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作者 叶少飞 《南亚东南亚研究》 2021年第2期116-140,157,158,共27页
1697年《大越史记全书》的完稿与刻印,标志着中兴黎朝官方史学体系的确立,官员学者继而对其改编、评论,产生了一系列史学著作,其中黎贵惇作《国史续编》,阮俨作《越史备览》,阮辉删成《国史纂要》,供教学之用。吴时仕的《越史标案》发... 1697年《大越史记全书》的完稿与刻印,标志着中兴黎朝官方史学体系的确立,官员学者继而对其改编、评论,产生了一系列史学著作,其中黎贵惇作《国史续编》,阮俨作《越史备览》,阮辉删成《国史纂要》,供教学之用。吴时仕的《越史标案》发覆最多,对越南的国家起源、自主王朝的历史以及与中国的关系重做评论,体现了"我越"的文化主体性,对《大越史记全书》原有的史论观点产生了很大的冲击。之后吴时仕之子吴时任为西山阮朝国史总裁,以《大越史记全书》为叙史主干,以家藏《越史标案》为史论主体,又综合采纳黎文休、吴士连、阮俨的史论,于1800年编成并刻印《大越史记前编》,吴时仕和阮俨的私家史学遂得居官修史书之列。《大越史记前编》是继《大越史记全书》之后,以官方力量整合既有的越史著作,重塑越南历史文化的重要举措,在越南史学发展中具有重大意义和价值。1802年阮朝建立之后,鉴于黎末郑氏主政以及西山阮朝篡逆的情况,对这两个时代的史书进行清理。在前代史书基础上修成的《大越史记前编》被弃,但其部分思想观点被阮朝国史馆新修的《钦定越史通鉴纲目》所继承。关于《大越史记全书》的评论和改编,体现了越南古代史学发展的路径与思想,是越南古代历史文化的重要组成部分。 展开更多
关键词 《大越史记全书》 吴时仕 越史标案》 《大越史记前编》
《钦定越史通鉴纲目》评介 被引量:4
作者 武尚清 《史学史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第4期65-72,共8页
《钦定越史通鉴纲目》是19世纪越南阮朝国史馆官修纲目体史书。分《前编》、《正编》,起远古至黎愍帝(1789年),共53卷。全书文字由“纲”、“目”、“批”、“注”等七大部分构成。全书主要阐述六大问题:国统开端问题;正... 《钦定越史通鉴纲目》是19世纪越南阮朝国史馆官修纲目体史书。分《前编》、《正编》,起远古至黎愍帝(1789年),共53卷。全书文字由“纲”、“目”、“批”、“注”等七大部分构成。全书主要阐述六大问题:国统开端问题;正统朝代问题;“反逆”与“起兵”问题;“北属”与“自主”问题;古今详略问题;批注与徵引问题。本书编纂体例,依朱熹《通鉴纲目》为准,反映出中越两国史学渊源关系之深。本书因成书较晚,吸收了前此史家史著的优点,又因述载时段较长,涵盖面较广,所以多为治越史者所推重。 展开更多
关键词 越史 通鉴纲目
越史三论 被引量:2
作者 洪家义 《东南文化》 CSSCI 1989年第3期1-9,共9页
文化是人们在创造历史过程中的智慧结晶.探讨文化离不开历史.越文化是越史的精粹,研究越文化必须了解越史.离开越史,就很难认清越文化的面貌和性质.由于文献不足,关于越史的发生和发展过程,至今仍处于扑朔迷离状态.加强越史研究不仅是... 文化是人们在创造历史过程中的智慧结晶.探讨文化离不开历史.越文化是越史的精粹,研究越文化必须了解越史.离开越史,就很难认清越文化的面貌和性质.由于文献不足,关于越史的发生和发展过程,至今仍处于扑朔迷离状态.加强越史研究不仅是先秦史研究中的一个课题,也是越文化研究中不可缺少的部分.限于条件,目前探讨越史的发展过程,还只能从点开始.本文试图谈三个问题:(一)原始社会之后越史为什么会出现停滞状态?(二)春秋末年,勾践为什么勃然而兴?(三)勾践灭吴之后,越国为什么寂然而亡? 展开更多
关键词 越史 王勾践 三论 世家 大夫 吴语 《竹书纪年》 绝书
《中学历史教学参考》 1998年第7期36-36,共1页
对美国侵越史叙述的一点质疑美国侵略越南,由特种战争上升为局部战争的标志究竟是什么?新编高中《世界近代现代史》下册教材第80页有这样一段话:“1964年,美国又把战火扩大到越南北方。这样,美国就将对越南南方的‘特种战争... 对美国侵越史叙述的一点质疑美国侵略越南,由特种战争上升为局部战争的标志究竟是什么?新编高中《世界近代现代史》下册教材第80页有这样一段话:“1964年,美国又把战火扩大到越南北方。这样,美国就将对越南南方的‘特种战争’扩大为对整个越南的‘局部战争’。... 展开更多
关键词 特种战争 山顶洞 局部战争 旧石器时代晚期 有限战争 南北方 越史 新石器 南南方 《世界近代现代
越南李朝陈朝的货币经济 被引量:1
作者 游明谦 《东南亚纵横》 1997年第2期8-11,共4页
关键词 通鉴纲目 货币经济 货币流通 货币制度 陈朝 《岭外代答》 越史 货币购买力 流通中
越南后黎朝的建立及其统治特点 被引量:1
作者 王明同 《云南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1993年第4期65-71,共7页
本文认为,越南后黎朝前期所实行的典章制度,都是中国唐宋封建制度的模式,并带有越南自己的特点。在对外关系方面,黎圣宗所执行的仍然是越南封建统治者传统的“北扰、南侵”对外路线。进入后期,朝政紊乱,废立频仍,限入分裂、割据、混战局... 本文认为,越南后黎朝前期所实行的典章制度,都是中国唐宋封建制度的模式,并带有越南自己的特点。在对外关系方面,黎圣宗所执行的仍然是越南封建统治者传统的“北扰、南侵”对外路线。进入后期,朝政紊乱,废立频仍,限入分裂、割据、混战局面,整个封建社会的阶级矛盾日益加剧,后黎朝名存实亡。 展开更多
关键词 黎朝 圣宗 南北方 莫登庸 安南 交趾 越史 宣宗 宣德 起义军
中国古代衣冠文化对越南的影响 被引量:1
作者 孙衍峰 《解放军外国语学院学报》 CSSCI 1992年第6期78-83,77,共7页
衣冠服饰,是人类生活的基本要素,也是人类文明的一个重要标志、它除了满足人们的物质生活需要之外,还代表着一定时期的文化,反映一定时期的社会发展水平.它的产生和演变,与经济、政治、军事、文化、思想观念、宗教信仰、生活习惯等都有... 衣冠服饰,是人类生活的基本要素,也是人类文明的一个重要标志、它除了满足人们的物质生活需要之外,还代表着一定时期的文化,反映一定时期的社会发展水平.它的产生和演变,与经济、政治、军事、文化、思想观念、宗教信仰、生活习惯等都有密切关系,而且相互间有一定的影响. 展开更多
关键词 越史 服制 陈朝 朝服 百官 服饰习俗 中国古代 补子 本纪
理学在越南的传播 被引量:1
作者 赵冰波 《学习论坛》 1997年第3期46-48,共3页
以程朱理学为核心的宋代儒家思想,数千年来不仅极其深刻地影响了中国历史的发展,而且在越南也造成了十分广泛的影响。 在越南历史上,儒学的传播由汉为发端。越南古称交趾,又曰安南,自公元前214年,秦平南越始设象郡之日,就列入中国版图,... 以程朱理学为核心的宋代儒家思想,数千年来不仅极其深刻地影响了中国历史的发展,而且在越南也造成了十分广泛的影响。 在越南历史上,儒学的传播由汉为发端。越南古称交趾,又曰安南,自公元前214年,秦平南越始设象郡之日,就列入中国版图,后赵佗虽乘秦末火乱之际于公元前207年建立了南越国,但不久即被汉吞并设三郡(公元前112年)。公元1年(西汉元始元年),汉中人锡光任交趾太守,公元29年(东汉建武5年)南阳人任延任九真太守,他们不仅教当地人栽植水稻、铸造农具、使用牛耕,而且重视建立学校。 展开更多
关键词 越史 程朱理学 安南 汉字 公元前 僧侣 佛教 黎朝 圣宗
作者 尤中 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1995年第4期19-27,共9页
宋代在西南边疆出现的“越人”国家(下)尤中三、李朝的建立及其发展与破灭黎朝景瑞二年(北宋真宗大中祥符二年,1009),黎龙廷逝世,黎朝左亲卫殿前指挥使李公蕴取得政权,建立了李朝。《越史略》卷二说,李公蕴“幼而聪睿,器... 宋代在西南边疆出现的“越人”国家(下)尤中三、李朝的建立及其发展与破灭黎朝景瑞二年(北宋真宗大中祥符二年,1009),黎龙廷逝世,黎朝左亲卫殿前指挥使李公蕴取得政权,建立了李朝。《越史略》卷二说,李公蕴“幼而聪睿,器宇恢豁,游学于六祖寺,僧万行见而异... 展开更多
关键词 李公蕴 西南边疆 北宋王朝 科举制度 越史 李朝 交趾 宋仁宗
作者 林华东 《东南文化》 CSSCI 1989年第3期35-38,共4页
近读龚维英和白耀天两先生论西施的大作,深受教益.但文中言西施为子虚乌有之人,恐不甚确切,故成此小文,向二位先生和学界同仁求教.西施,又称西子,是春秋末期越国诸暨一普通女子,出身寒微,但容貌非凡,(?)冠世,《慎子》载:“毛嫱、西施,... 近读龚维英和白耀天两先生论西施的大作,深受教益.但文中言西施为子虚乌有之人,恐不甚确切,故成此小文,向二位先生和学界同仁求教.西施,又称西子,是春秋末期越国诸暨一普通女子,出身寒微,但容貌非凡,(?)冠世,《慎子》载:“毛嫱、西施,天下之(?)也”(?).《韩非子·显学》也有:“故善毛(?),西施之(?)”之类记载,对其赞美之辞屡见于先秦书中.甚至由西施还引出“东施效颦”的(?)来历.历史上是否实有西施其人,值得一辨.论者曰:先秦和西汉典籍中,“凡言及西施的,她的生活年代均十分模糊;凡叙写吴、越史事的,也未把西施和吴。 展开更多
关键词 西施 吴王 勾践 夫差 世家 越史 索隐 齐物论
National Identity in Conflict: The Reconstruction of King Ly Thai To on Vietnamese Screen
作者 Le-Na Dao 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第8期1207-1213,共7页
Born as Ly Cong Uan, Ly Thai To is the first king of the Ly Dynasty. The most important contribution of Ly Thai To in Vietnamese history is to move the capital from Hoa Lu to Dai La, and rename it as Thang Long (Asce... Born as Ly Cong Uan, Ly Thai To is the first king of the Ly Dynasty. The most important contribution of Ly Thai To in Vietnamese history is to move the capital from Hoa Lu to Dai La, and rename it as Thang Long (Ascending Dragon) in 1010. Nowadays, it is known as Hanoi. Ly Thai To promoted Buddhism, and reduced the centuries-old influence of Confucianism in the kingdom. The growth and prevalence of Buddhism brought about a long period of peace, where Buddhist literature consequently flourished with seminal achievements. Due to King Ly Thai To's enormous contributions, the Vietnamese have created several legends and anecdotes to mystify his life. Thus, although a historical figure, his life remains a mystery and controversy. In 2010, Hanoi celebrated the 1000th anniversary of Thang Long. On this occasion, Vietnamese historical films about Ly Cong Uan were produced. This created intriguing variations within historical facts, legends, and on-screen stories. This paper will explore the reconstruction of Ly Cong Uan's life from an adaptation studies perspective through four historical films: Legend of the Capital Relocation (Huyen su thien do), Thang Long Aspiration (Khat vong Thang Long), Ly Cong Uan The Road to Thang Long Citadel (Ly Cong Uan: Dtrong toi thanh Thang Long), Child of the Dragon (Ngtroi con cua Rong). This research also wants to clarify the issues of national identity, nationalism, and cultural interaction reflected through the representations of Ly Thai To in those cinematic products 展开更多
关键词 Ly Thai To Vietnamese historical films Ly Dynasty RECONSTRUCTION adaptation studies identity NATIONALISM cultural interaction
Marxism and the Subsidy Period in Vietnam (1975-1986)
作者 Nguyen Thi Mai Hoa (Mei hua Ruan) Shu Yuan Zhao 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第8期1226-1234,共9页
Marxism was spread into Vietnam by patriotic intellectuals from the 20s of the 20th century and still exists until today. The presence of Marxism in Vietnam through such a long history is enough to prove its importmlc... Marxism was spread into Vietnam by patriotic intellectuals from the 20s of the 20th century and still exists until today. The presence of Marxism in Vietnam through such a long history is enough to prove its importmlce and strong influence in the socio-political life of Vietnam. First of all, Marxism is closely related to the movement of national liberation revolutions in Vietnam from the 20s to the mid 70s of the 20th century: Marxism, with its outright revolutionary nature, had most adequately and effectively met the urgent needs of national liberation revolutions in Vietnam at that time, and at the same time evoked the fierce belief of patriotic revolutionists in a noble ideal--tJle ideal of communist society, and encouraged them to devote themselves to national liberation revolutions. It can be said that Marxism has become the soul of national liberation revolutions in Vietnam; hence, the victory of such revolutions in the mid 70s of the 20th century is also the victory of Marxism in an Eastern country that was very obsolete then. Furthermore, Marxism is also associated with the reforming of old society and building of new society--the socialist society in Vietnam: after winning national independence and unification for the country in the mid-70s of the 20th century, Vietnamese patriotic revolutionists posed the question of"What new model of society should be built in Vietnam to match the country's history context?" This question is not only related to the fate of of everyone, but also related to the fate of Vietnamese people as a whole. Marxism had brought to patriotic revolutionists and all Vietnamese people a very clear answer: the socialist society (the first phase of communist society), where there will no longer be capitalist ownership, no people exploiting people, no rich and poor, from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs, all resources are of common ownership, etc Thus, from 1975 to 1986 (the subsidy period in Vietnam), the Communist Party of Vietnam had led the people to begin reforming the old society and building new one nationwide with a very happy attitude and a strong belief in the future of socialist society. However, only when embarking on the construction of a new society did our party notice that the realization of an ideal model of society according to Marxism in an obsolete country which had just been out of wax like Vietnam (without any initial material premises, except a political party of the working class and labor population--the Communist Party of Vietnam) is a very difficult job. Therefore, the construction of socialist society in Vietnam in the early stage, from 1975 to 1986, ended in a severe social-economic crisis. Thus, Marxism had capitalized on its strengths in national liberation revolutions in Vietnam, helping Vietnamese people to be free from the domination of colonial counties and empires, but it also had adverse impacts on the reforming of old society and building of new society, which was reflected in the socioeconomic crisis in Vietnam during the 1975-1986 period. Here, the questions to be posed are,"Has Marxism ended its historic mission for Vietnamese people?", or "How should Marxism be adjusted to be appropriate to the new historical context of Vietnam?" and "If such adjustments are needed, what will the prospects of Marxism in Vietnam be like?" This article will focus on answering those questions 展开更多
关键词 MARXISM VIETNAM PHILOSOPHY Planned economy period
"Historical Rewriting" and "Alternative Fairy Tales" in Contemporary Vietnamese Prose: Intertextuality or Incredulity Towards Grand Narratives
作者 Hoang Cam Giang 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第6期346-354,共9页
At the end of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st century, Vietnamese literature witnessed unprecedented innovations in the aesthetic thinking of writers and the narrative structure of their works. One of the m... At the end of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st century, Vietnamese literature witnessed unprecedented innovations in the aesthetic thinking of writers and the narrative structure of their works. One of the most interesting manifestations of this new movement was not merely the introduction of new aesthetic materials and factors, but the adoption and positive "reprocessing" of traditional factors---especially historical factors and folk narrative factors. Based on intertextual theory, we would like to address the strong penetration, reproduction, and transformation of some folk storytelling models and historical materials in Vietnamese literature since 1986. Two corresponding phenomena we examine are "historical rewriting" and "alternative fairy tales"--as part of the whole process of incredulity towards grand narratives and postmodernism in the contemporary Vietnamese prose. 展开更多
关键词 INTERTEXTUALITY "alternative fairy tales" "historical rewriting" contemporary prose grand narratives
Impacts of Rapid Urbanization to Traditional Living Environment and Community Linkage in Historic Old Quarters of Vietnam: A Case Study on Gia Hoi Area in Hue City, Central Vietnam
作者 Miki Yoshizumi Tung Ngoc Nguyen Hirohide Kobayashi 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第5期555-565,共11页
Though with slight ups and downs, Vietnamese economies have been flourishing for recent decades. Just like other remaining historical districts in Asia, those of Vietnam have been going through rapid urbanization and ... Though with slight ups and downs, Vietnamese economies have been flourishing for recent decades. Just like other remaining historical districts in Asia, those of Vietnam have been going through rapid urbanization and transformation. The rapid urbanization impacts on traditional living environment. This paper examines the impacts of rapid urbanization to traditional living environment and community linkage, illustrating a case study of the Gia Hoi area of the historic old district in the city of Hue in Central Vietnam. To identify the impacts, a comparative analysis is conducted between neighbors along a main street which were more impacted by urbanization and those along a small alley which were less impacted. Through the analysis of field and questionnaire surveys, it found out that socioeconomic conditions, in particular, community linkage of households along main street and small ally varied significantly. It argues that in historical district, social capital is not well-spread, but rather concentrated along small allies, and small allies play an important role for sustainable community. 展开更多
关键词 Community linkage impact of urbanization traditional living environment historical city.
越南访道研究报告 被引量:8
作者 王卡 《中国道教》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第2期38-46,共9页
关键词 道教 太清宫 长公主 儒释道 道士 越史 交州 陈朝 书记载
中国古代戏班进入越南考略 被引量:2
作者 刘致中 《文学遗产》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第4期98-104,共7页
元代至正二十二年 ,大将唆都入越南战死。优人李元吉所带戏班被俘 ,在越“作古传戏” ,演出《西方王母献蟠桃》等剧 ,产生巨大影响 ,越南“有传戏始此”。清代康熙三十四年前后 ,广州长寿寺主持僧大汕 ,不止一次为越南南方顺化政权越王... 元代至正二十二年 ,大将唆都入越南战死。优人李元吉所带戏班被俘 ,在越“作古传戏” ,演出《西方王母献蟠桃》等剧 ,产生巨大影响 ,越南“有传戏始此”。清代康熙三十四年前后 ,广州长寿寺主持僧大汕 ,不止一次为越南南方顺化政权越王阮福周送去昆剧戏班。 展开更多
关键词 大将 考略 李元 康熙 政权 戏班 演出 昆剧
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