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作者 黄海峰 《通信世界》 2014年第20期22-23,共2页
华为大篷车项目高度重视客户体验,以客户为中心的策略,是其一种营销贴近客户的思路,让整个终端行业的面貌都为之一变。"精致的队徽、养眼的足球宝贝,还有阿森纳版的P7!精彩纷呈!"7月12日,华为手机品牌之旅活动落地北京国家体育馆前广... 华为大篷车项目高度重视客户体验,以客户为中心的策略,是其一种营销贴近客户的思路,让整个终端行业的面貌都为之一变。"精致的队徽、养眼的足球宝贝,还有阿森纳版的P7!精彩纷呈!"7月12日,华为手机品牌之旅活动落地北京国家体育馆前广场,上演了一场别开生面的足球嘉年华。当晚华为P7阿森纳定制版的发布更是将活动推向高潮,吸引大批球迷及消费者的到来,引爆现场激情狂欢。 展开更多
关键词 践言 阿森纳 足球宝贝 客户体验 文化之旅 消费者市场 以行 运营商市场 体验者 现场体验
作者 郑淑花 《青海师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第2期134-139,共6页
格物致知思想在朱熹理学体系中地位重要、影响深远,同时它对朱熹语言思想也产生了重要影响。朱熹认为圣人是为万世立言,圣人言语为万世之标准,具有义理俱全、实事求是、谨密周遍、平正明白等特点。他提出,对待圣人言语要“格文字”和“... 格物致知思想在朱熹理学体系中地位重要、影响深远,同时它对朱熹语言思想也产生了重要影响。朱熹认为圣人是为万世立言,圣人言语为万世之标准,具有义理俱全、实事求是、谨密周遍、平正明白等特点。他提出,对待圣人言语要“格文字”和“格话”(即“格语”),“须是合下便行将去”(即“践言”)。朱熹讲究“格语践言”的方法,认为要以熟读精思、理会浃洽、切己体察之法体认和践行圣人言语“万世标准”的内涵。朱熹关于圣人言语功能的体认及其所蕴含的语言学思想,对当下“推动中华传统文化创造性发展、创新性发展”具有重要的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 朱熹 圣人 格语践言 功能
躬行践言 笃行求知
作者 黄志勇 《语文教学通讯》 2020年第14期4-6,共3页
陆游有诗云:“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。”大道至简,知易行难。回首我的从教之路,感慨万千——从霞薇山下的南靖龙山中学到芝山脚下的漳州一中分校,再到现在的漳州八中;从县级教坛新秀到福建省特级教师,再到漳州市品牌学校卓越... 陆游有诗云:“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。”大道至简,知易行难。回首我的从教之路,感慨万千——从霞薇山下的南靖龙山中学到芝山脚下的漳州一中分校,再到现在的漳州八中;从县级教坛新秀到福建省特级教师,再到漳州市品牌学校卓越校长培养人选……一路走来,“行动”就是我的通行证。于躬行中践言,于笃行中求知,我得以不断挑战并突破自我。 展开更多
关键词 纸上得来终觉浅 省特级教师 品牌学校 大道至简 知易行难 教坛新秀 践言 笃行
践言冲突方法与哲学范式的重新奠基 被引量:7
作者 韩东晖 《中国社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期67-76,共10页
践言冲突作为一种独特的哲学论辩方法,在20世纪语用学转向之后受到普遍关注。欣提卡以践言冲突方法深入分析了笛卡尔“我思故我在”这一命题,使其论证成为哲学史研究中的典范;阿佩尔将其纳入自己的先验语用学框架,哈贝马斯则将其引入形... 践言冲突作为一种独特的哲学论辩方法,在20世纪语用学转向之后受到普遍关注。欣提卡以践言冲突方法深入分析了笛卡尔“我思故我在”这一命题,使其论证成为哲学史研究中的典范;阿佩尔将其纳入自己的先验语用学框架,哈贝马斯则将其引入形式语用学理论,使之成为相当有效的论辩武器;在《逻辑哲学论》中陷入践言冲突的维特根斯坦,在后期则走出了这一陷阱,并运用践言冲突方法治疗哲学的疾病,使之成为普遍的哲学方法。通过对践言冲突的内涵及其典型案例的分析,我们可以看到这一方法在驳斥极端相对主义、怀疑主义中发挥了关键性作用,从而为哲学范式的重新奠基提供了方法上的支持。 展开更多
关键词 践言冲突 欣提卡 阿佩尔 哈贝马斯 维特根斯坦
维特根斯坦《逻辑哲学论》中的践言意义 被引量:4
作者 韩东晖 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期85-92,共8页
维特根斯坦的《逻辑哲学论》以"划界与批判"为中心,其核心内容是由规范性语句及其阐释构成的,具有践言意义而非断言涵义。对践言意义的分析不仅能够凸显《逻辑哲学论》内在的践言冲突,而且能够深入说明这一类哲学活动的阐释... 维特根斯坦的《逻辑哲学论》以"划界与批判"为中心,其核心内容是由规范性语句及其阐释构成的,具有践言意义而非断言涵义。对践言意义的分析不仅能够凸显《逻辑哲学论》内在的践言冲突,而且能够深入说明这一类哲学活动的阐释性和规范性特征,为普遍性的元哲学思考提供有效思路。这种解读方式要求我们将语义学和语用学更为充分而有效地结合起来,批判性地反思哲学的表达方式,探明意义的界限,防止貌似深刻的"胡说"和呓语。 展开更多
关键词 维特根斯坦 逻辑哲学论 践言 规范性
“言可复也”究竟谓何 被引量:1
作者 杨柳岸 杨逢彬 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期79-87,共9页
《论语·学而》“信近于义,言可复也”,朱熹释“复”为“践言”,为杨伯峻先生《论语译注》采纳。孙晓春认同何晏所释“信近于义”谓“信非义也”,“言可复也”谓“出言反复”,以为《论语译注》解读错误。杨、孙所提供两则《左传》... 《论语·学而》“信近于义,言可复也”,朱熹释“复”为“践言”,为杨伯峻先生《论语译注》采纳。孙晓春认同何晏所释“信近于义”谓“信非义也”,“言可复也”谓“出言反复”,以为《论语译注》解读错误。杨、孙所提供两则《左传》的书证(僖公九年、哀公十六年)全同。“践言”实为塙诂。其一,书证的归纳证明,先秦典籍中“近于……”,指与前者近似,并无“不是前者”的言下之意。其二,《左传·僖公九年》“能欲复言而爱身乎”孔颖达疏:“意能欲使前言可反复而行之,得爱惜身命不死乎?”书证的归纳证明,“能欲……而……乎”句式中“而”前后词语所表之义美恶相反。如此,“复言”只能是“践言”而不能是“出言反复”。其三,孔疏“反复而行之”谓“践言”。书证的归纳证明,“反复”作状语指“多次”;作谓语、宾语才是“反复无常”。其四,《国语·晋语二》记载同一事件的“岂能欲行吾言而又爱吾身乎”对应《左传·僖公九年》的“能欲复言而爱身乎”,可证“复言”即“行吾言”,也即“践行吾言”。其五,《国语·楚语下》谓“复言而不谋身”“爱而不谋长”“直而不顾”“皆有其华而不实者也”“爱而不谋长”“直而不顾”可归纳为“美而恶”,因此才“华而不实”,“复言而不谋身”亦当循此例,故“复言”只能是“践言”。这说明,当几则故训解释不同时,或当故训、文例产生矛盾时,应当主要依从文例。而孙先生采纳的何晏注,没有得到文例的支撑。 展开更多
关键词 可复 践言 反复 审句例
作者 李曦 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第5期587-591,共5页
雅克·欣提卡在诠释笛卡尔的"我思故我在"命题时创造了一种新的范式——践言性诠释。在这种诠释中,"我思"被解释为一种与"言语行为"逻辑同构的思想行为,"我思"的功能则被阐释为"我在... 雅克·欣提卡在诠释笛卡尔的"我思故我在"命题时创造了一种新的范式——践言性诠释。在这种诠释中,"我思"被解释为一种与"言语行为"逻辑同构的思想行为,"我思"的功能则被阐释为"我在心灵中对自己说‘我不存在’",因而"我在"自身得以确证,"我思"命题成立。欣提卡关于自我是通过他人的目光得以确证这一最具革命性的观点,后来虽有修正,但为继续探寻"我思"命题开辟了新的途径。 展开更多
关键词 笛卡尔 雅克·欣提卡 我思 我在 践言性诠释
作者 朱永新 《新教师》 2015年第5期17-,共1页
2014年是叶圣陶先生诞辰120周年。江苏省苏州市教育局发起了"像叶圣陶那样做老师"的倡议,非常有意义。这个活动,不仅是对纪念叶圣陶有意义,而且对推进当下教育更具有现实意义。借这个话题,谈谈我的一些想法。叶圣陶不仅是教... 2014年是叶圣陶先生诞辰120周年。江苏省苏州市教育局发起了"像叶圣陶那样做老师"的倡议,非常有意义。这个活动,不仅是对纪念叶圣陶有意义,而且对推进当下教育更具有现实意义。借这个话题,谈谈我的一些想法。叶圣陶不仅是教师的楷模,而且对教师问题也有非常深刻的思考和论述。他从18岁开始做教师,先是在苏州的言子庙小学,后来又去了甪直的小学。在8年的从教生涯中,叶圣陶对教育的理解。 展开更多
关键词 当下教育 教育观点 学校教育 践言 虚心好学 教育生活 每事问 夏丏尊 师范教育 “教学相长”
华为邱隆:以创新完成服务器布局 市场发展进入快车道
作者 黄海峰 《通信世界》 2015年第18期27-27,共1页
关键词 践言 服务器市场 内部统计 媒体沟通会 以行 全球战略合作 服务器产品 技术合作伙伴 业务发展需求 规模部署
“维州事件”之浅见 被引量:4
作者 刘念慈 《重庆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1993年第3期64-69,共6页
太和五年九月唐文宗诏令不纳维州降将,悉怛谋投降一事便告了结。可是,一年后王践言入朝知枢密,旧事重提,“附李德裕者因言:‘僧孺与德裕有隙,害其功。’”从此,维州事件被涂抹上党争色彩,后之论者竟也沿袭李党之徒的观点以至今日。这样... 太和五年九月唐文宗诏令不纳维州降将,悉怛谋投降一事便告了结。可是,一年后王践言入朝知枢密,旧事重提,“附李德裕者因言:‘僧孺与德裕有隙,害其功。’”从此,维州事件被涂抹上党争色彩,后之论者竟也沿袭李党之徒的观点以至今日。这样,就使我们在认识维州事件上难免要出现一些误解。为此,本文拟就维州事件原与党争无涉提出一些浅见,以求正于唐史专家。 展开更多
关键词 维州 德裕 李逢吉 唐史 李宗闵 牛僧孺 同平章事 枢密 践言 观察使
作者 于文岗 《中外企业文化》 2016年第10期14-16,共3页
在三十年企业文化建设实践中,总感觉有些东西在不知不觉中起作用,像是一只无形的手,在背后左右着企业文化实践。我领悟到,这就是企业文化建设规律。文化规律、企业文化规律、企业文化建设规律不是一回事,但企业文化规律不偏离文化规律,... 在三十年企业文化建设实践中,总感觉有些东西在不知不觉中起作用,像是一只无形的手,在背后左右着企业文化实践。我领悟到,这就是企业文化建设规律。文化规律、企业文化规律、企业文化建设规律不是一回事,但企业文化规律不偏离文化规律,企业文化建设规律不偏离企业文化规律。 展开更多
关键词 企业文化 文化建设实 文化实 核心价值理念 创新氛围 住总集团 集团核心 践言 文化建设需要 集团文化
《福建史志》 2017年第2期60-61,共2页
家训八要 一要孝,父母面前无违拗。在生不见子承欢,死后念经有何效?尔子在旁看尔样,忤逆之人忤逆报。当为孝。二要悌,兄长面前无使气。手足痛痒本相关,尔争我妒终何益?有酒有肉朋友多,打虎还是亲兄弟。当知悌。三要忠,富贵贫贱本相... 家训八要 一要孝,父母面前无违拗。在生不见子承欢,死后念经有何效?尔子在旁看尔样,忤逆之人忤逆报。当为孝。二要悌,兄长面前无使气。手足痛痒本相关,尔争我妒终何益?有酒有肉朋友多,打虎还是亲兄弟。当知悌。三要忠,富贵贫贱本相同。譬如替人谋一事,能尽其心便是忠。 展开更多
关键词 李侗 人谋 践言 罗从彦 巧人 延平 崇仁里 知信 所敬 南剑州
应用分发 华为是怎么打造出一个节日的
作者 张强 《计算机与网络》 2015年第24期16-16,共1页
自2013年底华为应用市场首度举办"12.21一触即发"活动以来,可能很多人都没有想到,这不仅成为了华为粉丝翘首以盼的年末保留节目,同时也成为了应用分发领域每逢岁末的标志性活动。要知道在那个时候,国内的应用分发市场还处于混战状态下... 自2013年底华为应用市场首度举办"12.21一触即发"活动以来,可能很多人都没有想到,这不仅成为了华为粉丝翘首以盼的年末保留节目,同时也成为了应用分发领域每逢岁末的标志性活动。要知道在那个时候,国内的应用分发市场还处于混战状态下,以百度和360为首的互联网巨头通过利用PC端的影响力,和用户连接电脑自动安装的方式,初期俘获了大批用户;紧接着的是许多社区型应用市场的诞生与林立,包括安卓市场、安智市场、91手机助手等。 展开更多
关键词 社区型 翘首以盼 终端厂商 开发者 性活动 移动生活 腾讯 未来竞争 生存根基 践言
ESL pre-service teachers' views of Teaching Practice supervision and assessment in Nigeria
作者 Funke Lawal Anthonia Maduekwe Nonye Ikonta Oyenike Adeosun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第4期15-28,共14页
This paper suggests that English as a Second Language (ESL) pre-service teachers' views and opinions about Teaching Practices be used by faculty to make TP more effective and interesting for the professional deve... This paper suggests that English as a Second Language (ESL) pre-service teachers' views and opinions about Teaching Practices be used by faculty to make TP more effective and interesting for the professional development of teachers. The main objective was to study the motivational dimensions of Teaching Practice (TP), analyze trainees perception of the strength of their content courses (knowledge base) and pedagogy programme (psychology, teaching methods), and investigate the quality of TP orientation program supervision and assessment by faculty (teacher trainers). A survey was carried out to determine procedures and processes for minimizing anxieties and fears concerning TP and the relationship between faculty and trainees, mentoring and monitoring procedures, the giving of feedback and utilization of the views of students. Questionnaires were used to obtain information on the content courses or subjects which students found difficult, irrelevant or not adequately taught, what faculty should do to make TP experience better and rewarding to make them become professional teachers. Participants in the study found pedagogy courses relevant to their training and quite enjoyable. They also acknowledge that the courses help them to develop learner centered instructional skills and competence in classroom management. On the contrary, participants confessed they were weak in grammar and spoken English because these were not adequately taught, they also limited exposure to reading and writing. Focused group discussion with students revealed that TP Orientation Programs were too crowded and ill-organized to meet their needs and reduce their anxiety. The points of focus of the orientation-dress code, comportment in schools-were not as crucial as some issues-mentoring, relationship between faculty and students-which were left out. Respondents rated TP supervision and assessment very low because of inadequacies in the number of visits, lack of feedback and low level interaction with their trainers. Some of the students used peer interaction, self-development and self-study skills to improve their skills and cope with TP. The results suggest that knowledge base of students in ESL courses need to be strengthened and enriched. Orientation program should be geared towards trainee's needs. Also supervision and assessment require a lot of improvement while faculty should give prompt feedback and utilize trainees' opinions and views for meeting students' needs and improving TP. 展开更多
关键词 pre-service teachers Teaching Practice SUPERVISION ASSESSMENT NIGERIA
Making full use of action research in EFLT
作者 CAI Cui-yun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第12期18-21,共4页
Since 1970s, action research is well claimed in education. This article tries to give a brief introduction of some major relevant information about action research, and then it explores the significance of adopting ac... Since 1970s, action research is well claimed in education. This article tries to give a brief introduction of some major relevant information about action research, and then it explores the significance of adopting action research in EFLT. Moreover, it proposes a possible way, namely collaborative action research in EFLT. 展开更多
关键词 action research EFLT COLLABORATION
A Cognitive Approach to the Teaching of College English Writing
作者 SHAN Xiao-ming 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2018年第2期92-96,共5页
One major objective in the teaching of college English writing is to help students master basic language skills, in the hope that students will finally learn to write passably well in English. In keeping with the conc... One major objective in the teaching of college English writing is to help students master basic language skills, in the hope that students will finally learn to write passably well in English. In keeping with the concept that a language is a huge system, a cognitive approach to college English writing aims at the link and association of various language elements to help to inspire the formation of the linguistic instinct on the part of the students Based on the practical teaching practice, ways are recommended to coordinate various elements of a sentence, including "vowel spectrum", "sentence analyzing spectrum", and "focus in context" 展开更多
关键词 college English writing a cognitive approach coordination of "vowel sound spectrum" "entenceanalysis spectrum" and "speetrum of focus in context"
The Use of Metaphors in Scientific Texts in English: A Proposal for Improving Reading Competence 被引量:1
作者 Lia Judith Femandez Luciana Graciela Remondino 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第8期621-626,共6页
Understanding discipline-specific texts in English is a basic requirement for science students, who must develop their content knowledge and language skills. Particularly, interesting is the fact that the language of ... Understanding discipline-specific texts in English is a basic requirement for science students, who must develop their content knowledge and language skills. Particularly, interesting is the fact that the language of science is characterized by the use of figurative language, which appeals to the common knowledge of the world, mainly to explain, clarify, and describe intricate concepts. Metaphors are helpful for lexicalizing new concepts and meanings or extending the meanings of pre-existing words. The analysis of tropes as a means to improve foreign language learners' reading competence is a rather novel teaching practice in ESP (English for Specific Purposes), implemented at the University of Rio Cuarto, Argentina. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to explain the theoretical basis for teaching and developing metaphorical competence in ESP classes as a means of providing an intellectually stimulating alternative approach, and to present some teaching ideas and activities designed to familiarize students with the use of metaphorical language in scientific discourse in order to enhance their reading competence. 展开更多
关键词 SCIENCE METAPHORS ESP (English for Specific Purposes) reading competence
English Teachers’ Beliefs About Multilingual Awareness in L3 Learning and Their Teaching Practice in Chinese EFL Context 被引量:1
作者 Baiyinna WU 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2022年第3期416-432,485,共18页
Teachers’ beliefs toward multilingual awareness in target language learning play a significant role in shaping learners’ attitudes to language awareness, affect learners’ linguistic behavior and teachers’ teaching... Teachers’ beliefs toward multilingual awareness in target language learning play a significant role in shaping learners’ attitudes to language awareness, affect learners’ linguistic behavior and teachers’ teaching practice. Therefore, the present study was aimed to explore English teachers’ beliefs about Inner Mongolian university students’ multilingual awareness in L3 learning and their teaching practice in Chinese EFL context. One hundred English teachers from six universities in Inner Mongolia, China, participated in this investigation. The data was collected through a questionnaire and teacher interviews. The results indicate that English teachers hold positive attitudes to multilingual awareness in general;however, there are belief differences between Mongolian and Han teachers;there exist discrepancies between English teachers’ beliefs about multilingual awareness and their teaching practice, and social-cultural environment, family language policy,teacher identity, learning experience, teaching materials, and, more importantly, teachers’ lack of awareness of fostering learners’ multilingual awareness lead to the discrepancies. The present research highlights the necessity of raising teacher awareness of cultivating multilingual awareness in future teacher development and emphasizes the significance of exploring the potential cognitive advantages of multilingualism in promoting L3 learning and developing English learners’ multilingual competence in the EFL context in China. 展开更多
关键词 teacher belief multilingual awareness multilingual competence metalinguistic awareness cross-linguistic awareness L3 teaching practice
Idealized cognitive models for students to strengthen the effect of music imagination
作者 Fuduan PENG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第4期30-32,共3页
If there is no imagination, there is no music appreciation. It should create imaginary world for students in the music classroom teaching practice, and it should foster the students' musical imagination. Thus, collea... If there is no imagination, there is no music appreciation. It should create imaginary world for students in the music classroom teaching practice, and it should foster the students' musical imagination. Thus, colleagues can make discussion about strategies proposed including pilot background, context led, screen hygiene conditions and others. We use Cognitive Linguistic Theories to introduce idealized cognitive model and its theoretical basis and the intensified impact on student musical imagination. 展开更多
关键词 idealized cognitive model IMAGINATION INFLUENCE
Secret Language Use of Criminals: Their Implications to Legislative Institutions, Police, and Public Social Practices
作者 Annikki Koskensalo 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第7期497-509,共13页
It has always been very important throughout the centuries for legislative institutions and police organizations to watch over different media and genres as instruments of conspiracy of criminals, members of organized... It has always been very important throughout the centuries for legislative institutions and police organizations to watch over different media and genres as instruments of conspiracy of criminals, members of organized crime, and terroristic groups in order to recognize conspiracy contents and to evaluate them systematically (intelligence work). With the help of special methods-design, it is possible to analyze the functions and strategies of this specific sometimes open or undercover used languages of Rotwelsch, Argot, Fenya, terrorist and Jihadi groups. A very significant example is the history of Jihadi Internet as a cyber-planning tool: single websites (until 2001), expansion and professionalization (2001-2007) and severe surveillance, distrust and new social media (after 2008 especially because of 9/11). Since it has become clear that the National Security Agency (NSA) conducts severe intelligence research in the field of E-mail-traffic and chats, the demand of crypto-programs has grown. It is better in this situation to return to face-to-face-communication. Legislative institutions and police have to study these functions and strategies in order to practice the best fitting counter-action against crime and terrorism. 展开更多
关键词 Rotwelsch Fenya (secret) languages of terrorists and Jihadi groups
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