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城市轨道交通与城市发展统筹协调 住房和城乡建设部城市建设司副司长刘贺明在协会第一届常务理事会第五次会议上的讲话
《城市轨道交通》 2015年第1期18-19,共2页
中国城市轨道交通协会成立以来做了大量卓有成效的工作,对住建部的工作也给予很大支持。首先,我代表住房和城乡建设部城市建设司表示感谢,也对会议的召开表示祝贺。2014年,住房和城乡建设部在城市轨道交通领域开展了如下几项相关工作。... 中国城市轨道交通协会成立以来做了大量卓有成效的工作,对住建部的工作也给予很大支持。首先,我代表住房和城乡建设部城市建设司表示感谢,也对会议的召开表示祝贺。2014年,住房和城乡建设部在城市轨道交通领域开展了如下几项相关工作。第一,继续支持符合条件的城市加快城市轨道交通的建设工作,按照国务院文件的要求对城市轨道交通建设城市进行审查。第二。 展开更多
关键词 城市轨道交 城市建设司 城市发展 刘贺明 轨道交通领域 国务院文件 轨道交通线网 线网规划 轨道交
运用PPP模式进行城市轨道交通建设融资 被引量:6
作者 陈柳钦 《上海铁道科技》 2006年第4期40-42,45,51,60,共6页
PPP融资模式是以项目为主体的融资活动,是项目融资的实现形式。PPP融资模式不仅能够使更多的民营资本参与项目建设,而且在一定程度上能够保证民营资本的投资回报,减轻政府初期建设投资负担和风险,形成政府、企业和私人企业“多赢”的合... PPP融资模式是以项目为主体的融资活动,是项目融资的实现形式。PPP融资模式不仅能够使更多的民营资本参与项目建设,而且在一定程度上能够保证民营资本的投资回报,减轻政府初期建设投资负担和风险,形成政府、企业和私人企业“多赢”的合作形式。通过对PPP模式目标及运作思路的论述,提出适合中国城市轨道交通建设的PPP模式,以及应注意的问题。 展开更多
关键词 城市轨道交 通融资模式 PPP模式
我国城市轨道交通装备制造业发展对策研究 被引量:2
作者 蔡忠香 门贵斌 刘一秀 《中小企业管理与科技》 2013年第28期188-189,共2页
城市轨道交通作为支撑城市发展的基础设施,对城市的持续发展起着十分重要的作用,城市轨道交通装备制造业的发展水平不仅影响我国装备制造产业的整体水平,也决定了城市综合交通体系的构建。本文通过分析轨道交通装备制造产业的发展现状... 城市轨道交通作为支撑城市发展的基础设施,对城市的持续发展起着十分重要的作用,城市轨道交通装备制造业的发展水平不仅影响我国装备制造产业的整体水平,也决定了城市综合交通体系的构建。本文通过分析轨道交通装备制造产业的发展现状与有关的主要问题,提出了促进该产业发展的相关对策与建议。 展开更多
关键词 城市轨道交 通装备制造业 问题 建议
作者 顾凤龙 刘巧云 彭亮 《华南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第5期30-38,共9页
文中总结了正则分子轨道(CMO)、正交定域分子轨道(OLMO)及非正交定域分子轨道(NOLMO)相应的理论,并引入轨道延展度来衡量每种方法生成的分子轨道的定域性能差异、每种方法相对于传统的正则分子轨道其延展度得到提高的比例.通过计算和分... 文中总结了正则分子轨道(CMO)、正交定域分子轨道(OLMO)及非正交定域分子轨道(NOLMO)相应的理论,并引入轨道延展度来衡量每种方法生成的分子轨道的定域性能差异、每种方法相对于传统的正则分子轨道其延展度得到提高的比例.通过计算和分析一些典型分子体系的轨道延展度,结果发现:对于占据轨道而言,NOLMO的定域性要比OLMO(通过Boys、Edmiston-Ruedenberg和Pipek-Mezey方法得到)的定域性更好,这也与之前已经发表的非正交定域分子轨道的定域性比正交定域分子轨道提高10%~28%的理论相符. 展开更多
关键词 定域分子轨道 非正定域分子轨道 定域性 轨道延展度
设计高自旋基态分子的一种重要方法──磁轨道正交与铁磁相互作用 被引量:2
作者 缪明明 廖代正 王耕霖 《Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第3期198-205,共8页
关键词 高自旋基态分子 分子性 铁磁体 轨道
作者 冯华升 卞江 黎乐民 《高等学校化学学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第7期1291-1297,MJ04,共8页
提出一种计算量小的构造合理最紧缩定域化轨道的方法 .非正交定域轨道 ( NOLMO)没有“正交化尾巴”,比正交定域轨道 ( OLMO)更局域化、更紧缩、更具可移植性 ,从而更适合用于化学问题的理论研究 .但若在用变分法确定最大限度局域化 NOLM... 提出一种计算量小的构造合理最紧缩定域化轨道的方法 .非正交定域轨道 ( NOLMO)没有“正交化尾巴”,比正交定域轨道 ( OLMO)更局域化、更紧缩、更具可移植性 ,从而更适合用于化学问题的理论研究 .但若在用变分法确定最大限度局域化 NOLMO时单纯取消正交条件而不附加其它的限制 ,会得到趋于线性相关的不合理结果 .提出用强制 NOLMO与投影自然键轨道 ( PNBO)的重心重合代替正交化条件确定合理的最大限度局域化 NOLMO(合理最紧缩定域轨道 )的方法 .对一系列不同类型分子的计算结果表明 ,用该方法可以得到空间分布合理及线性独立的 NOLMO,延伸度与文献已有的最佳结果接近 ,而计算量大幅度降低 .由于构造投影自然键轨道的计算量随分子中原子数目的增加只是线性增长 ,因此 。 展开更多
关键词 合理最紧缩定域轨道 非正定域轨道 最大限度局域化 计算量 轨道延伸度 定域轨道 量子化学
作者 刘玉琦 《天津市人民代表大会常务委员会公报》 2011年第3期43-47,共5页
主任、各位副主任、秘书长、各位委员:下面,受市政府委托,向市人大常委会报告我市综合交通体系规划建设情况,请予审议。一、科学规划推进综合交通体系建设(一)坚持综合交通建设优先发展综合交通体系是承载经济社会发展的重要基础,是生... 主任、各位副主任、秘书长、各位委员:下面,受市政府委托,向市人大常委会报告我市综合交通体系规划建设情况,请予审议。一、科学规划推进综合交通体系建设(一)坚持综合交通建设优先发展综合交通体系是承载经济社会发展的重要基础,是生命线工程。 展开更多
关键词 综合通体系 综合通枢纽 机动车总量 生命线工程 副主任 县公路 集疏运能力 北方国际航运 轨道交
《海南省人民政府公报》 2013年第2期3-4,23,共3页
国发[2012]64号各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:近年来,我国城市公共交通得到快速发展,技术装备水平不断提高,基础设施建设运营成绩显著,人民群众出行更加方便,但随着我国城镇化加速发展,城市交通发展面临新的... 国发[2012]64号各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:近年来,我国城市公共交通得到快速发展,技术装备水平不断提高,基础设施建设运营成绩显著,人民群众出行更加方便,但随着我国城镇化加速发展,城市交通发展面临新的挑战。城市公共交通具有集约高效、节能环保等优点,优先发展公共交通是缓解交通拥堵、转变城市交通发展方式。 展开更多
关键词 公共 城市通发展 城市机动化 线网规划 车辆更新 城市建设项目 停靠站 道路资源 路权 轨道交
作者 唐韶军 《城市道桥与防洪》 2024年第8期200-204,共5页
基坑回弹变形是基坑开挖卸载过程影响基坑安全较大的因素之一。基坑回弹量与卸荷量、基坑面积、支撑和围护结构等方面有关,基坑回弹量过大时,会带动立柱桩上抬,将降低混凝土内支撑的承载力或使钢支撑失稳破坏,超大型基坑回弹变形尤其明... 基坑回弹变形是基坑开挖卸载过程影响基坑安全较大的因素之一。基坑回弹量与卸荷量、基坑面积、支撑和围护结构等方面有关,基坑回弹量过大时,会带动立柱桩上抬,将降低混凝土内支撑的承载力或使钢支撑失稳破坏,超大型基坑回弹变形尤其明显。除对基坑支护结构采取针对性措施外,通过基坑土方开挖工序的优化,也可以达到降低基坑回弹量的目的。结合上海宝山区某全地下污水厂超大面积深对基坑工程实例,分析盆式开挖方式对超大面积深基坑回弹的影响。最终计算及实测数据表明:由于底板提前分块形成,充分发挥了工程抗拔桩的作用,基坑回弹变形量显著减小。 展开更多
关键词 轨道交深基坑 盆式开挖 坑底回弹 立柱上抬 分区分块浇筑
Design and verification of an improved experimental platform for stray current in urban rail transit
作者 LI Yaning KANG Hong +3 位作者 WANG Ye LI Wenfei JIAO Meng ZHANG Wencai 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2024年第3期379-386,共8页
With the rapid development of urban rail transit,there have been an urgent problem of excessive stray current.Because the stray current distribution is random and difficult to verify in the field,we designed an improv... With the rapid development of urban rail transit,there have been an urgent problem of excessive stray current.Because the stray current distribution is random and difficult to verify in the field,we designed an improved stray current experimental platform by replacing the simulated aqueous solution with a real soil environment and by calculating the transition resistance by measuring the soil resistivity,which makes up for the defects in the previous references.Firstly,the mathematical models of rail-drainage net and rail-drainage netground were established,and the analytical expressions of current and voltage of rail,drainage net and other structures were derived.In addition,the simulation model was built,and the mathematical analysis results were compared with the simulation results.Secondly,the accuracy of the improved stray current experimental platform was verified by comparing the measured and simulation results.Finally,based on the experimental results,the influence factors of stray current were analyzed.The relevant conclusions provide experimental data and theoretical reference for the study of stray current in urban rail transit. 展开更多
关键词 urban rail transit stray current experimental platform transition resistance soil resistivity
Passenger flow dynamic assignment model of urban mass transit and its application during interval interrupted operation 被引量:1
作者 曾璐 刘军 秦勇 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2017年第1期115-122,共8页
In order to find a method which can describe the passenger flow dynamical distribution of urban mass transit during interval interrupted operation,an urban railway network topology model was built based on the travel ... In order to find a method which can describe the passenger flow dynamical distribution of urban mass transit during interval interrupted operation,an urban railway network topology model was built based on the travel path dual graph by considering interchange,crowd and congestion.The breadth first valid travel path search algorithm is proposed,and the multipath passenger flow distribution logit model is improved.According to the characteristics of passengers under the interruption condition,the distribution rules of different types of passenger flow are proposed.The method of calculating the aggregation number of station is proposed for the case of insufficient transport capacity.Finally,the passenger flow of Beijing urban mass transit is simulated for the case study.The results show that the relative error of most of transfer passenger flow is below 10%.The proposed model and algorithm can accurately assign the daily passenger flow,which provides a theoretical basis for urban mass transit emergency management and decision. 展开更多
关键词 urban mass transit DYNAMIC disequilibrium distribution local disruption
关于构造合理非正交定域轨道问题的研究 被引量:1
作者 冯华升 卞江 黎乐民 《中国科学(B辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期361-369,共9页
与正交定域轨道相比,非正交定域轨道更符合经典化学图像、更加紧缩从而更具有可移植性和更符合电子相关能计算和线性标度计算的要求。非正交定域轨道应该尽可能紧缩而形状及空间分布又与传统化学图像一致。研究结果表明,非正交定域轨道... 与正交定域轨道相比,非正交定域轨道更符合经典化学图像、更加紧缩从而更具有可移植性和更符合电子相关能计算和线性标度计算的要求。非正交定域轨道应该尽可能紧缩而形状及空间分布又与传统化学图像一致。研究结果表明,非正交定域轨道组的延伸度是它的正交程度的单调下降函数,随其正交程度的降低可以缩减到任意程度,但在超过一定限度以后,轨道的形状和空间分布不再符合传统化学图像,最后趋向线性相关。在没有正交条件约束下,必须加上另外的限制条件,优化轨道延伸度泛函才能获得合理的非正交定域轨道。提出了一种在最小化轨道延伸度泛函的同时最大化轨道重心间距离的方法,可以得到基本上符合要求的非正交定域轨道。 展开更多
关键词 量子化学计算 化学键 非正定域轨道 轨道延伸度 化学图像 轨道重心间距离
Zero-Magnetic-Field Spin Splitting of Polaron's Ground State Energy Induced by Rashba Spin-Orbit Interaction 被引量:8
作者 LIU Jia XIAO Jing-Ling 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第4X期761-765,共5页
We study theoretically the ground state energy of a polaron near the interface of a polar-polar semiconductor by considering the Rashba spin-orbit (SO) coupling with the Lee-Low-Pines intermediate coupling method. O... We study theoretically the ground state energy of a polaron near the interface of a polar-polar semiconductor by considering the Rashba spin-orbit (SO) coupling with the Lee-Low-Pines intermediate coupling method. Our numerical results show that the Rashba SO interaction originating from the inversion asymmetry in the heterostructure splits the ground state energy of the polaron. The electron area/density and vector dependence of the ratio of the SO interaction to the total ground state energy or other energy composition are obvious. One can see that even without any external magnetic field, the ground state energy can be split by the Rashba SO interaction, and this split is not a single but a complex one. Since the presents of the phonons, whose energy gives negative contribution to the polaron's, the spin-splitting states of the polaron are more stable than electron's. 展开更多
关键词 asymmetric heterostructures SPINTRONICS triangular potential approximation Rashba spin-orbit interaction
Analysis of temporal and spatial usage patterns of dockless bike sharing system around rail transit station area 被引量:5
作者 Ji Yanjie Cao Yu +1 位作者 Liu Yang Ma Xinwei 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2019年第2期228-235,共8页
In order to study the spatiotemporal characteristics of the dockless bike sharing system(BSS)around urban rail transit stations,new normalized calculation methods are proposed to explore the temporal and spatial usage... In order to study the spatiotemporal characteristics of the dockless bike sharing system(BSS)around urban rail transit stations,new normalized calculation methods are proposed to explore the temporal and spatial usage patterns of the dockless BSS around rail transit stations by using 5-weekday dockless bike sharing trip data in Nanjing,China.First,the rail transit station area(RTSA)is defined by extracting shared bike trips with trip ends falling into the area.Then,the temporal and spatial decomposition methods are developed and two criterions are calculated,namely,normalized dynamic variation of bikes(NDVB)and normalized spatial distribution of trips(NSDT).Furthermore,the temporal and spatial usage patterns are clustered and the corresponding geographical distributions of shared bikes are determined.The results show that four temporal usage patterns and two spatial patterns of dockless BSS are finally identified.Area type(urban center and suburb)has a great influence on temporal usage patterns.Spatial usage patterns are irregular and affected by limited directions,adjacent rail transit stations and street networks.The findings can help form a better understanding of dockless shared bike users behavior around rail transit stations,which will contribute to improving the service and efficiency of both rail transit and BSS. 展开更多
关键词 dockless bike sharing system rail transit station usage pattern CLUSTER
A simulation model for estimating train and passenger delays in large-scale rail transit networks 被引量:5
作者 江志彬 李锋 +1 位作者 徐瑞华 高鹏 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第12期3603-3613,共11页
A simulation model was proposed to investigate the relationship between train delays and passenger delays and to predict the dynamic passenger distribution in a large-scale rail transit network. It was assumed that th... A simulation model was proposed to investigate the relationship between train delays and passenger delays and to predict the dynamic passenger distribution in a large-scale rail transit network. It was assumed that the time varying original-destination demand and passenger path choice probability were given. Passengers were assumed not to change their destinations and travel paths after delay occurs. CapaciW constraints of train and queue rules of alighting and boarding were taken into account. By using the time-driven simulation, the states of passengers, trains and other facilities in the network were updated every time step. The proposed methodology was also tested in a real network, for demonstration. The results reveal that short train delay does not necessarily result in passenger delays, while, on the contrary, some passengers may get benefits from the short delay. However, large initial train delay may result in not only knock-on train and passenger delays along the same line, but also the passenger delays across the entire rail transit network. 展开更多
关键词 delay simulation passenger delay train delay rail transit network TIMETABLE
Method for secondary spring load equalization of railway vehicles with two-stage spring suspension: Modeling and optimal regulation 被引量:4
作者 BAO Tian-zhe HAN Kun PAN Di-fu 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第4期936-948,共13页
To ensure running safety,the secondary spring loads of railway vehicles must be well equalized.Due to the coupling interactive effects of these hyper static suspended structures,the equalization adjustment through shi... To ensure running safety,the secondary spring loads of railway vehicles must be well equalized.Due to the coupling interactive effects of these hyper static suspended structures,the equalization adjustment through shimming procedure is quite complex.Therefore,an effective and reliable method in application is developed in this paper.Firstly,the best regulation of spring load is solved based on a mechanical model of the secondary suspension system,providing a target for actual adjustment.To reveal the relationship between secondary spring load distribution and shim quantity sequence,a forecasting model is constructed and then modified experimentally with consideration of car body’s elastic deformation.Further,a gradient-based algorithm with a momentum operation is proposed for the load optimization.Effectiveness of the whole method has been verified on a test rig.It is experimentally confirmed that this research provides an important basis for achieving an optimal regulation of spring load distribution for multiple types of railway vehicles. 展开更多
关键词 railway vehicle secondary spring load equalization optimal regulation shimming procedure elastic deformation
Safety diagnosis on coal mine production system based on fuzzy logic inference 被引量:4
作者 王爽英 左红艳 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第2期477-481,共5页
According to the randomness and uncertainty of information in the safety diagnosis of coal mine production system (CMPS), a novel safety diagnosis method was proposed by applying fuzzy logic inference method, which co... According to the randomness and uncertainty of information in the safety diagnosis of coal mine production system (CMPS), a novel safety diagnosis method was proposed by applying fuzzy logic inference method, which consists of safety diagnosis fuzzifier, defuzzifier, fuzzy rules base and inference engine. Through the safety diagnosis on coal mine roadway rail transportation system, the result shows that the unsafe probability is about 0.5 influenced by no speed reduction and over quick turnout on roadway, which is the most possible reason leading to the accident of roadway rail transportation system. 展开更多
关键词 coal mine production system safety diagnosis fuzzy logic inference
Combination forecast for urban rail transit passenger flow based on fuzzy information granulation and CPSO-LS-SVM 被引量:3
作者 TANG Min-an ZHANG Kai LIU Xing 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2018年第1期32-41,共10页
In order to obtain the trend of urban rail transit traffic flow and grasp the fluctuation range of passenger flow better,this paper proposes a combined forecasting model of passenger flow fluctuation range based on fu... In order to obtain the trend of urban rail transit traffic flow and grasp the fluctuation range of passenger flow better,this paper proposes a combined forecasting model of passenger flow fluctuation range based on fuzzy information granulation and least squares support vector machine(LS-SVM)optimized by chaos particle swarm optimization(CPSO).Due to the nonlinearity and fluctuation of the passenger flow,firstly,fuzzy information granulation is used to extract the valid data from the window according to the requirement.Secondly,CPSO that has strong global search ability is applied to optimize the parameters of the LS-SVM forecasting model.Finally,the combined model is used to forecast the fluctuation range of early peak passenger flow at Tiyu Xilu Station of Guangzhou Metro Line 3 in 2014,and the results are compared and analyzed with other models.Simulation results demonstrate that the combined forecasting model can effectively track the fluctuation of passenger flow,which provides an effective method for predicting the fluctuation range of short-term passenger flow in the future. 展开更多
关键词 urban rail transit passenger flow forecast least squares support vector machine(LS-SVM) fuzzy information granulation chaos particle swarm optimization(CPSO)
Influence of soil resistivity on stray current in power supply system of urban rail transit 被引量:2
作者 CHEN Wanglong LI Yaning WANG Ye 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2022年第3期261-266,共6页
In order to explore the influence of soil resistivity on stray current in power supply system of urban rail transit,we establish an equivalent circuit model of the rail-to-ground structure based on resistance network ... In order to explore the influence of soil resistivity on stray current in power supply system of urban rail transit,we establish an equivalent circuit model of the rail-to-ground structure based on resistance network method first.After measuring the soil resistivity of a real subway system,a simulation model is established in Matlab to obtain the stray currents at different soil resistivities.Then the influence of soil resistivity on stray current is analyzed.Afterwards,to verify the rationality and reliability of the simulation model,we design a test circuit to measure the stray current and rail-to-ground voltage in a real subway system,and a comparison of the experimentally measured results and simulation results is presented.The results show that the stray current is the maximum when the soil resistivity is 211.57Ω·m;when the soil resistivity is 768.47Ω·m,the stray current is the minimum,that is,the smaller the soil resistivity,the greater the stray current.Therefore,the resistivity should be increased as much as possible when ramming the track foundation in urban rail transit system. 展开更多
关键词 urban rail transit power supply system stray current soil resistivity four-electrode method
Energy management and coordination control of microgrid in elevated station of urban rail transit 被引量:2
作者 LU Tao-tao TIAN Ming-xing +1 位作者 ZHANG Ning GAO Feng-yang 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2019年第4期398-404,共7页
The rapid development of urban rail transit brings convenience to the public,but its huge energy consumption problem cannot be ignored.A microgrid composed of photovoltaic power generation unit,regenerative braking en... The rapid development of urban rail transit brings convenience to the public,but its huge energy consumption problem cannot be ignored.A microgrid composed of photovoltaic power generation unit,regenerative braking energy feedback unit and battery energy storage unit is proposed,which provides green power for the station.In order to suppress the fluctuation of photovoltaic power generation and the intermittence of regenerative braking feedback energy,the energy management mode of microgrid is designed according to the illumination situation,braking energy feedback situation,battery state of charge and so on.In addition,a coordination control method based on virtual synchronous generator(VSG)is proposed to realize smooth switching among modes.Finally,the proposed energy management and coordination control method for elevated station microgrid is verified by Matlab/Simulink.The results show that the elevated station microgrid can operate safely and reliably under various energy management modes and realize smooth switching among modes. 展开更多
关键词 urban rail transit elevated station saving energy and reducing consumption MICROGRID virtual synchronous generator(VSG) regenerative braking energy feedback
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