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作者 李长安 《科技风》 2008年第12期14-14,共1页
山脉与河道之间高速公路道路路基料的掺拌方法主要有堆拌法、路拌法和集中拌和法三种。这三种掺拌方法在清——伊高速公路施工的不同路段分别得到了运用,并显示了其各自的优缺点。将这三种方法进行认真的分析,对日后高速公路施工中正确... 山脉与河道之间高速公路道路路基料的掺拌方法主要有堆拌法、路拌法和集中拌和法三种。这三种掺拌方法在清——伊高速公路施工的不同路段分别得到了运用,并显示了其各自的优缺点。将这三种方法进行认真的分析,对日后高速公路施工中正确的运用路基料的掺拌方法,提高工程质量有很重要的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 高速公路 路基料 掺拌方法
作者 王春喜 《建材与装饰》 2018年第43期266-267,共2页
路基料作为道路的承重材料,对道路施工起到至关重要的作用。本文结合工程实例,提出采用天然砂砾石掺加适量低塑性粘土和骨料的方法,解决了天然路基料塑性指数、承载力数等不达标的问题,并通过多次反复试验研究,最终得出了最优的低塑性... 路基料作为道路的承重材料,对道路施工起到至关重要的作用。本文结合工程实例,提出采用天然砂砾石掺加适量低塑性粘土和骨料的方法,解决了天然路基料塑性指数、承载力数等不达标的问题,并通过多次反复试验研究,最终得出了最优的低塑性粘土和骨料添加比例。 展开更多
关键词 天然砂砾石 路基料 道路施工
便携式落锤弯沉仪在花岗岩风化料路基检测中的应用 被引量:5
作者 张恺 姚占勇 +1 位作者 庄培芝 姚凯 《中外公路》 北大核心 2013年第3期19-21,共3页
为了确定花岗岩风化料路基模量与弯沉的快速检测方法,针对不同的花岗岩风化料路基进行了便携式落锤弯沉仪(PFWD)检测法与贝克曼梁法以及承载板法的现场试验研究。通过试验,得到了花岗岩风化料路基动静模量与动静弯沉间的关系。研究表明:... 为了确定花岗岩风化料路基模量与弯沉的快速检测方法,针对不同的花岗岩风化料路基进行了便携式落锤弯沉仪(PFWD)检测法与贝克曼梁法以及承载板法的现场试验研究。通过试验,得到了花岗岩风化料路基动静模量与动静弯沉间的关系。研究表明:PFWD测得的花岗岩风化料路基动静模量与动、静弯沉存在良好的线性关系,可用于该种材料路基弯沉及模量的快速检测和评价。 展开更多
关键词 便携式落锤弯沉仪 花岗岩风化路基 动静模量 动静弯沉 回归分析
水泥和粉煤灰稳定钢渣-砼再生碎石路基混合料的制备及其性能 被引量:5
作者 程银银 李宏波 +2 位作者 康鑫睿 丁永发 童彧斐 《中国粉体技术》 CSCD 2023年第4期11-21,共11页
为减少对天然碎石的开采量,解决工业废渣和建筑固体废弃物大量堆积的问题,采用水泥和粉煤灰稳定钢渣-砼再生碎石制备路基混合料。在水泥和粉煤灰的掺量范围确定的情况下,通过干湿循环试验确定钢渣和砼再生碎石的较优质量比;当钢渣和砼... 为减少对天然碎石的开采量,解决工业废渣和建筑固体废弃物大量堆积的问题,采用水泥和粉煤灰稳定钢渣-砼再生碎石制备路基混合料。在水泥和粉煤灰的掺量范围确定的情况下,通过干湿循环试验确定钢渣和砼再生碎石的较优质量比;当钢渣和砼再生碎石选取较优质量比时,通过三轴试验测试混合料的力学性能,进一步优化水泥和粉煤灰的质量分数;利用X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜、能量色散X射线谱分析不同龄期制得的混合料的组成、微观结构及水化反应特征产物的变化规律,研究混合料的形成机制和强度影响因素。结果表明:当钢渣和砼再生碎石的质量比为3:1时,制得的混合料的相对强度最高,失质量分数最小;当水泥掺入质量分数为5%、粉煤灰掺入质量分数为16%、钢渣和砼再生碎石的质量比为3:1时,制得的混合料黏聚力最强,抗剪强度最大,力学性能较优;在水化早期掺入钢渣可增加钙矾石的生成量,提高制得的混合料的强度;制得的混合料的水化产物以水化硅酸钙、氢氧化钙和钙矾石为主;钙离子浓度的增加能增强制得的混合料的水化产物碱性,缩短硅酸钙水化物中的硅氧四面体链,降低制得的混合料的聚合度。 展开更多
关键词 粉煤灰 钢渣-砼再生碎石 路基混合 干湿循环试验 三轴试验
山渣料路基施工技术研究 被引量:1
作者 王飞 《中国城市经济》 2010年第7X期115-117,共3页
结合西汉公路开展了山渣料路基施工技术研究。首先对试验段山渣料的路用性能进行了试验,并根据路基表面沉降量及压实度检测结果,得到采用YZ18B或YZ20E振动压路机施工时松铺厚度和碾压遍数的合理组合。随着碾压遍数的增大,山渣料中颗粒... 结合西汉公路开展了山渣料路基施工技术研究。首先对试验段山渣料的路用性能进行了试验,并根据路基表面沉降量及压实度检测结果,得到采用YZ18B或YZ20E振动压路机施工时松铺厚度和碾压遍数的合理组合。随着碾压遍数的增大,山渣料中颗粒破碎率增大,且强度越低,颗粒破碎率越大。试验段填筑结束后路基顶面回弹模量普遍较正常施工路段大,各个测点测试值离散性小,满足路面要求。 展开更多
关键词 道路工程 山渣路基 压实度 破碎率 回弹模量 碾压遍数
高速公路废旧水稳料路基填筑施工技术研究 被引量:1
作者 李元立 《现代物业(中旬刊)》 2019年第7期188-189,共2页
在城市化建设发展中产生了大量的建筑废弃物,这些废弃物对环境造成了不同程度的污染与影响。而随着各种技术手段的成熟,废旧铣刨水稳料填筑路基的利用研究逐渐深入。合理应用废旧水稳料路基可以有效地节省土方资源,提升资源利用效率,减... 在城市化建设发展中产生了大量的建筑废弃物,这些废弃物对环境造成了不同程度的污染与影响。而随着各种技术手段的成熟,废旧铣刨水稳料填筑路基的利用研究逐渐深入。合理应用废旧水稳料路基可以有效地节省土方资源,提升资源利用效率,减少了对其污染以及建筑垃圾,是一种节省施工成本、提升经济效益的有效技术手段。基于此,文章主要研究了高速公路废旧水稳料路基填筑施工技术。 展开更多
关键词 高速公路 废旧水稳路基 填筑施工技术
作者 高山 《大科技》 2012年第7期177-178,共2页
关键词 煤矸石 路基混合 抗压强度
作者 于建游 《价值工程》 2022年第14期45-47,共3页
作为一种路基压实质量检测方法,表面沉降法具有操作简便、省时省力的优点。本文基于表面沉降法对铁尾矿料路基施工过程的碾压质量进行检测和分析,并与路基压实度进行相关性分析。研究表明,铁尾矿料路基在碾压五遍后沉降差小于2mm,达到... 作为一种路基压实质量检测方法,表面沉降法具有操作简便、省时省力的优点。本文基于表面沉降法对铁尾矿料路基施工过程的碾压质量进行检测和分析,并与路基压实度进行相关性分析。研究表明,铁尾矿料路基在碾压五遍后沉降差小于2mm,达到碾压施工质量要求;松铺厚度对铁尾矿料路基碾压沉降差具有显著的影响。铁尾矿料路基沉降差与压实度呈线性负相关,当沉降差为2mm时,路基压实度达95.7%,满足规范要求。 展开更多
关键词 铁尾矿路基 表面沉降法 沉降差 压实度
作者 顾文飞 《冶金环保情报》 1997年第3期64-67,共4页
关键词 粉煤灰 开发 利用 路基料 建筑材
Permanent deformation and prediction model of construction and demolition waste under repeated loading 被引量:7
作者 HUANG Chao ZHANG Jun-hui +2 位作者 ZHANG An-shun LI Jue WANG Xin-yu 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第4期1363-1375,共13页
This study aims to reveal the macroscopic permanent deformation(PD)behavior and the internal structural evolution of construction and demolition waste(CDW)under loading.Firstly,the initial matric suction of CDW was me... This study aims to reveal the macroscopic permanent deformation(PD)behavior and the internal structural evolution of construction and demolition waste(CDW)under loading.Firstly,the initial matric suction of CDW was measured by the filter paper method.Secondly,the PD of CDW with different humidity and stress states was investigated by repeated load triaxial tests,and a comprehensive prediction model was established.Finally,the discrete element method was performed to analyze the internal structural evolution of CDW during deformation.These results showed that the VAN-GENUCHTEN model could describe the soil-water characteristic curve of CDW well.The PD increases with the increase of the deviator stress and the number of cyclic loading,but the opposite trend was observed when the initial matric suction and confining pressure increased.The proposed model in this study provides a satisfactory prediction of PD.The discrete element method could accurately simulate the macroscopic PD of CDW,and the shear force,interlock force and sliding content increase with the increase of deviator stress during the deformation.The research could provide useful reference for the deformation stability analysis of CDW under cyclic loading. 展开更多
关键词 construction and demolition waste subgrade filler permanent deformation discrete element method prediction model
Mechanical properties of fiber and cement reinforced heavy metal-contaminated soils as roadbed filling 被引量:11
作者 HUANG Yu-cheng CHEN Ji +3 位作者 TIAN Ang-ran WU Hui-long ZHANG Yu-qing TANG Qiang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第7期2003-2016,共14页
The treatment of contaminated soil is a crucial issue in geotechnical and environmental engineering.This study proposes to incorporate appropriate polypropylene fibers and cements as an effective method to treat heavy... The treatment of contaminated soil is a crucial issue in geotechnical and environmental engineering.This study proposes to incorporate appropriate polypropylene fibers and cements as an effective method to treat heavy metal contaminated soil(HMCS).The objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of fiber content,fiber length,cement content,curing time,heavy metal types and concentration on the mechanical properties of soils.To this end,a series of direct shear test,unconfined compression strength(UCS)test,dry-wet cycle and freeze-thaw cycle test are performed.The results confirm that the appropriate reinforcement of polypropylene fibers and cement is an effective way to recycle HMCS as substitutable fillers in roadbed,which exhibits benefits in environment and economy development. 展开更多
关键词 roadbed filling unconfined compression strength shear strength cement and fiber reinforcement heavy metal contaminated soil
Effect of granite gravel content on improved granular mixtures as railway subgrade fillings 被引量:2
作者 陈晓斌 李志勇 张家生 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第8期3361-3369,共9页
The improved granular mixtures are widely used as the fillings of railway 8ubgrade, and in order to investigate the effect of coarse grain content on granular mixtures, a series of field tests were conducted. The expe... The improved granular mixtures are widely used as the fillings of railway 8ubgrade, and in order to investigate the effect of coarse grain content on granular mixtures, a series of field tests were conducted. The experimental results indicate that the permeability coefficient increases significantly with the increment of granite gravel content, especially in the range of 60%-70%. Thcrc exists a coarse grain content limit defined as 53%-58.5% to reform the permeable granular skeleton. Beyond this limit, the permeable granular skeleton is efficiently formed, and the macro pores between the separate gravels are partially filled, which is the explanation lbr the permeability increase. The investigations indicate the subgrade resistance modulus (ks0, Ev2, and Evd) depends on the granite gravel content, and the resistance modulus increases significantly beyond granite gravel content of 50%. The skeletons of granitc gravel clayey sand mixture change in the long-term deformation objected to the train-induced dynamic load, which involves three main repeated and circular deformation stages. Generally, the long-time deformation is explained as the gravel crushing and filling the internal porous space with crushed gravel fragments. Through these investigations, the C40-G60 or C30-G70 is recommended as an optimum soil mixture for the good permeability and high resistance modulus. 展开更多
关键词 granular mixture coarse grain content permeability coefficient railway subgrade fillings subgrade resistance modulus
Stress and deformation due to embankment widening with different treatment techniques 被引量:3
作者 汪浩 黄晓明 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期1304-1310,共7页
A two-dimensional(2-D) finite element(FE) model was developed to analyze the deformation and stress of embankment on soft ground due to widening with different treatment techniques.It is found that the embankment wide... A two-dimensional(2-D) finite element(FE) model was developed to analyze the deformation and stress of embankment on soft ground due to widening with different treatment techniques.It is found that the embankment widening induces transverse gradient change due to differential settlements and horizontal outward movements at the shoulder of the existing embankment.Embankment widening also increases the shear stress along the slope of the existing embankment,especially at the foot of slope.The failure potential due to embankment widening may increase with the increase of widening width when the widening width is smaller than 8.5 m,but may decrease with the increase of widening width as the widening width is greater than 8.5 m.The effectiveness of four ground and embankment treatment techniques,including geosynthetic reinforcement,light-weight embankment,deep mixed columns,and separating wall were compared.The results indicate that these treatments reduce the differential settlements and improve the stability.The light-weight embankment has the most effectiveness among four treatments.By using the fly-ash backfill material in widening,the transverse gradient change decreases from 0.5%-1.3% to 0.26%-0.8% and the maximum horizontal displacement decreases from 2.76 cm to 1.44 cm. 展开更多
关键词 finite element model ground treatment road widening geosynthetic reinforcement light-weight embankment deepmixed columns separating wall
Resilient Modulus of Hydraulically Bound Road Base Materials with High Volume Waste Dust 被引量:1
作者 Hassan Al Nageim Petros Visulios Behrooz Saghafi 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第7期1-8,共8页
The paper presents laboratory test results on hydraulically bound road base materials containing high volume of steel slag and blast furnace slag waste dusts compared with control mixtures. These mixtures contain high... The paper presents laboratory test results on hydraulically bound road base materials containing high volume of steel slag and blast furnace slag waste dusts compared with control mixtures. These mixtures contain higher levels of (4mm-0.0 mm) dust, than would be the case in standard un bound road base mixtures. The combined influence of the steel slag and granulated blast furnace slag wastes content is to enhance the stiffness of the road base materials and save materials and cost during road construction. Triaxial repeated load tests were performed on the unbound and lightly bound materials to measure their resilient modulus. The test results show important improvements in the bond strength between the contents of road base materials. This offers the prospect of using these materials in road base materials to reduce the use of primary aggregates and thus minimize the cost of roads and highways construction. 展开更多
关键词 Road base materials waste aggregates
Characterisation, Analysis and Design of Hydrated Cement Treated Crushed Rock Base as a Road Base Material in Western Australia
作者 Peerapong Jitsangiam H. R. Nikraz K. Siripun S. Chummuneerat 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第5期586-593,共8页
Hydrated Cement Treated Crushed Rock Base (HCTCRB) is widely used as a base course in Western Australian pavements. HCTCRB has been designed and used as a basis for empirical approaches and in empirical practices. T... Hydrated Cement Treated Crushed Rock Base (HCTCRB) is widely used as a base course in Western Australian pavements. HCTCRB has been designed and used as a basis for empirical approaches and in empirical practices. These methods are not all-encompassing enough to adequately explain the behaviour of HCTCRB in the field. Recent developments in mechanistic approaches have proven more reliable in the design and analysis of pavement, making it possible to more effectively document the characteristics of HCTCRB. The aim of this study was to carry out laboratory testing to assess the mechanical characteristics of HCTCRB. Conventional triaxial tests and repeated load triaxial tests (RLT tests) were performed. Factors affecting the performance of HCTCRB, namely hydration periods and the amount of added water were also investigated. It was found that the shear strength parameters of HCTCRB were 177 kPa for cohesion (c) and 42~ for the internal friction angle (~). The hydration period, and the water added in this investigation affected the performance of HCTCRB. However, the related trends associated with such factors could not be assessed. All HCTCRB samples showed stress-dependency behaviour. Based on the stress stages of this experiment, the resilient modulus values of HCTCRB ranged from 300 MPa to 1100 MPa. CIRCLY, a computer program based on the multi-layer elastic theory was used in the mechanistic approach to pavement design and analysis, to determine the performance of a typical pavement model using HCTCRB as a base course layer. The mechanistic pavement design parameters for HCTCRB as a base course material were then introduced. The analysis suggests that the suitable depth for HCTCRB as a base layer for WA roads is at least 185 mm for the design equivalent standard axle (ESA) of 10 million. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrated cement treated crushed rock base (HCTCRB) base course PAVEMENT repeated load triaxial (RLT) test mechanistic pavement analysis and design.
Comparison of Design Thickness between the 1993 AASHTO Guide and MEPDG for Full Depth Reclamation Pavement
作者 Yigong Ji Tommy E. Nantung 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第1期44-52,共9页
A research project was initiated by INDOT to estimate the structural contribution and feasibility of FDR bases for pavement structure under a low-medium volume traffic loading. FWD tests were conducted and the layer m... A research project was initiated by INDOT to estimate the structural contribution and feasibility of FDR bases for pavement structure under a low-medium volume traffic loading. FWD tests were conducted and the layer moduli were back calculated on different construction phases: the surface of existing HMA pavement, the FDR base, the new HMA final surface, and the nine months' traffic opening, respectively, for a total of four times. The results indicate the promise of this recycled base material in pavement construction compared to traditional granular base. In addition, this paper discusses how the lab test results relate to the expected performance in a pavement structure by the MEPDG software and its parameter effects. Research indicated the MEPDG provided comparable thickness to the 1993 AASHTO Guide if the failure criteria are set up reasonably. Therefore, the MEPDG could be used as a design tool to estimate layer thickness for FDR pavement with a low-medium traffic volume. 展开更多
Comparison between responses of reinforced and unreinforced embankments due to road widening 被引量:14
作者 黄晓明 汪浩 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第5期857-864,共8页
The objective of this work is to compare the responses of geosynthetically-reinforced embankment and unreinforced embankment due to road widening by using the centrifuge model tests and a two-dimensional(2D) finite el... The objective of this work is to compare the responses of geosynthetically-reinforced embankment and unreinforced embankment due to road widening by using the centrifuge model tests and a two-dimensional(2D) finite element(FE) model. The measured and calculated responses of the embankment and foundation exposed to road widening include the settlement,horizontal displacement,pore water pressure,and shear stresses. It is found that the road widening changed the transverse slope of the original pavement surface resulting from the nonuniform settlements. The maximum horizontal movement is found to be located at the shoulder of the original embankment. Although the difference is small,it is clearly seen that the geosynthetic reinforcement reduces the nonuniform settlements and horizontal movements due to road widening. Thus the reinforcement reduces the potential of pavement cracking and increases the stability of the embankment on soft ground in road widening. 展开更多
关键词 REINFORCEMENT centrifuge model test finite element model EMBANKMENT road widening
甘肃金永高速公路粗粒盐渍土试验研究 被引量:5
作者 杨晓华 王龙 张莎莎 《公路交通科技(应用技术版)》 CAS CSCD 2014年第1期141-143,共3页
为研究粗粒盐渍土作为路基填料的适用性,同时也为类似盐渍土地区公路路基的设计和施工提供数据参考,对取自甘肃省金永高速公路二标的路基料和底基层料进行室内试验研究。本试验包括筛分试验、击实试验、化学分析试验和模拟季节交替变化... 为研究粗粒盐渍土作为路基填料的适用性,同时也为类似盐渍土地区公路路基的设计和施工提供数据参考,对取自甘肃省金永高速公路二标的路基料和底基层料进行室内试验研究。本试验包括筛分试验、击实试验、化学分析试验和模拟季节交替变化的大型冻融循环试验。通过室内试验,得出该地区路基料和底基层料都为砾类土,属于硫酸盐渍土;七次冻融循环后路基料土样的盐胀率为0.14%,底基层料土样的盐胀率为0.19%。 展开更多
关键词 道路工程 粗粒盐渍土 盐胀 冻融循环 路基料 底基层
An oversize correction method of dry density for non-cohesive soils filling the embankment of high-speed railway 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Jian LUO Qiang +2 位作者 JIANG Liang Wei ZHANG Liang ZHAO Min Zhi 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期211-218,共8页
Non-cohesive soils have been widely used in construction of high-speed railway for their excellent physical and mechanical properties,and the determination of maximum and minimum dry density of such soils containing o... Non-cohesive soils have been widely used in construction of high-speed railway for their excellent physical and mechanical properties,and the determination of maximum and minimum dry density of such soils containing oversize particles is an important topic.In this study,the influence of oversize particles on dry density of non-cohesive soils is investigated by packing tests.Test results show that oversize particles will make"extra"voids around their surfaces,which increase significantly if the size ratio of oversize material to matrix material is not very big.The dry density of the total material will be overestimated by Elimination Method due to the omission of the"extra"voids.Thus,a geometric model is proposed by which the"extra"voids can be taken into account,and a new oversize correction method for non-cohesive soils is developed.Test results confirm the applicability of this method on the condition of oversize fraction being less than 40%by mass. 展开更多
关键词 high-speed railway oversize correction non-cohesive soils DENSITY EMBANKMENT
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