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汽车实用性质量评价系统(APQAS)的设计与应用 被引量:2
作者 胡斌祥 杨珺 《汽车技术》 北大核心 2001年第7期17-19,共3页
APQAS(Automobile Practical Quality Assessment System)对汽车售后服务中搜集的实用性质量信息,按汽车故障学原则分类编码建立大样本的实用性质量信息数据库,并根据《汽车产品质量检验评定》标准,运用数据统计分析方法,全面分析... APQAS(Automobile Practical Quality Assessment System)对汽车售后服务中搜集的实用性质量信息,按汽车故障学原则分类编码建立大样本的实用性质量信息数据库,并根据《汽车产品质量检验评定》标准,运用数据统计分析方法,全面分析评价汽车产品的总体质量、设计质量和生产质量。由于APQAS的质量评价具有明显的滞后性,其不能替代产品质量试验性评价,两者的有机结合可以显著提高产品质量评价的水平和效能。 展开更多
关键词 汽车 实用质量评价系统 APQAS 产品质量 设计 应用 质量评价
《语文建设》 北大核心 2006年第11期11-11,共1页
邬向明在《教育评价:复杂的人与薄弱的评价理论》一文中,对选拔性教育评价与质量监测性评价做了比较研究,通过比较总结了二者的特点。选拔性教育评价的特点:评价的功能侧重于甄别和选拔;评价的对象关注结果;评价的主体相对单一;... 邬向明在《教育评价:复杂的人与薄弱的评价理论》一文中,对选拔性教育评价与质量监测性评价做了比较研究,通过比较总结了二者的特点。选拔性教育评价的特点:评价的功能侧重于甄别和选拔;评价的对象关注结果;评价的主体相对单一;评价的结果要求准确公正;评价的内容要求客观可评、一专多能:评价的组织要求规则明确,区别“运动员”与“裁判员”:评价的方法注重量化;评价实施要求可行、 展开更多
关键词 评价理论 内容要求 裁判员 运动员 选拔教育评价 质量监测评价 特点 比较研究
基于人眼色彩差异化感知的图像质量评价研究 被引量:3
作者 王杨 隆海燕 贾曦然 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期295-303,共9页
针对显著性图像质量评价问题,参考人眼视觉对图像色彩的差异化感知,提出一种基于孪生神经网络对图像色彩对比显著区域进行质量评价的算法。首先,根据图像中的色彩对比和语义信息分别提取原始图像和失真图像中的色彩对比显著区域;然后,... 针对显著性图像质量评价问题,参考人眼视觉对图像色彩的差异化感知,提出一种基于孪生神经网络对图像色彩对比显著区域进行质量评价的算法。首先,根据图像中的色彩对比和语义信息分别提取原始图像和失真图像中的色彩对比显著区域;然后,将原始图像和失真图像中对应的色彩区域作为子图像,以样本对的形式输入孪生神经网络;最后,计算主客观图像质量评估值的相关性。实验采用残差结构的Inception-ResNet-V2网络作为基础模型,同时增加EMD损失函数优化对图像质量的距离损失,经过Softmax层后输出图像质量评估值,并在TID2013数据集上进行了测试。结果表明,提出的算法在该数据集上性能良好。 展开更多
关键词 显著图像质量评价 色彩对比度 孪生神经网络 语义提取
对农用地土壤环境质量类别划分的思考:以贵州马铃薯产区Cd风险管控为例 被引量:15
作者 宋静 许根焰 +2 位作者 骆永明 高慧 唐伟 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期192-198,共7页
通过收集整理野外采样、室内盆栽和文献数据,验证我国现行《农用地土壤污染风险管控标准》(GB15618-2008)以及《种植根茎类蔬菜的旱地土壤镉、铅、铬、汞、砷安全阈值》(GB/T 36783-2018)在贵州马铃薯产地土壤Cd环境质量类别划分中的适... 通过收集整理野外采样、室内盆栽和文献数据,验证我国现行《农用地土壤污染风险管控标准》(GB15618-2008)以及《种植根茎类蔬菜的旱地土壤镉、铅、铬、汞、砷安全阈值》(GB/T 36783-2018)在贵州马铃薯产地土壤Cd环境质量类别划分中的适宜性。研究表明,矿区种植的马铃薯Cd含量超标风险较大,上述两个土壤Cd标准对于贵州马铃薯产地土壤而言均偏严。在分析我国现行土壤-作物协同监测采样方法不足的基础上,提出借鉴基于现代采样理论的决策单元-多点增量采样(DUMIS)方法开展土壤-作物协同监测和修复效果评估。建议因地制宜制定基于有效态的土壤安全利用标准,建议深入开展基于DUMIS的土壤-作物协同监测采样方法以及中低污染土壤安全利用有效态标准制定的研究,服务于我国特色农产品产地土壤环境质量类别划分和安全利用。 展开更多
关键词 土壤环境质量标准适宜评价 土壤-作物协同监测 决策单元-多点增量方法 有效态重金属 土壤安全利用标准
不同类型地方性法规立法后评估指标体系研究 被引量:20
作者 俞荣根 《现代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期171-184,共14页
地方性法规可区分为"宪法类"、"经济类"、"行政类"、"社会类"等不同类型,不同类型的立法质量评价指标体系亦应有所差异。每一类型地方性法规的立法后评估指标体系都由文本评价子体系和效益评... 地方性法规可区分为"宪法类"、"经济类"、"行政类"、"社会类"等不同类型,不同类型的立法质量评价指标体系亦应有所差异。每一类型地方性法规的立法后评估指标体系都由文本评价子体系和效益评价子体系组成,它们的一级指标内容和数量尽量少作更动,主要调整二级指标的内容和分值来体现不同类型法规评价体系的差异。同时,文本评价和效益评价两个子体系在综合评价中的占比权重也有所不同。 展开更多
关键词 地方法规的不同类型 不同类型地方法规立法后质量评价指标体系
作者 张亮 王彩定 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第10期169-171,共3页
科学合理的高校教师聘期评价机制的建立,对加快我国高校发展和教师的职业进步将产生深远的影响。然而,高校教师聘期评价却受到教师职业特点、组织发展目标及评价复杂性等多重限制。在积极建构聘期评价制度和价值选择的路径时,须从处理... 科学合理的高校教师聘期评价机制的建立,对加快我国高校发展和教师的职业进步将产生深远的影响。然而,高校教师聘期评价却受到教师职业特点、组织发展目标及评价复杂性等多重限制。在积极建构聘期评价制度和价值选择的路径时,须从处理好短期效应与长期目标的关系,促进过程评价模式与结果评价模式的有机融合,实现组织和个人多元价值的统一等方面进行思考和探索。 展开更多
关键词 聘期评价 可持续发展 质量性评价
作者 胡斌祥 杨珺 《专用汽车》 2001年第2期42-44,共3页
运用汽车实用性质量评价系统 (AQPAS) ,根据汽车在使用过程中产生的大量质量信息进行实用性寿命评价 ,并将结论与试验性评价结果进行对比研究 ,确定快速试验的快速系数 ,从而修正试验规范 ,使得快速试验结论与产品实用效果基本一致。
关键词 快速试验 快速系数 汽车 实用质量评价系统 AQPAS
Modeling and performance evaluation of QoS-aware job scheduling of computational grids
作者 单志广 林闯 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第3期425-430,共6页
To achieve high quality of service (QoS) on computational grids, the QoS-aware job scheduling is investigated for a hierarchical decentralized grid architecture that consists of multilevel schedulers. An integrated ... To achieve high quality of service (QoS) on computational grids, the QoS-aware job scheduling is investigated for a hierarchical decentralized grid architecture that consists of multilevel schedulers. An integrated QoS-aware job dispatching policy is proposed, which correlates priorities of incoming jobs used for job selecting at the local scheduler of the grid node with the job dispatching policies at the global scheduler for computational grids. The stochastic high-level Petri net (SHLPN) model of a two-level hierarchy computational grid architecture is presented, and a model refinement is made to reduce the complexity of the model solution. A performance analysis technique based on the SHLPN is proposed to investigate the QoS-aware job scheduling policy. Numerical results show that the QoS-aware job dispatching policy outperforms the QoS-unaware job dispatching policy in balancing the high-priority jobs, and thus enables priority-based QoS. 展开更多
关键词 computational grids job scheduling quality of service (QoS) performance evaluation MODELING stochastic high-level Petri net (SHLPN)
Comprehensive Evaluation of Yield Characters and Quality Characters of New Cotton Varieties in Mid-south Area of Hebei
作者 戴茂华 刘丽英 +2 位作者 唐长波 吕德智 吴振良 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第8期1634-1638,共5页
The yield characters and quality characters of several new cotton varieties in the mid-south area of Hebei Province were comprehensively evaluated in this pa- per. In different ecological environments, the single-boll... The yield characters and quality characters of several new cotton varieties in the mid-south area of Hebei Province were comprehensively evaluated in this pa- per. In different ecological environments, the single-boll weight of tested cotton vari- eties had the biggest variation coefficient among yield characters and micronaire value had the biggest variation coefficient among fiber quality characters. Path analy- sis indicated that the direct path coefficients of various characters had the flowing order, lint percentage〉 number of bolls per plant〉 single-boll weight〉 seed index among yield components and uniformity index 〉 fiber specific strength〉 micronaire value〉 elongation rate〉 upper half staple length among fiber quality characters. Principal component analysis indicated that the top three principal components contributed 8.263% of accumulated variance, basically reflecting the vast majority of informations of 10 main characters in tested cotton varieties. 展开更多
关键词 upland cotton Yield character Quality character Comprehensive evalu- ation
Application of rigorous coupled-wave theory on quality analysis of natural jadeite 被引量:1
作者 JIA Yuxin CHEN Guibo ZHAO Pengfei 《Global Geology》 2017年第1期64-68,共5页
In order to make more available methods for natural jadeite quality evaluation,this study applied rigorous coupled wave theory to calculate and simulate the reflection characteristics of various natural jadeites,and e... In order to make more available methods for natural jadeite quality evaluation,this study applied rigorous coupled wave theory to calculate and simulate the reflection characteristics of various natural jadeites,and establish evaluation standard based on the relationship between refractive index and reflectivity and responses of reflection efficiency to refractive index,grating thickness and incident angles,etc.The results suggest that reflection efficiency varies significantly as a function of the natural jadeite quality,which can provide a new method to evaluate natural jadeite. 展开更多
关键词 rigorous coupled-wave analysis method natural jadeite refractive index reflective efficiency
Evaluation of Soil Quality Indicators in Sugarcane Management in Sandy Loam Soil 被引量:5
作者 S.A.C.SANT'ANNA M.F.FERNANDES +1 位作者 W.M.P.M.IVO J.L.S.COSTA 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期312-322,共11页
An important factor for the sustainability of soils highly susceptible to degradation is the use of monitoring tools that promptly and realistically reflect changes imposed on soil by different cropping systems. To se... An important factor for the sustainability of soils highly susceptible to degradation is the use of monitoring tools that promptly and realistically reflect changes imposed on soil by different cropping systems. To select soil quality indicator variables in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) production areas that fulfill the criteria of sensitivity to management practices and between-season consistency in the management discrimination, ten composite soil samples (0–10 cm) were collected in July 2005 (rainy season) and again in March 2006 (dry season) from areas under cultivation of organic sugarcane (OS), green sugarcane (GS), burned sugarcane (BS) and from an adjacent native forest (NF) area at Usina Triunfo, Boca da Mata, Alagoas, Brazil. Microbial biomass-C (MBC), total organic C (TOC), soil enzyme activity expressed as the rate of fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolysis, mean weight diameter of water-stable soil aggregates (MWD), and percentage of water-stable macroaggregates (PWSA) were analyzed. Although MBC and TOC were higher in NF than in the cultivated areas, no differences were observed in these C pools between the three sugarcane systems. The response of FDA to the site management was dependent on the sampling time. In the rainy period, the activity followed the order: NF > OS > GS > BS, whereas in the dry season, only NF differed from the other treatments. Irrespective of the sampling time, MWD and PWSA decreased in the order NF > OS = GS > BS. The variables MWD and PWSA are quite sensitive for discriminating between site management histories regardless the sampling season. 展开更多
关键词 fiuorescein diacetate green-sugarcane organic matter management sugarcane (Saccharum oJficinarum L.) sustainable agricultural use
Assessment of health-related quality of life in Chinese patients with minimal hepatic encephalopathy 被引量:10
作者 Zhi-Jun Bao De-Kai Qiu +5 位作者 Xiong Ma Zhu-Ping Fan Gan-Sheng Zhang Yi-Qin Huang Xiao-Feng Yu Min-De Zeng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第21期3003-3008,共6页
AIM:To evaluate the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) based on the Chinese version of SF-36 and Chronic Liver Disease Questionnaire (CLDQ) in subjects with chronic hepatitis B,liver cirrhosis,including patients w... AIM:To evaluate the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) based on the Chinese version of SF-36 and Chronic Liver Disease Questionnaire (CLDQ) in subjects with chronic hepatitis B,liver cirrhosis,including patients with minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE). METHODS:The SF-36 and CLDQ were administered to 160 healthy volunteers,20 subjects with chronic hepatitis B and 106 patients with cirrhosis (33 cases exhibited MHE). HRQOL scores were compared among the different study groups. The SF-36 includes eight health concepts:physical functioning,role-physical,body pain,general health,vitality,social functioning,role-emotion,and mental health. Six domains of CLDQ were assessed:abdominal symptoms,fatigue,systemic symptoms,activity,emotional function and worry. RESULTS:Compared with healthy controls (96.9 ± 4.5,86.6 ± 18.4,90.1 ± 12.5,89.0 ± 5.7,87.5 ± 4.3,95.8 ± 7.1,88.5 ± 15.9,88.7 ± 5.2 in SF-36 and 6.7 ± 0.5,6.1 ± 0.6,6.3 ± 0.6,6.5 ± 0.5,6.3 ± 0.5,6.8 ± 0.4 in CLDQ),patients with chronic hepatitis B (86.3 ± 11.0,68.8 ± 21.3,78.9 ± 14.4,60.8 ± 10.5,70.8 ± 8.6,76.1 ± 12.6,50.0 ± 22.9,72.2 ± 10.6 and 5.5 ± 1.0,4.5 ± 1.0,5.2 ± 1.1,5.3 ± 0.9,4.8 ± 0.9,4.9 ± 1.0) and cirrhosis (52.8 ± 17.4,32.8 ± 27.9,61.6 ± 18.9,30.2 ± 18.3,47.9 ± 20.1,54.0 ± 19.2,28.9 ± 26.1,51.1 ± 17.8 and 4.7 ± 1.2,3.9 ± 1.2,4.7 ± 1.2,4.7 ± 1.3,4.7 ± 1.0,4.4 ± 1.1) had lower HRQOL on all scales of the SF-36 and CLDQ (P < 0.01 for all). Increasing severity of liver cirrhosis (based on the Child-Pugh score/presence or absence of MHE) was associated with a decrease in most components of SF-36 and CLDQ,especially SF-36.CONCLUSION:The Chinese version of SF-36 along with CLDQ is a valid and reliable method for testing MHE in patients with liver cirrhosis. Cirrhosis and MHE are associated with decreased HRQOL. 展开更多
关键词 Minimal hepatic encephalopathy Liver cirrhosis Health-related quality of life Chronic hepatitis B CHINESE
Measuring Thermal Mass of Sustainable Concrete Mixes 被引量:1
作者 Omer Damdelen Costas Georgopoulos Mukesh Limbachiya 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第2期213-220,共8页
Thermal mass is currently evaluated with "admittance" which is the ability of the element to exchange heat with the environment and is based on specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity and density. The aim of th... Thermal mass is currently evaluated with "admittance" which is the ability of the element to exchange heat with the environment and is based on specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity and density. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of thermal properties namely, density, specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity on thermal mass. The objective of the study is to carry out laboratory experiments by measuring such thermal properties of concrete mixes with various percentages of GGBS (ground granulated blast furnace slag), PFA (pulverized fuel ash), and SF (silica fume) and RCA (recycled coarse aggregates). The results obtained from these tests would contribute to the evaluation of how such thermal properties influence the thermal admittance and hence the thermal mass performance of sustainable concrete elements in a building system. 展开更多
关键词 Thermal mass thermal admittance thermal properties sustainable concrete.
Enrichment of Semi-Volatile Organic Acids from Aqueous Solutions by Multiple-Effect Membrane Distillation 被引量:5
作者 班睿 刘苗苗 +2 位作者 秦英杰 王焕 崔东胜 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2012年第5期320-329,共10页
Multiple-effect membrane distillation (MEMD) process for enriching semi-volatile organic acids from their individual aqueous solutions was performed by using a hollow fiber-based air gap membrane distillation (AGMD... Multiple-effect membrane distillation (MEMD) process for enriching semi-volatile organic acids from their individual aqueous solutions was performed by using a hollow fiber-based air gap membrane distillation (AGMD) module with the function of internal heat recovery. Aqueous solutions of glyoxylic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid, pyrnvic acid, malonic acid and glutaric acid were used as model feed. For a feed of 1% (mass fraction), each acid could be enriched for 8--20 times, which depended on the surface tension of the concentrate. The operation performance of MEMD process was characterized by permeation flux J, performance ratio PR and acid rejection rate R. The effects of cold feed-in temperature, heated feed-in temperature, feed-in volumetric flow rate and feed-in concen- tration on MEMD performance were experimentally evaluated. Maximum values of J, PR and R were 4.8 L/(h-m2), 9.84 and 99.93%, respectively. Moreover, MEMD process demonstrated a fairly good stability in a long-term experiment lasting for 30 d when aqueous solution of 4% (mass fraction) lactic acid was used as a feed. 展开更多
关键词 multiple-effect membrane distillation organic acid ENRICHMENT performance ratio STABILITY
Evaluation of Feed and Feeding Regime on Growth Performance, Flesh Quality and Fecal Viscosity of Atlantic Salmon(Salmo salar L.) in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
作者 SUN Guoxiang LIU Ying +2 位作者 LI Yong LI Xian WANG Shunkui 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2015年第5期849-857,共9页
The effects of different feeds and feeding regimes on growth performance, flesh quality and fecal viscosity of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in recirculating aquaculture systems (R.AS) were investigated. Fish ... The effects of different feeds and feeding regimes on growth performance, flesh quality and fecal viscosity of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in recirculating aquaculture systems (R.AS) were investigated. Fish (initial body weight of 1677 g+ 157 g) were fed with four commercial feeds (Nosan salmon-NS, Aller gold-AG, Skretting salmon-SS and Hart ye-HY) in two feeding regimes (80% and 100% satiation) for 78 d. The results showed that salmon specific growth ratio (SGR) and weight gain ratio (WGR) were significantly affected by feed type and feeding regime (P〈0.05). Feed conversion ratio (FCR) varied between 0.93 and 3.40, which was significantly affected by feed type (P〈0.05), and slightly improved with increased satiation degree. The activities of digestive enzymes including protease, lipase and amylase were also significantly affected by feed type and feeding regime (P〈0.05), increasing with satiation degree. Flesh qualities for vitamin E, hydroxyproline (HYP), liquid loss and muscle pH among all groups showed significant differences (P〈0.05), ranging from 26.67 to 29.67, while no obvious difference was found in flesh color. Fecal viscosity for different treatments showed no significant difference, though improvement was found in 100% satiation group. From present experiment, it was concluded that both feed type and feeding regime can affect the important quality attributes of Atlantic salmon. 展开更多
关键词 Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. recireulating aquaculture systems R.AS FEED feeding growth flesh quality fecal viscosity
作者 Ermer D S Department of Industrial & Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Wisconsin Madison, Madison,WI 53706 USA 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1998年第1期128-130,132-135,共7页
This paper proposes an improved performance appraisal system (PAS) that is based on the philosophy of total quality management(TQM). It focuses on understanding the customer′s (both management and employees) requirem... This paper proposes an improved performance appraisal system (PAS) that is based on the philosophy of total quality management(TQM). It focuses on understanding the customer′s (both management and employees) requirements for the PAS in order to prioritize and simplify the basic elements of the appraisal system and implementation process. The improved process is defined by performance planning, counseling and evaluation with assessments for individual, team and management contributions. In addition, reducing the rating scale to three categories should facilitate a very positive evaluation process for most employees and still allow a constructive focus on those individuals that must be improved. Finally, if people come first in the TQM organization, then the personnel systems must reflect this philosophy. 展开更多
关键词 total quality management performance appraisal system RECOGNITION
Assessing seawater quality with a variable fuzzy recognition model
作者 柯丽娜 王权明 +1 位作者 盖美 周惠成 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期645-655,共11页
With the rapid development of the marine economy industry, human exploitation of marine resources is increasing, which is contributing to the growing trend of eutrophication and frequent occurrence of red tide. Accord... With the rapid development of the marine economy industry, human exploitation of marine resources is increasing, which is contributing to the growing trend of eutrophication and frequent occurrence of red tide. Accordingly, investigations of seawater quality have attracted a great deal of attention. This study was conducted to construct a seawater environmental quality assessment model based on the variable fuzzy recognition model. The uncertainty and ambiguity of the seawater quality assessment were then considered, combining the monitoring values of evaluation indicators with the standard values of seawater quality. Laizhou Bay was subsequently selected for a case study. In this study, the correct variable model for different parameters was obtained according to the linear and nonlinear features of evaluation objects. Application of the variable fuzzy recognition model for Laizhou Bay, water quality evaluation and comparison with performance obtained using other approaches revealed that the generated model is more reliable than traditional methods, can more reasonably determine the water quality of various samples, and is more suitable for evaluation of a multi-index, multi-level, nonlinear marine environment system; accordingly, the generated model will be an effective tool for seawater quality evaluation. 展开更多
关键词 variable fuzzy recognition seawater quality assessment model Laizhou Bay
Geotechnical investigations and remediation design for failure of tunnel portal section: a case study in northern Turkey 被引量:7
作者 Ayberk KAYA Kadir KARAMAN Fikri BULUT 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第6期1140-1160,共21页
Mass movements are very common problems in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey due to its climate conditions, geological, and geomorphological characteristics. High slope angle, weathering, dense rainfalls, and ant... Mass movements are very common problems in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey due to its climate conditions, geological, and geomorphological characteristics. High slope angle, weathering, dense rainfalls, and anthropogenic impacts are generally reported as the most important triggering factors in the region. Following the portal slope excavations in the entrance section of Cankurtaran tunnel, located in the region, where the highly weathered andesitic tuff crops out, a circular toe failure occurred. The main target of the present study is to investigate the causes and occurrence mechanism of this failure and to determine the feasible remedial measures against it using finite element method(FEM) in four stages. These stages are slope stability analyses for pre-and postexcavation cases, and remediation design assessments for slope and tunnel. The results of the FEM-SSR analyses indicated that the insufficient initial support design and weathering of the andesitic tuffs are the main factors that caused the portal failure. After installing a rock retaining wall with jet grout columns and reinforced slope benching applications, the factor of safety increased from 0.83 to 2.80. In addition toslope stability evaluation, the Rock Mass Rating(RMR), Rock Mass Quality(Q) and New Austrian Tunneling Method(NATM) systems were also utilized as empirical methods to characterize the tunnel ground and to determine the tunnel support design. The performance of the suggested empirical support design, induced stress distributions and deformations were analyzed by means of numerical modelling. Finally, it was concluded that the recommended stabilization technique was essential for the dynamic long-term stability and prevents the effects of failure. Additionally, the FEM method gives useful and reasonably reliable results in evaluating the stability of cut slopes and tunnels excavated both in continuous and discontinuous rock masses. 展开更多
关键词 Portal failure Stability analysis Finite element method Tunnel support design Remedial measures Rock Mass Rating(RMR) Rock Mass Quality(Q) New Austrian Tunneling Method(NATM)
Short-term deformation behavior model of endangered earthen heritage slope after conservation in Jiaohe Ruins
作者 张景科 谌文武 和法国 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第7期2029-2036,共8页
Cliff deformation behavior after conservation is of great significance for evaluating the conservation effect and discovering the dynamical law of soil. Modeling on deformation behavior is beneficial to the quantitati... Cliff deformation behavior after conservation is of great significance for evaluating the conservation effect and discovering the dynamical law of soil. Modeling on deformation behavior is beneficial to the quantitative evaluation of interactions between soil mass and structures as well as the forecast. Based on cliff conservation engineering of Jiaohe Ruins (the largest raw soil heritage site in the world), data of horizontal deformation of the upper cliff were obtained by using Nanrui-made NDW-50 displacement device (precision: 0.01 mm, frequency: 15 min^-l). Regression analysis indicates that deformation behavior models include exponential growth, linear growth and parabolic growth types, while daily deformation presents more intense periodicity (24 h). The deformation is less than 1.5 mm during monitoring period, which has no impact on the stability of cliff. Deformation behavior provides the mutual duress and interaction between soil and engineering intervention. In addition, deformation mode attaches tensely to the damage pattern of the cliff. The conclusions are of importance to the stability evaluation of the carrier along Silk Road. 展开更多
关键词 endangered cliff CONSERVATION deformation behavior regression analysis modelling
Constrained Bayesian Method for Testing the Directional Hypotheses
作者 Kartlos J. Kachiashvili N. K. Bansal I. A. Prangishvili 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2018年第4期96-118,共23页
The paper discusses the generalization of constrained Bayesian method (CBM) for arbitrary loss functions and its application for testing the directional hypotheses. The problem is stated in terms of false and tru... The paper discusses the generalization of constrained Bayesian method (CBM) for arbitrary loss functions and its application for testing the directional hypotheses. The problem is stated in terms of false and true discovery rates. One more criterion of estimation of directional hypotheses tests quality, the Type III errors rate, is considered. The ratio among discovery rates and the Type III errors rate in CBM is considered. The advantage of CBM in comparison with Bayes and frequentist methods is theoretically proved and demonstrated by an example. 展开更多
关键词 CBM Bayesian test hypotheses testing false discovery rate type error rate.
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