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宽频高阻抗贫铁MnZn铁氧体的掺杂改性研究 被引量:4
作者 黄爱萍 冯则坤 +2 位作者 何华辉 谭福清 熊惟皓 《电子元件与材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期28-31,共4页
采用传统陶瓷工艺制备了MnZn和NiZn铁氧体材料。研究了贫铁MnZn铁氧体、富铁MnZn铁氧体及NiZn铁氧体的电阻率和阻抗的频率特性。结果表明:CaCO3-SiO2联合掺杂能大幅度提高贫铁MnZn铁氧体材料的电阻率,在最大添加量w(SiO2)为0.005%,w(CaC... 采用传统陶瓷工艺制备了MnZn和NiZn铁氧体材料。研究了贫铁MnZn铁氧体、富铁MnZn铁氧体及NiZn铁氧体的电阻率和阻抗的频率特性。结果表明:CaCO3-SiO2联合掺杂能大幅度提高贫铁MnZn铁氧体材料的电阻率,在最大添加量w(SiO2)为0.005%,w(CaCO3)为0.04%时,有最大电阻率10246Ω·m;贫铁MnZn铁氧体材料综合了富铁MnZn铁氧体材料的低频高阻抗和NiZn铁氧体材料的高频高阻抗特性;Fe2O3、TiO2含量的增加都会提高材料的低频阻抗,降低材料的高频阻抗。 展开更多
关键词 无机非金属材料 MNZN氧体 贫铁 电阻率 阻抗特性
作者 黄爱萍 何华辉 +2 位作者 冯则坤 汪世雷 熊惟皓 《无机材料学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期474-478,共5页
采用传统氧化物法制备了MnZn铁氧体材料和NiZn铁氧体材料.分析了贫铁MnZn铁氧体磁导率的频散特性,在K.Itoh等人二段型频散特性模型的基础上,提出了与实际测量数据更相符合的三段型频散特性模型,并用三段型频散特性模型计算模拟了磁导... 采用传统氧化物法制备了MnZn铁氧体材料和NiZn铁氧体材料.分析了贫铁MnZn铁氧体磁导率的频散特性,在K.Itoh等人二段型频散特性模型的基础上,提出了与实际测量数据更相符合的三段型频散特性模型,并用三段型频散特性模型计算模拟了磁导率的频率特性曲线.同时通过研究Fe2O3、TiO2含量对贫铁MnZn铁氧体磁导率的影响,得出三段型频散特性模型各参数对磁导率频率特性的不同贡献. 展开更多
关键词 MNZN氧体 贫铁 磁导率频散特性
贫铁围岩碎石的路用性能研究 被引量:2
作者 范秀雯 田帅 马虹波 《科技风》 2018年第27期123-123,共1页
关键词 水泥道路 贫铁围岩 路用性能
贫铁废矿在锰硅合金生产中的应用简析 被引量:1
作者 王先武 王光胜 《酒钢科技》 2016年第2期28-31,50,共5页
关键词 贫铁废矿 循环再利用 锰硅合金
内蒙古某地超贫铁矿选矿试验研究 被引量:3
作者 杨军 赵希兵 +1 位作者 孙敬锋 任大鹏 《内蒙古科技与经济》 2010年第22期84-86,共3页
采用干式磁选抛尾—干式磁选粗精矿再磨—湿式弱磁选选别工艺,回收该铁矿中的磁铁矿。原矿破碎到-5mm粒级,抛尾30%左右,使mFe品位达到16%,然后将抛尾精矿磨矿至-200目占85%,经一段磁选得到铁精矿品位TFe为65.52%、回收率为73.86%;mFe为6... 采用干式磁选抛尾—干式磁选粗精矿再磨—湿式弱磁选选别工艺,回收该铁矿中的磁铁矿。原矿破碎到-5mm粒级,抛尾30%左右,使mFe品位达到16%,然后将抛尾精矿磨矿至-200目占85%,经一段磁选得到铁精矿品位TFe为65.52%、回收率为73.86%;mFe为64.01%、回收率为89.58%。铁精矿产品达到了质量标准C 65一级品工业要求,精矿中各项有害杂质含量均未超标。 展开更多
关键词 贫铁 抛尾 回收率 弱磁选 选矿试验 内蒙古
贫铁含硅废矿应用于锰硅冶炼的工业试验 被引量:1
作者 马天荣 冯靖文 《铁合金》 2016年第3期11-14,共4页
关键词 贫铁含硅废矿 锰硅 冶炼 工业试验
无线充电和近场通信兼用贫铁MnZn铁氧体材料 被引量:2
作者 陈思远 刘强 +2 位作者 李旺昌 姜力强 车声雷 《电子元件与材料》 CAS CSCD 2015年第5期38-41,共4页
采用传统的陶瓷工艺制备贫铁MnZn铁氧体材料Mn0.61Zn0.41Ti0.02Fe1.96O4,并采用流延工艺制备出厚度为100~150μm的贫铁MnZn铁氧体薄片。研究了贫铁MnZn铁氧体材料的微观形貌和晶相结构,测试了贫铁MnZn铁氧体材料的磁性能。研究表明,贫铁... 采用传统的陶瓷工艺制备贫铁MnZn铁氧体材料Mn0.61Zn0.41Ti0.02Fe1.96O4,并采用流延工艺制备出厚度为100~150μm的贫铁MnZn铁氧体薄片。研究了贫铁MnZn铁氧体材料的微观形貌和晶相结构,测试了贫铁MnZn铁氧体材料的磁性能。研究表明,贫铁Mn Zn铁氧体在低频区域的磁性能与富铁MnZn铁氧体相当,并在13.56 MHz的高频区域仍保持了较高的磁导率。通过运用仿真软件CST模拟NFC(近场通信)天线的场强分布并根据可读写距离测试了铁氧体薄片的屏蔽能力,讨论了贫铁MnZn铁氧体材料同时运用于无线充电及近场通信的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 贫铁MnZn氧体 无线充电 NFC 磁谱 CST 可读写距离
作者 吴文红 唐昊 《现代矿业》 CAS 2015年第9期67-69,72,共4页
通过对某地选厂处理高碳酸盐贫磁铁矿矿石工艺流程选别效果考查分析,查明由于该矿石碳酸铁含量较高,其铁矿物嵌布粒度较细,采用细筛提质工艺处理该矿,存在最终铁精矿品位难以达到65%以上的问题,并针对该问题进行了相关试验研究。根据研... 通过对某地选厂处理高碳酸盐贫磁铁矿矿石工艺流程选别效果考查分析,查明由于该矿石碳酸铁含量较高,其铁矿物嵌布粒度较细,采用细筛提质工艺处理该矿,存在最终铁精矿品位难以达到65%以上的问题,并针对该问题进行了相关试验研究。根据研究结果提出了采用细磨磁选提高其终精品位的提质工艺流程措施建议。 展开更多
关键词 高碳酸 细粒嵌布 提质 细筛 解离度
运用红细胞多个参数对我国高水平运动员非贫血性铁缺乏的筛查 被引量:2
作者 谭秋实 常雅珊 +1 位作者 阚朝勃 王启荣 《中国运动医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第9期694-703,共10页
目的:研究红细胞参数单独诊断及红细胞多参数联合诊断对我国高水平运动员非贫血性铁缺乏的评价作用,以期降低检测成本,为运动员早期缺铁的及时发现和诊断提供筛查手段.方法:回顾性研究2015年至2021年本实验室进行血常规及血清铁蛋白项... 目的:研究红细胞参数单独诊断及红细胞多参数联合诊断对我国高水平运动员非贫血性铁缺乏的评价作用,以期降低检测成本,为运动员早期缺铁的及时发现和诊断提供筛查手段.方法:回顾性研究2015年至2021年本实验室进行血常规及血清铁蛋白项目测试的国家队运动员血液样本,选取铁贮备正常运动员样本358例、非贫血性铁缺乏运动员样本335例(早期储铁缺乏247例,Ⅰ组;中晚期储铁缺乏88例,Ⅱ组)按3︰1比例随机组成训练集和验证集.绘制红细胞参数[红细胞计数(RBC)、红细胞压积(HCT)、红细胞分布宽度(RDW)、平均红细胞体积(MCV)、平均血红蛋白含量(MCH)、平均血红蛋白浓度(MCHC)、低血红蛋白密度(LHD)、小红细胞贫血因子(MAF)]受试者工作特征曲线(ROC),Logistic二元回归建立多参数联合诊断模型,以联合预测概率值绘制ROC曲线,通过ROC曲线下面积(AUC)评估各方法的筛查价值,通过准确度、Kappa值检验各方法的准确性和一致性.结果:(1)单一红细胞参数ROC曲线显示:早期非贫血性铁缺阶段,男性运动员RDW的AUC值大于0.7,女性运动员各红细胞参数均小于0.7;中晚期非贫血性铁缺乏阶段,男性运动员MCH、MAF的AUC值大于0.85,女性运动员MCH的AUC值大于0.85.(2)Logistic回归分析构建红细胞多参数联合诊断模型:Logistic(P_(RDW+MCH),Ⅰ组男)=-9.713+1.621×RDW-0.422×MCH;Logistic(P_(LHD+MCH),Ⅰ组女)=8.539+0.121×LHD-0.295×MCH;Logistic(P_(RDW+MCH),Ⅱ组男)=7.364+1.328×RDW-0.932×MCH;Logistic(P_(RDW+MCH),Ⅱ组女)=9.26+1.489×RDW-0.984×MCH.(3)红细胞多参数联合预测概率值ROC曲线显示:早期非贫血性铁缺乏阶段,男性运动员P_(RDW+MCH)的AUC值(0.803)高于RDW单独诊断AUC值但仍然小于0.85,女性运动员P_(LHD+MCH)的AUC值小于0.7;中晚期非贫血性铁缺乏阶段,男性运动员P_(RDW+MCH)的AUC值(0.855)大于0.85,但与MCH、MAF单独诊断AUC值相比并无提高,女性运动员P_(RDW+MCH)的AUC值(0.902)大于0.85且高于MCH单独诊断的AUC值.(4)验证结果显示:早期非贫血性铁缺乏阶段,男性运动员RDW+MCH联合诊断准确度、一致性与RDW单独诊断相同;中晚期非贫血性铁缺乏阶段,男性运动员RDW+MCH联合诊断较MAF、MCH单独诊断,准确度、一致性均有所提高,女性运动员RDW+MCH联合诊断较MCH单独诊断,准确度、一致性均有所提高.结论:RDW和MCH组成联合预测概率值可用作男性运动员早期以及男、女性运动员中晚期非贫血性铁缺乏的辅助性筛查,且成本低、易操作,对促进运动员缺铁性贫血的尽早发现具有积极作用. 展开更多
关键词 红细胞参数 联合诊断 高水平运动员 血性缺乏
作者 郑洁 《现代矿业》 CAS 2014年第9期67-70,共4页
阐述了大孤山球团厂三选作业区处理含碳酸铁贫磁铁矿石工艺流程的现状和存在的问题,通过对磨矿分级和选别设备参数的优化研究,确定出最佳选别设备参数和工艺参数;通过对脱水永磁机细筛再磨系统工艺和设备参数优化研究,解决了处理碳酸铁... 阐述了大孤山球团厂三选作业区处理含碳酸铁贫磁铁矿石工艺流程的现状和存在的问题,通过对磨矿分级和选别设备参数的优化研究,确定出最佳选别设备参数和工艺参数;通过对脱水永磁机细筛再磨系统工艺和设备参数优化研究,解决了处理碳酸铁贫磁铁矿石过程中存在的薄弱环节问题,经济效益、社会效益显著。 展开更多
关键词 碳酸 磨矿设备 选别设备 脱水永磁机 工艺参数优化
作者 杨定炳 李迅 +1 位作者 庄荣寿 周丽英 《云南地质》 2010年第3期364-366,350,共4页
关键词 含锰菱 低铝贫铁 沉积改造 层位控制 云南安宁小村
对拳击运动员降体重期间体内铁储备的研究 被引量:2
作者 陈涛 王铁元 《辽宁体育科技》 2003年第3期34-34,共1页
测定24名优秀男子拳击运动员在赛前降体重期间体内铁储备的变化情况,结果如下:24名运动员在6星期间平均降体重5.8kg(3.4kg-7.6kg);全血铁由462±72.1(ug/ml)降为371±59.2(ug/ml),铁蛋白由85.1ng/ml降为42.1ng/ml,血球压积(Hct)... 测定24名优秀男子拳击运动员在赛前降体重期间体内铁储备的变化情况,结果如下:24名运动员在6星期间平均降体重5.8kg(3.4kg-7.6kg);全血铁由462±72.1(ug/ml)降为371±59.2(ug/ml),铁蛋白由85.1ng/ml降为42.1ng/ml,血球压积(Hct)由45.2%降为43.9%。结果表明:拳击运动员降体重后体内铁储备大幅度下降,但由于降体重后体内脱水,血球压积降低并不明显。 展开更多
关键词 拳击运动员 体重 储备 运动性 运动营养 脱水 血性缺 运动疲劳
不同成因类型黄铜矿细菌浸出钝化 被引量:10
作者 傅开彬 林海 +2 位作者 莫晓兰 董颖博 汪涵 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期3245-3250,共6页
利用嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌为浸矿菌种,采用SEM,XRD和XPS等手段研究2种不同成因类型黄铜矿(黄铁矿型和斑岩型)表面钝化机理。研究结果表明:2种类型黄铜矿表面形成的钝化层性质不同。黄铁矿型黄铜矿浸渣中产生S8和硫砷铜矿,其表面结构疏松;... 利用嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌为浸矿菌种,采用SEM,XRD和XPS等手段研究2种不同成因类型黄铜矿(黄铁矿型和斑岩型)表面钝化机理。研究结果表明:2种类型黄铜矿表面形成的钝化层性质不同。黄铁矿型黄铜矿浸渣中产生S8和硫砷铜矿,其表面结构疏松;而斑岩型黄铜矿浸渣中出现Cu18.32Fe15.9S32和Cu2S,表面结构致密。黄铁矿型黄铜矿浸渣表面阻碍层为硫及其多聚物,斑岩型黄铜矿浸渣表面为富铜贫铁层。它们阻碍黄铜矿的继续浸出,且富铜贫铁层对黄铜矿的钝化能力强于硫层对黄铜矿的钝化能力。 展开更多
关键词 矿型黄铜矿 斑岩型黄铜矿 细菌浸出 硫层 富铜贫铁
太阳电子事件粒子源区的位置 被引量:1
作者 汪学毅 黄永年 《空间科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1996年第2期85-91,共7页
对ISEE—3的引个太阳电子事件资料,进行了系统地分析.通过Saha平衡模型分别计算了高Fe事件和贫Fe事件源区的平衡温度大小,指出两类事件粒子源区不相重合,高Fe事件的粒子源区位于高色球层,贫Fe事件粒子源区在色球... 对ISEE—3的引个太阳电子事件资料,进行了系统地分析.通过Saha平衡模型分别计算了高Fe事件和贫Fe事件源区的平衡温度大小,指出两类事件粒子源区不相重合,高Fe事件的粒子源区位于高色球层,贫Fe事件粒子源区在色球层-日冕之间的过渡区.对高Fe事件和贫Fe事件的形成作了初步的设想. 展开更多
关键词 太阳电子事件 粒子源区 贫铁
Effects of angelica sinensis polysaccharide-iron complex on hemolytic anemia and bone marrow injury in mice 被引量:1
作者 王珮珮 张玉 +1 位作者 王凯平 李珂 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2008年第3期197-202,共6页
To investigate the therapeutic effects of angelica sinensis polysaccharide-iron complex (APIC) on hemolytic anemia and bone marrow injury in mice models. The hemolytic anemia mouse model was established by i.p. of p... To investigate the therapeutic effects of angelica sinensis polysaccharide-iron complex (APIC) on hemolytic anemia and bone marrow injury in mice models. The hemolytic anemia mouse model was established by i.p. of phenylhydrazine (PHZ). Changes of the indices including red blood cell count (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb) and hematocrit (HCT) were determined by blood analyzer, and reticulocytes were observed by brilliant cresol blue staining during administration. Bone marrow injured mouse model was established by i.p. of cytoxan (CY) and chloramphenicol (CH), and the therapeutic effect was observed by H-E staining. The indices of APIC treated groups with the medium and high doses were higher than those of the model group significantly. Moreover, the Hb and HCT were restored to the normal level after drug treatments. In addition, APIC can promote the proliferation and differentiation of reticulocytes obviously in the early stage of anemia mice, decrease adipose cell proliferation in bone marrow of injured mice and hasten the recuperation. In conclusion, APIC has therapeutic efficacy on hemolytic anemia and bone marrow injury caused by chemicals, which is reported for the first time. 展开更多
关键词 Angelica sinensis polysaccharide-iron complex Hemolytic anemia Bone marrow injury
Increased hepcidin expression in colorectal carcinogenesis 被引量:12
作者 Douglas G Ward Keith Roberts +6 位作者 Matthew J Brookes Howard Joy Ashley Martin Tariq Ismail Robert Spychal Tariq Iqbal Chris Tselepis 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第9期1339-1345,共7页
AIM:To investigate whether the iron stores regulator hepcidin is implicated in colon cancer-associated anae- mia and whether it might have a role in colorectal car- cinogenesis. METHODS: Mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF M... AIM:To investigate whether the iron stores regulator hepcidin is implicated in colon cancer-associated anae- mia and whether it might have a role in colorectal car- cinogenesis. METHODS: Mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS and SELDI-TOF MS) was employed to measure hepcidin in urine collected from 56 patients with colorectal cancer. Quantitative Real Time RT-PCR was utilised to determine hepcidin mRNA expression in colorectal cancer tissue. Hepcidin cellular localisation was determined using im- munohistochemistry. RESULTS: We demonstrate that whilst urinary hepcidin expression was not correlated with anaemia it was posi- tively associated with increasing T-stage of colorectal cancer (P < 0.05). Furthermore, we report that hepcidin mRNA is expressed in 34% of colorectal cancer tissue specimens and was correlated with ferroportin repres- sion. This was supported by hepcidin immunoreactivity in colorectal cancer tissue. CONCLUSION: We demonstrate that systemic hepcidin expression is unlikely to be the cause of the systemic anaemia associated with colorectal cancer. However, we demonstrate for the first time that hepcidin is expressed by colorectal cancer tissue and that this may represent a novel oncogenic signalling mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 IRON HEPCIDIN COLON Cancer ANAEMIA Mass spectrometry
AG490: An inhibitor of hepcidin expression in vivo 被引量:3
作者 Shu-Ping Zhang Zhe Wang Li-Xin Wang Si-Jin Liu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第45期5032-5034,共3页
A liver-produced hormone, hepcidin, appears to be the key player in iron metabolism. The overexpression of hepcidin is the underlying cause of anemia of inflammation. The identification of compounds inhibiting hepcidi... A liver-produced hormone, hepcidin, appears to be the key player in iron metabolism. The overexpression of hepcidin is the underlying cause of anemia of inflammation. The identification of compounds inhibiting hepcidin expression could ameliorate anemia associated with inflammation. In the current study, we have demonstrated for the first time that AG490 signifi cantly abolishes hepcidin expression in mice. Our work represents a novel approach to suppress hepcidin expression for treatment of anemia of inflammation and anemias occurring under other conditions. 展开更多
Hepcidin modulation in human diseases: From research to clinic 被引量:6
作者 Alberto Piperno Raffaella Mariani +1 位作者 Paola Trombini Domenico Girelli 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期538-551,共14页
By modulating hepcidin production, an organism controls intestinal iron absorption, iron uptake and mobilization from stores to meet body iron need. In recent years there has been important advancement in our knowledg... By modulating hepcidin production, an organism controls intestinal iron absorption, iron uptake and mobilization from stores to meet body iron need. In recent years there has been important advancement in our knowledge of hepcidin regulation that also has implications for understanding the physiopathology of some human disorders. Since the discovery of hepcidin and the demonstration of its pivotal role in iron homeostasis, there has been a substantial interest in developing a reliable assay of the hormone in biological fluids. Measurement of hepcidin in biological fluids can improve our understanding of iron diseases and be a useful tool for diagnosis and clinical management of these disorders. We reviewed the literature and our own research on hepcidin to give an updated status of the situation in this rapidly evolving field. 展开更多
A guide to diagnosis of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia in digestive diseases 被引量:17
作者 Fernando Bermejo Santiago García-López 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第37期4638-4643,共6页
Iron deficiency (ID), with or without anemia, is often caused by digestive diseases and should always be investigated, except in very specific situations, as its causes could be serious diseases, such as cancer. Dia... Iron deficiency (ID), with or without anemia, is often caused by digestive diseases and should always be investigated, except in very specific situations, as its causes could be serious diseases, such as cancer. Diagnosis of ID is not always easy. Low serum levels of ferritin or transferrin saturation, imply a situation of absolute or functional ID. It is sometimes difficult to differentiate ID anemia from anemia of chronic diseases, which can coexist. In this case, other parameters, such as soluble transferrin receptor activity can be very useful. After an initial evaluation by clinical history, urine analysis, and serological tests for celiac disease, gastroscopy and colonoscopy are the key diagnostic tools for investigating the origin of ID, and will detect the most important and prevalent diseases. If both tests are normal and anemia is not severe, treatment with oral iron can be indicated, along with stopping any treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In the absence of response to oral iron, or if the anemia is severe or clinical suspicion of important disease persists, we must insist on diagnostic evaluation. Repeat endoscopic studies should be considered in many cases and if both still show normal results, investigating the small bowel must be considered. The main techniques in this case are capsule endoscopy, followed by 展开更多
关键词 ANEMIA IRON-DEFICIENCY Iron deficiency anemia
Anemia after gastrectomy for early gastric cancer:Long-term follow-up observational study 被引量:20
作者 Chul-Hyun Lim Sang Woo Kim +8 位作者 Won Chul Kim Jin Soo Kim Yu Kyung Cho Jae Myung Park In Seok Lee Myung-Gyu Choi Kyo-Young Song Hae Myung Jeon Cho-Hyun Park 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第42期6114-6119,共6页
AIM:To identify the incidence and etiology of anemia after gastrectomy in patients with long-term follow-up after gastrectomy for early gastric cancer.METHODS:The medical records of those patients with early gastric a... AIM:To identify the incidence and etiology of anemia after gastrectomy in patients with long-term follow-up after gastrectomy for early gastric cancer.METHODS:The medical records of those patients with early gastric adenocarcinoma who underwent curative gastrectomy between January 2006 and October 2007 were reviewed.Patients with anemia in the preoperative workup,cancer recurrence,undergoing systemic chemotherapy,with other medical conditions that can cause anemia,or treated during follow up with red cell transfusions or supplements for anemia were excluded.Anemia was defined by World Health Organization criteria(Hb < 12 g/dL in women and < 13 g/dL in men).Iron deficiency was defined as serum ferritin < 20 g/dL.Vitamin B12 deficiency was defined as serum vitamin B 12 < 200 pg/mL.Iron deficiency anemia was defined as anemia with concomitant iron deficiency.Anemia from vitamin B 12 deficiency was defined as megaloblastic anemia(mean cell volume > 100 fL) with vitamin B 12 deficiency.The profile of anemia over 48 mo of follow-up was analyzed.RESULTS:One hundred sixty-one patients with gastrectomy for early gastric cancer were analyzed.The incidence of anemia was 24.5% at 3 mo after surgery and increased up to 37.1% at 48 mo after surgery.The incidence of iron deficiency anemia increased during the follow up and became the major cause of anemia at 48 mo after surgery.Anemia of chronic disease and megaloblastic anemia were uncommon.The incidence of anemia in female patients was significantly higher than in male patients at 12(40.0% vs 22.0%,P = 0.033),24(45.0% vs 25.0%,P = 0.023),36(55.0% vs 28.0%,P = 0.004),and 48 mo(52.0% vs 31.0%,P = 0.022) after surgery.Patients with total gastrectomy showed significantly higher incidence of anemia than patients with subtotal gastrectomy at 48 mo after surgery(60.7% vs 31.3%,P = 0.008).The incidence of iron deficiency was significantly higher in female patients than in male patients at 6(35.4% vs 13.3%,P = 0.002),12(45.8% vs 16.8%,P < 0.001),18(52.1% vs 22.3%,P < 0.001),24(60.4% vs 20.9%,P < 0.001),36(62.5% vs 29.2%,P < 0.001),and 48 mo(66.7% vs 34.7%,P = 0.001) after surgery.CONCLUSION:Anemia was frequent after gastrectomy for early gastric cancer,with iron deficiency being the major cause.Evaluation for anemia including iron status should be performed after gastrectomy and appropriate iron replacement should be considered. 展开更多
关键词 GASTRECTOMY Stomach neoplasms ANEMIA Iron deficiency Vitamin B 12 deficiency
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