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环境介质中铊的分布及其分析测试方法 被引量:46
作者 李德先 高振敏 朱咏喧 《地质通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第10期682-688,共7页
铊在水、土壤、矿物岩石、生物及人体等环境介质中的自然分布均较低,但矿山资源的开发利用等人为因素造成了铊对环境的严重污染。污染地区介质中铊含量超出了背景值的几十倍、几百倍,甚至上万倍。为了对环境中铊污染进行监测和治理,必... 铊在水、土壤、矿物岩石、生物及人体等环境介质中的自然分布均较低,但矿山资源的开发利用等人为因素造成了铊对环境的严重污染。污染地区介质中铊含量超出了背景值的几十倍、几百倍,甚至上万倍。为了对环境中铊污染进行监测和治理,必须发展铊的分析测试技术。除了传统的原子吸收光谱法、分光光度法等方法外,建议推广ICP-MS等灵敏度高、测试方法简单的测试方法。 展开更多
关键词 铊污染 环境介质 分析测试方法 分布规律 ICP—MS 等离子质普分析测试
新选308与铁观音乌龙茶香气成分比较分析 被引量:14
作者 陈常颂 钟秋生 +3 位作者 林郑和 陈志辉 游小妹 陈荣冰 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第21期97-102,106,共7页
选用新选308和铁观音为研究对象,采用顶空-固相微萃取(HS-SPME)法富集其香气物质和GC-MS进行香气成分分析。结果表明:新选308的酯类组分(13.35%)、酮类组分(7.98%)和烯烃类(35.97%)比铁观音乌龙茶香气高,其他组分包括醇类、醛类、烷烃... 选用新选308和铁观音为研究对象,采用顶空-固相微萃取(HS-SPME)法富集其香气物质和GC-MS进行香气成分分析。结果表明:新选308的酯类组分(13.35%)、酮类组分(7.98%)和烯烃类(35.97%)比铁观音乌龙茶香气高,其他组分包括醇类、醛类、烷烃类、杂氧化合物、含氮化合物等均比铁观音低。新选308的主要香气成分是橙花叔醇(19.25%)、α-法呢烯(16.17%)、吲哚(13.1%)、反-β-罗勒烯(6.42%)、2-甲基-6-亚甲基-1,7-辛二烯-3-酮(4.39%)、己酸叶醇酯(3.8%)、α-香柑油烯(3.3%)、顺-茉莉酮(2.03%)、壬醛(1.94%)、苯乙醛(1.28%)、苯乙腈(1.24%)、己酸己酯(1.22%)、水杨酸甲酯(0.92%)等;通过对其感官审评比较,发现两种茶的感官评分相近,但两品种(系)所制乌龙茶呈现各自的品种香型,新选308所制乌龙茶香气似茉莉花香,而铁观音音韵显。 展开更多
关键词 新选308 铁观音 顶空一固相微萃取法 香气成分 气相色谱-质普分析
质谱-元素分析仪测定有机氧同位素组成 被引量:2
作者 张庆乐 文启彬 +3 位作者 刘卫国 王政 曹蕴宁 宁有丰 《质谱学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2002年第4期220-224,共5页
对质谱 -元素分析仪 ( TC/ EA-MS)系统测定有机物的实验条件进行了探讨 ,通过不同条件下对几种有机物的实验对比 ,给出了利用 TC/ EA-MS在线测定有机物氧同位素组成的实验条件。结果表明 :当 GC温度为 85℃ ,炉温为 1 32 5℃ ,载气氦压... 对质谱 -元素分析仪 ( TC/ EA-MS)系统测定有机物的实验条件进行了探讨 ,通过不同条件下对几种有机物的实验对比 ,给出了利用 TC/ EA-MS在线测定有机物氧同位素组成的实验条件。结果表明 :当 GC温度为 85℃ ,炉温为 1 32 5℃ ,载气氦压为 0 .0 8~ 0 .1 0 MPa,高压为 3k V,参考气 CO的压力为 0 .0 5 MPa时 ,测定的实验结果误差小于 0 .0 5 % ,达到实验要求。 展开更多
关键词 质谱学 有机氧 同位素组成 测量 质普-元素分析仪
作者 华潞 田蕾 +7 位作者 黄一玲 况扶华 李飞鸥 顼志敏 康健 张阴凤 孙羽 李一石 《中国临床药理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期264-267,共4页
目的研究连续口服盐酸噻氯匹定片(抗血栓药)在健康人体的药代动力学。方法12名男性健康志愿者连续口服噻氯匹定片,每次250mg,每日2次。第11日按照预定时间点采血,用LC-MS-MS方法测定血浆稳态血药浓度,并求算其药代动力学参数。结果t1/2... 目的研究连续口服盐酸噻氯匹定片(抗血栓药)在健康人体的药代动力学。方法12名男性健康志愿者连续口服噻氯匹定片,每次250mg,每日2次。第11日按照预定时间点采血,用LC-MS-MS方法测定血浆稳态血药浓度,并求算其药代动力学参数。结果t1/2为(115±13.8)h,AUC0-21d为(24.48±10.02)μg.h.mL-1,tmax为(1.8±0.6)h,Cmax为(1303±428)ng.mL-1,Cmin为(235±107)ng.mL-1,Cav为(541±194)ng.mL-1,AUCss为(6.49±2.32)μg.h.mL-1,CLss为(48.1±33.7)L.h-1。结论连续口服盐酸噻氯匹定,吸收迅速,消除半衰期较单剂量大大延长;个体变异小。 展开更多
关键词 盐酸噻氯匹定片 药代动力学 液相色谱-串联质普
作者 刘存富 《水文地质工程地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1992年第5期15-17,共3页
关键词 地下水 年龄 质普 超灵敏加速器
不同甜香风味特征的酱香型白酒中挥发性物质分析 被引量:16
作者 莫新良 杨亮 +2 位作者 吴德光 滕明德 钟艳霞 《食品工业科技》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第18期311-321,共11页
为探究不同甜香风味特征酱香型白酒的主要挥发性物质组成及香气物质差异,本研究运用感官品评方法选取酱香型酒样,采用顶空固相微萃取(headspace solid phase microextraction,HS-SPME)结合气相色谱-质谱法剖析其中的挥发性成分,通过偏... 为探究不同甜香风味特征酱香型白酒的主要挥发性物质组成及香气物质差异,本研究运用感官品评方法选取酱香型酒样,采用顶空固相微萃取(headspace solid phase microextraction,HS-SPME)结合气相色谱-质谱法剖析其中的挥发性成分,通过偏最小二乘判别分析法(partial least squares discriminant analysis,PLS-DA)解析不同酒样及其风味差异物质。结果表明:样品被分为三组,每组的甜香强度值分别为4.0~5.0、3.0~4.0和0.0~3.0;共鉴定出68种风味物质,包括酯类27种、醇类12种、醛酮类10种、酸类3种、芳香族化合物10种和萜烯类物质6种。其中,具有甜香和水果香的酯类、芳香族类和醇类物质是酒样中含量最为丰富的三类化合物,且在甜香强度大于3.0的酒样中含量最高,说明这三类物质对甜香风味特征有重要影响;影响三组酒样的潜在差异物质有25个,与之相关的甜香风味标志性物质主要为3-甲基丁醇、辛酸乙酯、乳酸异丁酯和苯乙酸乙酯,说明这些物质是造成不同甜香酒样之间差异的重要香气物质。 展开更多
关键词 酱香型白酒 甜香风味 顶空固相微萃取 气相色谱-质普联用技术 偏最小二乘判别分析
Research Progress on Germplasm Resources of Common Bean 被引量:2
作者 李斌 陈树良 +1 位作者 秦超 肖靖 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第11期2572-2577,共6页
The origin, classification, utilization and evaluation of germplasm resources, and breeding methods were introduced. The researches of biotic or/and abiotic stress, exploration of genomics and proteomics in common bea... The origin, classification, utilization and evaluation of germplasm resources, and breeding methods were introduced. The researches of biotic or/and abiotic stress, exploration of genomics and proteomics in common bean in recent years were reviewed in this paper, in order to provide theoretical reference for utilization and innovation of germplasm resources in common bean. 展开更多
关键词 Common bean Germplasm resources Biotic stress PROTEOMICS
作者 BASHIR Sajid CHAVA Sai Raghuveer +1 位作者 刘静波 DERRICK JPeter 《黑龙江大学自然科学学报》 CAS 2019年第6期688-694,F0003,共8页
基质辅助激光解吸/电离质谱(MALDI)中所用的溶剂对晶体的形成和质谱的质量起着重要的作用。研究了以二羟基苯甲酸(DHB)的x,j-异构体为基质的固相和液相紫外吸收材料。采用三种不同的溶剂体系制备固态DHB晶体,其中乙腈/水二元体系(L1)或... 基质辅助激光解吸/电离质谱(MALDI)中所用的溶剂对晶体的形成和质谱的质量起着重要的作用。研究了以二羟基苯甲酸(DHB)的x,j-异构体为基质的固相和液相紫外吸收材料。采用三种不同的溶剂体系制备固态DHB晶体,其中乙腈/水二元体系(L1)或乙醇/水二元体系(L2)是制备具有均匀尺寸晶体的最佳溶剂。该结果对UV-MALDI基质在成像、蛋白质组学和复杂混合物分析等领域的应用具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 MALDI DHB 吸收系数 质普
Synergistic Effects of Nitric Oxide and Harvest Maturity on Quality of Honey Peach during Cold Storage
作者 胡花丽 李鹏霞 +1 位作者 王毓宁 李志强 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第4期549-553,共5页
In this study, peaches of cv. 'Sui Yuan' with different maturities were treated with 0.05 mM sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a nitric oxide donor, for 5 min, at 28℃, and then stored at 0-1.5℃ for 30 days. Untreated ... In this study, peaches of cv. 'Sui Yuan' with different maturities were treated with 0.05 mM sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a nitric oxide donor, for 5 min, at 28℃, and then stored at 0-1.5℃ for 30 days. Untreated fruits stored under the same conditions were used as control fruits in the experiment. The browning level, activities of polyphenol oxidase (PPO), peroxydase (POD) and superoxide dismutase (SOD), and quality parameters (firmness, titratable acid, total soluble solids and total sugar) were analyzed. The results showed that the firmness of SNP-treated fruit at different stage of maturity were higher than that of the control fruit after storage for 30 days. However, no significant effect was found on total soluble solid content. The titratable acid content of low maturity fruit was higher in SNP-treated one than that of the control, but the titratable acid content of high maturity fruit treated by SNP was lower than that of the control on 10th and 30th day. In addition, the combination of SNP treatment and high maturity resulted in higher activities of SOD, lower activity of PPO and POD, lower browning level. Therefore, the combination of high maturity and SNP treatment might be a useful method to well maintain honey peach fruit quality during cold storage. 展开更多
关键词 Honey peach Harvest maturity Sodium nitroprusside treatment QUALITY
Determination of Zolmitriptan in Human Plasma by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Mass Spectrometry and Study on Its Pharmacokinetics 被引量:2
作者 姚金成 瞿延晖 +4 位作者 赵绪元 胡领 朱荣华 李焕德 丁劲松 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2005年第1期25-28,共4页
Aim To establish a new and sensitive HPLC-MS method for the determination ofzolmitriptan in human plasma and study the pharmacokinetics of zolmitriptan in healthy volunteers.Methods A single oral dose of 5 mg of zolmi... Aim To establish a new and sensitive HPLC-MS method for the determination ofzolmitriptan in human plasma and study the pharmacokinetics of zolmitriptan in healthy volunteers.Methods A single oral dose of 5 mg of zolmitriptan tablet was given to 20 healthy male volunteers.After dosing, blood samples were collected for a period of 24 h, and zolmitriptan concentration inplasma was analyzed by HPLC-MS. Results The plasma concentration-time course fitted well atwo-compartment open model with a lag time, giving the following pharmacokinetic parameters: T_(max)1.60 ± 0.24 h, C_(max) 9.73 ± 1.43 ng·mL^(-1). T_(1/2α)1.72±0.46 h, T_(1/2β) 4.52 + 0.97 h,and AUC_(0-t) 55.59 ± 5.12 ng·mL^(-1)·h. Conclusion The improved analytical method forzolmitriptan is rapid, sensitive and suitable for application to pharmacokinetic studies and routinedetermination of numerous samples. 展开更多
The Effects of Captopril and Cicaprost on Changes of Cardiac Membrane Fluidity and Lipid Peroxidation
作者 苏志 李元建 陈修 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1993年第2期114-120,共7页
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the protective actions of captopril and cicaprost on changes of membrane fluidity of cultured neonatal rat myocardial cells exposed to anoxia and sugar deprivation.Lip... The main purpose of this study was to investigate the protective actions of captopril and cicaprost on changes of membrane fluidity of cultured neonatal rat myocardial cells exposed to anoxia and sugar deprivation.Lipid peroxidation level estimated by determining the thiobarbituric acid reactive substance(TBARS)content and lactate dehydrogenase(LDH)released in culture medium was also observed in order to examine other membrane-related changes due to anoxia.Membrane fluidity was monitored by measuring changes in the steady state fluorescence anisotropy(r_s)by fluorescence spectroscopy.The r_s value,TBARS level and LDH release were significantly increased after 3 h anoxia.Captopril(180 μmol/L),cicaprost(30 nmol/L)and indomethacin(1μmol/L)did not alter r_s, TBARS level and LDH activity of normal cultured neonatal rat myocardial cells.However,both captopril and cicaprost significantly prevented the increases of r_s,TBARS content and LDH release in those cells exposed to anoxia and sugar deprivation.lndomethacin abolished the actions of captopril on TBARS production and LDH release,but maintained its membrane fluidity protection.These results indicate that captopril and cicaprost protect membrane fluidity and lipid peroxidation changes in anoxia- injured myocardial cells.The action mechanism of captopril may be due,in part,to stimulation of prostacyclin synthesis and/or release. 展开更多
关键词 ANOXIA Membrane fluidity Lipid peroxidation CAPTOPRIL Cicaprost Cardiac myocytes
作者 Zou Xiufang Zhang Qunying 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2008年第6期822-826,共5页
Doppler centroid frequency is an essential parameter in the imaging processing of the Scanning mode Synthetic Aperture Radar (ScanSAR). Inaccurate Doppler centroid frequency will result in ghost images in imaging resu... Doppler centroid frequency is an essential parameter in the imaging processing of the Scanning mode Synthetic Aperture Radar (ScanSAR). Inaccurate Doppler centroid frequency will result in ghost images in imaging result. In this letter, the principle and algorithms of Doppler centroid frequency estimation are introduced. Then the echo data of ScanSAR system is analyzed. Based on the algorithms of energy balancing and correlation Doppler estimator in the estimation of Doppler centroid frequency in strip mode SAR, an improved method for Doppler centroid frequency estimation in ScanSAR is proposed. The method has improved the accuracy of Doppler centroid frequency estimation in ScanSAR by zero padding between burst data. Finally, the proposed method is validated with the processing of ENVIronment SATellite Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ENVISAT ASAR) wide swath raw data. 展开更多
关键词 Spaceborne the Scanning mode Synthetic Aperture Radar (ScanSAR) Doppler centroid frequency Energy balancing Correlation Doppler estimator
Approximation Properties of a Special Class of Mathematical Expectation Operators
作者 陈历敏 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1997年第2期62-69, ,共8页
In this paper we study the local measure of approximation of a class of special mathematical expectation operators to Lipschitz class of functions by probabilistic method. The some well known operators (e. g., the Ber... In this paper we study the local measure of approximation of a class of special mathematical expectation operators to Lipschitz class of functions by probabilistic method. The some well known operators (e. g., the Bernstein, Bascakov and Szasz-Mirakjan operators etc) are special cases of a class of the mathematical expetation operators. 展开更多
关键词 OPERATOR degree of approximation Lipschitz class of functions
Holography,UV/IR Relation,Causal Entropy Bound,and Dark Energy 被引量:2
作者 CAI Rong-Gen HU Bin ZHANG Yi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期954-960,共7页
The constraint on the total energy in a given spatial region is given from holography by the mass of a black hole that just fits in that region, which leads to an UV/IR relation: the maximal energy density in that re... The constraint on the total energy in a given spatial region is given from holography by the mass of a black hole that just fits in that region, which leads to an UV/IR relation: the maximal energy density in that region is proportional to Mp^2/L^2, where Mp is the Planck mass and L is the spatial scale of that region under consideration. Assuming the maximal black hole in the universe is formed through gravitational collapse of perturbations in the universe, then the "Jeans" scale of the perturbations gives a causal connection scale RCC. For gravitational perturbations, RCC^-2= Max (H+ 2H^2, -H) for a fiat universe. We study the cosmological dynamics of the corresponding vacuum energy density by choosing the causal connection scale as the IR cutoff in the UV/IR relation, in the cases of the vacuum energy density as an independently conserved energy component and an effective dynamical cosmological constant, respectively. It turns out that only the case with the choice RCC^-2 = H+ 2H^2, could be consistent with the current cosmological observations when the vacuum density appears as an independently conserved energy component. In this case, the model is called holographic Ricci scalar dark energy model in the literature. 展开更多
关键词 holography of gravity dark energy and cosmology
Characterization of impurities in the bulk drug lisinopril by liquid chromatography/ion trap spectrometry
作者 Pei-xi ZHU Dan-hua WANG +1 位作者 Cui-rong SUN Zhi-quan SHEN 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第5期385-390,共6页
Two trace impurities in the bulk drug lisinopril were detected by means of high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS) with a simple and sensitive method suitable for HPLC/MSn ana... Two trace impurities in the bulk drug lisinopril were detected by means of high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS) with a simple and sensitive method suitable for HPLC/MSn analysis. The fragmentation behavior of lisinopfil and the impurities was investigated, and two unknown impurities were elucidated as 2-(6-amino- l-(l-carboxyethylamino)- l-oxohexan-2-ylamino)-4-phenylbutanoic acid and 6-amino-2-(l-carboxy-3-phenylpropylamino)-hexanoic acid on the basis of the multi-stage mass spectrometry and exact mass evidence, The proposed structures of the two unknown impurities were further confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments after preparative isolation. 展开更多
关键词 LISINOPRIL IMPURITIES High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) Multi-stage mass spectrometry (MS^n)
Energetic Gamma Radiation from Blazar and Its Effect on Intergalactic Medium
作者 Jayashri Medhi Hira Lal Duorah Anurup Gohain Barua Kalpana Duorah 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第3期203-206,共4页
Blazars are subclass of AGN (active galactic nuclei) with relativistic jet that is pointing in the general direction of the earth. The energy flux in the jet is about (10^44-10^47) erg/s. The γ-rays in the energy... Blazars are subclass of AGN (active galactic nuclei) with relativistic jet that is pointing in the general direction of the earth. The energy flux in the jet is about (10^44-10^47) erg/s. The γ-rays in the energy range 10 GeV-10 TeV emanating from blazar are examined and their effect on the IGM (intergalactic medium) is studied. The γ-ray emission is considered as due to inverse Compton scattering of relativistic electrons. There appears to be a gamma ray flux from blazar above 10 GeV having a line intensity of 1.5 × 10^-4 cm^-2 s^-1 sr^-1. The IGM is measured to large distances and it is found to be clumpy. It is found that at higher redshifl the density of IGM increases. The cosmological density parameter measured is found to lie within the suggested limit of 0.03 at redshift z = 3 for background intensity of radiation 10^-24 W·m^-2·Hz^-1·sr^-1. The iso-ΩIGM curve shows a kink in its profile which might be significant at the particular value of z equal to 2. Some more detailed studies are required for understanding the distribution of intergalactic medium at the unstable point at z = 2 as shown in inverse Compton radiation. 展开更多
关键词 Active galactic nuclei gamma rays intergalactic medium.
Magnetic Properties of Transverse Ising Model under a Time Oscillating Longitudinal Field
作者 石晓玲 王莉 魏国柱 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期715-718,共4页
A transverse Ising spin system, in the presence of time-dependent longitudinal field, is studied by the effective-field theory (EFT). The effective-field equations of motion of the average magnetization are given fo... A transverse Ising spin system, in the presence of time-dependent longitudinal field, is studied by the effective-field theory (EFT). The effective-field equations of motion of the average magnetization are given for the simple cubic lattice (Z ---- 6) and the honeycomb lattice (Z = 3). The Liapunov exponent A is calculated for discussing the stability of the magnetization and it is used to determine the phase boundary. The dynamic phase transition diagrams in ho/ZJ - F/ZJ plane and in ho/ZJ - T/ZJ plane have been drawn, and there is no dynamical tricritical point on the dynamic phase transition boundary. The effect of the thermal fluctuations upon the dynamic phase boundary has been discussed. 展开更多
关键词 effective-field theory transverse Ising model dynamic phase transition
Correction of Relativistic Center-of-Mass Vector on Electric Polarizability of Pion Meson
作者 DONGYu-Bing 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第3期497-500,共4页
We estimate the correction of relativistic center-of-mass vector on electric polarizability of an equal-mass quark-antiquark system numerically. Effect on the system confined by different interactive potentials is ana... We estimate the correction of relativistic center-of-mass vector on electric polarizability of an equal-mass quark-antiquark system numerically. Effect on the system confined by different interactive potentials is analysed. A great improvement for the electric polarizability of pion meson is obtained. 展开更多
关键词 electric polarizability relativistic correction center-of-mass vector
A Note on Black Hole Information Paradox in de Sitter Spacetimes
作者 Cosimo Bambi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第7期78-80,共3页
The possibility of stable or quasi-stable Planck mass black hole remnants as solution to the black hole information paradox is commonly believed phenomenologically unacceptable. Since we need a black hole remnant for ... The possibility of stable or quasi-stable Planck mass black hole remnants as solution to the black hole information paradox is commonly believed phenomenologically unacceptable. Since we need a black hole remnant for every possible initial state, the number of remnants is expected to be infinite and that would lead to remnant pair production in any physical process with a total available energy roughly exceeding the Planck mass. In this note I point out that a positive cosmological constant of the Universe would naturally lead to an upper bound on the number of possible remnants. 展开更多
关键词 black hole information theory evaporation cosmological constant
The Effect of Exogenous Sodium Nitroprusside Treatment on Broccoli Quality During the Storage Process
作者 WANG Qing SHI Jun-yan +2 位作者 YANG Na GAO Li-pu PANG Jie 《Chinese Food Science》 2012年第3期13-15,19,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to provide certain theoretical basis for the protection of broccoli. [Method] Exogenous sodium nitroprusside was used to in the experiment. Under the condition of 20 ℃ and RH 95%, the optimal ... [Objective] The aim was to provide certain theoretical basis for the protection of broccoli. [Method] Exogenous sodium nitroprusside was used to in the experiment. Under the condition of 20 ℃ and RH 95%, the optimal SNP concentration of broccoli was determined. [Result] The exogenous SNP could effectively maintain the quality of broccoli, inhabited the yellowing of broccoli and the increasing of cell membrane permeability, and maintain the soluble solids content, decreased the degradation rate of chlorophyll and delayed the loss of VC. [Conclusion] Exogenous sodium nitroprusside can effectively maintain the quality of broccoli to keep it fresh. 展开更多
关键词 BROCCOLI Sodium nitroprusside(SNP) STORAGE QUALITY China
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