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转动惯量误差对汽车碰撞模型计算结果的影响 被引量:2
作者 张健 张鑫 +1 位作者 高金贵 李江 《西南交通大学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期90-96,共7页
为了有效控制车辆转动惯量误差对汽车碰撞模型计算结果的影响,应用摄动理论分析了车辆转动惯量误差对模型计算结果的影响规律.应用碰撞前车速曲线平均斜率、车速方向角曲线平均斜率和角速度曲线平均斜率,研究了车辆转动惯量误差对模型... 为了有效控制车辆转动惯量误差对汽车碰撞模型计算结果的影响,应用摄动理论分析了车辆转动惯量误差对模型计算结果的影响规律.应用碰撞前车速曲线平均斜率、车速方向角曲线平均斜率和角速度曲线平均斜率,研究了车辆转动惯量误差对模型计算结果的影响程度.根据影响程度能够确定满足模型计算结果精度要求的车辆转动惯量取值范围.研究结果表明:当限制车辆转动惯量误差在±7.94%范围内时,模型计算结果相对误差≤5%. 展开更多
关键词 转动惯量误差 汽车碰撞 误差分析 动量方程
小型战术导弹捷联惯导系统及瞄准线误差模型 被引量:4
作者 李召 张靖 《北京理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第11期949-952,共4页
为了系统地研究小型战术导弹捷联惯导系统的误差特性,在初始对准数学模型的基础上利用坐标变换和相似变换原理,建立了捷联惯导系统数学平台漂移模型、加速度误差模型和瞄准线转动误差模型,并对模型进行了分析.通过仿真实验验证了模型的... 为了系统地研究小型战术导弹捷联惯导系统的误差特性,在初始对准数学模型的基础上利用坐标变换和相似变换原理,建立了捷联惯导系统数学平台漂移模型、加速度误差模型和瞄准线转动误差模型,并对模型进行了分析.通过仿真实验验证了模型的正确性和可行性,给出了满足要求的惯性器件精度. 展开更多
关键词 捷联惯导 数学平台 瞄准线转动误差
非连续变形分析中块体大转动问题研究 被引量:7
作者 巩师林 凌道盛 +1 位作者 胡成宝 钮家军 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第11期3810-3822,共13页
原有非连续变形分析(DDA)采用一阶近似后的位移增量表达式更新块体构形,推导相关子矩阵,且对不同时步计算出的应变增量直接叠加,当模拟的块体发生大转动时往往会产生较大误差。为考虑块体转动与变形的耦合作用,引入先变形、后转动的块... 原有非连续变形分析(DDA)采用一阶近似后的位移增量表达式更新块体构形,推导相关子矩阵,且对不同时步计算出的应变增量直接叠加,当模拟的块体发生大转动时往往会产生较大误差。为考虑块体转动与变形的耦合作用,引入先变形、后转动的块体位移增量表达式。重新推导了惯性力子矩阵,将块体转动时的离心力与科氏力加到荷载矩阵中。计算时对应变分量及其相关变量进行坐标变换与修正,并采用新引入的位移增量表达式计算块体顶点位移,进行后接触修正与更新块体构形。数值算例表明,改进后的程序能够消除转动带来的误差,自动考虑了块体转动时离心力和科氏力引起的变形,应变计算精度更高。改进方法克服了块体体积自由膨胀、应变场畸变等问题,给出了合理的块体应变。 展开更多
关键词 非连续变形分析(DDA) 转动误差 坐标变换 离心力 科氏力
X射线衍射仪样品装调误差分析与校正 被引量:4
作者 朱洪力 金春水 张立超 《分析仪器》 CAS 2008年第1期14-18,共5页
使用X射线衍射仪分析样品,测试角度误差的大小影响着分析结果的准确性,而样品装调误差会导致测试角度误差。本文系统分析了样品装调对测试角度误差的影响。结论是,转动误差和偏心误差对测量误差影响较大,一般需要校正;俯仰误差对测量结... 使用X射线衍射仪分析样品,测试角度误差的大小影响着分析结果的准确性,而样品装调误差会导致测试角度误差。本文系统分析了样品装调对测试角度误差的影响。结论是,转动误差和偏心误差对测量误差影响较大,一般需要校正;俯仰误差对测量结果影响较小,一般不用校正。实验表明,通过校正样品装调后的转动误差和偏心误差,可以将测量角度随机性误差控制在0.006°(2θ)以内,并将周期厚度为17nm左右的[Mo/Si]多层膜的测试周期厚度精确到0.1nm,为极紫外区高精度膜厚控制提供了保证。 展开更多
关键词 X射线衍射仪 样品装调 角度误差 转动误差 偏心误差 俯仰误差 校正
旋转惯导系统中的圆锥误差分析及其补偿 被引量:5
作者 赖际舟 吕品 +1 位作者 张玲 刘建业 《南京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期159-164,共6页
圆锥误差是由转动不可交换性误差引起的,存在于惯导系统导航解算的一种误差形式。由于基于旋转调制方式的惯导系统运动模式与传统捷联惯导系统不同,因此圆锥误差的表现形式也会发生相应变化。首先建立了旋转调制惯导系统的圆锥运动模型... 圆锥误差是由转动不可交换性误差引起的,存在于惯导系统导航解算的一种误差形式。由于基于旋转调制方式的惯导系统运动模式与传统捷联惯导系统不同,因此圆锥误差的表现形式也会发生相应变化。首先建立了旋转调制惯导系统的圆锥运动模型,对其不可交换性误差进行了推导。在此基础上分析了基于等效旋转矢量的多子样算法在旋转惯导系统圆锥误差补偿中的应用效果以及旋转方案对圆锥误差补偿的影响,最终通过仿真对理论分析进行了验证。仿真结果表明,圆锥误差对于旋转惯导系统的影响要大于传统惯导系统,但可以通过改变旋转方式来对圆锥误差进行抑制。 展开更多
关键词 惯性导航 旋转惯导系统 转动不可交换性误差 多子样算法 圆锥误差补偿
作者 孙振东 高红 《沈阳工程学院学报(自然科学版)》 2009年第4期387-389,共3页
关键词 插补 直线逼近误差 矢量转动误差
作者 杨晓健 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2022年第6期162-165,共4页
为进一步减少丝杠系统转动误差对系统运行稳定性和安全性的影响,本文对丝杠系统转动误差测量方法和补偿方案进行了研究,分析了转动误差的测量方法,并以测量方法和补偿方法为基础构建了补偿系统,以提高丝杠系统定位精度以及减少丝杠系统... 为进一步减少丝杠系统转动误差对系统运行稳定性和安全性的影响,本文对丝杠系统转动误差测量方法和补偿方案进行了研究,分析了转动误差的测量方法,并以测量方法和补偿方法为基础构建了补偿系统,以提高丝杠系统定位精度以及减少丝杠系统温度升高引起的热变形量。最后本文选取了不同规格的丝杠工件,在采用补偿系统和不采用补偿系统的情况下,对本文构建的补偿系统进行了验证,分析结果表明,应用补偿系统后丝杠工件加工精度提升了2级,具有良好的补偿效果。 展开更多
关键词 丝杠系统 转动误差 补偿
基于有限变形理论的非连续变形分析方法改进 被引量:14
作者 高亚楠 高峰 Man-chu Ronald YEUNG 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期2360-2365,共6页
非连续变形分析(DDA)方法将研究对象离散为块体单元,属于离散介质计算方法的一种。原有的DDA计算理论建立在小变形、小转动假设的基础上,通过时步的累加来模拟大变形、大转动,计算时会因此而产生误差,尤其是当块体发生大转动时往往会产... 非连续变形分析(DDA)方法将研究对象离散为块体单元,属于离散介质计算方法的一种。原有的DDA计算理论建立在小变形、小转动假设的基础上,通过时步的累加来模拟大变形、大转动,计算时会因此而产生误差,尤其是当块体发生大转动时往往会产生较大误差。采用有限变形理论对现有的DDA程序进行改进,计算时根据有限变形几何场对每一时步的计算结果进行更新,并通过2个算例对改进后的程序进行验证。结果表明,改进后程序可以很好地处理大转动问题,消除转动所带来的误差,并且在处理小位移、小转动问题时仍然有效,拓宽了DDA的使用范围,可作为工程计算的有效工具。 展开更多
关键词 数值分析 非连续变形分析(DDA) 有限变形理论:转动误差
基于二阶不变矩的弹头痕迹自动比对优化方法研究 被引量:1
作者 何成刚 张燕平 赵姝 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期2895-2898,共4页
在国内外对弹头痕迹比对方法的研究中,传统方法是通过显微镜肉眼观察,比对两个弹头上的线条型痕迹,看线条的粗细分布是否吻合,但是效率极低、误差大。为了消除实际测量过程中的误差(平移误差和转动误差),提出基于不变矩的方法来识别弹... 在国内外对弹头痕迹比对方法的研究中,传统方法是通过显微镜肉眼观察,比对两个弹头上的线条型痕迹,看线条的粗细分布是否吻合,但是效率极低、误差大。为了消除实际测量过程中的误差(平移误差和转动误差),提出基于不变矩的方法来识别弹头痕迹,并通过与基于相似度的方法进行对比,最终得出基于二阶不变矩的痕迹识别方法。该方法具有误差小、识别率高的特点,并将其应用于实际的弹头痕迹比对中,取得了良好的效果。 展开更多
关键词 弹头痕迹 平移误差 转动误差 相似度 二阶不变矩 识别率高
有向无线传感器节点概率感知模型的设计 被引量:2
作者 腾贺 吴成东 +1 位作者 张云洲 胡楠 《江南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2012年第4期391-395,共5页
针对现有的有向传感器节点的感知模型应用中,在感知范围两侧的边缘处易受误差影响而使得此处感知能力的不确定,致使整个网络的覆盖情况不稳定的问题,设计了一种有向概率感知模型。该模型参考了全向概率感知模型,同时考虑到了节点的转动... 针对现有的有向传感器节点的感知模型应用中,在感知范围两侧的边缘处易受误差影响而使得此处感知能力的不确定,致使整个网络的覆盖情况不稳定的问题,设计了一种有向概率感知模型。该模型参考了全向概率感知模型,同时考虑到了节点的转动误差,更加准确地描述了有向传感器节点的感知能力。经仿真验证,该模型具有较好的应用效果。 展开更多
关键词 有向传感器节点 感知模型 转动误差
作者 张烁 徐亚明 +3 位作者 刘少创 贾阳 薛博 马友青 《测绘科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期14-18,64,共6页
嫦娥3号巡视探测器桅杆的展开机构、偏航机构和俯仰机构在转动过程中存在系统性的偏差,这些误差影响了巡视探测器导航定位、地形恢复和路径规划的精度。针对这一问题,文章提出了一种间接平差模型,通过真实数据试验证明该方法能够用于对... 嫦娥3号巡视探测器桅杆的展开机构、偏航机构和俯仰机构在转动过程中存在系统性的偏差,这些误差影响了巡视探测器导航定位、地形恢复和路径规划的精度。针对这一问题,文章提出了一种间接平差模型,通过真实数据试验证明该方法能够用于对嫦娥3号巡视探测器桅杆的转动角度误差进行检校,并且具有很高的精度和稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 嫦娥3号 巡视探测器 转动角度误差 旋转矩阵 检校
Research on the Dynamic Model of Spindle Rotation Induced Error Compensation System of Boring and its Simulation
作者 杜正春 李春梅 颜景平 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 1999年第2期92-97,共6页
In this paper we address the dynamics of compensation cutting process from both Laplace s frequency domain and the time domain of the first time, using the two computer aided analyzing softwares: MATLAB and SIMULI... In this paper we address the dynamics of compensation cutting process from both Laplace s frequency domain and the time domain of the first time, using the two computer aided analyzing softwares: MATLAB and SIMULINK. Theoretical analysis and simulation experiments firstly show that not only the systematical stiffness of workpiece, spindle and tools, but also the regenerated coefficient affects the compensation displacement effect. The results show that the SREC is practicable in reality to decease the spindle induced errors in many engineering applications such as hard boring through simulation and the preliminary experiment results. 展开更多
关键词 spindle rotation induced error compensation (SREC) dynamic simulation regenerated coefficient μ boring process
Research on identifying the dynamic error model of strapdown gyro on 3-axis turntable 被引量:5
作者 王海 任顺清 王常虹 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2005年第6期630-634,共5页
The dynamic errors of gyros are the important error sources of a strapdown inertial navigation system. In order to identify the dynamic error model coefficients accurately, the static error model coefficients which la... The dynamic errors of gyros are the important error sources of a strapdown inertial navigation system. In order to identify the dynamic error model coefficients accurately, the static error model coefficients which lay a foundation for compensating while identifying the dynamic error model are identified in the gravity acceleration fields by using angular position function of the three-axis turntable. The angular acceleration and angular velocity are excited on the input, output and spin axis of the gyros when the outer axis and the middle axis of a three-axis turntable are in the uniform angular velocity state simultaneously, while the inner axis of the turntable is in different static angular positions. 8 groups of data are sampled when the inner axis is in 8 different angular positions. These data are the function of the middle axis positions and the inner axis positions. For these data, harmonic analysis method is applied two times versus the middle axis positions and inner axis positions respectively so that the dynamic error model coefficients are finally identified through the least square method. In the meantime the optimal angular velocity of the outer axis and the middle axis are selected by computing the determination value of the information matrix. 展开更多
关键词 strapdown gyro dynamic error model harmonic analysis three-axis turntable
Continuous rotation north-finding algorithm based on constrained adaptive Kalman filter 被引量:2
作者 GUO Fengzhi LI Xingfei LI Jingxian 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2021年第2期133-145,共13页
As an orientation measurement system,north-finder has been playing a significant role in both military and civilian fields of orientation and control.In this paper,to deal with drawbacks in the conventional north-find... As an orientation measurement system,north-finder has been playing a significant role in both military and civilian fields of orientation and control.In this paper,to deal with drawbacks in the conventional north-finding systems,a dynamic strategy based on continuous rotation modulation to measure the rotational angular velocity of the earth is proposed.By modeling the dynamic error,optimizing the process constraint and estimating dynamic noise,a method combining delay compensation and hardware adjustment,and a constrained adaptive Kalman filter(CAKF)algorithm are designed for the north-finding strategy.According to simulation and experiments,the proposed algorithm can achieve the high-precision north-finding with robust and anti-noise performance. 展开更多
关键词 north-finding constrained adaptive Kalman filter(CAKF) continuous rotation modulation dynamic error tilted base
The design of adaptive sigma-delta A/D converter 被引量:1
作者 冯晖 Lin Zhenghui 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2005年第4期367-370,共4页
The signal to noise ratio (SNR) of conventional sigma delta analog to digital converter (∑△ADC) reduces with input signal strength. The existing concept of adaptive quantization is applied to the design of ∑△A... The signal to noise ratio (SNR) of conventional sigma delta analog to digital converter (∑△ADC) reduces with input signal strength. The existing concept of adaptive quantization is applied to the design of ∑△ADC to improve SNR with high dynamic range. An adaptive algorithm and its circuit implementation is proposed. Because of the error due to the circuit implementation, an error self-calibration circuit is also designed. Simulation results indicate that SNR can he nearly independent of the signal strength. 展开更多
A distributed dynamic mesh model of a helical gear pair with tooth profile errors 被引量:7
作者 WANG Qi-bin MA Hong-bo +1 位作者 KONG Xian-guang ZHANG Yi-min 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第2期287-303,共17页
A dynamic model of a helical gear rotor system is proposed.Firstly,a generally distributed dynamic model of a helical gear pair with tooth profile errors is developed.The gear mesh is represented by a pair of cylinder... A dynamic model of a helical gear rotor system is proposed.Firstly,a generally distributed dynamic model of a helical gear pair with tooth profile errors is developed.The gear mesh is represented by a pair of cylinders connected by a series of springs and the stiffness of each spring is equal to the effective mesh stiffness.Combining the gear dynamic model with the rotor-bearing system model,the gear-rotor-bearing dynamic model is developed.Then three cases are presented to analyze the dynamic responses of gear systems.The results reveal that the gear dynamic model is effective and advanced for general gear systems,narrow-faced gear,wide-faced gear and gear with tooth profile errors.Finally,the responses of an example helical gear system are also studied to demonstrate the influence of the lead crown reliefs and misalignments.The results show that both of the lead crown relief and misalignment soften the gear mesh stiffness and the responses of the gear system increase with the increasing lead crown reliefs and misalignments. 展开更多
关键词 gear distributed dynamic model tooth profile errors helical gear pair rotor system dynamic response
Development of analysis model for geometric error in turning processes 被引量:1
作者 LEE Mun-jae LEE Choon-man 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第3期711-717,共7页
A finite element model was established for analyzing the geometric errors in turning operations and a two-step analyzing process was proposed. In the first analyzing step, the cutting force and the cutting heat for th... A finite element model was established for analyzing the geometric errors in turning operations and a two-step analyzing process was proposed. In the first analyzing step, the cutting force and the cutting heat for the cutting conditions were obtained using the AdvantEdge. Also, the deformation of a workpiece was estimated in the second step using the ANSYS. The deformation was analyzed for a 150 mm-long workpiece at three different measuring points, such as 10, 70 and 130 mm from a reference point, and the amounts of the deformation were compared through experiments. /n the results of the comparison and analysis, the values obtained from these comparison and analysis represent similar tendencies. Also, it is verified that their geometric errors increase with the increase in temperature. In addition, regarding the factors that affect the deformation of a workpiecc, it can be seen that the geometric error in the lathe is about 15%, the error caused by the cutting force is about 10%, and the deformation caused by the heat is about 75%. 展开更多
关键词 geometric error machining accuracy finite element analysis TURNING cutting force cutting temperature
Dynamic error research and application of an angular measuring system belonging to a high precision excursion test turntable
作者 邓辉宇 王欣利 马培荪 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2006年第2期156-159,共4页
Angular measuring system is the most important component of a servo turntable in inertial test apparatus. Its function and precision determine the turntable' s function and precision. It attaches importance to resear... Angular measuring system is the most important component of a servo turntable in inertial test apparatus. Its function and precision determine the turntable' s function and precision. It attaches importance to research on inertial test equipment. This paper introduces the principle of the angular measuring system using amplitude discrimination mode. The dynamic errors axe analyzed from the aspects of inductosyn, amplitude and function error of double-phase voltage and wavefonn distortion. Through detailed calculation, theory is provided for practical application; system errors are allocated and the angular measuring system meets the accuracy requirement. As a result, the schedule of the angular measuring system can be used in practice. 展开更多
关键词 test turntable angular measuring system dynamic error error model
作者 刘合润 舒斌 刘飞 《上海机床》 1994年第3期20-21,10,共3页
关键词 车床 斜齿圆柱齿轮 拨叉 转动误差
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