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各向同性电离层低频一跳天波时延特性研究 被引量:1
作者 周丽丽 闫晶晶 +3 位作者 穆中林 王桥桥 刘承琳 何立风 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第7期1606-1610,共5页
低频天波的准确预测对于低电离层探测、远程导航授时具有重要意义。该文基于传统"波跳"理论和FDTD方法对地-电离层波导中天波传播时延特性进行研究。结合天地波时域分离技术,给出了100 kHz载频罗兰-C信号在均匀/指数渐变各向... 低频天波的准确预测对于低电离层探测、远程导航授时具有重要意义。该文基于传统"波跳"理论和FDTD方法对地-电离层波导中天波传播时延特性进行研究。结合天地波时域分离技术,给出了100 kHz载频罗兰-C信号在均匀/指数渐变各向同性电离层条件下,距发射台200 km范围内采用两种方法计算的一跳天波时延随收发距离的变化规律。与"波跳"理论相比,该方法可同时考虑地面不规则、电离层昼夜参数分布不均匀的影响,计算精度更高。 展开更多
关键词 低频电 ”理论 时延
昼夜过渡区低频一跳天波中不同模式区分及特性分析 被引量:1
作者 周丽丽 郑悦 +3 位作者 穆中林 胡欣悦 朱新月 何立风 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期1964-1969,共6页
昼夜混合路径条件下低频天波传播特性的研究对导航授时系统中应用模式拓展及低电离层参数反演均具有重要的研究意义.本文以地—电离层中100 kHz载频罗兰-C信号的时域有限差分(Finite Difference Time Domain,FDTD)仿真为前提,基于传统... 昼夜混合路径条件下低频天波传播特性的研究对导航授时系统中应用模式拓展及低电离层参数反演均具有重要的研究意义.本文以地—电离层中100 kHz载频罗兰-C信号的时域有限差分(Finite Difference Time Domain,FDTD)仿真为前提,基于传统的过零检测和快速傅里叶变换(Fast Fourier Transform,FFT)/逆快速傅里叶变换(Inverse Fast Fourier Transform,IFFT)频谱相除算法,对昼夜混合信道(传播路径为东西取向)中地面接收的一跳天波进行模式区分及特性分析.给出了在白天至夜晚、夜晚至白天两种突变电离层下罗兰-C一跳天波中不同模式随收发距离的变化规律,同时给出了模式干涉区域优势场量的分布情况.结果表明,对于昼夜混合模型,一跳天波中存在来自不同高度及昼夜突跳边界反射的多种模式,基于传统方法检测的幅度相位存在不稳定干涉效应,模式界定困难,而基于FFT/IFFT频谱相除算法能够将主要模式进行细化区分,从而获得更高精度、更平稳的模式特性. 展开更多
关键词 理论 FDTD FFT/IFFT 频谱相除算法 昼夜模型
一种低功耗自诊断双阈值超声波传播时间检测法 被引量:7
作者 毛凯 胡亮 付新 《仪表技术与传感器》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期82-92,共11页
针对低功耗阈值检测法时差法超声波流量计出现的跳波问题,提出了一种低功耗自诊断双阈值超声波传播时间检测法。采用低功耗RS触发器、单稳态触发器、延时芯片和逻辑芯片把双阈值产生的脉冲信号转化成计时脉冲和诊断窗口,用于诊断跳波和... 针对低功耗阈值检测法时差法超声波流量计出现的跳波问题,提出了一种低功耗自诊断双阈值超声波传播时间检测法。采用低功耗RS触发器、单稳态触发器、延时芯片和逻辑芯片把双阈值产生的脉冲信号转化成计时脉冲和诊断窗口,用于诊断跳波和筛选计时数据。实验结果表明,该方法能有效解决跳波,提高测量可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 时差法超声流量计 自诊断 双阈值 跳波
作者 童然 《声学与电子工程》 2009年第3期43-45,共3页
关键词 BCDT-A 测井仪 跳波 技术改进
《庄子》意象试论 被引量:2
作者 刘松来 《江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1989年第1期21-26,共6页
人们只要稍加留意,不难察觉这样一个有趣的现象:不曾在文学史上留下一首诗作的庄周却常常与“诗人”这顶桂冠结有不解之缘。胡应麟在《诗薮》中就明确指出:“《庄》、《列》最近诗。”闻一多甚至认为庄周“那婴儿哭着要捉月亮似的天真,... 人们只要稍加留意,不难察觉这样一个有趣的现象:不曾在文学史上留下一首诗作的庄周却常常与“诗人”这顶桂冠结有不解之缘。胡应麟在《诗薮》中就明确指出:“《庄》、《列》最近诗。”闻一多甚至认为庄周“那婴儿哭着要捉月亮似的天真,那神秘的怅惘,圣睿的憧憬,无边际的企慕,无涯岸的艳羡,便使他成为最真实的诗人。” 展开更多
关键词 《诗薮》 诗歌理论 变形描写 陈良运 庄周 老鱼跳波 外在形态 诗歌评论 不可奈何 荒唐之言
作者 张永俊 《语文天地(初中版)》 2000年第21期10-11,共2页
关键词 《李凭箜篌引》 老鱼跳波 奉礼郎
作者 苏丹 《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》 1987年第4期61-63,56,共4页
杜牧七绝涉及的题材广泛,然写得最多的还是惹人喜爱的写景抒情小诗。这类诗画兼工的珍品写来“景无情不发,情无景不生”。(范晞文《对床夜语》)很能体现杜牧的过人之处。《唐书本传·海岳书史·宣和画谱》说:“杜牧,京兆万年人... 杜牧七绝涉及的题材广泛,然写得最多的还是惹人喜爱的写景抒情小诗。这类诗画兼工的珍品写来“景无情不发,情无景不生”。(范晞文《对床夜语》)很能体现杜牧的过人之处。《唐书本传·海岳书史·宣和画谱》说:“杜牧,京兆万年人,字牧之。尤以诗名,时呼为小杜。人多知其行草雄健,而鲜知其绘事精美。说者谓,颖州公库顾恺之惟摩百补图,为其摹本,精呼照人。又所绘父皇兰亭,询为一代具美之。”在中国文学艺术史上, 展开更多
关键词 对床夜语 范晞文 过人之处 宣和画谱 补图 公库 唐书 李商隐 老鱼跳波 盛唐诗歌
作者 行天 《贵州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 1993年第4期10-12,共3页
关键词 李贺诗歌 美学特色 中国诗史 宇宙意识 老夫采玉歌 唐诗选 九点烟 老鱼跳波 二十四诗品 哲理化
作者 聂焱 《宁夏师范学院学报》 1985年第1期42-45,48,共5页
语言艺术“是用形象、图画来描写现实”,①它的“本质就在于给不具形的思想以生动的,感性的、美丽的形象。”②高明的艺术家,不仅“有本领能从真正的自然界所提供的素材里创造出另一个想象的世界”,③而且还能“想象体现未知之物的模样... 语言艺术“是用形象、图画来描写现实”,①它的“本质就在于给不具形的思想以生动的,感性的、美丽的形象。”②高明的艺术家,不仅“有本领能从真正的自然界所提供的素材里创造出另一个想象的世界”,③而且还能“想象体现未知之物的模样,笔下便赋予它以形状。 展开更多
关键词 形象美 语言艺术 化腐为奇 罗敷 《琵琶行》 赵树理 美感享受 老鱼跳波 乐府歌辞 《陌上桑》
名句名篇 背诵与默写精选
作者 淮民 《文教资料》 2005年第9期54-58,共5页
一、古文的背诵与默写1.《季氏将伐颛臾》丘也闻有国有家者,不患寡而患不均,不患贫而患不安。盖均无贫,和无寡,安无倾。夫如是,故远人不服,则修文德以来之;既来之,则安之。2.《孟子·寡人之于国也》百亩之田,勿夺其时,数口之家,可... 一、古文的背诵与默写1.《季氏将伐颛臾》丘也闻有国有家者,不患寡而患不均,不患贫而患不安。盖均无贫,和无寡,安无倾。夫如是,故远人不服,则修文德以来之;既来之,则安之。2.《孟子·寡人之于国也》百亩之田,勿夺其时,数口之家,可以无饥矣;谨庠序之教,申之以孝悌之义,颁白者不负戴于道路矣。 展开更多
关键词 庠序之教 修文 季氏 百亩 伶官传序 谏太宗十思疏 老鱼跳波 孝悌 故国神游 《过秦论》
摹音绘声 异曲同工
作者 方耀文 张道钦 《郧阳师范高等专科学校学报》 1990年第4期20-22,24,共4页
诗到中唐,五色齐备,群星灿烂,各具风流。在盛唐人筑起的丰碑面前,中唐诗人各辟蹊径,以不同之风格,不同之技巧,开拓出一条条新的道路,培育出一苑苑绚丽的奇卉珍花。其中影响最大的,当然要数致力于通俗流丽的白乐天、醉心于险怪雄奇的韩退... 诗到中唐,五色齐备,群星灿烂,各具风流。在盛唐人筑起的丰碑面前,中唐诗人各辟蹊径,以不同之风格,不同之技巧,开拓出一条条新的道路,培育出一苑苑绚丽的奇卉珍花。其中影响最大的,当然要数致力于通俗流丽的白乐天、醉心于险怪雄奇的韩退之,还有以诡奇浓艳著称的青年诗人李长吉。 展开更多
关键词 绘声 青年诗人 中唐诗人 李长吉 白乐天 听颖师弹琴 李凭箜篌引 《琵琶行》 老鱼跳波 弦音
作者 刘福崇 《音乐世界》 1990年第12期35-35,33,共2页
关键词 听颖师弹琴 李凭箜篌引 《琵琶行》 李长吉 声喻 人方 诗法萃编 老鱼跳波 许印芳 扶南
Nonlinear Rayleigh wave inversion based on the shuffled frog-leaping algorithm 被引量:8
作者 Sun Cheng-Yu Wang Yan-Yan +1 位作者 Wu Dun-Shi Qin Xiao-Jun 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第4期551-558,622,共9页
At present, near-surface shear wave velocities are mainly calculated through Rayleigh wave dispersion-curve inversions in engineering surface investigations, but the required calculations pose a highly nonlinear globa... At present, near-surface shear wave velocities are mainly calculated through Rayleigh wave dispersion-curve inversions in engineering surface investigations, but the required calculations pose a highly nonlinear global optimization problem. In order to alleviate the risk of falling into a local optimal solution, this paper introduces a new global optimization method, the shuffle frog-leaping algorithm (SFLA), into the Rayleigh wave dispersion-curve inversion process. SFLA is a swarm-intelligence-based algorithm that simulates a group of frogs searching for food. It uses a few parameters, achieves rapid convergence, and is capability of effective global searching. In order to test the reliability and calculation performance of SFLA, noise-free and noisy synthetic datasets were inverted. We conducted a comparative analysis with other established algorithms using the noise-free dataset, and then tested the ability of SFLA to cope with data noise. Finally, we inverted a real-world example to examine the applicability of SFLA. Results from both synthetic and field data demonstrated the effectiveness of SFLA in the interpretation of Rayleigh wave dispersion curves. We found that SFLA is superior to the established methods in terms of both reliability and computational efficiency, so it offers great potential to improve our ability to solve geophysical inversion problems. 展开更多
关键词 Shuffle frog-leaping algorithm Rayleigh wave dispersion curves non-linear inversion shear wave velocity
作者 Li Yan Wang Changming 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2007年第2期187-190,共4页
To obtain the radar High Range Resolution (HRR) profile of the slowly moving ground target in strong clutter background, the Phase-Coded Hopped-Frequency (PCHF) waveform is proposed. By multiple-bursts coherent proces... To obtain the radar High Range Resolution (HRR) profile of the slowly moving ground target in strong clutter background, the Phase-Coded Hopped-Frequency (PCHF) waveform is proposed. By multiple-bursts coherent processing, the HRR profile synthesis, target velocity compensation and clutter compression can be accomplished simultaneously. The new waveform is shown to have good ability to suppress ground clutter and good Electronic Counter-CounterMeasures (ECCM) ability as well. The clutter compression performance of the proposed method is verified by the numerical results. 展开更多
关键词 Radar High Range Resolution (HRR) profile Phase-Coded Hopped-Frequency (PCHF) waveform Clutter compression Ground moving target detection
Study of beat phenomenon on a pile-supported pipeline system subjected to wave loading
作者 孟珣 Huang Weiping Li Huajun 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2007年第1期48-52,共5页
Classical beat phenomenon has been observed in most combined systems. The focus of this paper is to provide a better understanding of this phenomenon in an offshore pile-supported pipeline system. The beat phenomeon i... Classical beat phenomenon has been observed in most combined systems. The focus of this paper is to provide a better understanding of this phenomenon in an offshore pile-supported pipeline system. The beat phenomeon is caused by the coupling movement of the pipeline and its vertical pile support under certain conditions. It can induce excessive vibration and cause fatigue failure at pipe elbow. However, in some circumstances it does not exist. Numerical results in both frequency and time domains are presented to elucidate this phenomenon in a combined pipeline system. The conclusions of this paper could give constructive guidance to future design of simply supported pipeline systems. 展开更多
关键词 PIPELINE pile-supported pipeline system beat phenomenon pipe elbow wave loading time history analysis
Distributed link scheduling method with physical interference model in wireless multi-hop networks
作者 樊帅 Zhang Lin +1 位作者 Feng Wei Ren Yong 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2013年第4期353-358,共6页
To further increase the throughput of wireless multi-hop networks,a distributed scheduling method is proposed,which takes physical interference model into account.It is assumed that nodes in the network can perform ph... To further increase the throughput of wireless multi-hop networks,a distributed scheduling method is proposed,which takes physical interference model into account.It is assumed that nodes in the network can perform physical carrier sensing,and the carrier sensing range can be set to different values.In the traditional carrier sensing mechanism,the carrier sensing range is computed under the protocol interference model,which is not accurate.Here the optimal carrier sensing range with physical interference model is achieved.Each sending node implements the distributed approach in three phases at each time slot,and all the concurrent transmissions are interference free.Good performance can be achieved under this scheduling approach.The approximation ratio of the distributed method to the optimal one is also proved. 展开更多
关键词 wireless multi-hop network physical interference model distributed scheduling physical carrier sensing
An ISS-OFDM based adaptive filtering mechanism for interference suppression in wireless multi-hop communication network
作者 秦丹阳 Ma Lin +1 位作者 Xu Renheng Ding Qun 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2014年第3期230-236,共7页
The negative impact on communication performance in wireless multi-hop communication net-work caused by limited bandwidth,high bit eror rate (BER),fading,noise and interference is alleviated by an adaptive filtering... The negative impact on communication performance in wireless multi-hop communication net-work caused by limited bandwidth,high bit eror rate (BER),fading,noise and interference is alleviated by an adaptive filtering game based on frequency subbands selection and predetemined threshold.Such threshold is being obtained in Gaussian and multipath fading channel according to the frequency-matching principle and BER performance.The dynamic selection of subbands will obtain high use efficiency without the help of frequency hopping,and propound a new thought to improve band limited communication for wireless multi-hop communication network.The effectiveness of the adaptive filtering method has been verified by interleaving spread spectrum orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (ISS-OFDM) in different interference conditions,and the simulating results based on network simulator 2 (NS2) indicate that system BER can be improved greatly. 展开更多
关键词 multi-hop communication adaptive filtering interleaving spread spectrum orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (ISS-OFDM) interference suppression
Robust Transceiver Optimization for Multi-Antenna Multi-Carrier Multi-Hop Communications
作者 QU Fengzhong ZHANG Zhujun +1 位作者 WU Zhihui WU Yezhou 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期20-29,共10页
Multi-hop communications are becoming more and more important due to its flexibility and potential to improve communication coverage and quality. In this paper, we discuss the robust transceiver optimization for multi... Multi-hop communications are becoming more and more important due to its flexibility and potential to improve communication coverage and quality. In this paper, we discuss the robust transceiver optimization for multi-hop amplify-and-forward multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM) systems. In general, we consider a three-dimensional robust beamforming design, i.e.,frequency, spatial and relay domains. With inevitable channel estimation errors, in our work both weighted mean square error(MSE) minimization and minimizing maximum MSE are adopted as the performance metrics to design robust transceivers. Following the Bayesian robust philosophy, a robust transceiver design is proposed. The design is based on convex optimization, and the involved optimization variables are optimized alternatively. The proposed transceiver optimization algorithms can be applied to the network with arbitrary hops, arbitrary antennas and arbitrary subcarriers. At the end of this paper, the performance advantages of the propose design have been assessed by the numerical results. 展开更多
关键词 AMPLIFY-AND-FORWARD multi-hopcommunications robust transceiver optimiza-tion
NJ_2型机车的辅助交流传动系统 被引量:3
作者 林全峰 封建坤 《内燃机车》 北大核心 2007年第3期17-21,23,共6页
关键词 交流传动 辅助传动系统 跳波控制 励磁
从“昆山玉”意象走进李贺的梦——换种方式解读《李凭箜篌引》 被引量:3
作者 苏荣华 《高中生学习(作文素材与时评)》 2022年第12期18-21,共4页
原文阅读李凭箜篌引【唐】李贺吴丝蜀桐张高秋,空山凝云颓不流。江娥啼竹素女愁,李凭中国弹箜篌。昆山玉碎凤凰叫,芙蓉泣露香兰笑。十二门前融冷光,二十三丝动紫皇。女娲炼石补天处,石破天惊逗秋雨。梦入神山教神妪,老鱼跳波瘦蛟舞。吴... 原文阅读李凭箜篌引【唐】李贺吴丝蜀桐张高秋,空山凝云颓不流。江娥啼竹素女愁,李凭中国弹箜篌。昆山玉碎凤凰叫,芙蓉泣露香兰笑。十二门前融冷光,二十三丝动紫皇。女娲炼石补天处,石破天惊逗秋雨。梦入神山教神妪,老鱼跳波瘦蛟舞。吴质不眠倚桂树,露脚斜飞湿寒兔. 展开更多
关键词 李凭 老鱼跳波 《李凭箜篌引》 昆山玉 炼石补天
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