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男性青少年骨密度与身体形态学指标的关系及运动训练对其影响 被引量:13
作者 袁春华 陈佩杰 《中国运动医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期499-502,共4页
目的 :探讨男性青少年生长发育过程中骨密度值 (Bonemineraldensity ,BMD)与身体形态学指标的关系及运动训练对其影响。方法 :10~ 2 0岁男性青少年 6 3名 ,依据年龄分为 10 - 15岁和 16 - 2 0岁组 ;依据是否从事规律的运动训练 ,再分... 目的 :探讨男性青少年生长发育过程中骨密度值 (Bonemineraldensity ,BMD)与身体形态学指标的关系及运动训练对其影响。方法 :10~ 2 0岁男性青少年 6 3名 ,依据年龄分为 10 - 15岁和 16 - 2 0岁组 ;依据是否从事规律的运动训练 ,再分运动员组和非运动员组。超声法测量跟骨BMD ,常规方法测量身体形态学指标。结果 :男性青少年的BMD在整个青春期呈上升趋势 ,且 10 -15岁和 16 - 2 0岁组的BMD有显著性差异 ;运动组和非运动组的BMD也呈显著性差异 ,提示早期运动训练可以改变骨密度 ;男性青少年的BMD与部分形态学发育指标 ,如体脂率、瘦体重具有明显相关性 ,且BMD与瘦体重的相关度受运动训练的影响。 展开更多
关键词 男性 青少年 骨密度 身体形态学指标 关系 运动训练 影响
优秀高山滑雪运动员体质、身体形态学及跟骨超声骨量的研究 被引量:3
作者 魏亚茹 赵文艳 张莹 《冰雪运动》 2013年第1期38-42,共5页
在运动训练中,优秀高山滑雪运动员保持较好的体质、身体形态学、跟骨超声骨量对提高高山滑雪项目运动员的运动成绩是非常有好处的。采用文献资料法、测试法、数理统计法对优秀高山滑雪运动员体质、身体形态学与跟骨超声骨量现状进行研究... 在运动训练中,优秀高山滑雪运动员保持较好的体质、身体形态学、跟骨超声骨量对提高高山滑雪项目运动员的运动成绩是非常有好处的。采用文献资料法、测试法、数理统计法对优秀高山滑雪运动员体质、身体形态学与跟骨超声骨量现状进行研究,为其科学运动训练提供借鉴。结果显示:高山滑雪运动员体重、身体质量指数、体脂率、瘦体重显著低于对照组,身高与对照组差异不显著;高山滑雪女子运动员体脂率显著低于对照组,瘦体重显著高于对照组,其他各项指标与对照组差异不显著;运动员体质方面男子高山滑雪运动员握力体重指数显著低于体育大学生,其他各项指标显著高于对照组,女子高山滑雪运动员体质各项指数显著高于对照组;高山滑雪运动员跟骨超声骨量参数均显著高于对照组。 展开更多
关键词 高山滑雪运动员 身体形态学 体质 跟骨超声骨量
作者 覃荣权 黄丽红 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第29期4816-4818,共3页
目的:通过检测和分析海口市城区常住儿童与农村常住儿童身体形态学指标,为全民健身体系的完善提供理论依据和参考。方法:随机抽取海口市地区8—10岁城区常住儿童及农村常住儿童各600名,分别测试身体形态指标。结果:城区8~10岁常... 目的:通过检测和分析海口市城区常住儿童与农村常住儿童身体形态学指标,为全民健身体系的完善提供理论依据和参考。方法:随机抽取海口市地区8—10岁城区常住儿童及农村常住儿童各600名,分别测试身体形态指标。结果:城区8~10岁常住儿童身高、坐高、体重、BMI、胸围、腰围、臀围、上臂围等指标均高于农村常住儿童(P〈0.01)。结论:海口市城区常住儿童与农村常住儿童的身体形态学指标相比还有较大差距,相关卫生部门应采取相应措施提高农村常住儿童的卫生保健水平。 展开更多
关键词 城区 农村 儿童 身体形态学
作者 陈婷 史展雨 +2 位作者 申艳 王叶秋 赵昕 《中国应用生理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期131-136,共6页
目的:探讨腹型肥胖对平原就读藏汉族大学生心肺功能影响的差异研究。方法:选取在校男性大学生96人,依照BMI和WC分类标准,分为藏族腹型肥胖组(TA)、藏族对照组(TC)、汉族腹型肥胖组(HA)、汉族对照组(HC)各24名。使用心脏彩色多普勒超声... 目的:探讨腹型肥胖对平原就读藏汉族大学生心肺功能影响的差异研究。方法:选取在校男性大学生96人,依照BMI和WC分类标准,分为藏族腹型肥胖组(TA)、藏族对照组(TC)、汉族腹型肥胖组(HA)、汉族对照组(HC)各24名。使用心脏彩色多普勒超声检查仪检测超声心动图,检测心脏结构和AV、PV、MVE、MVA、TVE、TVA等心功能指标。检测VC、FVC、FEV1、PEF、MMF、MVV等肺功能指标。检测身体形态学,血液和脂肪肝状况等基础指标。结果:腹型肥胖对血压的影响:与TC组相比,TA组SBP显著增加(P<0.01);与HC组相比,HA组SBP和DBP均显著增加(P<0.01,P<0.05)。腹型肥胖对心功能的负性影响:与TC组相比,TA组AV和PV显著减慢(P均<0.01);与HC组相比,HA组IVSA显著增大(P<0.05)。腹型肥胖对肺功能的负性影响:与TC组相比,TA组MMF和肺活量/体重水平显著降低(P<0.05);与HC组相比,HA组FEV1、FEV1%、PEF、MMF、MVV、MVV%和肺活量/体重水平均显著降低(P均<0.05)。相关性结果显示:TA组SBP与BMI、WC呈正相关(r均=0.6,P<0.05);MPAID与BMI、WC、WHtR呈正相关(r均=0.6,P<0.05);AV与WC呈负相关(r=-0.6,P<0.05);PV与BMI(r=-0.8,P<0.01)、BFR(r=-0.7,P<0.01)、WC(r=-0.7,P<0.05)、WHR(r=-0.7,P<0.05)、WHtR(r=-0.7,P<0.01)呈负相关;TVE与BMI呈负相关(r=-0.6,P<0.05);MVV与BFR(r=-0.9,P<0.05)、WC(r=-0.6,P<0.05)呈负相关。结论:腹型肥胖可导致平原就读藏族大学生心肺功能下降,主要表现为主肺动脉流速和最大呼气中段流量降低,收缩压增加。腹型肥胖对藏汉族大学生心肺功能影响存在差异,对藏族血压、室间隔搏幅和肺功能的负性影响小于汉族。藏族腹型肥胖大学生身体形态学指标与心肺功能呈负相关,其中BMI、WC与心脏功能指标相关性较为密切,BFR与肺通气功能指标相关性较为密切。 展开更多
关键词 腹型肥胖 藏族大学生 心肺功能 心脏结构 身体形态学指标
Why forefoot striking in minimal shoes might positively change the course of running injuries 被引量:9
作者 Irene S.Davis Hannah M.Rice Scott C.Wearing 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2017年第2期154-161,共8页
It is believed that human ancestors evolved the ability to run bipedally approximately 2 million years ago. This form of locomotion may have been important to our survival and likely has influenced the evolution of ou... It is believed that human ancestors evolved the ability to run bipedally approximately 2 million years ago. This form of locomotion may have been important to our survival and likely has influenced the evolution of our body form. As our bodies have adapted to run, it seems unusual that up to 79% of modern day runners are injured annually. The etiology of these injuries is clearly multifactorial. However, 1 aspect of running that has significantly changed over the past 50 years is the footwear we use. Modern running shoes have become increasingly cushioned and supportive, and have changed the way we run. In particular, they have altered our footstrike pattern from a predominantly forefoot strike(FFS) landing to a predominantly rearfoot strike(RFS) landing. This change alters the way in which the body is loaded and may be contributing to the high rate of injuries runners experience while engaged in an activity for which they were adapted. In this paper, we will examine the benefits of barefoot running(typically an FFS pattern),and compare the lower extremity mechanics between FFS and RFS. The implications of these mechanical differences, in terms of injury, will be discussed. We will then provide evidence to support our contention that FFS provides an optimal mechanical environment for specific foot and ankle structures, such as the heel pad, the plantar fascia, and the Achilles tendon. The importance of footwear will then be addressed, highlighting its interaction with strike pattern on mechanics. This analysis will underscore why footwear matters when assessing mechanics. Finally, proper preparation and safe transition to an FFS pattern in minimal shoes will be emphasized. Through the discussion of the current literature, we will develop a justification for returning to running in the way for which we were adapted to reduce running-related injuries. 展开更多
关键词 shoes running injuries strike predominantly landing tendon striking plantar locomotion
A Tongue-images Segmentation Method Based on Local Restoration and Watershed Algorithm 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Ling QIN Jian 《Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English Edition)》 2010年第1期1-7,共7页
Objective: To propose a method to segment tongue- images efficiently, and extract tongue- body accurately and quickly. Methods: Firstly, a kind of color- images' pre- processing technique was used to solve tongue-... Objective: To propose a method to segment tongue- images efficiently, and extract tongue- body accurately and quickly. Methods: Firstly, a kind of color- images' pre- processing technique was used to solve tongue- surface reflection problem. Neighbouring and similar region's information was used to restore the region with tongue- surface reflection problem by replacement. Secondly, the restored image was transformed into a gray one, and then processed by mathematical morphological operation- dilation to get a closed- loop edge. The third technique used was watershed algorithm, which is an usual tool in image segmentation. 'Watershed' function of matlab software was used to complete this algorithm. After that, region- combination technique was used. Through measuring neighbourship and similarity of regions, a non- objective and non- background region was merged into one of its neighbouring regions. This step was repeated until only two regions, objective and background regions, were left in the image. At last, corresponding to the merged image, tongue- body image was got from the original image. Results: 316 images were randomly taken from the image library for experiments, and 299 images were correctly segmented, so, the successful ratio is 94.62%. On the other hand, average time of running this method was about 50 s under whole sampling environment. Conclusion: The method presented in this paper can segment a tongue- body image from its original one effectively, and thus laying a good foundation for the following analysis work. 展开更多
关键词 local restoration watershed algorithm tongue-body segmentation mathmatical morphology
Culture, Violence, and the Female Body: The Practice of Nholowemwizana Custom as a Form of Cultural Violence Amongst the Kalanga Women of Mpalawali Area in Zimbabwe
作者 Dube Thembani 《History Research》 2013年第4期290-298,共9页
This paper is based on the interviews that the author carried out between 2005 and 2006 on the Nholowemwizana custom in Plumtree, Zimbabwe. Here the author deploys the concept of cultural violence following the peace ... This paper is based on the interviews that the author carried out between 2005 and 2006 on the Nholowemwizana custom in Plumtree, Zimbabwe. Here the author deploys the concept of cultural violence following the peace researcher Johan Galtung, who suggested speaking of cultural violence as aspects of culture that can be used to justify or legitimize direct or structural violence, and may be exemplified by religion and ideology, language and art, empirical science and formal science (Galtung, 1969, pp. 167-191). Using the example of the Nholowemwizana custom among the Kalanga people, the paper will highlight the extent to which women in this society have been exposed to cultural, gender based violence and direct sexual violence. However literature on Nholowemwizana is scarce in Zimbabwe. As such the paper will borrow from literature on cultural violence in general. The paper also acknowledges the fact that not all culture is violent, and that in some certain aspects of culture that permit gender based violence especially in African societies. The starting point for this paper is the question of what role cultural arguments have played in the abuse of women through the Nholowemwizana custom. 展开更多
关键词 Nholowemwizana custom CULTURE VIOLENCE WOMEN Kalanga
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