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作者 吴岩 《科技传播》 2024年第19期139-141,共3页
融媒体时代传统硬新闻在移动互联网的助力下,拥有了软表达的平台和环境。要结合当前互联网环境以及新的媒体技术,不断创新新闻宣传方式,使硬新闻实现软表达。文章以沉浸式交互H5作品“深海之锤”为例进行分析,旨在探讨硬新闻如何通过创... 融媒体时代传统硬新闻在移动互联网的助力下,拥有了软表达的平台和环境。要结合当前互联网环境以及新的媒体技术,不断创新新闻宣传方式,使硬新闻实现软表达。文章以沉浸式交互H5作品“深海之锤”为例进行分析,旨在探讨硬新闻如何通过创新手段实现软表达,以适应受众多样化的信息需求和阅读习惯。 展开更多
关键词 硬新闻 软表达 交互 H5
作者 刁雯蕙 丁宁宁 《新闻前哨》 2024年第21期33-34,共2页
高度专业化的科学内容,因其复杂性和专业性,成为社会公众认识科学、了解科学的“壁垒”。科技类行业媒体承担着连接社会公众与科学的“桥梁”作用,如何将“硬科技”以通俗易懂、生动有趣的方式传达给公众,让科技成果更加“接地气”,是... 高度专业化的科学内容,因其复杂性和专业性,成为社会公众认识科学、了解科学的“壁垒”。科技类行业媒体承担着连接社会公众与科学的“桥梁”作用,如何将“硬科技”以通俗易懂、生动有趣的方式传达给公众,让科技成果更加“接地气”,是一个值得探讨的问题。 展开更多
关键词 “硬科技” 软表达 科技新闻报道困境
作者 刘赟 郭笃帅 《全媒体探索》 2021年第4期56-57,共2页
在移动互联网的强势驱动下,媒体格局已发生深刻变革,新闻报道的移动化、社交化、可视化趋势愈演愈烈.在这种背景下,内容较为严肃的政治、经济、科技类等硬新闻,要想实现有效传播与价值输出,必须充分贴合融媒体时代的传播特性,通过技术... 在移动互联网的强势驱动下,媒体格局已发生深刻变革,新闻报道的移动化、社交化、可视化趋势愈演愈烈.在这种背景下,内容较为严肃的政治、经济、科技类等硬新闻,要想实现有效传播与价值输出,必须充分贴合融媒体时代的传播特性,通过技术、内容、形式等层面的融合创新,实现更具亲和力、更接地气的软表达,让内容有深度、有温度,真正走进受众心中. 展开更多
关键词 融媒体时代 硬新闻 软表达 内容创新
作者 陈大众 《新闻世界》 2017年第11期33-35,共3页
财经新闻作为反映经济领域话题的新闻,不仅具有一般新闻的特点,如时效性等,还具有其独特的文体特点,如内容专业化,术语较多。因此,在做财经新闻报道时,记者要注意方式方法,处理好经济话题专业性和通俗性的互相转化,不能"硬说"... 财经新闻作为反映经济领域话题的新闻,不仅具有一般新闻的特点,如时效性等,还具有其独特的文体特点,如内容专业化,术语较多。因此,在做财经新闻报道时,记者要注意方式方法,处理好经济话题专业性和通俗性的互相转化,不能"硬说",要用"软表达"的方式让重大经济话题轻轻"落地"。 展开更多
关键词 财经新闻 软表达 通俗化
作者 李忠生 明心武 《新闻文化建设》 2021年第19期53-54,共2页
关键词 媒体融合 短视频 “硬新闻” 软表达
简析融媒体时代硬新闻的软表达 被引量:4
作者 颜家兵 《中国报业》 2020年第14期26-27,共2页
领导活动、经济动态、重要会议等宣传党和政府中心工作的报道,因其政治性强,涉及宏观政策、专业术语等内容往往冗长乏味,语气通常冰凉刻板,会让读者感觉生硬。融媒体时代的到来,使新闻传播和表达形式越来越新颖,这为"硬新闻"... 领导活动、经济动态、重要会议等宣传党和政府中心工作的报道,因其政治性强,涉及宏观政策、专业术语等内容往往冗长乏味,语气通常冰凉刻板,会让读者感觉生硬。融媒体时代的到来,使新闻传播和表达形式越来越新颖,这为"硬新闻"的软表达提供了可能。本文论述了融媒体时代硬新闻的软表达策略,希望为广大新闻工作者提供一些思路和方法。 展开更多
关键词 融媒体 硬新闻 软表达
软性表达·审慎追问·母题思索——统编教材视域下的散文化小说及教学思考 被引量:1
作者 蒋兴超 《中小学课堂教学研究》 2021年第5期24-28,共5页
关键词 散文化小说 统编教材 表达 审慎追问 母题思索
全媒体时代“硬”新闻如何“软”表达 被引量:8
作者 邓安能 《人民论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第16期122-123,共2页
全媒体时代,"人人皆媒"。在移动互联网的助力下,智媒体已经成为常态,"硬"新闻拥有了"软"平台和环境。对此,我们要不断创新宣传方式,使"硬"新闻"软"表达,更好地实现新闻的有效传播与... 全媒体时代,"人人皆媒"。在移动互联网的助力下,智媒体已经成为常态,"硬"新闻拥有了"软"平台和环境。对此,我们要不断创新宣传方式,使"硬"新闻"软"表达,更好地实现新闻的有效传播与价值认同。"硬"新闻"软"表达,可以将碎片信息集成化,吸收核心信息,使之更好地融入百姓生活;将信息传播技术化,营造真实场景,吸引读者注意力;创新产品开发思维,彰显人文情怀;推动内容策划多元化,生动讲好人民大众的故事。 展开更多
关键词 全媒体 “硬”新闻 表达 产品思维
融媒体时代“硬”新闻如何“软”表达 被引量:1
作者 周芳 《记者观察(中)》 2022年第4期58-60,共3页
关键词 融媒体时代 “硬”新闻 表达
“硬”核观点“软”表达——传统媒体内容可视化的路径探析 被引量:1
作者 刘韬 张建波 孙苗苗 《全媒体探索》 2022年第5期3-7,共5页
全媒体时代的信息传播具有便捷性、交互性、广泛性等特征,这令意见表达更加多元而复杂。如何守正创新,让“硬”核观点深入人心,实现意见的有效传播与价值的广泛认同,是摆在传统媒体尤其是传统报纸面前的重要课题。然而,意见表达或观点... 全媒体时代的信息传播具有便捷性、交互性、广泛性等特征,这令意见表达更加多元而复杂。如何守正创新,让“硬”核观点深入人心,实现意见的有效传播与价值的广泛认同,是摆在传统媒体尤其是传统报纸面前的重要课题。然而,意见表达或观点阐释的创新并非易事,从媒体融合实践的角度看,可视化表达是当前乃至未来一段时间里为受众普遍接受和认可的方式之一。近几年来,国内主流媒体立足自身特点深化媒体融合,做了不少有益尝试,但总体而言,观点类的可视化产品相对稀缺,持续稳定生产各类别多品种的观点类可视化产品成为不少媒体的工作目标。本文基于人民日报“中央厨房”机制下内容可视化探索和实践,以参与者的第一视角,探讨在主题引导可视化、评论可视化、理论可视化操作方面的实现方法和路径。 展开更多
关键词 “硬”观点 表达 传统媒体 可视化 媒体融合
Cloning of Novel Tumor Metastasis-Related Genes from the Highly Metastatic Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cell Line Anip973
作者 刘芳莉 李钰 +2 位作者 于旸 傅松滨 李璞 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期189-195,共7页
A cDNA library was successfully constructed from Anip973, a human lung adenocarcinoma cell line with high metastatic potential. NIH3T3 cells were stably transfected using this cDNA library and screened for morphologic... A cDNA library was successfully constructed from Anip973, a human lung adenocarcinoma cell line with high metastatic potential. NIH3T3 cells were stably transfected using this cDNA library and screened for morphological changes in a soft agar assay. Genomic DNA was isolated from putative clones and the integrated sequence was retrieved by PCR and sequencing. Three known genes, ribosomal protein L23, hypothetical protein FLJ22104, and serine protease inhibitor, kazal type 6 and a number of 5'-terminally truncated sequences were identified. Furthermore, cells transfected with ribosomal protein L23 was highly invasive compared with the empty vector as control (P 〈 0.02). These results indicate that the expression cloning of cDNA libraries in NIH3T3 cells and subsequent screening for loss of contact inhibition in soft agar is a viable tool for identifying tumor-related genes and ribosomal protein L23 gene plays a role in cell movement and metastasis. 展开更多
关键词 cDNA expression library soft agar ONCOGENE METASTASIS Homo sapiens ribosomal protein L23
作者 刘恋 《新闻研究导刊》 2022年第12期97-99,共3页
科技创新是国家综合竞争力的核心体现,且在新的发展阶段被赋予了“战略力量”的重要定位。科学新闻由此成为大众传媒的日常议题。本文从实践角度出发,对近年来涌现的部分优质科学新闻报道展开分析,通过案例分析,提出形象化、具象化、拟... 科技创新是国家综合竞争力的核心体现,且在新的发展阶段被赋予了“战略力量”的重要定位。科学新闻由此成为大众传媒的日常议题。本文从实践角度出发,对近年来涌现的部分优质科学新闻报道展开分析,通过案例分析,提出形象化、具象化、拟人化和形式创新四种具体策略,认为做好科学报道这一硬核新闻的“软表达”,是融媒体时代科学新闻的“出圈”之策。 展开更多
关键词 科学新闻 融媒体时代 报道手法 创新策略 软表达
作者 李彤 《城市党报研究》 2020年第7期94-96,共3页
岁末年初的新冠肺炎疫情,来势汹汹。当这场疫情"邂逅"传统清明,是留在家中规避风险,还是走出家门祭扫先祖,如何抉择?政府是否出台最新的政策引导?在没有任何先例可借鉴和复制时,公众对于新闻资讯获取的需求上升到了前所未有... 岁末年初的新冠肺炎疫情,来势汹汹。当这场疫情"邂逅"传统清明,是留在家中规避风险,还是走出家门祭扫先祖,如何抉择?政府是否出台最新的政策引导?在没有任何先例可借鉴和复制时,公众对于新闻资讯获取的需求上升到了前所未有的高度。作为地方媒体,如何将疫情期间的清明新闻报道宣传做足做透,满足百姓关切,成为一个重要课题。 展开更多
关键词 疫情 清明 新闻报道 贴近 软表达
A microarray-based gastric carcinoma prewarning system 被引量:6
作者 Da-XiangCui LiZhang +12 位作者 Xiao-JunYan Ling-XiaZhang Jun-RongXu Yan-HaiGuo Gui-QiuJin GiovaniGomez DingLi ,Jin-RongZhao Fen-ChanHan JuZhang Jia-LeHu Dai-MingFan Hua-JianGao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第9期1273-1282,共10页
AIM: To develop a microarray-based prewarning system consisting of gastric cancer chip, prewarning data and analysis software for early detection of gastric cancer and pre-cancerous lesions. METHODS: Two high-density ... AIM: To develop a microarray-based prewarning system consisting of gastric cancer chip, prewarning data and analysis software for early detection of gastric cancer and pre-cancerous lesions. METHODS: Two high-density chips with 8 464 human cDNA sites were used to primarily identify potential genes specific for normal gastric mucosa, pre-cancerous lesion and gastric cancer. The low-density chips, composed of selected genes associated with normal gastric mucosa, precancerous lesion and gastric cancer, were fabricated and used to screen 150 specimens including 60 specimens of gastric cancer, 60 of pre-cancerous tissues and 30 of normal gastric mucosa. CAD software was used to screen out the relevant genes and their critical threshold values of expression levels distinguishing normal mucosa from pre-cancerous lesion and cancer. All data were stored in a computer database to establish a prewarning data library for gastric cancer. Two potential markers brcaal and ndr1 were identified by Western blot and immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: A total of 412 genes associated with three stages of gastric cancer development were identified. There were 216 genes displaying higher expression in gastric cancer, 85 genes displaying higher expression in pre-cancerous lesion and 88 genes displaying higher expression in normal gastric mucosa. Also 15 genes associated with metastasis of gastric cancer and 8 genes associated with risk factors were screened out for target genes of diagnosis chip of early gastric cancer. The threshold values of 412 selected genes to distinguish gastric cancer, pre-cancerous lesion from normal gastric mucosa were defined as 6.01±2.40, 4.86±1.94 and 5.42±2.17, respectively. These selected 412 genes and critical threshold values were compiled into an analysis software, which can automatically provide reports by analyzing the results of 412 genes obtained by examining gastric tissues. All data were compiled into a prewarning database for gastric cancer by CGO software. Northern blot and immunohistochemistry analysis confirmed that gene and protein of brcaa1 displayed lower expression in normal gastric mucosa and higher expression in gastric cancer tissues, conversely, ndr1 displayed lower expression in gastric cancer and higher expression in normal gastric mucosa. CONCLUSION: The microarray-based prewarning system for gastric cancer was developed. This system consisted of gastric cancer-associated gene chip, prewarning data and analysis software, which has a high potential for applications in the early detection of gastric cancer. The two potential markers brcaal and ndr1 identified may be used to distinguish cancer status fand non-cancer status. 展开更多
关键词 MICROARRAY Prewarning Gastric cancer
Towards a Formalized Ontology-Based Requirements Model
作者 蒋丹东 张申生 王英林 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2005年第1期34-39,共6页
The goal of this paper is to take a further step towards an ontological approach for representing requirements information. The motivation for ontologies was discussed. The definitions of ontology and requirements ont... The goal of this paper is to take a further step towards an ontological approach for representing requirements information. The motivation for ontologies was discussed. The definitions of ontology and requirements ontology were given. Then, it presented a collection of informal terms, including four subject areas. It also discussed the formalization process of ontology. The underlying meta-ontology was determined, and the formalized requirements ontology was analyzed. This formal ontology is built to serve as a basis for requirements model. Finally, the implementation of software system was given. 展开更多
关键词 requirements ontology ONTOLOGY meta-ontology requirements model formalized
作者 邵雪廉 《新闻战线》 2022年第11期89-91,共3页
权威可读,让“硬”新闻“软”起来;可视可听,让“硬”新闻再“破圈”;守正反哺,打造“硬”新闻运营平台。金华日报推出微信公众号“三江白话”和微信视频号“J观察”,以适应新媒体时代的受众需求为突破口,强化时政要闻的新媒体表达,让... 权威可读,让“硬”新闻“软”起来;可视可听,让“硬”新闻再“破圈”;守正反哺,打造“硬”新闻运营平台。金华日报推出微信公众号“三江白话”和微信视频号“J观察”,以适应新媒体时代的受众需求为突破口,强化时政要闻的新媒体表达,让“硬”新闻实现了“软”表达。 展开更多
关键词 时政新闻 新媒体平台 “硬”新闻 表达
Modeling of shear wave velocity in limestone by soft computing methods 被引量:2
作者 Behnia Danial Ahangari Kaveh Moeinossadat Sayed Rahim 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第3期423-430,共8页
The main purpose of current study is development of an intelligent model for estimation of shear wave velocity in limestone. Shear wave velocity is one of the most important rock dynamic parameters. Because rocks have... The main purpose of current study is development of an intelligent model for estimation of shear wave velocity in limestone. Shear wave velocity is one of the most important rock dynamic parameters. Because rocks have complicated structure, direct determination of this parameter takes time, spends expenditure and requires accuracy. On the other hand, there are no precise equations for indirect determination of it; most of them are empirical. By using data sets of several dams of Iran and neuro-genetic, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), and gene expression programming (GEP) methods, models are rendered for prediction of shear wave velocity in limestone. Totally, 516 sets of data has been used for modeling. From these data sets, 413 ones have been utilized for building the intelligent model, and 103 have been used for their performance evaluation. Compressional wave velocity (Vp), density (7) and porosity (.n), were considered as input parameters. Respectively, the amount of R for neuro-genetic and ANFIS networks was 0.959 and 0.963. In addition, by using GEP, three equations are obtained; the best of them has 0.958R. ANFIS shows the best prediction results, whereas GEP indicates proper equations. Because these equations have accuracy, they could be used for prediction of shear wave velocity for limestone in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Shear wave velocity Limestone Neuro-genetic Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system Gene expression programming
Effects of Xuesetong Soft Capsules(血塞通软胶囊) on angiogenesis and VEGF mRNA expression in ischemic myocardium in rats with myocardial infarction 被引量:3
作者 王振涛 张淑娟 +1 位作者 韩丽华 柴松波 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第1期71-74,共4页
OBJECTIVE:To observe the effects of Xuesetong Soft Capsules(血塞通软胶囊,Notoginseng total saponin) on angiogenesis and vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) mRNA expression in ischemic myocardium of rats with myoc... OBJECTIVE:To observe the effects of Xuesetong Soft Capsules(血塞通软胶囊,Notoginseng total saponin) on angiogenesis and vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) mRNA expression in ischemic myocardium of rats with myocardial infarction.METHODS:The left coronary artery of rats was ligated to establish the animal model of acute myocardial infarction.Rats were randomly divided into Xuesetong Soft Capsule,Shexiangbaoxin Pill(positive control),model(negative control) and sham operation groups.After 6 weeks,microvessel count(MVC),microvessel density(MVD) and VEGF mRNA expressioninischemicmyoc ardium were evaluated.RESULTS:MVC and MVD in the myocardial infarct border area in model,Shexiangbaoxin Pill and Xuesetong Soft Capsule groups significantly increased compared with those of the sham operation group(P<0.05).MVC and MVD in the myocardial infarct border area in Xuesetong Soft Capsule and Shexiangbaoxin Pill groups significantly increased compared with those of the model group(P<0.05).No significant differences between Xuesetong Soft Capsule and Shexiangbaoxin Pill groups were observed(P>0.05).The model group showed signifi-cantly higher VEGF mRNA expression than that in the sham operation group(P<0.05).Xuesetong Soft Capsule and Shexiangbaoxin Pill groups showed significantly higher VEGF mRNA expression than that of the model group(P<0.05).No significant difference between Xuesetong Soft Capsule and the Shexiangbaoxin Pill groups was observed(P>0.05).CONCLUSION:Xuesetong Soft Capsules promote angiogenesis in ischemic myocardium after myocardial infarction and the mechanism may be associated withVEGF mRNA expression. 展开更多
关键词 Xuesetong Soft Capsules(血塞通 囊) Notoginseng total saponin Myocardial infarction ANGIOGENESIS vascular endothelial growth factor
提升广播公益广告传播力的实践与探索 被引量:1
作者 邓红梅 《中国广播影视》 2020年第9期82-85,共4页
广播公益广告有没有感染力、好不好听,直接影响其传播力。本文理论与实践相结合,从创意灵感的勃发、主流价值事实的选择,"应声而倒"的表达、多维度的互动传播等方面,探索创制融人、事、理、情于一体的广播公益广告精品,让受... 广播公益广告有没有感染力、好不好听,直接影响其传播力。本文理论与实践相结合,从创意灵感的勃发、主流价值事实的选择,"应声而倒"的表达、多维度的互动传播等方面,探索创制融人、事、理、情于一体的广播公益广告精品,让受众感受其美,实现传播效果最大化。 展开更多
关键词 公益广告 时代价值 软表达 引导
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