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快速统一挖掘超团模式和极大超团模式 被引量:3
作者 肖波 张亮 +2 位作者 徐前方 蔺志青 郭军 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期659-671,共13页
超团模式是一种新型的关联模式,这种模式所包含的项目相互间具有很高的亲密度.超团模式中某个项目在事务中的出现很强地暗示了模式中其他项目也会相应地出现.极大超团模式是一组超团模式更加紧凑的表示,可被用于多种应用.挖掘这两种模... 超团模式是一种新型的关联模式,这种模式所包含的项目相互间具有很高的亲密度.超团模式中某个项目在事务中的出现很强地暗示了模式中其他项目也会相应地出现.极大超团模式是一组超团模式更加紧凑的表示,可被用于多种应用.挖掘这两种模式的标准算法是完全不同的.提出一种基于FP-tree(frequent pattern tree)的快速挖掘算法——混合超团模式增长(hybrid hyperclique pattern growth,简称HHCP-growth),统一了两种模式的挖掘.算法采用递归挖掘方法,并应用多种有效的剪枝策略.提出并证明几个相关命题来说明剪枝策略的有效性和算法的正确性.实验结果表明,HHCP-growth算法相对于标准的超团模式挖掘算法和极大超团模式挖掘算法都具有更高的效率,尤其对于大数据集或在低支持度条件下更为显著. 展开更多
关键词 关联规则 超团模式 极大超团模式 数据挖掘:频繁模式树
作者 马丽生 姚光顺 杨传健 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期106-109,共4页
超团模式挖掘是数据挖掘领域新的研究内容之一,极大超团模式挖掘是超团模式挖掘的扩展,在分析已有算法的基础上,提出了一种新的挖掘极大超团模式的算法。新算法在保持已有算法中有效剪枝策的基础上,针对基于FP-tree挖掘极大超团模式的特... 超团模式挖掘是数据挖掘领域新的研究内容之一,极大超团模式挖掘是超团模式挖掘的扩展,在分析已有算法的基础上,提出了一种新的挖掘极大超团模式的算法。新算法在保持已有算法中有效剪枝策的基础上,针对基于FP-tree挖掘极大超团模式的特点,算法中增加了新的剪枝策略,并引入了极大超团模式树,用于保存极大超团模式和进行极大超团模式检测,实验表明新算法的正确性和有效性。 展开更多
关键词 数据挖掘 频繁模式树 超团模式 极大超团模式
作者 郝怡然 盛益强 王劲林 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第A02期77-83,110,共8页
针对社交网络影响最大化算法存在的在大规模社交网络中没有充分考虑网络中有向拓扑结构、对I/O的访问次数过高、选择的初始激活节点聚集程度较高等问题,提出一种基于分区的有向超团模式的社交网络影响最大化算法。该算法首先发现社交网... 针对社交网络影响最大化算法存在的在大规模社交网络中没有充分考虑网络中有向拓扑结构、对I/O的访问次数过高、选择的初始激活节点聚集程度较高等问题,提出一种基于分区的有向超团模式的社交网络影响最大化算法。该算法首先发现社交网络中的极大连通子图,并从每个子图内发现关联规则,以减少I/O次数。从每个子图中分别挖掘社交网络中的有向超团,引入Apriori的改进算法发现有序频繁集,并从有序频繁集中挖掘关联规则;之后在关联规则的基础上结合节点的度数对种子节点进行选取,将选出的种子节点在独立级联模型上进行传播。其中,由于传统的Apriori算法仅适用于从无序项集中发现频繁集,因此对项集合并时的重组规则进行改进,使其适用于发现有序频繁集。采用KDD2012数据集进行了实验,结果表明:该模型在很大程度上避免了节点影响所产生的重叠效果,进而取得比现有启发式算法更优的影响效果;初始激活节点小于1 000时,该算法最终影响节点数可以达到最新影响力算法(k-核算法)的两倍。 展开更多
关键词 有向超团 APRIORI改进算法 分区 有序频繁集 影响最大化算法 独立级联模型 社交网络
作者 卓鹏 肖波 蔺志青 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第20期62-65,共4页
为发现处在低支持度下的潜在有趣模式,针对传统基于支持度策略的模式发现算法存在的问题,提出一种基于改进Relim算法的超团模式挖掘算法,将一个事务拆分为2个或多个事务,把相同事务进行压缩,并用Relim算法的思想进行超团模式挖掘。仿真... 为发现处在低支持度下的潜在有趣模式,针对传统基于支持度策略的模式发现算法存在的问题,提出一种基于改进Relim算法的超团模式挖掘算法,将一个事务拆分为2个或多个事务,把相同事务进行压缩,并用Relim算法的思想进行超团模式挖掘。仿真实验结果表明,该算法能有效提高超团模式的挖掘效率。 展开更多
关键词 数据挖掘 关联规则 超团模式 事务拆分 Relim算法
基于关联分析的偏离主题探测 被引量:1
作者 魏小锐 《东莞理工学院学报》 2010年第5期24-27,共4页
互联网中的信息良莠不齐,因此必须对信息的发布、传播和访问进行有效的监控。离题文档检测指通过主题相关性来界定访问文档的合法性。超团模式是一种附加了整体相似度约束的特殊频繁项集。利用超团这种特性,提出了基于关联分析的离题文... 互联网中的信息良莠不齐,因此必须对信息的发布、传播和访问进行有效的监控。离题文档检测指通过主题相关性来界定访问文档的合法性。超团模式是一种附加了整体相似度约束的特殊频繁项集。利用超团这种特性,提出了基于关联分析的离题文档检测方法,并介绍了原型系统的实现及应用。 展开更多
关键词 离题探测 关联分析 超团 文本挖掘
基于团簇加连接原子模型定量分析阳离子掺杂ZnO电子载流子浓度 被引量:1
作者 李军 刘浩 +4 位作者 张鑫 王全 王华林 张爽 丁万昱 《表面技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期68-74,共7页
目的定量分析阳离子掺杂ZnO材料中最优化阳离子掺杂量及电子载流子浓度。方法基于团簇加连接原子模型,解析并建立阳离子掺杂ZnO材料的团簇式结构,计算最优阳离子掺杂量条件下的电子载流子浓度。根据理论分析结果,设计Sn掺杂ZnO材料,并... 目的定量分析阳离子掺杂ZnO材料中最优化阳离子掺杂量及电子载流子浓度。方法基于团簇加连接原子模型,解析并建立阳离子掺杂ZnO材料的团簇式结构,计算最优阳离子掺杂量条件下的电子载流子浓度。根据理论分析结果,设计Sn掺杂ZnO材料,并利用磁控溅射方法制备Sn掺杂ZnO薄膜。通过紫外可见分光光度计、霍尔效应测试仪等分别评价Sn掺杂ZnO薄膜的透光率和电子载流子浓度。结果以纤锌矿ZnO为研究体系,基于团簇加连接原子模型,建立纤锌矿ZnO的团簇式{[Zn-O4]Zn3}。在此基础上,建立纤锌矿ZnO超团簇结构:{中心团簇式}-{第一近邻团簇式}6-{连接团簇式}={[Zn-O4]Zn3}-{[Zn-O4]Zn3}6-{[Zn-O4]Zn3}=Zn32O32。基于纤锌矿ZnO超团簇结构,建立阳离子掺杂ZnO的超团簇结构{[M-O4]Zn3}-{{[M-O4]Zn3}{[Zn-O4]Zn3}5}-{[M-O4]Zn3}=M3Zn29O32,给出最优化元素配比AM︰AZn=10.34%。根据阳离子掺杂ZnO的超团簇结构M3Zn29O32,定量计算出Al3Zn29O32的最优化电子载流子浓度为3.935×10^21 cm^–3,并分析实际应用的AlZn31O32薄膜的电子载流子浓度仅为最优化理论值1/10的原因。最终,设计并制备SnZn31O32薄膜,其在可见光波段(450~800nm)的平均透光率为80.25%±1.74%,电子载流子浓度为(7.72±1.68)×10^20 cm^–3。结论团簇加连接原子模型能够定量解析阳离子掺杂ZnO材料体系中掺杂量与电子载流子浓度,可为设计高性能阳离子掺杂ZnO材料提供理论指导。基于团簇加连接原子模型设计的SnZn31O32薄膜,具备透明导电性质,通过进一步的研究,有望成为具有高电子载流子浓度的新型透明导电氧化物材料。 展开更多
关键词 团簇加连接原子模型 超团簇结构 透明导电氧化物材料 阳离子掺杂ZnO 掺杂分布 载流子浓度
Ultrastructure of the Multicellular Nodules in Hypericum perforatum Leaves 被引量:3
作者 刘文哲 吕洪飞 胡正海 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第6期649-656,共8页
With the development of the multicellular nodules in the leaves of Hypericum per plastids increased both in number and volume, and some plastids degenerated and were surrounded by dark tubular elements and vesicles. S... With the development of the multicellular nodules in the leaves of Hypericum per plastids increased both in number and volume, and some plastids degenerated and were surrounded by dark tubular elements and vesicles. Some vesicles fused with vacuoles and secreted substances into vacuoles. There are many multivesicles, multimembrane structures and osmiophilic droplets in vacuoles of nodule cells. Meanwhile, dictyosome secreted vesicles into the vacuoles. However, there is a large central vacuole completely filled with secretory materials (hypericin) in matured multicellular nodules. This suggests that the osmiophilic droplets may be a precursor of hypericin originated from the degenerated plastids. There were abundant endoplasmic reticulums and dictyosomes between the plastids and osmiophilic droplets, suggesting that they may be involved in the synthesis and/or transport of the precursor of hypericin. 展开更多
关键词 Hypericum perforatum multicellular nodules ULTRASTRUCTURE HYPERICIN
Stable High-Energy Density Super-Atom Clusters of Aluminum Hydride 被引量:1
作者 Ke-yan Lian Yuan-fei Jiang +4 位作者 De-hou Fei Wei Feng Ming-xing Jin Da-jun Ding Yi Luo 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期147-152,I0003,共7页
With the concept of super-atom, first principles calculations propose a new type of super stable cage clusters AlnH3n that are much more energetic stable than the well established clusters, AlnHn+2. In the new cluste... With the concept of super-atom, first principles calculations propose a new type of super stable cage clusters AlnH3n that are much more energetic stable than the well established clusters, AlnHn+2. In the new clusters, the aluminum core-frame acts as a super-atom with n vertexes and 2n A1-A1 edges, which allow to adsorb n hydrogen atoms at the top-site and 2n at the bridge-site. Using Al12H36 as the basic unit, stable chain structures, (Al12H36)m, have been constructed following the same connection mechanism as for (A1H3)n linear polymeric structures. Apart from high hydrogen percentage per molecule, calculations have shown that these new clusters possess large heat of formation values and their combustion heat is about 4.8 times of the methane, making them a promising high energy density material. 展开更多
关键词 High-energy density Super-atom First principles Cluster of aluminum hydride
Oxygen Electroreduction Performance of Ultrasmall Gold Nanoclusters
作者 黄婷 孙治湖 潘国强 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第1期66-70,I0001,共6页
Ultrasmall gold nanoclusters consisting of 2-4 Au atoms were synthesized and their per- formance in electrocatalytic oxygen reduction reactions (ORR) was examined. These clus- ters were synthesized by exposing AuPPh... Ultrasmall gold nanoclusters consisting of 2-4 Au atoms were synthesized and their per- formance in electrocatalytic oxygen reduction reactions (ORR) was examined. These clus- ters were synthesized by exposing AuPPh3Cl to the aqueous ammonia medium for one week. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), X-ray absorption fihe struc- ture (XAFS), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analyses indicate that the as- synthesized gold clusters (abbreviated as Aux) consist of 2-4 Au atoms coordinated by the triphenylphosphine, hydroxyl, and adsorbed oxygen ligands. A glassy carbon disk electrode loaded with the Aux clusters (Aux/GC) was characterized by the cyclic and linear-sweep voltammetry for ORR. The cyclic voltammogram vs. RHE shows the onset potential of 0.87 V, and the kinetic parameters of JK at 0.47 V and the electron-transfer mmlber per oxygen molecule were calculated to be 14.28 mA/cm2 and 3.96 via the Koutecky-Levich equations, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Ultrasmall gold nanoclusters SYNTHESIS Oxygen reduction reactions ELECTRO-CATALYST
Project Team Perception of Causes of Building Cost Overruns: A Reflection in Tanzania
作者 Harriet Eliufoo 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2017年第2期149-158,共10页
The paper provides an empirical insight into the significance of shared cognition reflected in the perception of key actors in selected construction projects. It has explored how clients, consultants and contractors p... The paper provides an empirical insight into the significance of shared cognition reflected in the perception of key actors in selected construction projects. It has explored how clients, consultants and contractors prioritize causes of cost overrun in building projects in Tanzania and measured the statistical variance in their order of rank. A total of 55 respondents were selected from public projects that had experienced cost overruns. The results show an inclination of the top 4 causes of cost overrun being technical and originate from internal sources. The Spearman correlation coefficient established a strong positive correlation in the ranking of causes of cost overrun in construction project by clients, consultants and contractors, suggesting a shared cognition is in place for the project team. The outcome provides a good base for contemplating success of mitigation measures for cost overruns and reiterates the significance for a shared cognition for project team success. 展开更多
关键词 Cost overrun construction project shared cognition team success.
Research on solubilization used for micellar enhanced ultrafiltration
作者 XU Jin ZHAO Bao-wei WANG Hai-feng CHE Hai-li 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2009年第3期1-6,36,共7页
Micellar enhanced ultrafiltration (MEUF) is a new effective treatment technology for the filtration removal of organic pollutants through solubilization. The present paper is aimed to study the solubilization of org... Micellar enhanced ultrafiltration (MEUF) is a new effective treatment technology for the filtration removal of organic pollutants through solubilization. The present paper is aimed to study the solubilization of organic compounds such as chlorobenzene (CB), pyrene and phenol by anionic, cationic and mixed anionic-nonionic surfactants such as sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTMAB) and Tween-80 (TW80) and the mixed SDS-TW80 with a batch equilibrium method. This study enables us to supply deeper investigation for MEUF. The results showed that solubilization capacity was not obvious below the critical micellar concentration (CMC). The apparent solubilities of organic compounds were linearly related to surfactant concentrations over their CMCs. Solubilization capacity by single surfactants follow the order of TW80 〉 CTMAB 〉 SDS. The results also proved that the solubilization of the organic contaminants by the mixed surfactants can significantly be enhanced compared with the single anionic surfactant SDS. Whereas the CMC can be decreased, the solubility can be increased as long as the mass ratio of nonionic surfactant increases. The solubility enhancement efficiency of the different organic compounds follow the order of phenol 〉 CB 〉 pyrene. In addition, the solubilization ratio appears to be positively relative to the intrinsic water solubility of the organic contaminants and negatively correlates to octanol-water coefficients (Kow) of organic compounds and the hydrophile-lypophile balance values (HLB) of the surfactants. 展开更多
关键词 micellar enhanced ultrafiltration SURFACTANTS SOLUBILIZATION
基于整体相似度的文档主题匹配研究 被引量:1
作者 魏小锐 《网络安全技术与应用》 2018年第3期44-46,共3页
基于内容的网络信息过滤需要动态地比较网页与用户模板。传统文档主题匹配算法主要以两两文档间的相似度为基础来计算,这在高维的文档向量空间并不总是合适。超团模式是一种附加了整体相似度约束的频繁项集,其内部文档更有可能属于同一... 基于内容的网络信息过滤需要动态地比较网页与用户模板。传统文档主题匹配算法主要以两两文档间的相似度为基础来计算,这在高维的文档向量空间并不总是合适。超团模式是一种附加了整体相似度约束的频繁项集,其内部文档更有可能属于同一类别。利用超团模式这种特性,提出了基于整体相似度的文档主题匹配方法,只利用同一个超团内部的文档来预测类别。该方法通过在现实世界数据集上与K-最近邻算法进行比较,实验结果证实了超团算法应用于文档主题匹配的优越性。 展开更多
关键词 文本挖掘 文档匹配 整体相似度 超团模式
Simulation and Error Analysis of Electro-optic Sampling Measurement of Ultrashort Electron Beam Bunch Length
作者 孙大睿 徐金强 唐坤 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第z1期121-123,共3页
For the development of high energy physics,it is needed to improve the performance of the relativistic electron bunch.The measurement of the ultrashort relativistic electron pulse becomes one of the key technologies.T... For the development of high energy physics,it is needed to improve the performance of the relativistic electron bunch.The measurement of the ultrashort relativistic electron pulse becomes one of the key technologies.The electro-optic sampling measurement of relativistic electron pulses is a promising method.This method is nondestructive, non-intrusive,and real-time monitoring.Distance and angles of the reference frames will cause system deviations.In this paper these system deviations are analyzed by simulation.It provides a reference for the experiment. 展开更多
关键词 electro-optic sampling ultrashort electron beam bunch measurement of electron bunch length
Ultrasmall Pd nanoclusters: facile synthesis and versatile catalytic application
作者 Ji Xiang Hanbao Chong +6 位作者 Jia Tang Li Feng Bin Zhou Fangyu Fu Xin Wang Peng Li Manzhou Zhu 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期467-472,共6页
A simple and efficient method for the synthesis of ultrasmall Pd nanoclusters(NCs) has been developed. The as-obtained Pd NCs displayed uniform size with an average diameter of 1.8±0.2 nm. The ultrasmall Pd NCs a... A simple and efficient method for the synthesis of ultrasmall Pd nanoclusters(NCs) has been developed. The as-obtained Pd NCs displayed uniform size with an average diameter of 1.8±0.2 nm. The ultrasmall Pd NCs and carbon nanotubes(CNTs)-supported Pd NCs also showed outstanding catalytic activity for nitrobenzene reduction and Suzuki coupling reactions. Notably, the reactions were conducted under mild conditions with high yield and selectivity. 展开更多
关键词 PD NANOCLUSTERS synthesis nitrobenzene reduction Suzuki coupling
The effect of neighbor distance of magnetic nanoparticle clusters on magnetic resonance relaxation properties 被引量:1
作者 Dan Wang Bingbing Lin +4 位作者 Taipeng Shen Jun Wu Chunchao Xia Bin Song Hua Ai 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第13期1023-1030,共8页
Superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticle clusters are one unique form which can enhance magnetic relaxivity and improve the magnetic resonance imaging contrast at the same iron concentration, comparing to si... Superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticle clusters are one unique form which can enhance magnetic relaxivity and improve the magnetic resonance imaging contrast at the same iron concentration, comparing to single SPIO nanoparticles. Controlling of cluster size and other structural parameters have drawn great interests in this field to further improve their magnetic properties. In this study, we investigated how the interparticle distance (also known as neighbor distance) of SP10 nanocrystals within clusters affect their magnetic relaxation behaviors. To adjust the neighbor distance, different amount of cholesterol (CHO) was chosen as model spacers embedded into SPIO nanocluster systems with the help of amphiphilic diblock copolymer poly(ethylene glyco)-polyester. Small- angle X-ray scattering was applied to quantify the neighbor distance of SPIO clusters. The results demonstrated that the averaged SPIO nanocrystal neighbor distance of nan- oclusters increased with higher amount of added CHO. Moreover, these SPIO nanocrystal clusters had the promi- nent magnetic relaxation properties. Simultaneously, con- trolling of SPIO nanocrystal neighbor distance can regulate the saturation magnetization (Ms) and magnetic resonance (MR) T2 relaxation of the aggregation, and ultimately obtain better MR contrast effects with decreased neighbor distance. 展开更多
关键词 Iron oxide nanoparticle CLUSTERS Neighbor distance Magnetic properties T2relaxation
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