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作者 荣延军 《山西果树》 2015年第4期34-35,共2页
关键词 二代短枝冬枣 超高密 丰产技术
抗高温超高密度有机硅氟钻井液室内研究 被引量:1
作者 陈光斌 廖天彬 +2 位作者 匡韶华 王燕 徐东 《内蒙古石油化工》 CAS 2010年第11期8-9,共2页
为了解决钻井施工中复杂地层和深部地层的井壁稳定,高温老化和抗盐抗钙等技术问题,室内研究在合理控制膨润土量限、控制一定基浆浓度、优选优配处理剂的基础上,针对性地以硅基有机物为原料研制出了密度为2.80g/cm3的抗高温超高密度有机... 为了解决钻井施工中复杂地层和深部地层的井壁稳定,高温老化和抗盐抗钙等技术问题,室内研究在合理控制膨润土量限、控制一定基浆浓度、优选优配处理剂的基础上,针对性地以硅基有机物为原料研制出了密度为2.80g/cm3的抗高温超高密度有机硅氟钻井液体系。室内研究表明:该钻井液体系在密度达到2.80g/cm3时具有很好流变性、抗高温稳定性、抑制性、较强的抗盐、钙污染能力、以及良好的润滑性和有效延长泥页岩水化周期,利于防塌、减少井下复杂情况、是一种能够很好满足各类复杂地质条件钻探需要的深井钻井液体系。 展开更多
关键词 抗高温 ()高密 有机硅氟 钻井液 流变性
高密度超微重晶石完井液在塔里木油田超深井的应用 被引量:9
作者 高尊升 朱良根 +2 位作者 周梦秋 刘潇 李磊 《钻井液与完井液》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第5期50-52,98-99,共3页
塔里木油田山前构造井深一般为6000~8000m,地层压力大,井下温度高,井身结构复杂,试油周期长,要求试油完井液在高密度、高温条件下,具有良好的沉降稳定性和高温流变稳定性,而目前使用的完井液主要由钻井液改造而成,普遍存在高... 塔里木油田山前构造井深一般为6000~8000m,地层压力大,井下温度高,井身结构复杂,试油周期长,要求试油完井液在高密度、高温条件下,具有良好的沉降稳定性和高温流变稳定性,而目前使用的完井液主要由钻井液改造而成,普遍存在高温固化、加重剂沉淀、处理剂高温交联和分解的技术难题。因此研制出一种新型的高密度超微重晶石完井液,该体系采用超微粉体(0.1~10μm)加重,重晶石经过表面改性处理后,粒子表面形成双电层,使超微粉体颗粒间静电斥力增加,固相颗粒沉降趋势大大减弱,而且体系中无黏土,所使用的稳定剂、分散剂抗温性好、组分简单,所以该完井液在高密度、高温条件下,具有良好的沉降稳定性和高温流变稳定性。该完井液已在一口井进行试验应用,效果表明其基本满足了塔里木山前井高温、高压、试油周期长的应用环境需要。 展开更多
关键词 试油 完井液 高密微重晶石完井液 沉降稳定性
高密度超多芯连接器组装工艺研究 被引量:4
作者 张涛 肖剑锋 何冬梅 《电子工艺技术》 2015年第1期34-37,共4页
为了适应电子产品小型化和高密度集成要求,高密度超多芯连接器被广泛使用。由于其引线数量多、间距小、焊接间隙微小等原因,传统手工焊接方法很难满足其焊接质量要求。对高密度超多芯连接器组装方法进行了研究。通过焊接工艺优化,成功... 为了适应电子产品小型化和高密度集成要求,高密度超多芯连接器被广泛使用。由于其引线数量多、间距小、焊接间隙微小等原因,传统手工焊接方法很难满足其焊接质量要求。对高密度超多芯连接器组装方法进行了研究。通过焊接工艺优化,成功实现了焊接间隙0.08 mm的LRMS系列连接器可靠焊接,一次组装合格率达到98%以上。 展开更多
关键词 高密多芯连接器 微小焊接间隙 波峰焊接
作者 王浩 王永刚 张俊 《水科学与工程技术》 2024年第1期81-85,共5页
某供电所地面发生塌陷沉降,导致墙体发生开裂,严重影响供电所的安全运行。为查明地面塌陷沉降诱发因素,根据地质调查,选取具有分辨率高、快速精准、异常响应特征明显的高密度电法作为无损检测方法,将其应用于地基沉降检测,通过常规高密... 某供电所地面发生塌陷沉降,导致墙体发生开裂,严重影响供电所的安全运行。为查明地面塌陷沉降诱发因素,根据地质调查,选取具有分辨率高、快速精准、异常响应特征明显的高密度电法作为无损检测方法,将其应用于地基沉降检测,通过常规高密度电法与超深高密度电法反演处理,并结合正演模拟对比分析。结果表明:高密度电法地电断面有效圈定了供电所底部软弱夹层,通过钻探进一步验证了物探解译成果的有效性,为查明供电所塌陷沉降诱发因素提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 供电所 地基塌陷沉降 软弱夹层 高密度电法 高密度电法
防水透湿织物的加工及发展趋势 被引量:14
作者 周小红 王善元 《丝绸》 CAS 北大核心 2002年第8期49-49,共1页
关键词 防水透湿织物 发展趋势 超高密结构法 微孔技术法 加工方法
防水透湿织物及其加工技术 被引量:22
作者 权衡 《印染》 北大核心 2004年第4期43-47,共5页
防水透湿织物的加工技术是最具吸引力的染整新技术之一 ,在近几十年的研究与开发中获得了令人瞩目的发展。本文综述了织物防水透湿技术的发展、现状及其种类和性能 ,以及这一领域的最新进展 ;并展望了防水透湿技术的发展趋势。
关键词 织物 防水透湿整理 技术发展 超高密结构法 微孔技术法 致密亲水膜技术法
5G网络技术特点及无线网络规划思路探讨 被引量:7
作者 杨广袤 《信息通信》 2020年第2期240-241,共2页
现代通信技术的飞速发展给我们的生活带来了巨大的变化,同时也将现代城市规划与现代网络紧密结合起来,给人们的交流提供便利.文章讲述了未来5G通讯技术带来的一系列实际使用和场景,5G通讯技术系统新网络结构的设计思想、全新的基础设备... 现代通信技术的飞速发展给我们的生活带来了巨大的变化,同时也将现代城市规划与现代网络紧密结合起来,给人们的交流提供便利.文章讲述了未来5G通讯技术带来的一系列实际使用和场景,5G通讯技术系统新网络结构的设计思想、全新的基础设备配置平台,5G通讯技术系统的无线通信和空口技术架构,然后讲述5G通讯技术领域的大规模天线通讯和超高密区域的网络架构,以及全频通信的接入策略等核心技术,针对其网络结构的发展变化趋势和无线移动通讯的规划思想实施研究. 展开更多
关键词 大规模移动通讯 异构网络 超高密区域 全频谱通信
初论“吨纸田”生产模式 被引量:2
作者 吴武汉 孟庆田 +1 位作者 林治宪 刘学融 《天津农学院学报》 CAS 1996年第3期39-47,共9页
在天津市自然科学基金项目“几种杨树纤维用材林高密度超短轮伐期栽培的研究”的基础上,提出了“吨纸田”生产模式,为林兴纸旺寻找一条途径。若能实施并推广之,将有可能在全国木材供需矛盾短期内难以缓解的总形势下,部分地解决某些方面... 在天津市自然科学基金项目“几种杨树纤维用材林高密度超短轮伐期栽培的研究”的基础上,提出了“吨纸田”生产模式,为林兴纸旺寻找一条途径。若能实施并推广之,将有可能在全国木材供需矛盾短期内难以缓解的总形势下,部分地解决某些方面的造纸工业用材。 展开更多
关键词 “吨纸田” 高密短轮伐期栽培 磺化化学机械浆
再论“吨纸田”生产模式 被引量:1
作者 吴武汉 孟庆田 +1 位作者 林治宪 赵学融 《天津农学院学报》 CAS 1997年第2期33-40,共8页
基于幼树机械化剥皮这一难点尚未克服,“吨纸田”生产模式初级阶段的开展受到一定的局限.为了绕开这一实际问题,作者从事了一年生中林系号杨全秆带皮材制浆造纸的研究,首先从制造化学浆开始,取得了可喜成绩。本文从木浆的需求与我... 基于幼树机械化剥皮这一难点尚未克服,“吨纸田”生产模式初级阶段的开展受到一定的局限.为了绕开这一实际问题,作者从事了一年生中林系号杨全秆带皮材制浆造纸的研究,首先从制造化学浆开始,取得了可喜成绩。本文从木浆的需求与我国的现实出发,分析了木浆生产的前景,介绍了全秆带皮材化学制浆造纸的研究成果,并对“吨纸田”生产模式的发展和应用做了展望。 展开更多
关键词 高密短轮伐期定向栽培 全秆带皮材 漂白化学浆 本色浆 制浆造纸性能
一年生中林系号杨树全秆带皮材制浆造纸性能的研究 第二部分:KP法和KP+HUA法漂白化学浆、本色浆造纸性能的研究
作者 林治宪 赵学融 +2 位作者 徐立新 彭再忠 吴武汉 《天津农学院学报》 CAS 1997年第1期39-43,共5页
高密度超短轮伐期栽培林业新技术和幼龄中林系号杨全秆带皮材制浆造纸性能的初步研究表明:一年生中林系号杨可用于制浆造纸,其全秆带皮材漂白化学浆质量达到B级漂白硫酸盐阔叶木浆标准,可用于抄造中高级文化用纸,其本色浆可用来抄造牛... 高密度超短轮伐期栽培林业新技术和幼龄中林系号杨全秆带皮材制浆造纸性能的初步研究表明:一年生中林系号杨可用于制浆造纸,其全秆带皮材漂白化学浆质量达到B级漂白硫酸盐阔叶木浆标准,可用于抄造中高级文化用纸,其本色浆可用来抄造牛皮卡纸等强度较高的包装纸和工业技术用纸。 展开更多
关键词 高密短轮伐期栽培 制浆造纸性能 漂白化学浆 本色浆
作者 余金龙 《中国种业》 2022年第2期33-36,共4页
以论文查阅和专利检索的数据为基础,简述了甘蓝型油菜花叶性状的遗传规律、与产量的关系、基因定位与制种,提出了利用好花叶性状有助于实现甘蓝型油菜种植从高密到超高密、超高密到极高密迈进的观点,设想了苗期预测和确定当季油菜种植... 以论文查阅和专利检索的数据为基础,简述了甘蓝型油菜花叶性状的遗传规律、与产量的关系、基因定位与制种,提出了利用好花叶性状有助于实现甘蓝型油菜种植从高密到超高密、超高密到极高密迈进的观点,设想了苗期预测和确定当季油菜种植密度极大值的初步方案。目的是加快花叶性状的应用研究,进一步适应甘蓝型油菜机械化作业和超高密、超高产。 展开更多
关键词 甘蓝型油菜 花叶性状 高密 超高密 高产
作者 吴武汉 《天津农学院学报》 CAS 1997年第3期30-36,共7页
“吨纸田”开发与生产项目,除本文外尚有“吨纸田”生产模式项目经济效益分析,“吨纸田”基地规划设计书等 部分、1996年2月8日,由自治区科技兴新办公室,自治区专家顾问团办公室主持邀请区内外林业造纸土地管理等方 面专家1... “吨纸田”开发与生产项目,除本文外尚有“吨纸田”生产模式项目经济效益分析,“吨纸田”基地规划设计书等 部分、1996年2月8日,由自治区科技兴新办公室,自治区专家顾问团办公室主持邀请区内外林业造纸土地管理等方 面专家10人,对“吨纸田”开发与生产项目的可行性进行了论证,与会专家一致同意立项.之后,被列为1996年自治 区科技兴新项目计划指导性计划第三项,编号为96Z03A03. 展开更多
关键词 “吨纸田” 生产模式 新闻纸 造纸工业 项目可行性研究 林业产业 林纸结合 新疆 高密短轮伐期栽培 持续发展
Downlink SINR and Rate Distribution of Ultra-Dense Het Nets with Burst Traffic 被引量:1
作者 Xin Liu Zhiwen Pan +1 位作者 Nan Liu Xiaohu You 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第9期24-32,共9页
SINR distribution and rate overage distribution are crucial for optimization of deployment of Ultra-dense Het Nets.Most existing literatures assume that BSs have full queues and full-buffer traffic.In fact,due to ultr... SINR distribution and rate overage distribution are crucial for optimization of deployment of Ultra-dense Het Nets.Most existing literatures assume that BSs have full queues and full-buffer traffic.In fact,due to ultra-dense deployment of small cells,traffic in small cell varies dramatically in time and space domains.Hence,it is more practical to investigate scenario with burst traffic.In this paper,we consider a two-tier non-uniform ultra-dense Het Net with burst traffic,where macro BSs are located according to Poisson Point Process(PPP),and pico BSs are located according to Poisson Hole Process(PHP).The closed-form expressions of SINR distribution and rate distribution are derived,and then validated through simulation.Our study shows that different from the result of full buffer case,the SINR distribution and rate distribution of users depend on the average transmission probabilities of BSs in burst traffic case. 展开更多
关键词 Ultra-dense HetNet SINR and rate distribution stochastic geometry burst traffic non-uniform network
Non-thermal ablation of rabbit liver VX2 tumor by pulsed high intensity focused ultrasound with ultrasound contrast agent:Pathological characteristics 被引量:6
作者 Cheng-Wen Zhou Fa-Qi Li +3 位作者 Yan Qin Chun-Mei Liu Xiao-Lin Zheng Zhi-Biao Wang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第43期6743-6747,共5页
AIM: To investigate the pathological characteristics of non-thermal damage induced by pulsed high intensity focused ultrasound (PHIFU) combined with ultrasound contrast agent (UCA), SonoVue (Bracco SpA, Milan, I... AIM: To investigate the pathological characteristics of non-thermal damage induced by pulsed high intensity focused ultrasound (PHIFU) combined with ultrasound contrast agent (UCA), SonoVue (Bracco SpA, Milan, Italy) in rabbit liver VX2 tumor. METHODS: Liver VX2 tumor models were established in 20 rabbits, which were divided randomly into PHIFU combined with ultrasound contrast agent group (PHIFU + UCA group) and sham group. In the PHIFU + UCA group, 0.2 mL of SonoVue was injected intravenously into the tumor, followed by ultrasound exposure of Isp 5900 W/cm^2. The rabbits were sacrificed one day after ultrasound exposure. Specimens of the exposed tumor tissues were obtained and observed pathologically under light microscope and transmission electron microscope. The remaining tumor tissues were sent for 2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining. RESULTS: Before Trc staining, tumor tissues in both the sham and the PHIFU + UCA groups resembled gray fish meat, After TIC staining, the tumor tissues were uniformly stained red, with a clear boundary between tumor tissue and normal tissue, Histological examination showed signs of tumor cell injury in PHIFU + UCA group, with cytoplasmic vacuoles of various sizes, chromatin margination and karyopyknosis. Electron microscopic examination revealed tumor cell volume reduction, karyopyknosis, chromatin margination, intercellular space widening, the presence of high electro'n-density apoptotic bodies and vacuoles in cytoplasm. CONCLUSION: The non-thermal effects of PHIFU combined with UCA can be used to ablate rabbit liver VX2 tumors. 展开更多
关键词 Pulsed high intensity focused ultrasound Ultrasound contrast agent Non-thermal effects Rabbitliver VX2 tumors HISTOPATHOLOGY
Relationship between lipidslevelsand right ventricular volume overload in congestive heart failure 被引量:3
作者 Ying CHEN Xiao-Mei HE +11 位作者 Hong MENG Qing-Zhen ZHAO Yu-Zhi ZHEN Li TIAN Le WANG Li-Shuang JI Guo-Ping MA Yu TIAN Gang LIU Zhen-Guo JI Kun-Shen LIU Chao LIU 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期192-199,共8页
BackgroundThe relationship between lipids and coronary artery disease has been well established. However, this is not the case between lipids and heart failure. Ironically, high lipid levels are associated with better... BackgroundThe relationship between lipids and coronary artery disease has been well established. However, this is not the case between lipids and heart failure. Ironically, high lipid levels are associated with better outcomes in heart failure, but the mechan-isms underlying the phenomenon are not fully understood. This study was performed to test the hypothesis that reduced intestinal lipid absorption due to venous congestion may lead to low lipid levels.MethodsWe collected data of clinical characteristics, echocardio-graph, and lipid profile in 442 unselected patients with congestive heart failure. Correlations between lipid levels[including total cho-lesterol(TCL), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL-C), and triglycerides(TG)]and right ventricle end diastolic diameter (RVEDD), left ventricle end diastolic diameter (LVEDD), right atrium diameter (RA), left atrium diameter (LA), or left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) were analyzed using Pearson correlation and partial correlation. RVEDD, LVEDD, RA, and LA were indexed to the body surface area.ResultsThere was a significantly inverse correlation between TCL le-vels and RVEDD (r=-0.34,P〈0.001) and RA (r=-0.36,P〈0.001). Other lipids such as LDL-C, HDL-C, and TG had asimilar inverse correlation with RVEDD and RA. All these correlations remained unchanged after adjusting for age, gender, smoking status, physical activity levels, comorbidities, and medication use.ConclusionsLipid levels were inversely correlated to RVEDD in patients with congestive heart failure; however, because this was an observational study, further investigation is needed to verify our results as wellas identify a causal relationship, if any. 展开更多
关键词 Lipid levels Heart failure Right ventricle Volume overload Correlation analysis
作者 梁佳会 《企业科技与发展》 2018年第8期97-101,共5页
电法勘探的高密度电极阵列专用电缆笨重、道距固定,不能适应复杂山区、中深度电阻率勘察和激电勘查等需要。为此,探索灵活、轻便、适应复杂条件的导线式遥控电极阵列,研制"借线遥控电极阵列"。它借助电法勘探现成的供电导线... 电法勘探的高密度电极阵列专用电缆笨重、道距固定,不能适应复杂山区、中深度电阻率勘察和激电勘查等需要。为此,探索灵活、轻便、适应复杂条件的导线式遥控电极阵列,研制"借线遥控电极阵列"。它借助电法勘探现成的供电导线和测量导线来载送信号,从而控制阵列中每个电极的开关。这种直流电法特有的电极阵列创新技术适用于梯度电测深剖面法,使不等距、大间距、大极距电阻率/激电测深剖面的阵列化成为可能。而高密度电法阵列外延借线遥控供电阵列后,使其探测深度增加2~3倍,成为"超深高密度电法"。 展开更多
关键词 电极阵列 遥控 借线 发送 接收 梯度电测深 高密
Microstructural study of the ablation behaviors of 3D fine weave pierced Carbon/Carbon composites using plasma torch at ultra-high temperature
作者 张巍 韩杰才 +1 位作者 张博明 孟松鹤 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2006年第1期27-31,共5页
A simple and effective method of testing ablation behaviors of carbon/carbon composites at high temperature was provided, which used plasma torch as the heater. The ablation resistance of 3D fine weave pierced carbon/... A simple and effective method of testing ablation behaviors of carbon/carbon composites at high temperature was provided, which used plasma torch as the heater. The ablation resistance of 3D fine weave pierced carbon/carbon composites at high temperature was also studied. The results show that temperature of the plasma flame is very high which is much closer to the real work environment of carbon/carbon composites. The factors that affect the ablation characters of carbon/carbon composites depend on both the properties of their components and the environmental conditions in which the material is placed. The ablation behaviors of C/C composites change from the center flame region predominantly influenced by sublimation of graphite to the region close to the outer flame influenced mainly by oxidization of graphite. The sublimation ability of carbon matrix is equal to that of carbon fibers but the oxidization ability of carbon fibers is significantly enhanced compared to that of carbon matrix. 展开更多
关键词 carbon/carbon composites ablation PLASMA
Practical Performance of High Bulk Modulus Oil
作者 Toshiyuki Tsubouchi Jitsuo Shinoda 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2012年第2期119-123,共5页
Although hydraulic drives have an advantage of high power density, volumetric shrinkage of hydraulic fluids due to pressure causes various disadvantages such as delay of hydraulic response and compression energy loss.... Although hydraulic drives have an advantage of high power density, volumetric shrinkage of hydraulic fluids due to pressure causes various disadvantages such as delay of hydraulic response and compression energy loss. Hydraulic fluids of new concept, high bulk modulus oils, have been developed as a new approach to improve the performance of a hydraulic servo system and verified. In this paper, practical performances of high bulk modulus oil, such as oil temperature rise during pump test, air bubbles generation by ultrasonic wave vibration, oxidation stability and anti-wear property, were studied. And the new oil was confirmed to have excellent practical performances besides advantages in pressure response and volumetric efficiency of pumps. Various new applications of the new oil are promising. 展开更多
关键词 Bulk modulus hydraulic fluid volumetric efficiency air bubble anti-wear.
New Approach to Ultracapacitor Technology: What it Can Offer to Electrified Vehicles
作者 Yurii Maletin Natalia Stryzhakova +5 位作者 Sergii Zelinskyi Sergey Chemukhin Dmytro Tretyakov Hugo Mosqueda Natalia Davydenko Dmytro Drobnyi 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2015年第6期585-591,共7页
Novel carbon-carbon ultracapacitors and hybrid lithium-carbon devices are described. New approach to the design of electrode materials and electrochemical systems followed by the improved design of ultracapacitor cell... Novel carbon-carbon ultracapacitors and hybrid lithium-carbon devices are described. New approach to the design of electrode materials and electrochemical systems followed by the improved design of ultracapacitor cells and modules have resulted in prototypes of superior performance that was verified by independent tests in the Institute of Transportation Studies, UC (ultracapacitor) Davis, in JME Inc., in Wayne State University, and in some other labs. All the test results confirm the superlative performance of the devices developed: carbon-carbon ultracapacitors demonstrate the extremely low inner resistance resulting in the highest power capability and efficiency that also alleviates the cooling requirements and improves safety. Our "parallel" hybrid devices demonstrate substantially higher energy density than competing LIC (lithium ion capacitor) technologies keeping at the same time the high power density, comparable with the best carbon-carbon ultracapacitors available in the market. In order to make ultracapacitor technology even more attractive to automakers, new organic electrolytes (not ionic liquids) have been developed and are currently under testing at temperatures about 100 ℃ and voltages up to 3.0 V. 展开更多
关键词 ULTRACAPACITOR hybrid device high power large energy.
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