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作者 周寅鑫 刘海波 +2 位作者 胡伟 任效忠 李猛 《水产科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期822-832,共11页
鱼类的游泳行为是一个复杂的过程,受到多种因素(包括生理因素和环境因素)的影响,其中水流是主要的环境影响因素之一。鱼类可以综合利用多种感觉器官感知水流的方向和速度,通过摆尾运动维持自身稳定,使其逆流而上或顺流而下或原地游动,... 鱼类的游泳行为是一个复杂的过程,受到多种因素(包括生理因素和环境因素)的影响,其中水流是主要的环境影响因素之一。鱼类可以综合利用多种感觉器官感知水流的方向和速度,通过摆尾运动维持自身稳定,使其逆流而上或顺流而下或原地游动,以适应复杂的水流环境。人们将这种鱼类对水流的反应特性命名为“趋流性”。 展开更多
关键词 鱼类 趋流性 循环水养殖
作者 杨根 王丽 +2 位作者 杨胜发 彭玉凤 林欢 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第S01期56-57,共2页
增殖放流是我国主要的鱼类生态补偿措施,但人工繁殖的幼鱼抵抗水流的能力较差,导致增殖放流存活率不高。以草鱼幼鱼为研究对象,通过对比持续运动野化训练组与未持续运动野化训练组草鱼摆尾频率及运动状态,研究持续运动野化训练对人工繁... 增殖放流是我国主要的鱼类生态补偿措施,但人工繁殖的幼鱼抵抗水流的能力较差,导致增殖放流存活率不高。以草鱼幼鱼为研究对象,通过对比持续运动野化训练组与未持续运动野化训练组草鱼摆尾频率及运动状态,研究持续运动野化训练对人工繁殖草鱼幼鱼趋流性的影响。结果表明:持续运动训练21 d后草鱼幼鱼可以减少摆尾频率以减少能量消耗,改变运动状态以更好适应流速变化;持续运动训练能够在一定程度上提高草鱼幼鱼的趋流性,提高草鱼幼鱼对不同环境的适应能力。 展开更多
关键词 运动训练 增殖放流 趋流性 摆尾频率
黑鲪幼鱼趋流性的初步研究 被引量:44
作者 张硕 陈勇 《上海水产大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期282-287,共6页
在垂直循环回流水槽中对黑鲪(Sebastodes fuscescens)幼鱼个体的趋流性进行了统计分析.实验测定黑鲪幼鱼个体的感应流速为0.10~0.15 m/s,喜爱流速为0.20~0.45 m/s,极限流速为0.6~0.7 m/s.用线性回归的方法对流速与体长的关系进行了... 在垂直循环回流水槽中对黑鲪(Sebastodes fuscescens)幼鱼个体的趋流性进行了统计分析.实验测定黑鲪幼鱼个体的感应流速为0.10~0.15 m/s,喜爱流速为0.20~0.45 m/s,极限流速为0.6~0.7 m/s.用线性回归的方法对流速与体长的关系进行了统计分析,并应用t检验的方法对相关性进行了显著性分析,结果表明,t喜爱流速=31.06>t0.01(23)=2.81;t极限流速=47.71>t0.01(23)=2.81,因此,可以认为喜爱流速和极限流速与体长的相关关系是极显著的.为从触觉角度和鱼类的趋性对黑鲪的聚礁机理研究提供参考. 展开更多
关键词 黑鲪 人工鱼礁 集鱼效果 鱼类行为 趋流性
作者 吴宇斌 张仁昌 +5 位作者 李大光 齐珂心 柴宇明 沈忱 司光伟 温泉 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第9期1731-1740,共10页
目的趋流,意即在水中调整身体方向并逆流而上的能力,是一种在大多数鱼类与两栖类动物中存在的保守行为。虽然关于趋流的研究已有一段很长的历史,并且近年来斑马鱼幼鱼趋流行为的理论机制也被提出,但是分布式的神经环路是如何整合多感知... 目的趋流,意即在水中调整身体方向并逆流而上的能力,是一种在大多数鱼类与两栖类动物中存在的保守行为。虽然关于趋流的研究已有一段很长的历史,并且近年来斑马鱼幼鱼趋流行为的理论机制也被提出,但是分布式的神经环路是如何整合多感知信息、做出决策、并实现行为控制仍然是个未知数。对自由运动的斑马鱼进行全脑神经活动成像为理解这一困难的问题提供了特殊的机会。方法本文开发了一种微流控装置精确控制环境水流并激发斑马鱼的趋流行为。将该微流控芯片与扩增视野光场显微镜以及追踪系统整合,从而记录自由行为下斑马鱼全脑的神经活动。结果在整合的微流控装置中稳定观察到了斑马鱼在水流中保持自身位置不变、逆流而上等刻板的趋流行为现象。与此同时,实现了对斑马鱼幼鱼趋流行为过程中的全脑钙活动记录。本文初步发现了几个脑区的神经活动与趋流行为相关。结论本研究第一次展示了在斑马鱼幼鱼趋流行为的同时记录全脑神经活动的技术。接下来对神经活动和行为数据的分析与建模将有助于更好地理解一种重要自然行为背后的感觉运动转换机制。 展开更多
关键词 趋流性 斑马鱼幼鱼 微流控 光场显微镜
作者 范晓燕 罗世明 《青岛农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 2018年第4期246-250,共5页
获取没有遗传缺陷的精子进行受精,是辅助生殖技术成功实施和优生优育的重要条件,具有重大的应用价值和社会意义:一方面,能通过提高动物繁育能力促进动物生产和育种;另一方面,能通过优生促进人口健康。本研究构建了微流控装置,并利用其... 获取没有遗传缺陷的精子进行受精,是辅助生殖技术成功实施和优生优育的重要条件,具有重大的应用价值和社会意义:一方面,能通过提高动物繁育能力促进动物生产和育种;另一方面,能通过优生促进人口健康。本研究构建了微流控装置,并利用其产生了趋流条件筛选精子,且对趋流筛选出的精子进行质量检测。结果表明:60~80μm/s是针对小鼠精子进行趋流较好的液流速度,30~50μm/s是针对人精子进行趋流较好的液流速度;采用计算机辅助精子分析软件(CASA)检测精子活力,表明利用趋流筛选的精子有较好的活力;小鼠精子体外受精实验则表明趋流筛选的精子具有更好的受精能力;对人的精子进行巴氏染色发现具有趋流性的精子有更好的形态学特征。 展开更多
关键词 趋流性 微流控 受精 辅助生殖
鱼感应流速对体长的响应及在过鱼设施流速设计中的应用 被引量:29
作者 蔡露 王伟营 +7 位作者 王海龙 胡望斌 赵萍 赵娜 侯轶群 陈胜利 陈豪 张鹏 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期176-181,共6页
该研究测试并分析了澜沧江5种鱼类(体长bl的范围0.095~0.342 m)的感应流速。测试方法:首先测量鱼的长度,然后将其放于鱼类行为学装置内的游泳区中,并使其适应2 h。然后让鱼的头部朝着游泳区后端,以递增流速法调整装置内水流速度。当鱼... 该研究测试并分析了澜沧江5种鱼类(体长bl的范围0.095~0.342 m)的感应流速。测试方法:首先测量鱼的长度,然后将其放于鱼类行为学装置内的游泳区中,并使其适应2 h。然后让鱼的头部朝着游泳区后端,以递增流速法调整装置内水流速度。当鱼类调转方向运动时,记录此时装置内水流速度,该水流速度即为鱼类感应流速。研究结果:1)在水温为11.1~22.6℃条件下,鱼类感应流速范围为(0.40~1.18)bl/s,即(0.07~0.23)m/s;2)鱼类相对感应流速和体长总体呈负相关关系,鱼类绝对感应流速和体长总体呈正相关关系,该相关关系对于较难捕获测试样本或仅可捕获极个别样本的鱼类游泳特性的定性预测研究具有一定指导作用;3)拟合了趋流率与水流速度的相关关系,可为寻求满足鱼类游泳需求和工程流速设计上的平衡提供参考,若仅考虑过鱼设施运行效率,则澜沧江上游某水电工程过鱼设施内最低设计流速至少为0.2 m/s。该研究结果可为鱼类行为学提供基础资料并为过鱼设施流速设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 流速 设施 水力学 游泳能力 游泳特 趋流性
不同流态对鱼道进口诱鱼效果影响的实验研究 被引量:15
作者 汤荆燕 高策 +3 位作者 陈昊 安瑞冬 白若男 江砚池 《红水河》 2013年第1期34-39,44,共7页
拦河筑坝中断了河流的纵向连通性,阻碍了鱼类的顺利洄游,因而对鱼类的繁殖和河流生态平衡造成较大影响。鱼道可以帮助鱼类越过堰坝等洄游障碍物,而一个适宜的鱼道进口是保证鱼类顺利进入鱼道的关键。通过模型实验,以齐口裂腹鱼为实验对... 拦河筑坝中断了河流的纵向连通性,阻碍了鱼类的顺利洄游,因而对鱼类的繁殖和河流生态平衡造成较大影响。鱼道可以帮助鱼类越过堰坝等洄游障碍物,而一个适宜的鱼道进口是保证鱼类顺利进入鱼道的关键。通过模型实验,以齐口裂腹鱼为实验对象,利用鱼类的趋流性,设计了十二种不同的工况,观察在不同工况下的过鱼效果。通过对实验现象的分析,发现进口处的流速为0.4 m/s时,对目标鱼类的吸引力最大,而当进口的流速分别为0.3 m/s和0.5m/s时,前者对鱼类的吸引力不足,后者目标鱼类的洄游成功率几乎为零。并比较了主河道小流速和大流速情况下鱼类洄游路径的差异,分析出趋流性在进口设计重要性。 展开更多
关键词 鱼道进口 流态 趋流性 洄游成功率 模型试验
水流对草鱼幼鱼趋光行为的影响 被引量:6
作者 张宁 林晨宇 +5 位作者 许家炜 施家月 罗佳 白艳勤 尹入成 石小涛 《水生生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1253-1261,共9页
为了探讨水流对鱼类趋光性的影响,利用自制的循环水槽装置,以草鱼(Ctenpharyngodon idellus)幼鱼为研究对象,研究其在光照度为300 lx,不同流速工况(0、0.1和0.2 m/s)下的趋光性行为,同时设黑暗静水工况为对照组。结果表明:(1)0.2 m/s的... 为了探讨水流对鱼类趋光性的影响,利用自制的循环水槽装置,以草鱼(Ctenpharyngodon idellus)幼鱼为研究对象,研究其在光照度为300 lx,不同流速工况(0、0.1和0.2 m/s)下的趋光性行为,同时设黑暗静水工况为对照组。结果表明:(1)0.2 m/s的流速可完全激发草鱼幼鱼的趋流性,使其游泳方向多数与顶流方向呈±20°。(2)根据草鱼幼鱼在不同流速工况下随光照度衰减在水槽内的分布情况,计算得其在3种流速工况下的光强期望值分别为:52.45,34.62和37.86 lx。(3)当照度为300 lx时,静水工况下的实验鱼在水槽中呈现“两头高,中间低”的分布情况,并未表现出对某一光强范围的偏好行为;在小于感应值的低流速下,草鱼幼鱼的分布情况总体趋势与静水工况类似,但在远离光源处的分布较多,多呈“逆流后退”行为;当流速值超过感应流速时,在趋流性的作用下,鱼类在尾部的聚集情况明显下降,同时在水槽中的分布更加均匀,其原有光环境的作用减弱。研究初步证明了略大于感应值的小流速所引发的草鱼趋流性即可对其光环境响应行为产生影响。 展开更多
关键词 草鱼 趋光 趋流性 诱驱鱼措施
全自动点苗分装器装置的研究 被引量:2
作者 吴丛迪 姜莺颖 +3 位作者 徐灿 兰燕月 金仕容 韩任琳云 《装备制造技术》 2017年第3期169-171,共3页
全自动点苗分装器是一种利用信息技术中的自动控制原理,把红外线计数器和电机应用到鱼苗计数上制成的简易装置。利用鱼类的趋流性这一特性,结合红外线计数器等先进技术来进行精确计数,采用打包器进行自动打包,提高了鱼苗数量的精准性和... 全自动点苗分装器是一种利用信息技术中的自动控制原理,把红外线计数器和电机应用到鱼苗计数上制成的简易装置。利用鱼类的趋流性这一特性,结合红外线计数器等先进技术来进行精确计数,采用打包器进行自动打包,提高了鱼苗数量的精准性和存活率,解放了劳动力。 展开更多
关键词 全自动点苗分装器 信息技术 趋流性 红外线计数器
作者 赵强林 《当代水产》 2016年第5期86-89,共4页
多年来,专家一直在呼吁,一个产业的发展,种业是基石。于是,在许多鱼虾品种上,我们有了国家级、省级的良种场、各种鱼类的原种场。保种和选育工作,对于养殖品种来说,是一件多么重要的事情。但是,拥有80万t产量(2015年因为病害问题略有... 多年来,专家一直在呼吁,一个产业的发展,种业是基石。于是,在许多鱼虾品种上,我们有了国家级、省级的良种场、各种鱼类的原种场。保种和选育工作,对于养殖品种来说,是一件多么重要的事情。但是,拥有80万t产量(2015年因为病害问题略有下降)和消费量的河蟹市场,其整个苗种板块一直以来却并未受到应有的重视和关注。 展开更多
关键词 大眼幼体 河蟹养殖 成蟹养殖 蟹种 蜕壳 土池 蚤状幼体 河蟹育苗 增氧机 趋流性
Climate Change and Its Effects on Runoff of Kaidu River, Xinjiang, China:A Multiple Time-scale Analysis 被引量:33
作者 XU Jianhua CHEN Yaning +1 位作者 JI Minhe LU Feng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第4期331-339,共9页
This paper applied an integrated method combining grey relation analysis, wavelet analysis and statistical analysis to study climate change and its effects on runoff of the Kaidu River at multi-time scales. Major find... This paper applied an integrated method combining grey relation analysis, wavelet analysis and statistical analysis to study climate change and its effects on runoff of the Kaidu River at multi-time scales. Major findings are as follows: 1) Climatic factors were ranked in the order of importance to annual runoff as average annual temperature, average temperature in autumn, average temperature in winter, annual precipitation, precipitation in flood season, average temperature in summer, and average temperature in spring. The average annual temperature and annual precipi- tation were selected as the two representative factors that impact the annual runoff. 2) From the 32-year time scale, the annual runoff and the average annual temperature presented a significantly rising trend, whereas the annual precipita- tion showed little increase over the period of 1957-2002. By changing the time scale from 32-year to 4-year, we ob- served nonlinear trends with increasingly obvious oscillations for annual runoff, average annual temperature, and annual precipitation. 3) The changes of the runoff and the regional climate are closely related, indicating that the runoff change is the result of the regional climate changes. With time scales ranging from 32-year, 16-year, 8-year and to 4-year, there are highly significant linear correlations between the annual runoff and the average annual temperature and the annual precipitation. 展开更多
关键词 RUNOFF temperature PRECIPITATION nonlinear trend time scale Kaidu River
Analysis of stochastic characteristics of the Benue River flow process 被引量:1
作者 Martins Y. OTACHE Mohammad BAKIR 李致家 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期142-151,共10页
Stochastic characteristics of the Benue River streamflow process are examined under conditions of data austerity. The streamflow process is investigated for trend, non-stationarity and seasonality for a time period of... Stochastic characteristics of the Benue River streamflow process are examined under conditions of data austerity. The streamflow process is investigated for trend, non-stationarity and seasonality for a time period of 26 years. Results of trend analyses with Mann-Kendall test show that there is no trend in the annual mean discharges. Monthly flow series examined with seasonal Kendall test indicate the presence of positive change in the trend for some months, especially the months of August, January, and February. For the stationarity test, daily and monthly flow series appear to be stationary whereas at 1%, 5%, and 10% significant levels, the stationarity alternative hypothesis is rejected for the annual flow series. Though monthly flow appears to be stationary going by this test, because of high seasonality, it could be said to exhibit periodic stationarity based on the seasonality analysis. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) There is seasonality in both the mean and variance with unimodal distribution. (2) Days with high mean also have high variance. (3) Skewness coefficients for the months within the dry season period are greater than those of the wet season period, and seasonal autocorrelations for streamflow during dry season are generally larger than those of the wet season. Precisely, they are significantly different for most of the months. (4) The autocorrelation functions estimated "over time" are greater in the absolute value for data that have not been deseasonalised but were initially normalised by logarithmic transformation only, while autocorrelation functions for i = 1, 2 365 estimated "over realisations" have their coefficients significantly different from other coefficients. 展开更多
关键词 TREND stationarity SEASONALITY over time over realisation STOCHASTIC SKEWNESS
The Soil Moisture and Net Primary Production Affected by CO_2 and Climate Change Using a Coupled Model
作者 PENG Jing DAN Li 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2014年第4期269-274,共6页
In this paper, a coupled model was used to estimate the responses of soil moisture and net primary production of vegetation(NPP) to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate change. The analysis uses three ... In this paper, a coupled model was used to estimate the responses of soil moisture and net primary production of vegetation(NPP) to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate change. The analysis uses three experiments simulated by the second-generation Earth System Model(CanESM2) of the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis(CCCma), which are part of the phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP5). The authors focus on the magnitude and evolution of responses in soil moisture and NPP using simulations modeled by CanESM, in which the individual effects of increasing CO2 concentration and climate change and their combined effect are separately accounted for. When considering only the single effect of climate change, the soil moisture and NPP have a linear trend of 0.03 kg m–2 yr–1 and –0.14 gC m–2 yr–2, respectively. However, such a reduction in the global NPP results from the decrease of NPP at lower latitudes and in the Southern Hemisphere, although increased NPP has been shown in high northern latitudes. The largest negative trend is located in the Amazon basin at –1.79 gC m–2 yr–2. For the individual effect of increasing CO2 concentration, both soil moisture and NPP show increases, with an elevated linear trend of 0.02 kg m–2 yr–1 and 0.84 gC m–2 yr–2, respectively. Most regions show an increasing NPP, except Alaska. For the combined effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 and climate change, the increased soil moisture and NPP exhibit a linear trend of 0.04 kg m–2 yr–1 and 0.83 gC m–2 yr–2 at a global scale. In the Amazon basin, the higher reduction in soil moisture is illustrated by the model, with a linear trend of –0.39 kg m–2 yr–1, for the combined effect. Such a change in soil moisture is caused by a weakened Walker circulation simulated by this coupled model, compared with the single effect of increasing CO2 concentration(experiment M2), and a consequence of the reduction in NPP is also shown in this area, with a linear trend of-0.16 gC m-2 yr-2. 展开更多
关键词 increasing atmospheric CO2 climate change soil moisture net orimarv oroduction coupled model
大渡河下游3种鱼感应流速比较 被引量:5
作者 李阳希 侯轶群 +3 位作者 陶江平 蔡露 朱正强 石小涛 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期3214-3220,共7页
以齐口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax prenanti,体长26.3±1.1 cm)、重口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax davidi,体长28.5±2.9 cm)和短尾高原鳅(Triplophysa brevicauda,体长9.7±1.3 cm)为研究对象,使用自制Brett-type鱼类游泳能力测试水槽,... 以齐口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax prenanti,体长26.3±1.1 cm)、重口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax davidi,体长28.5±2.9 cm)和短尾高原鳅(Triplophysa brevicauda,体长9.7±1.3 cm)为研究对象,使用自制Brett-type鱼类游泳能力测试水槽,采用递增流速法对其感应流速进行测量。结果表明:在11.9~14.1℃的水温条件下,齐口裂腹鱼、重口裂腹鱼和短尾高原鳅的绝对感应流速分别为(10.2±2.3)、(9.8±0.02)和(9.3±1)cm·s^(-1),相对感应流速分别为(0.33±0.02)、(0.32±0.08)和(0.96±0.09)BL·s^(-1);双变量分析结果显示,重口裂腹鱼的绝对感应流速及相对感应流速与体长关系不显著(P>0.05),齐口裂腹鱼和短尾高原鳅的绝对感应流速与体长呈正相关,相对感应流速与体长呈负相关;单因素方差分析结果显示,2种裂腹鱼绝对感应流速之间无显著性差异(P>0.05),却与短尾高原鳅有显著性差异,3种鱼类相对感应流速之间均存在显著性差异;所有试验鱼的趋流率与水流速度呈指数关系,当以这3种鱼为主要过鱼对象时,大渡河过鱼设施主流速区内最低流速设计至少为0.13 m·s^(-1)才能保证95%的目标鱼类溯水洄游。本研究结果可为充实有关鱼类趋流特性的数据库及大渡河流域过鱼设施设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 齐口裂腹鱼 重口裂腹鱼 短尾高原鳅 感应流速 趋流性
《科学中国人》 2017年第11期10-13,共4页
斑马鱼幼鱼的趋流性Nature封面:斑马鱼幼鱼。Nature杂志第7664期封面文章报道了斑马鱼幼鱼的趋流性。Florian Engert与合作者考察了让鱼能够探测到所在水域水流的感觉系统。趋流性使鱼即使在缺乏任何视觉线索的情况下,也能始终溯流而... 斑马鱼幼鱼的趋流性Nature封面:斑马鱼幼鱼。Nature杂志第7664期封面文章报道了斑马鱼幼鱼的趋流性。Florian Engert与合作者考察了让鱼能够探测到所在水域水流的感觉系统。趋流性使鱼即使在缺乏任何视觉线索的情况下,也能始终溯流而上。科学家调查了斑马鱼幼鱼的这种能力,发现其中的奥秘存在于一系列毛细胞(红色),又称为侧线。研究者进一步提出毛细胞通过探测鱼身体周边的局部流场旋转,从而可以判断水流的流动方向。因此,在野外,这让斑马鱼能够在缺乏视觉线索的情况下感知环境。 展开更多
关键词 斑马鱼幼鱼 趋流性
作者 邢乐仁 《中国钓鱼》 1994年第2期19-22,共4页
鱼咬石头,中外奇谈。似是神话,却又是活生生的现实。 (一)老夫人下达出钓令 武汉的夏天,骄阳似火。老夫人顶着烈日从医院赶回,向老Q下达出钓令。出钓目的:用活鲫鱼煨汤,给刚刚分娩的女儿下奶。出钓理由:三伏天花多少钱也难买到大活鲫鱼... 鱼咬石头,中外奇谈。似是神话,却又是活生生的现实。 (一)老夫人下达出钓令 武汉的夏天,骄阳似火。老夫人顶着烈日从医院赶回,向老Q下达出钓令。出钓目的:用活鲫鱼煨汤,给刚刚分娩的女儿下奶。出钓理由:三伏天花多少钱也难买到大活鲫鱼。 结婚三十余载,夫人下令出征这可是破天荒的第一次。而且品种、规格(3两以上)、数量(2市斤)和完成时间(2小时之内)都有明确要求。晚8时还要赶最后一班车将汤送进医院。 展开更多
关键词 水族箱 摄食抑制 钓鱼人 底钓 中国钓鱼 刺激效果 趋流性 大树下 抖腕 备注栏
Effects of Mahuang(Herba Ephedra Sinica) and Wuweizi(Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis) medicated serum on chemotactic migration of alveolar macrophages and inters regions macrophages in rats 被引量:3
作者 Yuan Yiping Zhai Huaqiang +7 位作者 Zhang Tian Guo Zhaojuan Kong Liting Jia Xiaoyu Wang Ningning Dai Ying Liu Guoxiu Wang Yanping 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第5期607-615,共9页
OBJECTIVE: To observe the effects of serum containing Mahuang(Herba Ephedra Sinica) or Wuweizi(Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis) on the migration of alveolar macrophages(AM) and interstitial macrophages(IM) from normal r... OBJECTIVE: To observe the effects of serum containing Mahuang(Herba Ephedra Sinica) or Wuweizi(Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis) on the migration of alveolar macrophages(AM) and interstitial macrophages(IM) from normal rats, and to analyze and compare the mechanisms leading to cell migration differences.METHODS: Rats were randomly divided into three groups: Mahuang(Herba Ephedra Sinica), Wuweizi(Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis), and blank serum. After treatment with the herbs, serum was extracted from the rats. AM and IM were isolated from normal rats and cultured. The effects of Mahuang(Herba Ephedra Sinica) and Wuweizi(Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis) medicated serum on normal rat AM and IM chemotactic migration were determined by transwell assays. The CC chemokine receptor(CCR) 2, CCR5, voltage-gated Kvl. 3 K^+channel(Kv1. 3), and voltage-gated Kvl. 5 K^+channel(Kv1. 5) protein levels were analyzed by western blotting.RESULTS: The migration quantities of AM and IM in the Mahuang(Herba Ephedra Sinica) and Wuweizi(Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis) medicated serum groups were significantly higher than those in the blank serum group(P < 0.01). Compared with the Wuweizi(Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis) medicated serum group, the migration quantity of cultured rat AM in the Mahuang(Herba Ephedra Sinica) medicated serum group was significantly increased(P <0.01). Meanwhile, compared with the Mahuang(Herba Ephedra Sinica) medicated serum group, the migration quantity of cultured rat IM in the Wuweizi(Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis) medicated serum group was significantly increased(P < 0.01).CCR2, CCR5, Kv1. 3, and Kv1. 5 proteins were expressed on the AM cell surface, and showed significantly higher expression in the Mahuang(Herba Ephedra Sinica) medicated serum group compared with the Wuweizi(Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis)medicated serum group. In contrast, CCR5, Kv1.3,and Kv1.5 proteins were expressed on the IM cell surface, and showed significantly higher expression in the Wuweizi(Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis)medicated serum group compared with the Mahuang(Herba Ephedra Sinica) medicated serum group.CONCLUSION: Mahuang(Herba Ephedra Sinica)and Wuweizi(Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis) can promote AM and IM migration ability, with Mahuang(Herba Ephedra Sinica) targeting AM more apparently and Wuweizi(Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis) targeting IM more apparently. The mechanism may be that, by stimulating cells, Mahuang(Herba Ephedra Sinica) and Wuweizi(Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis) promote expression of CCR2 and CCR5 receptors on the AM and IM cell surface,which pass signals to Kvl.3 and Kvl.5 ion channels,leading to changes in the cytoskeleton, and ultimately promoting chemotactic cell migration. 展开更多
关键词 Ephedra sinica Schisandra Chinensis Macrophage Receptors CCR Delayed rectifier po tassium channel Chemotaxis
Nationwide trends of hospital admissions for acute cholecystitis in the United States 被引量:1
作者 Vaibhav Wadhwa Yash Jobanputra +3 位作者 Sushil K Garg Soumil Patwardhan Dhruv Mehta Madhusudhan R.Sanaka 《Gastroenterology Report》 SCIE EI 2017年第1期36-42,I0002,共8页
Background and aims:Acute cholecystitis is a fairly common inpatient diagnosis among the gastrointestinal disorders.The aim of this study was to use a national database of US hospitals to evaluate the incidence and co... Background and aims:Acute cholecystitis is a fairly common inpatient diagnosis among the gastrointestinal disorders.The aim of this study was to use a national database of US hospitals to evaluate the incidence and costs of hospital admissions associated with acute cholecystitis.Method:We analyzed the National Inpatient Sample Database(NIS)for all patients in which acute cholecystitis(ICD-9 codes:574.00,574.01,574.30,574.31,574.60,574.61 or 575.0)was the principal discharge diagnosis from 1997 to 2012.The NIS is the largest all-payer inpatient database in the United States and contains data from approximately 8 million hospital stays each year.The statistical significance of the difference in the number of hospital discharges,lengths of stay and associated hospital costs over the study period was determined by using the Chi-square test for trends.Results:In 1997,there were 149661 hospital admissions with a principal discharge diagnosis of acute cholecystitis,which increased to 215995 in 2012(P<0.001).The mean length of stay for acute cholecystitis decreased by 17% between 1997 and 2012(i.e.from 4.7 days to 3.9 days);(P<0.05).During the same time period,however,mean hospital charges have increased by 195.4% from US$14608 per patient in 1997 to US$43152 per patient in 2012(P<0.001).Conclusion:The number of inpatient discharges related to acute cholecystitis has increased significantly in the United States over the last 16 years,along with a great increase in the associated hospital charges.However,there has been a gradual decline in the mean length of stay.Inpatient costs associated with acute cholecystitis contribute significantly to the total healthcare bill.Further research on cost-effective evaluation and management of acute cholecystitis is required. 展开更多
关键词 inpatient admission rates acute cholecystitis EPIDEMIOLOGY TRENDS
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