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基于区域协同的高速铁路客运组织创新模式研究 被引量:6
作者 吕苗苗 倪少权 张强峰 《交通运输工程与信息学报》 2019年第3期80-84,117,共6页
目前,我国高速铁路沿用普速铁路以长途直达为主的旅客运输组织模式,导致区域客流需求不能满足、列车运行图结构变动频繁、线路通过能力利用率低、列车运行干扰概率大、动车组运用效率低等问题,鉴于此,本文提出了高速铁路应以中短途客运... 目前,我国高速铁路沿用普速铁路以长途直达为主的旅客运输组织模式,导致区域客流需求不能满足、列车运行图结构变动频繁、线路通过能力利用率低、列车运行干扰概率大、动车组运用效率低等问题,鉴于此,本文提出了高速铁路应以中短途客运为主、普速铁路以长途客运和货运为主的分工模式。并基于此,提出区域内客流直达为主,跨区域客流换乘为主的高速铁路旅客运输组织模式,建立了先编制区域干线规格化满能力列车运行图,后通过选线方式编制跨区域列车运行线的列车运行图编制思路。最后从旅客流线、换乘设施、列车运行线衔接、调度指挥、票务管理等方面分析了基于区域协同的高速铁路客运组织保障措施。 展开更多
关键词 路网分工 区域协同 旅客换乘 列车运行图
浅析桂林至湛江铁路建设的必要性 被引量:1
作者 江佳璐 《山西建筑》 2018年第2期22-23,共2页
桂林至湛江铁路位于我国南部,连接珠三角和北部湾两个城市群。通过对区域路网、沿线社会发展、交通运输需求的分析,研究相关通道的客货运分工,预测本线的运量水平,并从落实国家战略、完善路网布局、促进区域交流、带动旅游业发展等方面... 桂林至湛江铁路位于我国南部,连接珠三角和北部湾两个城市群。通过对区域路网、沿线社会发展、交通运输需求的分析,研究相关通道的客货运分工,预测本线的运量水平,并从落实国家战略、完善路网布局、促进区域交流、带动旅游业发展等方面论述本项目建设的必要性。 展开更多
关键词 路网分工 区域交流 旅游
Computing All Pairs Shortest Paths on Sparse Graphs with Articulation Points
作者 Carlos Roberto Arias Von-Wun Soo 《Computer Technology and Application》 2011年第11期866-883,共18页
In most network analysis tools the computation of the shortest paths between all pairs of nodes is a fundamental step to the discovery of other properties. Among other properties is the computation of closeness centra... In most network analysis tools the computation of the shortest paths between all pairs of nodes is a fundamental step to the discovery of other properties. Among other properties is the computation of closeness centrality, a measure of the nodes that shows how central a vertex is on a given network. In this paper, the authors present a method to compute the All Pairs Shortest Paths on graphs that present two characteristics: abundance of nodes with degree value one, and existence of articulation points along the graph. These characteristics are present in many real life networks especially in networks that show a power law degree distribution as is the case of biological networks. The authors' method compacts the single nodes to their source, and then by using the network articulation points it disconnects the network and computes the shortest paths in the biconnected components. At the final step the authors proposed methods merges the results to provide the whole network shortest paths. The authors' method achieves remarkable speedup compared to state of the art methods to compute the shortest paths, as much as 7 fold speed up in artificial graphs and 3.25 fold speed up in real application graphs. The authors' performance improvement is unlike previous research as it does not involve elaborated setups since the authors algorithm can process significant instances on a popular workstation. 展开更多
关键词 Graph algorithms all pairs shortest paths articulation points
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