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“身家国天下”意象与中国政治的当代转化:一项哲学语法考察 被引量:4
作者 刘梁剑 《华中科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期1-7,29,共8页
自先秦以降,“身家国天下”乃是中国人理解世界和指导个体生命实践与社会生活实践的最基本意象之一。“身家国天下”意象是中国文化赖以生存的一个隐喻性概念或概念性隐喻。本文探讨“身家国天下”意象的内在结构、利弊得失及现当代转型... 自先秦以降,“身家国天下”乃是中国人理解世界和指导个体生命实践与社会生活实践的最基本意象之一。“身家国天下”意象是中国文化赖以生存的一个隐喻性概念或概念性隐喻。本文探讨“身家国天下”意象的内在结构、利弊得失及现当代转型,同时通过“身家国天下”意象体察隐喻和意象思维的一般特点和中西之异。“身家国天下”意象隐含内-外图式、本-末图式、涟漪图式。内-外结构突显了中心对于外围的结构性优势,与之相应便在一定程度上忽视了外围对于中心的内在建构意义,忽视外围自身的独特性,及其有别于中心(家区别于身,国区别于家,天下区别于国)的独特性。本-末图式、涟漪图式分别将植物生长与活水的经验用隐喻的方式投射到由身、家、国、天下所构成的社会生活之域,构成了中国思想的一个特色。在当下中国的语境中,“身家国天下”意象的缺陷以及由此意象所引导社会政治实践层面的缺陷不容忽视。异者别之、弱者强之(将国区别于家,改变家强国弱的状况;将天下区别于国,改变国强天下弱的状况),“身家国天下”意象的当代转化亟待实现。在方法论的层面,本文尝试在意象考察的层面进行哲学语法考察。 展开更多
关键词 身家国天下 隐喻 意象 意象图式 哲学语法
作者 杨雄威 《长江大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第1期47-52,共6页
张居正对朱正色十分赏识,朱正色则对张居正敬重有加。这正符合张居正与湖北地方官关系的一般模式。但朱正色对张府权势的冒犯则迥异于这一模式中湖北地方官员对张府的纵容包庇。尽管张居正本人不断向湖北官员表达"兢兢自守"之... 张居正对朱正色十分赏识,朱正色则对张居正敬重有加。这正符合张居正与湖北地方官关系的一般模式。但朱正色对张府权势的冒犯则迥异于这一模式中湖北地方官员对张府的纵容包庇。尽管张居正本人不断向湖北官员表达"兢兢自守"之意,但权力极易滋生腐败,其远在荆州的老家却仍然存在"门户失守"的问题,并由此成为其"过在身家"的一个重要罪证。朱正色这一案例为观察和理解张居正这一争议性人物提供了一个特定视角。 展开更多
关键词 张居正 身家 朱正色 江陵知县
作者 唐永宝 《语文知识》 2006年第8期34-34,共1页
关键词 中学 语文 身家 “家产” 释义 用法
作者 赵芸芸 《现代语文(下旬.语言研究)》 2016年第7期38-39,共2页
"身价"和"身家"在古代文献中分工明确,没有出现"误用"现象,但随着社会经济的发展,二者在某些义项上的分界越来越模糊,甚至出现"身价"代替"身家"的现象。基于此,本文根据"身价&q... "身价"和"身家"在古代文献中分工明确,没有出现"误用"现象,但随着社会经济的发展,二者在某些义项上的分界越来越模糊,甚至出现"身价"代替"身家"的现象。基于此,本文根据"身价"与"身家"在词典中的释义推测出二者开始被"误用"的时间大概是在改革开放之后,并对二者"误用"的原因做出了解释。最后,本文指出,有时候看似误用,实则不然,用"身价"代替"身家"是有一定理据可言的,是语言在交际中规范的结果。 展开更多
关键词 身价 身家 误用 语义空间 语言规范
作者 金兴甫 《语文知识》 2005年第11期32-32,共1页
关键词 身家 “家财” 中学 语文 语言知识 用法 词义
谈“家国同构”概念的当代转换对培育践行社会主义核心价值观的启示 被引量:8
作者 杨玉强 杨伟荣 《思想政治教育研究》 CSSCI 2016年第1期28-31,共4页
传统的"家国同构"思想虽孕育于中国封建宗法制社会,具有许多缺陷和不合时宜的成分,但它看到了家庭、宗族和国家在架构形式和利益诉求本质等方面存在的共性。在匡清旧义的基础上依据现代价值理念对其作适当的当代转换是可行且... 传统的"家国同构"思想虽孕育于中国封建宗法制社会,具有许多缺陷和不合时宜的成分,但它看到了家庭、宗族和国家在架构形式和利益诉求本质等方面存在的共性。在匡清旧义的基础上依据现代价值理念对其作适当的当代转换是可行且有价值的。经过当代转换的"身家国同构"概念不仅能克服传统封建思想存在的缺陷,更重要的是能在政治、法治和道德建设方面对当代社会主义核心价值观的培育和践行产生重要启示和借鉴意义,真正发挥其促进个人、家庭、国家社会互动统一和协调发展的现世作用。 展开更多
关键词 家国同构 身家国同构 当代转换 社会主义核心价值观
中华民族有哪些教育传统可以传承? 被引量:18
作者 杜成宪 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期5-11,共7页
中华民族能够始终立足于世界民族之林,自有一套教养国民、传递文化的方法与精神,经受了历史的检验,可以为后世传承。我们可以继承的教育传统主要有:倡导身家国一体的教育;追求完整人格的教育;注重个体自觉的教育;注重学的教育;要求知行... 中华民族能够始终立足于世界民族之林,自有一套教养国民、传递文化的方法与精神,经受了历史的检验,可以为后世传承。我们可以继承的教育传统主要有:倡导身家国一体的教育;追求完整人格的教育;注重个体自觉的教育;注重学的教育;要求知行合一的教育;主张不拘身份的教育。 展开更多
关键词 教育传统 身家国一体 完整人格 个体自觉 重学的教育 知行合一 不拘身份
学生资助:大学生思想政治教育的重要途径——评赵贵臣的《中国大学生资助体系德育功能研究》 被引量:4
作者 陈秉公 《思想政治教育研究》 CSSCI 2016年第3期138-140,共3页
最近,人民出版社出版了教育部《思想政治教育文库》中的一本专著《中国大学生资助体系德育功能研究》。笔者初看该书题目认为是一种应用性研究,可阅后发现该书作者不仅仅着眼于应用问题,而且他还在哲学层面、科学层面和实证层面进行了... 最近,人民出版社出版了教育部《思想政治教育文库》中的一本专著《中国大学生资助体系德育功能研究》。笔者初看该书题目认为是一种应用性研究,可阅后发现该书作者不仅仅着眼于应用问题,而且他还在哲学层面、科学层面和实证层面进行了综合思考研究,可谓是一本值得阅读、值得品味的著作。看得出作者是经过多年研究,汇集了助学思想和德育思想而提出的课题,凭其研究方法和理论视野整合上的特色, 展开更多
关键词 家国同构 身家国同构 当代转换 社会主义核心价值观
身体、年龄与时间意识——基于“家世”语境的分析 被引量:1
作者 程秋君 《江海学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期68-74,共7页
年龄问题对于理解人的存在和家存在至关重要。身体承载着年龄,年龄依托于身体。如何看待身心关系,是理解年龄问题之关键。身心分化的语境下,身体对象化是导致"年纪崇拜"和"个人主义"、加深人的"无家可归"... 年龄问题对于理解人的存在和家存在至关重要。身体承载着年龄,年龄依托于身体。如何看待身心关系,是理解年龄问题之关键。身心分化的语境下,身体对象化是导致"年纪崇拜"和"个人主义"、加深人的"无家可归"感的问题之症结。而在身心一体化的语境下,身心一体同时意味着身家一体。以此为前提的年龄,须在与家族世代相互沟通、相互构成的境域中得到解释。这种解释呈现出一种有别于物理时间的生存时间,即由年龄和代际构成的"家化的时间"。该"家化的时间"从根本上否定了个体永生在世的神话,有益于有效抵制"以长责幼"、"倚强凌弱"的工具性思维,为现代人提供一种心理上、精神上、情感上可资依赖的安身和安家之理论资源。 展开更多
关键词 年龄 身体 家世 身家一体化 家化的时间
作者 董成龙 《政治思想史》 2015年第3期125-139,200,共15页
洛克在讨论政体与统治正当性时征引詹姆斯一世,这是被现代学者发现却未充分回答的问题。通过《政府论下篇》的篇章结构和洛克对斯图亚特王朝国君的评点,可以发现,洛克一反亚里士多德所代表的政体分类学说,放弃政体选择与统治正当性之间... 洛克在讨论政体与统治正当性时征引詹姆斯一世,这是被现代学者发现却未充分回答的问题。通过《政府论下篇》的篇章结构和洛克对斯图亚特王朝国君的评点,可以发现,洛克一反亚里士多德所代表的政体分类学说,放弃政体选择与统治正当性之间的关联;并注重詹姆斯一世的开朝国君身份,将其视作一种理念化的国王品性,规范当时的詹姆斯二世和后世的新朝国君;在学理和现实中,詹姆斯一世是洛克的"王者归去",威廉国王则是他的"王者归来"。 展开更多
关键词 洛克 共和 政体 国王 身家
《中国商界》 2019年第5期114-117,共4页
4月11日,《福布斯》发布2019年日本富豪榜,日本迅销有限公司(Fast Retailing)主席兼首席执行官、优衣库(Uniqlo)创始人柳井正一年财富增长56亿美元,以249亿美元身家居首。这并不是柳井正第一次成为日本首富,2009、2013、2015、2016年他... 4月11日,《福布斯》发布2019年日本富豪榜,日本迅销有限公司(Fast Retailing)主席兼首席执行官、优衣库(Uniqlo)创始人柳井正一年财富增长56亿美元,以249亿美元身家居首。这并不是柳井正第一次成为日本首富,2009、2013、2015、2016年他也曾问鼎过日本富豪榜。截至今年,柳井正家族总资产已达到222亿美元,在亿万富翁排行榜中名列41位。 展开更多
关键词 首席 问鼎 身家 优衣 居首 福布斯 执行官 排行榜 日本
Analysing Different Microgeneration Systems for Portuguese Residential Sector
作者 Miguel Rodrigues Manuel Valdez Dulce Coelho 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第2期250-258,共9页
The main purpose of this article is to perform a technical-economic analysis of different microgeneration systems (photovoltaic and wind turbine systems) that can be installed in a single-family house. One of the st... The main purpose of this article is to perform a technical-economic analysis of different microgeneration systems (photovoltaic and wind turbine systems) that can be installed in a single-family house. One of the strategies for improving energy performance of buildings is the installation of microgeneration systems. This will enable Portugal to meet the goal regarding the share of renewable sources on gross final energy consumption imposed by the European Commission climate change and energy package for 2020. The analysis of four different micro-generation systems will take into account the local availability of renewable resources and market technologies and the new Portuguese law concerning microgeneration to promote renewable energy sources in households. The Portuguese microgeneration legal framework is also highlighted. 展开更多
关键词 MICROGENERATION photovoltaic systems renewable energy systems wind energy.
Fundamental movement skills training to promote physical activity in children with and without disability: A pilot study 被引量:1
作者 Catherine M. Capio Cindy H.R Sit +2 位作者 Kathlynne F. Eguia Bruce Abernethy Richard S.W. Masters 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第3期235-243,共9页
Background: A positive association between fundamental movement skills (FMS) and physical activity (PA) has been shown in previous research of children with and without disability. This pilot study explored a cau... Background: A positive association between fundamental movement skills (FMS) and physical activity (PA) has been shown in previous research of children with and without disability. This pilot study explored a causal mechanism for such relationship, and hypothesized that when FMS proficiency is improved, enhanced PA uptake will be found in children with and without disability. It was further hypothesized that improving FMS proficiency will have a greater impact on children with disability than those without disability. Methods: Participants include typically developing (TD) children without disability and children with cerebral palsy (CP), who were allocated to FMS training groups (CP-FMS n = 12, TD-FMS n = 13) and control groups (CP-C n = 12, TD-C n = 13). Training groups practiced five FMS (run, jump, kick, throw, catch) in weekly 45-min sessions for 4 weeks. Control groups had their regular physiotherapy (CP) or physical education (TD) sessions. FMS were evaluated using process- and product-oriented measures, and PA was measured using accelerometers, before and after training. Results: It was verified that training groups gained improvements in FMS while control groups did not. No significant changes in weekday PA were found. Increased weekend moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) was found in the CP-FMS group, while decreased weekend sedentary time was found in the CP-FMS and TD-FMS groups. The percentages of participants who exceeded the minimum detectable change (MDC9o) in MVPA and sedentary time were larger in children with CP than in children without disability. Conclusion: The findings suggest that improved FMS proficiency could potentially contribute to heightened PA and decreased sedentary time during weekends for children. Such effect of improved FMS proficiency on PA appears to be greater in those with physical disability than in those without disability. It is recommended that the findings of this pilot study should be further examined in future research. 展开更多
关键词 Cerebral palsy Fundamental movement skills Motor learning Physical activity Sedentary behavior
Study on the Similarities and Differences of Body Measurement Terminology between ASTM and China GB Standard
作者 方方 张渭源 张文斌 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第4期41-48,共8页
The similarities and differences of ASTM and China GB standard are studied in three aspects:measure instrument,terminology and applicable field.They are similar on the measuring apparatus and GB has less measurements,... The similarities and differences of ASTM and China GB standard are studied in three aspects:measure instrument,terminology and applicable field.They are similar on the measuring apparatus and GB has less measurements,such as girth,length and width measurements than ASTM and it lack across chest width,back width,total crotch length and shoulder slope which are important measurements in pattern making.ASTM classifies its standards according to the customers' size,gender and age.So we think GB standard could make some modifications from these fields to satisfy the users. 展开更多
关键词 Body measurement ANTHROPOMETRY Measuring standard PATTERN
The Tree of Death and Eternal Life
作者 Ken A. Bryson 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第3期145-162,共18页
The "Tree of Death" is a metaphor I use to unlock my Christian assumptions on how the dead attain eternal existence in the afterlife state. The tree's unconcealedness, in this life and presumably the next, along wi... The "Tree of Death" is a metaphor I use to unlock my Christian assumptions on how the dead attain eternal existence in the afterlife state. The tree's unconcealedness, in this life and presumably the next, along with the moral habits an agent develops in this life explain the obstinacy of the dead, that is, how the agent's irrevocable decision to side with the God of Abraham, or not, is possible. For that to be the case, the existential relationships that generate personal identity in this life must accompany (individuate) the subject in the next life. In Christian philosophy, the person-making process mirrors the relationships of the Blessed Trinity. While Martin Heidegger is not a Christian philosopher, his view on truth and being's unconcealedness provides a useful piece of the argument to continue the Thomistic case for personal immortality. Heidegger is not a catholic philosopher, but the focus he places on being's unconcealedness is consonant with the focus Thomas Aquinas puts on the intelligibility of being. While Heidegger's discussion of being is rooted in Dasein's finitude, the Thomistic interpretation of being situates unconcealedness within the perspective of God's creative act. His vision resets the possibility of applying Heidegger's fundamental ontology beyond temporality. The paper develops through a discussion of the Tree's "branches, trunk, and roots" to conclude that the Christian perspective transforms Heidegger's view of death into "the ultimate possibility of possibility." 展开更多
关键词 being's unconcealedness eternal life final decision GOD human death IMMORTALITY person-makingprocess personal identity
"My Hideous Progeny": Creative Monstrosity in the Works of Kiki Smith, Abigail Lane, and Cindy Sherman
作者 Maria Antonia Sousa Monteiro da Cunha Lima 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第4期277-285,共9页
The expression "My Hideous Progeny" is widely known to be taken from Mary Shelley's preface to the revised edition of Frankenstein (1831), in which she wrote, of the novel itself and of its creature, Frankenstein... The expression "My Hideous Progeny" is widely known to be taken from Mary Shelley's preface to the revised edition of Frankenstein (1831), in which she wrote, of the novel itself and of its creature, Frankenstein's monster. This paper argues that, if the monster is seen not only as the product of Frankenstein's workshop of filthy creation, but also as the child from whom Frankenstein as parent recoils in horror; the works of Kiki Smith, Abigail Lane, and Cindy Sherman, created out of body parts, may also be considered hideous progenies of female creativity. Like Mary Shelley's gothic novel, the body, in the work of these three women artists, is not only the raw material of their art, but also the screen on which we project our bad dreams. Through the art of Smith, Lane, and Sherman, we can certainly feel the shudder of body horror that ripples through the Gothic canon from Frankenstein, whose manmade monster's yellow skin barely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath. Departing from their artistic examples, we will be able to perceive how the monstrous feminine in contemporary art can be grounded in a very famous hallmark work of Gothic literature. 展开更多
关键词 creative monstrosity FRANKENSTEIN Mary Shelley Kiki Smith Abigail Lane Cindy Sherman
ZResponse to selection,heritability and genetic correlations between body weight and body size in Pacific white shrimp,Litopenaeus vannamei 被引量:6
作者 安迪 刘小林 +1 位作者 黄皓 相建海 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期200-205,共6页
To quantify the response to selection, heritability and genetic correlations between weight and size ofLitopenaeus vannamei, the body weight (BW), total length (TL), body length (BL), first abdominal segment dep... To quantify the response to selection, heritability and genetic correlations between weight and size ofLitopenaeus vannamei, the body weight (BW), total length (TL), body length (BL), first abdominal segment depth (FASD), third abdominal segment depth (TASD), first abdominal segment width (FASW), and partial carapace length (PCL) of 5-month-old parents and of offspring were measured by calculating seven body measurings of offspring produced by a nested mating design. Seventeen half-sib families and 42 full-sib families ofL. vannamei were produced using artificial fertilization from 2-4 dams by each sire, and measured at around five months post-metamorphosis. The results show that heritabilities among various traits were high: 0.515±0.030 for body weight and 0.394±0.030 for total length. After one generation of selection, the selection response was 10.70% for offspring growth. In the 5th month, the realized heritability for weight was 0.296 for the offspring generation. Genetic correlations between body weight and body size were highly variable. The results indicate that external morphological parameters can be applied during breeder selection for enhancing the growth without sacrificing animals for determining the body size and breed ability; and selective breeding can be improved significantly, simultaneously with increased production. 展开更多
关键词 genetic correlation GROWTH HERITABILITY Litopenaeus vannamei selection response
Physical (Bodily) Contact Among Parents and Children in the Context of Family Upbringing. Religious Education Approach--Case Study
作者 Maria Rantzou 《Sociology Study》 2014年第4期298-315,共18页
Physical (bodily) contact among children and parents every day varies and its effect relates to the all-round personality development of the child. The purpose of this study is to present the attitudes and opinions ... Physical (bodily) contact among children and parents every day varies and its effect relates to the all-round personality development of the child. The purpose of this study is to present the attitudes and opinions of sixth-grade elementary students with regard to how parents interact with them physically as well as how the children would like the corresponding interaction with their parents to develop. The methodology was based on a case study. Data collection was conducted via a questionnaire with closed questions, which was distributed in person to sixth-grade students at two primary schools in the prefecture of Thessaloniki. Some results of the study indicate that more often children positively receive the ways in which their parents interact with them physically and desire physical contact with their parents even at this age. The involvement of parents and children in the sacramental life of the church seems to have a positive effect on physical contact among them. Gradually, however, children distance themselves from their parents as they enter puberty and seek physical contact with their parents selectively and only on special occasions such as their birthdays. 展开更多
关键词 Physical (bodily) contact non verbal communication PARENTS sacramental life
The Study on Improving the Health Condition through Sports
作者 Senlin LU Yi HUAI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第6期113-115,共3页
In the 1990s, China began to develop mass sports, it is committed to improving the health condition, and it will improve the sport as an important form of universal health. While national sports development, China' s... In the 1990s, China began to develop mass sports, it is committed to improving the health condition, and it will improve the sport as an important form of universal health. While national sports development, China' s sports begin to flourish and have achieved remarkable record. For example, in the just-concluded 2014, in the Incheon Asian Games, China has made a total score first. This shows that sports have become an important part of national development to be reckoned with. With economic development, the accelerated pace of life is by the people neglect their own physical exercise, so that declining physical fitness, health groups continues to grow. So how in the development of sports at the same time, ensure the health sciences to improve the health condition. This paper discusses this correlation. 展开更多
Key Performance Dimensions of the“Well-Tempered Musician”:A Framework for Artist Management
作者 《艺术管理(中英文)》 2024年第2期76-90,共15页
Artist management or mentoring is generally recognized as a fundamental challenge and contributing element in an artist’s success.This article takes the position that artist management should go well beyond the narro... Artist management or mentoring is generally recognized as a fundamental challenge and contributing element in an artist’s success.This article takes the position that artist management should go well beyond the narrow confines of standard business practice focused on traditional business management,marketing,accounting and finance,extending into seven dimensions of artist identity.The scope of artist management is broadened and deepened.Artist management is considered more challenging,as there must be open sharing and evaluation of attributes and liabilities associated with professional and personal considerations.Further,it is unlikely that a manager has all of the expertise necessary to directly manage in all identity dimensions,so outside expertise might be imperative.Prevalent examples of such cases are sub-optimal artist achievement owing to musical performance anxiety,the causes and consequences of such anxiety,and methods of alleviating severe problems and the shortened life expectancy of popular musicians. 展开更多
关键词 Artist Management Artist Identity Performance Science Performance Profiling Coaching
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