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元代山西路府州县的设治选官 被引量:1
作者 瞿大风 《内蒙古工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第1期57-61,共5页
有元一代,山西地区的路府州县经过沿袭前代、有所变革的发展过程,逐步形成地方行政管理体系。其间,山西地区的路府州县不仅构成当时腹里地区官制的组成部分,而且反映出这一时期地方行政的管理模式。本文拟对山西地区路府州县的设官结构... 有元一代,山西地区的路府州县经过沿袭前代、有所变革的发展过程,逐步形成地方行政管理体系。其间,山西地区的路府州县不仅构成当时腹里地区官制的组成部分,而且反映出这一时期地方行政的管理模式。本文拟对山西地区路府州县的设官结构、选官来源及其地位作用等有关问题进行讨论。 展开更多
关键词 元代 山西地区 路府州县
作者 傅林祥 《历史地理》 CSSCI 2013年第1期396-397,共2页
关键词 路府 韩光辉 警巡院 金元时期 宋辽 司候司 唐末五代 达鲁花赤 等级规模 宣慰司
“万户路”、“千户州”——蒙古千户百户制度与华北路府州郡体制 被引量:4
作者 温海清 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期80-89,共10页
本文考察了蒙古南徇中原将具有草原游牧文化传统的军政合一性质的千户百户制带入华北汉地的具体历史过程,并对该时期世侯(或部分当地长官)所系军事职衔(万户、千户,或佩虎符、金符)与其所占路府、州郡的具体情形结合起来加以分析比对,... 本文考察了蒙古南徇中原将具有草原游牧文化传统的军政合一性质的千户百户制带入华北汉地的具体历史过程,并对该时期世侯(或部分当地长官)所系军事职衔(万户、千户,或佩虎符、金符)与其所占路府、州郡的具体情形结合起来加以分析比对,揭示出蒙古千户百户制度与华北路府州郡体制之间存在对应性关联,即汉地万户往往对应于路府单位,千户则基本对应于州郡单元。本文将此归纳为"万户路"、"千户州"。 展开更多
关键词 金元之际 千户百户制 路府州郡
作者 韩光辉 《人口与经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 1990年第5期53-57,共5页
《元史·地理志》所载各路、府、州的户口分属于不同年份,其中一部分路、府户口属于元世祖至元七年(1270年)。据《元史·世祖纪》载,至元七年,蒙古国对其统治区进行过一次较大规模的户口统计,总计约194万户。这与金代泰和七年(1... 《元史·地理志》所载各路、府、州的户口分属于不同年份,其中一部分路、府户口属于元世祖至元七年(1270年)。据《元史·世祖纪》载,至元七年,蒙古国对其统治区进行过一次较大规模的户口统计,总计约194万户。这与金代泰和七年(1207年)同一区域的户数相比减少了五分之四。平均户量(即每户口数)亦大大降低。如大都路(按当时尚称中都路)每户平均仅2.7口,较泰和七年的总平均每户减少了3.7口。 展开更多
关键词 州县 户口统计 站户 《元史》 地理志 蒙古国 考辨 汉军 元世祖 路府
元代中央与地方财政关系述略 被引量:11
作者 李治安 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第2期21-33,共13页
元代中央与地方财政关系述略李治安秦汉以降,中央与地方的财赋分配关系,随着国家集权统一或分裂割据的发展大势,经历了或聚财于中央,或藏富于地方的曲折变化过程。元王朝的政治体制是蒙古草原游牧君主制与汉地传统的封建中央集权制... 元代中央与地方财政关系述略李治安秦汉以降,中央与地方的财赋分配关系,随着国家集权统一或分裂割据的发展大势,经历了或聚财于中央,或藏富于地方的曲折变化过程。元王朝的政治体制是蒙古草原游牧君主制与汉地传统的封建中央集权制度的融合体,又兼行省、宣慰司、路、... 展开更多
关键词 中央与地方 财政关系 盐使司 《元史》 财赋 行中书省 路府 总管府 州县 中央集权
忽必烈与云南 被引量:2
作者 杜玉亭 《云南社会科学》 1982年第1期35-42,共8页
忽必烈平大理国和云南行省的建置,是汉武帝以来历代中央王朝不曾有过的,它奠定了祖国西南郡县的版图,是中国历史上的一个创举;平大理中的出奇制胜和对敌方矛盾的利用,在中国史上没有同例。本文还认为,土官制度的建立是忽必烈对中国历史... 忽必烈平大理国和云南行省的建置,是汉武帝以来历代中央王朝不曾有过的,它奠定了祖国西南郡县的版图,是中国历史上的一个创举;平大理中的出奇制胜和对敌方矛盾的利用,在中国史上没有同例。本文还认为,土官制度的建立是忽必烈对中国历史的又一重要贡献,这项措施改变了汉武帝开创的云南郡县制不断蜕化终至名存实亡的势趋。 展开更多
关键词 云南行省 平大理国 郡县制 土官制度 汉武帝 南诏 流官 路府 独立王国 一二五
江西古代的政区建置与历史沿革(下) 被引量:2
作者 肖华忠 刘有鑫 《江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1995年第3期42-47,共6页
江西古代政区的发展呈现出一个明显的"W"字形状,即秦西汉是高峰期,东汉为低谷;三国两晋南北朝是高峰期,隋唐为低谷;两宋以后则是一个稳定的、连续不断的高峰期,这个高峰期一直延续到今天。两宋以来,江西地区行政区划稳定,连... 江西古代政区的发展呈现出一个明显的"W"字形状,即秦西汉是高峰期,东汉为低谷;三国两晋南北朝是高峰期,隋唐为低谷;两宋以后则是一个稳定的、连续不断的高峰期,这个高峰期一直延续到今天。两宋以来,江西地区行政区划稳定,连续不断的发展是建立在全国性政治中心东移即由隋唐时期的关中地区移到东部更近海洋的平原地区,经济中心南迁即由黄河中下游移到长江中下游地区,江西地区的经济文化发展处于全国先进水平的基础之上的。两宋至清未,江西地区政区的发展既符合自然地理区划原则,也与经济的发展水平和人口的地域分布相适应,因此呈现出长期稳定的发展态势。 展开更多
关键词 江西 行政区划 经济发展 路府 州县
作者 潘海东 《江西社会科学》 CSSCI 1993年第8期30-35,共6页
元、明、清三代,共六百年历史,是江西政区形成、发展的重要时期。元以前,唐有江南西道,宋有江南西路,也简称江西,然而规制远逊于元.元创设十一行省,将全国定为十一个较大的地区,以'行中书省'这一中央派出的高级政务机构,分辖各... 元、明、清三代,共六百年历史,是江西政区形成、发展的重要时期。元以前,唐有江南西道,宋有江南西路,也简称江西,然而规制远逊于元.元创设十一行省,将全国定为十一个较大的地区,以'行中书省'这一中央派出的高级政务机构,分辖各大政区的路府州县,使行政体制发生了重大变化。江西行省的设立,始于元世祖至元十四年(1277年),在建省时间上仅晚于陕西(1262年)、湖广(1274年)、云南(1276年),是全国最早的行省之一(按:十一行省依次为陕西、湖广、云南、江西、甘肃、江浙。 展开更多
关键词 清三代 行中书省 路府 右副都御史 提举司 分守 江南西道 正六品 镇守太监 十三年
作者 张照东 马章安 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 1993年第2期62-66,共5页
山东行政区在历史上变化频繁,史书上对此记载十分简略,且有些地方说法不一,给今人了解山东政区的演变带来很大困难。目前出版的有关山东政区论著中,对明清至建国后的山东行政区划沿革记述较详,而元代以前则多语焉不详,本文钩沉有关资料... 山东行政区在历史上变化频繁,史书上对此记载十分简略,且有些地方说法不一,给今人了解山东政区的演变带来很大困难。目前出版的有关山东政区论著中,对明清至建国后的山东行政区划沿革记述较详,而元代以前则多语焉不详,本文钩沉有关资料,对宋金元时期山东行政区划沿革予以钩玄发微,希望能为今天山东行政区划的改革提供一些参考资料。 展开更多
关键词 宋金元时期 地理研究 参考资料 河北东路 发微 京东东路 总管府 路府 淄州 北宋王朝
An Easy to Implement Sustainability Index for Flexible Pavements
作者 Gregory Kelly Gary Chai Deborah Delaney 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2017年第12期1123-1129,共7页
This paper proposes a simple low cost SIR (sustainability index for roads) that can be easily implemented by any local government that has a flexible pavement road network. The SIR includes the three pillars of sust... This paper proposes a simple low cost SIR (sustainability index for roads) that can be easily implemented by any local government that has a flexible pavement road network. The SIR includes the three pillars of sustainability, economic, social and environmental. The economic pillar is development from a new perspective of pavement deterioration from the Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation's Pavement Management System. The new perspective is easily seen when the deterioration is plotted in three dimensions. This new exponential curve provides an equation for the return on investment in a road network, in terms of a future pavement condition index versus the annual rehabilitation budget. The environmental pillar will be developed by determining which road rehabilitation treatments cause the most environmental damage and recreating the new curve with these treatments being incrementally removed. The resulting curves will provide the annual cost of minimizing environmental damage and the loss of pavement condition index for minimizing environmental damage. The social pillar is, consultation with the community on what pavement condition index they are willing to fund, that is, balancing annual cost, environmental damage and desired pavement condition. This more efficient reporting conforms with the USA Government Accounting Standards Board requirements but not necessarily with the International Financial Reporting Standards. This new SIR reduces the current financial reporting requirement for local govemments in Queensland, Australia and can greatly improve comparability of financial reporting, where local governments calibrate the pavement deterioration factors in their Pavement Management Systems and use the newly developed regional rulebase. 展开更多
Urban Liveability in Nigeria-A Pilot Study of Ago-lwoye and Ijebu-lgbo in Ogun State
作者 Raimi Asiyanbola Basiru Raji Gbemisola Shaibu 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第10期1203-1213,共11页
This study examines the state of liveability in emerging urban centers of Ago-lwoye and Ijebu-Igbo in Ogun State. The study used primary and secondary data. Both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were... This study examines the state of liveability in emerging urban centers of Ago-lwoye and Ijebu-Igbo in Ogun State. The study used primary and secondary data. Both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were used to analyze research questions that bother on urban liveability. Results of the analyses show that in the two urban centres the following are not in very good condition: neighborhood road quality, garbage collection, state of cleanliness, street light, state of security, pollution, water supply, drainage system, and power supply. Most of the residents are not satisfied with the state of liveability in Ago-Iwoye and Ijebu-Igbo towns. Statistical test result shows among others that there is no significant variation in the level of urban dwellers' satisfaction with their neighbourhood condition. In order to improve urban liveability in the two urban centres, government should provide all necessary infrastructural facilities and services. While roads are to be improved and maintained, electricity and water supply should be provided. Community associations should also be encouraged. They should be more involved in activities that will improve liveability in the urban centre. They should constitute themselves as pressure groups, working on the government to improve the liveability of the urban centre. 展开更多
关键词 Urban liveability neighbourhood condition Nigeria.
元代山西地区的行政区划 被引量:1
作者 瞿大风 《蒙古学信息》 2003年第4期19-25,共7页
关键词 河东北路 山西地区 倚郭 司候司 西京路 管州 金代 下县 木华黎 路府
作者 高庆鸿 《文史知识》 北大核心 1991年第5期86-88,共3页
关键词 李涉 春雨潇潇 闻诗 皖口 江上村 关汉卿 唐诗纪事 路府 《窦娥冤》 民不堪命
《文史天地》 2021年第3期92-92,共1页
关键词 行省制 路府 行台尚书省 金朝 派出机构 蒙古人 入主中原 统辖
作者 许正文 《中学历史教学参考》 1994年第5期17-17,共1页
元朝是以蒙古贵族为主体的蒙汉等族地主阶级的联合封建政权。所辖地域“东南所指不下汉唐,西北则过之,有难以里数限者矣”。 一个落后的蒙古族怎样统治先进的汉族及这样广大的疆域,是两个最为重要的问题。
关键词 行御史台 蒙古贵族 行中书省 宣慰司 路府 三省六部制 岭北行省 参知政事 征东行省 万户府
A discursive construction of the Belt and Road Initiative: From neo-liberal to inclusive globalization 被引量:16
作者 刘卫东 Michael DUNFORD 高菠阳 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第9期1199-1214,共16页
An international consensus is emerging around the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) proposed by the Chinese government, with a growing number of countries seeing it as a way of jointly exploring new international economic... An international consensus is emerging around the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) proposed by the Chinese government, with a growing number of countries seeing it as a way of jointly exploring new international economic governance mechanisms. Meanwhile, with the crisis of neo-liberalism, economic globalization has arrived at a crossroad. In particular, incessant voices speak out against globalization, making the quest for a new way of promoting global development a major challenge. In this context, more and more political elites and scholars consider that the BRI opens up a possible new globalization path, amongst which inclusive globalization warrants exploration. On the basis of a brief analysis of the course and mechanism of global economic expansion and the limitations of neo-liberal globalization, along with the putting into practice of the BRI, this paper outlines some of the core features of inclusive globalization, i.e., inclusive growth with effective and efficient government regulation; inclusive infrastructure development; inclusive development paths chosen nationally that suit national conditions; inclusive participation; and cultural inclusiveness. Although these features are not sufficient to characterize fully inclusive globalization, they do identify some directions for future research, and provide elements of a discursive construction of the BRI. 展开更多
关键词 Belt and Road Initiative GLOBALIZATION NEO-LIBERALISM inclusive globalization China
A Daunting Task
作者 Gong Zheng 《Beijing Review》 2016年第3期18-19,共2页
On December 18,2015,the UN Security Council unanimously adopted a roadmap for a peace process in Syria,which was seen as having injected"fresh impetus"to solve the Syrian crisis.The UN Security Council Resolution 22... On December 18,2015,the UN Security Council unanimously adopted a roadmap for a peace process in Syria,which was seen as having injected"fresh impetus"to solve the Syrian crisis.The UN Security Council Resolution 2254requires a nationwide ceasefire in Syria within January 2016 and the convening of formal Syrian-led and transition-focused negotiations in the same month between the Bashar al-Assadled government and opposition members. 展开更多
关键词 nationwide peace prospect political injected fresh civil motivation dialogue likely
Incorporating Civil Society: China's NGO Strategy
作者 Curtis Stone 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2013年第2期87-109,共23页
During the Chinese Communist Revolution, Mao Ze-dong developed and used the mass hne to link the top leaders of the Chinese Communist Party(CPC) with the masses. Atier 1949, the mass line mechanism fell into disuse;... During the Chinese Communist Revolution, Mao Ze-dong developed and used the mass hne to link the top leaders of the Chinese Communist Party(CPC) with the masses. Atier 1949, the mass line mechanism fell into disuse; but in today's China, there seems to be a trend toward more openness. Deng-era reforms have decentralized the central government, weakened adherence to Party ideology, and reduced the state's control. In order to deal with diversified social interests, the CPC is renewing and extending the practice of the mass line through state-liceused intermediate organizations. By doing so, the central government is not only creating a channel for interest articulation but also deepening state control and regulation of civil society to ensure that power remains largely centralized. 展开更多
关键词 CORPORATISM civil society democratic centralism mass line
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