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作者 黄耀华 《兰州工业学院学报》 2017年第2期129-132,共4页
关键词 叙事学 身份分析 “小故事”
微博话语身份分析体系探究 被引量:2
作者 叶哲媛 谢朝群 《厦门理工学院学报》 2015年第6期105-110,共6页
通过微博话语对新浪微博相关用户进行的身份分析显示,Bucholtz和Hall的身份分析体系适用于微博话语身份的分析,即微博话语身份同样满足浮现原则、定位原则、指示性原则、关系性原则及部分原则。新兴的微博话语身份建构研究因其顺应了微... 通过微博话语对新浪微博相关用户进行的身份分析显示,Bucholtz和Hall的身份分析体系适用于微博话语身份的分析,即微博话语身份同样满足浮现原则、定位原则、指示性原则、关系性原则及部分原则。新兴的微博话语身份建构研究因其顺应了微观层面的交际者身份建构研究这一趋势以及注重实证分析,展现了不容忽视的学术研究价值与研究空间。 展开更多
关键词 身份分析体系 微博 话语身份
作者 胡冰權 《时代人物》 2024年第2期139-141,共3页
一个优质的艺术展览离不开一位专业的艺术策展人,而面对日益扩增的艺术需求,艺术策展人还应当明确自身工作定位和岗位职责,找准后续的工作方向。基于此,本文先从艺术策展人的工作性质入手,探究这一身份对于艺术展览策划中的工作价值,并... 一个优质的艺术展览离不开一位专业的艺术策展人,而面对日益扩增的艺术需求,艺术策展人还应当明确自身工作定位和岗位职责,找准后续的工作方向。基于此,本文先从艺术策展人的工作性质入手,探究这一身份对于艺术展览策划中的工作价值,并结合艺术策展人的工作情况,讨论在展览策划中艺术策展人有序开展各类工作的有效路径,以供相关人员参考、借鉴,希望为最大限度地展现艺术策展人工作价值,凸显展览策划艺术特色提供帮助。 展开更多
关键词 艺术策展人 展览策划 身份分析
作者 刘振朋 《荣宝斋》 2019年第10期118-123,共6页
一"仰画飞檐"问题的提出"李成画山上亭馆及楼塔之类,皆仰画飞檐,其说以谓‘自下望上,如人平地望塔檐间,见其榱桷’。此论非也。大都山水之法,盖以大观小,如人观假山耳。若同真山之法,以下望上,只合见一重山,岂可重重悉见... 一"仰画飞檐"问题的提出"李成画山上亭馆及楼塔之类,皆仰画飞檐,其说以谓‘自下望上,如人平地望塔檐间,见其榱桷’。此论非也。大都山水之法,盖以大观小,如人观假山耳。若同真山之法,以下望上,只合见一重山,岂可重重悉见,兼不应见其溪谷间事。 展开更多
关键词 以大观小 问题的提出 身份分析
古希腊教师群体的来源及身份——以斯巴达和雅典为例 被引量:1
作者 汤建 《宁波教育学院学报》 2015年第4期46-48,64,共4页
关键词 斯巴达 雅典 身份分析
基于内容识别的身份和访问管理的研究 被引量:1
作者 涂刚 刘华清 陈振东 《软件工程师》 2014年第8期18-20,共3页
传统的身份和访问管理(Identity and Access Management,简称IAM)虽然提供了令人信服的优势。但这些控制通常止步于访问层面,用户获得了信息后便无法控制用户对信息使用,从而不能完全阻止信息的误用或不当泄露。基于内容识别的IAM解决... 传统的身份和访问管理(Identity and Access Management,简称IAM)虽然提供了令人信服的优势。但这些控制通常止步于访问层面,用户获得了信息后便无法控制用户对信息使用,从而不能完全阻止信息的误用或不当泄露。基于内容识别的IAM解决方案将控制延伸到数据层面,能更好地控制对信息的使用,降低风险,实现安全流程的自动化,从而提高效率,并增强整体法规遵从程度。 展开更多
关键词 身份分析 控制访问 控制信息
“打工大学生”的劳动者身份之探析 被引量:3
作者 韩震 《当代社科视野》 2010年第6期27-30,共4页
以获取经济利益为目的、利用课余时间私自在校外的用人单位工作的"打工大学生"应当具有劳动者身份。虽然《关于贯彻执行〈中华人民共和国劳动法〉若干问题的意见》第12条似乎否认了这种劳动者资格,但通过我国《宪法》、《劳... 以获取经济利益为目的、利用课余时间私自在校外的用人单位工作的"打工大学生"应当具有劳动者身份。虽然《关于贯彻执行〈中华人民共和国劳动法〉若干问题的意见》第12条似乎否认了这种劳动者资格,但通过我国《宪法》、《劳动法》相关条文的解释可以发现,真正的结论并非如此,打工大学生的劳动者资格应当得到承认。而且美国、德国的相关立法和司法实践,均认定打工大学生具有劳动者身份。 展开更多
关键词 打工大学生 劳动者 劳动者身份分析
作者 韩震 《常州市广播电视大学学苑》 2011年第1期8-11,共4页
以获取经济利益为目的、利用课余时间私自在校外的用人单位工作的“打工大学生”应当具有劳动者身份。虽然《关于贯彻执行〈中华人民共和国劳动法〉若干问题的意见》第12条似乎否认了这种劳动者资格,但通过我国《完法》、《劳动法》相... 以获取经济利益为目的、利用课余时间私自在校外的用人单位工作的“打工大学生”应当具有劳动者身份。虽然《关于贯彻执行〈中华人民共和国劳动法〉若干问题的意见》第12条似乎否认了这种劳动者资格,但通过我国《完法》、《劳动法》相关条文的解释可以发现,真正的结论并非如此,打工大学生的劳动者资格应当得到承认。而且美国、德国的相关立法和司法实践,均认定打工大学生具有劳动者身份。 展开更多
关键词 打工大学生 劳动者 劳动者身份分析
庭审交际中机构身份的话语建构 被引量:9
作者 王雪玉 《沈阳大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第3期121-124,共4页
采取成员身份范畴分析方法,以庭审话语为语料,从指称、词汇和言语行为三个层面分析庭审中参与者机构身份的话语建构。认为在自然会话中,语言是身份的标记,是身份在自我认知基础上的重要标准。法庭审判中,参与者的语言使用亦是建构机构... 采取成员身份范畴分析方法,以庭审话语为语料,从指称、词汇和言语行为三个层面分析庭审中参与者机构身份的话语建构。认为在自然会话中,语言是身份的标记,是身份在自我认知基础上的重要标准。法庭审判中,参与者的语言使用亦是建构机构身份的主要手段。 展开更多
关键词 庭审交际 机构话语 机构身份 成员身份范畴分析
新疆高校青年英语教师叙事身份建构的个案研究 被引量:1
作者 梁媛元 李佳 《海外英语》 2012年第16期253-255,共3页
该文主要运用Labov的叙事分析评价模式和批评性语篇分析的一些方法对新疆一高校某李姓英语教师个人叙事语篇中的身份建构从职业身份、关系身份和个人身份三个方面进行了分析并得出以下结论:李老师表现出对传统与社会界定的教师身份的较... 该文主要运用Labov的叙事分析评价模式和批评性语篇分析的一些方法对新疆一高校某李姓英语教师个人叙事语篇中的身份建构从职业身份、关系身份和个人身份三个方面进行了分析并得出以下结论:李老师表现出对传统与社会界定的教师身份的较高认同,但对传统偶像化的教师形象有一定疏离;教师的个人经历很可能会对其教师身份的建构产生较大影响,换言之,个人身份和教师身份的其他方面有着紧密联系。 展开更多
关键词 教师身份 叙事 建构 批评性语篇分析 Labov叙事分析评价模式
作者 徐梧桐 叶杨曦 《中国文化论衡》 2020年第1期64-72,共9页
修辞叙事理论在经典叙事学的基础上,扩充理论视野,将修辞引入叙事研究,注重探索作者、文本、读者之间的反应循环。身份是在社会环境中不断选择和建构的,只有内在选择与外在建构达到平衡和协调时,身份才能维持一定的稳定性,个人才有可能... 修辞叙事理论在经典叙事学的基础上,扩充理论视野,将修辞引入叙事研究,注重探索作者、文本、读者之间的反应循环。身份是在社会环境中不断选择和建构的,只有内在选择与外在建构达到平衡和协调时,身份才能维持一定的稳定性,个人才有可能在最大程度上得到心灵的平静。本文借助修辞叙事理论对《琵琶记》中的蔡伯喈形象与文本意义进行分析与解读。《琵琶记》讲述了主人公艰难践行“全忠全孝”的要求而获得了整个社会嘉许的故事。本文通过呈现男主人公多重身份的对立,探讨个体对身份的主观选择以及身份意识的发展;以分析《琵琶记》的叙事进程为基础,讨论文本如何通过叙事策略的选择与叙事结构的安排邀请读者参与到叙事中去,并引导读者展开叙事判断,此种修辞叙事的解读有助于探索文本意义。 展开更多
关键词 《琵琶记》 修辞叙事 身份分析
On the Identity Construction in Question Methods and Answer Methods of Speakers: For the Discourses in Antigone
作者 杨婷 《International English Education Research》 2015年第4期103-106,共4页
Linguistics classifies question methods into certain types. There are kinds of question methods, such as alternative question method, yes-no question method, specific question method, direct question method, indirect ... Linguistics classifies question methods into certain types. There are kinds of question methods, such as alternative question method, yes-no question method, specific question method, direct question method, indirect question method, echo question method, tag question method, miracle question method and so on. And this paper will set the characteristic discourses of protagonists in the drama of Antigone by the ancient Greek tragedian Sophocles as a research example, so as to analyze the protagonist's pragmatics motivation in the conversation strategies when communicating with three people in different social identity, that is to say, this paper will analyze the way that the selected question and answer methods used by the protagonist to achieve the effect of being recognized as king identity but not as a tyrant in fact. According to the dramatic text, this paper tends to make a further research on the characters' self-identity construction ground on the discourse characteristic of the characters. And from the perspective of modem linguistic, it is the analysis of the motivation in question methods, and the advantage and disadvantage on the discourse right implied in answer methods, that contribute to the further research on how the social identity construction and the classic character image are successfully made. 展开更多
关键词 ANTIGONE Discourse Analysis Identity Construction
Fingerprint Liveness Detection Based on Multi-Scale LPQ and PCA 被引量:13
作者 Chengsheng Yuan Xingming Sun Rui Lv 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第7期60-65,共6页
Fingerprint authentication system is used to verify users' identification according to the characteristics of their fingerprints.However,this system has some security and privacy problems.For example,some artifici... Fingerprint authentication system is used to verify users' identification according to the characteristics of their fingerprints.However,this system has some security and privacy problems.For example,some artificial fingerprints can trick the fingerprint authentication system and access information using real users' identification.Therefore,a fingerprint liveness detection algorithm needs to be designed to prevent illegal users from accessing privacy information.In this paper,a new software-based liveness detection approach using multi-scale local phase quantity(LPQ) and principal component analysis(PCA) is proposed.The feature vectors of a fingerprint are constructed through multi-scale LPQ.PCA technology is also introduced to reduce the dimensionality of the feature vectors and gain more effective features.Finally,a training model is gained using support vector machine classifier,and the liveness of a fingerprint is detected on the basis of the training model.Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method can detect the liveness of users' fingerprints and achieve high recognition accuracy.This study also confirms that multi-resolution analysis is a useful method for texture feature extraction during fingerprint liveness detection. 展开更多
关键词 fingerprint liveness detection wavelet transform local phase quantity principal component analysis support vector machine
Korean Wave: Towards Regional Cultural Diffusion?
作者 Seiko Yasumoto 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第2期101-112,共12页
The aim of this paper is firstly to determine if the Korean television drama Winter Sonata and its spinoffs are contributing to contemporary cross-cultural diffusion in Japan. Secondly, if cross-cultural diffusion is ... The aim of this paper is firstly to determine if the Korean television drama Winter Sonata and its spinoffs are contributing to contemporary cross-cultural diffusion in Japan. Secondly, if cross-cultural diffusion is occurring, is it contributing to a loss of local identity? Winter Sonata is a small but significant part of the Korean Wave and in the vanguard of Korean television drama content viewed in Japan. There have been macro political changes in East Asia, largely driven by Korea, resulting in an easing of restrictions on cross-border media trade. These in turn have progressively created a new dynamic in content and volume. The methodology used for the study is triangulation including document analysis, audience analysis, and commercial outcomes. The convergent validation derived from the three parameters advances the proposition that Winter Sonata has contributed to cultural diffusion from a Japanese perspective but not to a loss of local identity. Arguably, the process is an enriching one in East Asia reinforced by multi-lateral media trade. 展开更多
关键词 popular culture Korean Wave cross-cultural diffusion cultural hybridity TRIANGULATION
Nay or Jain Nyay 1: Existence Inferred from Affirmed Assertions
作者 Mahendra Kumar Jain 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第2期55-68,共14页
The Jain logic (Nay) addresses concerns elicited by sense experience of observable and measurable reality. Reality is what it is, and it exists independent of the observer. The last Jain Tirthankar Mahaveer suggeste... The Jain logic (Nay) addresses concerns elicited by sense experience of observable and measurable reality. Reality is what it is, and it exists independent of the observer. The last Jain Tirthankar Mahaveer suggested that organisms interact with such realities for survival needs and become concerned about the consequences. He suggested a code of conduct for reality-based behaviors to address concerns. Perceptions and impressions provide measures (praman) of information in sense experience, and with other evidence guide choices and decisions to act and bear consequences. Ethical behaviors rooted in reality have desirable consequences, and inconsistent and contradictory behaviors are undesirable consequences. Omniscience (God, Brahm) is discarded as a self-referential ad hoc construct inconsistent and contradictory to real world behaviors. This article is survey of assumptions and models to represent, interpret, and validate knowledge that begins with logical deduction for inference (anuman) based on evidence from sense experience (Jain 2011). Secular and atheistic thrust of thought and practice encourages reasoning and open-ended search with affirmed assertions and independent evidence. Individual identity (atm) emerges with consistent behaviors to overcome fallibility and unreliability by minimizing doubt (Syad-Saptbhangi Nay). The first Tirthankar Rishabh Nath (ca. 2700 BC) suggested that the content (sat) of real and abstract objects and concerns during a change is conserved as the net balance of the inputs and outputs (Tatia 1994). Identity and content of assertions and evidence is also conserved during logical manipulations for reasoning. Each assertion and its negation are to be affirmed with independent evidence, and lack of evidence for presence is not necessarily the evidence for either non-absence or non-existence. 展开更多
关键词 Saptbhangi Syad Nay Jain logic evidence-based inference quantum logic
身份识别、契约优化与利益共享——我国养老保险的制度变迁与路径探索 被引量:37
作者 郑雄飞 《社会学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期98-122,244,共25页
现时代是"身份性契约型社会",契约本身也是身份的载体,规范有序的市场经济理应契约与身份并重。"身份"既是社会研究的分析单位,也是一种分析方法。"身份治理"是一种蕴含"身份伦理"和"契... 现时代是"身份性契约型社会",契约本身也是身份的载体,规范有序的市场经济理应契约与身份并重。"身份"既是社会研究的分析单位,也是一种分析方法。"身份治理"是一种蕴含"身份伦理"和"契约伦理"的社会治理模式,如何拟合不同身份进而优化社会运行是社会制度的内在要义。本文以"身份"为纵横轴,通过梳理我国退休养老保险制度的创制、演化及其身份轨迹,发现当前养老保险制度建设的困境或争议主要在于身份识别不到位甚至缺失;应当整合社会身份网络体系,从"国民身份"、"集体身份"和"个体责任"三个层次建立国民年金、职业年金、企业年金和土地年金等制度,对"个人账户"进行功能开发,从而建构公平可持续的养老保险制度。 展开更多
关键词 养老保险 身份识别 年金制 利益共享 身份分析
Cryptanalysis of Two Dynamic Identity Based Authentication Schemes for Multi-Server Architecture
作者 WAN Tao JIANG Nan MA Jianfeng 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第11期125-134,共10页
Since network services are provided cooperatively by multiple servers in the lnternet, the authentication protocols for multiserver architecture are required by Internetbased services, such as online game, online trad... Since network services are provided cooperatively by multiple servers in the lnternet, the authentication protocols for multiserver architecture are required by Internetbased services, such as online game, online trade and so on. Recently, Li et al. analyzed Lee et al.'s protocol and proposed an improved dynamic identity based authentication protocol for multi-server architecture. They claimed that their protocol provides user's anonymity, mutual authentication and the session key agreement against several kinds of attacks. In this paper, a cryptanalysis on Lee et al.'s scheme shows that Lee et al's protocol is also vulnerable to malicious server attack, stolen smart card attack and leak-of-verifier attack. Moreover, Li e/ al.'s improved protocol is also vulnerable to all these attacks. Further cryptanalysis reveals that Li et al.'s improved protocol is susceptible to collusion attack. 展开更多
高校辅导员教师身份的形成、发展及功能探析 被引量:2
作者 吴巧慧 《思想理论教育导刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第10期149-151,共3页
教育部《普通高等学校辅导员队伍建设规定》(以下简称《规定》)明确了辅导员具有教师和干部的双重身份,《规定》颁发10年来,高校辅导员专业化、职业化建设取得了丰硕成果,辅导员教师身份在稳定辅导员队伍、实现辅导员的育人功能方面发... 教育部《普通高等学校辅导员队伍建设规定》(以下简称《规定》)明确了辅导员具有教师和干部的双重身份,《规定》颁发10年来,高校辅导员专业化、职业化建设取得了丰硕成果,辅导员教师身份在稳定辅导员队伍、实现辅导员的育人功能方面发挥了重要作用。辅导员教师身份有助于使辅导员工作回归到思想引导上来,体现了思想政治教育的科学性和价值性的统一,对我国辅导员队伍建设的理论和实践具有重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 高校辅导员 教师身份功能分析
Key Performance Dimensions of the“Well-Tempered Musician”:A Framework for Artist Management
作者 《艺术管理(中英文)》 2024年第2期76-90,共15页
Artist management or mentoring is generally recognized as a fundamental challenge and contributing element in an artist’s success.This article takes the position that artist management should go well beyond the narro... Artist management or mentoring is generally recognized as a fundamental challenge and contributing element in an artist’s success.This article takes the position that artist management should go well beyond the narrow confines of standard business practice focused on traditional business management,marketing,accounting and finance,extending into seven dimensions of artist identity.The scope of artist management is broadened and deepened.Artist management is considered more challenging,as there must be open sharing and evaluation of attributes and liabilities associated with professional and personal considerations.Further,it is unlikely that a manager has all of the expertise necessary to directly manage in all identity dimensions,so outside expertise might be imperative.Prevalent examples of such cases are sub-optimal artist achievement owing to musical performance anxiety,the causes and consequences of such anxiety,and methods of alleviating severe problems and the shortened life expectancy of popular musicians. 展开更多
关键词 Artist Management Artist Identity Performance Science Performance Profiling Coaching
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