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贮温对番茄PE、PPO、CAT、POD活性的影响 被引量:4
作者 张辉 滕康宁 《农业科技通讯》 2007年第12期73-75,共3页
本研究旨在通过研究常温与低温贮藏分别对番茄组织内果胶酶(PE)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性的影响,为番茄贮藏运输及加工提供理论基础。通过研究得出,PE、PPO、POD、CAT在常温与低温贮藏条件下,随着番茄... 本研究旨在通过研究常温与低温贮藏分别对番茄组织内果胶酶(PE)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性的影响,为番茄贮藏运输及加工提供理论基础。通过研究得出,PE、PPO、POD、CAT在常温与低温贮藏条件下,随着番茄的成熟与衰老其活性都是前期过程中有升高阶段,而到了后期又呈现下降趋势;低温贮藏的番茄,PE、PPO、CAT、POD活性均低于常温贮藏的番茄;PE活性的变化与绿熟番茄果实硬度的变化基本一致。 展开更多
关键词 贮温 番茄 酶活性
包装和贮温对黄果西番莲品质及采后贮期的影响 被引量:1
作者 周建南 《世界热带农业信息》 1994年第1期17-17,共1页
包装和贮温对黄果西番莲品质及采后贮期的影响西番莲包装和贮藏试验是在哥斯达黎加进行的,采用带孔和无孔聚乙烯袋包装,分4个贮期。(7、14、21和28天),温度为常温(22C、85—90%R.H)。低温贮藏21天显著降低... 包装和贮温对黄果西番莲品质及采后贮期的影响西番莲包装和贮藏试验是在哥斯达黎加进行的,采用带孔和无孔聚乙烯袋包装,分4个贮期。(7、14、21和28天),温度为常温(22C、85—90%R.H)。低温贮藏21天显著降低果重损失(1.36%),常温果重损... 展开更多
关键词 黄果西番莲 采后 可溶性固形物含量 贮温 拟茎点霉属 聚乙烯袋 可滴定酸 藏试验 藏效果 主要问题
作者 王永贤 张恩林 《农村能源》 1994年第5期20-21,共2页
白薯太阳能贮温育秧技术河北省卢龙县农业局王永贤河北省卢龙县新能源办公室张恩林白薯太阳能贮温育秧是在塑料膜的保温作用下,利用太阳辐射的能量和酿热物发酵的热量来提高薯炕的气温和炕温,进行育秧。太阳能育秧有三种形式:一是全... 白薯太阳能贮温育秧技术河北省卢龙县农业局王永贤河北省卢龙县新能源办公室张恩林白薯太阳能贮温育秧是在塑料膜的保温作用下,利用太阳辐射的能量和酿热物发酵的热量来提高薯炕的气温和炕温,进行育秧。太阳能育秧有三种形式:一是全太阳能育秧;二是太阳能和火炕结合育... 展开更多
关键词 甘薯 太阳能 贮温 育秧
作者 王永贤 《河北农业》 1995年第2期13-13,共1页
甘薯太阳能贮温育秧技术要点实践证明,甘薯太阳能贮温育秧法具有节约能源、省工、出秧早、质量好、产量高、经济效益明显等特点。所谓太阳能贮温育秧,就是指在烧煤的火炕上加盖塑料布,利用太阳能辐射的能量和酿热物发酵的热量进行甘... 甘薯太阳能贮温育秧技术要点实践证明,甘薯太阳能贮温育秧法具有节约能源、省工、出秧早、质量好、产量高、经济效益明显等特点。所谓太阳能贮温育秧,就是指在烧煤的火炕上加盖塑料布,利用太阳能辐射的能量和酿热物发酵的热量进行甘薯育秧的一种方法。近年来,已为卢龙... 展开更多
关键词 太阳能 育秧技术 甘薯 贮温 展开叶 卢龙县 酿热物 秧苗素质 秸秆覆盖 塑料布
贮藏温度对琯溪蜜柚果实品质及相关酶活性的影响 被引量:5
作者 张小红 赵依杰 +1 位作者 潘东明 林航 《云南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期348-353,共6页
琯溪蜜柚果实采后经过预冷,贮藏于室温和冷库(6℃)两个温度条件下,研究贮藏温度对果实品质及相关酶活性的影响。结果表明,冷藏处理的果实可溶性糖含量和糖酸比较高,贮藏期较长,风味较好;而贮于室温下的果实可溶性固形物、可滴定酸和Vc... 琯溪蜜柚果实采后经过预冷,贮藏于室温和冷库(6℃)两个温度条件下,研究贮藏温度对果实品质及相关酶活性的影响。结果表明,冷藏处理的果实可溶性糖含量和糖酸比较高,贮藏期较长,风味较好;而贮于室温下的果实可溶性固形物、可滴定酸和Vc含量则较高;冷藏处理果实的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性均高于室温处理,而丙二醛(MDA)含量则低于室温处理。试验表明,琯溪蜜柚果实采后贮藏于6℃冷库中,可以抑制果实采后酸化现象的产生,提高保护酶的活性,延长贮藏期,较好地维持果实的贮藏品质。 展开更多
关键词 琯溪蜜柚 贮温 品质 酶活性
有优先权且有两不同修理工的两部件温贮备可修系统的可靠性分析 被引量:9
作者 孟宪云 刘艳 +3 位作者 陈广娟 刘乐春 阴瑞玲 袁丽 《燕山大学学报》 CAS 2006年第1期51-56,共6页
研究了有两个不同修理工的有优先权的两不同部件的温贮备可修系统假设两部件的工作时间、贮备时间和修理时间以及转换开关的寿命和修理时间均服从指数分布,利用Markov过程理论和Laplace变换的方法, 求出了系统的某些可靠性指标的表达式。
关键词 MARKOV过程 各系统 可靠度 首次故障前的平均时间 稳态可用度
作者 江梅 《世界热带农业信息》 1994年第7期20-20,共1页
不同贮藏温度下毛叶蕃荔枝的乙烯浓度’一把毛叶苗荔枝分贮于20℃和10℃下。用气体层析法检测果实内部的乙烯浓度。两种贮温下的果实在进入衰老期时的乙烯峰一致。贮温决定果实乙烯的形成,20℃下贮藏果的乙烯最高值为46.2…... 不同贮藏温度下毛叶蕃荔枝的乙烯浓度’一把毛叶苗荔枝分贮于20℃和10℃下。用气体层析法检测果实内部的乙烯浓度。两种贮温下的果实在进入衰老期时的乙烯峰一致。贮温决定果实乙烯的形成,20℃下贮藏果的乙烯最高值为46.2…/kg/h,而10C下的仅为l.9... 展开更多
关键词 荔枝 乙烯峰 乙烯浓度 果实 层析法 衰老期 贮温 最高值
作者 倪春生 《农业科技与信息》 2002年第6期32-32,共1页
1 鲜花生贮鲜常温存放复鲜技术将采收后的花生就地去掉茎叶杂物后,迅速运往处理场,拣去残次果,清洗漂白,在处理场准备一口大锅加入半锅水,把水加热到90℃时根据锅内加水量的多少,加入花生专用贮鲜剂(按照贮鲜剂标明的比例加入)。
关键词 花生 玉米穗 毛豆荚 复鲜技术 贮温技术 存放技术
作者 周建南 《世界热带农业信息》 1994年第1期16-16,共1页
贮藏温度、贮期和涂蜡对诺瓦桔质量的影响诺瓦(Moua)桔的最佳贮温为5℃。诺瓦粘在5℃下贮藏4周再于17℃下贮藏1周,其化学和生理变化甚微,而贮前涂腊的则变化较大,但后者水分损失较少,贮期延长。感观评价表明,大多数处... 贮藏温度、贮期和涂蜡对诺瓦桔质量的影响诺瓦(Moua)桔的最佳贮温为5℃。诺瓦粘在5℃下贮藏4周再于17℃下贮藏1周,其化学和生理变化甚微,而贮前涂腊的则变化较大,但后者水分损失较少,贮期延长。感观评价表明,大多数处理中果实贮藏4─8周,其风味尚好。... 展开更多
关键词 涂蜡 质量 感观评价 果实 生理变化 水分损失 数处理 贮温
作者 栗伟 尚维 刘群 《酿酒》 CAS 2006年第3期37-39,共3页
介绍了以湿贮玉米为主要原料生产白酒的生产工艺,利用现代微生物技术,采用物理诱变的育种手段,筛选出一株耐高酸度酵母菌,用于湿贮玉米酿酒的生产,探索了湿贮玉米酿酒的生产工艺、确定工艺参数,并进行生产性试验,为湿贮玉米在酿酒上的... 介绍了以湿贮玉米为主要原料生产白酒的生产工艺,利用现代微生物技术,采用物理诱变的育种手段,筛选出一株耐高酸度酵母菌,用于湿贮玉米酿酒的生产,探索了湿贮玉米酿酒的生产工艺、确定工艺参数,并进行生产性试验,为湿贮玉米在酿酒上的应用奠定坚实的基础。 展开更多
关键词 玉米 白酒 耐高酸度酵母菌
Vitality and storage condition of Syringa pollen 被引量:6
作者 周莉 罗凤霞 +1 位作者 代力民 张惠华 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第1期67-70,共4页
The fresh pollen vitality, the effect of different storage conditions on the pollen vitality, and the difference of vitality among the species of seven species of Syringa were determined in Shenyang, China. The result... The fresh pollen vitality, the effect of different storage conditions on the pollen vitality, and the difference of vitality among the species of seven species of Syringa were determined in Shenyang, China. The results indicated that the pollen vi-tality (81.5%) of Syringa villosa was the highest among the seven tested species, followed by S. microphylla and S. meyeri, and that of S. oblata var. affinis was the lowest. The low temperature was the best condition for storage of pollen of Syringa, and the most proper temperature for the storage was 0-2 癈. The storability of S. microphylla was the best of all, and it could be stored over 60 days at the temperature of 0-2 癈, next was S. villosa and S. meyeri. 展开更多
关键词 SYRINGA POLLEN VITALITY Storage condition
Study on Seed Vigor of Rice Photo-ThermoSensitive Genic Male Sterile(PTGMS) Line with Low Temperature Storage 被引量:1
作者 蒋凌云 张海清 +5 位作者 刘爱民 王明 刘烨 杨永标 庞嘉 蒋珊瑚 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2536-2542,2595,共8页
To explore the change rule of seed vigor and seed application technology of rice PTGMS lines with low temperature storage,Zhun S,Y58S,Feng S and Guangzhan 63-4S stored in the seed bank with the temperature of 8-10 ℃ ... To explore the change rule of seed vigor and seed application technology of rice PTGMS lines with low temperature storage,Zhun S,Y58S,Feng S and Guangzhan 63-4S stored in the seed bank with the temperature of 8-10 ℃ and with the relative humidity of 55% for different years were used as the materials to study the properties of seed vigor,growth and development in the field, etc. The re- sults showed that the germination potential, germination rate, germination index and vigor index of rice PTGMS lines seeds showed downward trends as the time of low temperature storage prolonged,and all of the germination rates of the seeds within five years were over 60%. The conductivity in the soaked solution of seeds was significantly increased with the prolonged low temperature storage time. Seedling rate,root length,white root number,base stem width and seedling dry weight of seeds showed downward trends as the time of low temperature storage prolonged. There was no significant difference between two integral seedling qualities of seeds within 4-6 years in low temperature storage. Compared with the germination rate of low temperature storage seeds soaking for 6,12 and 24 h,the appropriate soak time of long time low temperature storage or low vigor seeds was 12 h. A serious natural aging phenomenon occurred in low temperature storage seeds after out of the storage. The germination rate of seeds placed under natural condition for 50 d decreased obviously. The duration from seeding to heading of Zhun S,Y58S and Feng S shortened as the time of low temperature storage prolonged, while the vari- ation of panicle duration of all PTGMS lines was not obvious. In conclusion, rice PTGMS line seeds with low temperature storage in 5 years could still be used nor- mally. However.seeds after low temperature storage should be sowed as soon as possible, and the soaking time of low vigor seeds should be shortened,and the possibility that the decreased duration from seeding to heading should also be con- sidered. 展开更多
关键词 Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Photo-thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (PT-GMS) lines Low temperature storage Seed vigor
Development of Energy-storing High Pressure Spray Cooling System
作者 林家彬 周忠凯 +7 位作者 秦竹 李辉 唐玉新 顾洪如 杨杰 汤赤 陈俊 余刚 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第1期167-171,共5页
The greenhouse has been increasingly used in the breeding industry. However, the high temperature inside the greenhouse in summer has not been effectively addressed. The spray cooling system sprays tiny droplets into ... The greenhouse has been increasingly used in the breeding industry. However, the high temperature inside the greenhouse in summer has not been effectively addressed. The spray cooling system sprays tiny droplets into the air. Thus the water molecules will be vaporized, absorbing heat and reducing ambient temperature. It is the only cooling method that can be used to cool the uneasily-sealed flexible greenhouse. We developed an energy-storing high pressure spray cooling system. The ordinary water pump is used as the source of high-pressure water. The partial kinetic energy is stored in the energy-storing tubes. When the water pump is stopped, the energy produced by releasing the compressed air can still be used to maintain the spray. And thus the use-cost and systematic wear would be reduced. The cooling system only requires 1 kilowatt hour of power per day. It has been widely used in summer to cool the breeding sheds. After a recent continuous improvement, its functions have been extended to disinfection, removing dust, humidifying and immunizing animals. In addition, it can also be used for the cooling and humidifying of squares, venues and streets in summer. The energy-storing high pressure spray cooling system has a broad application prospect. 展开更多
关键词 Energy-storing High pressure spray Spray cooling Energy-storing system Facility agriculture
The Stability of Endomorphin-1 Solution
作者 刘晖 杨顶建 +1 位作者 倪京满 王锐 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2003年第3期131-134,共4页
Aim To study the most stable pH value of endomorphin-1 solution and toestimate the shelf-life of EM-1 solution. Methods The content of EM-1 in its solution was determinedby HPLC, and stability was studied by accelerat... Aim To study the most stable pH value of endomorphin-1 solution and toestimate the shelf-life of EM-1 solution. Methods The content of EM-1 in its solution was determinedby HPLC, and stability was studied by accelerated tests. Results The most stable pH value of EM-1solution was observed. By the accelerated tests we obtained the Arrhe-nius relationship and thepharmacokinetic parameters. Conclusion The most stable pH value of EM-1 solution is 4.5 -4.8. Thet_(1/2)(25℃) is 45 d. 展开更多
关键词 ENDOMORPHIN-1 most stable pH value accelerated tests HPLC
Study on Biological Characteristics of Adelostemma gracillimum Seeds
作者 郭承刚 薛润光 +2 位作者 和寿星 汤王外 徐春莲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第11期2589-2590,2594,共3页
The effects of temperature, light, pH value and storage time on germina- tion of Adelostemma gracillimum seeds were studied through germination experi- ment. The results showed that A. gracillimum seeds had no propert... The effects of temperature, light, pH value and storage time on germina- tion of Adelostemma gracillimum seeds were studied through germination experi- ment. The results showed that A. gracillimum seeds had no property of post-matu- ration dormancy; the optimum germination temperature was 25 ~C; no significant difference was found in germination rate of A. gracillimum seeds between light and dark conditions; A. gracillimum seeds showed a wide adaptability to pH, Le., they could germinate in the pH range of 2-10, and showed a higher germination rate in the pH range of 6-8. The optimum storage time for A. gracillimum seeds was 12 months. 展开更多
关键词 Adelostemma gracillimum TEMPERATURE LIGHT pH value Storage time Germination rate
作者 焦仲华 《专业户》 2004年第4期10-10,共1页
(1)选用良种:当前的育苗繁殖育种,应首选经省农作物品种审定委员会审定通过的秦薯1号(优质高淀粉型)、秦薯2号(高产食饲兼用型)、秦薯3号(优质食用型)、秦薯4号改良优系(优质食饲兼用型)以及红心431,通过严格提纯因地区和用途选择利... (1)选用良种:当前的育苗繁殖育种,应首选经省农作物品种审定委员会审定通过的秦薯1号(优质高淀粉型)、秦薯2号(高产食饲兼用型)、秦薯3号(优质食用型)、秦薯4号改良优系(优质食饲兼用型)以及红心431,通过严格提纯因地区和用途选择利用。(2) 展开更多
关键词 甘薯 育苗技术 品种选择 播种 苗期管理 太阳贮温酿热床育苗
作者 孙宏 《福建农业》 1998年第4期23-23,共1页
一、蘑菇的贮藏保鲜 (1)激动素保鲜法:用0.01%的6—氨基嘌呤溶液浸泡鲜菇10—15分钟,取出沥干后贮存。(2)清水浸泡法:因为水能隔绝空气,能使蘑菇变色慢,体态饱满,但应注意不要使用铁器皿及含铁量高的水浸泡,此法只适于蘑菇的短期贮存。(3)
关键词 蒜苗 保鲜方法 蘑菇 莲藕 焦亚硫酸钠 水浸泡法 藏保鲜 保鲜法 短期 贮温
Evaluation of the damage in fish spermatozoa cryopreservation 被引量:5
作者 李军 刘清华 张士璀 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第4期370-377,共8页
Cryodamages occur during sperm cryopreservation. Cryopreservation of fish sperm usually results in marked decrease in sperm quality, such as swelling or disruption of the plasma membrane, mi-tochondrial dysfunction, d... Cryodamages occur during sperm cryopreservation. Cryopreservation of fish sperm usually results in marked decrease in sperm quality, such as swelling or disruption of the plasma membrane, mi-tochondrial dysfunction, diminished sperm motility, impaired velocity, shorter motility period, denatura-tion, and release of some enzymes from spermatozoa. In this paper, damages in morphology, physiology, biochemistry and metabolism, and genetic integrity of fish semen after cryopreservation are discussed. New approaches in assessment of fish thawed sperm quality such as computer assisted sperm analysis, flow cytometic analysis combined with fluorescent probes and single cell gel electrophoresis are also briefly reviewed. 展开更多
关键词 cryodamage CRYOPRESERVATION fish sperm freezing and thawing
Study on Cryopreservation of Porphyra yezoensis Conchocelis 被引量:2
作者 ZHOU Wenjun LI Yun DAI Jixun 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2007年第3期299-302,共4页
Cryopreservation of Porphyra yezoensis conchocelis was conducted with cryoprotectants and a proposed pretreatment procedure and thawing methods explored. Six cryoprotectants combined by DMSO with ethylene glycol(EG),p... Cryopreservation of Porphyra yezoensis conchocelis was conducted with cryoprotectants and a proposed pretreatment procedure and thawing methods explored. Six cryoprotectants combined by DMSO with ethylene glycol(EG),propylene glycol(PEG),sorbitol and sucrose were developed. The effect of prefreezing at - 40℃ or -20℃ for different time durations was compared and the thawing methods were screened. It was shown that the cryoprotectant including 10% DMSO with 0.5 molL-1 sorbitol exhib-ited the optimal effect. The ideal pretreatment was that conchocelis segments were stayed for 20 min at - 40℃ before stored in liquid nitrogen,and 40℃ water bath was proper for quick thawing. The highest recovery rate of cryopreserved P. yezoensis conchocelis reached 89.41%. 展开更多
Performance of underground heat storage system in a double-film-covered greenhouse 被引量:4
作者 WANG Yong-wei LIANG Xi-feng 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第4期279-282,共4页
An underground heat storage system in a double-film-covered greenhouse and an adjacent greenhouse without the heat storage system were designed on the basis of plant physiology to reduce the energy consumption in gree... An underground heat storage system in a double-film-covered greenhouse and an adjacent greenhouse without the heat storage system were designed on the basis of plant physiology to reduce the energy consumption in greenhouses. The results indicated that the floor temperature was respectively 5.2℃, 4.6℃ and 2.0 ℃ higher than that of the soil in the adjacent reference greenhouse after heat storage in a clear, cloudy and overcast sky in winter. Results showed that the temperature and humidity were feasible for plant growth in the heat saving greenhouse. 展开更多
关键词 GREENHOUSE Underground heat storage system Performance of heat storage Energy saving
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