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基于临床决策支持系统中医护理电子文书质量控制系统的设计与应用 被引量:1
作者 郑秀青 刘姝 +1 位作者 钟远 任献青 《河南医学研究》 CAS 2023年第22期4161-4165,共5页
目的 建立和应用基于临床决策支持系统(CDSS)中医护理电子文书质量控制系统,以提升护理质量和效率。方法 将CDSS的理念植入到中医护理文书的设计中,建立中医护理决策支持系统知识库,建立结构化中医护理电子病历,将中医护理结构化电子病... 目的 建立和应用基于临床决策支持系统(CDSS)中医护理电子文书质量控制系统,以提升护理质量和效率。方法 将CDSS的理念植入到中医护理文书的设计中,建立中医护理决策支持系统知识库,建立结构化中医护理电子病历,将中医护理结构化电子病历、质量控制系统进行融合。结果 使用CDSS的中医护理电子文书质量控制系统后,系统环节质控合格率由86.5%提高至97%,护理病历完成时间由5.05 h降至2.39 h。结论 基于临床决策支持系统中医护理电子文书质量控制系统保证了中医护理文书书写的规范性、完整性、时效性、时序性,有效提升中医临床护理工作质量。 展开更多
关键词 临床决策 中医护理 电子文书 质控控制
体检报告质量控制中存在的问题及应对措施 被引量:16
作者 颜玉英 王瑜 郑万芳 《海南医学》 CAS 2013年第11期1696-1697,共2页
目的探讨体检报告质量控制中存在的问题及应对措施。方法对我院110916份体检报告进行质量控制,发现存在的问题,然后实施四级质量控制体系,制定相应的整改措施及奖惩机制。结果本组110916份报告,通过四级质控发现存在问题2040份,占1.89%... 目的探讨体检报告质量控制中存在的问题及应对措施。方法对我院110916份体检报告进行质量控制,发现存在的问题,然后实施四级质量控制体系,制定相应的整改措施及奖惩机制。结果本组110916份报告,通过四级质控发现存在问题2040份,占1.89%,通过整改后,110916份中发现问题仅2份,占0.0018%。结论通过四级质控对体检报告中存在的问题进行分析,并采取有效的应对措施,可以提高体检报告的质量,降低投诉率。 展开更多
关键词 体检报告 控制() 问题 措施
作者 林丽瑜 陈智鸿 +1 位作者 李彩凤 滕杰 《福建医药杂志》 CAS 2024年第5期66-69,共4页
目的调查厦门市13家医疗机构血液透析相关的临床质量控制数据,了解该市血液透析治疗现状.方法厦门市肾病专业质量控制中心于2021年和2022年对厦门市开展血液透析治疗的13家医疗机构进行质控数据采集,包括肾脏内科医师数量、血液透析专... 目的调查厦门市13家医疗机构血液透析相关的临床质量控制数据,了解该市血液透析治疗现状.方法厦门市肾病专业质量控制中心于2021年和2022年对厦门市开展血液透析治疗的13家医疗机构进行质控数据采集,包括肾脏内科医师数量、血液透析专职护士数量、透析工程师人数、透析机数量、维持性血液透析患者例数、血管通路手术量等,同时对2021年和2022年的血液透析质控数据作分析,包括血压达标率、血白蛋白达标率、贫血治疗达标率、血清钙磷达标率等各项指标.结果2022年血液透析患者2333例,较2021年新增94例,增幅420%;2022年全市共有血液透析机574台,新增血液透析机11台,增幅195%.从血压达标指标分析,2022年血压达标率为6080%,较2021年提高453%;从营养指标分析,2022年白蛋白达标率(8138%)比2021年(7170%)提高968%;从贫血指标分析,2022年的贫血治疗达标率为5274%,比2021年的5748%下降474%;从钙、磷控制指标分析,2022年血钙、血磷、血甲状旁腺素达标率分别为7068%、4059%、4571%,较2021年的7085%、4331%、5546%下降;从透析充分性分析,2022年血液透析充分性每半年评估1次完成率、尿素清除指数达标率、尿素下降率达标率分别为9794%、8496%、8475%,较2021年的8981%、8048%、8214%提升;从维持性血液透析通路方式分析,2022年自体动静脉内瘘使用率为7974%,较2021年的7888%升高.结论厦门市血液透析患者有递增趋势.厦门市13家血液透析单位2022年血液透析患者临床质控数据较去年均有不同程度的提高,从各项指标结果分析,血清甲状旁腺素显著下降,贫血、钙磷代谢指标有待进一步提高. 展开更多
关键词 质控控制 血液透析 终末期肾病 血管通路 肾性贫血
浅议海洋环境监测中的内部质量控制 被引量:5
作者 曹宇峰 吴昊 《海洋技术》 2006年第2期121-123,共3页
关键词 海洋环境监测 控制 方法
作者 贾如彪 《幸福生活指南》 2023年第37期100-102,共3页
混凝土施工是市政工程建设当中不可忽视的重要环节,直接决定了市政工程建设质量,想要真正的确保市政工程稳定、高质量实施,就应该重视市政工程混凝土施工质量,及时发现混凝土施工潜在问题,并采取有效的控制措施。本文将针对市政工程混... 混凝土施工是市政工程建设当中不可忽视的重要环节,直接决定了市政工程建设质量,想要真正的确保市政工程稳定、高质量实施,就应该重视市政工程混凝土施工质量,及时发现混凝土施工潜在问题,并采取有效的控制措施。本文将针对市政工程混凝土施工质量控制意义以及市政工程混凝土施工常见质量问题进行详细分析,其目的是研究出市政工程混凝土施工质量控制策略。 展开更多
关键词 市政工程 混凝土施工 质控控制
作者 王凯 《中文科技期刊数据库(引文版)医药卫生》 2021年第7期89-89,91,共2页
关键词 持续量改进 医院标本检验 质控控制
应用临床标本2天结果的比值开展室内质控 被引量:2
作者 吴秀茹 黄燕 +2 位作者 蒋莹 李爱华 段志玲 《中国误诊学杂志》 CAS 2006年第10期1891-1892,共2页
关键词 标本制备 质控控制
作者 李一洲 《科技信息》 2008年第32期175-175,386,共2页
教学应用型本科院校,其实验教学质量要实现全面提升,必然要经过一个由表及里、由量变到质变、由"数量控制"(量控)到"品质控制"(质控)的过程。我们的实验教学体系要真正落到实处,就必须把核心质量标准解读成一些具... 教学应用型本科院校,其实验教学质量要实现全面提升,必然要经过一个由表及里、由量变到质变、由"数量控制"(量控)到"品质控制"(质控)的过程。我们的实验教学体系要真正落到实处,就必须把核心质量标准解读成一些具体的表象化的数据,从"数量控制"入手,以"量"促"质"。 展开更多
关键词 应用型本科 实验教学 数量控制(量) 控制()
作者 胡捷 《中国政府采购》 2002年第1期10-14,共5页
作为政府采购招标代理机构的工作人员,作者从实际工作出发,论述了影响政府集中采购质量的两个质控点:采购程序方面的质控点、项目管理方面的质控点。内容涉及专家、招标机构的选择,招标文件的编制,采购人员的培训、配备,项目执行过程的... 作为政府采购招标代理机构的工作人员,作者从实际工作出发,论述了影响政府集中采购质量的两个质控点:采购程序方面的质控点、项目管理方面的质控点。内容涉及专家、招标机构的选择,招标文件的编制,采购人员的培训、配备,项目执行过程的监督等各方面。 展开更多
关键词 政府集中采购 控制 采购程序 招标代理机构 招标文件 项目管理
作者 张启荣 《中国疗养医学》 1993年第2期56-58,共3页
本文介绍统计病人结果均值作血红蛋白(Hb)质控。舍弃限度,参考352例患者Hb结果的2SD,定为90~150g/L。失控标准,用自制Hb控制液按生化质控RCVK测定20次,以计算结果X±2SD=118±8.0g/L作为本法的警告界线。经使用证明,本法具有... 本文介绍统计病人结果均值作血红蛋白(Hb)质控。舍弃限度,参考352例患者Hb结果的2SD,定为90~150g/L。失控标准,用自制Hb控制液按生化质控RCVK测定20次,以计算结果X±2SD=118±8.0g/L作为本法的警告界线。经使用证明,本法具有方法简便,稳定性强,灵敏度高的优点。 展开更多
关键词 血红蛋白 控制()
作者 吴燕茹 郑丽桑 《医疗装备》 2015年第9期105-106,共2页
关键词 TTM体检报告 控制() 问题 措施
核磁共振氢谱分析法在肺炎球菌荚膜多糖疫苗质量控制中的应用 被引量:3
作者 王玺 李阿妮 +4 位作者 张轶 张新庄 任克明 王剑虹 沈荣 《中国新药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第23期2681-2686,共6页
目的:将一维核磁共振氢谱(~1H-NMR)法分析应用于肺炎球菌荚膜多糖(Pn Ps)的质量控制。方法:用~1H-NMR法检测供试品Pn Ps,对部分特征信号进行归属,判断供试品化学结构是否与文献公布结果一致。对图谱异常的Pn Ps22F、23F的1H-NMR... 目的:将一维核磁共振氢谱(~1H-NMR)法分析应用于肺炎球菌荚膜多糖(Pn Ps)的质量控制。方法:用~1H-NMR法检测供试品Pn Ps,对部分特征信号进行归属,判断供试品化学结构是否与文献公布结果一致。对图谱异常的Pn Ps22F、23F的1H-NMR图谱进一步分析,辨认其水解特征信号。分析样品中是否有C-多糖(3.23ppm)、乙酸盐(1.92ppm)和Tris(3.73 ppm)等残留。结果:~1H-NMR分析结果显示Pn Ps14,6B,1,12F和33F结构与分析文献公布结果一致,样品中均含有少量的C多糖残留。图谱异常的Pn Ps22F和Pn Ps23F分别有部分脱氧乙酰基和部分脱磷酸甘油酯基团。3型中含有Tris残留。结论:1H-NMR检定方法快捷、所需样品量少、结果直观,可用于Pn Ps的质量控制。 展开更多
关键词 肺炎球菌荚膜多糖 核磁共振 质控控制
Control structure comparison for three-product Petlyuk column 被引量:1
作者 Shengkun Jia Xing Qian +1 位作者 Xigang Yuan Sigurd Skogestad 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第8期1621-1630,共10页
The focus of this paper is to investigate different control structures(single-loop PI control) for a dividing wall(Petlyuk) column for separating ethanol, n-propanol and n-butanol. Four control structures are studied.... The focus of this paper is to investigate different control structures(single-loop PI control) for a dividing wall(Petlyuk) column for separating ethanol, n-propanol and n-butanol. Four control structures are studied. All the results are simulations based on Aspen Plus. Control structure 1(CS1) is stabilizing control structure with only temperature controllers. CS2, CS3 and CS4, containing also composition controllers, are introduced to reduce the steady state composition deviations. CS2 adds a distillate composition controller(CCDB) on top of CS1. CS3 is much more complicated with three temperature-composition cascade controllers and in addition a selector to the reboiler duty to control the maximum controller output of light impurity composition control in side stream and bottom impurity control in the prefractionator. CS4 adds another high selector to control the light impurity in the sidestream. Surprisingly, when considering the dynamic and even steady state performance of the proposed control structures, CS1 proves to be the best control structure to handle feed disturbances inserted into the three-product Petlyuk column. 展开更多
关键词 Distillation columns Automatic process control Computer-aided control system design Petlyuk columns
Progress of heat-hazard treatment in deep mines 被引量:16
作者 Yang Xiaojie Han Qiaoyun +3 位作者 Pang Jiewen Shi Xiaowei Hou Dinggui Liu Chao 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第2期295-299,共5页
Based on the urgency of thermal hazard control in deep coal mines,we studied the status of deep thermal damage and cooling technology both at home and abroad,summarized the causes of deep thermal hazard,analysed and c... Based on the urgency of thermal hazard control in deep coal mines,we studied the status of deep thermal damage and cooling technology both at home and abroad,summarized the causes of deep thermal hazard,analysed and compared the control technologies for deep thermal hazards.The results show that the causes of deep thermal damage can be attributed to three aspects,i.e.,climate,geological and mining factors,of which the geological factors are deemed the major reasons for thermal hazards.As well,we compared a number of cooling technologies of domestic and overseas provenance,such as central air conditioning cooling technology,ice cooling technology and water cooling technology,with one other cooling technology,i.e.,the HEMS cooling technology,which has a large and important effect with its unique"pure air"cooling technology,realizes the utilizing of heat resources from underground to the ground.This technology makes use of heat obtained underground;thus the technology can promote low-carbon environmental economic development in coal mines,in order to achieve low- carbon coal production in China. 展开更多
关键词 Heat hazard Cooling technology HEMS Low-carbon PRODUCTION Mine water
Just-in-time learning based integrated MPC-ILC control for batch processes 被引量:4
作者 Li Jia Wendan Tan 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第8期1713-1720,共8页
Considering the two-dimension(2 D) characteristic and the unknown optimal trajectory problem of the batch processes, an integrated model predictive control-iterative learning control(MPC-ILC) for batch processes is pr... Considering the two-dimension(2 D) characteristic and the unknown optimal trajectory problem of the batch processes, an integrated model predictive control-iterative learning control(MPC-ILC) for batch processes is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the batch-axis information and time-axis information are combined into one quadratic performance index. It implies the integration of ILC and MPC algorithm idea, which leads to superior tracking performance and better robustness against disturbance and uncertainty. To address the problem of the unknown optimal trajectory, both time-varying prediction horizon and end product quality control are employed. Moreover, an integrated 2 D just-in-time learning(JITL) model is used to improve the predictive accuracy. Furthermore, rigorous description and proof are presented to prove the convergence and tracking performance of the proposed MPC-ILC strategy. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 Model predictive control Batch process Just-in-time learning (JITL) model
Nonlinear Predictive Control for PEMFC Stack Operation Temperature
作者 李曦 曹广益 朱新坚 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2005年第2期157-159,共3页
Operating temperature of proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack should be controlled within a special range. The input-output data and operating experiences were used to establish a PEMFC stack model and operating t... Operating temperature of proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack should be controlled within a special range. The input-output data and operating experiences were used to establish a PEMFC stack model and operating temperature control system. A nonlinear predictive control algorithm based on fuzzy model was presented for a family of complex system with severe nonlinearity such as PEMFC. Based on the obtained fuzzy model, a discrete optimization of the control action was carried out according to the principle of Branch and Bound method. The test results demonstrate the effectiveness and advantage of this approach. 展开更多
关键词 proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) nonlinear predictive control operation temperature
Quality prediction and control of tube hollow 被引量:1
作者 肖冬 王继春 +1 位作者 潘孝礼 毛志忠 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第3期767-772,共6页
The quality prediction of tube hollow model based on the variance staged multiway partial least square (MPLS) method was proposed.The key aspects of staged decomposition of the productive data,calculation of the varia... The quality prediction of tube hollow model based on the variance staged multiway partial least square (MPLS) method was proposed.The key aspects of staged decomposition of the productive data,calculation of the variance value,modeling,and on-lined prediction in the variance-staged MPLS method were introduced.Based on the model,iterative optimal control method was used for quality control of tube hollow.The experimental results show that the obvious benefits of this method are low maintenance cost,good real time function,high reliability precision,and practical application to on-line prediction and optimization on the quality of tube hollow. 展开更多
关键词 seamless tubes cross piercing tube hollow quality control variance-staged multiway partial least square (MPLS) iterative optimal control
Distributed multichannel medium access control protocol without common control channel for single-hop cognitive radio networks
作者 徐贵森 谭学治 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期1532-1544,共13页
A novel distributed cognitive radio multichannel medium access protocol without common control channel was proposed.The protocol divided a transmission interval into two parts for exchanging control information and da... A novel distributed cognitive radio multichannel medium access protocol without common control channel was proposed.The protocol divided a transmission interval into two parts for exchanging control information and data,respectively.In addition to evaluating system saturation throughput of the proposed protocol,a three-dimensional multi channel Markov chain model to describe the sate of the cognitive users (CUs) in dynamic spectrum access was presented.The proposed analysis was applied to the packet transmission schemes employed by the basic,RTS/CTS access mechanism adopted in the normal IEEE 802.11.Analyzing the advantage of the two methods,a hybrid access mechanism was proposed to improve the system throughput.The simulation results show that the experiment results are close to the value computed by the model (less than 5%),and the proposed protocol significantly improves the performance of the system throughput by borrowing the licensed spectrum.By analyzing the dependence of throughput on system parameters,hybrid mechanism dynamically selecting access mechanism can maintain high throughput. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive radio network multichannel cognitive radio MAC (medium access control) protocols performance evaluation saturation throughput
Expression of green fluoscrescent protein gene in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
作者 张军政 杨谦 杨雷 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2009年第3期346-349,共4页
Protoplasts of the pathogenic plant fungus,Sclerotinia sclerotiorum,were transformed using the pPGF plasmid,which contains green fluorescent protein gene,under the control of Aspergillus nidulans regulatory sequences.... Protoplasts of the pathogenic plant fungus,Sclerotinia sclerotiorum,were transformed using the pPGF plasmid,which contains green fluorescent protein gene,under the control of Aspergillus nidulans regulatory sequences. The pPGF plasmid was introduced by PEG/CaCl2 treatment. Positive transformants were harvested with hygromycin B (HYG) resistance as selective marker,and then were observed with green fluorescence phenomena in response to blue light,which suggested that GFP gene was cloned into genome DNA of S. sclerotiorum. The transformants were verified mitotically stable by Southern blotting analysis and passage culturing. This study is developed as an initial step for further research into infection mechanisms of S. sclerotiorum to plants and interactions with bio-control fungus. 展开更多
关键词 sclerotinia sclerotiorum green fluorescent protein TRANSFORMATION hygromycin resistance gene PROTOPLAST
Eureka Webair: Web-Based Air Quality Management, Real-Time Forecasting and Emission Control Optimization
作者 Fedra Kurt Schwarz-Witwer Christina 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2013年第4期209-228,共20页
For the assessment and management of regional to local air quality, an integrated environmental management information system was built within the multi national Eureka project 3266 Webair, http://www.ess.co.at/WEBAI... For the assessment and management of regional to local air quality, an integrated environmental management information system was built within the multi national Eureka project 3266 Webair, http://www.ess.co.at/WEBAIR. The system combines data bases and GIS and a range of coupled models and analytical tools that address a range of typical management problems and cover several levels of nesting from regional to city level and street canyons. The main functions are to support regulatory tasks, compliance monitoring, operational forecasting and reporting, impact assessment EIA (environmental impact assessment), SEA (strategic environmental assessment) and public information within one consistent framework. A major objective is the improvement of air quality through emission control. The integrated model system together with its shared data bases provides a reliable, consistent basis for the non-linear techno-economic and multi-criteria optimization of emission control strategies (including greenhouse gases and energy efficiency). A real-time expert system drives, supports and monitors the autonomous and interactive operations, and provides embedded QA/QC (quality assurance/quality control) functions for reliable operations and ease of use. 展开更多
关键词 Eureka webair emission control optimization operational forecasts scenario analysis cascading models.
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