在超导体 铁磁体 绝缘层 超导体结 (S F I S)中 ,运用Bogoliubov deGennes(BdG)方程和Furusaki Tsukada(FT)电流公式 ,计算铁磁超导共存态的自洽方程和S F I S结中的直流Josephson电流 .研究表明 ,铁磁超导态的磁交换能h对准粒子的An...在超导体 铁磁体 绝缘层 超导体结 (S F I S)中 ,运用Bogoliubov deGennes(BdG)方程和Furusaki Tsukada(FT)电流公式 ,计算铁磁超导共存态的自洽方程和S F I S结中的直流Josephson电流 .研究表明 ,铁磁超导态的磁交换能h对准粒子的Andreev反射有抑制作用 ,使得S F I展开更多
This paper gives methods to calculate the pairing temperature T*, at which a pseudogap is opened, and the superconducting temperature Tc, at which superconductivity appears, in the high-Te cuprates, and demonstrates ...This paper gives methods to calculate the pairing temperature T*, at which a pseudogap is opened, and the superconducting temperature Tc, at which superconductivity appears, in the high-Te cuprates, and demonstrates directly that at Tc 〈 T 〈 T* the pseudogap is the gap of Cooper pair without long-range phase coherence, and at T 〈 Tc there is long-range phase coherence between Cooper pairs. Based on the above clear physical picture on the pseudogap state and our mechanism for the ac Josephson effect, this paper proposes that there should he a novel oscillatory current in P-I-P junction, induced by a constant bias on the junction. Here, P represents the high-Tc curates in the pseudogap state, where Cooper pairs do not have long-range phase coherence, and I represents the thin insulating barrier. This paper conjectures that there is a possible high-temperature superconductivity in the heavily underdoped high-Tc cuprates.展开更多
In this paper, the superconducting order parameter and the energy spectrum of the Bogoliubov excitations are obtained from the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) equation for a ferromagnetic superconductor (FS). Taking in...In this paper, the superconducting order parameter and the energy spectrum of the Bogoliubov excitations are obtained from the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) equation for a ferromagnetic superconductor (FS). Taking into account the rough interface scattering effect, we calculate the shot noise and the differential conductance of the normalmetal insulator ferromagnetic superconductor junction. It is shown that the exchange energy Eh in FS can lead to splitting of the differential shot noise peaks and the conductance peaks. The energy difference between the two splitting peaks is equal to 2Eh. The rough interface scattering strength results in descent of conductance peaks and the shot noise-to-current ratio but increases the shot noise.展开更多
The tunneling conductance and tunneling magnetoresistance(TMR)are investigated in ferromagnet/insulator/ferromagnet/insulator/d-wave superconductor(FM/I/FM/I/d-wave SC)structures by applying an extended Blonder-Tinkha...The tunneling conductance and tunneling magnetoresistance(TMR)are investigated in ferromagnet/insulator/ferromagnet/insulator/d-wave superconductor(FM/I/FM/I/d-wave SC)structures by applying an extended Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk(BTK)approach.We study the effects of the exchange splitting in the FM, the magnetic impurity scattering in the thin insulator interface of FM/I/FM,and noncollinear magnetizations in adja- cent magnetic layers on the TMR.It is shown(1)that the tunneling conductance and TMR exhibit amplitude-varying oscillating behavior with exchange splitting,(2)that with the presence of spin-flip scattering in insulator interface of FM/I/FM,the TMR can be dramatically enhanced,and(3)that the TMR depends strongly on the angle between the magnetization of two FMs.展开更多
The temperature dependence of the anisotropy parameter of upper critical field γHe2 (T) = Hc2^‖ (T) /Hc2^⊥ (T) and London penetration depth γλ (T) = λ‖(T)/λ⊥ (T) are calculated using two-band Ginz...The temperature dependence of the anisotropy parameter of upper critical field γHe2 (T) = Hc2^‖ (T) /Hc2^⊥ (T) and London penetration depth γλ (T) = λ‖(T)/λ⊥ (T) are calculated using two-band Ginzburg-Landau theory for layered superconductors. It is shown that, with decreasing temperature the anisotropy parameter γHc2 (T) is increased, while the London penetration depth anisotropy γλ(T) reveals an opposite behavior. Results of our calculations are in agreement with experimental data for single crystal MgB2 and with other calculations..Results of an analysis of magnetic field Hc1 in a single vortex between superconducting layers are also presented.展开更多
The Josephson currents in s-wave superconductor/ferromagnet insulator/p-wave superconductor(s/FI/p) junctions are calculated as a function of temperature and the phase taking into account the roughness scattering ef...The Josephson currents in s-wave superconductor/ferromagnet insulator/p-wave superconductor(s/FI/p) junctions are calculated as a function of temperature and the phase taking into account the roughness scattering effect at interface. The phase dependence of the Josephson current I (φ) between s-wave and px-wave superconductor is predicted to be sin(2φ). The ferromagnet scattering effect, the barrier strength, and the roughness strength at interface suppress the dc currents in s/FI/p junction.展开更多
Solving the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation, the energy levels of bound statesare obtained in the ferromagnetic superconductor. The Josephson currents in a ferromagneticsuperconductor/Insulator/d-wave superconductor jun...Solving the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation, the energy levels of bound statesare obtained in the ferromagnetic superconductor. The Josephson currents in a ferromagneticsuperconductor/Insulator/d-wave superconductor junction are calculated as a function of the exchangefield, temperature, and insulating barrier strength. It is found that the Josephson criticalcurrent is always suppressed by the presence of exchange Geld h and depends on crystalline axisorientation of d-wave superconductor.展开更多
The Bogoliubov de Gennes equation is applied to the study of coherence effects in the ferromagnetic superconductor/insulator/normal metal/insulator/ferromagnetic/superconductor (FS/I/N/I/FS) junction. We calculated ...The Bogoliubov de Gennes equation is applied to the study of coherence effects in the ferromagnetic superconductor/insulator/normal metal/insulator/ferromagnetic/superconductor (FS/I/N/I/FS) junction. We calculated the Josephson current in FS/I/N/I/FS as a function of exchange field in ferromagnetic superconductor, temperature, and normal metal thickness. It is found that the Josephson critical current in FS/I/N/I/FS exhibits oscillations as a function of the length of normal metal. The exchange field always suppresses the Josephson critical current Ip for a parallel configuration of the magnetic moments of two ferromagnetic superconductor (FS) electrodes. In the antiparallel configuration, the Josephson critical current IAv at the minimum values of oscillation increases with the exchange field for strong barrier strength and at low temperatures.展开更多
A ceramic superconductor compound with composition YBa2(C u3)1-xA gxO6.5x+δhas been prepared experimentally by solid state reaction from principal roots of high purity materials like Y203, BaO, CuO and Ag20. The s...A ceramic superconductor compound with composition YBa2(C u3)1-xA gxO6.5x+δhas been prepared experimentally by solid state reaction from principal roots of high purity materials like Y203, BaO, CuO and Ag20. The study was concentrated on the effect of partial substitution of Ag with respect to Cu atoms by the ratios (x = 0, 1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5) through different analysis and measurements. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Resistivity measurement is play an important role to show the improvement on high superconducting phase. It was found that the best substituted value of (x = 0.5) investigated a favor value of Tc equal nearly to (123 K), due to more excess of Ag atoms in the structure. X-ray diffraction showed an orthorhombic structure related to high-To phase with high stability through diminishing some peaks related to low temperature superconducting phase, that was related to presence of multiphase derivative from YBCO-phase. SEM pictures give us more details on the surface morphology, grain and grain boundaries, it gives an indication on successful of sintering process, the last one is very important in forming superconducting phase.展开更多
We report discovery of ferromagnetism in(LaCa)(ZnMn)SbO isostructural to the well-studied iron-based superconductor LaFeAs(O1 xFx).Spin is induced by partial substitution of Mn2+for Zn2+,while charge is induced by sub...We report discovery of ferromagnetism in(LaCa)(ZnMn)SbO isostructural to the well-studied iron-based superconductor LaFeAs(O1 xFx).Spin is induced by partial substitution of Mn2+for Zn2+,while charge is induced by substitution of Ca2+for La3+within the parent compound LaZnSbO.Ferromagnetism with Curie temperature(TC)is observed up to 40 K at the spin doping 0.15 by introducing Mn2+into the Zn2+sites for(La0.95Ca0.05)(Zn1 xMnx)SbO.The Hall coefficient measurement indicates p-type carrier for(La0.95Ca0.05)(Zn0.9Mn0.1)SbO with concentration of n^1020cm 3showing anomalous Hall effect below TC.展开更多
Here we report the discovery of the first ternary molybdenum pnictide based superconductor K2Mo3As3. Polycrystalline samples were synthesized by the conventional solid state reaction method. X-ray diffrac- tion analys...Here we report the discovery of the first ternary molybdenum pnictide based superconductor K2Mo3As3. Polycrystalline samples were synthesized by the conventional solid state reaction method. X-ray diffrac- tion analysis reveals a quasi-one-dimensional hexagonal crystal structure with (Mo3As3)2 linear chains separated by K^+ ions, similar as previously reported K2Cr3As3, with the space group of P-6m2 (No. 187) and the refined lattice parameters a = 10.145(5) A and c = 4.453(8) A. Electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, and heat capacity measurements exhibit bulk superconductivity with the onset Tc at 10.4 K in K2Mo3As3 which is higher than the isostructural Cr-based superconductors. Being the same group VIB transition elements and with similar structural motifs, these Cr and Mo based superconductors may share some common underlying origins for the occurrence of superconductivity and need more investigations to uncover the electron pairing within a quasi-one-dimensional chain structure.展开更多
We performed angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy studies on a series of FeTe_(1-x)Se_x monolayer films grown on Sr TiO_3.The superconductivity of the films is robust and rather insensitive to the variations of t...We performed angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy studies on a series of FeTe_(1-x)Se_x monolayer films grown on Sr TiO_3.The superconductivity of the films is robust and rather insensitive to the variations of the band position and effective mass caused by the substitution of Se by Te.However,the band gap between the electron-and hole-like bands at the Brillouin zone center decreases towards band inversion and parity exchange,which drive the system to a nontrivial topological state predicted by theoretical calculations.Our results provide a clear experimental indication that the FeTe_(1-x)Se_x monolayer materials are high-temperature connate topological superconductors in which band topology and superconductivity are integrated intrinsically.展开更多
We have synthesized two iron fluo-arsenides ACa2Fe4As4Fz with A = Rb and Cs, analogous to the newly discovered superconductor KCazFe4As4F2. The quinary inor- ganic compounds crystallize in a body-centered tetragonal l...We have synthesized two iron fluo-arsenides ACa2Fe4As4Fz with A = Rb and Cs, analogous to the newly discovered superconductor KCazFe4As4F2. The quinary inor- ganic compounds crystallize in a body-centered tetragonal lattice with space group I4/mmm, which contain double Fe2As2 layers that are separated by insulating Ca2F2 layers. The electrical and magnetic measurements on the polycrys- talline samples demonstrate that the new materials undergo superconducting transitions at Tc = 30.5 and 28.2 K, respec- tively, without extrinsic doping. The correlations between Tc and structural parameters are discussed.展开更多
We have successfully synthesized Sr 2 CuO3+δ single crystals under high pressure and high temperature for the first time. The structure analysis show that this material crystallizes into tetragonal structure isostruc...We have successfully synthesized Sr 2 CuO3+δ single crystals under high pressure and high temperature for the first time. The structure analysis show that this material crystallizes into tetragonal structure isostructural La 2 CuO4 with single CuO 2 plane. The magnetic susceptibility as well as resistance measurements indicates that the bulk superconductivity with the critical transition temperature 37 K is achieved in the crystal.展开更多
In this paper,a brief review of the history of topological insulators is given.After that,electronic transport experiments in topological insulator-superconductor hybrid structures,including experimental methods,physi...In this paper,a brief review of the history of topological insulators is given.After that,electronic transport experiments in topological insulator-superconductor hybrid structures,including experimental methods,physical properties and seemingly contradictory observations are discussed.Additionally,some new topological insulator hybrid structures are proposed.展开更多
We elucidate a recently emergent framework in unifying the two families of high temperature (high To) superconductors, cuprates and iron-based superconductors. The unification suggests that the latter is simply the ...We elucidate a recently emergent framework in unifying the two families of high temperature (high To) superconductors, cuprates and iron-based superconductors. The unification suggests that the latter is simply the counterpart of the former to realize robust extended s-wave pairing symmetries in a square lattice. The unification identifies that the key ingredients (gene) of high Tc superconductors is a quasi two dimensional electronic environment in which the d-orbitals of cations that partic- ipate in strong in-plane couplings to the p-orbitals of anions are isolated near Fermi energy. With this gene, the superexchange magnetic interactions mediated by anions could maximize their contributions to superconductivity. Creating the gene requires special arrangements between local electronic structures and crystal lattice structures. The speciality explains why high Tc superconductors are so rare. An explicit prediction is made to realize high Tc superconductivity in Co/Ni-based materials with a quasi two dimensional hexagonal lattice structure formed by trigonal bipyramidal complexes.展开更多
文摘在超导体 铁磁体 绝缘层 超导体结 (S F I S)中 ,运用Bogoliubov deGennes(BdG)方程和Furusaki Tsukada(FT)电流公式 ,计算铁磁超导共存态的自洽方程和S F I S结中的直流Josephson电流 .研究表明 ,铁磁超导态的磁交换能h对准粒子的Andreev反射有抑制作用 ,使得S F I
文摘This paper gives methods to calculate the pairing temperature T*, at which a pseudogap is opened, and the superconducting temperature Tc, at which superconductivity appears, in the high-Te cuprates, and demonstrates directly that at Tc 〈 T 〈 T* the pseudogap is the gap of Cooper pair without long-range phase coherence, and at T 〈 Tc there is long-range phase coherence between Cooper pairs. Based on the above clear physical picture on the pseudogap state and our mechanism for the ac Josephson effect, this paper proposes that there should he a novel oscillatory current in P-I-P junction, induced by a constant bias on the junction. Here, P represents the high-Tc curates in the pseudogap state, where Cooper pairs do not have long-range phase coherence, and I represents the thin insulating barrier. This paper conjectures that there is a possible high-temperature superconductivity in the heavily underdoped high-Tc cuprates.
文摘In this paper, the superconducting order parameter and the energy spectrum of the Bogoliubov excitations are obtained from the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) equation for a ferromagnetic superconductor (FS). Taking into account the rough interface scattering effect, we calculate the shot noise and the differential conductance of the normalmetal insulator ferromagnetic superconductor junction. It is shown that the exchange energy Eh in FS can lead to splitting of the differential shot noise peaks and the conductance peaks. The energy difference between the two splitting peaks is equal to 2Eh. The rough interface scattering strength results in descent of conductance peaks and the shot noise-to-current ratio but increases the shot noise.
基金The project supported by Natural Science Foundation of the Education Bureau of Jiangsu Province of China under Grant No.01KJB140007the“333”Program of Jiangsu Province of China
文摘The tunneling conductance and tunneling magnetoresistance(TMR)are investigated in ferromagnet/insulator/ferromagnet/insulator/d-wave superconductor(FM/I/FM/I/d-wave SC)structures by applying an extended Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk(BTK)approach.We study the effects of the exchange splitting in the FM, the magnetic impurity scattering in the thin insulator interface of FM/I/FM,and noncollinear magnetizations in adja- cent magnetic layers on the TMR.It is shown(1)that the tunneling conductance and TMR exhibit amplitude-varying oscillating behavior with exchange splitting,(2)that with the presence of spin-flip scattering in insulator interface of FM/I/FM,the TMR can be dramatically enhanced,and(3)that the TMR depends strongly on the angle between the magnetization of two FMs.
文摘The temperature dependence of the anisotropy parameter of upper critical field γHe2 (T) = Hc2^‖ (T) /Hc2^⊥ (T) and London penetration depth γλ (T) = λ‖(T)/λ⊥ (T) are calculated using two-band Ginzburg-Landau theory for layered superconductors. It is shown that, with decreasing temperature the anisotropy parameter γHc2 (T) is increased, while the London penetration depth anisotropy γλ(T) reveals an opposite behavior. Results of our calculations are in agreement with experimental data for single crystal MgB2 and with other calculations..Results of an analysis of magnetic field Hc1 in a single vortex between superconducting layers are also presented.
基金The project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of the Education Commission 0f Jiangsu Province of China under Grant No. 06KJB140009
文摘The Josephson currents in s-wave superconductor/ferromagnet insulator/p-wave superconductor(s/FI/p) junctions are calculated as a function of temperature and the phase taking into account the roughness scattering effect at interface. The phase dependence of the Josephson current I (φ) between s-wave and px-wave superconductor is predicted to be sin(2φ). The ferromagnet scattering effect, the barrier strength, and the roughness strength at interface suppress the dc currents in s/FI/p junction.
文摘Solving the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation, the energy levels of bound statesare obtained in the ferromagnetic superconductor. The Josephson currents in a ferromagneticsuperconductor/Insulator/d-wave superconductor junction are calculated as a function of the exchangefield, temperature, and insulating barrier strength. It is found that the Josephson criticalcurrent is always suppressed by the presence of exchange Geld h and depends on crystalline axisorientation of d-wave superconductor.
基金Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China under Grant No.06KJB140009
文摘The Bogoliubov de Gennes equation is applied to the study of coherence effects in the ferromagnetic superconductor/insulator/normal metal/insulator/ferromagnetic/superconductor (FS/I/N/I/FS) junction. We calculated the Josephson current in FS/I/N/I/FS as a function of exchange field in ferromagnetic superconductor, temperature, and normal metal thickness. It is found that the Josephson critical current in FS/I/N/I/FS exhibits oscillations as a function of the length of normal metal. The exchange field always suppresses the Josephson critical current Ip for a parallel configuration of the magnetic moments of two ferromagnetic superconductor (FS) electrodes. In the antiparallel configuration, the Josephson critical current IAv at the minimum values of oscillation increases with the exchange field for strong barrier strength and at low temperatures.
文摘A ceramic superconductor compound with composition YBa2(C u3)1-xA gxO6.5x+δhas been prepared experimentally by solid state reaction from principal roots of high purity materials like Y203, BaO, CuO and Ag20. The study was concentrated on the effect of partial substitution of Ag with respect to Cu atoms by the ratios (x = 0, 1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5) through different analysis and measurements. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Resistivity measurement is play an important role to show the improvement on high superconducting phase. It was found that the best substituted value of (x = 0.5) investigated a favor value of Tc equal nearly to (123 K), due to more excess of Ag atoms in the structure. X-ray diffraction showed an orthorhombic structure related to high-To phase with high stability through diminishing some peaks related to low temperature superconducting phase, that was related to presence of multiphase derivative from YBCO-phase. SEM pictures give us more details on the surface morphology, grain and grain boundaries, it gives an indication on successful of sintering process, the last one is very important in forming superconducting phase.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11220101003)the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. 2013CB921703)
文摘We report discovery of ferromagnetism in(LaCa)(ZnMn)SbO isostructural to the well-studied iron-based superconductor LaFeAs(O1 xFx).Spin is induced by partial substitution of Mn2+for Zn2+,while charge is induced by substitution of Ca2+for La3+within the parent compound LaZnSbO.Ferromagnetism with Curie temperature(TC)is observed up to 40 K at the spin doping 0.15 by introducing Mn2+into the Zn2+sites for(La0.95Ca0.05)(Zn1 xMnx)SbO.The Hall coefficient measurement indicates p-type carrier for(La0.95Ca0.05)(Zn0.9Mn0.1)SbO with concentration of n^1020cm 3showing anomalous Hall effect below TC.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11474339 and 11774402)the National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program,2016YFA0300301)the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
文摘Here we report the discovery of the first ternary molybdenum pnictide based superconductor K2Mo3As3. Polycrystalline samples were synthesized by the conventional solid state reaction method. X-ray diffrac- tion analysis reveals a quasi-one-dimensional hexagonal crystal structure with (Mo3As3)2 linear chains separated by K^+ ions, similar as previously reported K2Cr3As3, with the space group of P-6m2 (No. 187) and the refined lattice parameters a = 10.145(5) A and c = 4.453(8) A. Electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, and heat capacity measurements exhibit bulk superconductivity with the onset Tc at 10.4 K in K2Mo3As3 which is higher than the isostructural Cr-based superconductors. Being the same group VIB transition elements and with similar structural motifs, these Cr and Mo based superconductors may share some common underlying origins for the occurrence of superconductivity and need more investigations to uncover the electron pairing within a quasi-one-dimensional chain structure.
基金supported by grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(2015CB921000,2016YFA0401000,2015CB921301,2016YFA0300300)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11574371,11274362,1190020,11334012,11274381,11674371)
文摘We performed angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy studies on a series of FeTe_(1-x)Se_x monolayer films grown on Sr TiO_3.The superconductivity of the films is robust and rather insensitive to the variations of the band position and effective mass caused by the substitution of Se by Te.However,the band gap between the electron-and hole-like bands at the Brillouin zone center decreases towards band inversion and parity exchange,which drive the system to a nontrivial topological state predicted by theoretical calculations.Our results provide a clear experimental indication that the FeTe_(1-x)Se_x monolayer materials are high-temperature connate topological superconductors in which band topology and superconductivity are integrated intrinsically.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(90922002 and 11190023)the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFA0300202)
文摘We have synthesized two iron fluo-arsenides ACa2Fe4As4Fz with A = Rb and Cs, analogous to the newly discovered superconductor KCazFe4As4F2. The quinary inor- ganic compounds crystallize in a body-centered tetragonal lattice with space group I4/mmm, which contain double Fe2As2 layers that are separated by insulating Ca2F2 layers. The electrical and magnetic measurements on the polycrys- talline samples demonstrate that the new materials undergo superconducting transitions at Tc = 30.5 and 28.2 K, respec- tively, without extrinsic doping. The correlations between Tc and structural parameters are discussed.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 90921005)the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant Nos. 2009CB929402 and 2011CBA00103)
文摘We have successfully synthesized Sr 2 CuO3+δ single crystals under high pressure and high temperature for the first time. The structure analysis show that this material crystallizes into tetragonal structure isostructural La 2 CuO4 with single CuO 2 plane. The magnetic susceptibility as well as resistance measurements indicates that the bulk superconductivity with the critical transition temperature 37 K is achieved in the crystal.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(Grant No.2012CB921300)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.11174007)the Penn State MRSEC(Grant No. DMR-0820404)
文摘In this paper,a brief review of the history of topological insulators is given.After that,electronic transport experiments in topological insulator-superconductor hybrid structures,including experimental methods,physical properties and seemingly contradictory observations are discussed.Additionally,some new topological insulator hybrid structures are proposed.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of ChinaNational Natural Science Foundation of Chinathe Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences
文摘We elucidate a recently emergent framework in unifying the two families of high temperature (high To) superconductors, cuprates and iron-based superconductors. The unification suggests that the latter is simply the counterpart of the former to realize robust extended s-wave pairing symmetries in a square lattice. The unification identifies that the key ingredients (gene) of high Tc superconductors is a quasi two dimensional electronic environment in which the d-orbitals of cations that partic- ipate in strong in-plane couplings to the p-orbitals of anions are isolated near Fermi energy. With this gene, the superexchange magnetic interactions mediated by anions could maximize their contributions to superconductivity. Creating the gene requires special arrangements between local electronic structures and crystal lattice structures. The speciality explains why high Tc superconductors are so rare. An explicit prediction is made to realize high Tc superconductivity in Co/Ni-based materials with a quasi two dimensional hexagonal lattice structure formed by trigonal bipyramidal complexes.