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轮胎刷子模型分析Ⅲ.非稳态侧偏、转偏及稳态侧倾刷子模型 被引量:6
作者 刘青 郭孔辉 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第3期1-4,共4页
在弹性胎面和刚性胎体假设的基础上 ,分析了非稳态条件下印迹侧向变形的几何关系和印迹侧向“入口 /附着”条件。根据非稳态侧偏刷子模型和不同侧向输入间的几何关系 ,进一步分析了轮胎非稳态转偏刷子模型的建模机理 ,并推导出稳态转偏... 在弹性胎面和刚性胎体假设的基础上 ,分析了非稳态条件下印迹侧向变形的几何关系和印迹侧向“入口 /附着”条件。根据非稳态侧偏刷子模型和不同侧向输入间的几何关系 ,进一步分析了轮胎非稳态转偏刷子模型的建模机理 ,并推导出稳态转偏刷子模型。还分析了轮胎侧倾滚动时侧向变形以及轮胎滚动半径与垂直变形随横向坐标的变化关系 ,讨论了考虑胎宽时轮胎稳态侧倾刷子模型的建模过程。 展开更多
关键词 轮胎 转偏 非稳态侧 侧倾模型
基于“弦”胎体理论的轮胎转偏模型 被引量:3
作者 刘青 郭孔辉 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第4期44-48,共5页
根据基于“弦”胎体理论的轮胎非稳态侧偏模型和不同侧向输入时传递函数间的相互关系,得出轮胎非稳态转偏模型。将模型中E0 函数展开为Taylor级数形式,通过有效地截取其部分项,推导出基于“弦”胎体理论的轮胎稳态转偏模型... 根据基于“弦”胎体理论的轮胎非稳态侧偏模型和不同侧向输入时传递函数间的相互关系,得出轮胎非稳态转偏模型。将模型中E0 函数展开为Taylor级数形式,通过有效地截取其部分项,推导出基于“弦”胎体理论的轮胎稳态转偏模型。最后还将无量纲的非稳态转偏模型简化为有理分式的一般形式。所得模型可用于拖拉机和汽车的动力学分析和转向性能研究。 展开更多
关键词 轮胎 模型 转偏 弦胎体理论 动力学 向性能
轮胎转偏特性分析与建模 被引量:1
作者 刘青 郭孔辉 《公路交通科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第4期69-72,共4页
分析了不同轮胎侧向输入量间的几何关系, 在考虑胎体复杂变形的轮胎非稳态侧偏理论模型的基础上得到轮胎非稳态转偏理论模型。针对该模型的特点, 将模型中 E 函数展开为Taylor 级数形式, 通过合理地选取多项式的部分项, 有... 分析了不同轮胎侧向输入量间的几何关系, 在考虑胎体复杂变形的轮胎非稳态侧偏理论模型的基础上得到轮胎非稳态转偏理论模型。针对该模型的特点, 将模型中 E 函数展开为Taylor 级数形式, 通过合理地选取多项式的部分项, 有效地推导出轮胎稳态转偏理论模型。还将无量纲的非稳态转偏理论模型简化为有理分式形式, 以利于定性分析和理解轮胎转偏特性。所建模型可用于汽车动力学仿真与分析。 展开更多
关键词 轮胎 转偏 模型 胎体 复杂变形
同步辐射水平偏转压弯镜面形误差分析与补偿 被引量:10
作者 卢启鹏 高飒飒 彭忠琦 《光学精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期2644-2650,共7页
为提高同步辐射压弯镜面形精度,降低水平偏转压弯机构及镜子自重对压弯镜面形的影响,分析了影响压弯镜面形精度的因素,并提出了一种有效的重力平衡补偿方法。在研究水平偏转压弯机构压弯机理的基础上,对压弯镜面形进行误差分析;针对光... 为提高同步辐射压弯镜面形精度,降低水平偏转压弯机构及镜子自重对压弯镜面形的影响,分析了影响压弯镜面形精度的因素,并提出了一种有效的重力平衡补偿方法。在研究水平偏转压弯机构压弯机理的基础上,对压弯镜面形进行误差分析;针对光束线中使用的压弯聚焦镜,利用有限元方法分析了影响面形精度的主要因素;最后,根据水平偏转压弯机构特点及误差分析结果,提出了重力平衡补偿方法。研究显示,镜子自重和冷却装置的重力对压弯镜面形的影响主要表现为柱面镜母线的弯曲,驱动杆重力对压弯镜面形的影响主要体现在子午斜率误差上。利用重力平衡方法对压弯镜面形误差进行补偿,结果显示,柱面镜母线产生的斜率误差均方根值由13.14μrad减小到0.15μrad,镜面在子午方向的斜率误差均方根值由8.21μrad减小到0.86μrad。由此表明,压弯镜面形误差分析及补偿方法行之有效,显著提高了水平偏转压弯镜的面形精度。 展开更多
关键词 同步辐射 压弯机构 水平 面形误差 补偿
水平偏转人像定量检验方法研究 被引量:1
作者 王志群 冯清枝 邵建 《中国人民公安大学学报(自然科学版)》 2005年第1期38-41,共4页
许多送检的照片图像中,人像都是有着一定的角度,不能简单地用测量或重合比对的方法进行同一识别。本文通过数值回归的方法探讨不同水平偏转人像的检验方法,定量地比较各项检验指标。该方法与特征识别结合,可以进一步增加人像检验的科学... 许多送检的照片图像中,人像都是有着一定的角度,不能简单地用测量或重合比对的方法进行同一识别。本文通过数值回归的方法探讨不同水平偏转人像的检验方法,定量地比较各项检验指标。该方法与特征识别结合,可以进一步增加人像检验的科学性和可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 水平 人像检验 可比性
利用电磁左手材料调控电磁波的偏振反转 被引量:1
作者 查扬 汪人甫 俞熹 《大学物理》 北大核心 2009年第6期43-46,共4页
通过各向异性的电磁介质板的反射,电磁波的偏振状态可以被任意地调节,在特定的条件下甚至可以完全反转.本文在微波测量系统的基础上设计了一个测量偏振反转的实验,在特定的频率观测到了偏振反转的极大值.另外还提出了一个提高偏振反转... 通过各向异性的电磁介质板的反射,电磁波的偏振状态可以被任意地调节,在特定的条件下甚至可以完全反转.本文在微波测量系统的基础上设计了一个测量偏振反转的实验,在特定的频率观测到了偏振反转的极大值.另外还提出了一个提高偏振反转率的方案并通过实验验证了其有效性.通过转移矩阵方法计算得到了偏振反转的理论结果并与实验结果进行了对比. 展开更多
关键词 电磁左手材料 各向异性 振反
倾斜海底反射时声线水平偏转问题研究 被引量:1
作者 张维 《声学技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期224-227,共4页
三维浅海环境下,声线在倾斜海底反射时,会在水平方向上发生偏转。在远距离传播问题中,由于累积效应,接收声线的方位角与发射声线产生较大的偏差。若忽略不计,将会给声源定向等工作带来较大的误差。因此,研究声线在倾斜海底反射时的水平... 三维浅海环境下,声线在倾斜海底反射时,会在水平方向上发生偏转。在远距离传播问题中,由于累积效应,接收声线的方位角与发射声线产生较大的偏差。若忽略不计,将会给声源定向等工作带来较大的误差。因此,研究声线在倾斜海底反射时的水平偏转问题,并总结其规律具有重要意义。采用射线声学的方法系统地研究了不同参数情况下倾斜海底声线水平偏转的问题,得到了在海底变化较缓时的近似公式,并进行了数值仿真分析。结果表明,声线的水平偏转的大小和方向由海底深度梯度和入射声线方位角与掠射角共同决定。 展开更多
关键词 倾斜海底 水平 方位角
作者 王学军 《中国人民公安大学学报(自然科学版)》 2006年第2期39-43,共5页
不同水平偏转状态下,同一男性人脸照片的几何特征数值经过复原后具有稳定性和独特性。部分脸部器官内隐三角形的底角数值同样具有稳定性和独特性,可以考虑作为几何特征检验使用。实验结果表明,不同男性人脸照片间几何特征数值经过复原... 不同水平偏转状态下,同一男性人脸照片的几何特征数值经过复原后具有稳定性和独特性。部分脸部器官内隐三角形的底角数值同样具有稳定性和独特性,可以考虑作为几何特征检验使用。实验结果表明,不同男性人脸照片间几何特征数值经过复原后具有明显差异性。人脸照片几何特征的复原检验法可以在对不同人脸相似性检验中获得较好的效果。 展开更多
关键词 水平 脸部几何特征 复原 标准化 底角
作者 江明 《实用影音技术》 1995年第12期73-73,共1页
器两路输入信号中的A和B,它们的失调补偿电压分别取自电位器P1和P2。IC3a—IC3b(均为1/4 4093)及其周边元件组成方波振荡器,产生的方波信号经IC3c缓冲后加到IC1的ENABLE端(8脚),同时经IC3d反相后加到IC2的ENABLE端。因此,任何时刻只有... 器两路输入信号中的A和B,它们的失调补偿电压分别取自电位器P1和P2。IC3a—IC3b(均为1/4 4093)及其周边元件组成方波振荡器,产生的方波信号经IC3c缓冲后加到IC1的ENABLE端(8脚),同时经IC3d反相后加到IC2的ENABLE端。因此,任何时刻只有其中一只运放被激活。调节P3可在很宽的范围内设定振荡器的方波频率,从而设定两只运放的转换速度。C1的数值可通过试验来确定。电源电压可取为±9V~±12V中的任一数值,但4093必须由单端电源电压供电。 由于方波振荡并未与示波器的水平偏转取得同步,故最好是使用高频率、长时基或低频率、短时基,以免示波器将信号一连串的转换显示成一系列的中断线。此外,由于运放存在失调,时基很可能是由振荡信号而不是由被测信号来触发的。 展开更多
关键词 多路换器 示波 输入阻抗 电源电压 方波振荡器 失调补偿 视频 换速度 水平 自电位
A Multifunctional Chiral Metasurface with Asymmetric Transmission and Linear-Polarization Conversion
作者 AFZAL Ahmed CAO Qunsheng MUHAMMAD Sajjad 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2024年第S01期21-26,共6页
In this paper,a multifunctional chiral metasurface is presented to achieve asymmetric transmission(AT)and linear-polarization conversion(LPC).The designed metasurface consists of a cross swords-like shape and two hole... In this paper,a multifunctional chiral metasurface is presented to achieve asymmetric transmission(AT)and linear-polarization conversion(LPC).The designed metasurface consists of a cross swords-like shape and two holes in the lower side of the unit cell.In the frequency band from 8.3 GHz to 10.4 GHz,AT is realized with more than 90%efficiency and the same chiral metasurface transforms linear polarized wave into its orthogonal counterpart with high efficiency.For LPC,the polarization conversion ratio(PCR)is greater than 95%.The proposed metasurface is stable against the incident angles of striking electromagnetic(EM)waves up to 60°for both operations of AT and LPC. 展开更多
关键词 chiral metasurface polarization conversion asymmetric tranmission plasmon resonances
作者 汤继强 房建成 张延顺 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2007年第1期17-24,共8页
Based on micro-displacement measurement principles of the spherical differential capacitance sensor, the relationship between the capacitance variation and the micro-displacement of each pair of detecting electrodes f... Based on micro-displacement measurement principles of the spherical differential capacitance sensor, the relationship between the capacitance variation and the micro-displacement of each pair of detecting electrodes for the superconducting gyroscope (SCG) with eight detecting electrodes is analyzed. The model of the SCG rotor drift is established through dimensionless processing, linearization within micro-displacement and the least-square approach. Both the measurement scheme of the SCG rotor drift based on the model and its parameter relationship are presented. To guarantee the potential of the suspension rotor to be zero, the distributing scheme of four pairs of detecting electrodes is presented. The scheme can measure the magnitude and the direction of the rotor drift. The negative factors for affecting the measurement precision of .the SCG rotor drift and simulation results of the total effects are given. Simulation results show that the distributing capacitance of these differential capacitance sensors, the zero potential of the rotor and the model error are the major negative factors. The methods for eliminating those negative factors and the application range of the model are given. The model ensures the relationship between the output voltage and the rotor drift be linear. 展开更多
关键词 superconducting gyroscope suspension rotor DRIFT spherical differential capacitance MICRO-DISPLACEMENT
Analysis of rolls deflection of Sendzimir mill by 3D FEM 被引量:2
作者 喻海良 刘相华 LEE Gyoo Taek 《中国有色金属学会会刊:英文版》 EI CSCD 2007年第3期600-605,共6页
The deflection of rolls of Sendzimir mill with double AS-U-Roll was simulated by finite element method(FEM). The influences of rolling pressure, strip width and rolls-assignment on rolls deflection were analyzed. The ... The deflection of rolls of Sendzimir mill with double AS-U-Roll was simulated by finite element method(FEM). The influences of rolling pressure, strip width and rolls-assignment on rolls deflection were analyzed. The results show that the work roll deflection increases with the increase of rolling pressure and the reduction of work roll radius, but the rigid displacement of work roll slightly changes; the work roll end might appear negative displacement for the narrow strip width and high rolling pressure that might cause the contact of work rolls. The research results are significant for guiding production and theoretical analysis of the rolls system of Sendzimir mill. 展开更多
关键词 转偏 磨粉机 有限元件 3D技术
34CrNi3Mo钢齿轮断裂原因分析 被引量:1
作者 李智博 张贺宗 郭健 《理化检验(物理分册)》 CAS 2005年第z1期242-244,共3页
34CrNi3Mo钢齿轮在使用过程中,发生多个轮齿崩落现象.采用化学分析、低倍检验、夹杂物、显微组织等方法对崩齿原因进行分析.结果表明,热处理淬火产生的内裂、齿轮淬硬层与基体组织突然过渡、偏载运转是齿轮崩齿的关键,是齿轮断裂的根本... 34CrNi3Mo钢齿轮在使用过程中,发生多个轮齿崩落现象.采用化学分析、低倍检验、夹杂物、显微组织等方法对崩齿原因进行分析.结果表明,热处理淬火产生的内裂、齿轮淬硬层与基体组织突然过渡、偏载运转是齿轮崩齿的关键,是齿轮断裂的根本原因. 展开更多
关键词 齿轮崩齿 淬火内裂 载运 断裂
A novel method for eliminating rotation deviation in sequential images mosaic
作者 陈芳 陈恺 +1 位作者 赵斌文 史金飞 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2012年第4期434-437,共4页
To eliminate rotation deviation of sequential images mosaic when measuring linear dimensions of large scale parts with computer vision, a novel algorithm based on the chain code searching method is proposed. After ima... To eliminate rotation deviation of sequential images mosaic when measuring linear dimensions of large scale parts with computer vision, a novel algorithm based on the chain code searching method is proposed. After image preprocessing, including image filtering, image segmentation, and edge detection, the chain code length of the contour line can be searched out by the proposed method. Then, the angle from the contour line to the coordinate axis is computed with the length of the contour line. After that, the sequence is rotated in the opposite direction and the rotation deviation is eliminated. It is prepared for the next mosaic of sequences in eliminating shifting deviation. Experiments are carried out on parts with a linear profile rotating angle from 0° to 9°. The results show that compared with the commonly used Hough transform, the new method has higher precision and faster speed, which is important in realizing online high precision measurements of large scale parts with a linear profile. 展开更多
关键词 sequential images mosaic linear profile chain code rotation deviation
All-Optical Sampling Using Nonlinear Polarization Rotation in a Single Semiconductor Optical Amplifier 被引量:2
作者 张尚剑 张谦述 +2 位作者 李和平 刘永智 刘永 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期1031-1035,共5页
We propose a novel all-optical sampling method using nonlinear polarization rotation in a semiconductor optical amplifier. A rate-equation model capable of describing the all-optical sampling mechanism is presented in... We propose a novel all-optical sampling method using nonlinear polarization rotation in a semiconductor optical amplifier. A rate-equation model capable of describing the all-optical sampling mechanism is presented in this paper. Based on this model, we investigate the optimized operating parameters of the proposed system by simulating the output intensity of the probe light as functions of the input polarization angle, the phase induced by the polarization controller, and the ori- entation of the polarization beam splitter. The simulated results show that we can obtain a good linear slope and a large linear dynamic range,which is suitable for all-optical sampling. The operating power of the pump light can be less than lmW. The presented all-optical sampling method can potentially operate at a sampling rate up to hundreds GS/s and needs low optical power. 展开更多
关键词 optical signal processing all-optical sampling semiconductor optical amplifier nonlinear polarization rotation
齿轮的失效分析 被引量:1
作者 李智博 张贺宗 《物理测试》 CAS 2007年第4期52-54,共3页
材质为34CrNi3Mo的齿轮在使用过程中,发生多个轮齿崩落现象。采用低倍检验、化学分析、夹杂物分析和显微组织分析等方法对崩齿原因进行分析。结果表明,热处理淬火产生的内裂、齿轮淬硬层与基体组织突然过度以及偏载运转是齿轮断裂的根... 材质为34CrNi3Mo的齿轮在使用过程中,发生多个轮齿崩落现象。采用低倍检验、化学分析、夹杂物分析和显微组织分析等方法对崩齿原因进行分析。结果表明,热处理淬火产生的内裂、齿轮淬硬层与基体组织突然过度以及偏载运转是齿轮断裂的根本原因。 展开更多
关键词 齿轮崩齿 淬火内裂 载运 断裂
Application of Dynamic Track Drawing Algorithm in Ship Monitoring System
作者 张峰 李四海 刘金 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2008年第2期89-96,共8页
The function of dynamic track drawing realized in the ship monitoring system. Based on the function, we could draw the sailing tracks dynamically according to the ship's orientation. Two kernel algorithms are involve... The function of dynamic track drawing realized in the ship monitoring system. Based on the function, we could draw the sailing tracks dynamically according to the ship's orientation. Two kernel algorithms are involved during the system developing process, i.e. the algorithms of angular deflection and distance interval value. The practice of system development shows that the proper application of these two algorithms has good effect'in the visualization of sailing track. 展开更多
关键词 angular deflection distance interval value ALGORITHMS GIS
作者 陈农 李潜 《飞行力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期42-45,共4页
研究了增程飞行器高超声速飞行时的动态特性。短程导弹和火箭弹等高超声速飞行来源于增程的实际需要,从超声速到高超声速飞行所遇到的主要飞行动力学问题是,尽管在增程前低超声速时具有良好稳定性,但在高超声速飞行中会丧失稳定性并导... 研究了增程飞行器高超声速飞行时的动态特性。短程导弹和火箭弹等高超声速飞行来源于增程的实际需要,从超声速到高超声速飞行所遇到的主要飞行动力学问题是,尽管在增程前低超声速时具有良好稳定性,但在高超声速飞行中会丧失稳定性并导致复杂的锥动。通过飞行和风洞实验表明:高超声速飞行时增程飞行器固有的横侧向稳定特性丧失,带有弱滚转阻尼的不稳定荷兰滚振荡将导致滚转-偏航耦合,此外还存在由耦合导致的轻微不稳定拟周期模态和滚动共振。 展开更多
关键词 增程火箭弹 超声速/高超声速飞行 锥动 -航耦合模态 不稳定拟周期模态
Mechanical stirring for highly efficient gas injection refining 被引量:6
作者 刘燕 张廷安 +3 位作者 佐野正道 王强 任晓冬 赫冀成 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第8期1896-1904,共9页
In gas injection refining processes,wide dispersion of small bubbles in the bath is indispensable for high refining efficiency.Eccentric mechanical stirring with unidirectional impeller rotation was tested using a wat... In gas injection refining processes,wide dispersion of small bubbles in the bath is indispensable for high refining efficiency.Eccentric mechanical stirring with unidirectional impeller rotation was tested using a water model for pursuing better bubble disintegration and dispersion.Effects of various factors on bubble disintegration and dispersion were investigated.These factors were stirring mode,eccentricity and rotation speed,nozzle structure,nozzle immersion depth,and gas flow rate.Gas injection from a nozzle at the end of the impeller shaft and from an immersed lance was studied.Under eccentric stirring,a vortex was formed away from the shaft.Small bubbles were produced in the strong turbulence or high shear stress field near the rotating impeller and moved in the direction to the vortex keeping up with the macroscopic flow induced by the mechanical stirring.Thus small bubbles could disperse widely in the bath under eccentric stirring with unidirectional rotation. 展开更多
关键词 gas injection refining eccentric mechanical stirring unidirectional impeller rotation bubble dispersion bubble disintegration macroscopic flow
Characteristics analysis of rocket projectile based on intelligent morphing technology
作者 徐永杰 王志军 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2015年第3期205-211,202,共7页
Nose deflection control is a new concept of fast response control model.The partial nose of projectile deflects a certain angle relative to the axis of projectile body and then pressure difference emerges on the windw... Nose deflection control is a new concept of fast response control model.The partial nose of projectile deflects a certain angle relative to the axis of projectile body and then pressure difference emerges on the windward and leeward sides of warhead.Consequently,aerodynamic control force is generated.This control way has high control efficiency and very good application prospects in the ammunition system.Nose deflection actuator based on smart material and structure enables projectile body morphing to obtain additional aerodynamic force and moment,changes the aerodynamic characteristics in the projectile flight process,produces the corresponding balance angle and sideslip angle resulting in motor overload,adjusts flight moving posture to control the ballistics,finally changes shooting range and improves firing accuracy.In order to study characteristics of self-adaptive control projectile,numerical simulations are conducted by using fluid dynamics software ANSYS FLUENT for stabilized rocket projectile.The aerodynamic characteristics at different nose delectation angles,different Mach numbers and different angles of attack are obtained and compared.The results show that the nose deflection control has great influence on the head of rocket projectile,and it causes the asymmetry of the flow field structure and the increase of pressure differences of the warhead on the windward and leeward surface,which results in a larger lift.Finally,ballistics experiments are done for verification.The results can offer theoretical basis for self-adaptive rocket projectile design and optimization and also provide new ideas and methods for field smart ammunition research. 展开更多
关键词 rocket projectile intelligent morphing technology nose deflection ballistics characteristics
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