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“人类世”与“资本世”之争的演变趋向及其现代化审视 被引量:1
作者 刘魁 罗民杰 《南京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第3期1-11,共11页
对于当代全球气候危机的成因及其对策,保罗·克鲁岑提出了著名的“人类世”假说,主张以气候工程应对,引起学术界的广泛争议,其中以马尔姆、摩尔等人的“资本世”与其“人类世”之争影响最大。自历史学家查克拉巴蒂从大历史的视角对... 对于当代全球气候危机的成因及其对策,保罗·克鲁岑提出了著名的“人类世”假说,主张以气候工程应对,引起学术界的广泛争议,其中以马尔姆、摩尔等人的“资本世”与其“人类世”之争影响最大。自历史学家查克拉巴蒂从大历史的视角对于这场争论进行反思之后,学术界逐渐走上了如何走出“人类世”危机、建设后人类世的探索道路,哈拉维、拉伍洛克、斯蒂格勒等人的各种后人类世假说应运而生,生态现代主义、生态非现代主义等学派从不同路径进行了探索。值得注意的是,随着脑机接口技术、人类增强技术以及GPT-4等生成式人工智能的出现与发展,“人类世”的生态危机可能为智能机器人的“替代危机”所取代,为此社会各界忧心忡忡。对此,人类必须转换思路,摆脱具有西方中心主义特征的经典现代化,走人与自然(包括智能机器人)和谐共生的现代化道路,才有可能迎接光明的未来。 展开更多
关键词 人类 资本世 保罗·克鲁岑 气候危机 现代化审视
作者 阿尔瓦罗·圣罗曼 约安·莫利内罗-热博 肖玉飞(译) 《国外理论动态》 北大核心 2024年第2期118-125,共8页
在当前关于气候危机的原因、后果和解决方案的争论中,人类世话语实际上是一种有缺陷的人类学、生态学、历史学和科学视角,因为它通过复制笛卡尔主义的二元论观点,炮制出意识形态是生态危机的源头这一人类世霸权话语。文章将首先揭露人... 在当前关于气候危机的原因、后果和解决方案的争论中,人类世话语实际上是一种有缺陷的人类学、生态学、历史学和科学视角,因为它通过复制笛卡尔主义的二元论观点,炮制出意识形态是生态危机的源头这一人类世霸权话语。文章将首先揭露人类世叙事的主要理论假设,随后指出人类世叙事存在抽象人类主义的理论缺陷,强调研究气候危机需要采取具有更广泛的人类历史和社会结构视野的资本世视角。最后,文章还对资本世的理论支柱提出了质疑,并通过对资本世理论的深入分析揭示出资本主义的意识形态实质:资本主义本身是一种建立在西方思想的意识形态基础上的物质结构。文章旨在通过剖析人类世、资本世与西方世的内在关联,引申出如下结论:引导我们进入新地质时期的不是人类自身,而是以西方思想文化为根基的资本主义制度,即西方中心主义的资本世。 展开更多
关键词 资本世 人类 界生态系统 气候变化 资本主义
作者 周岳 《当代世界社会主义问题》 2024年第1期102-117,167,共17页
“人类世资本主义”是指“人类世”时代的资本积累活动急剧加速,扩大“物质变换裂缝”以至于逾越“行星边界”、引发严重生态危机乃至诸多领域复合型危机的一种当代资本主义新变化,其主要表现为“化石资本主义”“生态帝国主义”和“灾... “人类世资本主义”是指“人类世”时代的资本积累活动急剧加速,扩大“物质变换裂缝”以至于逾越“行星边界”、引发严重生态危机乃至诸多领域复合型危机的一种当代资本主义新变化,其主要表现为“化石资本主义”“生态帝国主义”和“灾难资本主义”三种形态。三者相互交织,成为当代资本主义体系中生态崩溃的根源。要阻止“人类世资本主义”继续侵蚀人类自由发展的基础,必须依靠“环境无产阶级”领导生态革命,实现人类与自然共同发展的“人类世”生态社会主义战略愿景。在对“人类世资本主义”理论展开生态批判的过程中,生态马克思主义的话语表层结构和理论内涵得以丰富。然而,该理论同样存在不容忽视的局限,亟需立足马克思主义的科学立场予以回应。 展开更多
关键词 人类资本主义 生态批判 环境无产阶级 生态革命 生态社会主义
人类世、资本世与技术世——一个政治经济学—政治生态学的考察 被引量:13
作者 吴冠军 《山东社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第12期47-57,共11页
包括诺贝尔化学奖得主克鲁岑在内的跨学科学者认为,工业革命以降的地球进入了新的地质学纪元,这个纪元被命名为“人类世”。“人类世”并不是对“人类”进行人类主义式的肯认,而是对“人类”作出去中心化与去特权化的后人类主义反思,并... 包括诺贝尔化学奖得主克鲁岑在内的跨学科学者认为,工业革命以降的地球进入了新的地质学纪元,这个纪元被命名为“人类世”。“人类世”并不是对“人类”进行人类主义式的肯认,而是对“人类”作出去中心化与去特权化的后人类主义反思,并开启对“后人类世”的思想探索。“资本世”与“技术世”两个概念也从不同角度揭示出人类主义—资本主义这个现代性的双身结构在地球层面产生的诸种灭绝性效应。二十一世纪的当下时刻,“人类世文明”正走向深渊性的“奇点”,作为地球上的物种之一的人类已经生活在剩余时间中。能否跨越“人类世”,取决于当下人类是否能作为同一个文明(人类世文明)及其代价的承载者展开全球意义和尺度上的合作,乃至和地球上所有非人类的能动者展开合作。 展开更多
关键词 人类 资本世 技术 人类主义 资本主义 启蒙 致暗 奇点
作者 常照强 田静 《青岛农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第4期93-97,126,共6页
传统环境伦理学固守人与自然二元对立思想,无力应对生态危机,屡遭诟病。“人类世”观念因其蕴含的人与自然的新型关系,引发了环境伦理学界的广泛关注。借力人类世叙事,环境伦理学秉持一种后二元论的立场,意图颠覆自然与人类二元对立的... 传统环境伦理学固守人与自然二元对立思想,无力应对生态危机,屡遭诟病。“人类世”观念因其蕴含的人与自然的新型关系,引发了环境伦理学界的广泛关注。借力人类世叙事,环境伦理学秉持一种后二元论的立场,意图颠覆自然与人类二元对立的思想。然而,由于缺失自然与社会关系的辩证思考,认识不到自然与社会在分析上的区隔,这种环境伦理学叙事漠视地球生态被大肆破坏背后的政治经济因素,落入普世原罪论俗套和技术乌托邦陷阱。为跳脱这种后二元论困境,我们不妨引入马尔姆和摩尔等学者提出的“资本世”观念,倡导环境伦理学的资本世叙事,从而将政治经济学批判贯穿于环境伦理学的叙事当中。 展开更多
关键词 人类 资本世 后二元论 环境伦理学
作者 刘立慧 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第1期96-99,共4页
对于资本主义所宣扬的普世价值,应该辩证分析,区别对待。具体而言,需要区分普世价值本身与以普世价值之名所实施的行为,区分普世价值的概念、内涵及指称,区分普世价值的应然性与实然性。在社会主义视角的普世价值中,除自由、民主、人权... 对于资本主义所宣扬的普世价值,应该辩证分析,区别对待。具体而言,需要区分普世价值本身与以普世价值之名所实施的行为,区分普世价值的概念、内涵及指称,区分普世价值的应然性与实然性。在社会主义视角的普世价值中,除自由、民主、人权之外还有更丰富的价值,比如和谐、法治等;富强、民主、文明、和谐是第一位阶的社会价值;在具体实现形式上,社会主义普世价值的实现需从自身社会经济条件出发。如此意义的普世价值,既是与资本主义普世价值进行针锋相对进行斗争的有利武器,也一定程度上为和谐世界的观念提供了理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 价值 资本主义普价值 应对之道
从人类世到元宇宙——当代资本主义演化逻辑及其行星效应 被引量:17
作者 吴冠军 《当代世界与社会主义》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期14-25,共12页
人类世概念的提出,标识了人类文明的灭绝性力量已经抵达行星尺度。人类世的顶峰可以妥当地被称做资本世,在该时代中资本已然成为一种地质学力量,产生出行星尺度上的诸种效应。行星资源(包括自然资源和人力资源)被私有化与产权化,并被组... 人类世概念的提出,标识了人类文明的灭绝性力量已经抵达行星尺度。人类世的顶峰可以妥当地被称做资本世,在该时代中资本已然成为一种地质学力量,产生出行星尺度上的诸种效应。行星资源(包括自然资源和人力资源)被私有化与产权化,并被组织进资本主义系统中,成为资本积累的诸种原始材料。资本主义系统之稳定性建立在向外部的溢出上。行星尺度上的资本世恰恰意味着,资本主义的空间性修复潜力已趋向枯竭,而元宇宙则构成了新的外部性,众多企业巨头争相涌入、抢占赛道。在去中心化与全新生活体验的承诺下,元宇宙隐秘地将行星工厂进一步升级成元宇宙工厂。通过娱乐与游戏,元宇宙资本主义致力于将劳动时间总体化,并通过彻底无偿的多余劳动时间获取巨额的剩余价值。在行星加剧熵增、人类进入剩余时间的人类世中,元宇宙资本主义是资本对时间最为总体化也可能是最后一次的侵吞。 展开更多
关键词 人类 资本世 元宇宙 行星工厂
“人类世”的人文内涵及启示 被引量:6
作者 唐兴华 《自然辩证法研究》 北大核心 2023年第4期84-90,共7页
作为地质学概念的“人类世”,有着丰富的人文意涵。在对“人类世”进行解读的过程中,我们很容易将其误解为支持“人类中心主义”或者等同于“资本主义社会”。首先需要对以上误解进行澄清:“人类世”并未过分强调人的独特价值,与“人类... 作为地质学概念的“人类世”,有着丰富的人文意涵。在对“人类世”进行解读的过程中,我们很容易将其误解为支持“人类中心主义”或者等同于“资本主义社会”。首先需要对以上误解进行澄清:“人类世”并未过分强调人的独特价值,与“人类中心主义”无关;“人类世”并非完全遵从现代社会的资本逻辑。在对概念澄清的基础之上,进而研究“人类世”的核心涵义,即:“人类世”更加关注“人-技术-自然”的整体力量,强调多元联结和凸显关系的多样性。最后,通过澄清和阐释“人类世”的核心内涵,其将会给我们带来诸多启示,例如如何看待人类世中人与技术的一体关系,以及人与自然的新型关系等。综合理解人类世涵义,有助于理解变化,借助契机重构人类思维方式和社会组织模式,形成与地球共同发展的新的稳定态。 展开更多
关键词 人类中心主义 资本世 多元联结 人与技术 人与自然 地方性
作者 LIUAn-guo YANGKai-zhong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第4期289-295,共7页
This paper meant to analyze the spatial evolution of a large country in its process of integration with the world economy in general, and, to look into the possible effect of China′s accession into WTO on the future ... This paper meant to analyze the spatial evolution of a large country in its process of integration with the world economy in general, and, to look into the possible effect of China′s accession into WTO on the future development of its spatial economy in particular. Through an approach of increasing returns, external economy, product differentiation and path-dependence, with foreign trade costs incurred by different regions within the large country discriminated, a model of investment and employment flow is developed as a simulation of a large country′s process of integration with the world economy. The modeling indicates that in the process of integration, as there exist differences in foreign trade costs among different regions within the large country, either the spatial economy of the country deviates from its symmetric structure in autarky and falls into a core-periphery relationship, or the effect of industrial agglomeration is reinforced, amplified and locked in, if the agglomeration had been started. The economic gap on either the aggregate or structural basis between different regions within the large country will increase rapidly as the integration proceeds. 展开更多
关键词 increasing returns pecuniary externality trade cost INVESTMENT EMPLOYMENT
Strategy Analysis of the Biggest World Supermarkets With Open Capital and Which Act in the Brazilian Market
作者 Thyago de Melo Duarte Borges Joao Agra Neto +5 位作者 Luciano Queiroz de Araujo Junior Jamerson Viegas Queiroz Fernanda Cristina Barbosa Queiroz Faimara do Rocio Strauh Nilton Cesar Lima Christian Luiz da Silva 《Chinese Business Review》 2014年第5期333-346,共14页
In view of the growth of retail, as well as the performance of large multinational supermarket branch in the Brazilian market, the purpose of this article is an analysis of the strategies of Casino, Carrefour, Walmart... In view of the growth of retail, as well as the performance of large multinational supermarket branch in the Brazilian market, the purpose of this article is an analysis of the strategies of Casino, Carrefour, Walmart and open in the country capital, analyzing their operational, financial indicators socio-environmental initiatives. In order to achieve the main objective of this work, the construction of a method that validates this search was necessary. The main strategies and indicators of the three groups in four areas: corporate strategy, operational areo, financial areo, social and environmental issue, were analyzed. Study of qualitative, descriptive and exploratory character is realised through the importance of these three companies worldwide. As conclusions, it has been the expansion strategies that geared toward developing countries, adherence to new store formats, specializing in electronic commerce, as well as the superiority of Walmart (net sales) and Casino (Profitability). 展开更多
关键词 Strategy Supermarkets WAL-MART CARREFOUR Casino
The Power of Social Capital in Massive Multiplayer Online Games" Cooperation and Cronyism in World of Warcraft
作者 Mark C. Meachem 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第4期539-550,共12页
The number of people playing Massive Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) is growing steadily, yet there are limited studies on the social impact that this online activity has. This research, using both quantitative and... The number of people playing Massive Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) is growing steadily, yet there are limited studies on the social impact that this online activity has. This research, using both quantitative and qualitative data, focused on whether users of the most popular MMOG, World of Warcraft (WOW), exhibited behaviors of social capital in their online gaming activity and whether there was any correlation to offiine social capital. The findings indicated that cooperation provided the best indicator to make a correlation about a gamer's offiine social capital behaviors. One conclusion, stemming from this is that, in virtual worlds, the added social capital can lead to cronyism and help those in power maintain the status quo. 展开更多
关键词 Massive Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) social capital World of Warcraft (WOW) online games
Max Weber on Religious Ethics and Life Conduct
作者 Marcelo da Costa Maciel Wa^nia Amléia Belchior Mesquita 《Sociology Study》 2014年第3期283-289,共7页
The purpose of this paper is not to provide an overview of the contributions of Weber's sociology of religion, but to discuss an issue that guides his comparative studies of religions, which is to say the influence o... The purpose of this paper is not to provide an overview of the contributions of Weber's sociology of religion, but to discuss an issue that guides his comparative studies of religions, which is to say the influence of religious beliefs on the life conduct. The principal aim is to highlight how the images of the world produced by world religions are responsible, in part, by the variability of economical conducts. In this sense, the paper discusses the explanation of Weber to the fact the capitalist system has been a singularity of the West, although in other civilizations, there has been some of the necessary conditions for its development. In the conclusion, it is said that the emphasis on the practical effects of religious beliefs, as well as the recognition of religion as a form of rationalization of the world, are the central dimensions of Weber's thought about religious phenomena. 展开更多
关键词 Religious ethics economic ethics life conduct RATIONALIZATION disenchantment of the world
The development of Japanese accounting system from Meiji Restoration to twenty first century
作者 CUI Yiwen 《International English Education Research》 2015年第8期33-36,共4页
Japanese accounting system has been strongly influenced by the culture and foreign influences. The initial regulatory framework was based on German model. After Second World War, the accounting system moved to the Ame... Japanese accounting system has been strongly influenced by the culture and foreign influences. The initial regulatory framework was based on German model. After Second World War, the accounting system moved to the American investor orientated approach, then later the development was the results of the own needs and satisfaction with the culture influences. 展开更多
关键词 Japanese accounting system culture influences foreign influences.
Economic Development and Small Businesses in Japan
作者 Katsuhiko Hirasawa Pei Xiong +1 位作者 Yutaka Takakubo JinYu 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2018年第4期189-203,共15页
Japan’s economy lost most of its industrial production force as a result of World War II. However, from 1955 onwards, Japan has achieved rapid economic growth, joining the group of the world’s most developed countri... Japan’s economy lost most of its industrial production force as a result of World War II. However, from 1955 onwards, Japan has achieved rapid economic growth, joining the group of the world’s most developed countries by the early 1970s. The period from 1955 to the early 1970s is generally regarded as a period of High Economic Growth. There are various opinions regarding the factors that enabled Japan to attain such high economic growth, referred to as the Economic Miracle. It can be said that Japan’s post-war economic development was the result of advancements in technological innovation on the basis of financial assistance from the United States, which established Japan’s position in the world economy, loans from the bank, and the introduction of technology from abroad. Needless to say, the “high growth of post-war Japanese capitalism has not been achieved only by giant companies alone. On the contrary, without small businesses, especially in their roles as subcontractors, it would have been impossible to achieve such high growth, which has drawn attention internationally” (Nomura, 1981, p. 126). The purpose of this presentation is to make clear the role of small businesses in the process of economic development. 展开更多
关键词 economic development SUBCONTRACTOR INNOVATION small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
超越人文主义:人类世批评的四个面向 被引量:1
作者 张振 《北京电影学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第11期39-47,共9页
人类世话语自21世纪初正式提出以来,在自然科学和人文科学领域都引起了巨大的反响和争议。在人文学科内部,西方的文艺评论家从后殖民主义、马克思主义、后人类主义以及新神话主义的批评立场出发分别对人类世做出了相应的回应。无论是对... 人类世话语自21世纪初正式提出以来,在自然科学和人文科学领域都引起了巨大的反响和争议。在人文学科内部,西方的文艺评论家从后殖民主义、马克思主义、后人类主义以及新神话主义的批评立场出发分别对人类世做出了相应的回应。无论是对这个新兴术语秉持开放抑或是批判的态度,人类世批评已然成为西方学术界不可忽视的文艺批评的增长点。整理和归纳人类世批评的不同面向有助于把握西方文艺批评的当代取向和理论内涵。 展开更多
关键词 人类 资本世 后人类 克苏鲁
人文研究如何触及生态危机 被引量:3
作者 孟悦 《文化与诗学》 2019年第2期2-24,共23页
这是孟悦教授"生态人文研究的理论与方法"系列讲座的第一讲。本讲主要在梳理生态批评和生态书写传统,面对当代地球体系和全球生态危机的基础上,提出一个核心问题,即如何从人文研究和文化思想史的角度,去讨论气候变迁、生物多... 这是孟悦教授"生态人文研究的理论与方法"系列讲座的第一讲。本讲主要在梳理生态批评和生态书写传统,面对当代地球体系和全球生态危机的基础上,提出一个核心问题,即如何从人文研究和文化思想史的角度,去讨论气候变迁、生物多样性丧失和其他地球生态危机?本讲指出,只有当人文研究反思相应认知方式以及连带的美学理论、真实观、写作方式和文学批评范畴,不再继续生产这些认知方式、思想观念和文化传统,人文研究者才算得上是开始从自己的领域面对和"解决"生态危机。在这个意义上,生态问题正是人文的问题。 展开更多
关键词 生态批评 生态危机 资本世 人类 人文研究
Donald Trump, Globalization, and Modernity 被引量:1
作者 Douglas Kellner 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2018年第3期265-284,共20页
The election of Donald Trump can be partially understood in the context of the rise of authoritarian populist, nationalist, and anti-globalist movements throughout the world. Unlike previous American presidents in the... The election of Donald Trump can be partially understood in the context of the rise of authoritarian populist, nationalist, and anti-globalist movements throughout the world. Unlike previous American presidents in the modern era, however, Donald Trump had no previous political experience and emerged from media culture and the business world, rather than the world of party politics. In this paper, I will focus on the assault on globalization in the Trump campaign, look at his administration and actions as president, and raise questions concerning whether or not he has betrayed his anti-globalist followers and is pursing business-as-usual for global, corporate capitalism---or something else. This investigation also leads us into engaging the Trump campaign/administration connections with Russia and the role of Russia and global computer networks in Election 2016, making Election 2016 the first US election deeply shaped by global political forces and the Interuet, new media, and social networking. 展开更多
关键词 Donald Trump Authoritarian populism US presidentialelection GLOBALIZATION Modernity
The Antinomy of the Financialized World and the World of Spirit
作者 Zhang Xiong 《Social Sciences in China》 2017年第3期96-111,共16页
The financialized world of the 21st century is a world marked by a high degree of economic rationality, secularism and value commensurability. Profit-driven financial voluntarism is spreading everywhere, leading direc... The financialized world of the 21st century is a world marked by a high degree of economic rationality, secularism and value commensurability. Profit-driven financial voluntarism is spreading everywhere, leading directly to the "financial internalization" of individual lives and the decline of the holistic spirit in human life. World development is inseparable from financial innovation, but the present financial system has diverged from its true nature. Undeniably, capital's innate quest for surplus value has not changed since Marx's times, nor have its essential social relations or the leverage effect of capital in wealth creation. However, the 21st century has seen a great change in the development of the logic of capital: driven by the global capital financial system, it has become more abstract, overriding regional boundaries. Its subject orientation is heterogeneous and diverse, while its operating mode is virtual and enigmatic. In particular, as instrumental rationality has become more intelligent, the mental dimension of capital has become more subjective. An interpretation of the financialized world from the point of view of phenomenology of spirit reveals the underlying issue of the alienation of man's spirit from his objectified world in the 21st century, and thus offers food for thought at the level of spirit for the objective understanding of the category of capital in the 21 st century, 展开更多
关键词 financialized world CAPITAL internal negativity holistic spirit
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