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《周礼》所反映的财计制度及内部会计控制思想 被引量:3
作者 杨智杰 《财会月刊(中)》 2007年第6期84-86,共3页
关键词 《周礼》 财计制度 内部会控制
隋唐中央财计组织制度研究——我国大部制改革的历史借鉴 被引量:1
作者 张嘉兴 张涛 韩传模 《中南财经政法大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期147-152,共6页
中央财计组织制度是国家财政和会计组织机构设置与运行机制的统一,在历史发展中体现出鲜明的继承性和延续性。在专业分工与综合协调的驱动下,隋唐中央财计组织制度的演进体现了国家经济管理工作运行的合理化过程,最终形成以会计、国库... 中央财计组织制度是国家财政和会计组织机构设置与运行机制的统一,在历史发展中体现出鲜明的继承性和延续性。在专业分工与综合协调的驱动下,隋唐中央财计组织制度的演进体现了国家经济管理工作运行的合理化过程,最终形成以会计、国库、审计、行政监察四大部门相互协调而制衡的综合体系。我国现阶段的大部制改革应借鉴隋唐中央财计组织制度的有益经验,一方面在宏观管理领域建立起权责利博弈的顶层权力结构,另一方面在微观控制领域完成财计职能整合与优化,最终实现国家经济管理工作的效能最大化。 展开更多
关键词 中央组织制度 三省六部制 大部制改革
经济环境、组织结构与制度绩效——秦汉财计组织制度的历史借鉴 被引量:2
作者 张涛 《中南财经政法大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期41-45,共5页
国家运用政治权力分部建制、分官设职,确定财政和会计组织的分工、合作与制约机制,成为实现政治和经济集权的重要保障,并构成后世国家行政体制改革的核心内容、重要参照。本文以秦汉时期财计组织制度考证为据,阐明经济环境和组织结构对... 国家运用政治权力分部建制、分官设职,确定财政和会计组织的分工、合作与制约机制,成为实现政治和经济集权的重要保障,并构成后世国家行政体制改革的核心内容、重要参照。本文以秦汉时期财计组织制度考证为据,阐明经济环境和组织结构对财计组织制度绩效的影响:一方面经济环境是制约治理效率的首要因素,财计组织制度效用的发挥不可能脱离其所处的历史环境;另一方面,财计组织的分权机制和层级结构是影响制度绩效的重要指标。在历史环境一定的情况下,财计组织结构的合理性决定了财计组织制度绩效的发挥,从而提高或降低国家治理效率。 展开更多
关键词 经济环境 组织结构 制度绩效 组织制度
作者 李美娟 《财会通讯》 北大核心 2022年第3期161-166,共6页
财计组织制度在推动社会进步、优化资源配置、实施经济管理以及巩固国家政权等多个方面均存在重要作用,在经济新常态背景下,如何建立完善的财计组织制度,改善国家治理体系和能力、协调社会经济和政府组织结构间的关系引发社会各界关注... 财计组织制度在推动社会进步、优化资源配置、实施经济管理以及巩固国家政权等多个方面均存在重要作用,在经济新常态背景下,如何建立完善的财计组织制度,改善国家治理体系和能力、协调社会经济和政府组织结构间的关系引发社会各界关注。中国作为世界四大文明古国之一,其古代财计组织制度在很长一段时间内走在世界前列,拥有许多优秀经验值得借鉴。因此,本文在分析我国古代财计组织制度的历史演变过程的基础上,从中汲取对当代政府财计体制改革有益的养分,以此推动我国当代财计组织制度的进一步完善。 展开更多
关键词 制度变迁 国家治理 组织制度
《周礼》财计体制及其内部控制思想 被引量:1
作者 杨智杰 芦雅婷 《石家庄经济学院学报》 2009年第6期125-130,共6页
《周礼》一书主要论述封建国家理财和制度建设问题,其中有诸多的理财原则和财计制度对当前我国政府理财和制度建设有一定借鉴意义。对《周礼》财计体制及其中反映的内部控制思想进行考察分析。希望能古为今用,对当前政府财计制度和内部... 《周礼》一书主要论述封建国家理财和制度建设问题,其中有诸多的理财原则和财计制度对当前我国政府理财和制度建设有一定借鉴意义。对《周礼》财计体制及其中反映的内部控制思想进行考察分析。希望能古为今用,对当前政府财计制度和内部控制体系建设有所启示。 展开更多
关键词 《周礼》理思想 财计制度 控制
作者 肖凌 《会计之友》 北大核心 2013年第7期121-123,共3页
两宋吸取前朝教训,加强中央集权,构建了完备的中央财计体系,使得在唐代提出而未得到应用的"量出制入"财政原则,实际在两宋得到了贯彻实施。文章从宏观上对两宋中央财政机构的演变进行了分析,从微观上对两宋官厅会计的簿账、... 两宋吸取前朝教训,加强中央集权,构建了完备的中央财计体系,使得在唐代提出而未得到应用的"量出制入"财政原则,实际在两宋得到了贯彻实施。文章从宏观上对两宋中央财政机构的演变进行了分析,从微观上对两宋官厅会计的簿账、会计核算、会计凭证和库藏制度的变化进行了介绍,总结了两宋财计的四个特征。 展开更多
关键词 量出制入 两宋 财计制度
作者 赵丽娜 《现代商业》 2007年第06X期49-49,48,共2页
关键词 财计制度 官员审制度 制度
论辽朝官厅会计 被引量:2
作者 莫磊 廖云杉 《财会月刊》 北大核心 2019年第8期105-113,共9页
契丹辽朝开启了中国历史上的第二个南北朝时期。这一过程中,辽朝实现了疆域与文明的双重跨越发展,其政治治理模式、财税政策乃至会计制度也都在与先进文明的互动融合中实现了传承与创新。目前尚未有文献对辽朝时期的会计演变及其历史意... 契丹辽朝开启了中国历史上的第二个南北朝时期。这一过程中,辽朝实现了疆域与文明的双重跨越发展,其政治治理模式、财税政策乃至会计制度也都在与先进文明的互动融合中实现了传承与创新。目前尚未有文献对辽朝时期的会计演变及其历史意义进行全面、系统、深入的研究。立足于开拓创新,研究梳理辽朝独特的财计组织发展历史,凝练和总结辽朝时期的财计制度及其特点,以呈现辽朝官厅会计演变规律及其历史意义的方式,揭示中华民族在会计发展及会计文化形成方面相互促进影响的融合性历史发展规律,从而为新时期我国经济的全面发展提供历史镜鉴,为挖掘和弘扬历史文化提供新的视角和思路。 展开更多
关键词 辽朝 契丹 官厅会 组织 财计制度
政治变迁、民族融合与北朝财计组织制度 被引量:2
作者 张嘉兴 张涛 《贵州民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第11期197-200,共4页
作为国家治理的核心环节,财计组织制度不但影响经济绩效,同时也关系到国家整体兴衰。在政治变迁、民族融合的历史环境下,北朝经由孝文改制和魏周改革逐步建立起适宜的顶层制度设计,并取得了财计组织制度建设的重要突破。财计主管部门度... 作为国家治理的核心环节,财计组织制度不但影响经济绩效,同时也关系到国家整体兴衰。在政治变迁、民族融合的历史环境下,北朝经由孝文改制和魏周改革逐步建立起适宜的顶层制度设计,并取得了财计组织制度建设的重要突破。财计主管部门度支系统的完善确立了会计在国家经济治理中的作用和地位;比部审计与御史监察的分离开启了加强国家审计独立性的序幕。北朝财计组织制度建设是中华民族的智慧结晶,为隋唐大一统国家的建立奠定了制度基础。 展开更多
关键词 政治变迁 民族融合 组织制度 北朝
Application of International Public Sector Accounting Standards in Vietnam in Current Conditions 被引量:1
作者 Mai Thi Hoang Minh 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第4期404-413,共10页
The objective of improving the state accounting system is to build a state accounting system based on a single and complete database which is applied uniformly across all public authorities and agencies from central t... The objective of improving the state accounting system is to build a state accounting system based on a single and complete database which is applied uniformly across all public authorities and agencies from central to local. Such an accounting system must ensure a reliable and smooth flow of information among all the entities that take part in the preparation, allocation, execution, and finalization of the state budget. In order to improve the quality of financial information, to harmonize, and to develop accounting profession globally, the trend of international economic integration requires the standardization of accounting legislative framework among countries and first of all, the harmonization and unification of the preparation, presentation, and disclosure of financial information. Financial statements of each business in the private sector and financial statements of the government in the public sector in different countries should be transparent and presented in accordance with the accounting standards and principles and in line with international practices so that the financial information will be able to be compared and evaluated. Therefore, financial statements of each entity in the public sector and the consolidated financial statements of public sector entities issued by the government in different countries must be prepared and presented in a unified form to suit the international public sector accounting standards. Accordingly, with the application of the interview method in research, the main objective of this article is to focus on searching for the bases and consideration for the application of international public sector accounting standards in Vietnam in current conditions. This article consists of eight sections: (1) what are international public sector accounting standards? (2) accounting entities of the public sector; (3) the limitations of current public sector accounting in Vietnam; (4) financial information to meet the requirements of state management and to comply with international practices; (5) the advantages of applying international public sector accounting standards in Vietnam; (6) the difficulties and challenges of applying international public sector accounting standards in Vietnam; (7) learning experiences from other countries; and (8) conclusion. 展开更多
关键词 public sector INTERNATIONAL public sector accounting standards ACCOUNTING state budget governmentalorganizations
Analysis on auditing problems in SOEs joint share system reform
作者 ZHANG Xian-zhi JIANG Mei-hua 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2007年第4期53-59,共7页
At the present stage of the SOEs joint share system reform, the problem of distorted accounting information, the failed financial audit and the ensuing erosion of the state: Owned assets, have severely impeded the pr... At the present stage of the SOEs joint share system reform, the problem of distorted accounting information, the failed financial audit and the ensuing erosion of the state: Owned assets, have severely impeded the process of the SOEs reform. This paper conducts an in-depth analysis on auditing problems in the process of the SOEs reform from managerial points of view, makes the suggestion that we should introduce governmental audit into the auditing supervision of the SOEs reform, and discusses its methods, approaches, contents and procedures in detail. This paper also indicates the possible obstacles of implementing this suggestion. 展开更多
关键词 the SOEs joint share system reform governmental audit financial audit
Problems ,and improvement strategies in foundation work of college accounting
作者 Mingcan Sun 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第8期128-130,共3页
The current accounting system has no longer suited to the development of colleges and university. On the basis of analyzing the crux of the accounting system, we propose solutions to make college financial work more t... The current accounting system has no longer suited to the development of colleges and university. On the basis of analyzing the crux of the accounting system, we propose solutions to make college financial work more truly reflect the financial condition and fund utilizing situation. With the development of social economy and changes in the market system, university has entered a period of extraordinary development. According to the needs of universities development, university accounting system has also undergone a series of changes. From the accounting method to account setup and expenditures structure, it has made a series of adjustment, to a certain extent reflecting the funding operations of the university. But because accounting basis, accounting method, setup of accounting statement and other items are not suited to financial management needs of universities, some accounting treatments and statements reflecting can' t be a true reflection of the funding operations of universities and financial position. 展开更多
关键词 FOUNDATION college accounting financial accounting.
Preliminary Considerations About the Transposition of Directive 2013/34/EU Into Italian Accounting System
作者 Roberta Provasi Claudio Sottoriva 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2015年第6期302-312,共11页
With the Directive No. 2013/34/EU dated June 26, 2013, the Parliament and the European Council have decreed a new era for the financial statements of companies in the EU member countries. The introduction of the new d... With the Directive No. 2013/34/EU dated June 26, 2013, the Parliament and the European Council have decreed a new era for the financial statements of companies in the EU member countries. The introduction of the new directive aims to improve the coverage information of the accounting document and to begin a process of simplification of administrative burdens and standards for the preparation and publication of the financial statements. In Italy, the directive must be transposed by July 20, 2015 for which the associations of accountants are evaluating the specific contents of the new rules to make applications for Italian companies. Some of the new rules and above all part of the new structures of the schemes of the financial statements are quite different from the approaches currently in use for which very heated discussions are taking place. 展开更多
关键词 European Directive 2013/34/EU Italian accounting system accounting harmonization
Discussion on the Enhanced Accounting Supervision System of Financial Management
作者 Yan FENG 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期148-150,共3页
Accounting supervision is a management activity to monitor and supervise the production, business operation, and budget implementation in enterprises, and a good accounting supervision plays an extremely important rol... Accounting supervision is a management activity to monitor and supervise the production, business operation, and budget implementation in enterprises, and a good accounting supervision plays an extremely important role in the social and economic development. In China, there are many accounting supervision problems in accounting practice at present, and a lot of the problems have exerted a negative impact on the social and economic life. Therefore, the causes for these problems are discussed and analyzed, so that the corresponding methods and measures are proposed for solving the existing problems and promoting the accounting supervision to play a better and greater role in the financial management of enterprises. 展开更多
关键词 Financial Management Accounting Supervision PROBLEMS Measures
Talk about the necessity and realistic significance of the separation between the financial accounting and tax accounting
作者 Bingrong Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第5期65-67,共3页
The tax accounting and financial accounting' s different target, different legal basis, different accounting principles as well as the different time of recognition between incomes and expenses will result in signifi... The tax accounting and financial accounting' s different target, different legal basis, different accounting principles as well as the different time of recognition between incomes and expenses will result in significant differences between accounting income and taxable income. We think that drawing on the experience of the United States and other countries to establish the specialized accounting theory and methods, the implementation of tax accounting and financial accounting separation is an inevitable requirement. Whether the financial accounting and tax accounting should be separated, of which the key lies in the degree of difference and coordinability between accounting income and taxable income. We believe that from our tax system, financial system and the history and current status of the development of accounting systems perspective, it do not exist realistic necessity of the separation between the tax accounting and the financial accounting. 展开更多
关键词 financial accounting TAX system MANAGEMENT
Discussion on the Enhanced Accounting Supervision System of Financial Management
作者 Yan FENG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第5期40-42,共3页
Accounting supervision is a management activity to monitor and supervise the production, business operation, and budget implementation in enterprises, and a good accounting supervision plays an extremely important rol... Accounting supervision is a management activity to monitor and supervise the production, business operation, and budget implementation in enterprises, and a good accounting supervision plays an extremely important role in the social and economic development. In China, there are many accounting supervision problems in accounting practice at present, and a lot of the problems have exerted a negative impact on the social and economic life. Therefore, the causes for these problems are discussed and analyzed, so that the corresponding methods and measures are proposed for solving the existing problems and promoting the accounting supervision to play a better and greater role in the financial management of enterprises. 展开更多
关键词 Financial Management Accounting Supervision PROBLEMS Measures
Research on Corporate Governance-based Problem of Financial Accounting Information
作者 Xiumei ZHU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第3期50-52,共3页
This article makes a detailed analysis of the relationship between corporate governance and financial accounting information under the framework of corporate governance, with the help of the principles of information ... This article makes a detailed analysis of the relationship between corporate governance and financial accounting information under the framework of corporate governance, with the help of the principles of information economics and institutional economics. By taking into considerations of the agency issues arising form the separation of the managers from the owners under the modem corporate environment in order to solve agency conflict and to realize right restricting and benefit grouping. The mechanism of financial accounting information produced internally from the mechanism of corporate governance. Based on this understanding, this article discusses how financial accounting information works in both internal and external corporate governance mechanism. And explores the application mechanism of financial accounting information associating with stock price and introduces the function of corporate governance to guarantee the quality of accounting information respectively, respectively paying particular emphasis on the two goals of financial accounting-the decision useful and the accountability approach. 展开更多
关键词 Financial accounting information Authority restraint Managerial incentive contract External corporate governance
The Impact of Switching Standard on Accounting Quality
作者 Metin Uyar Trakya Universiy Edime Turkey 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第4期459-479,共21页
In a developing country, modernization and change of the accounting regime are possible if the standards are in compliance with global ones. The change of accounting standards adopted by Turkey started to be implement... In a developing country, modernization and change of the accounting regime are possible if the standards are in compliance with global ones. The change of accounting standards adopted by Turkey started to be implemented, and this created a number of qualitative and quantitative results. This study examines the impact of change of accounting standards on accounting quality. In order to determine how switching standard reflects accounting quality, first of all, the earnings management, timely loss recognition, and value relevance variables pertaining to accounting quality were listed and the findings were stated after subjecting the obtained data to statistical analyses. Accordingly, by the transition to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the earnings management practices were observed to decrease as compared with the pre-IFRS period and the timely loss recognition and value-relevance values were observed to increase, which constitute the dimensions of accounting quality. It was also concluded that by the switch from domestic accounting standards to International Accounting Standards (IAS), the quality of accounting in the country was improved and the market became more active than it was before. 展开更多
关键词 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) accounting quality earnings management timely loss recognition value relevance
Accounting regulation and IPSAS implementation: Efforts of transition countries toward IPSAS compliance
作者 Gorana Roje Davor Vagidek Vesna Vagidek 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第12期1-16,共16页
The need for high quality standards to enhance sound and consistent financial reporting and the fact that the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of public sector extended to a belief that public and private sectors did ... The need for high quality standards to enhance sound and consistent financial reporting and the fact that the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of public sector extended to a belief that public and private sectors did not have to be managed in fundamentally different ways, fostered a wide-ranging discussion about the harmonization of public sector accounting systems and their convergence towards the private sector financial reporting standards. This paper discusses the state and perspective of public sector accounting and financial reporting in transition countries. Precisely, this paper aims to examine the adequacy of governmental accounting and financial reporting model, reflecting the existing accounting regulation and financial reporting framework in Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The motivation for this paper emerges from international discussions about IPSASs development and adoption, and the fact that the topic is becoming more and more relevant as many countries are moving towards adopting full accrual accounting using IPSASs as their method of financial reporting. Our results show that the degree and dynamics of government accounting systems' transformation in transition countries depends upon several specific factors which have to be taken into account when evaluating the systems and making comparison between government accounting system reforms in countries in the analysis. Thus, the study distinguishes certain similarities but also discrepancies regarding the status and possible further development of governmental accounting in countries examined. 展开更多
关键词 government accounting financial reporting BUDGETING IPSASs transition countries
Overview of Vietnamese Accounting System Since 1975 and the Process of Vietnam's Convergence to IFRS
作者 Nguyen Xuan Hung 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2015年第5期260-268,共9页
The development of accounting systems is influenced by socio-economic characteristics at each stage. The paper explores the impact of the characteristics of political institutions at every stage in the development of ... The development of accounting systems is influenced by socio-economic characteristics at each stage. The paper explores the impact of the characteristics of political institutions at every stage in the development of social economy, which determines the objects using accounting information, as well as the legal accounting system issued so that accounting can meet the demand for accounting information of these objects in Vietnam from 1975 to the present. Based on studies by authors in this period as well as issued accounting documents system, this paper aims to point out the formation and development process of Vietnam accounting system, providing researchers and elaborating agencies with a basis for determining the right development direction of Vietnam accounting in the coming time. 展开更多
关键词 Vietnam accounting system accounting integration process socio-economic characteristics
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