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转基因红叶石楠抗冻能力的研究 被引量:1
作者 黄艳艳 刘静 +4 位作者 罗磊 牛庆霖 王长宪 冯殿齐 王斌 《山东林业科技》 2010年第5期59-61,共3页
通过对转基因红叶石楠组培苗不同温度条件下耐受低温试验,得出:0℃冷冻处理条件下转基因红叶石楠及对照均无明显受冻害现象;在-3℃条件下,转基因红叶石楠在冷冻48h后过半数存活,未转基因苗在冷冻48h后全部死亡;在-12℃条件下,转基因红... 通过对转基因红叶石楠组培苗不同温度条件下耐受低温试验,得出:0℃冷冻处理条件下转基因红叶石楠及对照均无明显受冻害现象;在-3℃条件下,转基因红叶石楠在冷冻48h后过半数存活,未转基因苗在冷冻48h后全部死亡;在-12℃条件下,转基因红叶石楠在冷冻12h后全部死亡,未转基因苗在冷冻6h后全部死亡;试验证明沙冬青抗寒基因转入红叶石楠中抗寒性获得表达。 展开更多
关键词 红叶石楠 转基因组培苗 抗冻试验
作者 Jiro Nagai 张健 《草食家畜》 1992年第S1期136-137,共2页
用实验室小白鼠作为家畜研究的试验动物。使用携带或不携带大白鼠生长激素(rGH)转基因的小白鼠品系,检测后代的存活和生长及亲本的繁殖率和多产率,以测定小白鼠与该转基因的适合度。在进行的3个试验中,每一个都分4个交配组:+/- +/-(HH),... 用实验室小白鼠作为家畜研究的试验动物。使用携带或不携带大白鼠生长激素(rGH)转基因的小白鼠品系,检测后代的存活和生长及亲本的繁殖率和多产率,以测定小白鼠与该转基因的适合度。在进行的3个试验中,每一个都分4个交配组:+/- +/-(HH),+/- -/-(HL),-/- +/-(LH)和-/- -/-(LL)。HL表示成年(63日龄)高体重(H)交配组雄鼠,作为rGH转基因的半合子携带者(+/-),63日龄小体重雌鼠作为该转基因的非携带者(-/-)。用这些交配鼠的资料测定其繁殖率多产率。根据这些交配鼠所产后代的数据检测携带或不携带rGH转基因(在成年后代中分离转基因),测定小白 鼠的存活率,并根据63日龄体重测定其生长速度。携带rGH转基因的成年后代数少于根据孟德尔定律预计的数目。携带rGH转基因小白鼠63日龄的平均个体重是未携带转基因小白鼠的1.59倍。当双亲或单亲是rGH转基因的携带者时,其繁殖率(50.0%—73.3%)显著低于未携带rGH转基因的小白鼠(94.6%—95%)(P<0.01)。在3个rGH转基因的携带组中,平均出生活仔鼠数(6.8—8.0)低于未携带组(8.6)。在4个交配组中,出生活鼠加上死鼠平均为8.1—8.8/只。3个rGH转基因的携带组(6.0%—16.0%)生死鼠的比例高于未携带组(2.2%)。结果,每只母鼠所产后代63日龄的总体重是:未携带rGH转基因组(190.5克) 展开更多
关键词 基因动物 日龄体重 携带者 孟德尔定律 总体重 适合度 半合子 雌鼠 生长速度 转基因组
阔叶野生稻黎明开花特性的转育和栽培稻早晨开花系的研究 被引量:1
作者 罗大刚 张淑萍 《云南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2006年第2期154-159,168,共7页
采用栽培稻核质互作雄性不育系(O.sativa,2n=24=AA)为母本、阔叶野生稻(O.latifolia,2n=4x=48=CCDD)为父本,不经幼胚组培挽救环节直接获得杂种一代种子和植株并在此基础上多次回交与自交选择的常规野栽交转育方法,已将阔叶野... 采用栽培稻核质互作雄性不育系(O.sativa,2n=24=AA)为母本、阔叶野生稻(O.latifolia,2n=4x=48=CCDD)为父本,不经幼胚组培挽救环节直接获得杂种一代种子和植株并在此基础上多次回交与自交选择的常规野栽交转育方法,已将阔叶野生稻的黎明开花基冈转入栽培稻,育成的栽培稻早晨开花材料连续3代(F3-F5)均只分离出早晨与中午两次开花的新类型和只在中午开花的正常类型等两种类型,未见早晨开花而中午不开花的新类型,早晨开花类型为24%~37%,比例相对稳定。(1)本研究获得的早晨开花材料花时的特点:早晨和中午两次开花,两次开花不重复、等量和集中,早晨开花盛期在上午9:30左右,早晨开花的气候稳定性好于正常的中午开花和野生稻的黎明开花,而中午开花正常;(2)获得的早晨开花材料中早晨和中午均开花的新类型和只在中午开花的正常类型在穗长、着粒密度、结实率、千粒重、糙米色、闭颖状况等方面存在明显差异,早晨开花的新类型生产性能明显不如只在中午开花的正常类型;(3)本研究染色体组间异源基因常规转育十分艰难,BC1F1和之前世代的回交结实极低,小于1%,BC1F2世代虽然回交结实达到1.0%-9.8%,且早晨开花性状也表现明显和集中,但早晨开花性状在继续选育过程中极易丢失,BC1F2之后世代早晨开花材料才稳定地分离出早晨开花和只在中午开花两种类型;(4)讨论了育种可用的早晨开花的标准,即在正常天气条件下早晨9:00—10:00自然盛花为育种可用的早晨开花特性;(5)远缘野栽交基冈转育用不育系作母本容易获得F1种子,F0种子播种成苗率因组合而异,为1.5%-10%,说明获得F1植株仍然较难. 展开更多
关键词 水稻 野生稻 种间杂交 基因组基因 早晨开花 雄性不育系
Isolation of a Genomic DNA for Gastrodia Antifungal Protein and Analyses of Its Promoter in Transgenic Tobacco 被引量:3
作者 萨其拉 王义琴 +2 位作者 李文彬 张利明 孙勇如 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第2期229-233,共5页
A genomic DNA containing 5'-upstream region and complete open reading frame of a Gastrodia antifungal protein was isolated by screening of a genomic library from Gastrodia elata B1. To investigate the promoter act... A genomic DNA containing 5'-upstream region and complete open reading frame of a Gastrodia antifungal protein was isolated by screening of a genomic library from Gastrodia elata B1. To investigate the promoter activity, the 5'-flanking region - 1 157 lip upstream from the putative transcription start site was fused to the coding sequence of beta-glucuronidase (GUS) gene and transformed into Nicotiana tabacum. The strongest GUS activity was detected in the roots of transgenic tobacco, followed by stems. The leaves only showed a low GUS activity. Furthermore, the promoter established inducible expression pattern in transgenic tobacco upon fungus Trichoderma viride inoculation and jasmonic acid and salicylic acid treatments. 展开更多
关键词 Gastrodia elata Bl. PROMOTER transgenic tobacco organ-specific induced expression
Chloroplast Genetic Engineering in Higher Plants 被引量:1
作者 张景昱 张嫄 宋艳茹 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第5期509-516,共8页
Chloroplast genetic engineering, with several advantages over nuclear genetic engineering, is now regarded as an attractive new technology in basic and applied research, including deepening our understanding of plasti... Chloroplast genetic engineering, with several advantages over nuclear genetic engineering, is now regarded as an attractive new technology in basic and applied research, including deepening our understanding of plastid genome, engineering plant metabolic system, generating transplastomic plants with higher resistance to insect, disease, drought and herbicide and bioproducing of antibodies and vaccines. In this review, the principle and operating system for chloroplast genetic engineering and its application in higher plants have been discussed. 展开更多
关键词 chloroplast genetic engineering transplastomic plants plastid genome
Construction of Recombinant Retroviral Vector Containing HIV-1 Tat Gene and Functional Detection of Expressed Tat in Target Cells 被引量:1
作者 卢春 钱超 +2 位作者 唐桂霞 黄丽 曾怡 《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 2003年第6期261-269,共9页
Objective: To construct recombinant retroviral vector containing HIV-1 Tatgene and evaluate the junction of the expressed Tat in target cells. Methods: HIV-1 Tat_(101) genewas recovered from pEV plasmid by Hind Ⅲ dig... Objective: To construct recombinant retroviral vector containing HIV-1 Tatgene and evaluate the junction of the expressed Tat in target cells. Methods: HIV-1 Tat_(101) genewas recovered from pEV plasmid by Hind Ⅲ digestion and cloned into expression plasmid LZESpBMN-Z toconstruct recombinant retroviral expression plasmid named LZRS-Tat_(101). Using the method ofcalcium phosphate, the construct of LZRS-Tat_(101) was then transfected into packaging cell linesPhoenix (ΦNX) which contained env and gal genes encoding structural proteins and pol gene codingfor 3 enzymes ( reverse transcriptase, protease and integrate) essential for retroviral integrationand replication . The stable transfected cell lines was obtained using puromycin to screen for morethan 3 days. Then, immunohistochemical (IHC ) staining was carried out to detect the expressionlevel of Tat_(101) protein in both transiently and stably trancfected ΦNX, respectively. Thesupematants containing recombinant virus collected from transient and stable transfected cells wereemployed to infect 293 cells, respectively, and the expressed Tat in 293 cells was tested by Westernblot. Meantime, the supematants of infected 293 cells was further added to HL3T1 cells which wereHela cell lines containing an HIV-1-LTR/CAT reporter construct to establish a co-culture system.After co-culture for 72 hours, the protein was extracted from HL3T1 cells and used for CAT activityassay. Results: After LZRS- Tat_(101) was transfected into ΦNX, the amount of expressed Tat intransient transfection cells was significantly higher than that in stable transfection cells; Tatcould be detected not only in 293 cells but also in the supematants from 293 cells culture, and Tatin the supematants could activate HIV-1 LTR promoter in HL3T1, resulting in high 'expression of CATlocated at the downstream of LTR. Conclusion: The construct of recombinant retrovirus LZRS-Tat_(101) could express Tat protein in target cells and the expressed Tat was functionally activeand can really exhibit the ability to activate transcription. 展开更多
关键词 HIV-1 tat retroviral expression vector the ability to activatetranscription
Screening an Na^+/H^+ Antiporter Gene from the Halophiles Colonizing in the Dagong Ancient Brine Well of Zigong City,China 被引量:3
作者 梁华忠 刘森 +3 位作者 李可 张大凤 车振明 向文良 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第4期711-715,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to screen an Na+/H+ antiporter gene from the halophiles colonizing in the Dagong Ancient Brine Well in Zigong City, China, and then analyze the gene structure and properties of the prote... [Objective] This study aimed to screen an Na+/H+ antiporter gene from the halophiles colonizing in the Dagong Ancient Brine Well in Zigong City, China, and then analyze the gene structure and properties of the protein encoded by this gene. [Method] Metagenomic DNA libraries of halophiles from the Dagong Ancient Brine Well were used for screening genes with Na+/H+ antiporter activity in antiporter-defi- cient E. coil KNabc strain by functional complementation. Then the start codon, stop codon, ORF, -35 region, -10 region and SD sequence of Na~/H+ antiporter gene, as well as the molecular weight, isoelectric point, hydrophobic region, transmembrane domain, phyletic evolution and salt resistance of protein encoded by the gene were investigated. [Result] A new Na+/H+ antiporter gene m-nha was obtained, which ,ren- dered the antiporter-negative mutant E. coil KNabc cells with both the resistance to Na+ and the ability to grow under alkaline conditions. [Conclusion] The structure and amino acid sequence of M-Nha was different from the previously reported Na+/H~ antiporters, and the m-nha gene disclosed from the Dagong Ancient Brine Well was identified as a novel Na+/H+ antiporter gene. This study was significant not only in helping us understand the salt tolerance of halophiles in ancient brine wells and develop and utilize the genes resource, but also in exploring new salt-tolerant genes. 展开更多
关键词 Na+/H+ antiporter gene Metagenomic library HALOPHILES Dagong Ancient Brine Well
Insect Resistance of Different Tissues of Transgenic Cotton to Spodoptera exigua(Hbner) 被引量:10
作者 苏宏华 李达 +1 位作者 范娜 杨益众 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第8期140-144,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to learn the resistance of different tissues and organs of transgenic cotton to Spodoptera exigua (Hbner). [Method] Flowers,the 1st,the 3rd,the 6th and the 14th leaves from the top of 33B,GK1... [Objective] The aim was to learn the resistance of different tissues and organs of transgenic cotton to Spodoptera exigua (Hbner). [Method] Flowers,the 1st,the 3rd,the 6th and the 14th leaves from the top of 33B,GK12 and SGK321 were used to feed S. exigua neonates respectively. Survival larvae and dead ones were counted on the 3rd,the 7th,the 10th,the 16th and the 19th day; meanwhile,the pupae amount was recorded,and the pupae weight was measured at the 24th h after pupation. [Result] The survival curves,pupation rates and pupae weights of S. exigua feeding on different tissues of transgenic cotton were not significantly different from those of S. exigua feeding on the corresponding tissues of conventional cotton; pupation rate of S. exigua feeding on different leaves of the same cotton variety were not significantly different from each other,but all higher than that of S. exigua feeding on the flowers of that cotton; and there were no differences among pupation weights of S. exigua feeding on different leaves or flowers of the same cotton variety. [Conclusion] Transgenic cotton showed weak resistance to S. exigua. Hence,in the transgenic cotton fields,more attention should be paid to occurrence trend of S. exigua and its control. 展开更多
关键词 Transgenic cotton Spodoptera exigua Different tissues of cotton Insect resistance
Comparison of Newly Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat with Its Donors on SSR Products 被引量:2
作者 张连全 孙根楼 +5 位作者 颜泽洪 陈其皎 袁中伟 兰秀锦 郑有良 刘登才 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第10期939-946,共8页
Microsatellites or SSRs as powerful genetic markers have widely been used in genetics and evolutionary biology in common wheat. Because of the high polymorphism, newly synthesized hexaploid wheat has been used in the ... Microsatellites or SSRs as powerful genetic markers have widely been used in genetics and evolutionary biology in common wheat. Because of the high polymorphism, newly synthesized hexaploid wheat has been used in the construction of genetic segregation population for SSR markers, However, data on the evolution of microsatellites during the polyploidization event of hexaploid wheat are limited. In this study, 66 pairs of specific to A/B genome SSR patterns among newly synthesized hexaploid wheat, the donor tetraploid wheat and Aegilops tauschii were compared. The results indicated that most SSR markers were conserved during the polyploidization events of newly synthetic hexaploid wheat, from Triticum turgidum and Ae. tauschii. Over 70% A/B genome specific SSR markers could amplify the SSR sequences from the D genome ofAe. tauschii. Most amplified fragments from Ae, tauschii were detected in synthetic hexaploid at corresponding positions with the same sizes and patterns as in its parental Ae. tauschii. This suggested that these SSR markers, specific for A/B genome in common wheat, could amplify SSR products of D genome besides A/B genome in the newly synthesized hexaploid wheat, that is, these SSR primers specific for A/B genome in common wheat were nonspecific for the A/B genome in the synthetic hexaploid wheat. In addition, one amplified Ae. tauschii product was not detected in the newly synthetic hexaploid wheat. An extra-amplified product was found in the newly synthetic hexaploid wheat. These results suggested that caution should be taken when using SSR marker to genotype newly synthetic hexaploid wheat. 展开更多
关键词 synthetic hexaploid wheat SSR (microsatellite) genome specificity transferability molecular marker
Lymph node micrometastasis and its correlation with MMP-2 expression in gastric carcinoma 被引量:33
作者 Ze-Yu Wu Jing-Hua Li +1 位作者 Wen-Hua Zhan Yu-Long He 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第18期2941-2944,共4页
AIM: To examine matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) expression in gastric cancer tissues and to evaluate its relationship with lymph node micrometastasis. MATERIALS: The authors studied 850 lymph nodes resected fro... AIM: To examine matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) expression in gastric cancer tissues and to evaluate its relationship with lymph node micrometastasis. MATERIALS: The authors studied 850 lymph nodes resected from 30 patients with gastric carcinoma who underwent gastrectomy with lymphadenetomy using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay in addition to H-E staining. MMP-2 expression of the tumor tissues was detected by immunohistochemical technique (EliVision^TM plus). RESULTS: MMP-2 expression was positive in 21 (70%) cases and negative in g (30%) cases. No significant correlations were found between MMP-2 expression and other variables such as age, gender, tumor location, tumor diameter, Lauren classification and lymphatic invasion. In contrast, MMP-2 expression correlated significantly with depth of tumor infiltration (P = 0.022), lymph node metastasis (P = 0.030) and tumor differentiation (P = 0.043). Lymph node micrometastases were detected in 77 (12.5%) lymph nodes of 14 (46.7%) gastric carcinoma patients. MMP-2 expression was positive in 12 (85.7%) of the 14 patients with lymph node micrometastasis, and in g (56.3%) of the 16 patients without lymph node micrometastasis (P = 0.118). CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that MMP-2 expression has significant correlation with tumor invasion, tumor differentiation and lymph node metastases. MMP-2 expression may be an important biological characteristics and significant prognostic parameter of gastric carcinoma. We also conclude that MMP-2 may participate in the development of lymph node micrometastasis of gastric carcinoma. Further investigations are needed to draw a conclusion. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric carcinoma Lymph node micrometastasis MMP-2 RT-PCR IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY
Genome-wide Identification and Analysis of DNA Methyltransferases in Grape 被引量:2
作者 Fengshan REN Liying YANG +3 位作者 Ling SU Lei GONG Pengfei WANG Yongmei WANG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第10期1781-1787,1794,共8页
DNA methylation is an important epigenetic regulation mechanism, which is catalyzed by DNA methyltransferases. In this study, eight DNA methyltransferase genes were identified in grape genome to analyze the selective ... DNA methylation is an important epigenetic regulation mechanism, which is catalyzed by DNA methyltransferases. In this study, eight DNA methyltransferase genes were identified in grape genome to analyze the selective pressure, gene expression and codon usage bias. The results showed grape DNA methyltransferase MET subfamily underwent relatively strong purifying selection during evolution, while chromomethylase CMT subfamily underwent positive selection during evolution. Under different abiotic(heat, drought or cold) stresses, the expression level of many grape DNA methyltransferase genes changed significantly. The expression level of these genes might be related with cis-regulatory elements of their promoters. The results of codon usage bias analysis showed that synonymous codon bias existed in grape DNA methyltransferase gene family, which might be affected by mutation pressure. These results laid a solid foundation for in-depth study of DNA methyltransferases in grape. 展开更多
关键词 DNA methylation DNA methyltransferase GRAPE Selective pressure Codon usage bias
A Preliminary Study on Tissue Culture and Transformation of Casuarina equisetifolia L.
作者 林永生 蒋晶 +3 位作者 乔桂荣 李海营 邱文敏 卓仁英 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第1期57-59,70,共4页
[Objective] The paper aimed to study the tissue culture and transformation of C. equisetifolia. [Method] C. equisetifolia were used as experimental materials to explore the effects of three conditions including callus... [Objective] The paper aimed to study the tissue culture and transformation of C. equisetifolia. [Method] C. equisetifolia were used as experimental materials to explore the effects of three conditions including callus induction, adventitious bud dif- ferentiation and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation on transformation rate of C. equisetifolia. [Result] The appropriate plant growth regulator combination on induction and differentiation of C. equisetifolia adventitious buds was DCR+5.0 mg/L of 6-BA+ 0.5 mg/L of NAA; hygromycin was selected for the selective pressure and co-culture time was 3 d; 94 stains of transgenic C. equisetifolia were obtained with the initially- established transgene system via Agrobacterium-mediated method, and 61 stains were PCR-positive plants according to the results of PCR detection. [Conclusion] The study had laid the foundation for tissue culture and transgene research of C. equi- setifolia. 展开更多
关键词 C. equisetifolia COLD-RESISTANCE Tissue culture TRANSGENIC
De novo Assembly of Pen Shell(Atrina pectinata) Transcriptome and Screening of Its Genic Microsatellites 被引量:3
作者 SUN Xiujun LI Dongming +3 位作者 LIU Zhihong ZHOU Liqing WU Biao YANG Aiguo 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第5期882-888,共7页
The pen shell(Atrina pectinata) is a large wedge-shaped bivalve, which belongs to family Pinnidae. Due to its large and nutritious adductor muscle, it is the popular seafood with high commercial value in Asia-Pacific ... The pen shell(Atrina pectinata) is a large wedge-shaped bivalve, which belongs to family Pinnidae. Due to its large and nutritious adductor muscle, it is the popular seafood with high commercial value in Asia-Pacific countries. However, limiting genomic and transcriptomic data have hampered its genetic investigations. In this study, the transcriptome of A. pectinata was deeply sequenced using Illumina pair-end sequencing technology. After assembling, a total of 127263 unigenes were obtained. Functional annotation indicated that the highest percentage of unigenes(18.60%) was annotated on GO database, followed by 18.44% on PFAM database and 17.04% on NR database. There were 270 biological pathways matched with those in KEGG database. Furthermore, a total of 23452 potential simple sequence repeats(SSRs) were identified, of them the most abundant type was mono-nucleotide repeats(12902, 55.01%), which was followed by di-nucleotide(8132, 34.68%), tri-nucleotide(2010, 8.57%), tetra-nucleotide(401, 1.71%), and penta-nucleotide(7, 0.03%) repeats. Sixty SSRs were selected for validating and developing genic SSR markers, of them 23 showed polymorphism in a cultured population with the average observed and expected heterozygosities of 0.412 and 0.579, respectively. In this study, we established the first comprehensive transcript dataset of A. pectinata genes. Our results demonstrated that RNA-Seq is a fast and cost-effective method for genic SSR development in non-model species. 展开更多
关键词 SSRs Screening repeats heterozygosity sequencing transcript abundant assembling genomic belongs
Characterization of MyDNMT1 and Changes of Global DNA Methylation during the Embryonic Development in Mizuhopecten yessoensis
作者 许艺迪 刘卫东 +1 位作者 滕伟鸣 于佐安 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第11期2147-2154,共8页
DNA methylation is a critical epigenetic mechanism that influences gene transcription, genomic stability, X-chromosome inactivation and other factors, and appropriate DNA methylation is crucial in development. DNA met... DNA methylation is a critical epigenetic mechanism that influences gene transcription, genomic stability, X-chromosome inactivation and other factors, and appropriate DNA methylation is crucial in development. DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) plays an important role in maintaining the established methylation pattern during DNA replication. Although the effect of DNA methylation on embryonic development has been well known in vertebrates, little research has been carried out in invertebrates, especially in marine bivalves. In this study, the DNMT1 gene (MyDNMT1) was firstly identified from Mizuhopecten yessoensis. The full-length cDNA of MyDNMT1 was 5 039 bp, consisted of a 5' untranslated region (5'-UTR) of 79 bp, a 3' untranslated region (3'-UTR) of 199 bp, and a 4 761 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding a peptide of 1 586 amino acids without a putative signal peptide. The relative mRNA expression level of MyDNMT1 was measured during the embryonic development of M. ydssoensis using real-time PCR, which revealed that the level at stage zygote and trochophore were significantly higher than that at other stages. We further examined the global DNA methylation during development by colorimetric method. The results showed that the methylation level was increased and reached the peak at blastula stage, then dramatically decreased, and fluctuated at early D-shaped larva stage. This study provided greater insight into the DNA methylation of embryonic development, which obtained a better understanding of the relationship between the DNA methylation and the embryonic development in bivalve mollusks. 展开更多
关键词 Mizuhopecten yessoensis DNA methylation DNA (cytosine-5) methyl- transferase 1 CLONING Global DNA methylation
Transcription analysis of peloric mutants of Phalaenopsis orchids derived from tissue culture 被引量:21
作者 Ya Huei CHEN Yi Jung TSAI +1 位作者 Jian Zhi HUANG Fure Chyi CHEN 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第8期639-657,共19页
Tissue culture has been widely used for mass propagation of Phalaenopsis. However, somaclonal variation occurred during micropropagation process posed a severe problem by affecting product quality. In this study, wild... Tissue culture has been widely used for mass propagation of Phalaenopsis. However, somaclonal variation occurred during micropropagation process posed a severe problem by affecting product quality. In this study, wild type and peloric flower buds of Phalaenopsis hybrids derived from flower stalk nodal culture were used for cDNA-RAPD and cDNA suppression subtractive hybridization analyses in order to study their genetic difference in terms of expressed sequence tags. A total of 209 ESTs from normal flower buds and 230 from mutants were sequenced. These ESTs sequences can be grouped into several functional categories involved in different cellular processes including metabolism, signal transduction, transcription, cell growth and division, protein synthesis, and protein localization, and into a subcat- egory of proteins with unknown function. Cymbidium mosaic virus transcript was surprisingly found expressed fre- quently in the peloric mutant of P. Little Mary. Real-time RT-PCR analysis on selected ESTs showed that in mutant flower buds, a bZIP transcription factor (TGA1a-like protein) was down-regulated, while up-regulated genes include auxin-regulated protein kinase, cyclophilin, and TCP-like genes. A retroelement clone was also preferentially expressed in the peloric mutant flowers. On the other hand, ESTs involved in DNA methylation, chromatin remodeling and post- transcriptional regulation, such as DNA methyltransferase, histone acetyltransferase, ERECTA, and DEAD/DEAH RNA helicase, were enriched in normal flower buds than the mutants. The enriched transcripts in the wild type indicate the down regulation of these transcripts in the mutants, and vice versa. The potential roles of the analyzed transcripts in the development of Phalaenopsis flowers are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 PHALAENOPSIS tissue culture peloric mutant cDNA-RAPD suppression subtractive hybridization.
Expressions of chemokine receptor CXCR4 and its ligand CXCL12 in salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma 被引量:4
作者 徐晓刚 吕春堂 周中华 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2004年第4期225-228,共4页
Objective: To examine expressions of chemokine receptor CXCR4 and its ligand CXCL12 in primary focus and lymphogenous metastasis of salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) with lung metastasis. Methods: Using immunohi... Objective: To examine expressions of chemokine receptor CXCR4 and its ligand CXCL12 in primary focus and lymphogenous metastasis of salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) with lung metastasis. Methods: Using immunohistochemical hypersensitivity catalyzed signal amplification (CSA), expressions of chemokine receptor CXCR4 and ligand CXCL12 were detected in tissue specimens from 20 cases of primary cancer focus and lymphogenous metastasis of salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma, of which 7 cases were associated with lung metastasis and 3 with lympogenous metastasis. Twenty cases of tongue carcinoma (including 10 cases with lymphogenous metastasis) and 15 cases of mucoepidermoid carcinoma (including 5 cases with lymphogenous metastasis) were used as the malignant control group;and salivary mixed tumor (n=10), tongue leukoceratosis (n=10) and cervical lymph node reactive hyperplasia (n=10) were used as the benign control group. Results: Expression of CXCR4 in the tissues and lymph metastases of oral and maxillofacial salivary ACC, mucoepidermoid carcinoma and tongue carcinoma was significantly higher than that of the benign control group (P<0.05); expression of CXCR4 in the primary focus of ACC was significantly higher than that of the malignant control group; and expression of CXCR4 in the ACC with lung metastasis was 87.1% (6/7), significantly higher than that without lung metastasis(P<0.01). There was evident positive expression of CXCL12 in endotheliocytes of microvessels within cancer and paracancer tissues and significantly high expression of CXCL12 in lymphogenous metastasis(P<0.05). Conclusion: Chemokine receptor CXCR4 and its ligand CXCL12 may be associated with local invasion and lymphogenous metastasis of oral and maxillofacial cancer, especially with lung metastasis of salivary ACC. 展开更多
关键词 salivary gland adenoid cystic carcinoma METASTASIS chemokine receptor CHEMOKINE IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY
Down-regulation of miR-622 in gastric cancer promotes cellular invasion and tumor metastasis by targeting ING1 gene 被引量:16
作者 Xiao-Bo Guo Chang-Qing Jing Le-Ping Li Li Zhang Yu- Long Shi Jin-Shen Wang Jing-Lei Liu Chen-Sheng Li 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第14期1895-1902,共8页
AIM:To evaluate the biological and clinical characteristics of miR-622 in gastric cancer. METHODS:We analyzed the expression of miR-622 in 57 pair matched gastric neoplastic and adjacent non-neoplastic tissues by quan... AIM:To evaluate the biological and clinical characteristics of miR-622 in gastric cancer. METHODS:We analyzed the expression of miR-622 in 57 pair matched gastric neoplastic and adjacent non-neoplastic tissues by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Functional analysis of miR-622 expression was assessed in vitro in gastric cancer cell lines with miR-622 precursor and inhibitor. The roles of miR-622 in tumorigenesis and tumor metastasis were analyzed using a stable miR-622 expression plasmid in nude mice. A luciferase reporter assay was used to assess the effect of miR-622 on inhibitor of growth family,member 1 (ING1) expression. RESULTS:Expression of miR-622 was down-regulated in gastric cancer. MiR-622 was found involved in differentia-tion and lymphatic metastasis in human gastric cancer. Ectopic expression of miR-622 promoted invasion,tumorigenesis and metastasis of gastric cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo. ING1 is a direct target of miR-622. CONCLUSION:These findings help clarify the molecular mechanisms involved in gastric cancer metastasis and indicate that miR-622 modulation may be a bona fide treatment of gastric cancer. 展开更多
关键词 MicroRNA MiR-622 Gastric cancer METASTASIS Inhibitor of growth family member 1
Human endogenous retroviruses and cancer:Causality and therapeutic possibilities 被引量:4
作者 Christina S Mullins Michael Linnebacher 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第42期6027-6035,共9页
A substantial part of the human genome is derived from transposable elements;remnants of ancient retroviral infections.Conservative estimates set the percentage of human endogenous retroviruses(HERVs) in the genome at... A substantial part of the human genome is derived from transposable elements;remnants of ancient retroviral infections.Conservative estimates set the percentage of human endogenous retroviruses(HERVs) in the genome at 8%.For the most part,the interplay between mutations,epigenetic mechanisms and posttranscriptional regulations silence HERVs in somatic cells.We first highlight mechanisms by which activation of members of several HERV families may be associated with tumor development before discussing the arising chances for both diagnosis and therapy.It has been shown that at least in some cases,tumor cells expressing HERV open reading frames(ORFs) thus gain tumor-promoting functions.However,since these proteins are not expressed in healthy tissues,they become prime target structures.Of potential pharmacological interest are the prevention of HERV transposition,the inhibition of HERV-encoded protein expression and the interference with these proteins' activities.Evidence from recent studies unequivocally proves that HERV ORFs represent a very interesting source of novel tumor-specific antigens with even the potential to surpass entity boundaries.The development of new tumor(immune-) therapies is a very active field and true tumor-specific targets are of outstanding interest since they minimize the risk of autoimmunity and could reduce side effects.Finally,we postulate on main future research streams in order to stimulate discussion on this hot topic. 展开更多
关键词 Human endogenous retroviruses Gastro-intestinal cancer Therapeutic targets Tumor-specificantigens TUMORIGENESIS
Human endogenous retroviruses and cancer 被引量:3
作者 María Gonzalez-Cao Paola Iduma +3 位作者 Niki Karachaliou Mariacarmela Santarpia Julià Blanco Rafael Rosell 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第4期483-488,共6页
Human endogenous retroviruses(HERVs) are retroviruses that infected human genome millions of years ago and have persisted throughout human evolution. About 8% of our genome is composed of HERVs, most of which are nonf... Human endogenous retroviruses(HERVs) are retroviruses that infected human genome millions of years ago and have persisted throughout human evolution. About 8% of our genome is composed of HERVs, most of which are nonfunctional because of epigenetic control or deactivating mutations. However, a correlation between HERVs and human cancer has been described and many tumors, such as melanoma, breast cancer, germ cell tumors, renal cancer or ovarian cancer, express HERV proteins, mainly HERV-K(HML6) and HERV-K(HML2). Although the causative role of HERVs in cancer is controversial, data from animal models demonstrated that endogenous retroviruses are potentially oncogenic. HERV protein expression in human cells generates an immune response by activating innate and adaptive immunities. Some HERV-derived peptides have antigenic properties. For example, HERV-K(HML-6) encodes the HER-K MEL peptide recognized by CD8+ lymphocytes. In addition, HERVs are twoedged immunomodulators. HERVs show immunosuppressive activity. The presence of genomic retroviral elements in host-cell cytosol may activate an interferon type I response. Therefore, targeting HERVs through cellular vaccines or immunomodulatory drugs combined with checkpoint inhibitors is attracting interest because they could be active in human tumors. 展开更多
Comparative transcriptomics reveals genes involved in metabolic and immune pathways in the digestive gland of scallop Chlamysfarreri following cadmium exposure 被引量:1
作者 张辉 翟毓秀 +2 位作者 姚琳 江艳华 李风铃 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期603-612,共10页
Chlamys farreri is an economically important mollusk that can accumulate excessive amounts of cadmium(Cd). Studying the molecular mechanism of Cd accumulation in bivalves is difficult because of the lack of genome bac... Chlamys farreri is an economically important mollusk that can accumulate excessive amounts of cadmium(Cd). Studying the molecular mechanism of Cd accumulation in bivalves is difficult because of the lack of genome background. Transcriptomic analysis based on high-throughput RNA sequencing has been shown to be an efficient and powerful method for the discovery of relevant genes in non-model and genome reference-free organisms. Here, we constructed two c DNA libraries(control and Cd exposure groups) from the digestive gland of C. farreri and compared the transcriptomic data between them. A total of 227 673 transcripts were assembled into 105 071 unigenes, most of which shared high similarity with sequences in the NCBI non-redundant protein database. For functional classification, 24 493 unigenes were assigned to Gene Ontology terms. Additionally, Eu Karyotic Ortholog Groups and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes analyses assigned 12 028 unigenes to 26 categories and 7 849 unigenes to five pathways, respectively. Comparative transcriptomics analysis identified 3 800 unigenes that were differentially expressed in the Cd-treated group compared with the control group. Among them, genes associated with heavy metal accumulation were screened, including metallothionein, divalent metal transporter, and metal tolerance protein. The functional genes and predicted pathways identified in our study will contribute to a better understanding of the metabolic and immune system in the digestive gland of C. farreri. In addition, the transcriptomic data will provide a comprehensive resource that may contribute to the understanding of molecular mechanisms that respond to marine pollutants in bivalves. 展开更多
关键词 bivalves CADMIUM Chlamys farreri comparative transcriptomics differentially expressed genes heavy metals
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