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基于转发传播过程的微博转发量预测 被引量:5
作者 赵惠东 刘刚 +1 位作者 石川 吴斌 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第12期2989-2996,共8页
微博已经成为日常生活中最流行的信息分享工具.转发是微博中信息传播的核心方法,所以转发量预测不仅是一个有趣的研究问题,也有较大的实际意义.然而,当前大部分研究只是把问题视为分类或回归问题,没有考虑转发的传播过程.本文中,我们提... 微博已经成为日常生活中最流行的信息分享工具.转发是微博中信息传播的核心方法,所以转发量预测不仅是一个有趣的研究问题,也有较大的实际意义.然而,当前大部分研究只是把问题视为分类或回归问题,没有考虑转发的传播过程.本文中,我们提出一个符合转发传播过程的转发量预测模型.本文认为转发信息来自两方面:直接粉丝和间接粉丝,而粉丝带来的转发量由转发意愿和影响力决定.我们用历史行为和内容相关性来估算一名直接粉丝的转发意愿,并用他/她的影响力来估算通过他/她的间接粉丝的转发量.新浪微博上的实验表明我们的模型比其他已有的方法效果好. 展开更多
关键词 转发量预测 转发意愿 转发影响力
媒体类型与转发量对微博新闻可信度的影响——关于微博新闻可信度的控制实验研究 被引量:4
作者 杨涵雯 《新闻世界》 2013年第6期241-243,共3页
微博早已随着网络技术的发展而流行,学界对微博的研究成果可谓是蔚为大观。但针对微博新闻的可信度量化研究却几近阙如。笔者尝试采取控制实验的方法,挑选80位参与者对笔者精心设计的12则微博新闻进行可信度判断。通过对实验数据的显著... 微博早已随着网络技术的发展而流行,学界对微博的研究成果可谓是蔚为大观。但针对微博新闻的可信度量化研究却几近阙如。笔者尝试采取控制实验的方法,挑选80位参与者对笔者精心设计的12则微博新闻进行可信度判断。通过对实验数据的显著性检验,得出结论:发布新闻的媒体类型是影响微博新闻可信度的重要因素,而转发频数对微博新闻可信度的影响较弱。 展开更多
关键词 微博 媒体类型 转发量 可信度
《中国民政》 2024年第2期F0002-F0002,共1页
关键词 阅读 中国老龄协会 综合评价 公众关注 转发量 老龄新闻
作者 叶晶晶 《上海建桥学院学报》 2023年第2期72-76,共5页
在上海米哈游公司制作发行的游戏《原神》2.4版本中,戏曲名角“云堇”(新增游戏角色)在新建群玉阁上的一段表演片段——“神女劈观”火爆全网。其最早出现在2022年1月5日《原神》“飞彩镌流年”更新的璃月魔神任务中,这段云堇创作并演... 在上海米哈游公司制作发行的游戏《原神》2.4版本中,戏曲名角“云堇”(新增游戏角色)在新建群玉阁上的一段表演片段——“神女劈观”火爆全网。其最早出现在2022年1月5日《原神》“飞彩镌流年”更新的璃月魔神任务中,这段云堇创作并演唱的唱段,首发立即惊艳了海内外的游戏玩家。1月6日,“神女劈观”作为《原神》的剧情PV(宣传视频)被投放在哔哩哔哩(简称B站),该视频只用8天就突破了1000万播放量。三个月后,该视频在B站的播放量高达2130万,总弹幕数为17万,点赞数为159万,投币数为197万,收藏数为94万,分享转发量为46万。 展开更多
关键词 游戏玩家 游戏角色 二次元文化 转发量 神女
基于多层结构的微博影响力决定因素研究 被引量:12
作者 赵红 王璨 +1 位作者 胡锋 王焱 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第7期1062-1068,共7页
对狭义的微博影响力进行了研究,通过界定影响微博信息的多层结构,即用户特征和微博属性特征,将微博转发量视为衡量微博影响力的标尺,建立多层线性模型对微博转发量的影响因素进行研究,并应用非参数拔靴法改进了模型的统计推断结果。研... 对狭义的微博影响力进行了研究,通过界定影响微博信息的多层结构,即用户特征和微博属性特征,将微博转发量视为衡量微博影响力的标尺,建立多层线性模型对微博转发量的影响因素进行研究,并应用非参数拔靴法改进了模型的统计推断结果。研究表明,宏观层面的用户特征不仅显著影响微博转发量,并通过跨层交互影响微博属性特征变量进而影响微博转发量。在此基础上,进一步从理论上探讨了用户特征变量与微博属性变量影响微博转发量的原因以及提高微博影响力的可行措施。 展开更多
关键词 微博影响力 转发量 信息多层结构 多层线性模型
作者 王涛 周斌 +1 位作者 曲铭 王忠振 《计算机技术与发展》 2015年第2期21-24,46,共5页
在已有的对单条微博信息价值的研究中,一般都是从构成微博信息价值的多维因素出发,分析每个因素的权重然后综合进行评定,这样就带来了计算复杂的问题。但是,由于中文语义的复杂性,这种先验的分析方法,难免会有"一概而论"的嫌... 在已有的对单条微博信息价值的研究中,一般都是从构成微博信息价值的多维因素出发,分析每个因素的权重然后综合进行评定,这样就带来了计算复杂的问题。但是,由于中文语义的复杂性,这种先验的分析方法,难免会有"一概而论"的嫌疑。由于转发行为的本质就是对微博信息价值的认同,而转发人占收到此信息总人数的比率则反映了该信息的普遍影响程度,因此从这两个因素出发研究微博信息价值非常值得思考。为此,文中从粉丝行为和影响覆盖率两个角度出发,引入了"单条微博影响力饱和度"概念,对单条微博信息价值进行了研究,在研究思路上进行了积极拓展。 展开更多
关键词 微博价值 影响力饱和度 转发覆盖人数 转发量
作者 苗森 谢作如 《中国信息技术教育》 2020年第5期141-144,共4页
2020年初,一场新型冠状病毒引发的肺炎席卷神州大地。随着肺炎疫情的蔓延,大部分人响应政府号召,尽量避免外出,但仍有人不以为然,照常外出社交娱乐。针对这一现象,Ele实验室发布了《计算机仿真程序告诉你为什么现在还没到出门的时候》... 2020年初,一场新型冠状病毒引发的肺炎席卷神州大地。随着肺炎疫情的蔓延,大部分人响应政府号召,尽量避免外出,但仍有人不以为然,照常外出社交娱乐。针对这一现象,Ele实验室发布了《计算机仿真程序告诉你为什么现在还没到出门的时候》的网络视频,利用编程模拟病毒传播过程,以可视化的方法展示人口流动、隔离床位等因素对疫情防控的影响,点击量和转发量上百万,同时也让人们领略到计算机编程的魅力。 展开更多
关键词 网络视频 病毒传播 计算机编程 仿真程序 疫情防控 转发量 肺炎 点击
作者 郑琨 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2019年第11期134-136,143,共4页
微信月活跃人数超过11亿,在庞大的流量带动下,微信公众平台千帆竞发,其中旅游类公众号随着全民旅游热的升温而备受关注。本文从“文旅融合”大背景出发,通过对国内知名旅游类公众号的大数据分析,以提高公众号阅读量和转发量的策略为突破... 微信月活跃人数超过11亿,在庞大的流量带动下,微信公众平台千帆竞发,其中旅游类公众号随着全民旅游热的升温而备受关注。本文从“文旅融合”大背景出发,通过对国内知名旅游类公众号的大数据分析,以提高公众号阅读量和转发量的策略为突破口,在战略和战术两个层面进行研究并构建模型,为以旅游类微信公众号为代表的新媒体传播效果的提升提供系统化建议。 展开更多
关键词 大数据 公众号 文旅融合 阅读 转发量
作者 尹超群 《中国地市报人》 2019年第11期73-74,共2页
新媒体时代,10万+,绝对是一个让人亢奋的数字,点击率和转发量成了衡量新闻价值的一个重要因素。一篇点击量超过10万+、50万+、甚至上亿的新闻报道,成为很多新媒体从业人员的追求。如何生产出高点击量的新闻产品,精心的策划、重大的选题... 新媒体时代,10万+,绝对是一个让人亢奋的数字,点击率和转发量成了衡量新闻价值的一个重要因素。一篇点击量超过10万+、50万+、甚至上亿的新闻报道,成为很多新媒体从业人员的追求。如何生产出高点击量的新闻产品,精心的策划、重大的选题、新颖的报道形式……但是,在"流量至上"的驱使下,也容易产生哗众取宠的"标题党",夺人眼球的标题,充满噱头的内容、毫无底线的报道……对点击量的片面追求极易造成对新闻报道底线的失守。 展开更多
关键词 新闻报道 新媒体时代 标题党 新媒体从业人员 点击率 点击 转发量 底线
Chemical Reaction and Energy Transfer Between Hot H Atoms and CO2 Molecules 被引量:1
作者 石从云 任丽 孔繁敖 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期473-477,共5页
Collisions between hot H atoms and CO2 molecules were studied experimentally by time resolved Fourier transform infrared emission spectroscopy. H atoms with three translational energies, 174.7, 241.0 and 306.2 k J/mol... Collisions between hot H atoms and CO2 molecules were studied experimentally by time resolved Fourier transform infrared emission spectroscopy. H atoms with three translational energies, 174.7, 241.0 and 306.2 k J/mol respectively, were generated by UV laser photolysis to initiate a chemical reaction of H+CO2→OH+CO. Vibrationally excited CO (v≤2) was observed in the spectrum, where CO was the product of the reaction. The highly efficient T-V energy transfer fro,n the hot H atoms to the CO2 was verified too. The highest vibrational level of v=4 in CO2 (va) was found. Rate ratio of the chemical reaction to the energy transfer was estimated as 10. 展开更多
关键词 Energy transfer H atom CO2 Molecule
Theoretical Investigation on Triplet Excitation Energy Transfer in Fluorene Dimer
作者 司玉冰 钟欣欣 +1 位作者 张伟伟 赵仪 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第5期538-546,I0003,共10页
Triplet-triplet energy transfer in fluorene dimer with electronic structure calculations. The two is investigated by combining rate theories key parameters for the control of energy transfer, electronic coupling and r... Triplet-triplet energy transfer in fluorene dimer with electronic structure calculations. The two is investigated by combining rate theories key parameters for the control of energy transfer, electronic coupling and reorganization energy, are calculated based on the diabatic states constructed by the constrained density functional theory. The fluctuation of the electronic coupling is further revealed by molecular dynamics simulation. Succeedingly, the diagonal and off-diagonal fluctuations of the Hamiltonian are mapped from the correlation functions of those parameters, and the rate is then estimated both from the perturbation theory and wavepacket diffusion method. The results manifest that both the static and dynamic fluctuations enhance the rate significantly, but the rate from the dynamic fluctuation is smaller than that from the static fluctuation. 展开更多
关键词 Triplet excitation energy transfer Constrained density functional theory Marcus formula Wavepacket diffusion method
Upconversion Luminescence of SrTiO3:Er^3+ Ultrafine Powders Produced by 785 nm Laser 被引量:1
作者 Hai Guo Yan-min Qiao +1 位作者 Ju-fang Zheng Lei-hong Zhao 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期233-238,共6页
Er^3+ doped SrTiO3 ultrafine powders were prepared by solid state reaction in a molten NaCl flux. The structural properties were characterized by X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy, and Fo... Er^3+ doped SrTiO3 ultrafine powders were prepared by solid state reaction in a molten NaCl flux. The structural properties were characterized by X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The Stokes emission spectra of Er^3+ in SrTiO3:Er^3+ ranging from green to near infrared region were investigated under 514.5 nm laser excitation. The green and red upconverted luminescence spectra of Er^3+ were measured under excitation into the 419/2 level by 785 nm laser. The upconversion mechanisms were studied in detail through laser power dependence and Er^3+ ion concentration dependence of upconverted emissions, and results show that excited state absorption and energy transfer process are the possible mechanisms for the upconversion. The upconversion properties indicate that SrTiO3:Er^3+ may be used in upconversion phosphors. 展开更多
关键词 SRTIO3 Upconversion luminescence Excited state absorption Energy transfer
Comparison of two types of twin-rotor piston engine mechanisms 被引量:6
作者 邓豪 潘存云 +2 位作者 王晓聪 张雷 邓力 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第2期363-371,共9页
A novel twin-rotor piston engine (TRPE) mechanism with high volumetric output and power density was introduced. This new engine comprises an energy conversion system and a differential velocity drive mechanism (DVD... A novel twin-rotor piston engine (TRPE) mechanism with high volumetric output and power density was introduced. This new engine comprises an energy conversion system and a differential velocity drive mechanism (DVDM). Two special geared four-bar mechanisms, DVDM-1 and DVDM-2, were utilized and compared. Based on the closed loop vector method, a mathematical model for position, velocity, and acceleration of the two mechanisms was established. Numerical examples illustrate that the kinematic characteristics were presented. Expression of the displacement and compression ratio of the two engine mechanisms were derived and compared. It is concluded that both DVDM-1 and DVDM-2 adopted in the proposed TRPE with six vane pistons create thirty-six power strokes per revolution of the output shaft, and the summation of two angles covered by each rocker is always 2x/N as the output shaft rotates an angle of x/N. In DVDM-1, the span angle of a vane piston should be designed to be 10.2°, and the compression ratio should be equal to 10; in DVDM-2, the span angle of a vane piston should be designed to be 10.6°, and the compression ratio should be equal to 4.3. 展开更多
关键词 ROTOR piston engine CRANK ROCKER power density
Resource Allocation for Two-Way Amplify and Forward OFDM Relay Networks 被引量:3
作者 Zhijun Liu Xiaofeng Tao Waheed ur Rehman 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第8期76-82,共7页
Physical-layer network coding(PNC) promises substantial theoretical gain to achieve the maximum system throughput in cooperative relay transmission. However, with the increasing global warming, how to reduce power con... Physical-layer network coding(PNC) promises substantial theoretical gain to achieve the maximum system throughput in cooperative relay transmission. However, with the increasing global warming, how to reduce power consumption while satisfy system throughput requirement is becoming a vital issue. In this paper, we investigate energy-efficiency resource allocation(RA) based on PNC with amplify-and-forward(AF) protocol in orthogonal frequency division multiple(OFDM) bidirectional transmission. To minimize the overall transmit power consumption with required system throughput requirement, we consider joint subcarriers and power allocation and formulate the objective task into a constrained optimization problem where the best relay node is selected to minimize total transmit power. The closed form optimization power allocation solutions are acquired by analytical derivation. Based on derivation, we propose a novel optimal energy-efficient power allocation(OE-PA). Numerical results are given to evaluate the performance of the derived scheme as compared to other schemes and show that our scheme has signifi cant improvement to energy saving. 展开更多
关键词 Energy-effi ciency Resource allocation physical-layer network coding OFDM system
Primary investigation of dose-effect relationship of ^(153)Sm-EDTMP in treating multiple bone metastases
作者 Wei Fan Lixin Chen +3 位作者 Xiaowei Liu Qiang Tang Shengfang Zhi Zongyuan Zeng 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2007年第4期396-398,共3页
Objective:To calculate the focus absorption dose of 153Sm-EDTMP with the Monte Carlo(MC)EGS4 method for treatment of bone metastases from nasopharyngeal carcinoma or breast cancer,and investigate the relationship betw... Objective:To calculate the focus absorption dose of 153Sm-EDTMP with the Monte Carlo(MC)EGS4 method for treatment of bone metastases from nasopharyngeal carcinoma or breast cancer,and investigate the relationship between the focus absorption dose and painkilling effect of 153Sm-EDTMP.Methods:Four patients with multiple bone metastases from nasopharyngeal or breast carcinoma and suffered from grade IV bone pain were treated with radionuclide internal irradiation of 153Sm-EDTMP.The absorption dose and dose distribution of bone metastases and other targeted organs were calculated with MC EGS4 program based on the time-order SPECT/CT scanning and the measurement of the radioactivity in the urine accumulation.The release of bone pain and the improvement of life quality were observed.Results:Bone pain of the patients was significantly alleviated to grade II for 3–4 weeks after internal 153Sm-EDTMP irradiation.The 3-dimensional absorption dose distribution image of bone metastases and targeted organs showed that the dose distribution in bone metastases was not asymmetrical.After injection of 0.65×37 MBq/kg 153Sm-EDTMP,the highest absorption dose in bone lesions was about 4.9–5.9 Gy,and the dose in the lesion margin was about 2.0 Gy.Using the highest dose as reference dose point,the relative absorption dose values of bone marrow,vertebra and sex organ near lesions were 0.48–1.1 Gy,0.51–0.85 Gy,and 0.01–0.14 Gy,respectively.Conclusion:The absorption dose of bone metastases is significantly lower than treatment dose of 30 Gy after single irradiation of 153Sm-EDTMP.The painkilling effect is limited and in accordance with clinical observation. 展开更多
关键词 Monte Carlo EGS4 method ^153SM-EDTMP absorption dose dose-effect relationship
Collective Excitations and Nonlinear Dynamics of 1D BEC with Two-and Three-body Interactions in Anharmonic Traps
作者 LI Guan-Qiang PENG Ping +1 位作者 LIU Jian-Ke XUE Ju-Kui 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第11期1129-1136,共8页
The collective excitations of low-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates with two- and three-body interactions in anharmonic potentials are investigated. Using the standard variational approach, the governing equations... The collective excitations of low-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates with two- and three-body interactions in anharmonic potentials are investigated. Using the standard variational approach, the governing equations of motions for the low-energy excitations are obtained by solving time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii-Ginzburg equation, and the excitation spectrums are calculated in small amplitude limit. The frequency shift and nonlinear mode coupling induced by the anharmonic distortion (adding cubic, quartic, or quintic terra to a harmonic trap) are studied. 展开更多
关键词 collective excitations Gross-Pitaevskii-Ginzburg equation anharmouic trapping potentials frequency shift of low-energy excitations non-resonant mode coupling
Nondoped-type White Organic Light-Emitting Diode Using Star-Shaped Hexafluorenylbenzene as an Energy Transfer Layer
作者 Jun-sheng Yu Tao Ma +2 位作者 Shuang-ling Lou Ya-dong Jiang Qing Zhang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期500-504,共5页
White organic light-emitting diodes (WOLEDs) with a structure of indium-tin-oxide (ITO)/N,N'-bis- (1-naphthyl)-N,N'-diphenyl- (1, 1'-biphenyl)-4,4'-diamine (NPB)/1,2,3,4,5,6-hexakis(9,9-diethyl-9H-fluor... White organic light-emitting diodes (WOLEDs) with a structure of indium-tin-oxide (ITO)/N,N'-bis- (1-naphthyl)-N,N'-diphenyl- (1, 1'-biphenyl)-4,4'-diamine (NPB)/1,2,3,4,5,6-hexakis(9,9-diethyl-9H-fluoren-2- yl)benzene (HKEthFLYPh)/5,6,11,12-tetraphenylnaphtacene (rubrene)/tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (Alq3)/Mg:Ag were fabricated by vacuum deposition method, in which a novel star-shaped hexafluorenyl- benzene HKEthFLYPh was used as an energy transfer layer, and an ultrathin layer of rubrene was inserted between HKEthFLYPh and Alq3 layers as a yellow light-emitting layer instead of using a time-consuming doping process. A fairly pure WOLED with Commissions Internationale De L'Eclairage (CIE) coordinates of (0.32, 0.33) was obtained when the thickness of rubrene was 0.3 nm, and the spectrum was insensitive to the applied voltage. The device yielded a maximum luminance of 4816 cd/m2 at 18 V. 展开更多
关键词 White organic light-emitting diode diethyl-9H-fluoren-2-yl)benzene Energy transfer Star-shaped hexafluorenylbenzene 1 2 3 4 5 6-hexakis(9 9- Ultrathin layer
Localized Excitations in a Sixth-Order (1+1)-Dimensional Nonlinear Evolution Equation
作者 SHEN Shou-Feng 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第6X期961-963,共3页
In this letter, by means of the Lax pair, Darboux transformation, and variable separation approach, a new exact solution of a sixth-order (1+ 1)-dimensional nonlinear evolution equation, which includes some arbitrary ... In this letter, by means of the Lax pair, Darboux transformation, and variable separation approach, a new exact solution of a sixth-order (1+ 1)-dimensional nonlinear evolution equation, which includes some arbitrary functions,is obtained. Abundant new localized excitations can be found by selecting appropriate functions and they are illustrated both analytically and graphically. 展开更多
关键词 variable separation Lax pair Darboux transformation nonlinear evolution equation localized excitation
Design, Construction and Ocean Testing of Wave Energy Conversion System with Permanent Magnet Tubular Linear Generator 被引量:2
作者 陈中显 余海涛 +1 位作者 刘春元 洪立玮 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第1期72-76,共5页
In this paper, the design, construction and ocean testing of a wave energy conversion system are studied. Based on the motion characteristics of double buoys in ocean waves, a wave energy conversion system with perman... In this paper, the design, construction and ocean testing of a wave energy conversion system are studied. Based on the motion characteristics of double buoys in ocean waves, a wave energy conversion system with permanent magnet tubular linear generator (PMTLG) is proposed to convert ocean wave energy into electricity. The wave energy conversion system was installed in the Yellow Sea near Lianyungang, China. The ocean test re- suits indicate that it had dynamic and static performance, and obtained an expected amount of electricity. The calcu- lation result indicates the average output power was about 1 000 W, and the conversion efficiency from wave en- ergy into electricity was 1.4%. In addition, the wireless data communication, mechanics and oceanography were also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 ocean wave energy BUOY permanent magnet tubular linear generator ELECTRICITY
GW/BSE Nonadiabatic Dynamics Simulations on Excited-State Relaxation Processes of Zinc Phthalocyanine-Fullerene Dyads:Roles of Bridging Chemical Bonds
作者 Wen-kai Chen Xin-wei Sun +2 位作者 Qiu Fang Xiang-yang Liu Gang-long Cui 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第6期704-716,I0001,I0013-I0030,共32页
In this work,we employ electronic structure calculations and nonadiabatic dynamics simulations based on many-body Green function and BetheSalpeter equation(GW/BSE)methods to study excited-state properties of a zinc ph... In this work,we employ electronic structure calculations and nonadiabatic dynamics simulations based on many-body Green function and BetheSalpeter equation(GW/BSE)methods to study excited-state properties of a zinc phthalocyanine-fullerene(ZnPcC_(60))dyad with 6-6 and 5-6 configurations.In the former,the initially populated locally excited(LE)state of ZnPc is the lowest S1 state and thus,its subsequent charge separation is relatively slow.In contrast,in the latter,the S1 state is the LE state of C_(60)while the LE state of ZnPc is much higher in energy.There also exist several charge-transfer(CT)states between the LE states of ZnPc and C_(60).Thus,one can see apparent charge separation dynamics during excited-state relaxation dynamics from the LE state of ZnPc to that of C_(60).These points are verified in dynamics simulations.In the first 200 fs,there is a rapid excitation energy transfer from ZnPc to C_(60),followed by an ultrafast charge separation to form a CT intermediate state.This process is mainly driven by hole transfer from C_(60)to ZnPc.The present work demonstrates that different bonding patterns(i.e.5-6 and 6-6)of the C−N linker can be used to tune excited-state properties and thereto optoelectronic properties of covalently bonded ZnPc-C_(60)dyads.Methodologically,it is proven that combined GW/BSE nonadiabatic dynamics method is a practical and reliable tool for exploring photoinduced dynamics of nonperiodic dyads,organometallic molecules,quantum dots,nanoclusters,etc. 展开更多
关键词 GW/BSE ZnPc-Fullerene dyads Nonadiabatic dynamics simulations Excited states Charge separation Photoinduced energy transfer
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