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作者 王姗 《国有资产管理》 2019年第3期35-40,共6页
(续上期)重庆经验对海南的启示15年来,重庆市属国企资产总额由2003年的1720亿元增至目前的3.16万亿元,增长了17.4倍,翻了四番多;在全国的排位由第19位升至第4位;资产负债率从2003年的97%(计潜亏负债率约104%)降到目前的60%左右,下降近4... (续上期)重庆经验对海南的启示15年来,重庆市属国企资产总额由2003年的1720亿元增至目前的3.16万亿元,增长了17.4倍,翻了四番多;在全国的排位由第19位升至第4位;资产负债率从2003年的97%(计潜亏负债率约104%)降到目前的60%左右,下降近40个百分点;利润总额由5.7亿元增至2018年末约280亿元,直接贡献税收超过220亿元;全国首创“第三财政”①。 展开更多
关键词 资本化价值 经营水平 国有资产 海南 重庆经验 资产负债率 资产总额 利润总额
作者 张亚杰 赵学斌 《广西会计》 1997年第2期35-37,共3页
关键词 企业 会计 资本化价值 西方国家
作者 王珊 《国有资产管理》 2019年第2期26-30,共5页
习总书记4.13重要讲话和中央12号文件,赋予了三十而立的海南新的战略定位和历史使命。深化国企改革,作为推进经济体制改革的要点,被多次提及且要求明确,海南应在完善各类国有资产管理体制、推动国有资本做强做优做大等方面先行先试、逐... 习总书记4.13重要讲话和中央12号文件,赋予了三十而立的海南新的战略定位和历史使命。深化国企改革,作为推进经济体制改革的要点,被多次提及且要求明确,海南应在完善各类国有资产管理体制、推动国有资本做强做优做大等方面先行先试、逐步探索。这是党中央对改革开放40周年和海南建省办特区30周年以来海南国有资产管理体制改革成效的充分肯定,也是在自贸区(港)建设背景下对进一步促进海南国资国企发展所作出的重要部署。 展开更多
关键词 国有资产管理体制 资本化价值 海南 经营水平 经济体制改革 国企改革 国有资本 改革成效
租金资本化、收入约束与房地产市场价格 被引量:2
作者 肇越 朱明方 《价格月刊》 北大核心 2006年第1期24-25,共2页
一、租金资本化决定房地产产品的内在价值 房地产产品具有两重性,既可以作为消费品用于消费,又可以作为投资品用于投资。对于作为资产而持有或交易的商品,其内在价值是由它未来收益的资本化价值所决定的。对于房地产产品来说,就是... 一、租金资本化决定房地产产品的内在价值 房地产产品具有两重性,既可以作为消费品用于消费,又可以作为投资品用于投资。对于作为资产而持有或交易的商品,其内在价值是由它未来收益的资本化价值所决定的。对于房地产产品来说,就是其租金的资本化价值。根据资产价值的资本理论,资产的内存价值可以表示为: 展开更多
关键词 资本化价值 房地产市场价格 租金 收入约束 房地产产品 内在价值 资产价值 未来收益 资本理论 消费品
企业年金的价值取向和功能属性 被引量:2
作者 孙华平 张洪慧 《华东经济管理》 2005年第10期85-88,共4页
文章对企业年金制的价值取向和功能属性进行了重新定位,认为企业是建立企业年金制的责任主体,是基于劳动力资本价值化的薪酬管理形式,它不是基本养老保险的补充形式,在社会养老保险体现中具有相对独立的地位,遵循的是效率优先兼顾公平... 文章对企业年金制的价值取向和功能属性进行了重新定位,认为企业是建立企业年金制的责任主体,是基于劳动力资本价值化的薪酬管理形式,它不是基本养老保险的补充形式,在社会养老保险体现中具有相对独立的地位,遵循的是效率优先兼顾公平的原则。 展开更多
关键词 企业年金 劳动力资本价值 效率优先 兼顾公平
作者 丁亚明 姚煜 沈飞 《科技创业》 2006年第2期82-82,共1页
关键词 EVA 企业 企业管理 业绩评价 资本化价值 价值导向
作者 王华 《农村财务会计》 1998年第6期31-33,共3页
所谓商誉价值,是指企业在其经营有形资产上能获得高于正常净资产报酬率的能力而形成的价值。商誉作为一种无形资产,其形成是由于企业的商品品质优良,信用超群,服务周到,地理位置优越,购物环境优美,销售价格易于被顾客接受等诸多主客观... 所谓商誉价值,是指企业在其经营有形资产上能获得高于正常净资产报酬率的能力而形成的价值。商誉作为一种无形资产,其形成是由于企业的商品品质优良,信用超群,服务周到,地理位置优越,购物环境优美,销售价格易于被顾客接受等诸多主客观因素共同作用的结果。商誉虽能为企业带来超常利润,但企业平时对固有的商誉并不需要评估确认其价值。只有当企业合并或售让时,才对商誉进行计价入账。按新制度规定,商誉的计价须经注册会计师评估确认。 展开更多
关键词 商誉价值 营业利润 资本化价值 净资产 计算方法 注册会计师 报酬率 企业合并 主客观因素 平均超
作者 陆鑫源 《中国乡镇企业会计》 1995年第2期28-28,共1页
浅谈商誉价值的计算陆鑫源商誉是一种由于企业经营场所在地理位置上处于优势,服务周到,营业特别发达,获利特别优厚,在顾客心目中已产生了一定的信誉,或由于组织得当、生产经营效益高,或由于技术先进、掌握生产的诀窍等原因而形成... 浅谈商誉价值的计算陆鑫源商誉是一种由于企业经营场所在地理位置上处于优势,服务周到,营业特别发达,获利特别优厚,在顾客心目中已产生了一定的信誉,或由于组织得当、生产经营效益高,或由于技术先进、掌握生产的诀窍等原因而形成的无形资产价值。也就是一个企业是否... 展开更多
关键词 商誉价值 超额收益 平均收益 平均投资收益率 资本化价值 无形资产价值 浙江省嘉兴市 双方同意 计算方法 地理位置
高等学校收费定价模式:比较与选择 被引量:4
作者 黄晓波 《教育财会研究》 2005年第3期3-5,共3页
关键词 高等学校 收费定价模式 成本补偿模式 资本模式 资本化价值 个人收益
作者 纳鹏杰 《云南财经大学学报》 1993年第2期41-44,共4页
会计计量属性是指应予以计量的客体的某一方面的特征或外在表现形式。本文拟对几种会计计量属性的特征及其优缺点进行评价并提出选择设想。一、会计计量属性的评价。1、历史成本计量属性。历史成本是指购买、制造或建造某项资产时所付... 会计计量属性是指应予以计量的客体的某一方面的特征或外在表现形式。本文拟对几种会计计量属性的特征及其优缺点进行评价并提出选择设想。一、会计计量属性的评价。1、历史成本计量属性。历史成本是指购买、制造或建造某项资产时所付出的现金或现金等价物。用历史成本计价有以下特点:(1)以币值稳定作为假设,即会计活动中币值不发生变化,即使变化,也是微乎其微。(2)遵循配比、权责发生制等财务会计原则,财务会计原则在很大程度上就是在历史成本计价的基础上建守起来的。(3) 展开更多
关键词 国有资产 外在表现形式 投资者 债权人 财务状况 资本化价值 会计计量属性 生产能力 净现值 财务决策
作者 闫晶 《中国乡镇企业会计》 2012年第7期108-108,共1页
商誉,是企业拥有或控制却无法具体辨认的,能够对企业获得社会必要收益能力产生影响的诸要素综合的资本化价值。商誉是企业在一定条件下获取高于正常投资报酬率所形成的价值。因此,它反映了一个企业包括管理水平、经营业绩、销售网络、... 商誉,是企业拥有或控制却无法具体辨认的,能够对企业获得社会必要收益能力产生影响的诸要素综合的资本化价值。商誉是企业在一定条件下获取高于正常投资报酬率所形成的价值。因此,它反映了一个企业包括管理水平、经营业绩、销售网络、内部控制、人员素质、地理环境、历史声誉等诸多因素在内的整体素质, 展开更多
关键词 评估方法 商誉 资本化价值 人员素质 投资报酬率 收益能力 社会必要 经营业绩
作者 姜益林 《浙江财税与会计》 1995年第5期18-19,共2页
随着市场经济的发展,房地产交易日趋频繁,作为收益现值法在房地产评估中的应用也愈益受到青睐,但由于收益现值法本身计算繁琐、收益额难以确定等的影响,该方法在实际应用中仍受到很大限制。本文作一探讨,以期进一步拓宽收益现值法的应... 随着市场经济的发展,房地产交易日趋频繁,作为收益现值法在房地产评估中的应用也愈益受到青睐,但由于收益现值法本身计算繁琐、收益额难以确定等的影响,该方法在实际应用中仍受到很大限制。本文作一探讨,以期进一步拓宽收益现值法的应用范围。 试举一例:江山市某国有企业因资金周转困难,决定将临街楼面转让。该楼面建于五年前,因当时企业资金来源匮乏,就以招标方式出让房产使用权,招标结果,有个职工以上交5万元取得了十五年使用权,十五年后本金全部返还该职工,产权收归企业。 展开更多
关键词 收益现值法 国有企业 净收益现值 资本化价值 使用权 应用中 评估价值 江山市 经营收益 房地产评估
作者 刘铁良 《国有资产研究》 1997年第4期11-13,共3页
关键词 超额收益法 商誉评估 国有企业 股份制改组 资本化价值 若干问题 商誉价值 企业持续经营 无形资产价值 企业整体价值
Concerning the Capitalization Restriction of Training Cost According to IAS 38
作者 Torsten Mindermann Daniela Hochstein Carsten Winkler 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第7期1074-1080,共7页
In today's knowledge-based economy, the role played by human capital in the determination of the market value of a firm is recognized. To be able to persist in the open competition, entities are forced to invest incr... In today's knowledge-based economy, the role played by human capital in the determination of the market value of a firm is recognized. To be able to persist in the open competition, entities are forced to invest increasingly in the professional training of their employees. Inconsistent with this rising importance is the prohibition to capitalize professional training cost according to international accounting standards (IAS) 38.69 (b). Highly qualified employees ensure competitive advantages and thus lead to an increase in shareholder value. Regarding the financial statement as a primary source of information, it does not seem reasonable to leave such a valuable resource completely unnoticed in the balance sheet. Consequently, a truthful representation of a firm's asset should take training costs into account. This article pleads for a limitation of this general legal prohibition and analyzes under which premises those expenditures for training can comply with the common criteria of capitalization according to IAS 38. 展开更多
关键词 intangible asset human capital accounting of training cost and knowledge international accounting
The Cause Analysis of College Student Human Capital Depreciation in China
作者 Wenhui Huang Daming Wang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第9期86-89,共4页
Human capital depreciation can be divided into stock depreciation and utility depreciation, which will cause the waste of human capital investment, and let human capital value fail to fully embody, affecting social de... Human capital depreciation can be divided into stock depreciation and utility depreciation, which will cause the waste of human capital investment, and let human capital value fail to fully embody, affecting social development. In the critical time of China facing population aging and economic transformation, as the new human capital of the labor market, college students play an important role to social and economic development. Therefore, preventing and mitigating their human capital depreciation is necessary. This article focus on human capital investment and configuration stage, analyze the influence of unreasonable human capital investment system and separate labor market segmentation system to college student human capital depreciation, and put forword the corresponding countermeasures. 展开更多
关键词 Human Capital Depreciation Human Capital Investment Labor Market
Literary Art as a Vehicle for the Diffusion of Cultural Imperialism in the Nigerian Society: The Example of Chimamanda Adichie's Purple Hibiscus
作者 Adam Ezinwanyi E. E. Michael Adam 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第6期419-425,共7页
This paper takes a cursory look at the conceptual framework of what cultural imperialism entails with particular study of its socio-political consequences in contemporary Nigerian society, and a closer look at the tra... This paper takes a cursory look at the conceptual framework of what cultural imperialism entails with particular study of its socio-political consequences in contemporary Nigerian society, and a closer look at the transportation and importation of western cultural values and the implantation of same in Nigeria thereby almost completely eclipsing the hitherto African cultural conservatism of the Nigerian state. Clear examples of this cultural transplant are given in this work, including but not limited to the use of English language in place of the indigenous languages for communication even when there are no foreigners, smoking of cigarettes, ladies putting on trousers, abortions as a means of birth control, free premarital and extramarital sexual relationships, and homosexuality and gay practices. These which were viewed as an anathema to Nigeria's cultural values have supplanted the traditional conservatism of the Nigerian people. This work particularly looks at Chimamanda Adichie's Purple Hibiscus and distills classical cases of cultural imperialism. Adichie through the character Eugene, captures cultural imperialism as seen in the life of this vastly brainwashed "been-to" who is clearly portrayed as an imperial lackey, capitalist, and apologist. Also, the character of Rev. Father Benedict, a Briton, who often found any indigenous songs in St. Agnes Parish was quite offensive. The work also captures cultural imperialism in the ironical contempt with which the catholic devotee, Eugene, treats his own father, Papa Nnukwu, steeped in the traditional African cultural values, and Eugene viewes him as Godlessness. The essay concludes by identifying the cultural crises that cultural imperialism creates in the Nigerian state, and recommends ways of diluting and diffusing the present cultural imperialism as a solution to the myriad of socio-political crises currently experienced by the Nigerian society. 展开更多
关键词 culture cultural imperialism cultural values Purple Hibiscus
Spiritual Capital as a Fundamental Element of Cultural Capital
作者 Svetlana Sharonova Chulpan lldarhanova 《Sociology Study》 2015年第10期785-793,共9页
Cultural capital is usually regarded as a mechanism of influence on personality. Coleman contributed to this study largely, although Bourdieu introduced the concept of a theoretical understanding of capital varieties.... Cultural capital is usually regarded as a mechanism of influence on personality. Coleman contributed to this study largely, although Bourdieu introduced the concept of a theoretical understanding of capital varieties. He was interested in the convergence of social, cultural, and economic capital. The authors propose to focus on the cultural capital of both the qualitative characteristics of the state of society. The problem is that in the presence of cultural capital as a funded system of values in the form of works of art and science, society degrades morally. Any cultural capital based on traditional religious values. This does not mean the broadcasting of religious themes in works of art, although it excludes, but rather a philosophical position of artists and researchers, through which the public receives the interpretation of events, their assessment of a certain value-regulatory system of coordinates. This element is the spiritual capital of the company and is a fundamental element of cultural capital. Qualitative state of society, its morality depends on the amount of spiritual capital, which he occupies in the field of cultural capital. A striking example of how the degradation and spiritual revival of capital in society can serve as the processes that took place during the last century. 展开更多
关键词 Spiritual capital traditional religious values CULTURE funded system of values
Enhancing Innovation Through Intellectual Capital: A Theoretical Overview
作者 Murat Atalay Nilgun Anafarta 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第2期202-210,共9页
Innovation is one of the main drivers of economic development. In the knowledge economy era, the quickness of technological developments and globalization has changed the structure of business world. Consequently, thi... Innovation is one of the main drivers of economic development. In the knowledge economy era, the quickness of technological developments and globalization has changed the structure of business world. Consequently, this situation creates opportunities and also threats for companies. Companies should attach importance to innovation in order to maintain sustainable growth and gain competitive advantage. According to Barsky and Marchat (2000) in the new economy the value of a company is not found with its tangible assets, revenues, financial ratios or market share, but with its intellectual capital, organizational culture, customer loyalty and brand equity. According to resource-based view of the company; the resources are fundamental factors of competitiveness and performance. These resources are regarded as strategic assets, which include tangible and intangible assets. Intellectual capital which is becoming one of the important commercial assets of the 21 st century is a way of describing a company's intangible assets that are vital for company success. Intellectual capital consists of human capital, relational capital and structural capital. Intellectual capital which is a core strategical resource of a company is playing a crucial role in a company's innovation performance. This study attempts to analyze the interrelationships between intellectual capital and innovation in the context of resource-based view of the company. This study also focuses in particular on the effects of human capital, relational capital and structural capital which are the components of intellectual capital, on innovation by integrating the relevant theoretical and empirical evidence. 展开更多
关键词 INNOVATION intellectual capital resource-based view
房地产泡沫、内在价值和收入约束价格 被引量:2
作者 肇越 《投资研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第6期25-31,共7页
提出了判断房地产有无泡沫的标准,认为房地产的内在价值是租金收益的资本化价值。通过衡量房地产市价与这一价值的偏离可以判断房地产价格泡沫的大小:而居民家庭的收入约束是决定房地产市场短期价格走势的基础。通过对实际数据的分析... 提出了判断房地产有无泡沫的标准,认为房地产的内在价值是租金收益的资本化价值。通过衡量房地产市价与这一价值的偏离可以判断房地产价格泡沫的大小:而居民家庭的收入约束是决定房地产市场短期价格走势的基础。通过对实际数据的分析,认为全国房地产市场总体指标存在一定的泡沫,但是尚处在合理区间;上海房地产市场具备长期投资价值。但是短期过热特征十分明显。可能会对局部经济和金融发展形成严重冲击。应该密切关注并尽快采取措施加以化解。 展开更多
关键词 收入约束 内在价值 房地产泡沫 房地产市场 长期投资价值 资本化价值 价格走势 居民家庭 价格泡沫 合理区间 金融发展 局部经济 判断 短期 收益 租金 市价 衡量
购买法下有关合并商誉处理的探讨 被引量:1
作者 常月琴 《会计师》 2011年第2期35-37,共3页
合并商誉,也叫外购商誉,是指企业在合并过程中,预期被购并企业因其存在的优越条件使其在未来时期获利能力超过可辨认资产正常获利能力的资本化价值。在企业合并中,合并报表要反映合并商誉,而对于如何处理合并商誉,各国会计界在理论上有... 合并商誉,也叫外购商誉,是指企业在合并过程中,预期被购并企业因其存在的优越条件使其在未来时期获利能力超过可辨认资产正常获利能力的资本化价值。在企业合并中,合并报表要反映合并商誉,而对于如何处理合并商誉,各国会计界在理论上有不同的理解,在实务上也存在着很大的区别。 展开更多
关键词 合并商誉 商誉处理 购买法 被购并企业 获利能力 资本化价值 可辨认资产 外购商誉
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