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面向6G通信的多层低轨卫星网络路由算法 被引量:2
作者 徐小涛 赵国锋 +2 位作者 韩珍珍 蔡茹意 徐川 《移动通信》 2024年第1期56-64,87,共10页
在面向6G的移动通信网络中,低轨卫星网络(LEO,Low Earth Orbit)运行高度低、时延小,可大范围部署实现全球广域低时延通信。当前低轨卫星星座正朝着多层轨道面发展,多层轨道的跨层链路增加了数据传输路径,但跨层轨间链路的频繁通断,增大... 在面向6G的移动通信网络中,低轨卫星网络(LEO,Low Earth Orbit)运行高度低、时延小,可大范围部署实现全球广域低时延通信。当前低轨卫星星座正朝着多层轨道面发展,多层轨道的跨层链路增加了数据传输路径,但跨层轨间链路的频繁通断,增大了多层LEO网络层间路由选择的难度。为此提出了一种面向6G移动通信的多层LEO卫星网络路由算法。首先建立跨层链路,面向端到端传输时延和可靠性需求,分析影响跨层轨间链路频繁通断的因素,基于LEO卫星网络虚拟位置思想,选择卫星节点对建立可靠跨层链路;然后实现路由选择,基于所建立的跨层星间链路,采用时空演化图模型刻画动态网络拓扑,设计最短路径算法计算最佳传输路径。最后,构建三层卫星网络场景对所提算法进行仿真验证。结果表明,相对于现有方法,所提算法在端到端时延和可靠性均有明显提升。 展开更多
关键词 卫星网络 跨层间链 多属性决策 由算法
基于树突神经网络的低轨卫星智能感知路由算法 被引量:5
作者 刘洋 王丽娜 《工程科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期465-474,共10页
在低轨卫星网络中,卫星运行速度快、运行周期较短,星间链路动态变化.为了及时感知星间链路状态并选择正确的路由,提出一种基于树突神经网络的低轨卫星智能感知路由算法,通过卫星之间的可视性约束分析星间建链情况,实现星间链路态势感知... 在低轨卫星网络中,卫星运行速度快、运行周期较短,星间链路动态变化.为了及时感知星间链路状态并选择正确的路由,提出一种基于树突神经网络的低轨卫星智能感知路由算法,通过卫星之间的可视性约束分析星间建链情况,实现星间链路态势感知;通过实时构造训练集,利用树突神经网络自动调整全局卫星网络链路的权值,进而优化传统迪杰斯特拉(Dijkstra)算法,实现星间链路质量感知,给出智能路由决策;通过周期性监测卫星网络拓扑,实时修正初始路由路径.仿真结果表明,基于树突神经网络的路由算法复杂度低,路径时延、时延抖动及丢包率均低于传统启发式路由算法和Dijkstra路由算法. 展开更多
关键词 卫星 智能感知 树突神经网络 机器学习 星间链
地下轨道与城市道路及综合管廊大断面共建 被引量:13
作者 李锐 《西安科技大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第3期466-472,共7页
应用对比分析、分类归纳及实例列举等方法,研究了地下城市轨道与城市道路、城市综合管廊的标准体系适应性,分析了"路-轨-管廊"大断面组合规划和横断面组合布设要点,提出了不同情况下的"路-轨-管廊"大断面共建的可... 应用对比分析、分类归纳及实例列举等方法,研究了地下城市轨道与城市道路、城市综合管廊的标准体系适应性,分析了"路-轨-管廊"大断面组合规划和横断面组合布设要点,提出了不同情况下的"路-轨-管廊"大断面共建的可行方法。结果表明:地下城市轨道与城市道路、城市综合管廊三种构筑物技术标准体系相互适应性性强,适宜于统一路由、统一规划、统一设计、统一实施。地下城市轨道与城市道路、城市综合管廊组合规划工作中,应严格按"路-轨-管廊大断面"的综合规划要求去执行,充分考虑预留措施和衔接手段。"路-轨-管廊大断面"横断面组合及布设过程中,应根据地下城市轨道区间段及车站段的不同特点,结合城市道路及城市综合管廊的相关要求统筹考虑。"路-轨-管廊"大断面共建时,对全部新建段可同步统筹建设;对涉及既有城市道路改扩建的段落,应合理安排建设程序,保证地面道路建设期交通组织,根据地下城市轨道区间段及车站段的不同实施方法并结合城市综合管廊的建设要求。 展开更多
关键词 土木工程 --管廊共建 标准体系 组合规划 横断面组合 共建方法
遥控轨路两用物料转运小车的研制与应用 被引量:2
作者 杨首森 《制造业自动化》 北大核心 2009年第10期174-176,共3页
关键词 生产物流 遥控 两用 物料转运小车
作者 贺羽 卢荣德 《电气电子教学学报》 2011年第5期35-38,共4页
杆轨电路能完成机电间的等效,对其的理论研究具有一定的意义,在实际应用中也有较为广阔的前景。本文讨论包括两个方面,一是把电学参量等效为力学参量,二是用力学元件组装成电学元件。通过磁场、动生电动势及杆轨电路,可将机电紧密结合... 杆轨电路能完成机电间的等效,对其的理论研究具有一定的意义,在实际应用中也有较为广阔的前景。本文讨论包括两个方面,一是把电学参量等效为力学参量,二是用力学元件组装成电学元件。通过磁场、动生电动势及杆轨电路,可将机电紧密结合于一体。 展开更多
关键词 力学参量 电学元件
作者 贺迪华 罗卫东 +1 位作者 黄琳森 刘忠 《机械》 2018年第1期11-17,共7页
根据某轨姿控系统中关键组件的固定位置进行管路布置,并通过ANSYS Workbench对管路和管路接头进行了仿真分析,针对分析结果、结合管路布置原则对原管路进行改进。通过与原管路对比发现:改进管路模型的固有频率避开了系统工作频率910 Hz... 根据某轨姿控系统中关键组件的固定位置进行管路布置,并通过ANSYS Workbench对管路和管路接头进行了仿真分析,针对分析结果、结合管路布置原则对原管路进行改进。通过与原管路对比发现:改进管路模型的固有频率避开了系统工作频率910 Hz;在随机振动中X方向上的等效应力和位移分别减小了66.62 MPa和0.72878 mm且在Y、Z方向上的等效应力和位移增加幅度较小;四通管路接头使得管路中流量分配更加均匀且降低了将近10%的水击压力,有效地改善了轨姿控系统中管路的布置形式。 展开更多
关键词 姿控管系统 四通管接头 模型 仿真分析
作者 宋朴 《电子制作》 1999年第8期36-37,共2页
玩具车循轨器就是按预先确定的轨道进行跟踪的装置,它是机械一电子技术的组合。本文介绍的简单电路可以用来改造你的塑料玩具车。轨道在白纸上用黑色油墨画成。轨道循轨器就是最简单的机械人。机械人可以代替人的相应功能,例如:识别轨... 玩具车循轨器就是按预先确定的轨道进行跟踪的装置,它是机械一电子技术的组合。本文介绍的简单电路可以用来改造你的塑料玩具车。轨道在白纸上用黑色油墨画成。轨道循轨器就是最简单的机械人。机械人可以代替人的相应功能,例如:识别轨道的人眼睛就相当于机械人的光传感器,人的臂和足等相当于机械人的马达,齿轮组等。 展开更多
关键词 玩具车循 比较器 马达驱动电 应用
作者 张可 林文超 王野 《中兴通讯技术》 北大核心 2024年第5期30-40,共11页
面向高动态、大尺度变化的低轨星地链路,具有强大纠错能力的速率兼容(RC)信道编码方案对保障星地时敏业务的信息时效性是至关重要的。提出了一种适用于任意短线性分组码的新型译码思想,称为基于翻转重量的阶序统计译码(FWB-OSD)。FWB-OS... 面向高动态、大尺度变化的低轨星地链路,具有强大纠错能力的速率兼容(RC)信道编码方案对保障星地时敏业务的信息时效性是至关重要的。提出了一种适用于任意短线性分组码的新型译码思想,称为基于翻转重量的阶序统计译码(FWB-OSD)。FWB-OSD可以达到比传统译码算法更优秀的误码性能水平。在此基础上,针对3GPP标准低密度奇偶校验(LDPC)码的速率兼容编码方案,提出了一种将迭代译码算法与FWB-OSD进行级联的译码算法,称为多层置信组合译码(MBCD)算法。相比于现有置信传播(BP)及级联译码算法,所提MBCD算法在短码长LDPC编码方案下能够展现更优的译码性能。最后,基于星地信道模拟器及相关前端信号处理方法,在桌面端开发了所提编译码方案在星地链路下的半实物验证系统。 展开更多
关键词 星地链 速率兼容信道编码 翻转重量辅助 多层置信 译码性能
作者 乔钰 《神州》 2018年第6期245-246,共2页
交通为空间发展之首要条件,盖无论政令推行,政情沟通,军事进退,经济开发,宗教传播,民族融合,文化传承,国际联系,尽皆受交通畅阻之影响.故交通发展可称社会政治经济文化发展之第一要务,交通建设所取之成果也可称得上是社会发展之晴雨表.... 交通为空间发展之首要条件,盖无论政令推行,政情沟通,军事进退,经济开发,宗教传播,民族融合,文化传承,国际联系,尽皆受交通畅阻之影响.故交通发展可称社会政治经济文化发展之第一要务,交通建设所取之成果也可称得上是社会发展之晴雨表.本文通过探究秦汉陆上交通之发展轨迹,研究秦汉时期交通发展之影响因素,希望通过对先人足迹之探究可有益于交通建设甚至于社会各层面改革关键时期的今日. 展开更多
关键词 秦汉交通 《中国交通史》道 轨路.
作者 杜宇玲 张学军 张军 《遥测遥控》 2006年第2期1-6,共6页
由于卫星网拓扑时变的特性,使得现有的多协议标签交换(MPLS)技术难以在卫星网中有效地运行。以铱(Irid ium)系统为例,首先分析低轨卫星网(LEO)中星际链路的变化情况。针对卫星网具有频繁断接性和传输大时延等特点,将基于MPLS技术的LEO... 由于卫星网拓扑时变的特性,使得现有的多协议标签交换(MPLS)技术难以在卫星网中有效地运行。以铱(Irid ium)系统为例,首先分析低轨卫星网(LEO)中星际链路的变化情况。针对卫星网具有频繁断接性和传输大时延等特点,将基于MPLS技术的LEO卫星网系统进行功能模块的划分,并重点对MPLS协议中的标签设计、信令协议选择、标签交换路径(LSP)的切换等问题进行仿真,同时提出相应的改进方案。 展开更多
关键词 星间链(ISL) 间链(IOL) 多协议标签交换(MPLS) 信令协议 卫星切换 卫星网络
Rail-to-rail op-amp with constant transconductance,SR and gain
作者 常昌远 李弦 +1 位作者 姚建楠 李娟 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第2期163-167,共5页
A novel general-purpose low-voltage rail-to-rail CMOS ( complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor ) operational amplifier (op-amp)is introduced, which obtains constant transconductance, slew rate and cons... A novel general-purpose low-voltage rail-to-rail CMOS ( complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor ) operational amplifier (op-amp)is introduced, which obtains constant transconductance, slew rate and constant high gain over the entire input common mode voltage range. The proposed scheme has the potential for applications in deep submicrometer technology, as the operation of the circuit does not exclusively rely on the square-law or the linear-law of transistors. The scheme is compact and suitable for applications as VLSI cell. The rail-to- rail op-amp has been implemented in DPDM 0. 6 μm mixedsignal process. The simulations show that in the entire range of input common mode voltage, the variations in transconductance, SR and gain are 1%, 2. 3%, 1.36 dB, respectively. Based on this, the layout and tape-out are carded out. The area of layout is 0. 072 mm^2. The test results are basically consistent with the circuit simulation. 展开更多
关键词 CMOS analog circuit op-amp RAIL-TO-RAIL constant transconductance constant slew rate constant gain
作者 蒋文娟 宗鹏 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2012年第3期254-262,共9页
Due to the diversified demands of quality of service(QoS) in volume multimedia application, QoS routings for multiservice are becoming a research hotspot in low earth orbit(LEO) satellite networks. A novel QoS sat... Due to the diversified demands of quality of service(QoS) in volume multimedia application, QoS routings for multiservice are becoming a research hotspot in low earth orbit(LEO) satellite networks. A novel QoS satellite routing algorithm for multi-class traffic is proposed. The goal of the routing algorithm is to provide the distinct QoS for different traffic classes and improve the utilization of network resources. Traffic is classified into three classes and allocated priorities based on their QoS requirements, respectively. A priority queuing mechanism guarantees the algorithm to work better for high-priority classes. In order to control the congestion, a blocking probability analysis model is built up based on the Markov process theory. Finally, according to the classification link-cost metrics, routings for different classes are calculated with the distinct QoS requirments and the status of network resource. Simulations verify the performance of the routing algorithm at different time and in different regions, and results demonstrate that the algorithm has great advantages in terms of the average delay and the blocking probability. Meanwhile, the robustness issue is also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 low earth orbit satellite networks traffic classification routing algorithm quality of service traffic and topology model
Multiple homoclinics in a non-periodic Hamiltonian system
作者 丁建 冯桂珍 张福保 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第4期642-646,共5页
This paper concerns the existence of multiple homoclinic orbits for the second-order Hamiltonian system-L(t)z+Wz(t,z)=0,where L∈C(R,RN2)is a symmetric matrix-valued function and W(t,z)∈C1(R×RN,R)is a... This paper concerns the existence of multiple homoclinic orbits for the second-order Hamiltonian system-L(t)z+Wz(t,z)=0,where L∈C(R,RN2)is a symmetric matrix-valued function and W(t,z)∈C1(R×RN,R)is a nonlinear term.Since there are no periodic assumptions on L(t)and W(t,z)in t,one should overcome difficulties for the lack of compactness of the Sobolev embedding.Moreover,the nonlinearity W(t,z)is asymptotically linear in z at infinity and the system is allowed to be resonant,which is a case that has never been considered before.By virtue of some generalized mountain pass theorem,multiple homoclinic orbits are obtained. 展开更多
关键词 Hamiltonian system homoclinic orbits (C)-condition asymptotical linearity generalized mountain pass theorem
Probabilistic model and analysis of coupled train-ballasted track-subgrade system with uncertain structural parameters 被引量:5
作者 MAO Jian-feng XIAO Yuan-jie +2 位作者 YU Zhi-wu Erol TUTUMLUER ZHU Zhi-hui 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第7期2238-2256,共19页
Random dynamic responses caused by the uncertainty of structural parameters of the coupled train-ballasted track-subgrade system under train loading can pose safety concerns to the train operation.This paper introduce... Random dynamic responses caused by the uncertainty of structural parameters of the coupled train-ballasted track-subgrade system under train loading can pose safety concerns to the train operation.This paper introduced a computational model for analyzing probabilistic dynamic responses of three-dimensional(3D)coupled train-ballasted track-subgrade system(TBTSS),where the coupling effects of uncertain rail irregularities,stiffness and damping properties of ballast and subgrade layers were simultaneously considered.The number theoretical method(NTM)was employed to design discrete points for the multi-dimensional stochastic parameters.The time-histories of stochastic dynamic vibrations of the TBSS with systematically uncertain structural parameters were calculated accurately and efficiently by employing the probability density evolution method(PDEM).The model-predicted results were consistent with those by the Monte Carlo simulation method.A sensitivity study was performed to assess the relative importance of those uncertain structural parameters,based on which a case study was presented to explore the stochastic probability evolution mechanism of such train-ballasted track-subgrade system. 展开更多
关键词 coupled train-ballast-subgrade system structural parameter uncertainty stochastic dynamic analysis probability density evolution method wheel-rail interaction
Cross-Layer Design and Ant-Colony Optimization Based Routing Algorithm for Low Earth Orbit Satellite Networks 被引量:5
作者 王厚天 张琦 +2 位作者 忻向军 陶滢 刘乃金 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第10期37-46,共10页
To improve the robustness of the Low Earth Orbit(LEO) satellites networks and realise load balancing, a Cross-layer design and Ant-colony optimization based Load-balancing routing algorithm for LEO Satellite Networks(... To improve the robustness of the Low Earth Orbit(LEO) satellites networks and realise load balancing, a Cross-layer design and Ant-colony optimization based Load-balancing routing algorithm for LEO Satellite Networks(CAL-LSN) is proposed in this paper. In CALLSN, mobile agents are used to gather routing information actively. CAL-LSN can utilise the information of the physical layer to make routing decision during the route construction phase. In order to achieve load balancing, CALLSN makes use of a multi-objective optimization model. Meanwhile, how to take the value of some key parameters is discussed while designing the algorithm so as to improve the reliability. The performance is measured by the packet delivery rate, the end-to-end delay, the link utilization and delay jitter. Simulation results show that CAL-LSN performs well in balancing traffic load and increasing the packet delivery rate. Meanwhile, the end-to-end delay and delay jitter performance can meet the requirement of video transmission. 展开更多
关键词 ant-colony algorithm cross-layer design LEO satellite networks load balancing Quality of Service
Design method of pile-slab structure roadbed of ballastless track on soil subgrade 被引量:3
作者 ZHAN Yong-xiang YAO Hai-lin JIANG Guan-lu 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第7期2072-2082,共11页
Pile-slab structure roadbed is a new form of ballastless track for high speed railway. Due to lack of corresponding design code, based on the analysis of its structure characteristics and application requirements, it ... Pile-slab structure roadbed is a new form of ballastless track for high speed railway. Due to lack of corresponding design code, based on the analysis of its structure characteristics and application requirements, it is proposed to carry out load effect combination according to ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state, and the most unfavorable combination of each state is chosen to carry through design calculation for pile-slab structure. Space model of pile-slab structure can be simplified as a plane flame model, by using the orthogonal test method, and the design parameter of pile-slab structure is optimized. Moreover, based on the engineering background of Suining-Chongqing high-speed railway, the dynamic deformation characteristics of pile-slab structure roadbed are further researched by carrying on the indoor dynamic model test. The test results show that the settlement after construction of subgrade satisfies the requirement of settlement control to build ballastless track on soil subgrade for high-speed railway. Slab structure plays the role of arch shell as load is transmitted from slab to pile, and the vertical dynamic stress of subgrade soil is approximately of "K" form distribution with the depth. The distribution of pile stress is closely related to soil characteristics, which has an upset triangle shape where the large dynamic stress is at the top. Pile compared with soil shares most dynamic stress. Pile structure expands the depth of the dynamic response of subgrade has limited effect on dynamic response. These results can provide subgrade. and improves the stress of subgrade soil, and the speed of train scientific basis for pile-slab structure roadbed used on soil 展开更多
关键词 soil subgrade ballastless track pile-slab structure roadbed load combination dynamic model test
Evaluation between Two Brazilian Railway Tracks 被引量:1
作者 Cassio Eduardo Lima de Paiva Creso de Franco Peixoto +1 位作者 Luiz Femando de Melo Correia Paulo RobertoAguiar 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第9期772-778,共7页
Most of Brazilian railways were built more than 100 years ago. Some of them were submitted to rebuilding processes while others were just overloaded by additional layers of ballast. Nowadays, Brazil is going through a... Most of Brazilian railways were built more than 100 years ago. Some of them were submitted to rebuilding processes while others were just overloaded by additional layers of ballast. Nowadays, Brazil is going through a new railway transport impulse in relation to the increase of load, despite of the necessary supply capacity. For this reason, there were developed evaluations from some Brazilian railways in order to determine their operational conditions. This work shows a comparative analysis of results from two parts of studied old railway, aiming to determine minimum features to enable them to accept higher load axis. One of these studied old railway parts did not have a sub-ballast layer in contrast to the other one. The strains and stresses of these old railway track parts were generated by the same locomotive. 展开更多
关键词 Railway track field strain survey track deflection basin.
Fault diagnosis method of track circuit based on KPCA-SAE 被引量:2
作者 JIN Zuchen DONG Yu 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2022年第1期89-95,共7页
At present,ZPW-2000 track circuit fault diagnosis is artificially analyzed and monitored.Its discrimination method not only is low efficient and takes a long period,but also requires highly experienced personnel to an... At present,ZPW-2000 track circuit fault diagnosis is artificially analyzed and monitored.Its discrimination method not only is low efficient and takes a long period,but also requires highly experienced personnel to analyze the data.Therefore,we introduce kernel principal component analysis and stacked auto-encoder network(KPCA-SAD)into the fault diagnosis of ZPW-2000 track circuit.According to the working principle and fault characteristics of track circuit,a fault diagnosis model of KPCA-SAE network is established.The relevant parameters of key components recorded in the data collected by field staff are used as the fault feature parameters.The KPCA method is used to reduce the dimension and noise of fault document matrix to avoid information redundancy.The SAE network is trained by the processed fault data.The model parameters are optimized overall by using back propagation(BP)algorithm.The KPCA-SAE model is simulated in Matlab platform and is finally proved to be effective and feasible.Compared with the traditional method of artificially analyzing fault data and other intelligent algorithms,the KPCA-SAE based classifier has higher fault identification accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 ZPW-2000 track circuit fault diagnosis stacked auto-encoder(SAE) kernel principal component analysis(KPCA)
Discrete element method analysis of lateral resistance of fouled ballast bed 被引量:3
作者 XU Yang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期2373-2381,共9页
The lateral resistance of sleeper plays an important role in ensuring the stability of a railway track, which may change in the operation of railway, due to the fouling in the ballast bed. In this work, discrete eleme... The lateral resistance of sleeper plays an important role in ensuring the stability of a railway track, which may change in the operation of railway, due to the fouling in the ballast bed. In this work, discrete element method was adopted to investigate the effect of fouling on the lateral resistance of sleeper. The shape information of ballast was captured by method of three-dimensional vision reconstruction. In order to calibrate the mechanical parameters and verify the models, a lateral resistance field test was carried out by using a custom-made device. The contact force distributions in the different parts of sleeper as well as the interaction between ballast and sleeper were discussed in depth. The results show that fouling of ballast bed evidently reduces the lateral resistance of sleeper and the decreasing degree is also related to the fouled position of ballast bed, in the order of shoulder > bottom > side.Therefore, the effect of fouling, especially the fouling in the ballast shoulder, on the lateral resistance of sleeper, should be taken into account in ballast track maintenance work. 展开更多
关键词 discrete element modelling three-dimensional vision reconstruction BALLAST lateral resistance of sleeper ballast fouling
Life prediction of ZPW-2000A track circuit equipment based on SVDD and gray prediction 被引量:2
作者 WANG Rui-feng JIA Nan 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2018年第4期373-379,共7页
Evaluation of the health state and prediction of the remaining life of the track circuit are important for the safe operation of the equipment of railway signal system.Based on support vector data description(SVDD)and... Evaluation of the health state and prediction of the remaining life of the track circuit are important for the safe operation of the equipment of railway signal system.Based on support vector data description(SVDD)and gray prediction,this paper illustrates a method of life prediction for ZPW-2000A track circuit,which combines entropy weight method,SVDD,Mahalanobis distance and negative conversion function to set up a health state assessment model.The model transforms multiple factors affecting the health state into a health index named H to reflect the health state of the equipment.According to H,the life prediction model of ZPW-2000A track circuit equipment is established by means of gray prediction so as to predict the trend of health state of the equipment.The certification of the example shows that the method can visually reflect the health state and effectively predict the remaining life of the equipment.It also provides a theoretical basis to further improve the maintenance and management for ZPW-2000A track circuit. 展开更多
关键词 track circuit health state assessment life prediction support vector data description(SVDD) gray prediction
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