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位置功能候选基因HMGA1、C6orf106和ENSSSCG00000023160与猪肢蹄结实度的关联性 被引量:2
作者 张徐非 候利娟 +2 位作者 邱恒清 黄路生 郭源梅 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第20期4030-4039,共10页
【目的】建立一种通过内在的四肢骨关节评分来评估猪肢蹄结实度的方法,并计算关节评分与表观评估的肢蹄结实度之间的相关系数。此外,在F2、莱芜、二花脸、苏太和杜长大5个猪群中,研究三个位置功能候选基因HMGA1、C6orf106和ENSSSCG00000... 【目的】建立一种通过内在的四肢骨关节评分来评估猪肢蹄结实度的方法,并计算关节评分与表观评估的肢蹄结实度之间的相关系数。此外,在F2、莱芜、二花脸、苏太和杜长大5个猪群中,研究三个位置功能候选基因HMGA1、C6orf106和ENSSSCG00000023160与猪肢蹄结实度之间的关联性。【方法】根据关节面裂痕的大小和深浅以及损伤的严重程度,对5块四肢骨的关节进行评分(1—5分)。如果关节面裂痕很大且很深,或损伤很严重,则评为1分;如果关节面没有裂痕和损伤,则评为5分。评分越高,说明关节越健康,肢蹄越结实。此外,基于笔者前期全基因组关联分析的结果,在猪7号染色体最强关联SNP两侧翼各0.2 Mb的区域内,筛选出HMGA1、C6orf106和ENSSSCG00000023160三个位置功能候选基因。在F2群体中,通过基因测序,搜寻这3个基因的多态位点,并根据多态位点在6个物种间的保守性,筛选出11个多态位点。利用Taqman探针,对3个HMGA1位点和3个C6orf106位点进行基因分型,而另一个基因的5个多态位点则通过基因型填补(genotype imputation)方法进行基因分型。最后,利用R软件Gen ABEL程序包,分析最小等位基因频率(MAF)大于0.05的多态位点与肢蹄结实度之间的关联性。【结果】在C6orf106和ENSSSCG00000023160基因中,分别鉴别到174和5个多态位点。关节评分之间呈显著的正相关,绝大部关节评分与蹄趾、肢蹄和步态评分之间无相关,而与肱二头肌长度和重量呈显著的负相关。公猪的肩胛骨关节评分极显著低于母猪的评分,但是臂骨肩关节和后肢跗关节评分显著高于母猪相应的关节评分。在F2群体中,3个候选基因均与肢蹄结实度关联,但是ENSSSCG00000023160的关联程度不如另外2个基因强,可以排除它为肢蹄结实度的因果基因。因此,该基因没有在其余的4个群体中进行检测。在二花脸群体中,HMGA1的g.2029C>T和g.3155A>G位点均与肢蹄结实度关联,另一个位点的MAF小于0.05。在其它3个群体中,HMGA1 3个位点的MAF都小于0.05。在莱芜群体中,仅C6orf106的g.6953T>C位点的MAF大于0.05,该位点与肢蹄结实度显著关联。在苏太和杜长大群体中,C6orf106的g.2054T>C和g.6953T>C位点的MAF大于0.05,但它们与肢蹄结实度性状之间无显著关联。【结论】建立了一套利用四肢骨关节评分来评估肢蹄结实度的方法,该方法是对现有的表观评估方法的重要补充。因为蹄趾、肢蹄和步态评分与关节评分无相关,所以它们不能取代关节评分。关联分析结果排除了ENSSSCG00000023160是肢蹄结实度因果基因,但没有排除HMGA1和C6orf106的可能性,因此,有必要对这2个基因进行更深入的研究。 展开更多
关键词 结实 关节评分 关联分析 基因型填补
猪肢蹄结实度的遗传解析进展 被引量:3
作者 候利娟 张徐非 郭源梅 《猪业科学》 2013年第12期94-97,共4页
肢蹄软弱一直困扰着世界养猪业,给世界养猪业带来了巨大的经济损失。由于肢蹄结实度受多种因素的影响,是一个典型的复杂性状,因此,对该性状的遗传解析面临着巨大挑战。通过对猪肢蹄结实度的遗传解析进展进行综述,并对猪肢蹄结实度遗传... 肢蹄软弱一直困扰着世界养猪业,给世界养猪业带来了巨大的经济损失。由于肢蹄结实度受多种因素的影响,是一个典型的复杂性状,因此,对该性状的遗传解析面临着巨大挑战。通过对猪肢蹄结实度的遗传解析进展进行综述,并对猪肢蹄结实度遗传解析的未来进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 结实 遗传解析 进展
作者 马官军 叶灯灯 +2 位作者 赵志超 谢胜松 刘向东 《猪业科学》 2017年第12期117-118,共2页
在我国,由于栏舍、地板、营养、育种、疾病等因素的影响,猪的肢蹄问题愈加突出。肢蹄问题轻则影响母猪的生产,重则导致母猪淘汰,从而降低养殖生产效率和加大经济损失。因此,肢蹄问题的预防和度量在猪的育种和生产中具有十分重要的作用... 在我国,由于栏舍、地板、营养、育种、疾病等因素的影响,猪的肢蹄问题愈加突出。肢蹄问题轻则影响母猪的生产,重则导致母猪淘汰,从而降低养殖生产效率和加大经济损失。因此,肢蹄问题的预防和度量在猪的育种和生产中具有十分重要的作用。猪的肢蹄结实度是度量猪的肢蹄问题的重要指标之一。猪的肢蹄结实度是指猪四肢的结实程度,被认为是肢蹄健康程度、结实程度、四肢运动协调程度的综合反映。衡量肢蹄结实度的方法较多,在屠宰测量中,可以使用观察关节软骨状况、测定肱二头肌的长度和质量来评估,在活体状态下,可以通过腿型评分、肢蹄结构评分、步态评分、骨密度测定、观察蹄甲损伤情况等方法来评估。该文对猪肢蹄结实度评估方法的研究进行综述。 展开更多
关键词 结实 规模化猪场 骨密
谈谈种猪肢蹄结实度 被引量:1
作者 林亦孝 《江西畜牧兽医杂志》 2003年第4期14-14,16,共2页
关键词 种猪 结实 生产性能 遗传 营养 环境 运动 引种 育种 饲料配方
作者 杨宜生 《湖北畜牧兽医》 1995年第4期14-16,23,共4页
口蹄疫(FMD)是由小核糖核酸病毒科(Picornaviridae)口疮病毒属(Aphthovirus)的口蹄疫病毒(Foot—and—mouth diseasevirus,FMDV)引起的一种偶蹄动物的最烈性传染病,也是世界上危害最严重的动物传染病之一。感染动物多达30余种,主要危害... 口蹄疫(FMD)是由小核糖核酸病毒科(Picornaviridae)口疮病毒属(Aphthovirus)的口蹄疫病毒(Foot—and—mouth diseasevirus,FMDV)引起的一种偶蹄动物的最烈性传染病,也是世界上危害最严重的动物传染病之一。感染动物多达30余种,主要危害对象是黄牛(奶牛)、牦牛、水牛、猪、山羊。 展开更多
关键词 动物 传染病 蹄度
作者 胡全 《生物学教学》 2000年第6期42-43,共2页
关键词 蹄度 人畜共患病 病毒病 流行病学 症状 预防
作者 佟胜伟 王希彪 +1 位作者 崔世泉 师庆伟 《东北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2007年第5期649-653,共5页
通过观察民猪、长白猪、长民猪静态结构性状,分析不同品种间以及同一品种左、右肢间的差异,发现民猪前肢肢势多为X-肢势,四肢的系关节角、两个跗关节角都存在结构缺陷,民猪后蹄存在明显的左右不对称缺陷,长民猪前系关节和跗关节也存在... 通过观察民猪、长白猪、长民猪静态结构性状,分析不同品种间以及同一品种左、右肢间的差异,发现民猪前肢肢势多为X-肢势,四肢的系关节角、两个跗关节角都存在结构缺陷,民猪后蹄存在明显的左右不对称缺陷,长民猪前系关节和跗关节也存在结构缺陷。 展开更多
关键词 民猪 长白猪 结实
作者 马官军 王超 +1 位作者 叶灯灯 刘向东 《猪业科学》 2020年第1期108-111,共4页
试验旨在研究不同品种、胎次与种母猪管围的关系。选取广西某规模化种猪场1~8胎次的925头丹系母猪进行管围测定,包括杜洛克母猪98头,长白母猪275头,大白母猪552头,并对测定数据进行统计分析。结果表明:品种和胎次对母猪管围均存在极显... 试验旨在研究不同品种、胎次与种母猪管围的关系。选取广西某规模化种猪场1~8胎次的925头丹系母猪进行管围测定,包括杜洛克母猪98头,长白母猪275头,大白母猪552头,并对测定数据进行统计分析。结果表明:品种和胎次对母猪管围均存在极显著影响(P<0.01),且三个品种中,杜洛克母猪管围值明显高于长白母猪和大白母猪,大白母猪和长白母猪管围均值较为接近;杜洛克母猪、长白母猪和大白母猪胎次与管围的可决系数R2分别为0.966、0.8813和0.8986,在不同母猪群体中,1~4胎次的母猪管围随着胎次的增加而快速增长,而在5~8胎次时,长白母猪管围随胎次增加缓慢增长,大白母猪则管围随胎次增长而下调。综上,品种和胎次对母猪的管围存在较大影响,该研究为猪的遗传改良提供了理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 母猪 胎次 管围 生产 结实
Analysis of the Mechanical Behavior of Bovine Hoof Horn Using Digital Image Correlation
作者 ZHANG Dong-sheng AROLA Dwayne LUO miao 《Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English Edition)》 2006年第3期103-112,共10页
In this study Digital Image Correlation (DIC) was adopted to evaluate the mechanical properties of bovine hoof horn. Using specific process, tensile specimens comprised of Zones 4 and 5 of the sole were excised from t... In this study Digital Image Correlation (DIC) was adopted to evaluate the mechanical properties of bovine hoof horn. Using specific process, tensile specimens comprised of Zones 4 and 5 of the sole were excised from the claws of the front and rear hooves of a mature Black Angus cow. After extraction the specimens were conditioned to obtain horn with relative moisture content of either 0% (dry) or 100% (wet) and then subjected to uniaxial tension to failure. The average elastic modulus (E) of all "dry" and "wet" hoof horn was 2870 ± 460 MPa and 102 ± 34 MPa respectively. Similarly, the average proportional limit stress (σ) was 29.0 ± 4.8 MPa and 1.4 ± 0.3 MPa respectively. Although the mechanical properties were dependent on distance from the dermal-epidermal junction, the influence of moisture on mechanical behavior was far greater. 展开更多
关键词 Digital image correlation Bovine hoof STIFFNESS STRENGTH
《中国农业文摘(畜牧)》 1994年第3期59-62,共4页
关键词 结实 菜籽饼粕 制粒机 热喷 颗粒饲料压制机 蛋白饲料 粉状饲料 产气率 小麦淀粉 二级处理
Research on temperature rise of hoisting machine disk brake
作者 MA Jun JANG Hai-bo 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2012年第4期423-427,共5页
A mathematical model and finite element model for analysis of temperature rise of the hoisting machine brake sys- tem was constructed, limit conditions were defined, and the law of temperature rise of brake shoes duri... A mathematical model and finite element model for analysis of temperature rise of the hoisting machine brake sys- tem was constructed, limit conditions were defined, and the law of temperature rise of brake shoes during emergent brake course was analyzed and calculated by using finite element software. By analyzing the calculation results, the law of tempera- ture change of surface of brake disk and shoes during the braking process was found. The law of brake shoes surface tempera- ture distribution and the law of temperature change along with thickness of brake shoes at brake time 0.5 s, 1.0 s and 1.5 s was analyzed. A hoisting machine emergent braking test was carried out. Finally, the author concluded that velocity rebound in the process of hoisting machine emergent brake is due to decreased friction coefficient caused by the temperature rise of the brake shoes surface. 展开更多
关键词 hoisting machine disk brake brake shoe temperature distribution finite element method
Restoration Prospects for Heitutan Degraded Grassland in the Sanjiangyuan 被引量:24
作者 LI Xi-lai PERRY LW George +3 位作者 BRIERLEY Gary GAO Jay ZHANG Jing YANG Yuan-wu 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期687-698,共12页
In many ecosystems ungulates have coexisted with grasslands over long periods of time. However, high densities of grazing animals may change the floristic and structural characteristics of vegetation, reduce biodivers... In many ecosystems ungulates have coexisted with grasslands over long periods of time. However, high densities of grazing animals may change the floristic and structural characteristics of vegetation, reduce biodiversity, and increase soil erosion, potentially triggering abrupt and rapid changes in ecosystem condition. Alternate stable state theory provides a framework for understanding this type of dynamic. In the Sanjiangyuan atop the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau (QTP), grassland degradation has been accompanied by irruptions of native burrowing animals, which has accentuated the loss of ground cover. Severely degraded areas of alpine meadows are referred to as 'Heitutan'. Here, using the framework of alternate stable state theory, we describe the proximate and ultimate drivers of the formation of Heitutan on the QTP, and we assess prospects for recovery, in relation to the degree of biophysical alteration, of these alpine meadows. Effective rehabilitation measures must address the underlying causes of degradation rather than their symptoms. Heitutan degradation is not uni-causal. Rather it reflects different mechanisms operating at different spatio-temporal scales across this vast region. Underlying causes include overly aggressive exploitation of the grasslands (e.g. overgrazing), amplification of grazing and erosion damage by small mammals when outbreaks occur, and/or climate change. Given marked variability in environmental conditions and stressors, restorative efforts must vary across the region. Restoration efforts are likely toyield greatest success if moderately and severely degraded areas are targeted as the first priority in management programmes, before these areas are transformed into extreme Heitutan. 展开更多
关键词 Heitutan degraded grassland Alpinemeadow Restoration/rehabilitation Sanjiangyuan Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP)
Amplitude-Phase Modulation, Topological Horseshoe and Scaling Attractor of a Dynamical System
作者 李春来 李文 +2 位作者 张敬 谢元喜 赵益波 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第9期297-305,共9页
A three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system is discussed in this paper. Some basic dynamical properties of the system, including phase portrait, Poincar′e map, power spectrum, Kaplan–Yorke dimension, Lyapunov expo... A three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system is discussed in this paper. Some basic dynamical properties of the system, including phase portrait, Poincar′e map, power spectrum, Kaplan–Yorke dimension, Lyapunov exponent spectra, signal amplitude and topological horseshoe are studied theoretically and numerically. The main finding by analysis is that the signal amplitude can be modulated via controlling the coefficients of the linear term, cross-product term and squared term simultaneously or respectively, and the phase of x3 can be modulated by the product of the coefficients of the linear term and cross-product term. Furthermore, scaling chaotic attractors of this system are achieved by modified projective synchronization with an optimization-based linear coupling method, which is safer for secure communications than the existed synchronization scheme since the scaling factors can be regarded as the security encoding key. 展开更多
关键词 signal amplitude signal phase topological horseshoe scaling attractor
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