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水稻品种对稻瘟病的质量抗性和数量抗性的初步研究 被引量:30
作者 朱小源 杨祁云 +1 位作者 霍超斌 伍尚忠 《中国水稻科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1996年第3期181-184,共4页
水稻品种对稻瘟病的质量抗性和数量抗性的初步研究朱小源,杨祁云,霍超斌,伍尚忠(广东省农业科学院植物保护研究所,广州510640)关键词:稻瘟病;水稻品种;质量抗性;数量抗性StudiesontheQualitativ... 水稻品种对稻瘟病的质量抗性和数量抗性的初步研究朱小源,杨祁云,霍超斌,伍尚忠(广东省农业科学院植物保护研究所,广州510640)关键词:稻瘟病;水稻品种;质量抗性;数量抗性StudiesontheQualitativeandQuantitativeR... 展开更多
关键词 稻瘟病 水稻 品种 质量抗性 数量
高效液相色谱示差检测法测定饮料中低分子质量抗性麦芽糊精含量 被引量:2
作者 杨智健 殷林虹 胥颖 《食品安全质量检测学报》 CAS 2020年第23期8809-8815,共7页
目的优化标准方法AOAC 2001.03和GB/T 22224-2008《食品中膳食纤维的测定酶重量法和酶重量法-液相色谱法》的样品前处理过程,以测定饮料中添加的低分子质量抗性麦芽糊精的含量。方法样品经一定比例稀释后,添加丙三醇内标,经色谱柱分离,... 目的优化标准方法AOAC 2001.03和GB/T 22224-2008《食品中膳食纤维的测定酶重量法和酶重量法-液相色谱法》的样品前处理过程,以测定饮料中添加的低分子质量抗性麦芽糊精的含量。方法样品经一定比例稀释后,添加丙三醇内标,经色谱柱分离,示差折光检测器测定,内标法定量。结果方法检出限和定量限分别为0.01和0.03g/L,3个添加水平的平均加标回收率为93.2%~96.9%,日内相对标准偏差<1.66%,日间相对标准偏差<1.81%。同时考察了市场上常见的添加低分子质量抗性麦芽糊精作为膳食纤维的茶饮料,碳酸饮料和包装饮用水,测定结果和标签宣称膳食纤维含量基本相符,且加标回收率为95.9%~102.3%。结论本方法样品前处理简单、快速,适用于饮料中添加的低分子质量抗性麦芽糊精含量的测定。 展开更多
关键词 低分子质量抗性麦芽糊精 饮料 高效液相色谱示差检测法 葡萄糖响应因子
作者 RussellPoulter 向平 《国外作物育种》 2004年第3期53-54,共2页
香豌豆(Lathyrus odoratus L.)是一种一年生植物。种间杂交和属间杂交是把新性状导人栽培植株的两种方法。1994年Hammett等人曾报道了L.berlinensis与L.odoratus间的成功杂交。尽管当L.
关键词 香豌豆 杂种 白粉病 质量抗性 花粉 亲本
对大豆花叶病毒不同抗性类型品种的细胞超微结构特征 被引量:15
作者 智海剑 盖钧镒 +1 位作者 郭东全 王延伟 《南京农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期6-10,共5页
对质量抗性、数量抗性以及感病 3类品种接种大豆花叶病毒 (SMV) 后的叶肉细胞超微结构观察表明: 在未感染的对照品种南农 1138 2以及接种Sa株系的质量抗性品种科丰一号的细胞中没有病毒粒体和病毒内含体, 细胞超微结构正常。在接种Sa株... 对质量抗性、数量抗性以及感病 3类品种接种大豆花叶病毒 (SMV) 后的叶肉细胞超微结构观察表明: 在未感染的对照品种南农 1138 2以及接种Sa株系的质量抗性品种科丰一号的细胞中没有病毒粒体和病毒内含体, 细胞超微结构正常。在接种Sa株系后的感病品种南农 1138 2的叶肉细胞中出现大量成簇的线状病毒粒子聚集体和柱状内含体, 柱状内含体横切面呈风轮状, 许多细胞出现核固缩、核膜降解、异染色质边聚、核仁融解、叶绿体被膜破碎甚至瓦解消失、基质及基粒片层解体或肿胀扭曲。数量抗性品种接种Sa株系后, 个别细胞中发现线状病毒粒子和风轮状内含体, 少数叶绿体的片层结构肿胀扭曲, 细胞核、线粒体的被膜以及形状和结构轻度受损。上述结果表明, 数量抗性品种的受害程度明显小于感病品种, SMV引起的超微病变特征在 3类抗性品种间是显著不同的。 展开更多
关键词 大豆花叶病毒 质量抗性 数量 超微结构
大豆对SMV数量抗性的表现形式与种质鉴定 被引量:29
作者 智海剑 盖钧镒 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第10期1422-1427,共6页
在发现大豆对SMV具有数量抗性的基础上,选用96份大豆品种材料研究其在接种Sa、SC8、N1、N3等4个SMV株系条件下的发病率、病级、潜育期和病害扩展速度等4个数量抗性组分的变异。结果表明,品种间4个组分均存在明显差异;溧水中子黄豆、沛... 在发现大豆对SMV具有数量抗性的基础上,选用96份大豆品种材料研究其在接种Sa、SC8、N1、N3等4个SMV株系条件下的发病率、病级、潜育期和病害扩展速度等4个数量抗性组分的变异。结果表明,品种间4个组分均存在明显差异;溧水中子黄豆、沛县天鹅蛋、诱变30等品种虽然对4个株系均感染,但在4个组分上均表现出较强抗性,且不同株系间差异较小,说明这些品种对大豆花叶病毒具有广谱数量抗性。研究证实以往报道的一些抗感染品种如溧水中子黄豆、AGS-19,其实是抗扩展的数量抗性品种。邳县茶豆、淮阴秋黑豆等品种对SMV的抗性可能属于数量抗性与质量抗性的叠和。大豆对SMV的数量抗性是曾被学术界忽视而又值得利用的一类抗性,它一般比质量抗性具有更宽的抗谱和更好的持久性。 展开更多
关键词 数量 品种 株系 大豆 质量抗性 种质鉴定 潜育期 感染 忽视 发病率
抗性负载的余弦形复合变幅杆设计及动力学特性研究 被引量:5
作者 阎长罡 李伟 +3 位作者 杨亮 施志辉 石阳 于伟 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2011年第13期13-16,38,共5页
为了解决简单形状变幅杆有时无法满足实际工程应用需要的问题,运用变幅杆纵向振动等效四端网络的方法,推导出质量抗性负载的余弦形复合变幅杆频率方程和放大系数一般公式;同时讨论负载变化对变幅杆性能的影响。依据理论通式设计了一个... 为了解决简单形状变幅杆有时无法满足实际工程应用需要的问题,运用变幅杆纵向振动等效四端网络的方法,推导出质量抗性负载的余弦形复合变幅杆频率方程和放大系数一般公式;同时讨论负载变化对变幅杆性能的影响。依据理论通式设计了一个变幅杆,应用有限元软件ANSYS对其进行模态分析和谐响应分析,结果表明:其共振频率和放大系数与设计理论值吻合较好,从而验证了设计的合理性,为超声复合变幅杆和工具的设计和应用提供了一定的理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 超声变幅杆 质量抗性负载 共振频率 放大系数 模态分析 谐响应分析
大豆对SMV数量抗性的育种 被引量:7
作者 智海剑 盖钧镒 《大豆科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期1-5,共5页
为证实潜育期长、病情发展缓慢、最终病情轻的数量抗性的利用价值 ,在接种SMV -Sa株系条件下 ,比较了同一遗传背景、不同发病时期、不同病情下大豆品种主要农艺性状的变异。研究表明早期感染SMV对大豆产量、褐斑率等的影响显著大于花期... 为证实潜育期长、病情发展缓慢、最终病情轻的数量抗性的利用价值 ,在接种SMV -Sa株系条件下 ,比较了同一遗传背景、不同发病时期、不同病情下大豆品种主要农艺性状的变异。研究表明早期感染SMV对大豆产量、褐斑率等的影响显著大于花期感染 ;病情指数与大豆产量、单株荚数、单株粒数等存在显著负相关 ,病情指数越高 ,对产量等危害越大 ;通过比较SMV对质量抗性、数量抗性和感病 3类大豆品种的影响 ,证实数量抗性品种在株高、单株粒数以及大豆产量等方面受SMV影响显著小于感病品种 ,与质量抗性品种接近。说明选育数量抗性品种对控制SMV危害有实质性意义。 展开更多
关键词 大豆花叶病毒 质量抗性 数量 育种价值
甘兰型油菜新品种油研6号的产量品质及抗性研究 被引量:1
作者 王通强 邵明波 《种子》 CSCD 北大核心 1996年第2期18-21,共4页
通过对贵州省近年培育和引进推广的优秀品种进行产量、品质及抗性的综合分析表明,油研6号确具高产稳产,增产潜力大,品质优良和对油菜菌核病抗(耐)性较强等优点,是一个综合性状表现极佳的品种。一般每公顷产2100公斤左右,明显高于油研1、... 通过对贵州省近年培育和引进推广的优秀品种进行产量、品质及抗性的综合分析表明,油研6号确具高产稳产,增产潜力大,品质优良和对油菜菌核病抗(耐)性较强等优点,是一个综合性状表现极佳的品种。一般每公顷产2100公斤左右,明显高于油研1、2号,中油821和蜀杂1号,与(?)油2号、油研5号产量相当,对油菜菌核病的抗(耐)性优于油研1、2号,蜀杂1号和中油821,含油量、芥酸含量、硫甙含量和油酸含量分别为41.43%、0.89%、28.77μmol/g和67.34%,含油量及油酸含量均较油研1、2号高,芥酸、硫甙含量均低于油研1、2号,并符合国际双低高油酸品种标准。 展开更多
关键词 油菜新品种 油研6号 产量 质量
Correlation analysis between major nutritional components and resistant starch content in wheat 被引量:3
作者 张志转 陈多璞 吴殿星 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2007年第2期2-7,共6页
With 94 spring wheat cultivars as experimental materials, the correlations between the content of resistant starch (RS) in uncooked flour and cooked flour, and the apparent amylose content (AAC), protein, lipid we... With 94 spring wheat cultivars as experimental materials, the correlations between the content of resistant starch (RS) in uncooked flour and cooked flour, and the apparent amylose content (AAC), protein, lipid were investigated. The results showed that RS contents in both the uncooked flour and cooked flour assumed significantly positive correlation with AAC, and significantly negative cor- relation with protein content; and they were proved to be not significantly correlated with lipid content. RS content in uncooked flour was significantly correlated with that in cooked flour. These results provided references for the genetic improvement of wheat cultivars. 展开更多
关键词 apparent amylose content PROTEIN LIPID resistant starch CORRELATION
Science Letters:Alterations in seedling vigour and antioxidant enzyme activities in Catharanthus roseus under seed priming with native diazotrophs 被引量:12
作者 KARTHIKEYAN B. JALEEL C.A. +1 位作者 GOPI R. DEIVEEKASUNDARAM M. 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第7期453-457,共5页
An experiment was conducted on Catharanthus roseus to study the effect of seed treatments with native diazotrophs on its seedling growth and antioxidant enzyme activities. The treatments had significant influence on v... An experiment was conducted on Catharanthus roseus to study the effect of seed treatments with native diazotrophs on its seedling growth and antioxidant enzyme activities. The treatments had significant influence on various seedling parameters. There is no significant influence on dry matter production with the diazotrophs, Azospirillum and Azotobacter. However, the vital seedling parameters such as germination percentage and vigour index were improved. Azotobacter treatment influenced maximum of 50% germination, whereas Azospirillum and Azotobacter were on par with C. roseus with respect to their vigour index. There was significant difference in the population of total diazotrophs. Azospirillum and Azotobacter between rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soils of C. roseus had the same trend and were observed at various locations of the study. The activities of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POX) and catalase (CAT) were increased to a significant extent due to the treatment with diazotrophs. 展开更多
关键词 RHIZOSPHERE Non-rhizosphere AZOSPIRILLUM AZOTOBACTER Antioxidant enzyme Catharanthus roseus
Effects of calcium addition on as-cast microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-5Zn-5Sn alloy 被引量:9
作者 杨明波 程亮 潘复生 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第5期769-775,共7页
The effects of Ca addition on the as-cast microstructure and mechanical properties of the Mg-5Zn-5Sn (mass fraction,%) alloy were investigated.The results indicate that an addition of 0.5%-1.5% (mass fraction) Ca to t... The effects of Ca addition on the as-cast microstructure and mechanical properties of the Mg-5Zn-5Sn (mass fraction,%) alloy were investigated.The results indicate that an addition of 0.5%-1.5% (mass fraction) Ca to the Mg-5Zn-5Sn alloy not only refines the as-cast microstructure of the alloy but also causes the formation of the primary and/or eutectic CaMgSn phases with high thermal stability;an increase in Ca amount from 0.5% to 1.5% (mass fraction) increases the amount and size of the CaMgSn phase.In addition,Ca addition to the Mg-5Zn-5Sn alloy improves not only the tensile properties at room temperature and 150 ℃ but also the creep properties.Among the Ca-containing Mg-5Zn-5Sn alloys,the one added 0.5% (mass fraction) Ca obtains the optimum ultimate tensile strength and elongation at room temperature and 150 ℃,however,the alloy added 1.5% (mass fraction) Ca exhibits the optimum yield strength and creep properties. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium alloy Mg-5Zn-5Sn alloy microstructure and properties Ca addition
Modeling the Flexural Carrying Capacity of Corroded RC Beam 被引量:1
作者 王小惠 刘西拉 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2008年第2期129-135,共7页
Considering the change of bond strength between corroded steel and concrete,flexural carrying ca- pacity of corroded reinforced concrete (RC) beam was calculated.On the basis of the condition of equilibrium of forces ... Considering the change of bond strength between corroded steel and concrete,flexural carrying ca- pacity of corroded reinforced concrete (RC) beam was calculated.On the basis of the condition of equilibrium of forces and compatibility of deformations for the whole beam,a model for the prediction of flexural carrying capacity of the corroded RC beam was proposed.Comparison of the model's predictions with the experimental results published in the literature shows the practicality of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 bond strength flexural capacity mechanical behavior corroded reinforced concrete beam
Combinative Approaches of Chemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology for the Optimal Pharmaceutical Preparation of an Anti-arthritic Chinese Medicine Formulation QFJBT 被引量:4
作者 Ting ZHANG Huang-He YU +8 位作者 Ye LIN Xin LI Ling TAN Hou-Pan SONG Qing-Hua PENG Wei WANG Liang LIU Cong CHEN Xiong CAI 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 2018年第4期289-301,共13页
Objective Qing Fu Juan Bi Tang(QFJBT)is an anti-arthritic Chinese medicine formula consisting of five herbs:Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata(Fu Zi,附子),Sinomenii Caulis(Qing Feng Teng,青风藤),Astragali Radix(Huang ... Objective Qing Fu Juan Bi Tang(QFJBT)is an anti-arthritic Chinese medicine formula consisting of five herbs:Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata(Fu Zi,附子),Sinomenii Caulis(Qing Feng Teng,青风藤),Astragali Radix(Huang Qi,黄芪),Paeoniae Radix Alba(Bai Shao,白芍)and Moutan Cortex(Mu Dan Pi,牡丹皮),which have well-established histories of use for treatment of rheumatic and arthritic diseases.We intended to establish the optimized and standardized pharmaceutical procedures and manufacturing processes for the pilot production of QFJBT to develop it as a novel botanical drug product for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis(RA).Methods The combinative approaches of chemical assessment,toxicological and pharmacological evaluation were explored to define the pharmaceutical preparation of QFJBT.Results The optimized and standardized pharmaceutical procedures and manufacturing processes for the pilot production of QFJBT were established in terms of greatest chemical contents of bioactive constituents,potent anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities,and favorable safety profile.Quality analysis of the pilot product of QFJBT by high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)demonstrated that the chromatographic fingerprint profiles of three batches of QFJBT were basically identical and the contents of four characteristic and bioactive markers were relatively consistent.General toxicological studies showed a favorable safety profile of QFJBT.The maximum tolerated single dose of QFJBT was determined in both sexes of rats to be 33.63 g/kg body weight which is equivalent to 346 times of clinical dose.In the chronic oral toxicity study,the results of laboratory investigation showed that QFJBT at doses of 3.89,6.80 and 9.72 g/kg body weight(equivalent to 40,70 and 100-fold clinical doses,respectively)caused no changes in all hematological parameters and blood biochemical parameters of rats.No mortality or specific toxic responses were observed in animals after three months of repeated dosing with QFJBT.Conclusion The optimized and standardized pharmaceutical and manufacturing processes for the production of QFJBT have been successfully screened and identified through established rigorous in-process controls. 展开更多
关键词 QFJBT Rheumatoid arthritis Pharmaceutical preparation Quality control Safety profile Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive effects
Simultaneous Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure and Conduction Band Non-parabolicity on Binding Energies and Diamagnetic Susceptibility of a Hydrogenic Impurity in Spherical Quantum Dots 被引量:1
作者 G.Rezaei N.A.Doostimotlagh B.Vaseghi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第8期377-381,共5页
Simultaneous effects of conduction band non-parabolicity and hydrostatic pressure on the binding energies of 1S, 2S, and 2P states along with diamagnetic susceptibility of an on-center hydrogenic impurity confined in ... Simultaneous effects of conduction band non-parabolicity and hydrostatic pressure on the binding energies of 1S, 2S, and 2P states along with diamagnetic susceptibility of an on-center hydrogenic impurity confined in typical GaAs/Alx- Ga1-x As spherical quantum dots are theoretically investigated using the matrix diagonalization method. In this regard, the effect of band non-parabolieity has been performed using the Luttinger-Kohn effective mass equation. The binding energies and the diamagnetic susceptibility of the hydrogenic impurity are computed as a function of the dot radius and different values of the pressure in the presence of conduction band non-parabolicity effect. The results we arrived at are as follows: the incorporation of the band edge non-parabolicity increases the binding energies and decreases the absolute value of the diamagnetic susceptibility for a given pressure and radius; the binding energies increase and the magnitude of the diamagnetic susceptibility reduces with increasing pressure. 展开更多
关键词 non-parabolic conduction band hydrostatic pressure quantum dots hydrogenic impurity diamagnetic susceptibility
Exact elastic impedance tensor for isotropic media 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Feng LI XiangYang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期1350-1360,共11页
The existing expressions of elastic impedance,as the generalized form of acoustic impedance,represent the resistance of subsurface media to seismic waves of non-normal incidence,and thus include information on the she... The existing expressions of elastic impedance,as the generalized form of acoustic impedance,represent the resistance of subsurface media to seismic waves of non-normal incidence,and thus include information on the shear-wave velocity.In this sense,conventional elastic impedance is an attribute of the seismic reflection and not an intrinsic physical property of the subsurface media.The derivation of these expressions shares the approximations made for reflectivity,such as weak impedance contrast andisotropic or weakly anisotropic media,which limits the accuracy of reflectivity reconstruction and seismic inversion.In this paper,we derive exact elastic impedance tensors of seismic P-and S-waves for isotropic media based on the stress-velocity law.Each componentof the impedance tensor represents a unique mechanical property of the medium.Approximations of P-wave elastic impedance tensor components are discussed for seismic inversion and interpretation.Application to synthetic data and real data shows the accuracy and robust interpretation capability of the derived elastic impedance in lithology characterizations. 展开更多
关键词 stress tensor velocity tensor elastic impedance INVERSION reservoir characterization
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