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牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)细菌败血感染症及病原检验与分析 被引量:8
作者 房海 陈翠珍 +4 位作者 张晓君 葛慕湘 何振平 靳晓敏 王秀云 《海洋与湖沼》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期159-166,共8页
采用调查统计、剖检病变、病原分离鉴定与人工感染健康鱼致病作用试验的方法 ,对自然发生的养殖牙鲆细菌败血感染症病例 ,进行了发病情况、临床表现及病理变化等方面的检验 ,同时取病 (死 )牙鲆的肝、腹水、腐烂肌肉组织为材料进行细菌... 采用调查统计、剖检病变、病原分离鉴定与人工感染健康鱼致病作用试验的方法 ,对自然发生的养殖牙鲆细菌败血感染症病例 ,进行了发病情况、临床表现及病理变化等方面的检验 ,同时取病 (死 )牙鲆的肝、腹水、腐烂肌肉组织为材料进行细菌分离 ,对分离于 1 0尾鱼 2 0株纯培养菌的形态特征、理化特性等进行鉴定。结果表明 ,分离出来的两种细菌 ,一种是弧菌属(VibrioPacini 1 85 4 )细菌的一个新种 (sp .nov .)并定名为牙鲆弧菌 (Vibrioolivaceussp .nov .) ;另一种是气单胞菌属 (AeromonasKluyverandvanNiel 1 936)的嗜水气单胞菌 (A .hydrophila)。通过人工感染试验等表明该两种分离菌为相应感染症的致病菌。 展开更多
关键词 牙鲆 败血感染症 病原细菌 检验
草鱼和青鱼细菌性败血感染症的病原菌研究 被引量:9
作者 秦国民 张晓君 +2 位作者 陈翠珍 房海 阎斌伦 《江苏农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期236-239,共4页
以发病死亡的草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)和青鱼(Mylopharyngodon piceus )肝脏、肾脏为材料进行细菌分离。对分离出作纯培养的菌株,按常规方法进行形态与培养特征、主要理化特性的鉴定及16S rRNA基因序列测定与系统发育学分... 以发病死亡的草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)和青鱼(Mylopharyngodon piceus )肝脏、肾脏为材料进行细菌分离。对分离出作纯培养的菌株,按常规方法进行形态与培养特征、主要理化特性的鉴定及16S rRNA基因序列测定与系统发育学分析;以常用的琼脂扩散(K—B)法测定对抗菌类药物的敏感性,以是否出现抑菌圈及其直径大小作为敏感、耐药的判定指标;用3×10^8 CFU/mL的菌液对健康鲤鱼(腹腔接种0.3mL/尾)进行人工感染试验,以引起发病死亡并能重新检出感染菌作为致病性的判定指标。结果表明,供试4株纯培养菌(编号:HL060811—1至HL060811—4)均为气单胞菌属Aeromonas)的嗜水气单胞菌(A.hydrophila);均表现对供试的头孢唑啉等29种抗菌药物敏感(抑菌圈直径16~42mm),对青霉素G等8种药物耐药或低度敏感(抑菌圈直径0—14mm);能引起供试健康鲤鱼的发病与死亡,并能从感染死亡鱼肝组织中检出相应感染菌。 展开更多
关键词 草鱼 青鱼 细菌性败血感染症 嗜水气单胞菌
牙鲆鱼肠道弧菌感染症及病原特性研究 被引量:17
作者 陈翠珍 房海 +2 位作者 张晓君 王秀云 葛慕湘 《热带海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期80-86,共7页
对一起养殖牙鲆Paralichthys olivaceus病害进行了发病情况、临床表现、病理变化及病原学方面的检验,结果表明为细菌性败血感染症。经过对10尾病(死)牙鲆做病变肝组织及腹水中细菌的染色检查,取其中6尾的肝、肾、腹水为材料做细菌分离... 对一起养殖牙鲆Paralichthys olivaceus病害进行了发病情况、临床表现、病理变化及病原学方面的检验,结果表明为细菌性败血感染症。经过对10尾病(死)牙鲆做病变肝组织及腹水中细菌的染色检查,取其中6尾的肝、肾、腹水为材料做细菌分离与纯培养后进行形态及理化特性测定,选择代表菌株进行16S rRNA基因序列测定及系统发育学分析,结果表明分离做纯培养的12株菌(HQ010223-1至HQ010223-12)为同种细菌———弧菌属Vibrio的鱼肠道弧菌V.ichthyoenteri。经以代表菌株(HQ010223-1)对健康牙鲆做人工感染试验,表明该菌在所检牙鲆病例的相应病原学意义;用37种抗菌类药物对6株菌所做的药敏试验,结果显示在不同菌株间无明显的敏感与耐药性差异。 展开更多
关键词 牙鲆Paralichthys OLIVACEUS 败血感染症 鱼肠道弧菌V.ichth yoenteri 检验 系统发育学
泥鳅气单胞菌感染的检验与分析 被引量:13
作者 房海 陈翠珍 +2 位作者 张晓君 巩元芳 王秀云 《中国人兽共患病学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第11期1065-1069,共5页
目的对一起养殖泥鳅病害进行发病情况、临床表现与病理变化、病原等方面的检验,旨在明确感染症的特征及相应的病原菌。方法随机取6尾病死泥鳅的肝及溃烂组织做细菌分离,对分离菌进行形态特征、生长表现、理化特性及代表菌株16S rRNA基... 目的对一起养殖泥鳅病害进行发病情况、临床表现与病理变化、病原等方面的检验,旨在明确感染症的特征及相应的病原菌。方法随机取6尾病死泥鳅的肝及溃烂组织做细菌分离,对分离菌进行形态特征、生长表现、理化特性及代表菌株16S rRNA基因序列测定等方面的鉴定明确细菌种类。选择代表菌株制备成3×108CFU/ml的菌液,分别经腹腔、肌肉途径感染健康泥鳅,测定其致病作用;对鉴定后的菌株以琼脂扩散法(K-B)做对抗菌类药物的敏感性测定。结果被检病死泥鳅的下颌部肌肉溃烂,肝脏及脾脏肿胀等。从肝、溃烂组织均检出了纯一的同种细菌,经鉴定表明为气单胞菌属(Aero-monasKluyver and van Niel1936)的新种并定名为泥鳅气单胞菌(Aeromonals misgurnussp.nov.)。人工感染试验结果对泥鳅具有较强的致病作用,用37种抗菌类药物所做的药敏试验结果显示在不同株间无明显的敏感与耐药性差异。结论所检病例为细菌性败血感染症,其病原为泥鳅气单胞菌。 展开更多
关键词 细菌性败血感染症 泥鳅气单胞菌 系统发育学 检验
Clinical significance of scoring system for systemic inflammatory response syndrome 被引量:1
作者 韩健 梁华平 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2006年第5期316-320,共5页
The concepts of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and scoring system were defined by the journal of Bone in 1992. SIRS was described as occurrence of two or more clinical criteria in four ones (fever o... The concepts of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and scoring system were defined by the journal of Bone in 1992. SIRS was described as occurrence of two or more clinical criteria in four ones (fever or hypothermia, tachypnea, tachycardia, and leukocytosis). An early diagnosis and estimation of systemic inflammation in patients is helpful for treatment selection. This paper reviews the application of SIRS scoring system, which has been extensively validated for large groups of critical carepatients with severe injury and critical surgical diseases. Recent studies have documented SIRS score as a significant predictive parameter of adverse outcome in critical care patients. Furthermore, some studies also give us a suggestion on how to reduce the overload systemic response. 展开更多
关键词 Sepsis syndrome INFECTION Scoring system
Prediction about severity and outcome of sepsis by proatrial natriuretic peptide and pro-adrenomedullin 被引量:10
作者 王瑞兰 康福新 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2010年第3期152-157,共6页
Objective: Measurement of biomarkers is a potential approach to early prediction of the risk of mortality in patients with sepsis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prognostic value of pro-atrial natri... Objective: Measurement of biomarkers is a potential approach to early prediction of the risk of mortality in patients with sepsis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prognostic value of pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (pro-ANP) and pro-adrenomedullin (pro- ADM) levels in a cohort of medical intensive care patients and to compare it with that of other known biomarkers and physiological scores. Methods: Blood samples of 51 consecutive critically ill patients admitted to the intensive care unit and 53 age-matched healthy control people were evaluated in this prospective study. The prognostic value ofpro-ANP and pro-ADM levels was compared with that of acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE) II scores and various biomarkers such as C-reactive protein, interleukin-6 and procalcitonin. Pro-ANP and pro-ADM were detected by a new sandwich immunoassay. Results: On admission, 25 patients had systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), 12 sepsis, 9 severe sepsis and 5 septic shock. At that time, the median levels (ng/ml) of pro-ANP and pro-ADM were 87.22 and 0.34 respectively in patients with SIRS, 1533.30 and 2.23 in those with sepsis, 1098.73 and 4.57 in those with severe sepsis, and 1933.94 and 8.21 in those with septic shock. With the increasing severity of disease, the levels of pro- ANP and pro-ADM were gradually increased. On admission, the circulating levels ofpro-ANP and pro-ADM in patients with sepsis, severe sepsis, or septic shock were significantly higher in non-survivors than in survivors (P〈0.05). In a receiver operating characteristic curve analysis for the survival of patients with sepsis, the areas under the curve (AUCs) for pro-ANP and pro-ADM were 0.89 and 0.87 respectively, which was similar to the AUCs for procalcitonin and APACHE II scores. Conclusion: Pro-ANP and pro-ADM are valuable biomarkers for prediction of severity of septic patients. 展开更多
关键词 N-terminal proatrial natriuretic peptide Proadrenomedullin SEPSIS
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