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针灸度量寸制的起源、混乱现状及标准化建议 被引量:1
作者 李永明 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第10期19-23,I0007,共6页
针灸的度量制起源于秦汉时期,至今与针灸相关的“寸”已经有多种含义,包括内经寸、同身寸、针具寸及刺法寸等。因历史原因,各种寸制的关系及转换比较复杂,尚无统一认识,有待厘清和标准化。最近出现的“晋前尺”承传有序,为研究秦制汉寸... 针灸的度量制起源于秦汉时期,至今与针灸相关的“寸”已经有多种含义,包括内经寸、同身寸、针具寸及刺法寸等。因历史原因,各种寸制的关系及转换比较复杂,尚无统一认识,有待厘清和标准化。最近出现的“晋前尺”承传有序,为研究秦制汉寸提供了关键实物证据。根据实测、文献记载及相关统计数据,可知秦汉时期的内经寸,即为晋前尺的汉寸(1汉寸=2.31 cm),实为中国男子的标准身寸(标身寸),与身高比约为1∶75。这个比值是汉代医家的重要发现,适用于古今中外的人体度量。汉寸是针灸寸制的源头,现仍然可以代表中国及全世界男子的平均身高。唐代出现的同身寸的起因可能是因为古代度量制的变更,而能被广泛使用至今的主要原因是个体化度量在针灸临床中的实用价值。但汉寸的失传,是针灸度量制的损失,间接地导致了欧洲男子“标身寸”英寸成为针具的度量寸。目前各国的针具寸以英寸为基准,但在转为公制时采纳了不同方式的“取整为寸”,形成了全球各自不同的针具规格,在比例和长度上都有显著差异。刺法寸本应以同身寸为深度标准,但在实际操作中需以针具寸来测量。从针灸长远发展考量,建议在未来针灸教学和标准化中,恢复以晋前尺为标准的汉寸,明确标身寸与同身寸的概念和价值,制定寸制与公制并存的针灸度量系统。 展开更多
关键词 针具寸 刺法寸 汉寸 晋前尺 针灸准化
《标签技术》 2015年第6期22-26,共5页
The Dieline 2015国际包装设计大奖结果已揭晓,中国品牌农夫山泉高端玻璃瓶装矿泉水包装荣获"非酒精饮料类包装设计冠军",这款包装用时3年,一共经历了58稿、300余个设计才最终定型。不仅是农夫山泉在矿泉水包装上求新,反观各... The Dieline 2015国际包装设计大奖结果已揭晓,中国品牌农夫山泉高端玻璃瓶装矿泉水包装荣获"非酒精饮料类包装设计冠军",这款包装用时3年,一共经历了58稿、300余个设计才最终定型。不仅是农夫山泉在矿泉水包装上求新,反观各大超市、便利店越来越丰富的水包装,其他品牌商在提升水包装颜值上也真是蛮拼的。尤其是新国标《食品安全国家标准包装饮用水》(GB19298-2014)开始实施,蒸馏水、冰川水、离子水、小分子水等各种概念水,将统统退出市场。不能在名称上"炒概念"了,未来如何争夺市场?各大品牌商必将在水包装上下足功夫。在此,分享几款有创意的饮料包装,看标签是如何助饮料拼颜值的。 展开更多
关键词 包装设计 农夫山泉 品牌商 小分子水 冰川水 瓶装矿泉水 二维码 身标 铝罐 罐体
作者 邱晓红 《中国包装》 2015年第11期61-62,共2页
中国饮料工业协会发布的《2014中国饮料行业可持续发展报告》显示,2014年全国饮料行业总产量为1.67亿吨,比上年增长11%,饮料行业成为中国消费行业的发展热点和新增长点。在高端饮料包装市场上,如何利用标签设计体现产品档次、实现货架效... 中国饮料工业协会发布的《2014中国饮料行业可持续发展报告》显示,2014年全国饮料行业总产量为1.67亿吨,比上年增长11%,饮料行业成为中国消费行业的发展热点和新增长点。在高端饮料包装市场上,如何利用标签设计体现产品档次、实现货架效应,成为饮料包装企业关注的焦点。 展开更多
关键词 消费行业 行业可持续发展 农夫山泉 发展热点 二维码 设计过程 中国作品 包装设计 身标 歌词创作
作者 刘燕雄 《食品与机械》 CSCD 1992年第4期32-34,共3页
1 生产线流程及车间平面布置生产线流程如下:2瓶装生产线平面设计图如图1所示。
关键词 平面设计 洗瓶机 柱塞 灌装机 杀菌机 丝人 身标 回转式 瓶台
作者 刘迅廷 《标签技术》 2015年第8期37-38,共2页
关键词 创新之旅 身标 二维码 社交媒体 可变信息 网络流行语 品牌商 大众营销 创意活动 定制化
作者 方婷 《标签技术》 2015年第2期18-20,共3页
在"个性化"的道路上,可口可乐,这家百年企业进行的各种探索与尝试无疑是成功的。从个性化昵称瓶、定制瓶到歌词瓶,再到炫彩瓶的推出,可口可乐公司的这些动作应当如何被解读?这似乎也不难理解。随着可选择的饮料品种日益丰富,... 在"个性化"的道路上,可口可乐,这家百年企业进行的各种探索与尝试无疑是成功的。从个性化昵称瓶、定制瓶到歌词瓶,再到炫彩瓶的推出,可口可乐公司的这些动作应当如何被解读?这似乎也不难理解。随着可选择的饮料品种日益丰富,包括可口可乐在内的全球饮料巨头们不得不面对的事实是:碳酸饮料在市场的霸主地位已被撼动。可口可乐公司还需要面对消费群体的变化。比如在中国市场,"新一代年轻人对碳酸饮料并不买账。 展开更多
关键词 身标 网络流行语 网络时代人 歌词创作 文艺青年 创意活动 可变信息 全球营销 印刷效果 二维码
作者 程绍琴 孙珑菲 《公民导刊》 2014年第11期35-35,共1页
"心病"变身标志性建筑第一次见到江津区人大代表冯明权,是在珞璜镇珞璜社区办公室,比约定时间多等了20分钟。一眼望去,扑面而来的满是朴实和干练之气。冯明权连连向笔者道歉,"到一户居民家调研,其他几个居民看见也来了,... "心病"变身标志性建筑第一次见到江津区人大代表冯明权,是在珞璜镇珞璜社区办公室,比约定时间多等了20分钟。一眼望去,扑面而来的满是朴实和干练之气。冯明权连连向笔者道歉,"到一户居民家调研,其他几个居民看见也来了,就多摆谈了一会。"大家对老农贸市场有意见,说年久失修环境差,应该及时改造。"要不我们下午去看看,也是你生动的采访素材。"下午。 展开更多
关键词 次见 约定时间 江津区 身标 就业问题 泥泞不堪 区委书记 基础设施 花庄 张淑
作者 彭云 《中国检验检疫》 1994年第5期37-37,共1页
关键词 技术监督 国家保护 假冒名牌 等数 投诉者 润肤露 身标 正当合法 识别方法 曹据
数字印刷 让包装超乎想象
作者 王守友 《印刷技术》 2014年第8期12-13,共2页
drupa2012展会上,数字印刷展现了非凡的魅力,尤其是在包装印刷领域,一些高性能数字印刷设备的推出让我们对包装数字印刷刮目相看。近两年随着这些设备相继投入市场,包装数字印刷的发展步伐也在不断加快。据Smithers Pira公司估计,2008~2... drupa2012展会上,数字印刷展现了非凡的魅力,尤其是在包装印刷领域,一些高性能数字印刷设备的推出让我们对包装数字印刷刮目相看。近两年随着这些设备相继投入市场,包装数字印刷的发展步伐也在不断加快。据Smithers Pira公司估计,2008~2018年,包装数字印刷的增长率将高达375%。可见,包装数字印刷的发展潜力巨大,而其所具备的能力也绝非"一张起印,张张不同"那么简单。下面,就让我们共同领略数字印刷给包装带来的超乎想象的体验吧。 展开更多
关键词 可变数据印刷 印刷领域 印品 发展潜力 虚拟现实 张起 按需印刷 三维立体 身标 生产效率
Diagnostic criteria for autoimmune pancreatitis in Japan 被引量:26
作者 Terumi Kamisawa Kazuichi Okazaki Shigeyuki Kawa 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第32期4992-4994,共3页
Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is a particular type of pancreatitis of presumed autoimmune etiology. Currently, AIP should be diagnosed based on combination of clinical, serological, morphological, and histopathologi... Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is a particular type of pancreatitis of presumed autoimmune etiology. Currently, AIP should be diagnosed based on combination of clinical, serological, morphological, and histopathological features. When diagnosing AIP, it is most important to differentiate it from pancreatic cancer. Diagnostic criteria for AIP, proposed by the Japan Pancreas Society in 2002 first in the world, were revised in 2006. The criteria are based on the minimum consensus of AIP and aim to avoid misdiagnosing pancreatic cancer as far as possible, but not for screening AIR The criteria consist of the following radiological, serological, and histopathological items: (1) radiological imaging showing narrowing of the main pancreatic duct and enlargement of the pancreas, which are characteristic of the disease; (2) laboratory data showing abnormally elevated levels of serum y-globulin, IgG or IgG4, or the presence of autoantibodies; (3) histopathological examination of the pancreas demonstrating marked fibrosis and prominent infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells, which is called lymphoplasmacytic sclerosing pancreatitis (LPSP). For a diagnosis of AIP, criterion 1 must be present, together with criterion 2 and/ or criterion 3. However, it is necessary to exclude malignant diseases such as pancreatic or biliary cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Autoimmune pancreatitis Diagnostic criteria IGG4 Lymphoplasmacytic sclerosing pancreatitis
Irritable bowel syndrome: Physicians' awareness and patients' experience 被引量:2
作者 Linda Bjork Olafsdottir Hallgrímur Gudjonsson +3 位作者 Heidur Hrund Jonsdottir Jon Steinar Jonsson Einar Bjornsson Bjarni Thjodleifsson 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第28期3715-3720,共6页
AIM: To study if and how physicians use the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) diagnostic criteria and to assess treatment strategies in IBS patients. METHODS: A questionnaire was sent to 191 physicians regarding IBS crit... AIM: To study if and how physicians use the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) diagnostic criteria and to assess treatment strategies in IBS patients. METHODS: A questionnaire was sent to 191 physicians regarding IBS criteria, diagnostic methods and treatment. Furthermore, 94 patients who were diagnosed with IBS underwent telephone interview. RESULTS: A total of 80/191 (41.9%) physicians responded to the survey. Overall, 13 patients were diag-nosed monthly with IBS by specialists in gastroenterology (SGs) and 2.5 patients by general practitioners (GPs). All the SGs knew of the criteria to diagnose IBS, as did 46/70 (65.7%) GPs. Seventy-nine percent used the patient's history, 38% used a physical examination, and 38% exclusion of other diseases to diagnose IBS. Only 18/80 (22.5%) physicians used specific IBS criteria. Of the patients interviewed, 59/94 (62.8%) knew they had experienced IBS. Two out of five patients knew IBS and had seen a physician because of IBS symptoms. Half of those received a diagnosis of IBS. A total of 13% were satisfied with treatment. IBS affected daily activities in 43% of cases. CONCLUSION: Half of the patients with IBS who consulted a physician received a diagnosis. Awareness and knowledge of diagnostic criteria for IBS differ between SGs and GPs. 展开更多
关键词 Irritable bowel syndrome Questionnaire study Diagnostic criteria Manning criteria Rome criteria Physician knowledge
Suture granuloma of the abdominal wall with intra-abdominal extension 12 years after open appendectomy 被引量:5
作者 Goran Augustin Dragan Korolija +1 位作者 Mate Skegro Jasminka Jakic-Razumovic 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第32期4083-4086,共4页
Most complications after appendectomy occur within ten days; however, we report the unusual case of a suture granuloma 12 years after open appendectomy. The afebrile 75-year-old woman presented with a slightly painful... Most complications after appendectomy occur within ten days; however, we report the unusual case of a suture granuloma 12 years after open appendectomy. The afebrile 75-year-old woman presented with a slightly painful palpable mass in the right lower abdomen. There was no nausea or vomiting and bowel movements were normal. She lost 10 kg during the 3 mo before presentation. The patient had undergone an appendectomy 12 years previously. Physical examination revealed a tender mass, 10 cm in diameter, under the appendectomy scar. The preoperative laboratory findings, tumor markers and plain abdominal radiographs were normal. Multi-slice computed tomography scanning showed an inhomo-genous abdominal mass with minimal vascularization in the right lower abdomen 8.6cm×8cm×9 cm in size which communicated with the abdominal wall. The abdominal wall was thickened, weak and bulging. The abdominal wall mass did not communicate with the cecum or the ascending colon. Complete excision of the abdominal wall mass was performed via median laparotomy. Histopathological examination revealed a granuloma with a central abscess. This case report demonstrates that a preoperative diagnosis of abdominal wall mass after open appendectomy warrants the use of a wide spectrum of diagnostic modalities and consequently different treatment options. 展开更多
关键词 APPENDECTOMY Differential diagnosis Postoperative complication Suture granuloma
Physically literate and physically educated:A rose by any other name? 被引量:6
作者 Monica A.F.Lounsbery Thomas L.McKenzie 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期139-144,共6页
In the 2013 release of the U.S. National Physical Education Standards the term "physically literate" replaced "physically educated". Un- fortunately, most discourse within the profession about the term physically ... In the 2013 release of the U.S. National Physical Education Standards the term "physically literate" replaced "physically educated". Un- fortunately, most discourse within the profession about the term physically literate occurred primarily after its adoption. While we agree with the spirit and intent of the term, we feel it is essential to discuss not only what has been potentially gained but also lost. In our paper, we illustrate the similarity of the terms physically educated and physically literate and essentially, from a definitional perspective, find little difference--but are these terms interchangeable? We provide a critical review of the standards and conclude that the change to physical literacy has produced a shift away from psychomotor outcomes to cognitive outcomes. Our concerns about this are many, but most importantly they are about the need to emphasize the "physical" in physical education (PE). It is our belief that the key to elevating the profession and maintaining and increasing support for PE is in its ability to promote and provide physical activity. Without physical activity and physical fitness as main outcomes, PE increases its vulnerability to extinction as a standard part of the U.S. K-12 education curriculum. 展开更多
关键词 CURRICULUM PE standards Physical activity Physical education SCHOOLS
Diagnostic criteria for autoimmune hepatitis in children: A challenge for pediatric hepatologists 被引量:3
作者 Priscila Menezes Ferri Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira +1 位作者 Débora Marques Miranda Ana Cristina Sim■es e Silva 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第33期4470-4473,共4页
Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a progressive inflammatory liver disorder that is rare in children and adolescents. AIH has a broad clinical spectrum and a quick response to treatment with corticosteroids and immunosupp... Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a progressive inflammatory liver disorder that is rare in children and adolescents. AIH has a broad clinical spectrum and a quick response to treatment with corticosteroids and immunosuppressive medication. The available diagnosis criteria have limitations and should be evaluated in pediatric populations. Recently, some studies reported that the 2008 simplified diagnostic criteria for AIH could be used in children with high sensibility and specificity. In addition, the authors reported that globulin and immunoglobulin G levels can be used interchangeably for diagnostic purposes. They also demonstrated that the 2008 simplified criteria fail in identifying patients with fulminant hepatic failure. Here, we discuss the limitations of the use of these criteria in pediatric patients and the requirement of more studies to improve the diagnosis of AIH in children. 展开更多
关键词 Child Autoimmune hepatitis Liver diseases Diagnosis Autoimmunity
Study on the Similarities and Differences of Body Measurement Terminology between ASTM and China GB Standard
作者 方方 张渭源 张文斌 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第4期41-48,共8页
The similarities and differences of ASTM and China GB standard are studied in three aspects:measure instrument,terminology and applicable field.They are similar on the measuring apparatus and GB has less measurements,... The similarities and differences of ASTM and China GB standard are studied in three aspects:measure instrument,terminology and applicable field.They are similar on the measuring apparatus and GB has less measurements,such as girth,length and width measurements than ASTM and it lack across chest width,back width,total crotch length and shoulder slope which are important measurements in pattern making.ASTM classifies its standards according to the customers' size,gender and age.So we think GB standard could make some modifications from these fields to satisfy the users. 展开更多
关键词 Body measurement ANTHROPOMETRY Measuring standard PATTERN
Three-dimensional endoanal ultrasonographic assessment of an anal fistula with and without H_2O_2 enhancement 被引量:25
作者 Yung Kim Young Jin Park 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第38期4810-4815,共6页
AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of three-dimensional endoanal ultrasound (3D-EAUS) in the assessment of anal fistulae with and without H202 enhancement. METHODS: Sixty-one patients (37 males, aged 17-74 years... AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of three-dimensional endoanal ultrasound (3D-EAUS) in the assessment of anal fistulae with and without H202 enhancement. METHODS: Sixty-one patients (37 males, aged 17-74 years) with anal fistulae, which were not simple low types, were evaluated by physical examination and 3D-EAUS with and without enhancement. Fistula classification was determined with each modality and compared to operative findings as the reference standard. RESULTS: The accuracy of 3D-EAUS was significantly higher than that of physical examination in detecting the primary tract (84.4% vs 68.7%, P = 0.037) and secondary extension (81.8% vs 62.1%, P = 0.01) and localizing the internal opening (84.2% vs 59.7%, P = 0.004). A contrast study with H202 detected several more fistula components including two primary suprasphincteric fistula tracks and one supralevator secondary extension, which were not detected on non-contrast study. However, there was no significant difference in accuracy between 3D-EAUS and H202- enhanced 3D-EAUS with respect to classification of the primary tract (84.4% vs 89.1%, P = 0.435) or secondary extension (81.8% vs 86.4%, P = 0.435) or localization of the internal opening (84.2% vs 89.5%, P = 0.406). CONCLUSION: 3D-EAUS was highly reliable in the diagnosis of an anal fistula. H2O2 enhancement was helpful at times and selective use in difficult cases may be economical and reliable. 展开更多
关键词 Anal fistula Endoanal ultrasound H2O2enhancement
Ex situ echo sounder target strengths of ice krill Euphausia crystallorophias 被引量:1
作者 Hyoung Sul LA Hyungbeen LEE +2 位作者 Donhyug KANG SangHoon LEE Hyoung Chul SHIN 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期802-808,共7页
Ice krill is the keystone species in the neritic ecosystem in the Southern Ocean, where it replaces the more oceanic Antarctic krill. It is essential to understand the variation of target strength (TS in dB re l m^2... Ice krill is the keystone species in the neritic ecosystem in the Southern Ocean, where it replaces the more oceanic Antarctic krill. It is essential to understand the variation of target strength (TS in dB re l m^2) with the different body size to accurately estimate ice krill stocks. However, there is comparatively little knowledge of the acoustic backscatter of ice krill. The TS of individual, formalin-preserved, tethered ice krill was measured in a freshwater test tank at 38, 120, and 200 kHz with a calibrated split-beam echo sounder system. Mean TS was obtained from 21 individual ice krill with a broad range of body lengths (L: 13-36 iron). The length (L, mm) to wet weight (W; mg) relationship for ice krill was 11/=0.001 21g^103~L35s (R2=0.96). The mean TS-to-length relationship were TS38kHz=-177.4+57log10(L), (R^2=0.86); TS120kHz= -129.9+31.561ogf0(L), (R2=0.87); and TS200kHz=-117.6+24.661ogre(L), (R2=0.84). Empirical estimates of the relationship between the TS and body length of ice krill were established at 38, 120, and 200 kHz and compared with predictions obtained from both the linear regression model of Greene et al. (1991) and the Stochastic Distorted Wave Born Approximation (SDWBA) model. This result might be applied to improve acoustic detection and density estimation of ice krill in the Southern Ocean. Further comparative studies are needed with in situ target strength including various body lengths of ice krill. 展开更多
关键词 ice krill Euphausia crystallorophias ex situ target strength split-beam echo sounder
Study on the Impact of "Health Qigong. WuQinxi" on the Physical Health of the University Students
作者 Xiang Bin 《International English Education Research》 2014年第8期86-91,共6页
This study based on documents and materials, interview, experiment and data statistical analysis, as well as by the means of "Health Qigong.WuQinxi", and carries on a 4-month exercise intervention aiming at the univ... This study based on documents and materials, interview, experiment and data statistical analysis, as well as by the means of "Health Qigong.WuQinxi", and carries on a 4-month exercise intervention aiming at the university students, furthermore to have a comparison of their level scores on physical shape, physiological indicator, before and after the experiment. And we come to a conclusion through this 4-month exercise, when concerns to physical shape and physiological indicator: we can see a significant difference on WHR body mass index and vital capacity (p≤ 0.01); as well as waist circumference, pulse, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, sit and reach, grip strength (p ≤ 0.05). So we note that long-term "Health Qignng .WuQinxi" practice can improve the physical health of the university students, and assess the students who failed to meet health standards physically, and fmally realize our hope promoting the comprehensive development of university students. 展开更多
关键词 Health Qigong. WuQinxi University Students Physical Health
Autoantibodies against MMP-7 as a novel diagnostic biomarker in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 被引量:8
作者 Jing-Hua Zhou Bin Zhang +1 位作者 Kemp H Kernstine Li Zhong 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第10期1373-1378,共6页
AIM: To evaluate the diagnostic values of serum autoan tibodies against matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). METHODS: The MMP-7 cDNA was cloned from ESCC... AIM: To evaluate the diagnostic values of serum autoan tibodies against matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). METHODS: The MMP-7 cDNA was cloned from ESCC tissues, and MMP-7 was expressed and purified from a prokaryotic system. MMP-7 autoanUbodies were then measured in sera from 50 patients with primary ESCC and 58 risk-matched controls, using a reverse capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in which autoantibodies to MMP-7 bound to the purified MMP-7 proteins. In addition, MMP-7 autoantibody levels in sera from 38 gastric cancer patients and from control serum samples were also tested. RESULTS: The optimum conditions for recombinant MMP-7 protein expression were determined as 0.04 mmol/L Isopropyl-13-D-Thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)induction at 37℃ for four hours. The levels of serum autoantibodies against MMP-7 were significantly higher in patients with ESCC than in the matched-control samples (OD450 = 1.69 ±0.08 vs OD450 = 1.55 ± 0.10, P 〈 0.001). The area under the receiver operating character- istic (ROC) curve was 0.87. The sensitivity and specificity for detection of ESCC were 78.0% and 81.0%, respectively, when the OD450 value was greater than 1.65. Although the levels of autoantibodies against MMP-7 were also significantly higher in patients with gastric cancer compared to control samples (OD450 = 1.62± 0.06 vs OD450 = 1.55±0.10, P 〈 0.001), the diagnostic accuracy was less significant than in ESCC patients. The area of ROC curve was 0.75, whereas the sensitivity and specificity were 60.5% and 71.7%, respectively, when the cut-off value of OD450 was set at 1.60. CONCLUSION: Serum autoantibody levels of MMP-7 may be a good diagnostic biomarker for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, 展开更多
关键词 Matrix metalloproteinase-7 Serum autoantibody Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma Gastriccancer BIOMARKER
作者 韩冲 《中国国家旅游》 2016年第2期54-65,11,共12页
我在耶路撒冷生活已经将近三年,翻看初来圣城时的照片,感觉自己就像是一个扛着老式猎枪的猎人,在不惊扰猎物的射程内,耐心地潜伏在画面前方,按下快门,俘获一张好照片。这曾带给我很大的快乐。各色人等往往是画面中的点睛之笔,是所有确... 我在耶路撒冷生活已经将近三年,翻看初来圣城时的照片,感觉自己就像是一个扛着老式猎枪的猎人,在不惊扰猎物的射程内,耐心地潜伏在画面前方,按下快门,俘获一张好照片。这曾带给我很大的快乐。各色人等往往是画面中的点睛之笔,是所有确定因素中最不确定的那部分,画面里的他们,有宗教的庄严和神秘,有和这个时代脱节的厚重感。但过了一阵子,那些独特的衣着、夸张的肢体动作,以及那些不辨喜乐的剪影,都变得像剪纸一样单薄——因为我看不到他们的表情。难道我真的只能像一个过客一样远远地观看那些标签式的影像吗?我不甘心! 展开更多
关键词 圣城 肢体动作 各色人等 千岛 里正 火正 小黑点 地文 巴以冲突 身标
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