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地轮驱动式农家肥撒施机的研制 被引量:14
作者 潘世强 梁文甲 +2 位作者 温越英 梁天也 张盛文 《吉林农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期229-231,共3页
研制的地轮驱动式农家肥撒施机由左右地轮分别经传动装置带动输肥装置和撒肥装置完成输肥和拨肥,不需额外动力,只需牵引动力。该机肥箱容积为2 m^3,工作幅宽2 m,纯生产率0.8-1.6 hm^2/h,配套动力为18-30马力轮式拖拉机。
关键词 农家 撒施机 输肥 均匀度
树体输液在豫南丘陵山区干旱板栗园的应用 被引量:2
作者 杨霁虹 郭玲 +2 位作者 曾伏虎 施新程 孔令葆 《信阳师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2001年第3期322-323,337,共3页
用树体输液的方法对豫南干旱板栗树进行输水、可使株产平均提高 1 60 % ;输氮磷钾肥料液 ,可使株产平均提高 1 80 % ;输硅元素肥料液可使株产提高 3 6% ;同时 ,雌花序结实率平均提高 4 1 % ,虫果率平均降低 2 3%
关键词 板栗 干旱 树体 雌花序结实率 虫果率 豫南丘陵山区 输肥
再生稻促芽追肥机研制 被引量:1
作者 徐红梅 徐正 +2 位作者 杨浩 王启超 张国忠 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第14期12-20,共9页
再生稻促芽肥的用量较小,因此对排肥器排量准确性和排肥均匀性具有较高要求。现有再生稻追肥机械较难满足再生稻促芽肥追施准确性和均匀性要求。该研究综合槽轮排肥器和齿式排肥器的优点,结合具有较好分气性能的导流板式分气装置,设计... 再生稻促芽肥的用量较小,因此对排肥器排量准确性和排肥均匀性具有较高要求。现有再生稻追肥机械较难满足再生稻促芽肥追施准确性和均匀性要求。该研究综合槽轮排肥器和齿式排肥器的优点,结合具有较好分气性能的导流板式分气装置,设计了一种可与再生稻收割机配合使用的气力式再生稻促芽追肥机。追肥机采用两级排肥器进行排肥,主要由上方槽轮与下方多组齿式排肥轮组成。首先根据常用促芽肥外形尺寸确定了两级排肥器中槽轮、齿式排肥轮的主要结构参数,然后通过理论计算结合离散元仿真试验,确定了槽轮与齿式排肥轮转速的最佳传动比为1∶1.8,此时排肥器排肥最均匀,断条现象发生较少,肥料无堆积。对分气装置进行仿真模拟试验发现,随着导流板开口角度的增大,各排气口流速一致性变异系数先降低后增大,当开口角度为48°时,变异系数最小,为5.65%,此时分气装置各排气口流速差异最小、分气效果最优,各排气口平均风速为19.37 m/s,满足设计要求。对两级排肥器进行离散元仿真试验发现,在10~20r/min转速范围内,各排肥口排肥量一致性变异系数随转速的增大先减小后增大,最大值为2.57%,满足施肥标准中各行排肥量一致性变异系数小于7%的要求。最后,以小粒径尿素为试验材料,以排肥槽轮转速为试验因素,以排肥速率、各行排肥量变异系数、排肥均匀性变异系数为评价指标,进行样机排肥性能试验。结果表明:在10~20r/min转速范围内,排肥速率随排肥槽轮转速的增加而增大,排肥速率变化范围为672.9~1447.6g/min,可与收割机作业速度相匹配;各行排肥量一致性变异系数最大为3.09%,各排肥口排量均匀性变异系数最大为27.01%,均满足NY/T1003-2006追肥机械作业标准要求。研究结果可为再生稻追肥机设计提供重要参考。 展开更多
关键词 离散元 农业机械 再生稻 促芽追 装置 气力输肥
作者 王志鹏 宋莹莹 《门窗》 2020年第3期201-202,共2页
关键词 热入泰”长管线 煤电机组 供暖改造
腔盘式穴施肥装置柔性护肥机构设计与试验 被引量:7
作者 刘正道 王庆杰 +3 位作者 李洪文 何进 卢彩云 谢立娟 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期97-103,共7页
针对腔盘式穴施肥装置存在的输肥过程中肥盘与护肥腔刚性接触、造成卡肥现象,严重影响输肥稳定性等问题,提出了一种柔性护肥方法,并设计了基于梅花状尼龙纤维的柔性护肥机构。通过理论计算和有限元模拟仿真,对单根尼龙纤维的力学性能进... 针对腔盘式穴施肥装置存在的输肥过程中肥盘与护肥腔刚性接触、造成卡肥现象,严重影响输肥稳定性等问题,提出了一种柔性护肥方法,并设计了基于梅花状尼龙纤维的柔性护肥机构。通过理论计算和有限元模拟仿真,对单根尼龙纤维的力学性能进行分析,得出了尼龙纤维结构参数对其受力和形变的影响规律,确定所选用纤维直径为0. 1 mm;通过对纤维束结构的分析,为保证植毛孔安全距离和刷丝束合理间隙,设计刷丝长度为13 mm,植毛孔直径为4 mm;运用EDEM软件模拟肥腔内肥料受压过程各壁面受力变化,确定肥盘与底护肥刷的安装负间隙为1. 6 mm,与侧护肥刷的安装负间隙为0. 5 mm。加工了柔性护肥机构并进行验证试验,试验结果表明,该机构无卡肥现象,肥盘转动扭矩为4. 71 N·m,肥盘转动阻力比原机构减小58. 54%。该柔性护肥机构可有效避免输肥过程中的卡肥现象,降低输肥阻力,保证了输肥稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 装置 腔盘式 穴施 柔性护 输肥稳定性
温室大棚自走式电动撒肥机的设计与试验 被引量:1
作者 左鹏 《当代农机》 2019年第1期65-67,共3页
为解决目前温室大棚撒肥作业过程中农民劳动强度大、作业效率低、撒肥不均匀的问题,设计了一款温室大棚自走式电动撒肥机。介绍了该机的整机结构和技术要求,阐述了该机的传动系统设计、主要部件设计以及整机性能试验情况,指出了该设计... 为解决目前温室大棚撒肥作业过程中农民劳动强度大、作业效率低、撒肥不均匀的问题,设计了一款温室大棚自走式电动撒肥机。介绍了该机的整机结构和技术要求,阐述了该机的传动系统设计、主要部件设计以及整机性能试验情况,指出了该设计为温室大棚机械化作业提供了一种新的技术装备,具有广阔的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 温室大棚 输肥 电动
作者 骆宏勋 《河北农业》 1997年第3期27-27,共1页
关键词 人工播种 手动式 作业 入土部分 输肥 保护措施 覆膜栽培 脚踏板
作者 骆宏勋 《企业科技与发展》 1996年第10期22-22,共1页
在劳动生产过程当中,科学定量、定位的深施肥能提高农作物及经济作物的产量,降低肥料的损耗,从而提高农业的投入与产出比,为达到增收降耗的目的,特向读者推出手动式人工播种小型施肥农机具的制作技术,供大家参考。 1 用途及优点 本机适... 在劳动生产过程当中,科学定量、定位的深施肥能提高农作物及经济作物的产量,降低肥料的损耗,从而提高农业的投入与产出比,为达到增收降耗的目的,特向读者推出手动式人工播种小型施肥农机具的制作技术,供大家参考。 1 用途及优点 本机适用于各种粒状化肥,可对玉米、高粱、棉花、油葵、甜菜、烟草、白菜、大头菜、黄瓜、西瓜、西红柿、茄子、辣椒、豆角等穴播。 展开更多
关键词 手动式 输肥 劳动生产过程 脚踏板 回位弹簧 制作技术 投入与产出 入土部分 科学定量
作者 赵德华 夏元新 高健 《山东农机化》 2003年第8期17-17,共1页
2BJD系列精播施肥机,采用螺旋型穴精密排种器,集精播,常量播种,行间施肥于一体的多功能小麦、大豆、玉米、花生精播机,本机设计合理,操作灵活,播量均匀、稳定,调节方便,一次完成开沟、播种、施肥覆土、压实等多项作业,综合性能好、适应... 2BJD系列精播施肥机,采用螺旋型穴精密排种器,集精播,常量播种,行间施肥于一体的多功能小麦、大豆、玉米、花生精播机,本机设计合理,操作灵活,播量均匀、稳定,调节方便,一次完成开沟、播种、施肥覆土、压实等多项作业,综合性能好、适应性强,是实现小麦、玉米、大豆、花生及农作物精播种植技术的理想工具. 展开更多
关键词 2BJD系列精播施 使用 开沟器 毛刷更换 排种器 种管 输肥 润滑油
作者 赵经才 杨经照 陈学智 《山东农机化》 1997年第6期15-15,共1页
2BHM—1型多功能花生精量播种机,是与小四轮拖拉机配套,具有施种肥、起垄、播种、镇压、喷除草剂、地膜覆盖等多种功能的机具,适合春夏花生平作或垄作播种,使用调整得当,可充分发挥机具的效能。 一、施肥 如图所示,该机装有施肥开沟铲,... 2BHM—1型多功能花生精量播种机,是与小四轮拖拉机配套,具有施种肥、起垄、播种、镇压、喷除草剂、地膜覆盖等多种功能的机具,适合春夏花生平作或垄作播种,使用调整得当,可充分发挥机具的效能。 一、施肥 如图所示,该机装有施肥开沟铲,上下移动铲柄,即可得到不同的施肥深度,一般施肥深度为5~8cm。排肥装置是利用9行小麦播种机的全套播种装置,工作时只利用中间的1~2个排种器作排肥器,其余的排种口要遮住。输种管作输肥管。 展开更多
关键词 精量播种机 开沟铲 夏花生 多功能 起垄 深度 输肥 覆土器 机具 排种器
Energy Balance in Crop Production 被引量:1
《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第5期527-533,共7页
The most appropriate method of energy balancing in crop production is the process analysis where fossil energy input is considered rather than manpower or solar energy. In our approach, fossil energy input is split to... The most appropriate method of energy balancing in crop production is the process analysis where fossil energy input is considered rather than manpower or solar energy. In our approach, fossil energy input is split to direct and indirect input components. Direct energy input includes the consumption of diesel fuel required for field operations taking into account the influences of location and management conditions. Moreover, energy consumption for construction of agricultural machines is also considered as direct energy input. Indirect energy inputs include seed material, plant protection agents, fertilizers and operation of machines. Production and utilisation of nitrogen (N) fertilizer represents by 50% of energy consumption in agricultural systems. Data from a field experiment conducted during 1995-2000 on a fertile sandy loess in the Hercynian dry region of central Germany were used to determine the energy efficiency of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) as affected by nitrogen (N) fertilization. Our results show that different N management strategies affect the energy balance of the seed oil. Lowest energy input and energy output occurred in the unfertilized crop. The energy efficiency was determined using the parameters energy gain (net energy output), energy intensity (energy input per unit grain equivalent GE; term GE is used to express the contribution that crops make to the nutrition of monogastric beings), and output/input ratio. The most favourable N rate for minimum energy intensity was 80 kg N hal while that needed for maximum energy gain was 160 kg ha1. Output/input ratio was the highest at 80 kg N ha-l. 展开更多
关键词 Energy balance nitrogen fertilizer crop production.
《农机安全监理》 北大核心 1994年第4期12-13,共2页
专利信息营养肉制品制作法本发明涉及的是一种营养肉制品的制作方法。其原料包括腌制肉、桂圆肉、蜂蜜、人参精、鹿茸精、味精、鲜姜、水、淀粉及辅料等。先将猪、牛等肉加入盐、硝酸钠腌制成腌制肉,进行斩茸后混入其它原料,在1.2... 专利信息营养肉制品制作法本发明涉及的是一种营养肉制品的制作方法。其原料包括腌制肉、桂圆肉、蜂蜜、人参精、鹿茸精、味精、鲜姜、水、淀粉及辅料等。先将猪、牛等肉加入盐、硝酸钠腌制成腌制肉,进行斩茸后混入其它原料,在1.2大气压下处理15~20分钟,进行包... 展开更多
关键词 防癌保健食品 大白菜 饮水杯 专利 肉制品 播种机 输肥 生产方法 动强度 钢屋架
Sorption, Transport and Transformation of Atrazine in Soils,Minerals and Composts: A Review 被引量:11
作者 A.MUDHOO V.K.GARG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第1期11-25,共15页
Atrazine is a widely used herbicide for controlling weeds on both agricultural and nonagricultural land,which is equally detected in water supplies beyond safe concentrations.Although the presence of atrazine metaboli... Atrazine is a widely used herbicide for controlling weeds on both agricultural and nonagricultural land,which is equally detected in water supplies beyond safe concentrations.Although the presence of atrazine metabolites is an indication of herbicide degradation,some of them still exhibit toxicity,greater water solubility and weaker interaction with soil components than atrazine.Hence,studies with atrazine in the environment are of interest because of its potential to contaminate drinking water sources.Data on atrazine availability for transport,plant uptake,and microbial degradation and mineralization are therefore required to perform more comprehensive and realistic environmental risk assessments of its environmental fate.This review presents an account of the sorption-desorption phenomenon of atrazine on soil and other sorbents by revisiting the several mechanisms of atrazine-sorbent binding reported in the literature.The retention and transport of atrazine in soils;the influence of organic matter on atrazine sorption;the interactions of atrazine with humic substances,atrazine uptake by plants,atrazine bioccumulation and microbial degradation;atrazine transformation in composting environments;and finally atrazine removal by biosorption are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 BIOACCUMULATION catabolic pathways humic substances microbial degradation MINERALIZATION
Compost Input Effect on Dryland Wheat and Forage Yields and Soil Quality
作者 Francisco J. CALDERON Merle F. VIGIL Joseph BENJAMIN 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期451-462,共12页
Organic agricultural systems rely on organic amendments to achieve crop fertility requirements, and weed control must be achieved without synthetic herbicides. Our objective was to determine the crop yield and soil qu... Organic agricultural systems rely on organic amendments to achieve crop fertility requirements, and weed control must be achieved without synthetic herbicides. Our objective was to determine the crop yield and soil quality as affected by a transition from grass to dryland organic agriculture in the Central Great Plains of North America. This study evaluated three beef feedlot compost(BFC)treatments in 2010–2015 following biennial application rates: 0(control), 22.9, and 108.7 t ha^(-1) on two dryland organic cropping systems: a wheat(Triticum aestivum)-fallow(WF) rotation harvested for grain and a triticale(Triticosecale)/pea(Pisum sativum)-fallow(T/P-F) rotation harvested for forage. The triticale + pea biomass responded positively to the 108.7-t ha^(-1) BFC treatment,but not the 22.9-t ha^(-1) BFC treatment. The wheat biomass was not affected by BFC addition, but biomass N content increased.Beef feedlot compost input did not increase wheat grain yields, but had a positive effect on wheat grain Zn content. Soil total C and N contents increased with the rate of 108.7 t ha^(-1) BFC after three applications, but not with 22.9 t ha^(-1) BFC. Soil enzyme activities associated with N and C cycling responded positively to the 108.7-t ha^(-1) BFC treatment. Saturated salts were high in the soil receiving 108.7 t ha^(-1) of BFC, but did not affect crop yields. These results showed that BFC was effective in enhancing forage yields, wheat grain quality, and soil C and N, as well as specific microbial enzymes important for nutrient cycling. However, the large rates of BFC necessary to elicit these positive responses did not increase grain yields, and resulted in an excessive buildup of soil P. 展开更多
关键词 organic agriculture soil C soil enzyme activity soil N PEA TRITICALE
Nitrogen Balance and Loss in a Greenhouse Vegetable System in Southeastern China 被引量:92
作者 MIN Ju ZHAO Xu SHI Wei-Ming XING Guang-Xi ZHU Zhao-Liang 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期464-472,共9页
High rates of fertilizer nitrogen (N) are applied in greenhouse vegetable fields in southeastern China to maximize production;however,the N budgets of such intensive vegetable production remain to be explored.The goal... High rates of fertilizer nitrogen (N) are applied in greenhouse vegetable fields in southeastern China to maximize production;however,the N budgets of such intensive vegetable production remain to be explored.The goal of this study was to determine the annual N balance and loss in a greenhouse vegetable system of annual rotation of tomato,cucumber,and celery at five N (urea) application rates (0,348,522,696,and 870 kg N ha-1 year-1).Total N input to the 0-50 cm soil layer ranged from 531 to 1 053 kg ha-1,and N fertilizer was the main N source,accounting for 66%-83% of the total annual N input.In comparison,irrigation water,wet deposition,and seeds in total accounted for less than 1% of the total N input.The fertilizer N use efficiency was only 18% under the conventional application rate of 870 kg N ha-1 and decreased as the application rate increased from 522 to 870 kg N ha-1.Apparent N losses were 196-201 kg N ha-1,of which 71%-86% was lost by leaching at the application rates of 522-870 kg N ha-1.Thus,leaching was the primary N loss pathway at high N application rates and the amount of N leached was proportional to the N applied during the cucumber season.Moreover,dissolved organic N accounted for 10% of the leached N,whereas NH3 volatilization only contributed 0.1%-0.6% of the apparent N losses under the five N application rates in this greenhouse vegetable system. 展开更多
关键词 ammonia volatilization intensive production N input N leaching N use efficiency
Compost Effect on Diuron Retention and Transport in Structured Vineyard Soils 被引量:2
作者 Mathieu THEVENOT Sylvie DOUSSET 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期25-36,共12页
Diuron is frequently detected in surface- and groundwater under the vineyards, where organic amendments are often used, in Burgundy of France. Undisturbed column experiments were conducted to study the influence of th... Diuron is frequently detected in surface- and groundwater under the vineyards, where organic amendments are often used, in Burgundy of France. Undisturbed column experiments were conducted to study the influence of three composted organic amendments on diuron leaching through columns of two vineyard soils from Vosne-Roman′ee(VR, calcareous Cambisol) and Beaujolais(Bj, sandy Leptosol), France. Bromide(used as non-reactive tracer) and diuron breakthrough curves(BTCs) were analyzed using convectivedispersive equation(CDE), two-region(mobile-immobile, MIM) and two-site models. No influence of the composts was observed on the bromide recovery rates. The CDE model described well the bromide BTCs for all columns of the Bj soil and seven of the VR soil, suggesting a homogeneous water flow. However, for five VR soil columns, the MIM model fitted better, suggesting a partition of the water flow(15%–50% of matrix flow). The texture, the coarse material content and the tillage of the VR soil could explain this heterogeneity. However, for all columns, diuron leaching was greater through the Bj soil(46%–68%) than the VR soil(28%–39%). The compost addition resulted in a contrasting effect on diuron leaching: no difference or a decrease was observed for the VR soil, probably due to an increase of adsorption sites, whereas no difference or an increase was observed for the Bj soil possibly because of interactions and/or competition of diuron with the compost water-extractable organic matter which could facilitate its transport. All the diuron BTCs were best described using the two-site model, suggesting a large proportion of time-dependent sorption sites(30%–50%). The soil type and the nature of the amendments had contrasting influences on diuron transport. Composts with a high water-soluble fraction must be avoided in sandy soils to reduce the risk of groundwater contamination. 展开更多
关键词 groundwater contamination LEACHING organic amendment soil type SORPTION water-extractable organic matter
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