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年轻时吃得健康 老年时身体更好
《食品工业》 北大核心 2017年第12期158-158,共1页
健康饮食的益处日益深入人心,英国南安普敦大学发布的新研究进一步证实,成年人如果长期保持健康饮食,到老年时他们的身体状况更可能会好于那些在此方面"不在意"的人。该校研究人员领衔的团队分析了969名英国男性和女性志愿者的饮食习... 健康饮食的益处日益深入人心,英国南安普敦大学发布的新研究进一步证实,成年人如果长期保持健康饮食,到老年时他们的身体状况更可能会好于那些在此方面"不在意"的人。该校研究人员领衔的团队分析了969名英国男性和女性志愿者的饮食习惯,这些人都是1946年出生,此后他们的相关生活数据一直被跟踪记录。 展开更多
关键词 南安普敦大学 饮食习惯 轻时 在此 谷物类 肌肉骨骼 学术刊物 研究报告 功能衰退 高龄人群
作者 魏玉文 《农业科技与装备》 1997年第1期27-27,共1页
拖拉机轻负荷时为什么采用高档小油门拖拉机轻负荷作业时,若采用较高的档位和较小的油门,这样除满足作业需要外,还可以降低燃油消耗,提高经济性。具体来说:采用较小油门使发动机转速适当降低这样一来,拖拉机仍能在所需要的作业速... 拖拉机轻负荷时为什么采用高档小油门拖拉机轻负荷作业时,若采用较高的档位和较小的油门,这样除满足作业需要外,还可以降低燃油消耗,提高经济性。具体来说:采用较小油门使发动机转速适当降低这样一来,拖拉机仍能在所需要的作业速度范围内工作,不致因为挂了较高的档... 展开更多
关键词 负荷 拖拉机 小油门 作业速度 提高生产率 柴油机 燃油消耗 高经济性 发动机转速 行驶速度
时空并重——全局视野下的建筑创作理念 被引量:1
作者 童淑媛 龙彬 《新建筑》 2012年第2期146-150,共5页
西方传统文化一直重视空间、轻视时间,导致以西方传统文化为基础的现代建筑乃至现代社会产生了种种难以协调的问题。对此,当代建筑理论与实践不得不重新审视时间因素对建筑的作用。一种时间与空间并重的潜流欲从现代哲学、艺术与建筑发... 西方传统文化一直重视空间、轻视时间,导致以西方传统文化为基础的现代建筑乃至现代社会产生了种种难以协调的问题。对此,当代建筑理论与实践不得不重新审视时间因素对建筑的作用。一种时间与空间并重的潜流欲从现代哲学、艺术与建筑发展的背景中喷薄而出,这似乎预示着建筑创作的一种新趋势。通过对此现象的探讨,呼吁当代建筑创作重视时间因素,将时间与空间并重,在一种全局视野下进行建筑创作,以期营造更符合科学规律的新建筑。 展开更多
关键词 重空轻时 空并重 全局视野 建筑创作理念
作者 网文 《理论与当代》 2018年第2期62-63,共2页
网文在11月23日的《广州日报》上发表文章说,朋友过50岁生日,几杯酒下肚,他的感言也多了起来:'我现在体会到,—个人聪不聪明往往到下半辈子才看得出来,只有在身体、事业、感情、孩子这4个方面有好结果,那才叫聪明。'朋友细说他... 网文在11月23日的《广州日报》上发表文章说,朋友过50岁生日,几杯酒下肚,他的感言也多了起来:'我现在体会到,—个人聪不聪明往往到下半辈子才看得出来,只有在身体、事业、感情、孩子这4个方面有好结果,那才叫聪明。'朋友细说他的见解。'年轻时,大家的身体都不错,都经得起折腾。 展开更多
关键词 <广州日报> 文在 五十 有好 之快 大家 就更 不及格 轻时 谁能
作者 尚升 滕沐颖 《中亚信息》 2017年第8期32-32,共1页
为了吃低保,别人争得面红耳赤,麦麦提·阿不都热合曼却总想让出去,"靠政府的救济脸臊得慌,得辛勤劳动脱贫才行。"麦麦提今年62岁,是新疆喀什地区莎车县伊什库力乡阔依其村农民。年轻时的麦麦提并不穷,家里有十几亩地,农闲时外出... 为了吃低保,别人争得面红耳赤,麦麦提·阿不都热合曼却总想让出去,"靠政府的救济脸臊得慌,得辛勤劳动脱贫才行。"麦麦提今年62岁,是新疆喀什地区莎车县伊什库力乡阔依其村农民。年轻时的麦麦提并不穷,家里有十几亩地,农闲时外出打打零工,日子过得去。没想到,前些年妻子患上精神疾病,不但花光了家里的积蓄,每天还需要服药治疗。后来子女上学,麦麦提东挪西借勉强凑够学费。 展开更多
关键词 麦麦 阔依其 精神疾病 中国新疆 新疆喀什 莎车 低保 轻时 打打 阿不都
作者 家俊辉 《中国减灾》 2017年第11期38-38,共1页
"那是一场可怕的灾难……"夕阳中,一位老人带着孙女在高处俯瞰着眼前这座美丽的城市,回忆起自己年轻时遭遇的一场灾难。这是江西省瑞昌市防灾减灾宣传教育基地的4D影院播放的一则防震减灾科教短片。屏幕上,随着老人的回忆,场景跳回过... "那是一场可怕的灾难……"夕阳中,一位老人带着孙女在高处俯瞰着眼前这座美丽的城市,回忆起自己年轻时遭遇的一场灾难。这是江西省瑞昌市防灾减灾宣传教育基地的4D影院播放的一则防震减灾科教短片。屏幕上,随着老人的回忆,场景跳回过去,大地开始剧烈震动,高楼随之摇晃,街道上的汽车顿时失去控制,横冲直撞。屏幕前,随着座椅左右摇摆着的观众,在4D效果的作用下,仿佛置身于这场灾难之中,挥舞着手臂试图去遮挡从高楼坠落的杂物。 展开更多
关键词 减灾 瑞昌市 宣传教育 左右摇摆 失去控制 孙女 带着 短片 轻时 防灾减灾日
作者 吕传彬 《健康人生》 2018年第1期44-45,共2页
案例故事:一位身材壮硕的中年车友,无心脏病史,也有规律运动习惯,一次骑车时,突然感觉异常疲累,就坐在路边桥头,趴在自行车坐垫上休息。等到伙伴上前关心,他已失去呼吸心跳,骤然离世,诊断死因为心脏麻痺。运动已是全民重要的保健休闲生... 案例故事:一位身材壮硕的中年车友,无心脏病史,也有规律运动习惯,一次骑车时,突然感觉异常疲累,就坐在路边桥头,趴在自行车坐垫上休息。等到伙伴上前关心,他已失去呼吸心跳,骤然离世,诊断死因为心脏麻痺。运动已是全民重要的保健休闲生活,很多有心脏病史的人,年轻时运动惯了,在被检查出心脏病时,到底该不该持续运动?该选择什么样的运动?该注意些什么? 展开更多
关键词 心脏病 案例故事 运动强度 运动负荷 感觉异常 休闲生活 运动习惯 轻时 高血压 高强度运动
Spatial and Temporal Distribution Characteristics of Fog Days and Hazy Days in Xi’an
作者 王珊 孟小荣 金丽娜 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第7期1037-1040,1048,共5页
The characters of foggy day, misty day and hazy day were analyzed based on information in 7 meteorological stations in Xi’an during 1960 -2012. The results showed that during 1960-2012 in Xi’an, foggy day occurs mos... The characters of foggy day, misty day and hazy day were analyzed based on information in 7 meteorological stations in Xi’an during 1960 -2012. The results showed that during 1960-2012 in Xi’an, foggy day occurs most in mountainous regions and few in plains; misty day occurs most in cities and few in suburbs; hazy day occurs most in cities, followed by inner and outer suburbs. Annual foggy day in Xi’an changed from increasing to decreasing; misty day was increasing by 9.0 d/10 a; hazy day was decreasing by -7.7 d/10 a. During the 53 y in Xi’an, foggy day was shown in a singly-valley shape, and the minimum appeared in summer and the maximum appeared in winter; misty day was shown in a "V"-shape, and the minimum (7.6 d) appeared in June and the maximum (3.8 d) in December; hazy day was shown in a "U"-shape from May to September and the maximum in January (6.1). 展开更多
关键词 FOG MIST HAZE Spatial and temporal distribution Xi’an
Interpretation of Fashion Change through the Thoughts of Hong Kong Young Consumers
作者 罗家明 张志明 梁春燊 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2001年第2期85-92,共8页
Fashion changes frequently, on monthly, seasonal to yearly basis. In different periods of time, people tried to use different theories to explain the concept of fashion change. Traditional views including trickle down... Fashion changes frequently, on monthly, seasonal to yearly basis. In different periods of time, people tried to use different theories to explain the concept of fashion change. Traditional views including trickle down theory, collective selection theory, mass market theory and subculture leadership theory. From the viewpoint of contemporary thoughts, symbolic interactionist theory of fashion and the power of the fashion industry were discussed and used to examine fashion images prevailing in Hong Kong. Hong Kong young consumers were selected as study samples. Focus group interviews and questionnaire survey were used as qualitative and quantitative method. Results shows that to accept fashion change, status (working or studying) had influence in interpreting fashion images. In addition, male and female students had different opinion on selected statements of the symbolic interactionist theory of fashion but no difference was found between working subjects. Marketing implications are discussed with reference to the findings. 展开更多
Film Le Dēpart by Jerzy Skolimowski: Important Unknown Piece of Art
作者 Iwona Grodz 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第3期271-277,共7页
The aim of this essay is firstly to indicate a little-known film Le Dēpart made by the famous Polish director Jerzy Skolimowski in 1967 year as an example of the Polish New Wave. Although it was made in Belgium and i... The aim of this essay is firstly to indicate a little-known film Le Dēpart made by the famous Polish director Jerzy Skolimowski in 1967 year as an example of the Polish New Wave. Although it was made in Belgium and it stars Jean-Pierre Lēaud as a car-obsessed young man trying to get possession of a Porsche for a race. The film won the Golden Bear at the 17th Berlin International Film Festival and was also selected as the Belgian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 40th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee. Secondly, I analyze the reasons of misunderstanding the idea of the director in the film when it was shown in the the public. Thirdly, "entering" this movie in context of art: poetry, painting etc. Then to answer the question (hypothesis): "Is the Polish Film New Wave a phenomenon that did not exist?" The methodology used for the paper is analysis and interpretation of the film itself; analysis of its reception in the 60s and now: poetics of receipt, cognitivism, comparative research. 展开更多
关键词 New Wave in cinema Jerzy Skolimowski Polish film Le Dēpart
Magic Realism in Morrison's Paradise
作者 CHEN Yue-ting 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第8期973-981,共9页
"We Are the Furrow of His Brow" is the graffiti altered from "Beware of the Furrow of His Brow" or "The Furrow of His Brow" on the hood of an oven in a separated black town Ruby. Young people of Ruby change the ... "We Are the Furrow of His Brow" is the graffiti altered from "Beware of the Furrow of His Brow" or "The Furrow of His Brow" on the hood of an oven in a separated black town Ruby. Young people of Ruby change the words because they feel regretted contriving to shoot an assumed guilty woman living in the nearby convent. However, whether the woman Consolata and the other four women at the convent are dead remains mysterious. There are some descriptions of magics in Paradise in which the most magical abilities are Connie's "bat vision" and "stepping in". This paper demonstrates the ways that Morrison manifests magic realism in Paradise including multiple narrative timelines, ambiguous writing, reconstituted marginal figures and naturally blended reality. Primarily in thefour ways Morrison presents how she utilizes magic realism genre to depict the changeable world penetrating through the appearance. 展开更多
关键词 Magic realism Toni Morrison PARADISE
因铆接工艺错误 引起离合器打滑
作者 耿子恒 《农业开发与装备》 1997年第4期28-28,共1页
一台东风—28拖拉机,铆接离合器磨片后出现离合器轻负荷时正常,重负荷时打滑。 经检查,不是离合器粘油、磨片钢板变形、离合弹簧弹力不足和踏板行程、松放爪间隙调整不当等原因造成的。拆下磨片仔细检查发现铆钉有几个和磨片平面持平,... 一台东风—28拖拉机,铆接离合器磨片后出现离合器轻负荷时正常,重负荷时打滑。 经检查,不是离合器粘油、磨片钢板变形、离合弹簧弹力不足和踏板行程、松放爪间隙调整不当等原因造成的。拆下磨片仔细检查发现铆钉有几个和磨片平面持平,未按规定低于1毫米,所以出现了点接触。 展开更多
关键词 铆接工艺 负荷 点接触 重负荷 磨片 间隙调整 拖拉机 仔细检查 离合器打滑 弹簧弹力
作者 杨克汶 《山东农机化》 1998年第12期15-15,共1页
1.冷天启动柴油机时,汽缸内温度较低,不易启动,油门应扳到中偏大位置,待发动机运转正常后,方能把油门手柄调到小油门位置,低速运转。 2.柴油机热车启动时,因机体、水箱、缸套等都有余热,启动较容易。
关键词 小油门 油门手柄 要点 热车启动 负荷 速运 交通流量 挡木 汽缸 柴油机
作者 黄宝林 《农业开发与装备》 1997年第4期29-29,共1页
关键词 喷油器 小四轮拖拉机 S195型柴油机 冒黑烟 发动机 负荷 进气管 提前角 喷油泵 小油门
Seismic Analysis for Rigid-Framed Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Bridge in Tianjin Light Railway
作者 丁阳 李楠 李忠献 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2004年第4期265-269,共5页
The seismic analysis of a rigid-framed prestressed concrete bridge in Tianjin Light Railway is performed. A 3-D dynamic finite element model of the bridge is established considering the weakening effect caused by the ... The seismic analysis of a rigid-framed prestressed concrete bridge in Tianjin Light Railway is performed. A 3-D dynamic finite element model of the bridge is established considering the weakening effect caused by the soft soil foundation. After the dynamic characteristics are calculated in terms of natural frequencies and modes, the seismic analysis is carried out using the modal response spectrum method and the time-history method, respectively. Based on the calculated results, the reasonable design values are finally suggested as the basis of the seismic design of the bridge, and meanwhile the problems encountered were also analyzed. Finally, some conclusions are drawn as: 1) Despite the superiority of rigid-framed prestressed concrete bridge, the upper and lower ends of the piers of the bridge are proved to be the crucial parts of the bridge, which are easily destroyed under designed earthquake excitations and should be carefully analyzed and designed; 2) The soft soil foundation can possibly result in rather weakening of the lateral rigidity of the rigid-framed bridge, and should be paid considerable attention; 3) The modal response spectrum method, combined with time-history method, is suggested for the seismic analysis in engineering design of the rigid-framed prestressed concrete bridge. 展开更多
关键词 light railway rigid-framed bridge prestressed reinforced concrete seismic analysis dynamic characteristics response spectrum TIME-HISTORY
Effects of creative expression program on the event-related potential and task reaction time of elderly with mild cognitive impairment
作者 Junyu Zhao Hong Li +3 位作者 Rong Lin Minzhi Xie Yinzhou Wang Huiying Chen 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第1期38-42,I0003,共6页
Objectives:This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a 16-week creative expression intervention program(CrExp)on the event-related potential(ERP)and task reaction time in older individuals with mild cognitive impair... Objectives:This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a 16-week creative expression intervention program(CrExp)on the event-related potential(ERP)and task reaction time in older individuals with mild cognitive impairment(MCI).Methods:This study is a randomized controlled clinical trial conducted in the Memory Center of Fujian Provincial hospital.Thirty-six MCI patients were randomly distributed into two groups.One group underwent a 16-week creative expression program(CrExp,n=18)and the other performed as a control group(CG,n=18)by general social activities.The amplitude and latency of ERP-P300 from the central(Cz),parietal(Pz),frontal(Fz)cortices and task reaction time(RT)were assessed at baseline,postinterventi on,and 24-week follow-up.Results:The CrExp group showed greater differences than CG of P300 latency in Cz(F=4.37,P=0.015),Pz(F=2.78,P=0.009),Fz(F=6.45,P=0.031)brain area after 16 weeks of intervention and in Fz(F=3.23,P=0.028),Cz(F=3.79,P=0.024),and Pz(F=5.60,P=0.036)at 24 weeks follow-up.Also,we analyzed the task reaction time between two groups and found that a shorten reaction time at postintervention(F=4.47,P=0.011)and 24 weeks follow-up(F=3.12,P=0.007)in the CrExp group.However,there was no difference in P300 amplitude in either brain area between the two groups.Conclusion:The electrophysiological results of the creative expression cognitive therapy group were more obvious than those of the general cognitive therapy group,and the latency and task reaction time may be considered as supported parameters in diagnosing the effects during non-drug therapy intervention in clinical practice. 展开更多
关键词 Aged Cognitive therapy Event-related potentials Mild cognitive impairment Reaction time
Game Spirits in the American Youngsters Series--Take Harry Potter and The Hunger Games as Examples
作者 ZHANG Jie 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第4期302-307,共6页
The series of Harry Potter and the series of The Hunger Games are the most frequently mentioned children's and youngster's stories after The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Both of them are children's and youngster's fa... The series of Harry Potter and the series of The Hunger Games are the most frequently mentioned children's and youngster's stories after The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Both of them are children's and youngster's favorite stories. All of them are about children's adventures. But because of the time and history, they represent different themes of the time. This research paper aims at analyzing the Game Spirits in the first two. The suspense and surprise, fantastic adventures and time interweaving are shown in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. And the unbelievable background, the lucky number, image of gamble, and the game against humanity are the Game Spirits in The Hunger Games. The purpose of this thesis is to help people better understand Harry Potter and The Hunger Games in the aspect of Game Spirit. Harry Potter is the full of fantastic adventure while The Hunger Game is a story full of survival. 展开更多
关键词 Game Spirit the Harry Potter series children literature suspense and surprise adventures suspense and surprise J. K. Rowling
作者 落叶 《中国盐业》 2018年第12期63-64,共2页
第二章 深情一吻 不大的一会功夫,他们走到了办理登机手续的柜台前,王小天和孙帆就这样面对面站着,彼此四目相对,充满了依依的不舍,时间也仿佛静止了一样,任由他们去挥霍这份用情感堆积起来的封闭空间.另一方面,旅客们时不时都会从他... 第二章 深情一吻 不大的一会功夫,他们走到了办理登机手续的柜台前,王小天和孙帆就这样面对面站着,彼此四目相对,充满了依依的不舍,时间也仿佛静止了一样,任由他们去挥霍这份用情感堆积起来的封闭空间.另一方面,旅客们时不时都会从他们身边掠过,没有人去上前打扰这对年轻的情侣,都是略带羡慕的眼光去审视这两个年轻人,时不时脑子里会幻想一下自己年轻时的情景,好像也不过如此.都是一样的年少轻狂,都是一样的少年不知愁滋味,于是便有了在办理登记手续的柜台前这一道美丽的风景线. 展开更多
关键词 封闭空间 四目 就这样 不舍 面对面 轻时 这份 幻想 大洋 你怎么知道
作者 罗杰·迪安·凯泽 《读写月报(初中版)》 2018年第3期33-33,共1页
我想,一个人要长大需要很多年的时间;但是,更重要的是,一个人要聪明起来,也需要很多年的时间。年轻时,有一天早上,我从当地报纸上看到一则广告,广告里说,要出售一艘马达和拖车都“几乎是完美状态”的游艇。我打电话过去,经过与一位上年... 我想,一个人要长大需要很多年的时间;但是,更重要的是,一个人要聪明起来,也需要很多年的时间。年轻时,有一天早上,我从当地报纸上看到一则广告,广告里说,要出售一艘马达和拖车都“几乎是完美状态”的游艇。我打电话过去,经过与一位上年纪的男人交谈之后,确定那是一艘崭新的游艇,以这个价格我不可能买到比它更好的游艇了。我立即跳进我的旅行车,前往现场实地查看。 展开更多
关键词 当地报纸 游艇 拖车 轻时 上面 给我 他那 理得 雪佛兰 子般
抓住机会 充实自己——记静安乐龄讲坛的忠实粉丝陈泰生
作者 胡加嗣 《成才与就业》 2017年第S2期79-79,共1页
关键词 陈泰 讲坛 轻时 生老 回家以后 泰生 发展前景
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