hepcidin Transferrin receptor 2 FERROPORTIN
作者 凃璨 熊飞 《临床肾脏病杂志》 2015年第3期189-192,共4页
腹膜透析是终末期肾脏病的主要替代治疗方法之一。腹膜透析超滤相对于血液透析而言,提供了一个更平稳的液体环境,不受急剧不平稳的血流动力学影响,但仍有些研究表明腹膜透析患者处于液体负荷过重的状态并在血压和心血管系统方面表现... 腹膜透析是终末期肾脏病的主要替代治疗方法之一。腹膜透析超滤相对于血液透析而言,提供了一个更平稳的液体环境,不受急剧不平稳的血流动力学影响,但仍有些研究表明腹膜透析患者处于液体负荷过重的状态并在血压和心血管系统方面表现出来。 展开更多
关键词 腹膜透析超滤 终末期肾脏病 血流动力学影 心血管系统 治疗方法 血液透析 透析患者 负荷
A holistic examination of the load rating design of longwall shields after more than half a century of mechanised longwall mining 被引量:7
作者 Frith Russell C. 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第5期687-706,共20页
It is a commonly asked question:how big should the longwall shields be? The answer is a key aspect of a longwall mining feasibility study when the consequences of inadequately rated shields are considered.This paper a... It is a commonly asked question:how big should the longwall shields be? The answer is a key aspect of a longwall mining feasibility study when the consequences of inadequately rated shields are considered.This paper addresses this question based on the measured nature of the loading environment in which shields are required to operate,the various geological and geometrical controls of that environment and the various links between their load rating,a range of other relevant shield design factors and the loss event they are required to prevent a major roof collapse on the longwall face.The paper concludes that despite the tremendous advances that have been made in shield design and load rating over the past50 years,the same drivers that caused longwall miners of the past to seek improved roof control on the longwall face via the use of ever-higher rated shields,are still as relevant today.However at the current time,the limits of the largest available longwall shields have yet to be tested,therefore industry focus for the foreseeable future should possibly be in achieving the maximum level of roof control on the face via their optimum operational use rather than considering further shield rating increases and incurring the inevitable downsides in terms of capital cost and shield weight. 展开更多
关键词 Longwall genmechanics Longwall face instability Longwall shield design Periodic weighting of massive strata Longwall panel geometry
Managing Water Quality in Huntsman Lake (Virginia, USA)reDevelopment and Implementation of Restoration Strategies
作者 David Tomasko Emily Keenan Shannon Curtis 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2013年第6期337-352,共16页
Huntsman Lake is located within the Middle Run of the Pohick Creek watershed, which is itself located within the much larger Chesapeake Bay watershed. Data collected from both the water column and the lake's sediment... Huntsman Lake is located within the Middle Run of the Pohick Creek watershed, which is itself located within the much larger Chesapeake Bay watershed. Data collected from both the water column and the lake's sediments indicate that phosphorus-rich bottom sediments are an important internal loading source, and these internal phosphorus loads would continue to adversely impact water quality until and unless sediments are removed or inactivated. The implementation of artificial circulation was anticipated to be able to increase the sequestration of phosphorus within better oxygenated bottom sediments, and was the first lake management strategy deployed in Huntsman Lake. In the first two years after the installation of a whole-lake circulation system, the lake's waters are no longer stratified, and the bottom waters are no longer hypoxic and/or anoxic. While there is no evidence of a subsequent reduction in concentrations of nitrogen or chlorophyll-a, average phosphorus concentrations have decreased. However, high variability in the phosphorus data decreases our confidence that this is a sustained improvement. These results are consistent with prior findings, including those from downstream systems, that the reversal of the symptoms of eutrophication can involve lag-periods up to several years, if they are successful at all. 展开更多
关键词 Lake water quality EUTROPHICATION phosphorus restoration strategies.
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